大学英语第二册课件:unit 4 active reading 2

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1、Mapping Mapping Embarkation Embarkation Navigation Navigation Destination Destination ResourcesACTIVE READING 2Learning outcomesUsing reading as a basis for ones own reflectionsSeeing two sides of an issueExtracting essential points from facts or figuresActive reading 2: MappingActive reading 2: Map

2、pingEliciting opinions Active reading 2: EmbarkationActive reading 2: EmbarkationEliciting opinionsReflection: Read the last paragraph of Active reading 1 again and vote for the statement.The pros and cons give their supporting ideas.Guess which two ideas might be discussed in the text. (Act1, p48)

3、The newspaper is going to disappear.Active reading 2: EmbarkationActive reading 2: EmbarkationThe newspaper is going to disappear.Not disappear.Disappear.1.The popularity of internet2.the trend irresistible in e-age3.Not so immediate 1.A reading habit for some people2.More reliable than internet3.Ma

4、ybe decline but not disappearActive reading 2: EmbarkationActive reading 2: EmbarkationText organizationText explorationText evaluationExtracting essential Extracting essential informationinformation Extracting expressionsExtracting expressions InterpretingInterpretingJigsaw readingJigsaw readingAct

5、ive reading 2: NavigationActive reading 2: NavigationText organisationProblemResponseNegative responseConclusion: open-ended QPositive responseclickActive reading 2: NavigationActive reading 2: NavigationText organisationFacts or figures Decline trend (Para 3)Argument 1Argument 2Internet change (Par

6、as 4&5)Argument 1Argument 2Argument 3 Negative impact on environment (Para 6) the great tradition (Para 7) new revenue dream and prestige of newspaper (Para 8) Locality (Para 9)Negative responsePositive responseBackActive reading 2: NavigationActive reading 2: NavigationJigsaw readingRead paras 2, 3

7、, 4, 5, 6 and figure out reasons for the death of newspaper.Read paras 1, 7, 8, 9 and figure out reasons for the survival of newspaper.Active reading 2: NavigationActive reading 2: NavigationJigsaw readingInternet: turn to internet for use. (para2) instant monitoring for ads (para3)Newspaper: cover

8、price rising (para2, 3)readers with no interest in reading newspaper (para2,5) Newspaper: Pollution(para6)MoreActive reading 2: NavigationActive reading 2: NavigationJigsaw readingNewspaper VS. Internetmore convenient over internet (Para7)Reading newspaper: great tradition hard to change (Para1,7)Th

9、e future of Newspaper: new revenue stream lifestyle journalism (Para 8)locality (Para 8,9)Active reading 2: NavigationActive reading 2: NavigationBackExtracting essential informationDecline trend (Paras 2-5)ReasonWhenFiguresDaily readership: from % to %Young readers: % Results & measures NY Times:Ba

10、ltimore Sun:UK:Large circulation newspapers: 52.637.519Pair work: Fill in the table while readingMoreReaders turn to internet for news20 or more years agodownsize by 700 jobsclosed down foreign news bureaureduced newspaper to tabloid sizeestablished strong websitesActive reading 2: NavigationActive

11、reading 2: NavigationExtracting essential informationTrees annually cut down %Degree of pollutionNegative Impact on environment (Para 6)Trees cut down on regular basisRecyclingExcusesMoreAmong the worst pollutersActive reading 2: NavigationActive reading 2: Navigation35Extracting essential informati

12、onTraditionComment1:Conve-nience Comment2: no batteryComment3: can be read on planeComment4: traditional wrapping of takeaway foodTrendDemand for:Type of journalism:Advice:The Survival of newspapers (Paras 7-8)No newspaper, no Sundaylocalitythe exploitation of lifestylethe principle of integrity & i

13、mpartialityActive reading 2: NavigationActive reading 2: NavigationExtracting expressionsThe pros:Find out all the negative expressions from Paras 2-6Group workThe cons:Find out all the positive expressions from Paras 1, 7-9.Active reading 2: NavigationActive reading 2: NavigationMoreNegativePara 2:

14、 problem; decline; to lose readers; vicious circle; deathPara 3: fell; even worsePara 4: ferocious competition remorselessly; downsize; close down; to reduce to tabloid size downmarketPara 5: worst pollutersPara 1: quiet bf storm; a moment of pleasurePara 7: a great tradition; convenience; Para 8: i

