高中英语 Unit 3 Fairness for all Section Ⅱ Warming up and ReadingLanguage points课件 新人教版选修10

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1、Section Warming up & ReadingLanguage points课前自主预习.重点单词1_(adj.)公民的,国民的_(n.)平民,一般市民2_(v.& n)登记,注册_(adj.)登记过的_(n.)注册,挂号,登记3_(vt.)禁止,阻止_(n.)禁止_(adj.)禁止的4_(n.)冒犯,冒犯行为_(v.)冒犯,伤害(别人的)感情_(adj.)攻击的,令人不愉快的civil civilian register registered registrationprohibit prohibition prohibitive offence offend offensive

2、5_(adj.)不公平的,不公正的_(adj.)公平的_(n.)公平,公正6_(n.)分离,分开_(v.)分离 (adj.)各自的,分开的7_(n.)传统,惯例 _(adj.)传统的,惯例的_(adv.)传统上,照惯例8_(v.)服从,听从_(n.)服从,听从9_(adj.)不愿意的,勉强的_(反义词)愿意的_(n.)意愿,意志10_(v.)抓住,逮住;夺取unjust just justice separation separate tradition traditional traditionally submit submission unwilling willing will sei

3、ze 11_(adj.)怀有希望的_(反义词)没有希望的_(n.& v)希望12_(n.)巧合_(v.)同时发生,巧合_(adj.)巧合的13_(vi.)前进;进军14_(v.& n)敬礼,行礼致敬15_(v.& n)滥用,虐待,辱骂16_(n.)战役,战争17_(adj.)明显的,显然的_(n.)证据_(adv.)显然,明显地hopeful hopeless hope coincidence coincide coincident marchsalute abuse battle evident evidence evidently.重点短语1_抓住,利用2_. 与斗争3_以为基础4_就做出

4、决定5_另一方面6_编造7_导致,通向8_ 变得习惯于seize onfight againston the basis ofdecide onon the other handmake uplead tobecome accustomed to.重点句型1_an answer to a prayer.2Serena came home to say_the news_ the boycott was over was going to be all over the newspapers tomorrow.It seemed like that that 课内研析探究civil adj.公民

5、的,国民的;民间的,民事的,民法的;文明的,有教养的Keep a civil tongue in your head!讲话要文明!The lecturer continued that civil law was different to criminal law.讲课人继续解释说民法与刑法是不同的。civil rights 公民权civil case 民事案件civil servant 文职公务员civil service 文职机构civil war 内战civilian n平民,老百姓adj.平民的,与military相对而言The press says that the civil se

6、rvice of the country have too much power.报界批评说该国政府文职人员的权力太大了。He left the army and returned to civilian life.他脱离军队,恢复平民生活。prohibit vt.禁止;阻止;使不可能发生prohibit sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事The students are prohibited from smoking in our schoolyard.学生不准在校园内抽烟。The high cost of equipment prohibits many people fr

7、om taking up this sport.昂贵的装备令许多人对这项运动望而却步。辨析:forbid与prohibit(1)forbid常表示直接或私自下命令加以禁止,并希望他人遵循。His wife forbids him to smoke.他妻子不让他抽烟。(2)prohibit表示制定正式规章,并有强制执行的意思。In our city smoking is prohibited by law.在我们市,抽烟是法律禁止的。offence. nU冒犯;C犯罪,得罪,犯规,违法行为give/cause offence to触犯;使生气take offence (at sth.)(因某事)

8、而生气Im sure he meant no offence when he said that.我相信他那么说并无冒犯之意。One cannot hear such a remark without taking offence.听了这样的话,谁都会生气的。The doctors advice gave offence to his patient.医生的忠告使病人不高兴。offend v冒犯,得罪;犯罪,犯法;违背/反对be offended with/by sb.for.因而对某人生气be offended at sb.s words对某人的话感到生气offend against sb.

9、/sth.违背(人情),违反(常规);有悖于offensive adj.令人不快的,侮辱的separation nU 分开;C 离别;分居His separation from his mother made him unhappy.与母亲的分别使他很不高兴。They were pleased to meet after such a long separation. 久别重逢,他们非常高兴。The two children separated at the end of the road.两个孩子在路的尽头分手了。A fence separated the cows from the pig

10、s.围栏把奶牛和猪分开。The children sleep in separate beds.孩子们分别睡在各自的床上。辨析:separate与divide(1)separate与from搭配,表示“将与分开”,指把原来连在一起或靠近的分隔开来。(2)divide与into搭配,往往是指把某个整体划分为若干部分。submit v服从,听从;提交;主张,认为She refused to submit to threats.面对威胁,她拒不低头。 We should submit our plans to the council for approval.我们应该向理事会提交计划以求批准。sub

