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1、土木工程专业英语课件土木工程专业英语课件土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ Environmental engineering is a branch of engineering that is concerned with pollution by the structures, machines, systems, and processes that are involved in human activities. 环境工程是和结构、机械、系统,以及涉及到人类活动的过程环境工程是和结构、机械、系统,以及涉及到人类活动的过程所产生的污染有关的一个工程学的分支所产生的污染有关的

2、一个工程学的分支。 The development of civilization has caused perturbation of much of the Earths ecosystem, resulting in pollution of the air, land and water. 文明的发展已经引起许多地球生态系统的紊乱,造成空气、陆文明的发展已经引起许多地球生态系统的紊乱,造成空气、陆地和水的污染地和水的污染 。 It is the task of the environmental engineer not only to design systems to assuag

3、e this pollution but also to educate people in protecting their surroundings from additional pollution. 环境工程师的任务不仅是设计出一些系统来减轻这个污染,而环境工程师的任务不仅是设计出一些系统来减轻这个污染,而且还要教育人们保护他们周围的环境免遭额外的污染。且还要教育人们保护他们周围的环境免遭额外的污染。 The practice of environmental engineering is divided into various subdisciplines. 环境工程专业又被分为了

4、不同的分支学科。环境工程专业又被分为了不同的分支学科。 Environmental engineering 环境工程环境工程土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ Where wastewater discharges into rivers from which drinking water is taken downstre

5、am, special attention is given not only to the removal of organic matter from the wastes but also to the disinfection processes that inactivate microorganisms. 在废水排入河流处的下游汲取饮用水,不仅要特别注意废在废水排入河流处的下游汲取饮用水,不仅要特别注意废水中有机物的清除,而且要注意钝化微生物的消毒处理。水中有机物的清除,而且要注意钝化微生物的消毒处理。 Also of concern are discharges of organ

6、ic chemical contaminants from industry or runoff from farm lands along the river contaminated by pesticides and herbicides. 还要关心的是工厂有机化学污染物的排放或沿河农田被杀还要关心的是工厂有机化学污染物的排放或沿河农田被杀虫剂和除草剂污染的水流。虫剂和除草剂污染的水流。 The indirect reuse of wastewater that has been discharged into rivers is common around the world, and

7、 it is acceptable as long as the discharges are treated properly and contamination from organic chemicals is avoided. 世界上比较普遍的是对排入河川废水进行间接的重复利用世界上比较普遍的是对排入河川废水进行间接的重复利用 ,只要排放物经过适当的处理,并且有机化学污染物被消除,只要排放物经过适当的处理,并且有机化学污染物被消除,它是可以被接受的。它是可以被接受的。 Water treatment and disposal 水处理水处理土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ L

8、ess acceptable is the direct reuse of wastewater for potable use, even after a high level of treatment. 即使经过高标准处理的废水直接再用作饮用水仍然是很难即使经过高标准处理的废水直接再用作饮用水仍然是很难被接受的。被接受的。 Of most concern here is the possibility of outbreak of disease. 这里人们关心得最多的是爆发疾病的可能性。这里人们关心得最多的是爆发疾病的可能性。 However, some nations, such as

9、 Israel, do practice, out of necessity, reuse by storing wastewaters for long periods of time in maturation ponds prior to chemical and physical treatment. 然而,有些国家,比如以色列,实际上并不是出于必要,然而,有些国家,比如以色列,实际上并不是出于必要,在采用化学和物理方法处理之前,将废水储存在熟化池中很长在采用化学和物理方法处理之前,将废水储存在熟化池中很长一段时间然后再利用。一段时间然后再利用。Water treatment and

10、disposal 水处理水处理土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ It has become quite common and acceptable, especially in drier climates, to reuse wastewater, following a respectable level of treatment, for irrigation of crops and for watering golf courses. 特别是在比较干燥的气候条件,废水经过一个高质量标准的特别是在比较干燥的气候条件,废水经过一个高质量标准的处理后再用来灌溉庄稼和给高尔夫球场

