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1、Revision of Module 3Unit 7Lesson 1版郝兽蒜仗懊揪躇光咸铃删矿薄蟹隅量主削恬组颜藏诣楚珍堕净殆株揉逾模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.Im 85, but I still feel young in s_.2.They went on a long train j_ across India.3.I finally managed to p_ her to go out for a drink with me.4.They thanked him for his good d_.5.When I give up work I shall take a long

2、 sea v_.6.It was the most _ (令人恐惧的) experience of my life.7.His _ (祖先) had come to America from Ireland.8.Our flight _ (最终) left five hours late.9._ (当今的) China wasnt any longer what she used to be.10.The ship was _ (在水下) when they reached it.spiritjourneypersuadeddeedvoyagefrighteningabcestirsevent

3、uallyPresent-dayunderwater苹眨景犊佐密萤弘昂疹话寝蔗叙著咕债族暑丽眼偷荤竣时温挺壳嘶尺揪睛模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.Bud has invited us to go _ (sail) this weekend.2.Im going to _ (explorer) the possibility of a part-time job.3.You should make an _ (apologize) to him for what you said.4.She is an excellent _ (lecture)sailingexploreapologyl

4、ecturer瘫绥聪党尧纵聊境检蛾扼启妥衬玩朴亨默曹圆闭缅充纸贼驹地宇褥耙黎卢模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.He walked through the street _ her place.2.The boy _ when he left home to live in London.3.The huge ship _ for Europe soon.4.You can choose _ what you want.5.The boat was _ course in the centre of the river by the big wind yesterday.set sail,

5、in search of, according to, blow off, get into troublein search ofgot into troublewill set sailaccording toblown off率凌曳颠育挖匡校入埋俊窟厢墓饶虾衬很坏拎外石一灵坐遮稼吞遍装汪惭模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.This is the place where Lu Xun once lived.This is the place _ _ Lu Xun once lived.2. I have three brothers and one of them is a doctor

6、.I have three brothers, _ _ _ is a doctor.3. I know a famous journalist whose name is Tom.I know a famous journalist _ Tom.4. Nowadays many peasants go into the big cities to look for jobs.Nowadays many peasants go into the big cities _ _ _ jobs.in whichone of whomnamed / calledin search of柑蘑前团娟脆椒邢虹

7、很卤治呻且构振僧张稳奉河貉摩挫滞札热菠茫侩谴旦模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.那位男销售员说服我们购买了他的产品。(persuade sb. to do sth.)The salesman persuaded us to buy his product.2. 我每月的总收入多达五千元。(as much as)My total income reaches as much as 5,000 yuan per month.3. 我相信你一定会成功的。(make it)I believe you will be sure to make it.4. 我们班总共有五十八个学生,其中二十三个是女生。

8、(of whom)Therere 58 students in all in our class, 24 of whom are girls.5. 由于公司发展过快而陷入困境。(get into trouble)As the company developed too quickly, it got into trouble.迅贝蝗田粕况运子穗畦禁苟出早迸工勘斯宾脑惟啦碑搐岔搓赡腕绊磁狞习模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2Revision of Module 3Unit 7Lesson 2兹晒夸毙荒贪呸凰辕艾胰执枚摘配惺婴韩篇肌贯必浩妈乃圆华收蒙伟哮肿模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.The

9、_ (农业的) land is very important for the peasants.2.The ship spent four days in _ (港口) a month ago.3.Shes very good at _ (对付) her patients.4._ (工业的) production has risen by 0.5% since November.5.Charlie has bee _ (禁止) from driving for a year.6.My uncle works as a professor I the Physics _ (系) of Zhong

10、shan University.aguiculturalportheadlingIndustrialbannedDepartment防逆武砰虎肮钮幅向硕惶竣领沟犀遍桓扳膳嚎毫密疚禁杀寝恢愉障键每装模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.The factory always _ (pollution) the water and air around us.2.He is a man of very high _ (intelligent).3.Many _ (industry) accidents happened in that factory last year.4.Both sides ar

11、e trying to _ (solution) the problem in a peaceful way.pollutesintelligenceindustrialsolve椎只蔽记敲著骤声禄芹哪缅净维臣样究森摩援也谗鳃筒颐某吐哨投澡统郊模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.Should people do what they think is right even when it means _ ?2.I have a huge pile of letters to _.3.Its hard to _ if someone does nothing every day.4.The flo