11、mit (oneself) to.(使)服从/屈服于submit.to.把提交给submission n屈服,投降;提交submissive adj.顺从的;驯服的unwilling adj.不情愿的He is unwilling to accept the donation.他不愿意接受捐赠。He is willing to help others.他乐意帮助别人。Are you willing that he should be admitted into our club?你愿意他加入我们的俱乐部吗?be (un)willing to do sth.(不)情愿做某事be willing

12、that (should)动词原形情愿willing adj.乐意的,心甘情愿的seize v抓住;夺取;逮捕;扣押He seized her by the arm.他抓住了她的胳膊。She tried to seize the gun from him.她试图夺他的枪。The army seized the fort.军队占领了这个要塞。seize on/upon 抓住(机会),利用seize up 停止运转,发生故障His every remark is seized upon by the press.他的每句话都被新闻媒体利用了。She seized on my suggestion

13、and began to work immediately.她采纳了我的建议,马上干了起来。Your engine will seize up if you dont put some more oil in.你再不加些润滑油,发动机就要卡住了。coincidence nC,U“(在时间或空间上)巧合;巧合的事物”;另外,该词还有“符合;一致”之意,此时多用作不可数名词。 What a coincidence that I was in Beijing just when you were.真是巧合,你在北京时我也在。 Is there any coincidence between his

14、opinions and your own?他的意见跟你的是不是一致?By coincidence,we arrived here at the same time.我们碰巧同时到达这儿。 coincide v巧合;同时发生coincide with (指事情)同时发生,与相等coincide in 在方面一致coincident adj.巧合的,同时发生的be coincident with sth.与某事同时发生(巧合),与相一致His tastes and habits coincide with those of his wife.他的嗜好和习惯与他妻子的恰好一致。His arriva

15、l is coincident with our departure.他到来时我们正好离开。march vi.& vt.进军,前进;游行示威;n.U行军,进行,进展;示威游行,罢工march on 继续行进,向行进(以示抗议)on the march在行军中;在进行中An army marches on its stomach.兵马未动,粮草先行。The soldiers marched along the street.士兵们行进在街道上。The soldiers were tired after the long march.士兵长途行军后都疲倦了。Science is on the ma

16、rch.科学正在发展中。salute vt.& vi.行礼致敬;敬礼;迎接;n.行礼,敬礼salute the colours向军旗敬礼give/make a salute行礼answer/return the salute 签礼,回礼extend a warm salute to向致以热烈的敬礼They saluted each other by raising their hats.他们举起帽子相互致意。Soldiers saluted the Queen by firing ten guns.士兵们鸣礼炮十响向女王致敬。They all raised their glasses in s

17、alute.他们都举杯致意。As they left,the guard gave them a salute.他们离开时,卫兵给他们敬礼。battle(1)n.C战斗,战争,战役 Her son was killed in battle.她儿子在战斗中死亡了。They won the battle but lost the war. 他们赢了这次战斗,但输了这场战争。win/lose a battle 战胜/战败fall in battle战死fight a fierce battle 进行激烈的战斗do battle with sb.over sth.同某人就某事进行斗争或辩论in bat

18、tle 在战斗中(2)vi.& vt.(与)作战;(与)斗争(后接with或against)They battled with the wind and the waves.他们同风浪作斗争。They battled away for a long time.他们奋斗了很长一段时间。battle with/against sb./sth.for sth.因某事同搏斗/斗争battle it out 决一胜负辨析:war,battle,campaign,fight与struggle(1)war指大规模全面的战争,是战争的通称。(2)battle指一次会战或战斗。(3)campaign指战役(a

19、series of battles)。(4)fight指具体的“争斗,打仗”,可以有兵器,也可以没有,可以指人之间的斗争,也可指动物之间的斗争。(5)struggle指长期的、较激烈的“争斗”,往往指肉体上和精神上的战斗。fight against(1)与对抗,与搏斗He fought against cancer and lived to be eighty.他和癌症搏斗活到80岁。(2)与战斗fight against fight withThey fought against/with the enemy fiercely.他们猛烈地对敌作战。fight for为而斗争fight it

20、out奋斗到底fight over因而打斗fight back还击;忍住,抑制(泪,笑等)fight ones way(军队)边走边打They are fighting for liberation.他们正为解放而奋斗。make up(1)化装,上装The woman spends an hour making up every morning. 那女人每天花一小时的时间化装。(2)编造I told the kids a story,making it up as I went along. 我给孩子们讲了一个故事,是现编的。(3)组成(被动式为be made up of)We need on

