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1、 今天晚课背诵内容今天晚课背诵内容 16 重要句型编写作文。重要句型编写作文。 I have a pen friend. His name is Peter. He is from Australia. He is 13 years old. He is a student. He is very good at telling stories. He likes playing the piano and he can play chess, too. He lives in Sydney. The school is 12 kilometers from his home. He usua

2、lly gets up at 6:10 and takes a bus to school. It takes about 35 minutes. There are many rules in his school, but he likes his school very much. His favorite animals are pandas. Now, he is reading a book about pandas. He wishes to come to China to see them. Unit6 重点短语:重点短语:1.看电视看电视 watchTV 看报纸看报纸 re

3、ad a paper/newspaper 看书、阅读看书、阅读 read a book / do some reading 看见某人作某事看见某人作某事 see sb doing sth 看着我看着我 look at me 看一看看一看 have a look 看看我看看我 have a look at me 2. talk on the phone 在电话上聊天在电话上聊天 talk to/with sb 和某人谈话和某人谈话 talk show 脱口秀脱口秀 3. talk about sth/sb 谈论某事(物)谈论某事(物)/某人某人4. write a letter写封信写封信 wr

4、ite to sb 写信给某人写信给某人5. wait for sb 等候;等待等候;等待 6.listen to sb 听某人听某人 7.电视节电视节Television Festival 任何其它的任何其它的any other+单数名词单数名词 8. some of + pl(复数名词)复数名词). .中的一些中的一些 9. in this/that pool 在这个(那个)水池在这个(那个)水池10. in this picture/photo 在这张相片里在这张相片里12.在客厅在客厅 in the living room 喝茶喝茶drink tea 13.use the comput

5、er 使用电脑使用电脑 the United States美国美国 14.cook/make dinner做晚饭做晚饭 15.wash/do the dishes 洗碗洗碗 do some washing 16.clean the room打扫房间打扫房间 do some cleaning 17.the Dragon Boat Festival 龙舟比赛龙舟比赛 18 . see you later 一会儿见一会儿见 see you, see you then19.study for a test 为为考试而学习考试而学习 20.eat out 在外面吃在外面吃 21.make soup 做汤

6、做汤22.be at home=be in 在家在家 be out = be not in 不在家不在家 23.go to the movies去看电影去看电影 =see a film 24.very much ; a lot ; really 很,非常很,非常25.join sb 加入某人队伍中加入某人队伍中take part in 参加某次活动参加某次活动26. wish/ hope to do sth ; wish sb to do sth希望(某人)做某事希望(某人)做某事重点句型:重点句型: 1.你在做什么?你在做什么?What are you doing ? 我正在看电视。我正在看

7、电视。I m watching TV.2 他在干嘛?他在干嘛? What is he doing ? 他正在阅读。他正在阅读。He is reading .3. 那听起来不错那听起来不错.That sounds good .4.他们正谈论什么?他们正谈论什么? What are they talking about?5. 这儿有一张我的全家福这儿有一张我的全家福. Here is a picture/photo of my family .( Here is my family photo/picture.)6.你在做作业吗?你在做作业吗?Are you doing your homework

8、 ? 不,我在打扫我的房间不,我在打扫我的房间.No, Im cleaning my room.7.朱辉想念他的家人,希望吃到母亲包的美味的粽子。朱辉想念他的家人,希望吃到母亲包的美味的粽子。 Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi.8.他在打电话给他深圳的表弟。他在打电话给他深圳的表弟。He is talking on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen.9。 虽然朱辉很喜欢纽约和寄宿家庭,但是依然说虽然朱辉很喜欢纽约和寄宿家庭,但是依然说“千好万好不千好

9、万好不如自家好如自家好”。Zhu Hui likes New York and his host family a lot, but theres still “no place like home”。10。 喂?我是珍妮。喂?我是珍妮。Hello,This is Jenny.-你好,珍妮。我是劳拉。你好,珍妮。我是劳拉。Hi,Jenny. Its Laura here.11. 他在看报纸吗?他在看报纸吗?Is he reading a newspaper/paper ? 12.他们正在使用电脑吗?他们正在使用电脑吗?Are they using the computer?是的,他们正在用。是的,他们正在用。/不,他们正在做运动。不,他们正在做运动。Yes, they are . / No, they are exercising .13.他和一个美国家庭住在纽约。他和一个美国家庭住在纽约。He is living with an American family in New York.



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