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1、Unit 2 CloningLanguage points1. clone n. c 克隆克隆 vt. 克隆克隆(1) Dolly the sheep is a _.(2) _ plants is straightforward.(3) Dolly is a _ sheep.cloneCloningcloned2. In pairs, look at these pictures and discuss which ones are natural clones and which ones are man-made. Explain how they differ.differ vi. 不一

2、致不一致, 不同不同, 相异相异 sb differ from/ with sb on/ about / over /upon sth 某人与某人在.方面意见不同 A and B differ in 某物与某物在.方面不同A differs from B 某物与某物不同difference n.差异差异, 差别差别, 分歧分歧, 争论争论, 差额差额different adj.不同的不同的即时练习:即时练习: 用介词用介词 from, with, on, about, upon 或或 in 填空。填空。(1) We differ _ him _ _ that question.from/wit

3、hon/about/upon(2) The two nations differ _ culture and religion. (3) The climate here differ _ that of the South.infrom/with3. It is a way of making an exact copy of another animal and plant. exact adj. 确切的,精确的确切的,精确的I want to know the exact time. exactly adv.确切地,正是;恰好确切地,正是;恰好他们的回答完全一样。他们的回答完全一样。Th

4、eir answers are exactly the same.那正是我所期待的。那正是我所期待的。 Thats exactly what I expected.4. It also happens in animals when twins identical in sex and appearance are identical adj. 完全相同的完全相同的 (常与常与with / to连用连用) 同一的同一的, 同样的同样的These two designs are almost identical. My opinion is identical with his.This pic

5、ture is identical to the one my mother has .5. Firstly, gardeners use it all the time to produce commercial quantities of mercial adj.商业的商业的, 贸易的贸易的 商务的商务的 以获利为目的的,以获利为目的的,从营利角度出发的从营利角度出发的a commercial loan /activity商业贷款商业贷款/活动活动He is doing a commercial course at the local college.他在本地学院学商业课程。他在本地学院学

6、商业课程。The play was a commercial success.这出戏从营利角度看很成功。这出戏从营利角度看很成功。 6. undertake vt. (undertook; undertaken) The procedure is difficult to undertake, of course. The scientist undertakes the experiment. I can undertake the responsibility for the changes. The lawyer undertook a new case.undertake vt 着手做

7、着手做, 实施,实施,从事从事, 承担承担(1) He will _ _ _ next month (去旅行去旅行).(2) He _ _ _ _ (承担了一项承担了一项新任务新任务).undertooktasknewaaundertake journey7. Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill.表示方位、时间、或方式的副词或介词短语,如表示方位、时间、或方式的副词或介词短语,如then, now, here, there, up, down, in, away, off, out, in the

8、room, on the wall等,置于句首时,句等,置于句首时,句子倒装。子倒装。Out rushed the children.此句中that引导的从句为同位语从句,对news进行解释说明,that仅起连接词的作用,无意义,不能省略。 8. pay off 1. At last the determination and patience of scientists paid off . 最终科学家们的决心和耐心得到了回报最终科学家们的决心和耐心得到了回报. 2. He paid off the crew of the ship. 他付清全体船员的工资并将他们解雇。他付清全体船员的工资并

9、将他们解雇。 3.In the end he paid off all his debts. pay off 成功;付清薪水并解雇;偿还(债成功;付清薪水并解雇;偿还(债务等);务等);(事业、计划等事业、计划等) 成功成功 pay back 报答;报复报答;报复9. Cloning scientists were cast down to find that Dollys illness were more appropriate to a much older animal.1)cast down使沮丧使沮丧, 低沉低沉 be cast down = feel discouraged He

10、 was much cast down by the failure of the experiment.Dont be so cast down. Just keep up your spirits.2)be appropriate to适合于适合于的,与的,与相称的相称的普通鞋不适于下稻田。普通鞋不适于下稻田。 Ordinary shoes are not appropriate to fields.即时练习:即时练习:将下列句子译成英语将下列句子译成英语(1) 听到这个消息他很沮丧。听到这个消息他很沮丧。 _(2) 发现事情的真相使他很沮丧。发现事情的真相使他很沮丧。_He was ca

11、st down to hear the news.Finding out the truth made him cast down.10 .On the other hand , Dollys appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination. a storm of:常指感情猛烈爆发或强烈表现常指感情猛烈爆发或强烈表现a storm of tears泪如雨下泪如雨下a storm of protest /applause /cheers/ abus

12、e /criticism /bullets /arrows一阵猛烈的抗议一阵猛烈的抗议/暴风雨暴风雨般的掌声般的掌声/暴风雨般的欢呼声暴风雨般的欢呼声/辱骂辱骂/评击评击/弹雨弹雨/箭雨箭雨11. objection n.反对,异议反对,异议I feel a strong objection to getting up early. Have you any objection to my opening the window?objection常与常与have, take, feel等连用构成词组:等连用构成词组:have objecting to, take objection, feel

13、 objection toobject vi.&vtobject to (doing ) sth.object + that 从句从句We object to being treated like this. I object to the plan.I object that he is too young to take that position. 12. have /make a strong/ great impact on对对有有/产生巨大影响产生巨大影响这本书对其读者产生了极大的影响。这本书对其读者产生了极大的影响。This book made a great impact on

