高考英语大一轮复习 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World课件 外研版必修4

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1、Module 6Module 6Unexplained Mysteries of Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural Worldthe Natural World基础知识基础知识梳理梳理考点知识考点知识导练导练基础知识基础知识梳理梳理 抓主干抓主干 固双基固双基单单词词拓拓展展1.1. /IzIst /IzIst/ vi./ vi.存在存在n.n.存在存在 . .2.2. /k/km m/ adj./ adj.平静的平静的v.(v.(使使) )平静平静; ;镇定镇定n.n.平静平静; ;安静安静; ; 宁静宁静3.3. / /dd pt/vi.pt/vi.

2、适应适应; ;适合适合adj.adj.能适应的能适应的 n. n. 适应适应; ;改编改编; ;改写改写 . .4.4. /f/ft tn/n.n/n.运气运气; ;命运命运; ;财富财富adj.adj.幸运的幸运的 adv.adv.幸运地幸运地, ,幸亏幸亏 . .5.5. /repj/repjteIteIn n/ n. / n. 名誉名誉; ;名声名声6.6. / /tt k/ vtk/ vt. .袭击袭击; ;攻击攻击n.n.攻击者攻击者 . .7.7. / / p/adjp/adj. .锋利的锋利的; ;尖的尖的adv.adv.急剧地急剧地; ;突然地突然地 v.(v.(使使) )变锋

3、利变锋利( (尖锐尖锐, ,清晰清晰) ) . .8.8. /dIs/dIspIpI/ vi./ vi.不见不见; ;消失消失n.n.不见不见; ;消失消失 . .existexistexistenceexistencecalmcalmadaptadaptadaptableadaptableadaptationadaptationfortunefortunefortunatefortunatefortunatelyfortunatelyreputationreputationattack attack attackerattackersharpsharpsharplysharplysharpe

4、nsharpendisappeardisappeardisappearancedisappearance单单词词拓拓展展9.9. /mIstI /mIstIriris s/ adj./ adj.神秘的神秘的n.n.神秘的事物神秘的事物 . .10.10. /IkstI /IkstIktkt/ adj./ adj.绝种的绝种的; ;消亡了的消亡了的n.n.绝种绝种; ;消消 亡亡 . .11.11. /Iv/Ivlvlv/ vi./ vi.进化进化; ;演变演变adj.adj.在进化的在进化的 . .12.12. /dIstr/dIstrk kn n/ n./ n.毁坏毁坏adj.adj.破坏性

5、的破坏性的, ,毁灭性毁灭性 的的 v.v.毁坏毁坏 . .13.13. /d /denenr rs/adjs/adj. .有雅量的有雅量的; ;大方的大方的; ;心地高尚的心地高尚的 n.n.慷慨慷慨; ;大方大方 . .14.14. / /nprIdIktnprIdIktblbl/ adj./ adj.变化莫测的变化莫测的 adj. adj. 可预测的可预测的 v.v.预言预言, ,预测预测 . .15.15. /IndIkeIt/vt./IndIkeIt/vt.象征象征; ;暗示暗示n.n.象征象征; ;暗示暗示 n.n.指示信号指示信号; ;标志标志; ;指示器指示器 . .16.16

6、. /aIdent/aIdentti/n.ti/n.身份身份; ;特性特性v.v.认出认出 . .17.17. /kleIm/ vt /kleIm/ vt. .声称声称18.18. /skeptIkl/skeptIkl/ adj./ adj.怀疑的怀疑的; ;不相信的不相信的19.dive /daIv19.dive /daIv/ vi. / vi. . .20.positive /p20.positive /pz ztIvtIv/ adj./ adj. . .mysteriousmysteriousmysterymysteryextinctextinctextinctionextinction

7、evolve evolve evolvingevolvingdestruction destruction destructivedestructivedestroy destroy generousgenerousgenerositygenerosityunpredictableunpredictablepredictablepredictablepredict predict indicateindicateindicationindicationindicatorindicatoridentityidentityidentifyidentifyclaimclaimscepticalsce

8、ptical潜水潜水正面的正面的 短短语语记记忆忆1.die 1.die 灭绝灭绝e straight e straight the point the point 谈正题谈正题; ;开门见山开门见山3.due 3.due 由于由于; ;因因造成造成4.throw light 4.throw light 帮助弄清楚帮助弄清楚; ;阐明某事阐明某事5.be back 5.be back the news the news再次被新闻关注再次被新闻关注6.close 6.close 靠近靠近; ;关闭关闭; ;停业停业7.be related 7.be related .与与相关相关8.stick

