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1、人教版八年级英语上册unit 9 Can you come to my party课件2024/8/1【可编辑】Doll feast invitation(娃娃宴)Birthday invitation(生日宴)Can you come to my birthday party?1. Curriculum wordsexam, flu, weekday, invitation, preparation, glue, opening, concert, event, guest, calendar, daytime, prepare, hang, catch, invite, accept, r

2、efuse, reply, forward, delete, print, available, sad, glad, surprised, without, until, goodbye2. Key expressionsprepare for, hang out, look after, look forward to, another time, the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow, turn down, take a trip, hear from,go to thea doctor3. Moral aimto say “r

3、efuse” in a correct wayLearningaims(学习目标)I.Readingthewords2.Workingroupsandtrytoreadthedifficultwords.小组合作读单词。1.Readthewordsaloudbyyourselfandunderlinethedifficultwords.试读单词,划出不会读的单词。1.prepareprpe(r)v.使做好准备;把.准备好2.availablevelbladj.有空的,可获得的3.invitenvatv.邀请4.acceptkseptv.接受5.invitationnvtenn.邀请;请柬6.d

4、eletedli:tv.删除7.printprntv.打印;印刷8.preparationpreprenn.准备;准备工作9.surprisedsprazdadj.惊奇的;感觉意外的10.eventventn.大事;公开活动;比赛项目11.calendarklnd(r)n.日历;日程表CheckyourprevisionLu Han will have a _. concert /knst/ concertII.Lookingatthepictures&learningwordsLu Han exam/zm/ examHe is having an _. She has the_ . flu

5、/flu:/fluglue /lu:/ I want a bottle of _.glueThere is a special _. guest /gest/guestHe started to _ his photos. printprntprintThey are holding the _. openingpnopeningIll be _ to show you everything. gladgldgladsadsdIm _that I cant pass the exam. sadHere is a _ of 2016. calendarklnd(r)calendarJenny w

6、ill _ with her sisters.hangouthhang outgo to thea doctor If you are ill, you must _. go to thea doctorrefuse turn downHe_my invitation yesterday. refusedturned down concertQuizQuiz 大声读,比比谁记得快!大声读,比比谁记得快!考试考试流感流感打印打印胶水胶水开幕式开幕式音乐会音乐会examfluprintglueopening日历日历闲逛闲逛高兴的高兴的 难过的;悲哀的难过的;悲哀的拒绝拒绝看病看病calendarh

7、angoutgladsadrefuseturndowngototheadoctorrefuse turn downgo to thea doctor concert /knst/hang outcalendar klnd(r)print prntgladgldsadsdopeningpnguest /gest/glue /lu:/flu /flu:/exam/zm/III.Usingsimilarsoundsandshapes利用相似的音与形读记单词touch触摸触摸write写写avail有益于有益于suprise吃惊吃惊available有空的;可获得的有空的;可获得的suprised惊奇

8、的;感觉意外的惊奇的;感觉意外的在单词表中找到与其相似的音或形的单词在单词表中找到与其相似的音或形的单词care关心关心because因为因为invite邀请邀请prepare准备;准备工作准备;准备工作refuse拒绝拒绝fly飞飞reply回答;答复回答;答复till直到直到.until到到.时;直到时;直到.为止为止catch及时赶上;抓住及时赶上;抓住Group work 小组合作neighbor+ good + neighborhoodhoodbyeIV.Complexwords英语中很多单词是通过合成的方式构成的英语中很多单词是通过合成的方式构成的,他们叫做合他们叫做合成词成词,常

9、见合成词有合成名词、合成动词、合成形容词常见合成词有合成名词、合成动词、合成形容词等几种类型等几种类型。with + for + without 没有没有forward 向前向前outwardgoodbye再见再见合成词合成词week + house + weekday 工作日工作日daywarmingV.Complexwordshead + day + headmaster校长校长daytime白天白天mastertimehousewarming乔迁聚会乔迁聚会合成名词合成名词VI.Derivativewords派生词,是英语主要的构词法。这种方法是借前缀或后缀之助派生词,是英语主要的构词法

10、。这种方法是借前缀或后缀之助,制造出派生词制造出派生词。open + _(后缀) opening(动词变名词规则)(动词变名词规则)ationrefuse to do sth.拒绝做某事He refused _(come) to my party.prepare + (后缀)preparation (动词变名词规则)to come _ (前缀) + fuse refuseingreinvite +_(后缀)invitation ation1.prepare for 2.hang out 3.the day before yesterday4.the day after tomorrow5.lo

