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1、Period Three TaskPart Part Language FocusLanguage Focus课前预习梳理记忆理解课堂讲义感悟归纳应用当堂达标综合巩固反馈.单词自测单词自测1. n.编辑编辑 vt.编辑;校订编辑;校订 n.版;版本版;版本2. adj.连续发生的,不断的;恒定的连续发生的,不断的;恒定的 adv.连续地连续地3. n. (计算机计算机)显示器;监测器;班长显示器;监测器;班长 vt.& vi.监视监视课前预习答案 editoreditedition constantconstantly monitor答案4. vi.起作用,正常运转起作用,正常运转 n.作用,

2、功能;职能作用,功能;职能5. n. 打印机;印刷厂,印刷工人打印机;印刷厂,印刷工人6. n. 按钮;纽扣按钮;纽扣 vt.& vi.扣上纽扣扣上纽扣7. adj. 最重要的,首要的,主要的最重要的,首要的,主要的 n.(公司或机构的公司或机构的)首领首领8. n.重要性重要性 adj.重要的重要的 adv.重要地重要地 function printer button chief importanceimportantimportantly返回答案.短语自测短语自测1.look 调查;朝调查;朝里面看里面看2.write sb.写信给某人写信给某人3.be connected 与与连接连接4

3、. worse condition状况不佳状况不佳5. the equipment更新设备更新设备6.find 查明;弄清楚查明;弄清楚intototoinupdateout 语境感悟语境感悟 课堂讲义n重点单词1(1)(教教材材P53)Recently,I have experienced constant problems in the computer room.最近,我在计算机房遭遇了一连串的问题。最近,我在计算机房遭遇了一连串的问题。(2)The birth rate in this city is almost constant.这座城市的出生率几乎是不变的。这座城市的出生率几乎是

4、不变的。(3)He is constant to his purpose.他始终抱定目标。他始终抱定目标。(4)She is constant in love.她对爱情忠贞不渝。她对爱情忠贞不渝。constant 归纳拓展归纳拓展 (1)constant adj.不断的,连续发生的;恒定的不断的,连续发生的;恒定的constant complaints没完没了的抱怨没完没了的抱怨constant trouble时常发生的麻烦时常发生的麻烦at a constant speed以恒速以恒速be constant to/in.对对忠诚忠诚(2)constantly adv.持续不断地;经常地持续不

5、断地;经常地(1)It moves .它以恒速移动。它以恒速移动。(2)He is in with the police.他总是不断地与警察惹麻烦。他总是不断地与警察惹麻烦。(3)He has been in his devotion to scientific studies.A.constant B.constantly C.content D.contentedly 即时跟踪即时跟踪 解析答案解解析析句句意意为为:他他已已经经在在科科学学研研究究方方面面持持续续地地投投入入了了他他的的精精力力。因因为为修修饰谓语动词,所以应用副词。饰谓语动词,所以应用副词。Bat a constant

6、speedconstant trouble 语境感悟语境感悟 2(1)(教教材材P53)Also,we need to buy new keyboards,mouses and monitors,because many of the keyboards have letters missing and some mouses and monitors are not functioning properly.我我们们还还需需要要购购置置键键盘盘、鼠鼠标标和和显显示示器器,因因为为其其中中的的许许多多键键盘盘的的字字母母键键掉掉了,有些鼠标和显示器不好用。了,有些鼠标和显示器不好用。(2)Th

7、e function of the heart is to pump blood through the body.心脏的功能就是把血液输往全身。心脏的功能就是把血液输往全身。function 归纳拓展归纳拓展 function n.职能;功能,作用;职能;功能,作用;vi.起作用,正常运转起作用,正常运转perform a function发挥功能发挥功能special function特殊功能特殊功能function as担任,起担任,起作用作用(3)Despite the power cuts,the hospital continued to function normally.尽管供

8、电中断,医院继续照常工作。尽管供电中断,医院继续照常工作。(4)The sofa also functions as a bed.这沙发还可以当床用。这沙发还可以当床用。(1)The machine wont (正正常常运运转转) if you dont oil it well.(2)A library is (充充当当医医院院的的作作用用) to deal with the injured people.(3)This big room can either a living room or a dining room.A.use to B.serve to C.function as D.