15、ncreased demand; new revenue streams; to increase market share; to honor the principles of integrity& impartiality; respected; smarten up; to have more influence and prestige Para 9: meaningfulPositiveActive reading 2: NavigationActive reading 2: NavigationExtracting expressionsInterpreting 1.With a

16、 cup of coffee, maybe some breakfast, the ritual of reading the newspaper was the quiet before the storm 2.A mere nine per cent trusted the information the newspaper contains. 3. The advertiser can monitor minute by minute if their ads are working. 4. paper mills are among the worst polluters to air

17、, water and land of any industry in the US. 5. You can swat flies with them, and they can still be used to wrap fish. 6. the small-town newspaper will always be meaningful for the parents whose childs photo is news for a few days.Pair work (Activity 7, P51): The pros interpret sentences 1, 3, 5; the

18、 cons interpret sentences 2, 4, 6.ABABBAActive reading 2: NavigationActive reading 2: NavigationCritical thinkingPair work: Discuss the following questions with your partner.1. Do you agree that an editorial in a traditional newspaper has “more influence and prestige” than one on an online edition?

19、If so, why is this?2. Should newspapers try to influence public opinion? If so, why? clickclickActive reading 2: NavigationActive reading 2: NavigationCritical thinkingQ1:Not reliable: Almost anyone can put their views on the web.ReasonTradition:Objectivity,ImpartialityNewspaperOnline editionActive

20、reading 2: NavigationActive reading 2: NavigationBackCritical thinkingQ2:Objective storiesSocial purposes To inform readers To entertain readers To influence readersEditorial commentsReasons: political point of view specific interest group (environmentalists, farmers etc.)Active reading 2: Navigatio

21、nActive reading 2: NavigationBackSummaryTalking pointsActive reading 2: DestinationActive reading 2: DestinationSummaryPair work: Use the given words to summarize the text.A long-term trend of declinethe challenge of internetthe environmental impact wont die without struggle the ritual of readingthe

22、 convenience of newspaper over laptopnew revenue streamsActive reading 2: DestinationActive reading 2: DestinationSummaryAll over the English-speaking world, newspaper circulation has been confronted with a long-term trend of decline. The decline comes much from the challenge of internet and the neg

23、ative environmental impact of newspaper industry. The challenge of internet mainly focuses on its attraction to readers and minute-by-minute ads monitoring system. But maybe the newspaper wont die without struggle. Besides its convenience over laptop, the demand for local news and the exploitation o

24、f lifestyle journalism will create new revenue streams. And more interestingly, the ritual of reading the newspaper has become a hard habit to break.Active reading 2: DestinationActive reading 2: DestinationTalking pointsRole play: (P51) Groups 1-4: Play roles of Samantha, Chun, Magda and Brendan re

25、spectively and narrate their supporting details. Groups 5-8: Play the corresponding roles of disagreeing with Samantha, Chun, Magda and Brendan and narrate their refuting details. Active reading 2: DestinationActive reading 2: DestinationMoreTalking points I think a lot of newspapers are unreliable.

26、 By the time you get them the headlines are out-of-date and they are usually just full of advertisements and light-hearted, usually exaggerated, stories about film stars. SamanthaSupporting detailsEntertainment: catering to interest in fashion and idolsAds: for revenue Immediacy: out of dateRefuting

27、 detailsEntertainment: to attract young readersAds: the guarantee of revenue; informative Immediacy: not so instantly but reliable Active reading 2: DestinationActive reading 2: DestinationMoreTalking pointsLocal newsUseful to know what is happening locallyClose to our life The first thing I do in t

28、he morning is read the local paper. Its packed with news about my city, and its usually quite accurate, so I know exactly whats going on. ChunNational newsNot shortsighted to concern national developmenthaving a local effect sooner or later Active reading 2: DestinationActive reading 2: DestinationM

29、oreTalking pointsSupporting detailsNot just national, but to feel EuropeanLarge newspapers with more reliable resources and all-around analysisNot interested in locality Refuting detailsEuropean affairs direct relation to our daily lifeLarge newspapers reliabilityThe importance of locality I live in

