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1、外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件. 句式填空句式填空1. 完全倒装完全倒装From this agreement came (出自于这一协议出自于这一协议) the Human Development Report. 2. while表示对比转折表示对比转折, 意思是意思是: 然而然而Norway is at the top of

2、 the list, while the US is at number 7 (而美国则排在第七位而美国则排在第七位). 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件3. 现在进行时的被动语态现在进行时的被动语态(am/is/are+being+done)Although more than 80% of children in developing countries go to primary school, about 115 million children are not being educated (没有接受教育没有接受教育). 4. 名词名词/代词代词+be+a

3、dj. +to doHowever, in other regions of the world, e. g. Eastern Europe, water is now mostly safe to drink (现在饮用水大部分是很安现在饮用水大部分是很安全的全的). 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件5. because引导表语从句引导表语从句This is because (这是因为这是因为) living with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their

4、language, and as a result you improve fast. 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件. 教材设题教材设题1. The UK is in the thirteenth position, _ China is in the middle of the list. A. when B. while C. as D. however【解解析析】选选B。考考查查连连词词。句句意意:英英国国位位居居第第十十三三位位, 而而中中国国在在中中间间。根根据据句句意意可可知知此此处处需需要要填填表表示示转转折折的的连连词词。while“当当时时候候

5、, 然然而而”, 表表示示“然然而而”时时, 强强调调前前后后之之间间是是对对比比转转折折的的关关系系。however也也有有“然然而而”之之意意, 但但表表示示此此意意时时, 经经常用逗号把常用逗号把however与句子隔开。与句子隔开。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件2. The bottom ten countries are all African countries, _ Sierra Leone (in West Africa) at the bottom of the list. A. because B. when C. if D. with【解解析

6、析】选选D。考考查查with复复合合结结构构。此此处处with Sierra Leone (in West Africa) at the bottom of the list是是with+名名词词(短短语语)“Sierra Leone (in West Africa)”+介介词词(短短语语)“at the bottom of the list”构成的构成的with复合结构。复合结构。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件3. The report shows that we are making some progress _ we need to make greate

7、r efforts. A. but B. thatC. but that D. and that【解解析析】选选C。考考查查句句子子结结构构。此此处处谓谓语语动动词词shows后后面面跟跟了了两两个个宾宾语语从从句句, 且且两两个个宾宾语语从从句句之之间间是是转转折折关关系系, 要要用用but来来连连接接。当当两两个个宾宾语语从从句句都都由由that引引导导时时, 第第一一个个that可可以以省省略略, 但第二个不能省略。但第二个不能省略。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件4. These are among the five richest countries in

8、 the world, so _ is right that they should do so. A. this B. that C. what D. it【解解析析】选选D。考考查查形形式式主主语语。此此处处it是是形形式式主主语语, 真真正正的的主主语语是是后后面面的的that they should do so。其其他他三三个个选选项项不不能能作作形形式式主语。主语。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件5. Town twinning agreements are perhaps most useful for students and people who w

9、ant _ another language. A. to practise to speak B. practising speakingC. to practise speaking D. practise speak【解解析析】选选C。考考查查非非谓谓语语动动词词。首首先先, 表表示示“想想做做某某事事”要要用用want to do sth. ; 其其次次, practise后后面面要要用用v.-ing形形式式。所所以选以选C。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英

10、语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件1. The present situat

11、ion is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to _ its reality. A. make up B. figure outC. look through D. put off外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词短短语语。make up组组成成, 化化妆妆, 和和好好; figure out计计算算出出, 理理解解; look through浏浏览览; put off推推迟迟。句句意意: 目目前前的的形形势势很很复复杂杂, 所所以以我我认认为为我我需需要要一一

12、些些时时间间来来认认清清现实。根据句意可知选现实。根据句意可知选B。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件2. I havent seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond _ . A. hearing B. strengthC. recognition D. measure外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件【解解析析】选选C。考考查查名名词词辨辨析析以以及及固固定定搭搭配配。beyond hearing听听不不到到; beyond ones strength