9、8.stick 伸出伸出9.go 9.go 选择选择; ;努力争取努力争取 outoutto to totoononininupuptotoout out forfor句句型型整整理理 重点重点语法语法1.He 1.He a round black creature moving a round black creature moving quickly through the water. quickly through the water.他声称看见一个黑黑的、圆圆的动他声称看见一个黑黑的、圆圆的动 物在水中快速游动。物在水中快速游动。2.They say that the low-tem

10、perature lake is 2.They say that the low-temperature lake is . . able to support such large living creatures.able to support such large living creatures. 他们说他们说, ,水温这样低的湖泊不可能生存有体形如此巨大的动物。水温这样低的湖泊不可能生存有体形如此巨大的动物。3.Other members of the royal family were allowed to wear 3.Other members of the royal fam

11、ily were allowed to wear dragon symbols,too,but dragon symbols,too,but with fewer claws and with fewer claws and . . . .也允许皇室的其他成员穿带有龙标志也允许皇室的其他成员穿带有龙标志 的袍子的袍子, ,但袍子上龙的爪子少了并且颜色也不同。但袍子上龙的爪子少了并且颜色也不同。 may have,mightmay have,might have ( have (表达过去的可能性表达过去的可能性) ) claimsclaimstotohavehaveseenseenunlikel

12、yunlikelyto to bebeofofa adifferentdifferentcolourcolour考点知识考点知识导练导练 解疑难解疑难 提知能提知能1.exist v.1.exist v.存在存在, ,生存生存归纳归纳拓展拓展exist inexist in存在于存在于exist on(=live on)exist on(=live on)靠靠生存生存in existencein existence存在存在come into existencecome into existence出现出现; ;产生产生英文典例英文典例: :If it werenIf it werent for

13、 Rachel Carson, the environmental movement t for Rachel Carson, the environmental movement might not might not exist exist today. today. (2016(2016全国全国,阅读理解阅读理解A)A) 如果没有如果没有Rachel CarsonRachel Carson的话的话, ,也许就不会有今天的环保运动。也许就不会有今天的环保运动。camecameThe hostages The hostages existed onexisted on bread and w

14、ater for over 5 months. bread and water for over 5 months. 人质们靠面包和水生存了人质们靠面包和水生存了5 5个多月。个多月。There are three different versions of his health record There are three different versions of his health record currently currently in existencein existence. .目前他有目前他有3 3份不同的健康记录。份不同的健康记录。( (朗文朗文P P652652) )S

15、cientists have many theories about how the universe firstScientists have many theories about how the universe first . . 关于一开始宇宙是如何产生的关于一开始宇宙是如何产生的, ,科学家们有多种论说。科学家们有多种论说。intointoexistenceexistence2.claim v.2.claim v.声称声称; ;主张主张; ;要求要求; ;索赔索赔; ;认领认领; ;夺走夺走( (生命生命) ) n. n.断言断言; ;权利权利; ;要求权要求权; ;所有权所有权归

16、纳归纳拓展拓展claim to do sthclaim to do sth./that./that.声称声称( (主张主张) )做某事做某事claim sth.from sb.for sthclaim sth.from sb.for sth. .为为向某人索要向某人索要make a claim for sthmake a claim for sth. .要求某物要求某物lay claim to.lay claim to.提出对提出对的所有权的所有权 英文典例英文典例: :Doctors Doctors a cure for the disease.a cure for the disease.

17、 医生声称已经找到了治疗该疾病的方法。医生声称已经找到了治疗该疾病的方法。( (朗文朗文P P318318) )An underground organisationAn underground organisation has has claimed claimed responsibility for responsibility for the bomb explosion. the bomb explosion. 一个地下组织已经声称对这起炸弹爆炸事件负责。一个地下组织已经声称对这起炸弹爆炸事件负责。If the land really belongs to you,whyIf the

18、 land really belongs to you,why don dont you lay t you lay claim claim to to it? it?如果这块地真正属于你如果这块地真正属于你, ,为什么你不据理力争呢为什么你不据理力争呢? ?claimedclaimedtotohavehave discovereddiscovered3.calm v.(3.calm v.(使使) )平静平静, ,镇定镇定 adj.adj.平静的平静的, ,沉着的沉着的 n.n.平静平静; ;安静安静; ;宁静宁静归纳归纳拓展拓展calm oneself calm oneself 平静下来平静

19、下来calm down (calm down (使使) )安静下来安静下来keep/stay calm keep/stay calm 保持冷静保持冷静 英文典例英文典例: :She was breathing quickly and tried to She was breathing quickly and tried to calm herselfcalm herself. . 她呼吸急促她呼吸急促, ,尽力让自己平静下来。尽力让自己平静下来。 ! There! Theres nothing to worry about.s nothing to worry about. 冷静点儿冷静点儿

