广东省中考英语专项复习 第一部分 短文填空(一)课件

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1、短文填空(一)短文填空(一)第一部分第一部分广广东中考英中考英语专项精精华卷卷短文填空(一)短文填空(一)训练训练1 My sister was very fond of traveling.Aftergraduating,she made a decision to 1 a trip to an old temple.Because she didnthavesomuchmoneyforthetransportation,she decided to 2 a bicycle there.She did not care about how long she would spend on th

2、e trip.Her stubbornness(倔强) 短文填空(一)短文填空(一)was always her shortcoming.Once she made up 3 mindtodosomething,no one could persuade her to change her mind.Finally,we gave in as usual 4 we preferred to take a train to travel for the reason that it was more comfortable and safer.Afterwepreparedeverything,

3、includingtheplan,theweatherforecast,the 短文填空(一)短文填空(一)insurance(保险) and so on.Our journey was along a 5 in a high mountain.We rode 6 because there would always be some stones falling down to the river.The water in 7 riverranfast,and seemed to cheer us up.JustasIremembered,it was really a difficult j

4、ourney for us.But we had another kind of experience.We短文填空(一)短文填空(一)could enjoy the 8 on the way.I remembered that there were many bright stars in the 9 at night.I put my head on my pillow admiring the stars 10 enjoying the beautiful scenery around me.Thatsoneofthemostunforgettableexperiencesforme.S

5、o,sometimes,whenyoutrytodosomethinginanotherway,you may get something different.短文填空(一)短文填空(一)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ taketakeriderideherherthoughthoughriverrivercarefully/slowlycarefully/slowlythethesightssightsskyskyandand短文填空(一)短文填空(一)训练2Onceuponatime,there was a fox looking for

6、something to eat.He was very 11 .Nomatterhowhardhetried,the fox could not find any 12 .Finally he went to the edge of the forest and continued searching for food.Suddenlyhecaughtsightofabigtreewithaholeinit.短文填空(一)短文填空(一) Inside the 13 was a bag.Thehungryfoximmediatelythoughtthattheremightbesomefood

7、init,and he became very happy.He jumped into the hole.When he 14 thebag,hefoundsomebread,meat and fruit in it! An old woodcutter placed the food in the hole of the tree before he began to短文填空(一)短文填空(一)cut 15 the trees in the forest.He was going to eat it for his lunch. The fox began to eat the food

8、16 .Afterfinishingthefood,he felt thirsty and decided to leave the hole and 17 some water from a nearby spring.However,nomatterhowhardhetried,he could not get out of the hole.Do you know why?Yes,the fox ate so 18短文填空(一)短文填空(一)food that he became too big to leave the hole! The fox was very sad and up

9、set.He told 19 ,“I wish I would never go into the hole for the food.” And this is the result of doing something 20 thinking about it twice.短文填空(一)短文填空(一)11._ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._ 16._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._ hungryfoodholeopeneddownhappilydrinkmuchhimselfwithout短文填空(一)短文填空(一)训练3 Mrs.Wilson,the wife of a

10、rich man,invited some friends to have lunch today.She was very hospitable(好客的) and always tried new 21 for the guests.She was trying another way to cook fish and she was very satisfied with herself when the fish was 22 .As the fishwas very hot,she put it near the短文填空(一)短文填空(一)open window so that the

11、 fish could be cooler.Five minutes later,when she came back for it,she was surprised to find that the neighbors 23 was beside the fish.Mrs.Wilson stopped it at once. 24 it was too late.The cat took some fish away.That afternoon every guest 25 the fish happily.They praised Mrs.Wilsons短文填空(一)短文填空(一)co

12、oking skill.Mrs.Wilson was very glad to hear their praises. After the guests left,Mrs.Wilson felt tired but happy.She was sitting down in a chair 26 the window when she saw the neighbors cat dead in her garden.She was sure the fish was bad.What would happen 27 her friends?She called the family docto

13、r for 28 at once.The doctor would like to短文填空(一)短文填空(一)meet the guests one after another.Once again Mrs.Wilson was alone in her chair still tired but no 29 happy.Just then the telephone 30 .It was her neighbor,“Oh,Mrs.Wilson,”she cried.“My cat is dead.She was killed by someone in a car and put in yo