9、change as 即时跟踪即时跟踪 解解析析句句意意为为:这这个个大大房房间间既既能能够够充充当当起起居居室室,也也可可以以充充当当餐餐厅厅。function as意意为为“起起作作用用,具具有有功功能能”,符符合合语语境境,在在此此处处相相当当于于serve as。解析答案Cfunction properlyfunctioning as a hospital 语境感悟语境感悟 3(1)(教教材材P53)It is of chief importance to our futureand to the future of our nationfor us to learn how to us

10、e information technology.我我们们学学会会如如何何使使用用信信息息技技术术对对我我们们的的未未来来和和我我们们国国家家的的未未来来都都非非常常重重要要(2)He was recently appointed chief economist at the Bank of Scotland.他最近被任命为苏格兰银行的首席经济学家。他最近被任命为苏格兰银行的首席经济学家。(3)Most health chiefs believe the reforms have gone too far.大部分健康专家认为改革做得过火了。大部分健康专家认为改革做得过火了。chief(1)On

11、e of the (最主要的原因最主要的原因) of crime today is drugs.(2)The (警警察察局局长长) ordered that every policeman should keep the gun well. 即时跟踪即时跟踪 答案chief causespolice chief 归纳拓展归纳拓展 chief adj.最重要的,首要的,主要的;最重要的,首要的,主要的;n.( (公司或机构的公司或机构的) )首领首领 语境感悟语境感悟 n重点短语(1)(教教材材P53)He has decided to look into the problems and is

12、 making some notes to prepare his research.他决定调查这些问题,并且为了准备他的研究他正在做一些记录。他决定调查这些问题,并且为了准备他的研究他正在做一些记录。(2)The government will look into how to reduce unemployment.政府将研究如何降低失业率。政府将研究如何降低失业率。(3)She looked through her notes before the examination.考试前她匆匆看了一遍笔记。考试前她匆匆看了一遍笔记。1look into 归纳拓展归纳拓展 look into 调查

13、;研究;朝调查;研究;朝里面看里面看look for寻找寻找look after照看,照料照看,照料look around四下环顾;到处寻找四下环顾;到处寻找look down on/upon看不起看不起look forward to盼望盼望look back on回想,回顾回想,回顾look on sb. as把某人看作把某人看作look out当心当心look over仔细检查;翻阅仔细检查;翻阅look through浏览;仔细检查;看穿浏览;仔细检查;看穿look up抬头看;查阅;仰望抬头看;查阅;仰望(1)用适当的介、副词填空用适当的介、副词填空The Athenians look

14、ed on the government a business.(2015江苏江苏)Its her duty to look her aunt.You can look this word in the vocabulary.He turned on the torch to look his keys. 即时跟踪即时跟踪 答案forasafterup(2)She was so snobbish(势利的势利的) that she all her neighbours.A.looked around B.looked intoC.looked down upon D.looked back on

15、解析答案解解析析句句意意为为:她她是是如如此此的的势势利利,以以至至于于看看不不起起她她的的邻邻居居们们。look down uponlook down on看不起,瞧不起。看不起,瞧不起。C 语境感悟语境感悟 (1)(教材教材P53)I tried other computers but they were in worse condition.我又试了其他电脑,但是它们的状况更差。我又试了其他电脑,但是它们的状况更差。(2)Your car is in bad condition.你的车状况很差。你的车状况很差。(3)Their living conditions were terribl

16、e.他们的居住条件很糟糕。他们的居住条件很糟糕。(4)You may borrow the book,on condition that you shall return it in time.你如果能及时还书就可以借。你如果能及时还书就可以借。2in.condition 归纳拓展归纳拓展 in.condition 状况状况in good condition( (身体身体) )很好;完好无误很好;完好无误out of condition身体不适身体不适living/working conditions居住居住/工作环境工作环境on condition ( (that) )在在条件下;倘若条件下

