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1、Cet-4 1.Listening2.Reading Comprehension如何备考听力?如何备考听力?听力的组成部分Section A: 8 short conversation 2 long conversationSection B: 3 short passagesSection C: Compound Dictation conversation situational dialogues 情景对话Common situation:daily life 日常生活, campus life 校园生活学习场景,娱乐运动场景,工作场景,住房场景。 场景一:学习场景一:学习 1. 申请学

2、校申请学校必备词汇表apply for 申请 business degree 商学院学位pay your own way 自己支付各种费用 2. 选修课程选修课程推荐 recommend建议 advise suggest抱怨 complain必备词汇表semester 学期 biology 生物学term 学期(英国英语) registration 注册course 课程 class permit 听课证optional course 选修课 literature class 文学课3. 听课听课必备词汇表professor 教授 briefing 剪报lecturer 讲师 barely s

3、tay awake 几乎不能保持清醒complicated 复杂 extra copies 多余的篇子informative 信息量大 presentation 陈述,解释,示范mission 任务,使命 4. 阅读,作业阅读,作业必备词汇表reading assignment 阅读任务 selectively 有选择地chapter by chapter 一章一章地 theory 理论read through 从头到尾地读 plot 情节cover a few chapters 涉及了几个章节 intensively 精细地,彻底地character 人物角色 5.考试考试必备词汇表fina

4、l exam 期末考试 fail 不及格,失败mid-term 期中考试 results (pl) 分数stay up 熬夜 release 发布(分数)two sleepless nights 两天两夜没睡觉 be through with 结束,完成场景二:工作场景二:工作 1.面试面试必备词汇表interview 面试 finance 金融suit 西装 accounting 会计tie 领带 brush up on 温习,复习resume 简历 working experience 工作经历hand in 上交 travel 出差annual vacation 年假 2.收发邮件收发邮

5、件必备词汇表email 邮件 attachment 附件log in 登录 forward the mail to 把邮件转发给log off 登出 3. 开会和约会开会和约会必备词汇表appointment 约会 move on to 继续confirm 确认 the next item 下一议题个cancel 取消 presentation 陈述,解释,示范come in ones place 代表某人来 replace 取代on behalf of 代表 场景三:娱乐场景三:娱乐 1.观看表演观看表演必备词汇表Global theatre 环球剧院 drama 戏剧Grand theat

6、re 大剧院 impressive 令人印象深刻的too dramatic to be true 太假了 audience 观众play the boss 扮演老板 out of the way 太远了the greatest hit 大片 a long queue 长队appreciate 欣赏 sold out 卖完了2. 体育活动体育活动必备词汇表basketball season 篮球赛季 tennis 网球camping 野营 badminton 羽毛球jogging 慢跑 performance 表现fishing 钓鱼 keep fit 保持健康3.旅游旅游必备词汇表scener

7、y 风景 Greek style 希腊风格lawn 草地 museum 博物馆column 柱子 statue 塑像场景四:购物场景四:购物1采购衣服必备词汇表size 型号 come in all sizes 号全2采购电器必备词汇表model 款 discount 折扣latest technology 最新的科技 reduce 减少场景五:吃饭场景五:吃饭1评点餐馆必备词汇表Italian restaurant 意大利餐馆 popular 受人喜爱的environment 环境 crowded 拥挤的2.饮食健康饮食健康必备词汇表必备词汇表on diet 节食节食 dessert 甜点甜

8、点contain 含有含有 salad 沙拉沙拉steak 牛排牛排 场景六场景六 居住居住1电话询问租房信息电话询问租房信息必备词汇表必备词汇表inquire about 询问询问 furnished (公寓)带家具的(公寓)带家具的apartment 公寓(美国英语)公寓(美国英语) double-bedroom 两室的两室的flat 公寓(英国英语)公寓(英国英语) 2 买房买房必备词汇表必备词汇表brochure 册子册子 house developer 房产开发商房产开发商场景七场景七 交通交通1飞机飞机必备词汇表必备词汇表flight 航班航班 wait for further n

9、otice 等候进一步通知等候进一步通知gate 登机口登机口 seat belt 安全带安全带minor mechanical errors 轻微的轻微的机械故障机械故障 terminal 候机大厅候机大厅sign 标志标志 2小汽车小汽车必备词汇表必备词汇表parking lot 停车场停车场 maintain 保养保养break down 抛锚抛锚 garage 修车场修车场scratches 刮蹭刮蹭 highway 高速公高速公路路single lane 单行道单行道 No-parking sign 禁止停车标志禁止停车标志3 公交公交必备词汇表必备词汇表bus stop 车站车站

