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1、Lesson 51 Reward for Virtue本课内容:本课内容:单词学习单词学习语法语法课文逐句讲解课文逐句讲解本课必须掌握的词组本课必须掌握的词组理解课文练习一般疑理解课文练习一般疑问句和特殊疑问句问句和特殊疑问句课后习题详细讲解课后习题详细讲解New words and expressions】(】(10) reward n. 报偿报偿virtue n. 美德美德diet n. 节食节食forbid v. 禁止禁止hurriedly adv.匆忙地匆忙地embarrass v. 使尴尬使尴尬guiltily adv. 内疚地内疚地strict adj. 严格的严格的reward

2、v. 给奖赏给奖赏occasionally adv. 偶尔地偶尔地reward n. 报偿;报偿;v. 给奖赏给奖赏give sb. reward 给给报偿报偿reward sb. with sth. 用用奖赏奖赏.reward sb. for sth. 因为因为给某人奖赏给某人奖赏reward him for the first prizevirtue n. 美德美德 diet n. 节食节食go on a diet =be on a diet 实行节食实行节食forbid (forbade,forbidden) v.禁禁止止forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事禁止某人

3、做某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事允许某人做某事Forbidden City 紫禁城紫禁城 (被禁止的城市被禁止的城市) ;Forbidden fruit 禁果禁果embarrass v. 使尴尬使尴尬sth. embarrass sb.让让感到尴尬感到尴尬You embarrassed me. 你让我感到尴你让我感到尴尬尬embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬;令人尴尬;embarrassed adj. 感到尴尬感到尴尬embarrassment n. 尴尬尴尬To my embarrassment让我感到尴尬让我感到尴尬的是的是guiltily adv.

4、内疚地内疚地guiltily conscience 问心有愧问心有愧 clear conscience 问心无愧问心无愧strict adj. 严格的严格的be strict with sb. 对某人严格对某人严格My father is strict with me.be strict in sth. 对对严格严格occasionally adv. 偶而地偶而地on the occasion 偶尔偶尔sometimes 偶尔偶尔 at times 偶尔偶尔off and on 偶尔偶尔now and again 偶尔偶尔1.My friend, Hugh, has always been f

5、at, but things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. 我的朋友休一直很胖,但是近来情况变得越发糟糕,我的朋友休一直很胖,但是近来情况变得越发糟糕,以致他决定节食。以致他决定节食。 1 .get作不及物动词时可以表示作不及物动词时可以表示“变得变得”: I got angry with him. 我(变得)对他很生气。我(变得)对他很生气。 2 . diet n. (日常)饮食,食物,(日常)饮食,食物,1. be / go on a diet 减食,节食减食,节食 a low-fat diet 低脂肪饮食低脂肪饮

6、食 I mustnt have chocolate - Im on a diet. 2. 我不能吃巧克力我不能吃巧克力-我在节食。我在节食。 She went on a diet to lose weight. 她为了减肥开始限制饮食。她为了减肥开始限制饮食。 2. He began his diet a week ago. First of all, he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden. 他是一星期前开始节食的。首先,他开列了一张长长的单他是一星期前开始节食的。首先,他开列了一张长长的单子,上面列了所有

7、禁吃的食物。子,上面列了所有禁吃的食物。 (1) first of all, 为固定短语,表示为固定短语,表示“首先首先”、“第一第一”: “最高级最高级+of all”为固定结构,表示为固定结构,表示 “最最的是的是”: worst of all 最糟糕的是最糟糕的是 most important of all 最重要的是最重要的是 strangest of all 最奇怪的是最奇怪的是 most of all 最主要的是最主要的是 (2)write out这个短语表示这个短语表示“(正式)写(正式)写”、“写出写出”或或“全部写出全部写出”: You should write out a

8、report. 你应该写一份报告。你应该写一份报告。 (3)forbidden adj. 禁止的禁止的, 它的动词形式是它的动词形式是 forbid the Forbidden City 紫禁城紫禁城 3. The list included most of the things Hugh loves: butter, potatoes, rice, beer, milk, chocolate, and sweets. 这张单子上的大多数食物都是休喜欢吃的:黄油、土豆、这张单子上的大多数食物都是休喜欢吃的:黄油、土豆、米饭、啤酒、牛奶、巧克力和糖果。米饭、啤酒、牛奶、巧克力和糖果。 (1)in

9、clude v. 包括,把包括,把列入、算入列入、算入 nklud The price includes postage charges. 这个价格包含邮费。这个价格包含邮费。 include sth in/on Is service 形容词也可作名词:形容词也可作名词: adj. 甜的甜的 have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食喜欢吃甜食 sweet nothings 甜言蜜语甜言蜜语 n. 甜食,糖果,甜食,糖果, (美语用(美语用candy) 4. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell and was not surpris