17、;倘若on no condition一点也不;绝不一点也不;绝不( (放句首,句子要部分倒装放句首,句子要部分倒装) )注注意意:condition意意为为(1)情情形形,状状态态;健健康康状状态态,为为不不可可数数名名词词;(2)条条件件;地地位位,环环境,为可数名词;境,为可数名词;(3)(周围的周围的)状况、情况、形势,用复数形式。状况、情况、形势,用复数形式。(1)用适当的介、副词填空用适当的介、副词填空The nearest hotel is good condition.You must no condition tell them the secret.(2)Walk to wo

18、rk every day and youll soon be back .每天步行去上班,你就会很快恢复健康的。每天步行去上班,你就会很快恢复健康的。(3)Tom lent me the money I pay it back next month.汤姆把钱借给我,条件是下月归还。汤姆把钱借给我,条件是下月归还。 即时跟踪即时跟踪 答案on condition thatinonin good condition 语境感悟语境感悟 (1)(教材教材P54)Step 2:finding out about the computer room第二步:了解电脑室第二步:了解电脑室(2)We must

19、find out when Karl is coming,so we can book a room for him.(2015重庆重庆)我们一定要搞清楚我们一定要搞清楚Karl什么时候来,以便我们给他订房间。什么时候来,以便我们给他订房间。(3)On his way home,Li Lei found a wallet lying on the ground.在他回家的路上,李雷发现地上有一个钱包。在他回家的路上,李雷发现地上有一个钱包。3find out 归纳拓展归纳拓展 find out 查明;弄清楚查明;弄清楚 find out/find/discover(1)find out 指经过

20、探听、询问、思考、计算、调查之后得出结果。指经过探听、询问、思考、计算、调查之后得出结果。(2)find有偶然发现某物的意味,表示结果。有偶然发现某物的意味,表示结果。(3)discover常指发现自然界中本来早已存在的事物,尤其指首次发现。常指发现自然界中本来早已存在的事物,尤其指首次发现。 易混辨析易混辨析 (4)Ive discovered a super restaurant near here!我在附近找到一家一流的餐馆!我在附近找到一家一流的餐馆!(1)选词填空选词填空find out,find,discoverCan you what time the meeting start

21、s?The matter that the Curies had was radium(镭镭).He tried the door and it unlocked. 即时跟踪即时跟踪 答案find outdiscoveredfound(2)Many wild animals are endangered.We must what caused the problem.A.find out B.findC.look for D.search解析答案解解析析句句意意为为:很很多多野野生生动动物物处处于于危危险险中中,我我们们必必须须弄弄清清楚楚是是什什么么引引起起了了这这个个问问题题。find o

22、ut 查查明明,弄弄清清楚楚,符符合合句句意意。find 发发现现;look for 寻寻找;找;search 搜寻。搜寻。A 语境感悟语境感悟 n经典句式(1)(教材教材P53)In my opinion,it is about time we had new computers.在我看来,是我们该买新电脑的时候了。在我看来,是我们该买新电脑的时候了。(2)It is high time you told her the truth.你该把真相告诉她了。你该把真相告诉她了。(3)Its time for breakfast.该吃早餐了。该吃早餐了。(4)Its time for childr

23、en to go to school.孩子们该上学了。孩子们该上学了。It is time (that). 归纳拓展归纳拓展 (1)在在“Its time (that).”句句型型中中,从从句句的的谓谓语语动动词词常常用用虚虚拟拟语语气气表表示示将将来来,动动词词形形式式一一般般用用过过去去式式,意意思思是是“该该干干某某事事的的时时候候了了”。该该句句型型有时还可用作有时还可用作Its time that sb.should do sth.,此时,此时should不能省略。不能省略。(2)由由time构成的句型:构成的句型:Its time for sth.意为意为“是是的时候了的时候了”。