11、洒水这种做法已经非常普处理后再用来灌溉庄稼和给高尔夫球场洒水这种做法已经非常普遍和认可。遍和认可。 In addition, certain communities such as Naples, Florida, and Irvine, California, have constructed dual water systems, using treated wastewater for outdoor residential and commercial use and for fire fighting, while saving higher-quality water for po

12、rtable use. 此外,某些地方,如那不勒斯、佛罗里达、伊尔文和加利福此外,某些地方,如那不勒斯、佛罗里达、伊尔文和加利福尼亚,已经修建了双重水系统,处理过的水可用于户外的民用和尼亚,已经修建了双重水系统,处理过的水可用于户外的民用和商业用水,以及消防用水,同时储存更高质量的水供饮用。商业用水,以及消防用水,同时储存更高质量的水供饮用。 In other cases, large industries take waters directly from rivers for the cooling of industrial processes. 其他情况下大型工厂直接从河里取水用于工业

13、加工的冷却。其他情况下大型工厂直接从河里取水用于工业加工的冷却。 Water treatment and disposal 水处理水处理土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ The organic and inorganic solids that are removed from wastewater by the physical-chemical and biological processes must be dewatered, stabilized biologically or chemically, and then placed in a controlled lan

14、dfill, burned or composted for return to the land. 通过物理化学和生物方法从废水中清除的有机和无机固体物通过物理化学和生物方法从废水中清除的有机和无机固体物质必须经过脱水和生物或化学稳定,然后置于一个受控的垃圾填质必须经过脱水和生物或化学稳定,然后置于一个受控的垃圾填埋场,燃烧或堆肥,再回到土地中。埋场,燃烧或堆肥,再回到土地中。 There are some circumstances in which the solids do not have to be dewatered but can be applied directly to

15、the land, following biological stabilization. 有些境况下,固体物质不必经过脱水就能直接被土地利用,有些境况下,固体物质不必经过脱水就能直接被土地利用,其后是生物稳定过程。其后是生物稳定过程。 Wastewater solids treatment and disposal 废水固体物质处理废水固体物质处理 土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ There are also instances, such as in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where the solids are processed into a fer

16、tilizer. 也有一些例子,比如在密尔沃基市、威斯康星州,固体物也有一些例子,比如在密尔沃基市、威斯康星州,固体物被加工成了一种肥料。被加工成了一种肥料。 Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, including the east coast of the United States, the waste solids are neither reclaimed to the land nor burned as a source of energy. 不幸的是,在世界上的许多地方,包括美国的东海岸,固不幸的是,在世界上的许多地方,包括美国的

17、东海岸,固体废料既没有被回收进土地,也没有作为一种能源燃烧。体废料既没有被回收进土地,也没有作为一种能源燃烧。 They are barged or piped out to sea and then dumped into the water. 它们被用驳船或管道运出大海,然后倒进水里。它们被用驳船或管道运出大海,然后倒进水里。 It is anticipated that this practice will be discontinued, and incineration for energy recovery along with composting for reuse on th

18、e land will replace ocean dumping. 我们期待这种做法将被废止,焚化供能源回收和堆肥供土我们期待这种做法将被废止,焚化供能源回收和堆肥供土地再利用将取代海洋倾弃的做法。地再利用将取代海洋倾弃的做法。Wastewater solids treatment and disposal土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ Where the solids are composted, heavy and toxic metals must be removed at their source. 在固体废料堆肥的地方,重金属和有毒的金属必须彻底地在固体废料堆肥的地

19、方,重金属和有毒的金属必须彻底地清除。清除。 The processes employed for treating wastewater solids include dewatering presses, belts, and centrifuges, as well as fluid-bed furnaces. 用来处理废水固体物的方法包括挤压脱水法,传送带及离用来处理废水固体物的方法包括挤压脱水法,传送带及离心脱水法,还有流化床熔炉法。心脱水法,还有流化床熔炉法。 Another process that has received considerable attention is i