10、passengers 乘客乘客crowded 拥挤的拥挤的 4 火车火车必备词汇表必备词汇表sleeper 卧铺卧铺 be supposed to 应该应该view 景色景色 scenery 景色景色场景八:疾病场景八:疾病必备词汇表必备词汇表a cold 感冒感冒 dizzy 头晕头晕a fever 发烧发烧 exhausted 筋疲力筋疲力尽的尽的have the ankle twisted 扭到脚踝扭到脚踝 appetite 胃口胃口high blood pressure 高血压高血压 blood vessel 血管血管场景九:天气场景九:天气必备词汇表必备词汇表cloud over 天

11、阴起来天阴起来 sweat 出汗出汗clear up 天晴起来天晴起来 swing 不稳定不稳定,极端极端weather forecast 天气预报天气预报 coupled with strong wind 伴有强风伴有强风freezing 非常冷非常冷 场景十:人际关系场景十:人际关系必备词汇表必备词汇表hear from 听到某人消息听到某人消息 get along 与与相处相处be mad with 对某人生气对某人生气 get in touch with 和和联系联系提高听力理解要注意的技巧提高听力理解要注意的技巧注意语音和语调在英语中,一些词会读得很快,一些词会重读。一般名词,主要的

12、动词,形容词,副词需要重读。不需要重读的词有:冠词,助动词,介词,连词,代词 Determiners : the, a, some, a few Auxiliary verbs : dont, am, can, were Prepositions : before, next to, opposite Conjunctions : but, while, as Pronouns : they, she, us M: Since I came here Ive had to stay up most of the night for the last few days. No matter wh

13、at time I go to bed, I always wake up in the middle of the night.W: Your biological rhythms probably havent adjusted to the time schedule here.:what is the mans trouble?A) He is suffering from the difference of time zones.B) He has been studying hard at night.C) He finds biology difficult fo learn.D

14、) He has not adjusted to a new culture.学会听关键词学会听关键词关键词或者关键的词组能够帮助理解文章大意。举例,如果你听到New York, business trip, last year这样的词,你可以假设说话人要表达的是“去年到纽约的出差旅行”。据此大意,可帮助理解接下来将要提到的一些细节。注意上下文关系及语境注意上下文关系及语境# 集中你的精力在你听懂的词上,而不是为某个听不懂的词困惑浪费时间。S:.I bought this great tunerat JRs. It was really cheap and now I can finally

15、listen to National Public Radio broadcasts.短对话按选项内容分类短对话按选项内容分类事实状况行为活动观点态度地点场景谈论话题身份关系数字信息一、事实状况题一、事实状况题 提问方式通常为: What do we learn from this conversation? What does the man mean? What can be inferred from the conversation?答题技巧:正确选项一般不会是原文的细节再现,而是对话内容的同义转述,或是根据对话内容推断出的事实细节。 二、行为活动题二、行为活动题提问方式通常为: Wh

16、at will the man/woman most probably do? What are the speakers probably going/trying to do? What does the woman suggest doing? 留意对话中的动词及与选项中动词相关的信息。注意表示请求或建议的句式或短语。 行为活动类试题的对话中经常会包含提出请求或建议的句式或短语,如: Why dont you? What about?Lets; Youd better; If I were you, I would; Id like to; You might as well 三、观点态

17、度题三、观点态度题提问方式通常为: What does the woman/ man mean /imply? How does the woman /man feel about.?What does the woman/man think of? 一些引出观点态度的动词或短语,常见的有:think, believe, find, guess, imagine, consider, as far as I know 熟悉表示观点态度的常见词语。 听音时应注意抓住一些表示因果、转折、比较或举例等逻辑关系的标识性的词语,如:but, instead, if, when, since, befor

18、e, after, so 等 四级长对话四级长对话对注意力集中程度的挑战对注意力集中程度的挑战对于听力长对话, 应始终牢记:不要奢望将其内容一字不落地完全听懂并且记住。因为即使在日常生活中用母语对话,这也几乎是不可能的,同时也是不必要的。在日常生活中,我们只要掌握自己关心的信息,而在听力考试中,我们则要抓住抓住关键的命题点关键的命题点。以下分听前预测和听时抓“点”两个步骤详解听力长对话的应试策略。一、听前预测一、听前预测听前预测对于听力长对话非常重要。放音间隔的时间应尽可能留作预测之用。若想有效使用这短短几十秒的放音间隔时间,需把握以下两个原则:1、首先通读每篇后的3-4个小题,找出关键词,前