24、Its time for sb.to do sth.意为意为“是某人做某事的时候了是某人做某事的时候了”。“It/This/That is/was the first/second.time(that)从从句句”意意为为“这这/那那是是某某人人第第一一/二二次次做做某某事事”。主主句句用用一一般般现现在在时时或或一一般般过过去去时时,而而从句相应地用现在完成时或过去完成时。从句相应地用现在完成时或过去完成时。(1)It is about time that I her a letter.我该给她写封信了。我该给她写封信了。(2)Do you know our town at all?No,th

25、is is the first time I here.A.was B.have been C.came D.am coming 即时跟踪即时跟踪 解解析析句句意意为为:你你到到底底了了不不了了解解我我们们的的城城市市?不不了了解解,这这是是我我第第一一次次来来这这儿儿。This is/was the first/second/third.time that sb.have/has/ had done sth.这这是是某某人人第第几几次次做做某某事事,从从句句用用现现在在完完成成时时还还是是过过去去完完成成时时,需要根据主句用的是需要根据主句用的是is还是还是was来确定,故选来确定,故选B。

26、B返回解析答案wrote答案当堂达标.单词拼写单词拼写1.This entrance is in (不断的不断的) use;do not block it.2.Teachers always (监视监视) studentsperformance at school.3.Which (按钮按钮) do I press to turn the radio on?4.Why not connect the (打印机打印机) with your computer?5.They attached very great (重要性重要性) to the project. importanceconstant

27、monitorbuttonprinter.选词填空选词填空答案look into,find out,in good condition,at a constant speed,write to1.She him in France.2.He drove .3.The house is now .4.We must prevent them from about the plan.5.Police are the disappearance of two children. looking intowrote toat a constant speedin good conditionfindi

28、ng out.完成句子完成句子1. that the accident resulted from the driver.已表明事故的责任在司机。已表明事故的责任在司机。2.Its about time .我们该去机场了。我们该去机场了。3.It is the second time that I this film.这是我第二次看这部电影。这是我第二次看这部电影。4.The mens final 1:30.男子决赛提前到男子决赛提前到1:30。5. will I tell you the secret.我绝不告诉你这个秘密。我绝不告诉你这个秘密。答案On no conditionIt has

29、 been shownwe went/should go to the airporthave seenhas been put forward to .单项填空单项填空1.The police promised to the case as soon as possible.A.look for B.look intoC.look after D.look through解析答案B解解析析句句意意为为:警警方方答答应应尽尽快快调调查查此此案案。look into调调查查,查查清清楚楚,符符合合句意。句意。look for寻找;寻找;look after照顾;照顾;look through浏览

30、。浏览。 2.Its a hard job.We must a suitable person for it.A.look for B.find outC.invent D.find解析答案D解解析析句句意意为为:这这项项工工作作很很难难,我我们们必必须须找找到到一一个个合合适适的的人人选选。find发发现现,找找到到,符符合合句句意意。look for 寻寻找找;find out 查查明明,弄弄清清楚楚;invent 发发明,创造。明,创造。 3.In the company,Mary as an instructor to teach the pilots how to fly.A.ope

31、rated B.functionedC.performed D.showed解析答案B解解析析句句意意为为:在在公公司司里里,玛玛丽丽担担任任教教员员来来教教飞飞行行员员如如何何飞飞行行。function as.担担任任。 4.I half of the English novel,and Ill try to finish it at the weekend.(2016北京,北京,25)A.read B.have readC.am reading D.will read解析答案B解解析析句句意意为为:我我已已经经读读完完这这本本英英文文小小说说的的一一半半了了,我我会会争争取取在在周周末末读

32、读完完。前前一一分分句句表表示示到到现现在在已已经经完完成成的的动动作作,并并且且这这个个动动作作的的结结果果对对现现在在的情况仍有影响,故用现在完成时。的情况仍有影响,故用现在完成时。 返回解析答案5.We should adjust ourselves to the development of our society.A.strictly B.hardlyC.occasionally D.constantlyD解解析析句句意意为为:我我们们应应该该不不断断地地调调整整我我们们自自己己以以适适应应社社会会的的发发展展。constantly不不间间断断地地,连连续续地地,符符合合句句意意。strictly严严厉厉地地;hardly几几乎乎不不;occasionally偶尔地。偶尔地。



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