20、n vessel composting. 另一种已经受到相当关注的方法是容器堆肥。另一种已经受到相当关注的方法是容器堆肥。 Wastewater solids treatment and disposal土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ The indiscriminate dumping of trash and garbage on land has caused serious pollution problems. 地上的垃圾和废料不加区别地倾倒已经导致了严重的污染地上的垃圾和废料不加区别地倾倒已经导致了严重的污染问题。问题。 Refuse disposal can be

21、controlled in a well-designed and -operated landfill, and this can be a suitable process for certain small communities. 在一个设计得好又操作得好的垃圾填埋场,垃圾处理能加在一个设计得好又操作得好的垃圾填埋场,垃圾处理能加以控制,这对于某些小地方可能是一个恰当的方法。以控制,这对于某些小地方可能是一个恰当的方法。 However, land for the disposal of refuse for mid- and large- size communities is be

22、ing seriously reduced, and composting of refuse for reuse on the land may have limited application. 然而,在一些大中城市,用作垃圾处理的场地正在严重地然而,在一些大中城市,用作垃圾处理的场地正在严重地减少,在土地上进行垃圾堆肥再利用就受到了限制。减少,在土地上进行垃圾堆肥再利用就受到了限制。 Refuse disposal 垃圾处理垃圾处理 土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ The appropriate system for the majority of communities

23、appears to be incineration of the refuse, with recovery of the energy from the burning of organic materials. 对于大多数地方,适当的体系好像就是垃圾焚烧了,通过对于大多数地方,适当的体系好像就是垃圾焚烧了,通过有机物质的燃烧来回收能量有机物质的燃烧来回收能量 。 The air emission systems from these thermal reactors, as well as from the furnaces that burn solids emanating from

24、 wastewater plants, must be designed to prevent chemical and particulate air pollution. 源于热反应堆及污水厂固体废料焚烧炉的空气散发系统必源于热反应堆及污水厂固体废料焚烧炉的空气散发系统必须设计成能够防止化学品和微粒子空气污染须设计成能够防止化学品和微粒子空气污染 。 These air emission systems include electrostatic precipitators and afterburners. 这些空气散发系统包括静电除尘器和加力燃烧室。这些空气散发系统包括静电除尘器和加力

25、燃烧室。 Refuse disposal 垃圾处理垃圾处理 土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ Unfortunately, countrysides and groundwaters have become cluttered and polluted by long-term illegal dumping and washings from industrial and commercial activities, as well as from public agencies. 不幸的是,由于来自工业和商业活动以及公众机构的长期不幸的是,由于来自工业和商业活动以及公众机构的长

26、期非法倾卸和洗涤,乡间和地下水已经变得混乱并且被污染。非法倾卸和洗涤,乡间和地下水已经变得混乱并且被污染。 The removal of stored containers of wastes from the dumping grounds is necessarily a slow process, and an approved disposal site must be developed and contained. 垃圾堆积场中废料储存坑的搬迁应缓慢进行,一个核准的垃圾堆积场中废料储存坑的搬迁应缓慢进行,一个核准的处理场地必须加以开发并包含在内。处理场地必须加以开发并包含在内。 T

27、he cleaning of contaminated soils and groundwaters is an even slower process, and the technology for decontamination must be properly designed and put into place. 对已经污染的土壤和地下水进行净化是一个更慢的过程,对已经污染的土壤和地下水进行净化是一个更慢的过程,清除污染的技术必须要恰当地设计和投入使用。清除污染的技术必须要恰当地设计和投入使用。 Hazardous waste disposal 危险性废物处理危险性废物处理 土木工程

28、专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ For example, waters contaminated with organic chemicals are slowly pumped from the aquifer, and then the contaminants are removed either by air-stripping or adsorption onto granular activated carbon. 比如,被有机化学物污染了的水被慢慢地从含水土层中抽比如,被有机化学物污染了的水被慢慢地从含水土层中抽出来,然后通过空气清洗或粒状活性炭吸附作用清除污染物。出来,然

29、后通过空气清洗或粒状活性炭吸附作用清除污染物。 The cleansed water is injected back into the aquifer, and this process can take years to accomplish. 净化了的水再被注回到含水土层中,这个过程要花数年时净化了的水再被注回到含水土层中,这个过程要花数年时间才能完成。间才能完成。 This can be inconvenient and, in some cases, a danger to health for communities that must use these groundwaters

