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1、Unit 11 After School ActivitiesLesson64新起点英语三年级下册能力目标:能力目标: 1.1.能够准确清晰地读出含有字母能够准确清晰地读出含有字母IiIi发发i i的单词。的单词。 2.2.在在体体验验舞舞蹈蹈动动作作的的过过程程中中,能能够够用用英英语语进进行行简简单单的交际并表达真实的情感。的交际并表达真实的情感。相关语言知识:相关语言知识: 1.1.帮帮助助学学生生感感知知元元音音字字母母IiIi在在单单词词中中的的另另一一种种发发音音i i。 2.2.初初步步了了解解几几个个舞舞蹈蹈动动作作的的英英语语名名称称词词,并并如如何何用用英语表达,渗透学科知

2、识。英语表达,渗透学科知识。其它目标:其它目标: 通通过过说说歌歌谣谣,做做游游戏戏,唱唱歌歌曲曲,听听指指令令做做事事,激激发发学生英语学习的兴趣。学生英语学习的兴趣。 教学目标教学目标 We are going to dance today.We are going to sing today.We are going to play chess.We are going to draw pictures.We are going to play ping-pong.We are going to have fun today.We are going to play soccer.We

3、are going to play the drum.We are going to have fun today. Today I am going to fly my kite.Today I am going to go for a hike.Today I am going to have a good time.Today I am going to ride my bike.Isobel is drawing an igloo.“Is it a ship?” asks Pip.“Is it a hill?” asks Bill.“Dont be silly!” says Isobe

4、l.“Its an igloo!”Isobeligloohillshipsillybig milk lip zip pick kick hill pill fish dishking sing - pig- silk /i/ /i/ milk /i/ /i/ pig/i/ /i/ big /i/ /i/ silk/i/ /i/ fish/i/ /i/ dish/i/ /i/ sing/i/ /i/ pill/i/ /i/ king/i/ /i/ hill/i/ /i/ lip/i/ /i/ zip/i/ /i/ silly/i/ /i/ igloo/i/ /i/ Isobel/i/ /i/ k

5、ick/i/ /i/ pink/i/ /i/ ship Can you make a sentence?BillhillLilysing Pip milk Binbin picturesMiss Li clinicLindadanceraise your armsstretch your legsturn rightpoint your toesspin aroundjump in the airbend down Dance to the musicRaise your arms ,raise your arms.Stretch your legs, stretch your legs. Jump in the air, jump in the air.Turn right, turn right.Raise your arms ,raise your arms. Spin around, spin around. Point your toes, point your toes.Bend down, bend down.What can you do?Homework:1. Read this story to your parents.2. Try to read P27 Part C.



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