19、后联系,预测全篇大致主题。2、在仍有时间的情况下,通看各题选项,看看是否存在生词,总结长句的核心意思,以此预测考点和可能的答案。 两步预测都要注意随时做出标注,划出关键词或简写长句的大意,因为单凭记忆在高压的听力考试中是万万靠不住的。二、听时抓二、听时抓“点点” 1. 考点均匀分布考点均匀分布,易出现在话轮转换处易出现在话轮转换处 首先,长对话后设的3-4个小题一般均匀地分布在对话的每个回合,极少出现某一个回合包含两个考点的情况。其次,考点的位置多是话轮转换的时候。具体的说,就是对话一方某段发言的开头和结尾部分,这也完全符合西方人的思维习惯,即在发言伊始多是开门见山,而在发言结尾处又总括强调。

20、 19. Why does Simon find his retired life enjoyable? A) He can manage his time more flexibly. B) He can renew contact with his old friends. C) He can concentrate on his own projects. D) He can learn to do administrative work.20. How does Simon get to know about the companys available posts? A) Readi

21、ng its ads in the newspapers. B) Calling its personnel department. C) Contacting its manager. D) Searching its website.F: How have you been spending your time?M: I have been spending more time with my family. Ive also traveled a bit, you know, off season when everywhere is less crowded and hotels co

22、st less. (第19题考点)F: Great. M: You know I havent stopped work completely. (第19题考点)F: Yes, could you tell us more about this? M: Im on a scheme thats called phased retirement; I had a six-month break from work, after that I could apply for project work with the company I used to work for. F: How does

23、the scheme work? M: Well, its a trial at the moment. Instead of hiring temporary stuff, the company advertises posts on its website that retired employees like myself can access. (第20题考点)F: What sort of works advertised?.2. 重复率较高的词或短语多成为考点重复率较高的词或短语多成为考点对话的主要内容理所当然会得到说话人的强调,而一个非常重要且明显的强调方式就是重复,故重复的词

24、语往往能够揭示对话的主题。23. A) Marketing consultancy. B) Professional accountancy.C) Luxury hotel management.D) Business conference organization.24. A) Having a good knowledge of its customs.B) Knowing some key people in tourism.C) Having been to the country before.D) Being able to speak Japanese.25. A) It wil

25、l bring her potential into full play.B) It will involve lots of train travel.C) It will enable her to improve her Chinese.D) It will give her more chance to visit Japan.听力短文理解听力短文理解 在听录音前应该抓紧时间了解一下所给问题及选项,间接推测文章的大致内容,提前了解文章中可以出现的单词、词组或句子,以便听音时有目的、有选择地做出正确的判断。短文理解只要求听懂文章的中心意思,或根据题目要求听出主要情节、事实或论点即可。因此

26、,听音时应找出who, what, where, when, why, how等六大要素,尽可能采用缩写、特殊符号等方式,把事情发生的时间、地点、事件中的人物,事件的起因、经过、结果、数字及简单运算的单词或短语等关键信息迅速地记录下来,便于在听后进行归纳和综合,顺利整理出相关信息,结合题目进行思考和判断,依靠对短文具体细节的回忆确定正确答案。注意听好文章的首句、首段和末句。首句包含的信息量非常大,而末句则多为归纳或总结全文。听力短文理解听力短文理解听力短文因为文章较长,涉及的信息较多,相对来说难度较大。而我们能够读取的信息仍然就只有几个选项,因此听音前阅读选项、了解短文的弦外之音、从选项中寻找

27、突破点就变得更为重要。应急招数:第一招:主题不一致的选项不要选 第二招:相反的选项必有一个为答案 第三招:相近的选项均不是答案 第四招:包含其他选项的选项不是答案 第五招:不符常理的选项不要选 例例1 预览选项预览选项】11. A Social work.B Medical care.C Applied physics.D Special education.12. A The timely advice from her friends and relatives.B The two-year professional training she received.C Her determin

