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1、 临潭二中 赵宏勇20042008年高考考点分布统计表 项目年份动词 名词连词 形 容词副词代词冠词介词2008全全国国 3 1 0 1 1 1 1 12007全国 1 1 2 0 1 2 1 12006全国 2 0 1 2 1 0 1 22005全国 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 22004 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 33 3 3 3 命题规律1.体裁以记叙文为主,词数在120左右,句数在810句之间。2.几乎都有一个长达20多词的长句子需考生判断23处有错或无错。3.增加了行文逻辑错误。 知识清单一、短文改错的命题特征 1、试题的立意特征 短文改错中的错误虽然大部分都是所谓 “语法”错误,

2、但是,这种试题并不是单纯检测语法错误,而是检测考生写作中的校验能力。这种能力是进行书面表达的必备能力,写作的成效需要良好的写作程序的支持,而在写作程序中,校验能力是不可缺少的要素。把短文改错当做语法练习是对高考中短文改错的误解。2、试题的情景特征 (1)语言材料通常取自学生自己的作品,或类似学生的作品。 (2)内容来自学生身边的常见话题。 (3)篇章结构的难易程度符合学生的实际水平 (4)语言明白易懂。 (5)基本上不涉及生僻的语言现象和繁难的语句结构。3、试题的设问特征(1)设问的角度有三个:词法、句法、和行文逻辑。从这三个角度考察学生在语篇中综合运用英语的准确性。(2)每行有四种可能:无错

3、、多词、少词或错词。其中错词明显多于其他三种情况。(3)错词情况中,涉及动词的情况最多。(4)多词错误中,多余的主要是介词;少词错误中,主要涉及介词和冠词。 试题的这些设问特征为我们答题提供了重要的信息:一要注意动词的形态变化;二要看人称代词的一致性和连接代词的正确性;三要根据在句子中的功能来确定词性:名词(通常作主语、宾语)、形容词(表语、定语)和副词(状语);四要看是否多或少了介词或冠词。二、短文改错解题步骤1、从语篇入手,理解文章大意 短文改错不是单句改错,每一句的语意表达、结构选择是受上下文制约的。如谓语动词时态的选择,代词的指代功能等都要依照上下文的线索进行判断。因此,考生应立足于上

4、下文,正确理解作者意图,把握短文的题材,从整体上把握全文。2、在理解大意的基础上,审查句子结构 通读全文,了解文章大意、写作方式之后,应把主要注意力放在句子层次上,判断句子的表达是否符合行为逻辑,是否符合语法规范。从历年高考题来看短文改错绝大多数题目还是句子层次的问题,侧重语言的准确性,所以句子结构正确与否的审查是关键的一步。3、从语法结构入手,进行语法改错 在正误判断的基础之上,根据语法规则改正句子中错误之处。改错时应注意改错设计规律,如:有一项正确,九项错误;每一行只有一个错误;改动之处只能有一词,或删掉或增词或修改。4、通读全文 错误改完之后要通读全文,以检查改错过程中是否有应上下文制约


6、答案肯定有问题。5、短文改错有别于单句改错。要重视文章的整体内容和前后照应。既要从单句入手检查语言错误,又要从全文着眼发现行文逻辑方面的问题。注意句与句之间的关系,注意前后文之间的联系和统一,这样才能找出在单个句子中不易发现的错误,如连词运用不当、人称混乱、前后矛盾等问题全部找出来,进行全面改正。 考题选析【例】(2007全国) I was only about six that he held his hand 1 _out to me. I took it in me and we walked. then 2 _I ask him, “Grandpa, how come you have

7、 3 _so much lines on your hand? He laughed and 4_said, “Well, thats a big question!” He was 5_silent for a moment. So he answered slowly: 6_“each these lines stands for a trouble in my 7_life.” I looked at his other hands. But Grandpa, 8_what do you have more lines on that one?” 9_“because there are

8、 more the honors and joys 10In my life.”whenmineaskedmanyThen Andofhandwhythe考题精炼-2004全国卷Dear Ralph, Im a newcomer here of a small town. I would 1.describe myself shy and quietly. Before my classmates, 2.it seems always difficult for me to do things well as 3. them. Im sure they will laugh to me and

9、 see me as 4. a fool. So I feel unhappy every day. 5. Besides, I have few friends. I dont know that they 6.dont like to talk with me. Sometimes, we talked to each other 7.very well in class, but after class we become stranger at 8.once. I am trying to improve the situation since it doesnt 9. seem to

10、 work. Can you tell me about what I should do? 10. Yours, Xiao wei fromquiet asat why talk strangers but about考题精炼-2005全国卷There a1re advantage for students to work while 1. studying at school. One of them was that 2.they can earn money. For the most, 3.students working to earn money for their own 4.

11、use. Earning their own money allow them 5.to spend on anything as if they please. 6. They would have to ask their parents for 7.money or for permission to do things by 8.the money. Some students may also to save 9.up for our college or future use. 10. advantagesis work allows ifWouldntwithtotheir考题精

12、炼-2006全国卷 An American and a Frenchman decided to cross the sea between France and England in the balloon in 1784.High 1.over the water, they discover a hole in the balloon. The 2.hole became bigger and bigger. The air keeps the 3.balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon was ing up. The tow me

13、n threw all their equipment into 5.the water to make the balloon light. It started to rise 6.higher again. So it was still too close to the water. 7.Finally, the men threw away most of his clothes to 8.save themselves. The crowd waiting for to greet them in 9.England was very surprised see this when

14、 the balloon 10. landed in front of them. a discoveredkeeping downlighterButtheirfor to考题精炼-2008全国卷 If I have the honor to be chose to work for the 1.29th Olympic Games, I will at first improve my 2.English so that I can talk easily about foreign visitors. 3.Second, I will learn more about history o

15、f the 4.Olympic as good as the 2008 Olympic Games. 5.Third, since I was familiar with Beijing, I can help visitors 6.find their ways in the city. Finally, I should be able 7.to tell visitors about our history and culture and show 8.them their great achievements. In short, I will do 9.my best to help making the Games a success. 10.chosenatwithtothewellamwayourmake



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