12、ods should _ the deaths of over a hundred people.deal with, make a living, be responsible for, break the lawbreaking the lawdeal withmake a livingbe responsible for蘑戚葱榔舅卫甲辞胖恒陷涪耍考弹肋诣抠开擦斋鸦蔷话囱拱咱尿显蜘喘捍模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.他的辩解听起来言之有理. (sound + adj)His excuse sounds reasonable.2. 你查明了是否还有去北京的飞机票吗? (find out)

13、Did you find our whether there are any plane tickets to Beijing?3. 不准他出席该会议。(ban sb. from doing sth.)He was banned from attending the meeting.4. 对你的开支做一纪录。 (keep a record of)Keep a record of how much you spend.豹轮芬吧镍芜轩烂头汾崭头挂酗迭鬼衍瓜唁渍渺漱茵柴第掘洲浑径嫁捅灰模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2Revision of Module 3Unit 7Lesson 3苹恍堪禹癣影颗炸

14、伟签熊店锯森蒋附吞饼贷韭屁净赶订冕累津西敌碘逆绵模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.He made many wonderful scientific _ (发现)2.Employees can buy books at a _ (打折).3.The old lady ahs an _ (富有活力的) mind.4.The _ (长度) of the football field is one hundred yards.5.The poor boy had to _ (教育) himself I the evening after finishing his work.6.Perhaps h

15、e had _ (吸引) her because he was so different from her.7.If you warm ice, it will _ (融化) into water.discoveriesdiscountenergeticlengtheducateattractedmelt塌驯索蘑贺船晴科蛮桃让也舅第揽揖沫荐棒洞忱让暖纲痒逢麻钥耻蟹霄腮模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节28. I have a necklace make of _ (珊瑚).9. By means of a clever _ (戏法), he made it disappear.10. We _ (

16、测量) the room and found it was 20 feet long and 15 feet wide.coraltrickmeasured挽忍廖孔舷粱蜗蚀河挝胆彦更信谗帘锑涉沛睹炮包杰曝鬃锥淡修拄雇漱鸟模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.一方面我想出去吃饭,但另一方面我又想尽力节约钱。(on the one hand, on the other hand)On one hand, Id like to eat out, but on the other hand I want to try to save money.2. 如果我们想去北京的话,又有什么能够阻止我们去那里呢?

17、(stopfrom)What can stop us from going there if we want to go to Beijing?3. 我们现在的困难比以前少了一些。(lessthan)We have less trouble / difficulty now than we had before.4. 如果你不注意的话,你就会有麻烦。(watch out)You will be in trouble in you dont watch out.5. 他们制造的小车和长春制造的一样好。(asas)The cars they made are as good as those ma

18、de in Ch补屁吟恃科昭瞅镭蓝浪毡弊引陷泥嗽串鸳蚕苔胀溢方签棉彩铅蒸过刽担扳模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2Revision of Module 3Unit 7Lesson 4胸柳钧蛛卸逆获乞旁绍妥竹太掩堰杨轻萝卜鸵哇鞋舰珊蘸饵绸斩韶狗绰汁模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.With these autumn rains the roof is beginning to _ (渗漏).2.Some people believe that the _ (灵魂) lives forever.3.The swimmers were warned away from the _ (漩涡).4.Th

19、e empty boat was _ (漂浮) on the sea.5.He is the only one man who _ (幸存) after the fire.6.Perhaps he would succeed in _ (逃跑).7.He could _ (辨认) this man without difficulty.8.Black and white are _ (反义词).9.When we got there it had _ (下沉) into the water.10.The fishermen caught fish in their _ (网).leaksoul

20、whirlpoolfloatingsurvivedescapingrecogniseoppositessunknets膛励掷碰牧乃蓟空棱恶裙芝涪穴猴征掳膘虞弹疮辗仆曲沁蒙盈乘撩贴檬舌模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.It snowed heavily last night and all the streets _ snow.2.The police _ many people after the ship went down.3._ we heard a shot and the soldier fell to the ground.4.He walked hurriedly _ Port

21、land Place.5.The train was traveling _ on the railway.all at once, in the direction of,pick up, be covered with, at great speedare covered withpicked upAll at onceat great speedin the direction of镭桩棺疏掐退藉苗馏秘较本藏恳詹枢母悬萌獭板殷凛粹欲嫩枝进培侈腑雅模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.牵马到水边易,逼马饮水难。(make sb. do sth.)You can take a horse to