28、ation to fulfill her dream.D Her parents consistent moral support.13. A To get the funding for the hospitals.B To help the disabled children there.C To train therapists for the children there.D To set up an institution for the handicapped. 11. A Social work. B Medical care. C Applied physics. D Spec

29、ial education.预览三道题各选项,由medical care(医疗护理), hospitals, 以及therapists(治疗专家)可推测本文可能与医疗工作有关;而由special education(特殊教育),disabled(残疾的)和handicapped(残疾的)可推测本文还可能与残疾人特殊教育有关,但12、13题各选项并没有涉及到任何有关教育的问题。因此综合来看,本文主题很可能是关于残疾人的医疗工作。11四个选项均是某一学科领域,由前面对主题的分析可推断本题答案为B Medical care的可能性较大,听音时再确认具体是哪个领域。12. A The timely a

30、dvice from her friends and relatives.B The two-year professional training she received.C Her determination to fulfill her dream.D Her parents consistent moral support.预览三道题各选项,由medical care(医疗护理), hospitals, 以及therapists(治疗专家)可推测本文可能与医疗工作有关;而由special education(特殊教育),disabled(残疾的)和handicapped(残疾的)可推测

31、本文还可能与残疾人特殊教育有关,但12、13题各选项并没有涉及到任何有关教育的问题。因此综合来看,本文主题很可能是关于残疾人的医疗工作。12选项特点表明本题很可能是关于影响“她”做某种决定的因素(friends and relatives, parents, training, determination)。听音时主要判断是来自“谁”的因素。13. A To get the funding for the hospitals. B To help the disabled children there. C To train therapists for the children there.

32、 D To set up an institution for the handicapped. 预览三道题各选项,由medical care(医疗护理), hospitals, 以及therapists(治疗专家)可推测本文可能与医疗工作有关;而由special education(特殊教育),disabled(残疾的)和handicapped(残疾的)可推测本文还可能与残疾人特殊教育有关,但12、13题各选项并没有涉及到任何有关教育的问题。因此综合来看,本文主题很可能是关于残疾人的医疗工作。13选项均为不定式形式,表明本题很可能是考查某事的目的或原因。A是有关资金问题,偏离主题,不大可能为

33、答案。听音时需留意以下要点:help disabled children;train therapists;set institution for handicapped 例例 2 预览选项预览选项14. A Coca Cola. B Sausage. C Milk. D Fried chicken.15. A He has had thirteen decayed teeth. B He doesnt have a single decayed tooth. C He has fewer decayed teeth than other people of his age. D He nev

34、er had a single tooth pulled out before he was fifty.16. A Brush your teeth right before you go to bed in the evening. B Have as few of your teeth pulled out as possible. C Have your teeth X-rayed at regular intervals. D Clean your teeth shortly after eating. 【听前预测】14由15、16题各选项内容可推测本文主题应该是关于牙齿保健。而本题

35、选项都是食物或饮料,结合对文章主题的分析,本题很可能是问哪种东西对牙齿有害。根据常识,四种食物或饮料中Coca Cola最容易伤害牙齿,因为其含糖量较高。15选项表明本题考查的是某人的牙齿状况(是否有蛀牙)。A、B、C都是关于蛀牙的问题,D则是关于拔牙的问题,故可初步排除。16选项表明本题考查的是保护牙齿的正确方法。根据对前两题的分析可推知,本题很可能是关于预防蛀牙的方法,并且很可能与饮食有关。因此B、C为答案的可能性较小;而A、D为答案的可能性较大。 口语中常口语中常用短语用短语1. mess 脏乱His dormitory is in a big mess.2. meet = come a

36、cross = run into = bang into 遇见。happen to meet 恰巧碰到3. 与动词搭配使用最多的是out,因为out代表一种极端的状态,很彻底。 run out of 用完了 check out 借书;办理出院手续;彻底检查;退房(check in 开房);结帐离开 wear out 穿破 be worn out (物)破旧;(人)疲惫 make out 辨认出 figure out 想清楚,弄明白 She has a figure that kills. 身材很棒。 She has a face that kills. 长得非常漂亮 work out 想清楚,弄明白,解决问题;(gym场景)拼命锻炼 help out 帮个大忙 find out 打听,查明真相 dine out 外出吃饭,下馆子 cafeteria 饭堂,自助餐厅【学校的饭菜不好吃】 cook out 在外野餐 hang out 闲逛 turn out (to be) 事实证明



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