14、ur garden ”短文填空(一)短文填空(一)21._ 22._ 23._ 24._ 25._ 26._ 27._ 28._ 29._ 30._ food/dishreadycatButenjoyedneartohelplongerrang短文填空(一)短文填空(一)训练4 One beautiful spring morning,a businessman put bags of salt on his donkeys back.They were going to the market in order to 31 them.The businessman and his donkey

15、 were walking along together.They had not walked far when they reached a 32 on the way. 33 ,the donkey slipped(摔倒) and fell into the river.As短文填空(一)短文填空(一)it climbed up the bank of the river,it noticed that the bags of salt put on his back was 34 . There was nothing the businessman could do except r

16、eturning home,where he put more bags of salt on his donkeys back. 35 they reached the slippery river bank again,the donkey fell into the river on purpose this time.As a result,短文填空(一)短文填空(一)the salt was gone 36 . By now the businessman knew the donkeys trick(诡计).He 37 to teach the animal a lesson.As

17、 he returned home the second time with the donkey,the businessman loaded bags of cotton on 38 back. The donkey set out on their trip to the market a 39 time.Reaching the river,the donkey very cleverly 短文填空(一)短文填空(一)fell into the water again.But now,instead of the cotton becoming lighter,it became he

18、avier. The businessman laughed at the donkey and said,“You foolish donkey. 40 trick has been discovered.You should know that you cannot fool anyone too many times.”短文填空(一)短文填空(一)31._32._ 33._34._ 35._36._ 37._ 38._ 39._40._ sellriverUnluckilygoneWhenagaindecideditsthirdYour短文填空(一)短文填空(一)训练5 One day,

19、a very rich man took his son on a trip to the country.He wanted to 41 his son how the poor lived on the farm so that the boy could be thankful for his life now.They spent a couple of days 42 with a poor family on the farm.After that they 43 home happily. When they got home and sat on短文填空(一)短文填空(一)th

20、e soft sofa,the father 44 his son to say something about what he learnt during these days.The boy kept silent for a while and then lost 45 in thought.Then he replied in a way that shocked his father.The boy said that he wanted to 46 a farmer in the future.In his eyes,the farmers life was so wonderfu

21、l.The短文填空(一)短文填空(一)farmer could go swimming in 47 endless clear river.But he could only swim in the garden pool in their house.Then he asked his father,“What makes us safer?Are the large walls 48 our house or friends that will protect us?” Then the boy continued. “ 49 the trip I thought we were rich

22、.But today I短文填空(一)短文填空(一)learnt that who were really 50 .”With this,the boy stood up and walked away,leaving his father sitting on their comfortable sofa silently.短文填空(一)短文填空(一)41._42._ 43._44._ 45._46._ 47._ 48._ 49._50._ showstaying/livingcame/returnedaskedhimselfbeanaroundBeforerich短文填空(一)短文填空(一

23、)训练6 It was sunny last Saturday.I had much homework to do,so I stayed at home.But my 51 went to the field to do the farm work with my sister.A dog called “Lucky” was my sisters good friend.It followed her and played with her.While my parents were 52 doing the farm work near the river,my sister短文填空(一

24、)短文填空(一)was 53 with “Lucky” happily.Suddenly my sister saw a beautiful 54 on the bank close to the river.It was such a lovely flower that my sister wanted to 55 it.Then she tried to do it.But she was so careless that she 56 into the river.It was dangerous because the river was deep.“Lucky” saw this

25、and barked loudly for 57 .At the same短文填空(一)短文填空(一)time it jumped into the river to save my sister.My parents heard the barking and knew something was happening.They 58 to the river.When they got there,they found “Lucky”pulling my sister to the bank.My sister ran to my parents and told 59 about it.A

26、ll of my family were very thankful to it.My father 60 its head and praised it.“Lucky” was短文填空(一)短文填空(一)happy.Then my mother told my sister not to play near the river bank because it was dangerous.短文填空(一)短文填空(一)51._ 52._ 53._ 54._ 55._ 56._ 57._ 58._ 59._ 60._ parentsbusyplayingflowerpickfellhelprant