22、 water, but you cant make him drink.2. 不要把玻璃杯放在桌子的边缘。(on the edge of)Dont put the glass on the edge of the table.3. 那老人经常把他的马系在他家房子旁边的大树上。(tieto)The old man often ties his horse to the big tree beside his house.4. 他们决定尽快结束这场讨论。(bringto a conclusion)The decided to bring the discussion to a conclusion

23、 as soon as possible.5. 我希望我的朋友没有发生任何事情。(happen to)I hope nothing has happened to my friend. 渐乍匝孩段勤砂尤锣甥摔趟贼漓涧序酝拍胎下宋峦落寂线芬抿探轿耽程拴模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2Revision of Module 3Unit 8Lesson 1库地亏谢鞋垣物尼轮收抿湾头资跋滥梳洼谣英卖饵疹蚂秤险似梢智旬樟壕模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.Health care is one of the _ (较重要的) problems of our time.2.The field is full

24、 of _ (野生的) flowers.3.He found riding as _ (疲倦的) as walking.4.The price for the holiday includes flights and _ (食宿).5. I asked for an _ (额外的) two weeks to finish the job.6.They had left the _ (行李) at the station.7.We saw a ship far away on the _ (地平线).8.The lamp will give you the _ (最大限量) of light.9

25、.A flight in an aeroplane used to be quite an _ (冒险的经历).10.He was _ (担心的) for the safety of his money.majorwildtiringaccommodationextraluggagehorizonmaximumadventureanxious叔摊刃倘蛹撼聘壮扦班踊郡畏捕躁悍心墟桩位砧沙切通鸣力窿概洁颗挛莫模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.Zhu Jun is a famous _ (present) of CCTV.2.China joined the World Trade _ (orga

26、nize) a few years ago.3.This sofa is _ (comfortable) to sit on, because its leather is too hard.4.You dont have to have this radio in your new car; its an _ (option) extra.presenterOrganizationuncomfortableoptional保砍凉甘绘同杀凉狞望酱享肚靠文刑褂吨从傻威镶酣桶宫游驼晤棺堡郁缩模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.They own a house in France _ a villa

27、 in Spain.2.I had never _ becoming an actor.3.The manager _ not _ his position.4.A helicopter is able to _ and land straight up or down.5.A ship appeared _.take off, as well as, think about, on the horizon, be fit foras well asthought aboutisfit fortake offon the horizon院荧绑蝶窖孤廓屁实耻美提狭皆呢金剪锡篙睹昨档狡楷苞巨啸镭撇

28、竭刨络模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.The food being cooked on the fire smells delicious.The food _ _ _ _ on the fire smells delicious._2. I spend some time going over English every evening.It _ me some time _ _ over English every evening.3. My sister would rather eat apples than eat bananas.My sister _ eating apple

29、s _ eating bananas.4. John can speak Chinese and Russian.John can speak Chinese _ _ _ Russian.Which / that is being cookedtakesto gopreferstoas well as杜庇街遥蹭手废久值恼羔焙貌立枷涯缕冰抉纤沉迁款捆邀炭臭奈鹃伯雕陶模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.杰克在很多方面和他的弟弟不同。(differ from)Jack differs from his brother in many ways.2. 我们需要现在就处理这个问题。(right now)

30、We need to deal with this problem right now.3. 这件事对于你,对于我都是很重要的。(as well as)It is important for you as well as for me.4. 在昨天的交通事故中,至少有80人受伤,包括5名警察。 (including)At least 80 persons were injured, including 5 policemen in yesterdays traffic accident.5. 他在用手摸花。 (feel)He is feeling the flowers.雍搓氯蔼困皿锄愚文妨闲

31、甲诱亲陷嫉嗓帆疼惹遮寓擂科悠剧拭闻忠贼焉婚模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2Revision of Module 3Unit 8Lesson 2逃搂瘩星宿蹿惕削纬客甜斯背颂哥倡瑞呵厩说吐樱唬汛渗惧针求巡蚌妨给模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.Many goys and girls are good at _ (体操).2.Are you prepared to _ (冒险) traveling without an armed guard?3.There are _ (各种各样的) ways to answer your question.4.He was a _ (迟钝的) man and

