592002年市场计划2002 Marketing Plan

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《592002年市场计划2002 Marketing Plan》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《592002年市场计划2002 Marketing Plan(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、市场计划Marketing Plan1.2001 Review 1.1. Economic & Demographic Overview 1.2 Market Share(TJ/SJZ) 1.3 Flavor Share(TJ/SJZ) 1.4 Package Share(TJ/SJZ) 1.5 Value Chain Analysis2.2002 BAP 2.1 SWOT 2.2 Marketing Strategies 2.3 2002 Objectives 2.4 Brand Build & Consumer Promotion 2.5 Media Strategy 2.6 Specia

2、l Projects CNY / MAY / October 2.7 New Products 2.8 Fight against PCI 2.9 Summary of DME 提纲OutlineHebeiInner MongoliaXinjiangTibetTianjin天津装瓶厂销售区域Franchised territory of TJCC1.1 人口统计数据 Demographic Data人口(50万人)Population (0.5 Million)人均消费量 CSD consumption per capita(UCs Per Capita Per Year) BD LFQHDH

3、DTJTSSJZABC 成熟市场 Developed Market: TJ, SJZ 发展中市场 Developing Market: LF, BD, TS and HD 新兴市场 Emerging Market: Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet 旅游城市 Resort Market: QHD按照城市人均消费量和人口规模确定市场等级按照城市人均消费量和人口规模确定市场等级According to CSD consumption per capital and population size天津装瓶厂市场细分Segmentation UrumuchiHHHT

4、BaotouD1.02.03.0价值链价值链价值链价值链 - - 与百事可乐比较,零售商销售可口可乐利润率较低与百事可乐比较,零售商销售可口可乐利润率较低与百事可乐比较,零售商销售可口可乐利润率较低与百事可乐比较,零售商销售可口可乐利润率较低1.5 Value Chain - Retailers make less profit operating Coca-1.5 Value Chain - Retailers make less profit operating Coca- Cola compared with Pepsi. Cola compared with Pepsi.天津、石家庄各

5、公司市场占有率1.2 TJ/SJZ Market Share of Key CSD Players天津、石家庄各包装占有率1.4 TJ/SJZ Package Share天津、石家庄各品牌占有率1.3 TJ/SJZ Flavor Share主要结论Key learningFrom flavor market share,we can conclude: A.For cola flavor,the Pepsi is the only competitor in TJ/SJZ B.For orange flavor,SHG is the key competitor in TJ,and Miran

6、da is the key competitor in SJZ market. C .SP and XM-apple have strong leadership in TJ/SJZFrom package market share,we can conclude:A.SHG and PCI RB is stronger in TJ and SJZ.B.PCI 2L is the key competitive package in TJ and SJZ C.PCI 600ml is also a competitive package in SJZ. 优势优势 Strengths: 强大的品

7、牌认知度和品牌偏好 High brand awareness and brand preference 完善的配销系统 Developed distribution system 团结的员工队伍 team work for our staffs机会机会 Opportunities 超市业发展迅速 SM industry develops quickly 茶、水市场的潜力提供发展机遇 Great potential for packaged tea and water 餐饮渠道仍有较大增长机会 Restaurant channel 橙型饮料有很大市场潜力 Great potential for

8、orange-flavored drink 家庭饮用发展迅速 Family consumption develops fast劣势劣势 Weakness 碳酸饮料增长趋缓 CSD keep flat. 易拉罐包装销量下降 CAN keeps declining 对食品店的控制能力较差 Low control on GT威胁:威胁:Threats 百事可乐投资建厂,加大了投资力度,竞争加剧。 Competition from Pepsi. 竞争提高了与客户谈判的难度,导致成本增长。 More difficulties in negotiating with customers and thus

9、high cost due to fierce competition. 茶饮料迅速崛起侵削了碳酸饮料市场份额 Tea has encroached CSD market share.1.1 SWOT分析分析-成熟市场成熟市场 SWOT Analysis - Developed Market 可口可乐和雪碧增长速度减缓 CK and SP keep flat 百事可乐对青少年的影响 Pepsi poses influence on juvenile 芬达大幅度增长 FA grows sharply 醒目需要不断的支持 SM needs consistent input 在青少年中培养碳酸饮料在

