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1、7B-Modlue9 备课材料 一、教材分析一、教材分析本模块题材为童话故事,主要是关于Goldilocks的故事,另外增加了精卫填海的故事。内容和情节很容易引发学生的兴趣,语言简单易懂,描写细致生动,非常有利于开展听、说、读、写方面的语言实践活动,让学生在使用语言的过程中学习语言,促使学生更有意识地自觉学习英语。2教材分析 讲故事须使用一般过去时,所以本模块继续以一般过去时作为语法学习重点。通过操练、使学生在掌握语言结构的同时、既学习语言知识、感悟语言功能、又能欣赏到美丽的童话故事 ,并能学会描述一个完整的故事或一件事情3二、教学目标1. 知识目标:语音:规则动词的一般过去式的发音词汇: o

2、nce、hear、begin、decide、ride、golden、 little、pick、notice、hurry、knock、nobody、push、 open、enter、count、bowl、all、hungry、rush、try、destroy、unhappy、asleep、return、cry、point、without、die、emperor、once upon a time、go for a ride、pick up、look around、change into语法:规则动词的一般过去式。功能:按时间顺序描述事情。话题:以“童话故事”(fairy tales)为话题。4教学

3、目标2. 能力目标:听:能听懂简单故事中的主要人和事。说:运用一般过去时表述事件,讲简单的 故事。读:能读懂简单的故事,明白主要的人物、事件以及情节。进行简单的技能训练。写:运用一般过去时写简单的事情。 5教学目标3. 情感目标:通过阅读童话故事提高对英语的学习兴趣、感受学习的乐趣。 6三、学习策略、文化意识1. 学习策略:形成自主学习、有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。 认知:联系,归纳,推测等技能。观察并归纳规则动词的一般过去式、提高自学能力。 调控:从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误进行修改。7学习策略、文化意识交际 :学习运用恰当词语讲解童话故事 。资源 :通过其他资源获取更

4、多简单英语的 “童话故事” 自学策略 :能够尝试阅读一些简写的英文童话故事。能注意发现语言现象背后的规律、并能运用规律举一反三。合作学习策略 :互相学习,取长补短,注意从他人的演示中汲取经验、注意学习策略共享。 8学习策略、文化意识文化意识:比较中国童话与外国童话的异同、通过外国童话了解世界不同地方的风俗习惯、从而拓展视野、激发学习英语的兴趣。 9四、教学重点与难点重点:通过童话故事训练学生的听、说、读、写能力,掌握规则动词的一般过去式。难点:掌握规则动词的一般过去式的形式和逐步形成正确使用一般过去时的意识。10五、模块任务(Module Task)能够运用规则动词的一般过去式讲述简单的故事。

5、 11六、教材处理及教学设计我们把本模块划分为4课时:Period 1: Vocabulary and Listening 、Pronunciation and SpeakingPeriod 2: Reading and Vocabulary Period 3: Writing、Around the world 、Module TaskPeriod 4: Language in use12教学设计Period 1: Vocabulary and Listening 、Pronunciation and SpeakingUnit1 Once upon a time13Step1 Warming

6、up & Revision 1.Guess : Where the teacher was last night? S1:-Were you at home last night? T:- No, I wasnt. S2:-Were you at school? T:- No, I wasnt. 设计理念:通过设置悬念,引发学生探究欲望、从而激起学习动机;同时又复习了前一模块的知识重点142. Ask and answer in groups of four:Learn where your friend was last night. Ask one to stand up. S1:-Wer

7、e you at the cinema?S2:-No, I wasnt.S3:-Was he/she (S4) at the cinema?S4:-No, he/she wasnt.S1:-Were you at home?S2:-Yes, I was.设计理念:通过学生之间的活动,既复习旧课又了解朋友、增进友情。15Step2 PresentationLast night I was at the cinema, I saw a fairy film “The Snow White” (白雪公主)Snow White设计理念:以学生熟悉的童话故事人物the Snow White 为引子,很自