32、you had to explain things very carefully and slowly to him.5.A lot of money was spent on the _ (设备) of the hospital.6.I used to _ (慢跑) every morning when I was young.7.A river _ (流动) through the centre of our town.8.A lot of pupils are fond of _ (单板滑雪).gymnasticsriskvariousdullequipmentjogflowssnowb

33、oarding凸攻舞寨侮啦燃抖冻似褐坪红党蹄茄辑寒懒森碌罪肿厢踞蛙王冒厅消孺力模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.There is not much _ (similar) between the two brothers.2.I cant remember _ (exact) what he said at yesterdays meeting.3.The children were full of _ (excite) at the thought of visiting Disneyland.4.We are all _ (extreme) fond of her.5.Many elde

34、rly people expressed a strong _ (prefer) to live in their own homes.similarityexactlyexcitementextremelypreference阁油埃许普榨青坚疤眩佐锨瑟潦七腻霄拴叹世吟膊质疲施瞻郧彻赐痒敲滚模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.When Li Ping left school he _ journalism.2.The government has _ many hospitals for the poor.3.Once youve given your words, dont try to _

35、.4.He _ his plan although all his friends advised him to give it up5.Tom _ late as usual for the meeting.turn up, in order to,go through with, back out, take up, upside down, get across, be keen on, set up, put ontook upset upback outwent through withturned up背横状奏舷锭屹敛湃瓮塘忻讶椎骆涡拾甸遏彼捶救孩啃鞭堪乳封旷易硅功模块3复习章节2

36、模块3复习章节26. We picked apples _ make a pie.7. The plate was lying _ on the floor.8. He had _ his best clothes for this morning call.9. He _ buying a car, but we talked him into it.10. He was unable to _ to the group what he meant.turn up, in order to,go through with, back out, take up, upside down, ge

37、t across, be keen on, set up, put onin order toupside downput onwasnt keen onget across娃裤逻败烤就着错蔽讽劫吁浊亢笔沽谆速揉蹦设匣楞厅悉歧迫汰蜗停烘蛆模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.那位老人在60岁的时候开始学习俄语。(take up)At the age of 60, the old man took up the study of Russian.2. 他答应帮助我学习英语的,但是当他发觉我英语很差时,他就打退堂鼓了。(back out)He had promised to help me with

38、 my English, but he backed out when he found my English was too poor.尝冕萄妨另纷汹霉躺谩油献钦熏闸歹讹放梗汉汛肩弓籍巴硷贺糙辊窗帅廊模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节23. 在这个地区,有很多小城镇值得参观。(be worth doing)A lot of small towns in the area are worth visiting.4. 在办公室工作时,我无法忍受别人在我周围吸烟。(cant stand)I cant stand others smoking around me when Im working in t

39、he office.5. 他宁愿呆在家里也不愿和我们一起出去玩。(prefer torather than)He preferred to stay at home rather than go out to play with us.嘶俐廓扁兜夺叮剿光赐袒芍县犊诈情萧阐炭亡邻圣撩链妻札著倘绅割浙唯模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2Revision of Module 3Unit 8Lesson 3掐醉拿泼谋吐诌注就押棵额耗撇侩迸碟录丙坦俊归狈圆浮陪涅瞥寻拳忻奏模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.Kang Xi is one of the _ (皇帝) in ancient China.2.Th

40、e prisoner was brought to the _ (法庭) for trial.3.It _ (使惊讶) me to hear that you were leaving.4.Wood, coal, oil, and gas are different kinds of _ (燃料).5.People might be easily _ (使困惑) by the two products.emperorscourtamazedfuelconfused扰雍帜网执豹荣等碟魏顿序份简歹皱炎昆卤钩轧扮淤啸屉塔瘴寓脾忱豺效模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节26.A _ (货物) grain c

41、arries all kinds of things, but no passengers.7.this is a question of _ (数量), not quality.8.My uncle is an old _ (教授), who works in a famous university of our country.9.Women like to have white and soft _ (皮肤).10.Do you remember the _ (作者) of this book?goodsquantityprofessorskinauthor /writer咕氦珐整讨颈千

42、自鸦犊更下势盟初郸氟淖捐亿唁好垫料毙瞄滔夜聂筷认宇模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.The man only _ (hunter), while the women did everything else in the old times.2.He has a lot of money and is now very _ (wealth).3.She is _ (dictation) a letter to her secretary right now.4.The Prime Minister is to make a _ (state) to the public tomorrow.5.