10、青少年中培养碳酸饮料 品牌偏好品牌偏好Build brand preference among juvenile执行渠道营销执行渠道营销 Channel promo推出主要新产品推出主要新产品Launch New Products针对百事的活动项目针对百事的活动项目Activities against Pepsi 目前状况目前状况 Situation活动安排活动安排 Activities 世界杯促销 World Cup Promo 品牌联合促销 Multi-brand Promo 针对青少年的活动 Activities special for juvenile 维持超市渠道导向策略 Maint

11、ain current S/M-focused strategies 学校/青少年渠道的开发 Further exploit education channel 加强餐饮渠道开发力度 More focus on restaurant 阳光茶上市 Launch Yangguang tea 继续推动天与地水 Maintain TYD campaign 雀巢茶 Nestle tea 夺回重点客户 Recapture key account 继续芬达攻击计划 Attack Pepsi with FA 同价位策略 Pricing parity programs 超市渠道竞争激烈 Fierce compe

12、tition in S/M channel 餐饮渠道差距与机会并存 Problem and opportunity co-exsit at restaurants 学校渠道是青少年的主要市场 School channel is the major market of juvenile 百事可乐争夺重点售点 Pepsi tries to grab key accounts. 茶饮料正抢占即饮包装市场份额 Tea is eroading on-premise CSD market share 强有力的茶饮料竞争对手 Professional competitors in tea sector 天与

13、地水重新上市较为成功 Rather successful TYD relaunch 百事重视学校售点 Pepsi focus on education channel 重点售点大量投入 Pepsi grabs key accounts 主要包装价格策略 Pricing strategy of key packages 工作重点工作重点 Focus市场战略市场战略-成熟市场成熟市场Marketing Strategies - Developed Market 1.1 SWOT分析分析-发展中市场发展中市场SWOT Analysis - Developing Market 优势优势 Strengt

14、hs: 可口可乐已经拥有一定的消费群体 Steady Consumer group 醒目保持较好的增长态势 SM keep growing CSS系统已在县级市场建立较为完善的分销系统 CSS has set up distribution system in country market.机会机会 Opportunities 巨大的经济增长潜力和未来发展空间 Great economy development potential 碳酸饮料市场仍有很大增长潜力 Great potential for CSD 茶、水市场具有很大潜力 Great potential for packaged te

15、a and water 竞争相对较弱 Low competition劣势劣势: Weakness 可口可乐品牌仍然较弱 Coca-Cola brand should be further built 家庭包装销量较低 Low family consumption 市场投入较少,系统执行能力弱 Low input and execution ability 缺乏面对广大市场的电视广告支持 Lack of TVC support 威胁:威胁:Threats 现阶段市场消费力低 Low consumption standard 非常系列由于其较低价格仍构成一定威胁 Treat from Future

16、 due to its low price 来自茶和水的竞争 Competition from tea and water 对零售网点控制能力弱 Low control on retail outlet CSS模式在城市和县城市场初步成功 CSS made its first-stage success in cities and countries 执行能力需要提高 Execution ability needs to be improved完善分销系统完善分销系统提高市场活动执行能力提高市场活动执行能力Perfect distribution systemImprove execution

17、 of marketing activities 继续提高认知度和品牌偏好继续提高认知度和品牌偏好Further improve brand awareness and preference 上市主要新产品上市主要新产品Launch New products 发展CSS模式,控制G/T Implement CSS system to further control G/Ts 继续开发学校渠道 Continue to develop education channel 在河北省推广天津市场活动成功经验 Spread TJs successful executive experience of m

18、arketing activities to Hebei 世界杯促销 World Cup Promo 品牌联合促销 Multi-brand Promo 针对青少年的活动 Activities special for juvenile路演活动 外事宣传 External affair support Roadshow 阳光茶 Yangguang Tea 低价水 Low-price water 高档品牌在超市里的铺货 Distribution of premium brand in S/Ms 可口可乐品牌已建立较高认知度 Rather high brand awareness of Coca-Co

19、la 醒目和雪碧销量有一定基础 SM and SP sales base 极具竞争性的市场: 非常 Competition from Future 茶和水的巨大市场 Great market for tea and water 茶饮料公司具有很强的执行能力 Tea competitors: high marketing and executive ability 市场战略市场战略-发展中市场发展中市场Marketing Strategies - Developing Market 目前状况目前状况 Situation活动安排活动安排 Activities工作重点工作重点 Focus1.1 SW