8、然地导入新课16Do you know them?The Little MermaidThe Emperors New Clothes17Do you know them?The Little Girl Who Is Selling MatchesGoldilocks设计理念:展示一些童话人物,并以Goldilocks为结束,以引出新内容的学习活动。18Step3 Learn some wordsWe usually begin (开始)a story with “Once upon a time(从前)” golden 金黄色decide to do 决定去做某事go for a rider

9、idebear 熊设计理念:无论多新的教法,单词还得实实在在得教、读。19Step4 Listen and checkActivity1The story is The Three Bears. ( )Goldilocks lived in the forest. ( )The story begins: Once upon a time ( )She decided to go for a ride in the forest.( ) FFTF设计理念:刚刚学好单词,可以趁热打铁,训练听的能力,使学习活动更加有效。20Step5 Look and learn1. Learn:little=v

10、ery small2. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1)Who is Goldilocks ? 2) Where is she ?1) Goldilocks was a little girl with golden hair.2) She was in the forest.213. Learn knockpickpushenterV.敲v.采摘v.推v.进入设计理念:根据图片学习单词有助于学生掌握。22abcdefgh12345678Step6 Listen and number设计理念: 初步感知一般过去时的读音及巩固刚才

11、所学23abcdefghpickedwas lostnoticedhurriedknockedpushedenteredcounted设计理念:以刚获得的知识进行巩固并借此认识规则动词的一般过去式,同时将第五部分处理好。Step7 Look and learn(Activity5)24Step8 Listen and repeat (Pronunciation)Activity7 knocked picked walked pushed liked finished stopped noticed answered entered hurried livedcounted decided 设计

12、理念: 简要理解一下规则动词的一般过去时的构成25Step9 Listen and answerActivity41.Listen to the tape and answer: -What did she pick in the forest? -Where was Goldilocks?2. Read the dialogue in pairs,read it in pairs, ask them to read it more loudly. 3. Ask some students to act it out. 4. Explain: bowl碗 nobody无人 all全部的 hun

13、gry饥饿的设计理念:听力的训练离不开知识的积累,这一步骤力争与前面更好的衔接。26Step10 Speaking1.Listen and repeat of activity82. Work in pairs, retell the story if possible.设计理念: 一方面先巩固故事情节,一方面又可以锻炼说英文故事的能力。考虑到内容较多,针对学习能力强的同学可以课堂内完成复述。27Homework:1. Read and copy the new words. (All)2. Retell the story for your friend (Part)设计理念:课后单词一定要

14、读,否则容易忘记。分层作业对不同的学生有不同的要求,体现以人为本的教育理念。28Unit2Unit2 Goldilocks rushed out of the houseGoldilocks rushed out of the house Period 2 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary Reading and Vocabulary29Step1 Warming up & Revision1. Can you read these? knocked picked walked pushed liked finished stopped noticed answe

15、red entered hurried lived counted decided 2. Can you retell the story of Goldilocks? 设计理念:复习环节要突出实效,一般刚开始上课学生注意力更集中,有利于对前面的知识及时有效的复习。30Step2 Preread1.Guess:-Whose house was it? 2.Activity6 on page57, read and answer.3. Work in pairs. Say what happened next in Goldilocks and Three Bears.(Activity1)4.

16、 Learn some new words: trytried destroydestroyed crycried returnreturned pointpointed jumpjumped设计理念:阅读故事前应该先进行热身活动,有 利于对故事先有一个词汇上的准备。31Step3 Read 1. What can you see in the picture ?What can you see in the picture ?设计理念:借助对图片的认识,对故事有一个大致的了解。322. Read the story and number the pictures in the correct

17、 order.设计理念:改变以往快速阅读后回答一二个简单的问题的形式,重新排列图片使学生对故事有进一步的认识。2453333.Read and check the true sentences.1) Goldilocks didnt like the smallest chair. ( )2) Goldilocks didnt like the smallest bed. ( )3) Baby Bear didnt look in the bedroom. ( ) 4) Baby Bear didnt notice the little girl in his bed at first. (