11、ok after6.take a trip7.look forward to8.hear from9.another timeVII.UsingthemeaningtorememberA. 为为做准备做准备F.其他时间;别的时间其他时间;别的时间H. 前天前天I. 盼望;期待盼望;期待B. 去旅行去旅行C. 照料;照顾照料;照顾D. 闲逛;常去某处闲逛;常去某处H. 前天前天G. 后天后天E. 接到(某人的)信、电话等接到(某人的)信、电话等F.其他时间;别的时间其他时间;别的时间A. 为为做准备做准备D. 闲逛;常去某处闲逛;常去某处G. 后天后天C. 照料;照顾照料;照顾B. 去旅行去旅行

12、I. 盼望;期待盼望;期待E. 接到(某人的)信、电话等接到(某人的)信、电话等记住了吗?快迅速说出来吧记住了吗?快迅速说出来吧prepare forhang outthe day before yesterday the day after tomorrowlook after take a triplook forward tohear fromanother time1.为为.做准备做准备2.闲逛闲逛3.前天前天4.后天后天5.照顾;照料照顾;照料6.去旅行去旅行7.期盼;期待期盼;期待8.接到(某人的)信接到(某人的)信9.其他时间;别的时间其他时间;别的时间VIII.Readingt

13、hepassage&rememberingthewords1.Read the passage and translate the story into Chinese in groups.读短文并且小组合作译一译。2.Read the passage aloud by yourself, then retell the text.大声读并复述文章。I am Jack. My birthday is next Sunday.I want to invite my friends to my birthday party. Im very sad, because some friends re

14、fused my invitation. Alice is preparing for an exam, and Li Hong has the flu. She isnt available because she has to go to the doctor. Han Li will look after her grandmother the day after tomorrow. Because her parents are taking a trip. Bill is going to have a concert as a guest.Jenny will hang out w

15、ith her sisters. But most of friends accept my invitation so Im glad. I also wrote to Bob. I m looking forward to hearing from him. Can you come to my party?1.Read the passage and translate the story into Chinese in groups.读短文并且小组合作译一译。 2.Retell the text.复述文章。I am Jack. My birthday is next Sunday.I

16、want to _(邀请) my friends to my birthday _ (聚会) . Im very _ (难过的), because some friends _ (拒绝) my _ (邀请). Alice is _ (为准备) an exam, and Li Hong has the _(流感). She isnt _(有空的) because she has to _ (去看医生). Han Li will _(照顾) her grandmother _(后天) Because her parents are _(去旅行). Bill is going to have a _

17、(演唱会)as a _(客人).Jenny will _(逛街)with her sisters. But most of friends _(接受) my invitation so Im _(高兴的). I also wrote to Bob. Im _(盼望;期待)hearing from him. Can you come to my party?invite partysadconcert guesthang outacceptgladtaking a tripthe day after tomorrowfluavailablego to the doctorlook afterin

18、vitationrefusedpreparing forlooking forward toIX.Teachers wordsAlthough “refuse” is a difficult word to say, it is important for us to learn. If we know when to say it, why to say it, and how to say it,We will be happy every day!12345X. Exercise Challenge time! Good Luck! 说出下列单词说出下列单词1.客人;宾客客人;宾客n._

19、 2.邀请;请柬邀请;请柬n._3.有空的;可获得的有空的;可获得的adj._ guestinvitationavailable 看图片说出单词。看图片说出单词。fluconcertprintcalendar1234 说出下列单词的意思说出下列单词的意思1.accept v. _2.surprised adj._惊奇的;感到以外的惊奇的;感到以外的接受接受说出下列短语。说出下列短语。 1. 1. 去看医生去看医生 _2. 2. 照顾;照料照顾;照料 _3. 3. 去旅行去旅行 _go to thea doctorlook aftertake a trip Youmust1.Read and r

20、ecite the new words.2.Preview Unit 9 section A (1a-2d).YoucanMake a story by using the new words.TThanks for listening!记住了吗?快迅速说出来吧记住了吗?快迅速说出来吧1. 为为.做准备做准备2. 闲逛;常去某处闲逛;常去某处3. 前天前天4. 后天后天5. 照顾;照料照顾;照料6. 去旅行去旅行7. 期盼;期待期盼;期待8. 接到(某人的)信、接到(某人的)信、9.其他时间;别的时间其他时间;别的时间考试考试流感流感胶水胶水难过的难过的printguestopening日历日历闲逛闲逛concert高兴的高兴的Quick eyes



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