20、OT分析分析-新兴市场新兴市场SWOT Analysis - Emerging Market 优势优势 Strengths: 较高的市场投入(新疆) Rather high marketing input(Xinjiang only) 雪碧有明显的品牌优势 SP - Brand prestige 易拉罐 Momentum - Multi-serve package 部分市场已经开始执行CSS系统 CSS has been introduced into new markets.机会机会 Opportunities 巨大增长空间 High potential 茶、水市场具有很大潜力 Great

21、potential for packaged tea and water 竞争相对较弱 Competition is not fierce comparatively劣势劣势: Weakness 分销体系尚不健全 Imperfect distribution system 可口可乐品牌仍然很弱 CK brand need to be further built. 即饮包装和家庭包装销量较低 Low consumption of on premise/family package 执行力量需要加强 Low execution ability 市场投入少(内蒙古) Low market input

22、 ( Inner Mongolia )威胁:威胁:Threats 现阶段市场消费力低 Low consumption standard 非常系列500ML形成极大的竞争压力 Future 500ML 来自茶和水的竞争 Threat from tea and water市场战略市场战略-新兴市场新兴市场Marketing Strategies - Emerging Market 目前状况目前状况 Situation活动安排活动安排 Activities工作重点工作重点 Focus 对批发商依赖度高 Over-rely on wholesalers 零售点覆盖率低 Low contron abil

23、ity on retail outlets 部分地区已采用CSS模式 CSS has been introduced in some areas 没有/缺乏冷饮项目 no/lack of cold drink projects 执行能力有待开发 execution needs further improvement 强化碳酸饮料品强化碳酸饮料品牌意识牌意识, 刺激消费刺激消费者尝试与再尝试者尝试与再尝试Strengthen brand influence and incentive purchase and re-purchase 基本的分销商管理 Basic distribution man

24、agement 发展CSS模式以控制G/T Develop CSS and further control G/Ts 提高超市/重点客户执行能力 Improve S/Ms and key accounts execution ability 开发学校渠道 Develop education channel 提供“买得起”的即饮包装 Provide affordable on-premise packages 路演活动 Roadshow 外事宣传 External affair support 刺激家庭消费(1.25L) Incentive family consumption(1.25L) 可

25、口可乐品牌较弱 Coca-Cola brand 雪碧销量有一定基础 SP sales base 醒目铺货存在差距 SM distribution to be improved 极具竞争性的市场: 非常 Competition from Future建立建立/扩展基础分销体系扩展基础分销体系Set up/ extend basic distribution system上市主要新产品上市主要新产品Launch New products 阳光茶 Yangguang Tea 低价水 Low-price water 高档品牌在超市里的铺货 Distribution of premiumbrand in

26、 S/Ms 茶和水的巨大市场 Great market for tea and water 茶饮料公司具有很强的执行能力 Tea competitors:hjgh marketing and executive ability 完善市场费用管理和确保其有效使用Complement DME management system and assure to use effectively加强市场信息研究和及时反馈,对市场活动结果跟踪Focus on Marketing information study / feedback and decision making/activity results

27、tracing 注意不同市场差异化difference-different market have different strategies,all activities focus on the key package and brand with more opportunities市场系统要强有力支持销售工作Integrate sales and marketing system,give strong support to sales team 2.2 2002年市场工作重点年市场工作重点 2002 Marketing Objectives2002 Marketing activiti

28、es Guide:渠道管理:超市/学校/CSS Channel management:S/Ms/Schools/CSS重点发展各地区增长机会高的品牌和包装 Focus on brands and package with great opportunities开发潜力大的市场XJ/IM/Tibet Develop markets with more potential-XJ/IM/Tibet新产品NCSD产品推广:TYD 水/阳光茶 New NCSD products launch:TYD and Value water/Yangguang Tea2.2 2002年市场工作重点年市场工作重点 2002 Marketing Objectives2002 Marketing activities focus:2.2.1渠道管理重点渠道管理重点 Channel Management FocusS/M and Education channel2002年各渠道市场活动组合2002 Channel Marketing Activities Mix



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