30、 for their potable water supply. 某些情况下这种做法可能会造成不便,对于那些必须使用某些情况下这种做法可能会造成不便,对于那些必须使用地下水作为饮用水供应的居民健康是一种威胁。地下水作为饮用水供应的居民健康是一种威胁。 Hazardous waste disposal 危险的废物处理危险的废物处理 土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ To the environment has been added smoke from diesel-driven trucks, uncontrolled gasoline engine emissions, and

31、pollution from industrial smokestacks. 柴油驱动的卡车和不受限制的汽油机使环境中废烟增加,工柴油驱动的卡车和不受限制的汽油机使环境中废烟增加,工业烟囱则带来污染业烟囱则带来污染 。 In the United States, statistics published by the Environmental Protection Agency in 1987 revealed that 2.4109 lb of toxic chemicals are released into the air annually, while 100 million peo

32、ple live where other air pollutants, chiefly from automobiles, exceed federal standards. 在美国,由环保机构在美国,由环保机构1987年公布的统计资料显示,每年有年公布的统计资料显示,每年有2.4亿磅的有毒化学物质被排放进了空气中,同时,有亿磅的有毒化学物质被排放进了空气中,同时,有1亿人居亿人居住在其他空气污染物(主要来自汽车)超过联邦标准的地方。住在其他空气污染物(主要来自汽车)超过联邦标准的地方。 Local smog in metropolitan areas, such as Los Angele

33、s, is caused by the activities of the respective communities. 在大城市的局部烟雾,比如洛杉矶,是由各个社区的活动在大城市的局部烟雾,比如洛杉矶,是由各个社区的活动造成的。造成的。 Air-pollution control 空气污染控制空气污染控制 土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ Acid rain caused by the emissions of gases from the industrial smokestacks of the midwestern United States fails on the f

34、orests and lakes of the Northeast and Canada. 由美国中西部的工业烟囱排放的气体导致的酸雨降落在美国由美国中西部的工业烟囱排放的气体导致的酸雨降落在美国的东北部和加拿大的森林和湖泊上。的东北部和加拿大的森林和湖泊上。 There have been attempts at cleaning up the air, but the action toward solution has been limited. 虽然已经做了很多空气净化的尝试,但是寻求解决方法的行虽然已经做了很多空气净化的尝试,但是寻求解决方法的行动还是受到很大的限制动还是受到很大的限

35、制 The technology is available (for example, multiple-hearth and fluid-bed reactors along with sophisticated air emissions technology) for removing the particulate matter and the contaminating chemicals from the air emissions;but the processes are expensive, and the progress is slow. 用于清除空气中粒状物质和化学污染

36、物的技术是可用的(比用于清除空气中粒状物质和化学污染物的技术是可用的(比如,各式各样的炉床和流化床反应器,以及尖端的空气发射技术)如,各式各样的炉床和流化床反应器,以及尖端的空气发射技术)。但是这些方法的代价昂贵,而且进度缓慢。但是这些方法的代价昂贵,而且进度缓慢。 Air-pollution control 空气污染控制空气污染控制 土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ The availability of drinking water that is safe and of good quality is an important factor in modern civiliz

37、ation. 安全高质量的饮用水的可用性是现代文明的一个重要因素。安全高质量的饮用水的可用性是现代文明的一个重要因素。 Sources 来源来源 Indirect use of wastewater by withdrawing drinking water from rivers is a viable and economical way to supply communities with potable water, especially those located on waterfronts. 从河川汲取饮用水给社区的间接利用废水的方法是可行的和从河川汲取饮用水给社区的间接利用废水

38、的方法是可行的和经济的,特别是对于滨水地区的社区。经济的,特别是对于滨水地区的社区。 The water must be disinfected for the inactivation of microbiological pollutants, and physical and chemical treatment must be provided for the removal of organic and inorganic impurities. 这水必须被消毒以钝化微生污染物,并且必须进行物理和化这水必须被消毒以钝化微生污染物,并且必须进行物理和化学处理以消除有机和无机杂质。学处理