18、)5) Goldilocks didnt notice the three Bears at first. ( )6) Goldilocks didnt like the three Bears. ( )设计理念: 精读故事之后,对故事的细节需要有一定的认识,可以自己另外设计一些选择题目。34Step4 Listen and repeatFirst, Goldilocks wanted to sit down because she was tiredThe two big chairs were uncomfortableShe didnt like them,so she tried th

19、e smallest chairIt was nice, but Goldilocks was very heavy and she destroyed it She was unhappy and tiredShe walked into the bedroomThere were three bedsShe didnt like the two big bedsThe smallest bed was very comfortableVery soon she was asleep in it The three Bears returnedThey looked at the bowls

20、 and the chairsBaby Bear cried, “Theres nothing in my bowl and my chair is in pieces! He was very unhappy! Next, the Bears looked in their bedroomThey didnt notice Goldilocks at first Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in his bed,and cried,“Look! Theres the naughty girl!” Finally,Goldilocks o

21、pened her eyesThe three Bears were around her,so Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basketShe didnt return to the forest again设计理念:学生关上书本,对故事进行听和跟读的活动,既能练习听力又对故事进行了更深的了解。35Step5 Expression1. unhappy-adj. 不高兴2. asleep-adj. 睡着的3. point at-指着4. without-prep. 没有设计理念: 将

22、剩余的词汇以解释的形式学习,并适当举例进行活动。36Step6 Read the story again1.Read the story again and match the sentences with the pictures.(Activity3)2.Look at these sentences.-First, they looked at the bowls and the chairs.-Next the Bears looked in their bedroom.-Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in his bed.-Fin

23、ally, Goldilocks opened her eyes.设计理念: 这些句子实际是为以后的写作打下铺垫。37Homework1.Use first, next, then, finally to write a short passage or retell the story. (part)2. Read the story loudly three times. (all)设计理念:读完故事要求最好会说故事,考虑到难度问题故此分层做。38 Period3 Writing & Around the world & Module task39Step1 Revision1.Use f

24、irst, next, then, finally to retell the story.2. Revise the words and phrases in last period.设计理念:本节课时主要完成写作任务,在写作之前对上一课时的词汇与短语进行复习是必要的,复述课文有利于写作的开展。40Step2 Number the sentences in activity6 1.Ask the students to number the sentences individually and check their answer with a friend.2.Rewrite them u

25、sing first, next, then and finally.3.Read these sentences loudly.设计理念: 把写作可能出现的难处预先处理好,为写作做好充分的准备。41Step3 Write1.If possible, give them an example.2.Ask the students to rewrite the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.3.Check some examples from the class.4.Give them some summarize.设计理念:课堂效益的提高不是在

26、口头上或是花样上,而应该是实用性较强的双基上。写作课一定要让学生去实践、去体验、去交流。42Step4 Around the worldLearn something about fairy tales.If they have questions about it, help them.设计理念:这一环节可以简单处理,若没有时间则不处理。我们是用教材去教而不是教教材。43Step5 Module TaskTelling a story:1.Activity3 on P61. Ask the students to talk about what they can see.2.Let them

27、 put the sentences together. 3.Check their answers.设计理念:模块任务体现在写作课时中,能更好地帮助学生学习整个模块。44Homework1.Do the Self-assessment of the workbook. (all)2.Write a fairy tale that you knew. (part)设计理念:拓展学生学习资源,利用已有的经验进行写故事对学生是一种更好的激励。自我评价也是各类评价中的一种,也可以互相评价。45Period4Unit3 Language in use46Step1 Revisionehgcdfbaco

28、untedenteredhurriedknockedpickedpushednoticed was lost设计理念:重复前面的内容,以便于学生因熟悉而更好掌握。47Step2 Summary规则动词过去式的构成:l一般动词加-ed。如:looked, stayed l以e结尾的动词只加-d。如:hoped, lived l末尾只有一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节的动词,应先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed.如:stopstopped, plan(计划) plannedl结尾是“辅音字母+y”的动词,先将y改为i,再加-ed. 如:studystudied, carrycarriedled(或-d)的