20、! !没有什么好担心的。没有什么好担心的。It involves slow,steadyIt involves slow,steady breathing for self-control that helps breathing for self-control that helps people people stay calmstay calm and attentive and attentive.(2015.(2015北京北京, ,七选五七选五) ) 它包括缓慢、稳定的呼吸来自我控制它包括缓慢、稳定的呼吸来自我控制, ,帮助人们保持冷静和专注。帮助人们保持冷静和专注。CalmCalm

21、downdown词语辨析词语辨析: :calmcalm平静的平静的, ,镇静的。指无风浪或人的心境镇定自若。镇静的。指无风浪或人的心境镇定自若。quietquiet宁静的宁静的, ,安静的。指没有声音、不吵闹或心里没有烦恼、安静的。指没有声音、不吵闹或心里没有烦恼、焦虑。焦虑。stillstill静止的静止的, ,不动的。指没有运动或动作的状态。不动的。指没有运动或动作的状态。silentsilent寂静的寂静的, ,沉默的沉默的, ,不发音的。指没有声音或不讲话。不发音的。指没有声音或不讲话。Stay Stay while I take photos of you.while I take

22、photos of you.我给你拍照时不要动。我给你拍照时不要动。As the curtain rose,theAs the curtain rose,the audience fell audience fell . .幕启时幕启时, ,观众安静下来。观众安静下来。It is important to keep It is important to keep in an emergency.in an emergency.情况紧急的时候情况紧急的时候, ,保持镇静是重要的。保持镇静是重要的。Could you keep the kids Could you keep the kids wh

23、ile Iwhile Im on the phone?m on the phone?我在打电话时我在打电话时, ,你让孩子们安静点好吗你让孩子们安静点好吗? ?stillstillsilentsilentcalmcalmquietquiet4.adapt v.(4.adapt v.(使使) )适应适应; ;适合适合; ;改编改编; ;改写改写归纳归纳拓展拓展adapt oneself to sthadapt oneself to sth. .使自己适应使自己适应adapt toadapt to适应适应be adapted for.be adapted for.为为改编改编/ /写写; ;被改编

24、成被改编成be adapted from.be adapted from.根据根据改编改编 英文典例英文典例: :When we moved to France, the children When we moved to France, the children adapted (themselves)adapted (themselves) to to the change very quickly. the change very quickly. 我们搬到法国后我们搬到法国后, ,孩子们很快适应了这一变化。孩子们很快适应了这一变化。The materials can The mater

25、ials can use with older use with older children. children.这些材料改一下可以给大一点的孩子用。这些材料改一下可以给大一点的孩子用。( (朗文朗文P P2020) )The film The film is adapted fromis adapted from a play of the same title. a play of the same title. 这部电影是根据同名剧本改编的。这部电影是根据同名剧本改编的。bebeadaptedadaptedforfor5.die out5.die out灭绝灭绝;(;(风俗习惯等风俗习

26、惯等) )消失消失归纳归纳拓展拓展die away(die away(声音或感情等声音或感情等) )慢慢变弱慢慢变弱, ,渐渐消失渐渐消失die down(die down(风或噪声等风或噪声等) )渐弱渐弱; ;逐渐平息逐渐平息die offdie off先后死去先后死去; ;一一死去一一死去die of/from.die of/from.死于死于die fordie for为为而死而死; ;渴望渴望 英文典例英文典例: :The ancient Greek tradition of hospitality to strangers is The ancient Greek traditio

27、n of hospitality to strangers is dying outdying out. . 希腊向来好客希腊向来好客, ,但这一悠久传统将要成为历史了。但这一悠久传统将要成为历史了。The strange noise The strange noise and an absolute silence and an absolute silence closed in upon us. closed in upon us.那奇怪的声音慢慢消失了那奇怪的声音慢慢消失了, ,我们被一片寂静笼罩我们被一片寂静笼罩 着。着。( (朗文朗文P P517517) )My grandmoth

28、er My grandmother died ofdied of grief soon after her husband grief soon after her husbands s death. death. 祖父去世不久祖父去世不久, ,祖母就因悲伤过度而死了。祖母就因悲伤过度而死了。e straight to the e straight to the point谈正题谈正题; ;开门见山开门见山归归纳纳拓拓展展come to/get to/reach the pointcome to/get to/reach the point谈正题谈正题; ;直切正题直切正题miss the p

29、ointmiss the point抓不住重点抓不住重点beside/off the pointbeside/off the point离题的离题的, ,不重要的不重要的to the pointto the point简明恰当简明恰当, ,简洁中肯简洁中肯ThereTheres no point in doing sths no point in doing sth. .做某事没有意义做某事没有意义on the point of (doing) sthon the point of (doing) sth. .正要做某事正要做某事 英文典例英文典例: :IIll ll come straigh