39、以消除有机和无机杂质。 Potable management 饮用水管理饮用水管理 土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ Other sources of drinking water are natural lakes and impoundments of rivers. 饮用水的其他来源是自然湖泊和人工湖。饮用水的其他来源是自然湖泊和人工湖。 These are usually of better quality than river waters, and they can be used for multiple purposes such as water supply a

40、nd hydroelectric power. 这些水的质量通常比河中的水要好,它们能被用于双重目的,这些水的质量通常比河中的水要好,它们能被用于双重目的,比如水供应和水力发电站。比如水供应和水力发电站。 Controlled recreational use of sections of these lakes is not unusual. 这些湖泊的部分区域作为受控的娱乐性用途使用并非不寻常。这些湖泊的部分区域作为受控的娱乐性用途使用并非不寻常。 Underground aquifers are a common source of drinking water, and their q

41、uality is very high, except where chemical contamination has occurred. 地下含水土层是饮用水的普通来源,并且水质非常好,除了地下含水土层是饮用水的普通来源,并且水质非常好,除了那些发生过化学污染的地方。那些发生过化学污染的地方。 Sources 来源来源土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ In some parts of the world, aquifers can be recharged with reclaimed surface waters. 在世界上的某些地方,蓄水层可利用回收地表水进行回灌。在世界上

42、的某些地方,蓄水层可利用回收地表水进行回灌。 A serious problem in many parts of the world is the shortage of pure drinking water during periods of low rainfall and snow. A major drought occurred on the eastern seaboard of the United Sates in the spring of 1989. 世世界界上上许许多多地地方方的的一一个个严严重重的的问问题题是是在在低低降降雨雨量量和和降降雪雪量量期期间间纯纯净净饮饮

43、用用水水的的短短缺缺。1989年年春春天天,美美国国东东部部沿沿海海地地区区发发生生了了一一场大规模旱灾。场大规模旱灾。 There appear to be two reasons for water shortages during droughts:Many drinking-water supply systems have not been planned to deal adequately with droughts, and water is wasted because of its relatively low price. 干旱期间缺水似乎有两个原因:许多饮水供给系统没有

44、能计干旱期间缺水似乎有两个原因:许多饮水供给系统没有能计划充分以应对旱灾划充分以应对旱灾 ,相对低的水价又使大量水被浪费。,相对低的水价又使大量水被浪费。 Sources 来源来源土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ It is prudent to select the purest water available for drinking purposes. 要谨慎选择可利用水中最纯净的水作为饮用用途。要谨慎选择可利用水中最纯净的水作为饮用用途。 This can be underground water, springs, or upland lakes. 这可能是地下水、泉水或

45、高地的湖泊。这可能是地下水、泉水或高地的湖泊。 It then becomes imperative to protect that source. 因此,保护这些水源就变得很迫切了。因此,保护这些水源就变得很迫切了。 Prevention of chemical contamination of groundwaters is extremely important, as is the judicious control of the use of the banks of a surface water. 防止地下水受到化学污染非常重要,就像明智地控制河岸地防止地下水受到化学污染非常重要

46、,就像明智地控制河岸地表水的使用一样。表水的使用一样。 Lakes can be used for recreation as well as for a water source; however, such mixed use requires good planning. 湖泊可以被用作娱乐,也可作为水源,但是,这种混和利用湖泊可以被用作娱乐,也可作为水源,但是,这种混和利用需要有好的规划。需要有好的规划。 Quality 质量质量 土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ The purification of water supply is just as important a

47、s watershed planning and control. 给水的净化和分水岭的规划控制一样重要。给水的净化和分水岭的规划控制一样重要。 Where the quality of the source is decent to start with, chemical disinfection, coagulation, and filtration is adequate. 源头处水源质量相当好的那些地方,化学消毒、凝结和过滤源头处水源质量相当好的那些地方,化学消毒、凝结和过滤就足够了。就足够了。 If water is being taken from a river supply