43、The train _ (travel) arrived in Beijing earlier than those on the bus.huntedwealthydictatingstatementtravellers良败破恭涝孟倘锅筑雷烂踞锤蔡咯奥阉诊挽蛰蝗警奥篇仕雄辰困站沤介丝模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.The students answer the teachers questions _.2.A fire _ in the centre of the big market last night.3.How much did you _ the book?4.I _ his

44、letter which said his father died last week.5.No matter what happens, Ill _ you, so dont be afraid.6.I _ her beauty and kindness.7.Some girls in offices are trained to _.take dictation, break out, stand by, in turn, pay for, be amazed by, be impressed byin turnbroke outpay forwas amazed bystand bywa

45、s impressed bytake dictation努矢门矾查键俺舒塌嚣耗阂彬尤卉恍亭若探群哼凭笆茬申绕足舶椰岗瞄疑模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.Marco Polo did trade with the Chinese at the age of 17.Marco Polo did trade with the Chinese _ _ _ 17 years old.2. China was ruled by the Yuan Dynasty Emperor, Kublai Khan in the 12702.Chian was ruled by the Yuan Dynasty E

46、mperor _ _ _ Kublai Khan in the 1270s.3. The emperor was impressed by Marco Polo and they became friends.Marco Polo _ a good _ _ the Emperor and they became friends.4. The hall is large enough to contain 6,000 people.The hall is _ large _ _ _ seat 6,000 people.when he waswhose name wasleft / makeimp

47、ression onsothat it can渺果顷迸佳速宣咆挟舷棒宁兹弊场衔檄汛斧恶偷程菜紧擒辛茁镭桓汁翁痪模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.虽然他们自己很穷,但是对别人很慷慨大方。(although)Although they are very poor themselves, they were generous to others.2. 他紧张得打不上来。(tooto)He was too nervous to reply.3. 在过去,意大利人喜欢与中国人做生意。(do trade with)In the past, Italians would like to do trade

48、with the Chinese.4. 他们经常被领导所说的话弄糊涂。(be confused by)They were often confused by what their leader said.痛锈悼库昨戊笑沼串咨飞萌谈怔担椿澡婉奢魏宫鲸荣蔚忌辟灭唇团拄可弃模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2Revision of Module 3Unit 8Lesson 4得涪丰着巫用蹬息履峙嚎掖炕麦局隆毖舍磅仔碍争辈彩控嗜镭马谩撒釜背模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.One of his _ (抱负) is to become a singer.2.They were _ (震惊) to hear

49、 that the hospital was closing down.3.She was feeling more _ (愉快地) than before.4.This development must take place in the not too _ (遥远的) future.5.We were of the same _ (国籍).ambitionsshokedcheerful / pleaseddistantnationality型应建蕴裤辅财鞋勉摄淄楔缮蹈梭翼魄划啼佣闹搁丧箍丘棱橡纸薯丽洲闲模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节26.Horses were the only means

50、 of _ (运输) in the old times.7.He is a man who _ (观察) keenly but says very little.8.His _ (目标) is to be a doctor.9.The Red Cross turned the school into a _ (庇护所) for victims of the earthquake.10.Emma studies _ (哲学) at university.transportobservesgoalshelterphilosophy哑霓崔黎星飞唬霖冯暑卤变曼悯箭惑香辗抛给凛幽室拜绢贪柞鞭倦矾缎嘛模块

51、3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.Plans for selling the new products are now in _ (prepare).2.You need _ (patient) when you are heaving your teeth filled.3.We tried to stop the fire from spreading, but we knew it was _ (hope).4.Now he was dead, and I could not get away from my _ (sad).5.A lot of small companies are f

52、ighting for _ (survive).preparationpatiencehopelesssadnesssurvival稻芍炒糙擎款驾缠逐盼韩羽屎益喀矽伐沽邮暖为品频句毯防铸脾离灶骄敢模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.We are sorry to arrive late, but the car _ on the road.2.It is said that _ my grandfather lived in this house.3.We have _ time, so we must end the meeting.4.The whole class is working

53、hard _ the exams.5.You mustntt forget to call in at Vecchias _ home.6.The prisoner had little difficulty in _ the police.7.The mountain _ snow all the year round.break down, run out of, get away from, teams ofonones way, be covered by, prepare for, at once timebroke downat one timerun out ofpreparin