10、ed to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever. 昨天我去看望了他。我按响了门铃昨天我去看望了他。我按响了门铃, 当看到休当看到休仍仍和往常和往常一样胖一样胖时,我并不感到惊奇。时,我并不感到惊奇。 (1) pay a visit to sb. 表示表示“拜访某人拜访某人”: I paid a visit to Jane the other day. 前几天我去看望了简前几天我去看望了简 。 (2) ring the bell 按门铃按门铃 ring a bell 听起来耳熟听起来耳熟 (3) as ever是是as he ever was的省略形式。

11、的省略形式。asas ever 这个结构表示这个结构表示“照旧照旧”、“依然依然”: He is as strong as ever. 他依然那么强壮。他依然那么强壮。 5. He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk. It was obvious that he was very embarrassed. 他把我领进屋,慌忙把一个大包藏到了桌子下面。他把我领进屋,慌忙把一个大包藏到了桌子下面。显然显然他感到很尴尬。他感到很尴尬。 (1) hurriedly adv. 匆忙地,其形容词形式为匆

12、忙地,其形容词形式为 hurry hurry up obvious bvs 6. When I asked him what he was doing, he smiled guiltily and then put the parcel on the desk. 当我问他正干什么时,他内疚地笑了,当我问他正干什么时,他内疚地笑了,然后然后把那个大包拿把那个大包拿到了桌上。到了桌上。 guilty adj. 内疚的;愧疚的内疚的;愧疚的 + about I feel really guilty about forgetting her birthday again. 7. He explain

13、ed that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. 他解释说,他的饮食控制得太严格了,以致不得不他解释说,他的饮食控制得太严格了,以致不得不偶尔奖赏自己一下。偶尔奖赏自己一下。 strict adj. 严格的,严厉的,严肃的严格的,严厉的,严肃的 be strict with sb The parents are very strict with their children. 这对父母对孩子很严格。这对父母对孩子很严格。 be strict about sth This company is v

14、ery strict about punctuality. 这家公司严格要求守时。这家公司严格要求守时。 8. Then he showed me the contents of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! 接着他给我看了包里的东西。里面装了接着他给我看了包里的东西。里面装了5大块巧克大块巧克力和力和3袋糖果!袋糖果! contain 表示在某个容器或物体之内装有什么东西。表示在某个容器或物体之内装有什么东西。 本课必须掌握的词组本课必须掌握的词组 a rewar

15、d for virtue write ou go on a diet as as ever first of all pay sb. a visit Comprehension questions:1 Whats your friend called? Hugh.2 What did he recently decide to do? To go on a diet.3 When did he begin his diet? A week ago.4 What did he do first of all? He wrote out a long list of all the foods t

16、hat were forbidden.5 Which foods were on the list? Most of the things Hugh loves.6 What are the foods Herbert loves? Butter, potatoes, rice,beer, milk, chocolate, and sweets.7 When did you visit him? Yesterday.8 Were you surprised? No, I wasnt.9 He hadnt got any thinner, had he? No, he hadnt. 10 Whe

17、re did he lead you? Into his room. 11 What did he do then? He hid a large parcel under his desk. 12 How did he look? Embarrassed.13 What did you ask him? What he was doing.Asking questions:Ask me ifT:Ask me if my friend is called Hugh.S:Is your friend called Hugh?T:What?S:What is your friend called?

18、1 my friend is called Hugh. What 2 hes always been fat. How long / Who3 he decided to go on a diet. Who / Why4 he began his diet a week ago. When 5 he wrote out a list. What / When6 it included all the food he loves. What 7 I paid him a visit yesterday. When 8 I rang the bell. Whatdo9 Hugh was as fa

19、t as ever. Who10 he led me into his room. Where 11 he hid a large parcel under his desk. Where /What /Who12 he was very embarrassed. Who / Why Key to Summary writingHugh is so fat that he has gone on a diet. He has forbidden himself all the foods he likes but he has not lost weight. When the writer

20、visited him yesterday, he hid a large parcel under his desk. The parcel contained chocolates and sweets. Hugh said that he had to reward himself occasionally because his diet was so strict.Key to KS Exercises: A got(1.1); decided(1.2); began(1.2); wrote out(1.3);included(1.4); paid(1.5); rang(1.6);