48、 that is muddy and subject to organic pollution, additional treatment is required. 如果水是从泥泞的河中或遭受过有机物污染的河中汲取的,如果水是从泥泞的河中或遭受过有机物污染的河中汲取的,则需要额外的处理。则需要额外的处理。 Great strides were made in the 1980s in the development of water purification technology. 20世纪世纪80年代,净水技术取得了重大的发展。年代,净水技术取得了重大的发展。 Quality 质量质量 土木

49、工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ Ozone has become the chemical disinfectant of choice because it is the most potent disinfectant for bacteria, viruses, and protozoa;and unlike chlorine, it does not form carcinogenic by-products when there is organic matter present in the water. 臭臭氧氧已已经经成成为为化化学学消消毒毒剂剂的的一一种种选选择择,

50、因因为为它它是是对对细细菌菌、病病毒毒和和原原生生动动物物最最有有效效的的消消毒毒剂剂,并并且且它它不不像像氯氯,当当水水中中存存在在有有机机物质的时候,它不会形成致癌副产物物质的时候,它不会形成致癌副产物 。 Economic in-line or direct filtration can be employed to purify many upland supplies. 实用内嵌或直接过滤可以被用来净化高地水源。实用内嵌或直接过滤可以被用来净化高地水源。 Quality 质量质量 土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ Combined with ozone, this pro

51、cess is adaptable to many unfiltered water supplies. 这种方法和臭氧结合,能适用于许多未经过滤的自来水。这种方法和臭氧结合,能适用于许多未经过滤的自来水。 Granular activated carbon removes substances that form tastes and odors from the waters, and it absorbs harmful organic chemicals. The final barrier to contamination of the water supply is careful

52、 management of the water distribution system. 粒状活性炭可以消除水中产生味道和气体的物质,它还吸收粒状活性炭可以消除水中产生味道和气体的物质,它还吸收有害的有机化学物。对自来水污染最后的屏障是配水系统的小心有害的有机化学物。对自来水污染最后的屏障是配水系统的小心管理管理 。 Chemicals can be added to the purified water to offset corrosive conditions in the system, thus greatly reducing the leaching of lead from

53、the joints of plumbing systems;and the water pipes can be lined with cement mortar and kept flushed to prevent dirty water. 可以在经过净化的水中加入化学药品,抵消系统中的腐蚀性可以在经过净化的水中加入化学药品,抵消系统中的腐蚀性环境,从而大大减少管道系统接头处浸出的铅;水管可内衬水泥环境,从而大大减少管道系统接头处浸出的铅;水管可内衬水泥砂浆并且经常冲洗,以免产生脏水。砂浆并且经常冲洗,以免产生脏水。 Quality 质量质量 土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/

54、 Environmental engineering can be applied to the solution of regional problems. 环境工程能够适用于区域性问题的解决。环境工程能够适用于区域性问题的解决。 Ponds and lakes that become eutrophic and have massive algae blooms cannot be used for recreation, and the water, if used for drinking, may be noxious. 富营养和大量海藻生长的池塘湖泊不能被用作娱乐,该水富营养和大量

55、海藻生长的池塘湖泊不能被用作娱乐,该水如被用来饮用,可能是有害的。如被用来饮用,可能是有害的。 These conditions can be prevented by trapping the runoff of nutrients into the lakes and by aerating the lakes. 将有养分的水流引入湖泊并给湖水通入空气可以预防这种将有养分的水流引入湖泊并给湖水通入空气可以预防这种情况的发生。情况的发生。 Other aspects 其他方面其他方面 土木工程专业英语土木工程专业英语http:/ The indiscriminate disposal of

56、water into harbors and consequent contamination of beaches can be prevented by proper regulations and enforcement. 海海港港内内海海水水的的盲盲目目处处理理和和随随之之发发生生的的海海滩滩污污染染能能通通过过适适当规则和强制措施来加以预防。当规则和强制措施来加以预防。 Finally, better ways of dealing with disposal of wastes on landscapes must be developed. 最后,还必须发展处理景观场所垃圾更好的方法最后,还必须发展处理景观场所垃圾更好的方法 。Other aspects 其他方面其他方面 结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!30



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