30、t to the pointcome straight to the point your work isnyour work isnt good t good enough. enough. 我要直截了当地说我要直截了当地说你的工作做得不够好。你的工作做得不够好。Was I hearing him right,orWas I hearing him right,or had I completely had I completely missed the point missed the point? ? 我是听明白了他说的话呢我是听明白了他说的话呢, ,还是完全没有领会他的意思还是完全没有

31、领会他的意思?(?(朗文朗文P P15051505) )I could see that I could see that there was no pointthere was no point in arguingin arguing with him. with him.我明白我明白 与他争论没有什么意义。与他争论没有什么意义。I was I was leavingleaving when you telephoned. when you telephoned. 你来电话时你来电话时, ,我正要离开。我正要离开。ononthethepointpointofof写作联想写作联想: :典例典

32、例的其他表达方式的其他表达方式I could see that it made no sense to argue with him.I could see that it made no sense to argue with him.I could see that it didnI could see that it didnt make any sense to argue with him.t make any sense to argue with him.I could see that it is (of) no use arguing with him.I could see

33、 that it is (of) no use arguing with him.7.due to7.due to由于由于; ;因因造成造成; ;应给予应给予归归纳纳拓拓展展due to sb./sthdue to sb./sth. .由于、因为由于、因为be due to do sthbe due to do sth. .预定、预期做某事预定、预期做某事be due to sbbe due to sb. .应支付应支付, ,应给予某人应给予某人be due for sthbe due for sth. .期望得到某物期望得到某物; ;应得到某物应得到某物 英文典例英文典例: :Now tha

34、t the chances of dying young are much lower,theNow that the chances of dying young are much lower,the chances of living long are much higher chances of living long are much higher due todue to better better diets and health care. diets and health care.(2015(2015广东广东, ,完形填空完形填空) ) 既然早逝的几率要低得多既然早逝的几率要

35、低得多, ,那么长寿的几率高得多是由于更好的饮那么长寿的几率高得多是由于更好的饮 食和卫生保健。食和卫生保健。His new book His new book be published next year. be published next year. 他的新书预计明年出版。他的新书预计明年出版。Acknowledgement Acknowledgement is due tois due to all who have lent a helping hand. all who have lent a helping hand. 谨向所有帮助的人致谢。谨向所有帮助的人致谢。isisdued

36、uetoto特别提示特别提示: : 当当due todue to意为意为“由于由于; ;因因造成造成; ;应给予应给予”时时, ,其中的其中的toto是介是介词词; ;当当due todue to意为意为“即将即将/ /预期做预期做”时时,to,to为不定式符号。另外为不定式符号。另外, ,还要注还要注意意duedue是形容词。是形容词。表示表示“由于由于, ,因为因为”的介词短语还有的介词短语还有because of,asbecause of,as a result of, a result of,thanks tothanks to等。等。8.He claims to have seen

37、a round black creature moving quickly 8.He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water. through the water. 他声称看见一个黑黑的、圆圆的动物在水中快速游动。他声称看见一个黑黑的、圆圆的动物在水中快速游动。归归纳纳拓拓展展本句中本句中to have seen to have seen 为动词不定式的完成式为动词不定式的完成式, ,表示表示seesee这一动作这一动作发生在发生在claimclaim这一动作之前。这一动作之前。动词

38、不定式的三种形式动词不定式的三种形式: :动词不定式的一般式动词不定式的一般式(to do):(to do):表示动词不定式中的动作与谓表示动词不定式中的动作与谓 语动作语动作( (几乎几乎) )同时发生。同时发生。动词不定式的进行式动词不定式的进行式(to be doing):(to be doing):表示动词不定式中的动表示动词不定式中的动 作与谓语动作同时发生作与谓语动作同时发生, ,并强调此动作的延续性。并强调此动作的延续性。动词不定式的完成式动词不定式的完成式(to have done):(to have done):表示动词不定式中的表示动词不定式中的 动作发生在谓语动作之前动作

39、发生在谓语动作之前, ,或表示过去未曾实现的愿望、计或表示过去未曾实现的愿望、计 划、打算等。划、打算等。 英文典例英文典例: :We would love We would love to the match,but to the match,but the tickets were the tickets were all sold out. all sold out. 我们原想去看这场比赛的我们原想去看这场比赛的, ,但票已售完了。但票已售完了。People began People began to wonderto wonder how long the disaster would last. how long the disaster would last. 人们开始疑惑灾难将要持续多久。人们开始疑惑灾难将要持续多久。She seemed She seemed to be waitingto be waiting for someone to come to her rescue. for someone to come to her rescue. 她好像正在指望着有谁来搭救她。她好像正在指望着有谁来搭救她。totohavehave gonegone



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