14、 its readers.这场反对吸烟的运动对年轻人有极大的影响这场反对吸烟的运动对年轻人有极大的影响.The anti-smoking campaign has had quite an impact on young people.13. Governments became nervous and many forbade research into human cloning.各国政府各国政府恐慌不安恐慌不安, 有许多政府命令禁止克隆人类的研究。有许多政府命令禁止克隆人类的研究。forbid vt.禁止,不准,不许禁止,不准,不许forbade /forbad, forbidden,

15、forbiddingforbid doing sth forbid sb to do sth(用法与用法与allow,advise等一样)等一样)公共场所应禁止吸烟。公共场所应禁止吸烟。Smoking should be forbidden in public places.14. Some countries such as China and the UK continued to accumulate evidence of the abundant medical aid that cloning could provide. accumulate vt. /vi. : 收收/堆集,积

16、聚堆集,积聚/累累, 堆积堆积 强调强调“经过一段比较长的时间由少积多的积累经过一段比较长的时间由少积多的积累”,使,使用范围较广,似乎凡是数量方面的增长都可以表用范围较广,似乎凡是数量方面的增长都可以表示。示。The company has accumulated great wealth within a few years. accumulation n. 积聚积聚the accumulation of knowledge 知识的积聚知识的积聚15.Is it in favour of cloning or against cloning?他他赞成还是反对克隆赞成还是反对克隆?in fa

17、vour of 赞成;有利于赞成;有利于The score was 80 to 78 in favour of the guest team.比分是比分是80比比78,客队获胜。,客队获胜。The exchange rate is in our favour today.今天的兑换率对我们有利。今天的兑换率对我们有利。短语:短语:in sbs favor对某人有利对某人有利do sb a favor =do a favor for sb帮某人忙帮某人忙owe sb.a favour欠某人情欠某人情 16. owe vt. 欠欠(账、钱、人情等账、钱、人情等);归功于;归功于I owe him

18、ten dollars. = I owe ten dollars to him. 我欠他我欠他10美元。美元。The young writer owed his success to his teachers encouragement. 年轻作家把自己的成功归功于他老师的鼓励。年轻作家把自己的成功归功于他老师的鼓励。owe sth. to sb. =owe sb. sth. 欠某人某物欠某人某物 owe. . . to. . . 把把归功于归功于17. bother vt. 打扰打扰 vi. 操心操心 n. 烦扰烦扰bother sb. with/about sth. 为某事打扰或麻烦某人为

19、某事打扰或麻烦某人bother about/with sth. 为某事烦恼为某事烦恼bother to do sth. 费心费心/特意做某事特意做某事Dont bother. 不用费心了不用费心了不要为这些琐事伤脑筋。不要为这些琐事伤脑筋。Dont bother yourself about these details. 18.strike v.n struck, struck/stricken 1)撞;碰;撞击;碰撞 She fell, striking her head against the side of the boat. 她摔倒时头撞在船舷上。 2)击打,踢(球等) He stru

20、ck the ball into the back of the net. 他射出的球直入网底。 3)(想法,念头)突然想到;一下子想起;猛地意识到An idea suddenly struck me.我心中忽然产生了一个念头。4)sb(as sth)给(某人以)印象;让(某人)觉得5)(疾病,灾难)侵袭;爆发The area was struck/hit by an outbreak of cholera.那一地区爆发了霍乱。 6)(钟)敲,鸣,报时The clock struck nine.钟敲了九下。7)罢工The workers were striking because they w

21、anted more money.工人们在罢工,因为他们要求增加工资。8)擦,划(火柴);击出火星The matches were damp and he couldnt make them strike.火柴受潮了,他划不着。【知识拓展】1)be struck by/on/with sb/sth 被某人(或某物)打动;迷恋某人(或某物)I was struck by her beauty.她的美貌给我留下了深刻的印象。 2)on the strike 罢工;处于工作停顿状态的Most of the employees were on strike.许多雇员在罢工。3)strike.into

22、ones heart 使刻骨铭心The ghost story struck fear into the hearts of the children.那个鬼故事使孩子们心惊肉跳。4)It strikes me that. 我觉得; 我的印象是It suddenly struck me that we ought to make a new plan.我突然想到, 我们应该制订一个新的方案。5)Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁He should strike while the iron is hot.他应该趁热打铁。 19. The popularity

23、of the film Jurassic Park, in which a scientist clones several different kinds of extinct dinosaurs, proves how interested ordinary people are in the subject.电影电影侏罗纪公园侏罗纪公园的欢迎证实了普通人对的欢迎证实了普通人对这一话题是多么感兴趣这一话题是多么感兴趣,在该电影中一位科学在该电影中一位科学家克隆了几种不同的恐龙。家克隆了几种不同的恐龙。 in which引导定语从句引导定语从句, how引导宾语从句。引导宾语从句。from time to time 有时有时,间或间或,偶尔偶尔bring back to life 使复生使复生bring back to health 恢复健康恢复健康Bye Bye



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