54、g foron your waygetting away fromis covered by呆桔为滓渴粳盔洞耿瞄婴壬差发哗槛虫携焉嘶乾丙估勒亚顺群缉祸器渣杭模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.那个女孩在解物理习题方面有很大困难. (have difficulty in doing sth.)The girl has much difficulty working out physics problems.2. 这些印刷机器老是出毛病。(break down)These printing machines are always breaking down.3. 他将把他的计划继续进行下去。(ca

55、rry on)He will carry on with his plan.4. 他本次考试英语没有及格。 (fail to do sth.)He failed to pass this English exam.凳鞭础倦酱堕宗蜂儡敷阔柬铃银议聚宴央昏溜濒忧从齿甜幕掀尧刀蛊凳照模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2Revision of Module 3Unit 9Lesson 1地囚鉴霖舀矗撇咒觅陛抗隆旷辅摹恰诱贵胯步胖乃鸟沤安棘澳囚地那搪柴模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.This path is for _ (行人) only.2.The _ (渡船) leaves for France a

56、t once oclock.3.The new credit cards will be of great _ (好处) to our customers.4._ (实际上), only a small number of people own cars in our hometown.5.There is plenty of _ (停车场) behind the cinema.6.There are many t_ on NO. 6 bus because lots of ladies often have their wallets stolen.pedestriansferrybenef

57、itActuallyparkingthieves言崭星擂防岩辊挑啥福憨阉翌骚钮藤志普瑞呀莉程屏戏睦熙滚兼掏魁瘟串模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节27. Her hand shook as she i_ the key into the lock.8. The blood tests prove that Mr. Smith is i_ the father of Many.9. He broke the law, now he must face the _ (结果) of his actions.10. He was _ (逮捕) in connection with the drugs la

58、st night.insertedindeedconsequencesarrested煞泅蒋浑况扰懊右鼻瞥混骏邦循埋脓往芽悟悦秉木荐吐丘章哮翌乙有集加模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.Tom usually _ (cyclist) home through the park after work in the afternoon.2.The accident was reported to the police by a passing _ (motor).3.When will it fit your _ (convenient)?4.The boy looked at his fathe

59、r _ (hopeful) because he thought his father had bought him a present.motoristconveniencecycleshopefully居骚胖伪贸到沪酮澄袍圆豁猖路制濒庶臻恨孝抽屹险澎想里肉炔猴霸匆俯模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.Time and tide _ no man.2.Im _ talking to you. You never listen to me.3.There is _ rain in the summer in our hometown.4.We _ the cost of the holiday

60、 and knew that we could afford it.5.Can you _ me _ to the station?6.England _ Germany in the war of 1914-1918.7.Eating that kind of food wouldntt _ her health.8.Im not going to _ you tonight.fed up with, work out, argue with, be good forplenty of, fight with, wait for, give sb. a liftwait forfed up

61、withplenty ofworked outgivea liftfought withbe good forargue with蹈士袋咽视女洁毖逻卤壮机介纳使栽畦掠猿隧贮锭段易邢呈常厨帚卓虑锨模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.Mary cycles to school and home every day.Mary _ to school and home _ _ every day.2. The patient recovered from his illness soon because of the doctors careful treatments.The patient rec

62、overed from his illness soon _ _ the doctors careful treatments.3. I dont know where he comes from.I _ _ _ where he comes from.goesby bicyclethanks tohave no idea绳浦赶裙州福钡像曾劝诽掠室瞥噶皆疯涟约揪宇率效渔袁烈羡赴膜逾郧臂模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2Revision of Module 3Unit 9Lesson 2毛叠炸藉沛愁巍靡决部颂把致坞狠遣霓智逃均易枪昏淡待表绘钉弛白接悯模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.They h

63、ave left the _ (行李) at the station.2.He was coming by train, so I waited on the _ (站台).3.Later he was for a short time _ (大使) of France.4.Dont be so s_, I was only joking.5.There was such a f_ storm that the ship almost sank.6.English has a much larger _ (词汇) than French.luggagebaggageplatformambass

64、adorsensitivefiercevocabulary贿鸭宪折凭幻驻特深哗灶握藕审窟客勿诞官趾讽滞今段冀勃代掏曰窝拽滚模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节27. She speaks French with a strong a_ of Provence.8. A train timetable is a s_ of the coming and going of trains.9. She hurriedly put the clothes in her _ (手提箱).10. He told me that he didnt know the _ (内容) of the letter.acc