27、hemtouched短文填空(一)短文填空(一)训练7 Li Ming used to be a good schoolboy.He was 61 to do well in all his lessons.But these days he turned out to be another Li Ming.He usually 62 asleep in class and he has been late for school three times since last Friday.Yesterday they took 63 English test.He failed.But he

28、used to get over 90.His head teacher,短文填空(一)短文填空(一)Rose,didnt know 64 .So she decided to go to his home and found out the reason.On her 65 to his home,she passed by a net bar.To her 66 ,she saw Li Ming playing computer games excitedly inside.Then she 67 what had happened.She went into the net bar an

29、d pulled him out.Li Ming was very frightened because she was 短文填空(一)短文填空(一)very 68 with him.He didnt know how she would deal with him.She 69 beat him nor punished him.Instead,she told him playing computer games was bad for his health and study.She also asked him not to lose 70 in it.Li Ming promised

30、 to give up playing computer games and study hard to achieve his dream.短文填空(一)短文填空(一)61._ 62._ 63._ 64._ 65._ 66._ 67._ 68._ 69._ 70._ ablefellanwhywaysurpriseknewstrictneitherhimself短文填空(一)短文填空(一)训练8 Long long ago,a king wanted to visit his kingdom on foot without telling others.He went to many cit

31、ies and was glad to find his people lead a 71 life.He was very happy and then he returned to his palace 72 several weeks of traveling.However,he had one regret. 73 was wrong with his feet as短文填空(一)短文填空(一)it was his first trip on foot to go such a long distance.He could not stand the pain.He was very

32、 worried 74 the people who had to walk along those roads.It would be painful for them,too. Thinking about this for some time,he 75 his servants to cover the roads in the whole country withleather.In this way the people of his短文填空(一)短文填空(一)kingdom could walk more comfortably.The kings ministers were

33、shock to hear his order.As it would mean that thousands of cows would have to be 76 to get enough leather.And it would 77 a large sum of money. Finally,a wise man came to the king and said that he had another 78 .The king asked what the idea was.The短文填空(一)短文填空(一)man said,“Instead of covering the roa

34、ds with leather,79 dont you just have a piece of leather to cover your feet?” The king 80 and ordered his officers to make a pair of leather shoes for himself and all his countrymen. So,sometimes when we have to solve a problem,just try it in the the lowest price.短文填空(一)短文填空(一)71._ 72._ 73._ 74._ 75

35、._ 76._ 77._ 78._ 79._ 80._ happyafterSomethingaboutorderedkilledcostideawhyagreed短文填空(一)短文填空(一)训练9 Once there was a woodcutter(砍柴人).He lived near a 81 .He earned his living by cutting wood from the forest and selling it. One day he was 82 down a tree on the bank of the river.While he was cutting,hi

36、s axe(斧头) fell into the river and was lost.He tried his best to 83 it but found nothing.He was very 短文填空(一)短文填空(一)poor and could not buy another.So he began to cry at the loss of it.Mercury,the God of the river,heard his cry and 84 .He asked him why he was crying.The woodcutter told him that he had

37、only 85 axe which he used to cut wood and earn his living.Now his axe fell into the river,so he was crying. The God at once jumped into短文填空(一)短文填空(一)the 86 and came out with a golden axe.The woodcutter refused to take it. Then again he jumped into the water.This time he 87 out a silver axe.Again,the

38、 woodcutter said that it was not 88 His axe was an ordinary one made by iron. Mercury dived into the water the 89 time and appeared with短文填空(一)短文填空(一)an iron axe.“That is my axe,”shouted the woodcutter.The God was very 90 with him for his honesty and gave him all the three axes.The woodcutter thanked the God and lived a happy life with his family.短文填空(一)短文填空(一)81._ 82._ 83._ 84._ 85._ 86._ 87._ 88._ 89._ 90._ forestcuttingsearchappearedone/anrivertookhisthirdsatisfied谢谢观看!



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