30、 a small country in Central Europe, and to keep in touch with the news I read Guardian Unlimited on the Internet. It gives you reliable in-depth coverage of serious issues, especially the main international stories. MagdaActive reading 2: DestinationActive reading 2: DestinationMoreTalking pointsSup

31、porting detailsA waste of timeA waste of moneyEnvironmental pollution Refuting detailsNo need to read all pagesWorthy to buy: informativeRecyclingNew ways of newspaper I dont buy newspapers. Theres just too much to read in them, so its a waste of money, and I also think theyre environmentally damagi

32、ng. I mean, millions of trees are cut down every year, arent they?BrendanActive reading 2: Active reading 2: DestinationDestinationBackDifficult sentencesWords to notePreviewLanguage in useActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesUseful expressionUseful expressionWord formationWord form

33、ationGrammatical structureGrammatical structureDifficult sentence 1With a cup of coffee, maybe some breakfast, the ritual of reading the newspaper was the quiet before the storm, a moment of pleasure and peace before the working day began. (L3, Para 1)ritual: n. something one does regularly and alwa

34、ys in the same way 例行公事,老规矩 the quiet before the storm: 暴风雨前的宁静. Here in the light and amusing tone, it means merely a moment of peace before the business of the day.对着一杯咖啡,也许还有早餐,看报的仪式是风暴之前的平静,是工作日开始之前的愉快安宁。AnalsTransActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesDifficult sentence 2AnalsTra

35、nsIn the UK most newspapers have reduced the newspaper to tabloid size some of the papers refer to the new size as “compact”. (L10, Para 4)The larger broadsheet newspaper traditionally for educated readers. In case the low image of tabloid-sized newspapers might discourage readers, the neutral term

36、compact is being used. Tabloid 指通俗小报,少有严肃新闻,多为名人绯闻轶事,其connotation(内涵,隐含意义)含有粗俗的、低端的、质次的,故而更愿意用 compact (小型的、袖珍的)中性词。在英国,多数报纸都缩版成为小报开本,意在吸引年轻读者,但是因为“小报”有“低档廉价”之嫌,有些报纸就称新开本为“缩编版”。Active reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesDifficult sentence 3 theres nothing a newspaper editor likes more for

37、 reassurance about their work than feedback and opinions, as diverse as possible. (L3, Para 5)There is nothing sb. likes more than sth. (feedback and opinions). 最喜欢的莫过于(反馈和意见)for reassurance 为获得安心、安慰as diverse as possible 尽可能地不同,as 为副词,接 adj,构成asas possible / usual / necessary / expected 结构,做状语修饰 fe

38、edback and opinions报纸编辑最喜欢的莫过于给他们提供各种不同的反馈和意见,他们能从中得到安慰。AnalsTransActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesMoreDifficult sentence 3Grammatical structure: There is nothing more than 没有什么比更Complete the sentences in the corresponding situations. 1. 没什么比看到你的名字出现在出版物上更令人激动了。There is nothing

39、more _ than _. 2. There is nothing worse than not being able to sleep at night. 没有什么比_。Moreexcitingseeing your name in print晚上不能睡觉更糟糕了晚上不能睡觉更糟糕了Active reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesDifficult sentence 3 Self-test: Match the correct structures with the given situation.1. There is noth

40、ing _ run away.2. There is nothing _ a cold beer on a hot summer day.3. Here, just press this button, there is nothing _.4. There is nothing _ rumors about the affair.a. for it butc. liked. to itb. in/toActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resourcesa. There is nothing for it but do sth. 除了之外

41、别无他法b. There is nothing in/to sth. 没什么是真实的c. There is nothing like sth. 没什么比得上d. There is nothing to it. (oral)很容易Difficult sentence 4Trends include an increased demand for local news, and the continued exploitation of lifestyle journalism, which began in the late 1980s, esp. within personal finance

42、 and travel, will create new revenue streams. (L2, Para 8)Trends include an increased demand 与 the exploitation will create revenue streams 并列, which引导定语从句修饰the exploitation of lifestyle journalism.the exploitation of lifestyle journalism 对与生活方式有关的新闻的开发: lifestyle 一般为名词,可作为修饰语置于名词前,表达 relating to li