21、e more person to make up a team.我们还需要一个人才能组成一个队。(4)占据Girls make up 56% of the student number.女生占学生人数的56%。(5)和好After a quarrel,they made up with each other.吵过之后,他们相互和好了。(6)补上(失去的东西),作出补偿He drove faster to make up for lost time.他加速驾驶以补回损失的时间。make的其他短语:make out (勉强)认出,分辨出make it 做成,成功,赶得上make off 匆忙离开m

22、ake.into.把做成make.out of.把改制成Mother made her coat into my skirt.母亲把她的外套改成裙子给我穿。I cant make out his writing.他所写的字,我无法辨认。.完成句子1_(中国的人权)are well protected.答案:Civil rights in China2No one will_(生气) if you leave early.答案:take offence3They still hadnt reached any agreement,so we left them to_(斗争到底)答案:fight

23、 it out4Great Britain_(与德国交战) Germany in two wars.答案:fought against5There was a large audience in the cinema,which_(由组成) very young students.答案:was made up of6She is very good at_(编造) excuses.答案:making up.单句语法填空1At last,the enemy beat the little boy into_ (submit)答案:submission2Counsel for the defenc

24、e_ (submit) that the evidence was inadmissible.答案:submitted3All of us should refuse to submit_failures anddifficulties.答案:to4They are willing_(prefer) the better when the best is unattainable.答案:to prefer 5.Furthermore,students have to pay international postage to send letters,something the students

25、 might be_(will) to do.答案:unwilling6Russian citizens were _(prohibit) from travelling abroad.答案:prohibitedIt seemed like an answer to a prayer! 似乎是祈祷带来的结果!It seemed like.似乎好像It seemed like a good idea at the time.当时这主意好像不错。It seems like years since we last met.我们似乎好几年不见了。It seems as if he has been o

26、n the scene of the crime.看样子他好像曾在犯罪现场。There seems to be no need to help her.似乎没有必要帮助她。It seems that he knows everything.He seems to know everything.他似乎什么都知道。Serena came home to say that the news that theboycott was over was going to be all over the newspapers tomorrow.塞丽娜回家说,结束抵制的消息明天将会登上所有的报纸。这是一个复

27、合句,第一个that引导了宾语从句,第二个that引导了同位语从句。Have you heard the news that Li Keqiang gave a speechat the European Union? 你听说李克强在欧盟演讲这一消息吗?I have no idea when she will be back.我不知道她何时回来。The problem where we can get the money is not solved.我们从哪儿得到钱这一问题没有解决。news,information,belief,question,fact,order,hope,thought

28、,doubt,answer,idea等后既可以跟定语从句又可以跟同位语从句。这些词在定语从句中可作主语、宾语或表语。作宾语或表语时,可省略that;that引导同位语从句表明其前名词的具体内容,that不作成分,一般不省略。The idea that we invited him yesterday is quite good.(同位语从句)我们昨天邀请他这个主意很好。The idea (that) he thought of is quite good.(定语从句)他想出的主意不错。The news that our team won the match is encouraging.我们队

29、赢得比赛的消息激动人心。The news we read on the Internet was not true.我们在网上看到的新闻不是真的。If black and white students must now be educatedtogether,why should people be seated in busesaccording to the color of their skin?如果黑人学生与白人学生现在必须在一起受教育的话,那为什么在汽车上应该依肤色来就座呢?take/have a seat 坐下take ones seat 就座book seats/a seat 订

30、票seat(1)n.C 座,座位 Please take a seat.请就座。 Save a seat for me,please.请给我留个座位。(2)vt.使坐下,使就座She seated the baby on her knees.( The baby was seated on her knees.)她让孩子坐在膝盖上。They seated themselves on a bench under the tree.( They were seated on a bench under the tree.)他们坐在那棵树下的长凳上。辨析:sit与seatsit坐,坐下,通常作不及物

31、动词,而seat为及物动词,常用seat oneself与be seated结构;seated作表语、定语、或补语。I saw him sitting/seated at the back.我看到他坐在后面。They were seated/sitting at the table.他们坐在桌子旁边。.完成句子1We expressed the hope_(欢迎他们再来中国)答案:that they would come to China again2We expressed the hope_(他们曾经表达了的希望)答案:they had expressed before3The chair

32、man_(就座了) and the meeting began.答案:took his seat4She_(请客人入席) at the table.答案:seated the guests.翻译句子1她父亲看上去是个好人。_答案:Her father seems to be a kind man.2我好像曾经见过他。_答案:I seem to have seen him before./It seems that I have seen him before.3看样子他在撒谎。_答案:He seems to be lying./It seems that he is lying.谢谢观看!谢谢观看!



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