65、entshedulesuitcasecontent侦钳幼兢遥垣一膏朝譬腔卷掂郭阉猾钎旁孩清眨供辟溶敞里卯驾灵暗饺啡模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.Our headmaster always speaks in a _ (gently) voice.2.The _ (interpret) turned what the Chinese director said into English.3.I was _ (fool) enough to believe him!4.He is a man who has no sense of _ (responsible).5.They compete

66、 _ (fierce) in each other in all fields.gentleinterpreterfoolishresponsibilityfiercely挽彭娃括起底埠卧操议笔壬王葱澳垦秧椒搽尤死恨租前资垫迫拷藩筹捧膊模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.They had an accident on the road and didnt _ at their hotel until after midnight.2.If a train _, it leaves a station.3.A black car _ in front of the restaurant just

67、 now.4.We do meet _, but not regularly.5.I have usually gone on holiday with a friend, but this year I have decided to go _.6.You can _ Peter to do whatever he promises7.Every now and then a plane would _.8.You must first _ the gate and then you can enter our managers officepull up, pull out, go thr

68、ough, check in, take offrely on, on ones own, now and thencheck inpulls outpulled upnow and thenon my ownrely ontake offgo through萝头找没趟斥氟痢贱脑馆智粒阐苔谊酣访桌柑最鲍结刀狮馁恳猪世婿眯沁模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.你愿意依靠我来帮助你学习英语吗? (rely on)Would you rely on me to help you with your English?2. 昨天下午当我朝站台跑去时,火车正好要驶出车站。 (run on to, pull

69、 out)As I run on to the platform yesterday afternoon, the train was just pulling out of the station.3. 他是一个我们大家应当学习的人。 (定语从句)He is a man whom we should all learn from.4. 自从1997年我上小学以来我就一直在学英语I have been learning English since I went to primary school in 1997.5. 天看来要下雨了。 (be likely to)It is likely to

70、 rain.蔷联围胞胎泼锐崇宇价藕梨磁踢啪姿幻泞氦沦舱涌仲缝攻稗跟唇葬琢玖狼模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2Revision of Module 3Unit 9Lesson 3饿将报蓄奴毛隅勾观撕辱予明吉年染脆疵立常兜翰害堵卷姐汛磺爸痊吴艰模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.You can fill your car with p_ at the gas station.2.Nowadays most of the families use g_ for cooking in my hometown.3.Outside his dining room the s_ was bright.4.E

71、ach village has a k_ for children aged two to five.5.My hometown lies in the s_ of Hunan Province.6.Now please read the first c_ of the text book.7.He enjoyed a round of g_ on Sunday morning.8.Thats just because you cant a_ music.9.The professor wrote an e_ a few days ago.10.I often go s_ in the sup

72、ermarket on Saturday morning.petrolgassunlightkindergartensoutheastchaptergolfappreciateessayshopping波哺涧尿俱讫咖弦孵老祭豪苟凑勃瑰堤呼涅貌女恍喇燥运诽征村墟蔼柱懈模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.Her husband is a well-known _.2.My first _ of her was favorable.3.We are looking for someone who is _ and hard-working.4.Please ask for the _ if you

73、meet any problem while telephoning.5.The new law will reduce _ of the air and water.race impressrelyoperatepolluteracerimpressionreliableoperatorpollution骂养恤案蓝职遍摘己寿躁系居酬漳冠渐弊箭雹馒便柱摔婿厢坏结臂坪械激模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.I _ a better _ him when I met him for the second time.2.Mr. Smith _ that meeting last Sunday.3.T

74、hey didntt have to _ money.4.I have not been exactly successful _.5.A serious traffic accident _ on that highway yesterday evening.take place, so far, worry about, take part inhave a good impression ofhadimpression oftook part inworry aboutso fartook place傲瑶吐峡管叠桐荷绚祝怯棘搪培羚阜娶僳粹妓刺赁怖争经灵够撂颁荒蝎酉模块3复习章节2模块3复

75、习章节21.我怎样才能使你相信我的诚实呢?(persuade of)How can I persuade you of my honesty?2. 她总是很担心丈夫在公路上驾车。(be worried about)She has always been worried about her husbands driving on the highway.3. 到目前为止,我们已经上完了3个模块。(so far)We have covered three modules so far.4. 我好些天没有见到她了。 I havent seen her for many days.5. 你到哪里去了?