43、festyle(与生活方式有关的)。未来报纸发展的趋势包括对本地新闻需求的日益增长,而始于20世纪80年代后期的对生活方式新闻的持续开发利用尤其在个人理财和旅游方面将会创造新的收入来源。AnalsTransActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesDifficult sentence 5Instead of , which is , newspapers should do, that is to say, Instead of 构成状语,which 所引导的定语从句修饰 dumbing down, newspapers 所接句

44、子为主句, that is to say 后续部分为 smarten up 同位语,解释 smarten up 含义。 smarten up: to improve the appearance of sth. 打扮、使整洁; Word play: smart = both intelligent and well-dressed (pun). 报纸不应粗制滥造(尽管这是增加市场份额的通常做法),而应该精工细做。也就是说,尊崇以正直、诚实和不偏不倚的态度从事新闻报道的原则。AnalsTrans instead of dumbing down, which is the usual way of

45、 increasing ones market share honour the principles of integrity and impartiality of their coverage. (L7, Para 8)Active reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesWords to note Phrases 1. revenue2. capture3. compact4. nevertheless5. survey6. integrity7. moreoverclose downin a bidrefer to asNew W

46、ordsActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resourcesrevenue Situational questions and answers.Q1: What are the three _(收入来源) of the traditional newspapers?Ans: _.(报摊销售、订购和广告) Q2: If you were New York Times, what new ways would you explore as _? (广告收入下降)Ans: _(网络收费)n. income from business activ

47、ities or taxes 收入revenue resourcesnewsstand sales, subscription and advertisingthe ad revenue fallsto charge for Web accessMoreActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resourcesrevenueexplore more resources of revenueYes, we need to 开辟财源开辟财源扩大财源扩大财源open up new resources of revenueallocate 20% of

48、 revenue to拨出拨出20%20%的营业收入用于的营业收入用于Yes, we should increase our revenue stamp 印花税印花税总收额总收额gross revenue赋税收入赋税收入tax revenue国内税收国内税收internal revenue 收益债券收益债券revenue bond Active reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resourcescapturevt. to catch sb. or sbs attention 抓住,捕获n. the act of catching sb. or sth

49、 抓住,捕获Identify the different usage of capture.1.The book captured the little boys heart with its beautiful illustrations (插图). 2.Becoming more creative means paying attention to that endless flow of ideas you produce, and learning to capture and act upon the new thats within you. 3. In his traveling

50、 report, he tried to capture the beauty of the Great Waterfalls. 4. The criminal was captured when trying to escape from the city. ( (捕获捕获) )( (记录下记录下的壮美的壮美) ) ( (捕捉脑子里的想法捕捉脑子里的想法) )( (使小男孩着了迷使小男孩着了迷) )MoreActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resourcescaptureones heartones interest/attention

51、ones imaginationa titlethe headlines赢得某人的爱吸引某人激发某人的想象力赢得比赛成为头条captureto be in the headlines to hit the headlinesto grab the headlinesto make the headlinesheadline newsmain storytop storylead(ing) story头条新闻头条新闻Identify the meaning of the collocations.成为报成为报纸头条纸头条sparkleActive reading 2: ResourcesActi

52、ve reading 2: Resourcescompactn. smaller than most things of the same kind 小型的,袖 珍的 Group discussion: The text said compact is more neutral than tabloid. What about your opinion toward the trend of converting broadsheets into compact format? What about the echoes from the world? AgreeDisagreeclickcl

53、ickActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resources1.37 percent of legendary broadsheet newspapers core readers would prefer the newspaper in compact format. 37%的这些传奇性大版式报纸的核心读者更喜欢看到报纸的这些传奇性大版式报纸的核心读者更喜欢看到报纸以小型报纸的面目出现。以小型报纸的面目出现。2.2. The recent move by the Independent and the Times to launch d

54、aily compact and broadsheet editions has sparked the imagination of publishers around the world. 最近,伦敦的最近,伦敦的 独立报独立报和和 泰晤士报泰晤士报双双推出小报双双推出小报和大报版本,这无疑激发了全世界出版人的想象力。和大报版本,这无疑激发了全世界出版人的想象力。AgreeActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesBack1.Yet the evidence of a global trend of broadsheet n

55、ewspapers converting to compact formats is inconsistent. 但大报向小型版式转变的全球趋势表现出来的却是不一致的迹象。2. Several broadsheet papers have changed to a smaller format recently, but still people would rather call them compact instead of “tabloids”, probably a reputation thing. 近来一些大报已将版式改小,但仍然没有人将其称为“ 小报” ,可能与名声有关。3.Wo