29、读音:l在清辅音结尾的词后读t.如:workworked kt, helphelpedpt; 在浊辅音和元音后读d。如:callcalledld, playplayedpleid; 在t和d音后面发id。如:wantwantedtid,needneededdid.设计理念:语法的归纳,虽然老套,但必不可少。48Step3 PracticelActivity2 Complete the sentences with the correct form ofActivity2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in t

30、he boxthe words in the boxl answer enter hurry jump like notice point answer enter hurry jump like notice point return rushreturn rushl Goldilocks Goldilocks rushed rushed out of the houseout of the housel Goldilocks Goldilocks didndidnt livet live (not) in the forest (not) in the forestlBaby Bear _

31、 to the girl in his bedBaby Bear _ to the girl in his bedlShe _ the houseShe _ the houselGoldilocks _ out of bedGoldilocks _ out of bedlShe _ to the little houseShe _ to the little houselThe three Bears _ (not) the door because they The three Bears _ (not) the door because they were out in the fores

32、twere out in the forestlGoldilocks _ (not) the food in the biggest bowlGoldilocks _ (not) the food in the biggest bowllThe three Bears _ (not) Goldilocks in bed at The three Bears _ (not) Goldilocks in bed at first.first.lGoldilocks _(not) to that part of the forest Goldilocks _(not) to that part of

33、 the forest againagainpointedenteredjumpedhurrieddidnt answerdidnt likedidnt noticedidnt return设计理念:运用过去式的基本形式,通过练习,帮助学生查漏补缺。49Step4 PractiseActivity1:Do it individually.The answers:1.didnt live 2. picked 3. noticed 4.knocked 5. entered 6. counted 7. picked 8. didnt like9. finished 10. tried 11. des

34、troyed 12. looked 13. returned 14. didnt notice 15. cried 16. pointed 17. cried 18. jumped 19. hurried 20. didnt look 21. returned设计理念:继续运用过去式,对课本进行更深入的研究学习。50Step5 Work in pairsLook at the picture and make sentences Look at the picture and make sentences using the words givenusing the words given设计

35、理念:重回模块任务,以实例验证学生掌握的情况。51Step5 Make a storyPut the sentences together to make a story. Use words like and, so, but, because, first, next, then and finally.设计理念:根据学生掌握的情况,决定这一环节是否需要。52Homework1.Finish the workbook. (all)2.Recite all the words and expressions. (all)3.Write your own fairy tale. (part)设

36、计理念:背诵单词与词组是不可少的,而自己编写一个童话故事,则有利于激发学生的学习兴趣。53整体设计理念 新课程的理念要求我们以人为本进行素质教育,如果我们的学生本身英语基础一般,那我们应该有一个站得高看得远的终身学习的理念。NSE教材我们已经使用了一个学期,这时期内,我们因接触新事物而欣喜过,也因教材起点高、难度大而困惑过,但我们有比以前更加丰富多彩的教学探究,这对我们来说,也是一种更具挑战的学习和提高。相信通过我们教师自身的努力,我们的课改会真正落实在课堂教学的实践中。541、字体安装与设置、字体安装与设置如果您对PPT模板中的字体风格不满意,可进行批量替换,一次性更改各页面字体。1.在“开始”选项卡中,点击“替换”按钮右侧箭头,选择“替换字体”。(如下图)2.在图“替换”下拉列表中选择要更改字体。(如下图)3.在“替换为”下拉列表中选择替换字体。4.点击“替换”按钮,完成。552、替换模板中的图片、替换模板中的图片模板中的图片展示页面,您可以根据需要替换这些图片,下面介绍两种替换方法。方法一:更改图片方法一:更改图片1.选中模版中的图片(有些图片与其他对象进行了组合,选择时一定要选中图片本身,而不是组合)。2.单击鼠标右键,选择“更改图片”,选择要替换的图片。(如下图)注意:注意:为防止替换图片发生变形,请使用与原图长宽比例相同的图片。55赠送精美图标



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