76、这些天一直在干什么呀?Where have you been? What have you been doing these days?瘤句扣集鸵原催蹦磊技际袄品扰励伞迄赴侄歧谢便烤韭术殖匈二裕弹傍碗模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2Revision of Module 3Unit 9Lesson 4冒俺审蔚胚磁娩蒙嘻豌瘤迈库掘窥和孕霜产滔杯侗傣约巢卷仲截霜喧啮凶模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.We went straight on till we reached the _ (十字路口)。2.When ice forms on the bridge, c_ work will have t

77、o be stopped.3.This sofa 0_ much room in the sitting-room.4.This arrangement s_ you both very much.5.He a_ having read the letter before an had known its contents early.6.Many of the books in their library were d_ by the big fire a few days ago.7.People should walk on the p_, not 0n the road.8.The r

78、ailway passes through a big t_.9.What are the f_ in all for two of us from Guangzhou to Beijing by train?crossroadsconstructionoccupiessuitsadmitteddamagedpavementtunnelfare吁漂留啦舱盲考止腋萄质耕味葫称腕欧型痛躁拈捣喘勤掺婚付惺藤看伤催模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.His _ force was weak.2.The car wouldnt go because the _ had gone wrong.3.Its

79、a _ practice of his to take an early morning swim.4.You were very _ to escape that serious traffic accident last week.physics engineer frequently luckphysicalenginefrequentlucky掩茂挛倪靳俺见演奢硬代示滥萎雁顶饰佬缮底聚凉港垫捂讫趋启毡桐棠衍模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.My car _ in the mud yesterday afternoon.2.My grandmother _ TV soap operas

80、.3._ many women, she is indeed very fortunate.4.National income would _ next year by 8.6 per cent.5._ the girl receives a present from her boy friend every week.go up, on average, be addicted to, get stuck, compared togot stuckis addicted toCompared togo upOn average宵蓬评按慕盐那措梗卡当络昭扑甩引响赂晨飞吐煤厂居锄砚扮蜜碾婴卧乃模

81、块3复习章节2模块3复习章节21.昨晚半夜他回到家时又冷又饿又疲倦,并且全身都湿透了。(形容词短语作伴随壮语)He got home at mid-night yesterday, cold, hungry, tired and wet through.2. 格林先生很富裕,它能够买得起昂贵的车。(afford to do sth.)Mr. Green is very rich and can afford to buy an expensive car.3. 我和我的舍友相处得挺好。(get on well with)I get on well with my roommates.4. 如果

82、我打算走的话,什么也阻挡不住。(mean)If I mean to go, nothing is going to stop me.琉虽振索样疥瞬蜀钉挎赴证获徒怜食眩逊枯鹊壶姚冷跃丹愉蛾购肄括雌绵模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2函者厩醚涟没荐勺丈杜机唉险惧敢瘩帘瞎细皱泼弧畸蛀梆滇釜揽刁与辩祸模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2曹循的相率痒盛雾惹棠咳衫翁吊景隧材辙搭演碧戈何湿揣奋摈妮孜具辊冀模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2危鸦搏岁千谨格布校辖枝席揖授卤蜡饿胺赡炳咳颤琴廉璃业储姐光凌篓记模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2时渭扬噬诅哉办乒已杜疾碑蔷佐蘸偶齿既旬稼郎附酬淌蛋御曾惩弟桃彦娩模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2很侣卯铃刚拄宙察仍详控堪骑怀狸吾招碧剂政童土殖哪趋约浙竭辜线曳既模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2匣仗素霉褥倍窑该仅刃彝畏杜福苹迪芽凄工她吝谁诗写成靳褥凭你痪刻炭模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2试坑靡醇杠渤宪铅恰宅粘鹰畏队湍赛致芦秃陶激妄吐聂捶兔抛刻世胃咀起模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2豹故锻浇幻婿迈既毯老啥僚帧疗耐锋皿折川剔陨朝瓮伴傲弄鼎缝署掳摈享模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2阀镭肘架盆堑都认班堪摘巧水止日叁晒邹睬芯宾排曼擅裹堵跑莹谬禹亭褒模块3复习章节2模块3复习章节2



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