56、uld compact editions slow down the decline of newspapers? It would still be a big problem that all large circulation newspapers have to be confronted with. 袖珍版报纸真能减慢下滑的趋势吗?这仍将是发行量大的报纸所面临的一个大问题。DisagreeActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesBackneverthelessadv. despite the idea that yo

57、u have mentioned 尽管 如此,不过Translate sentences.1.It is a difficult race. Nevertheless, nearly 1,000 runners participate it every year.2. 这是一项艰难的比赛。尽管如此,每年还是有近1000名赛跑者参赛。2.亚历山大二世是一位令人难以捉摸但仍很有趣的苏格兰国王。 Alexander II was an obscure but nevertheless an interesting Scottish King.Active reading 2: ResourcesAc

58、tive reading 2: Resourcessurvey1. The US economy remains weak but there are some faint signs that the pace of decline is moderating, the Federal Reserve said Wednesday in its latest survey on business conditions around the nation.2. The latest survey conducted by the Federal Reserve Wednesday struck

59、 with lightly positive tone on business conditions around the nation. 例1 survey 沉降到句末,作为状语,显示为次要成分。例2 survey 为主语,显示为句子的出发点. 可以推想:联邦储备局的分析会沉降到第二句话中。n. a set of questions that you ask a large number of people or organizations 调查,考察v. to ask people questions to find out their answers 调查Identify how “su

60、rvey” is placed in sentences.Active reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resourcesintegrity n. the quality of always behaving according to moral principles 诚实,正直Translate the following headlines.1. Saving newspapers at the expense of integrity? 2. Integrity: Our still cherished principles? 3. Savin

61、g newspapers suffered a tremendous loss of integrity and respect.挽救报纸的过程令正直与尊重蒙受巨大的损失。以牺牲正直的代价挽救报纸吗?正直:还是我们珍惜的准则吗?MoreActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesintegrityIdentify the meanings of the following phrases.1.a man of integrity 2.moral integrity 3.people of unyielding integrity4

62、.territorial integrity5.in its integrity6.Professional integrity1.正直的人2.骨气,气节3.硬汉4.领土完整5.完整,原封未动6.职业操守Active reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resourcesmoreoveradv. used for introducing an additional and important idea to support what you have just mentioned 此外,而且 Translate the following sentenc

63、es into Chinese.1.There is an increasing opposition against death penalty. Moreover, there is now evidence that many executed prisoners were innocent.越来越多的人反对死刑。而且,有证据显示许多被执行死刑的囚犯是无辜的。 2. There are some faint signs that the pace of decline is moderating. Moreover, the customers confidence has been r

64、estored to some degree.有微弱迹象显示衰退的趋势放缓。而且消费者的信心也有某种程度的恢复。Active reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resourcesclose downTo stop doing business or operating permanently (永久)关闭Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form.1. Small shops _ (纷纷倒闭) because of competition from large chains (大型连锁店).2. The l

65、ocal government _ (计 划关闭) private coal mines in Shangxi province. are closing downplans to close downActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resourcesin a bidin an attempt 企图, 努力Translate the sentence into Chinese.The large chains cut prices just before Christmas in a bid to support sales. 大型连锁

66、店在圣诞节前降价促销。Situational discussion1. Do you think the bid to cut prices for sales is effective?2. Provide more advice.free tastefree busfeedback good qualitygood sales servicebuy one, give you twocatering to customers needsActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resourcesrefer toasTo mention sb.

67、/sth. when you are speaking or writing 将看作是Fill in the blank.Even as a child, he _(就称呼父亲为斯蒂夫).Collocations: identify the meanings. refer to sth.提及某事;有关、针对某事refer back to sth. 再次提及refer sb. to sb.将某人提交给他人处理referred to his father as SteveActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesMorerefer

68、toasList all similar phrases in the same structure. V. + sb./sth.+asdefine sb./sth. as 将看作是,将定义为think of sb./sth. as 将看作是regard sb./sth. as 将看作是consider sb./sth. as 将看作是conceive of sb./sth. as将考虑为/构思为view sb./sth. as 将看作是take sb./sth. as 将看作是identify sb/sth. as辨认,确认Active reading 2: ResourcesActive