21、was not surprised (1.6);led(1.7); hid(1.7); asked(1.9); smiled(1.9); put(1.9);explained(1.10); had to reward(1.10); showed (1.10)Key to SD Exercises1 rose 2 lying3 laid 4 rose5 beats 6 winKey to Multiple choice questions Key to SD Exercises1 rose 2 lying3 laid 4 rose5 beats 6 win 1. b 根据课文第6-7行and w

22、as not surprised to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever 可以看出只有b. but he didnt lose any weight at all 与课文的实际内容相符,其他3个选择都与课文的实际情况相符。 2. c 根据课文第9-10行he explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally 可以判断只有c. hasnt kept to a strict diet(没有严格的控制饮食)是课文所暗示的情况,而其他3个选择都不符

23、课文的实际内容。3. d 只有选d. is 才能使这个句子的意义和时态 同前一句相协调. a. was 时态不对. b. has 不是系动词,不能跟形容词.c. has been 时态不对,表示他现在仍然很胖,没有必要用现在完成时.4. d 本句的时间状语是本句的时间状语是How long ago 表示过去表示过去的时间,因此应该用一般过去时。的时间,因此应该用一般过去时。 a. will he begin 是将来时;是将来时;b. has he begun 是完成时;是完成时;c. was he beginning 是过去进行时,这是过去进行时,这3个选择时个选择时态都不对,只有态都不对,只

24、有d. did he begin 是一般过去时,最合乎语法,所以应该选是一般过去时,最合乎语法,所以应该选d. 5. d 只有只有d. in 可以同本句的动词可以同本句的动词included 连用表示连用表示“包括包括”,所以,所以d.是正是正确的。确的。 其他其他3个都不能同个都不能同 include 连用构成短语动连用构成短语动词。词。6. a 这是一个一般过去时疑问句,需要选一个这是一个一般过去时疑问句,需要选一个正确的谓语动词,只有正确的谓语动词,只有a. hide 是原形动词,最符是原形动词,最符合语法,因为疑问句中已经有助动词合语法,因为疑问句中已经有助动词did 了,所以谓语动词

25、要用动词原形,而不能用过去了,所以谓语动词要用动词原形,而不能用过去式。式。b. hidden 是过去分词;是过去分词;c. hid 是是hide的过的过去式,去式,d. hiding 是进行式,后是进行式,后3个选择都不对。个选择都不对。7. d 只有只有d. guilty(内疚的内疚的)最合乎语法,因为本句的谓最合乎语法,因为本句的谓语动词是语动词是felt(感到感到),它是系动词,所以后面,它是系动词,所以后面只能跟形容词做表语,只能跟形容词做表语,guilty是形容词,所是形容词,所以选以选d. c. guiltless也是形容词,但与也是形容词,但与guilty意思相意思相反,不符合

26、前一句的意思,所以不选它。反,不符合前一句的意思,所以不选它。8. c 前一句中的前一句中的forbidden 是是“禁止禁止”的意思,的意思,本句需要选出与它的含义相反的词。本句需要选出与它的含义相反的词。a. left (离开,离开,剩下剩下),b. let (让让),c. allowed (允许允许)和和d. aloud(大声地大声地)4个答个答案中只有案中只有c. allowed 是是forbidden 的反义词,所以选的反义词,所以选c.9. a 只有只有a. visited him 是正确的,因为它同前是正确的,因为它同前一句一句I paid him a visit 的含义相同,其

27、他的含义相同,其他3个选择都不是正确的表达方式。个选择都不是正确的表达方式。10. d a. steered(驾驶船或车驾驶船或车); b. pulled(拖或拉拖或拉); c. drove(驾驶驾驶) d. showed 才能使句子的意思与前一句的意思相才能使句子的意思与前一句的意思相同,所以我们选同,所以我们选d.11. d 本句需要选一个同前一句中的本句需要选一个同前一句中的embarrassed(感到尴尬的感到尴尬的)意义相近的词。意义相近的词。 a. shy (害羞的,腼腆的害羞的,腼腆的);b. shameful(可耻的可耻的);c. hot (热的热的);d. uncomfort

28、able(不安的,不自在的不安的,不自在的)4个选择中只个选择中只有有d. uncomfortable 与与embarrassed 的意义相近,的意义相近,所以选所以选d. 12. b 本句需要选一个与前一句中的本句需要选一个与前一句中的occasionally (偶尔地,不时地偶尔地,不时地)意思相同的短语。意思相同的短语。 a. again and again(一遍又一遍一遍又一遍); b. now and again(不时地不时地); c. once again(再一次再一次); d. over and over again(一遍又一遍地,反复地一遍又一遍地,反复地) 4个选择中只有个选择中只有b. now and again 同同occasionally 的含义相同,所以选的含义相同,所以选b.



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