69、reading 2: Resources1.风暴之前的平静2.愉快平静的一刻3.发行量下滑4.广告收入5.报纸定价6.价格敏感的产品7.恶性循环8.20多年来的长期趋势9.每天读报的人数从下降到10.逐分逐秒地监视1. the quiet before the storm2. a moment of peace and pleasure3. Circulation has declined.4. the revenue from advertising5. cover price6. a price-sensitive product7. vicious circle8. a long-ter

70、m trend of 20 or more years9. Daily readership falls fromto10. monitor minute by minuteUseful expressionsActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesMoreUseful expressions11.报纸的发行量12.激烈竞争13.印刷和生产成本14.意在15.提供一个便利的窗口16.最喜欢的莫过于17. 不记得的时候18.不可否认的影响19.定期20.这样的评语常见于11. circulation figures12. fer

71、ocious competition13. printing and production cost14. in a bid to15. provide an easy outlet for sb.16. Theres nothing sb. likes more than17. dont remember a day when 18. Its hard to deny the impact of19. on a regular basis20. is a comment which occurs regularlyActive reading 2: ResourcesActive readi

72、ng 2: ResourcesMore21.不会轻易消失的22.创造新的收入来源23.增加市场份额24.尊崇的原则25.比享有更大影响力和声望26.是难以打破的习惯21. wont die without a struggle22. to create new revenue streams23. to increase ones market share24. honor the principles of 25. have more influence & prestige than26. a hard habit to breakUseful expressionsActive read

73、ing 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesWord formationdown + verbdown in compound worde.g. The New York Times Company has downsized by 700 jobs. (Active reading 2, Para 4 ) down in phrasal verbs: verb +down e.g. The Baltimore Sun is closing down its foreign news bureaux. (Active reading 2, Para 4

74、 ) Active reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesMoreWord formationAdd “down” to the given words and form new words townstairsloadgradedowngradedownstairsdownloaddowntownmarketdownmarketturndownturndownActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesMoreWord formationUse the given word

75、s to create a sentence.1. download, downtown 2. downstairs, downgrade3. downturn, downmarketAfter surfing the internet for hours to download useful information, I went downtown for shopping and entertainment.I feel worried the executives who are discussing downstairs might downgrade me.There has bee

76、n a sharp downturn in demand, most newspapers in UK have to reduce the newspaper to downmarket tabloid.Active reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesMoreWord formationAdd “down” to the given words and identify the meaning of the compound phrasesdownturngobringbring downturn downgo downhandha

77、nd down= transmit= lose controllower = rejectstandstand downleave a position =breakbreak down= fallgetget down= startrunrun down= criticizeActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesMoreGrammatical structureby + sb. + past participlee.g. The mouse was eventually caught by a group of techn

78、icians worried that the mouse could chew through wires. (Active reading 1, Para 5 ) by +sb. + present participle e.g. The front page headlines was changed by the editor hoping to be the first to break the news. by +sb. + participleActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesGrammatical str

79、uctureMake sentences with “by + sb. + participle” and given clues. You may begin with: 1. Traditional newspaper are still read by 2. The Soccer stars are followed by across the countryclickclickActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesGrammatical structure1. Traditional newspaper are st

80、ill read by Clue: the credibility of online news Clue: a moment of pleasure and peaceTraditional newspapers are still read by people worried about the credibility of the online news Traditional newspapers are still read by people wanting a moment of pleasure and peace before the working day began. A

81、ctive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesBackGrammatical structure2. The Soccer stars are followed by across the country Clue: the results of their matches Clue: to get their signatures The soccer stars are followed by a lot of fans across the country interested in the results of their m

82、atches.The soccer stars are followed by a lot of fans across the country hoping to get their signatures.http:/ reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesBackInversionSo + inversion + that was thatso exaggeratedThe storyExercise: The story was so exaggerated that it had to be completely rewritte

83、n.So exaggeratedthe storyMoreActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesInversionTurn the following sentences into inversion.1.The distance from one place to another was so great that we had to travel by plane.2.The language on that program was so incredibly bad that I switched off the TV

84、. So great was the distance from one place to another that we had to travel by plane. So incredibly bad was the language on that program that I switched off the TV.Active reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesPreviewCollect useful phrases about summarizing data from internet.Active reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resources



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