13、超超出出某某人人的的力力量量; beyond recognition认认不不出出; beyond measure极极其其, 非非常常。句句意意: 自自从从Sara是是个个很很小小的的女女孩孩时时我我就就没没再再见见过过她她, 她她已已经经变变得得让让我我认认不出来了。根据句意可知选不出来了。根据句意可知选C。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件3. From their _ on the top of the TV Tower, visitors can have a better view of the city. A. stage B. positionC. con

14、dition D. situation【解解析析】选选B。考考查查名名词词辨辨析析。stage舞舞台台, 阶阶段段; position位位置置, 职职位位; condition状状况况, 条条件件; situation情情境境, 形形势势, 局局面面。句句意意: 从从电电视视塔塔上上他他们们所所处处的的位位置置, 游游客客们们可可以以更更好好地地观观赏赏这个城市。这个城市。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件4. My dictionary is similar _ Toms _ the cover. A. to; to B. in; toC. to; in D. wi

15、th; in【解解析析】选选C。考考查查介介词词辨辨析析。be similar to sb. /sth. in sth. 在在方面与方面与相似。相似。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件1. In dealing with public relations, we should make every _ to avoid quarrelling with others. A. force B.

16、 energyC. effort D. possibility【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:在在处处理理公公共共关关系系时时, 我我们们应应该该尽尽全全力力避避免免与与他他人人争争吵吵。make every effort to do尽尽一一切切努努力力做做某某事事。force力量力量; energy精力精力; possibility可能性。可能性。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件2. _ to make a decision while the manager is away? A. Whom is it up to B. Whom is it upC. Who i

17、s it up D. Who it is up to【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:当当经经理理不不在在时时, 谁谁来来做做决决定定?be up to sb. 由由决决定定; to为为介介词词, 后后面面要要用用宾宾格格, 故故排排除除C、D; B项项结构不完整结构不完整, 选选A。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件3. 完成句子完成句子 Up to three students (多达三名学生多达三名学生)were late for class today. He hasnt decided what to buy up to now (到目前为止还到目前为止还没有定

18、下来去买什么没有定下来去买什么). 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件1. _ I appreciate the honor, I couldnt accept the position. A. While B. As C. Since D. When【解解析析】选选A。考

19、考查查连连词词。句句意意: 虽虽然然我我很很感感激激这这份份荣荣誉誉, 但但我我不不能能接接受受这这个个职职位位。while在在此此处处表表示示“虽虽然然”, as也也有有“虽虽然然”之之意意, 但但它它引引导导让让步步状状语语从从句句时时, 要要把把从从句句中中的的表表语语或谓语的一部分放在或谓语的一部分放在as之前。之前。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件2. Unsatisfied _ with the payment, he took the job just to get some work experience. A. though was he B. t

20、hough he wasC. he was though D. was he though【解解析析】选选B。though引引导导让让步步状状语语从从句句时时, 从从句句既既可可以以用用正正常常语语序序也也可可以以用用倒倒装装语语序序。倒倒装装语语序序为为:形形容容词词/副副词词/名名词词/动词原形动词原形+though+主语主语+谓语谓语(注意主谓不倒装注意主谓不倒装)。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空hunger, poverty, develop, measure, educate, crowd, similar

21、, unfortunate, pollute, entertain1. Tired and hungry , they didnt want to go on walking. 2. Parents should pay more attention to the mental development of their children. 3. A jazz band provided the entertainment , while people ate and drank under the stars. 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件4. There ar

22、e many similarities between Ron and his father. 5. Effective treatments do exist, but unfortunately they are very expensive. 6. The police have warned the citys inhabitants not to bathe in the polluted river. 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件7. She was too poor to buy clothes for her children. 8. Hes b

23、eing measured for a new suit. 9. The public should be educated in how to use energy more effectively. 10. If a place is crowded , a lot of people live there. 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件. 完成句子完成句子1. 我把我的录音机给你我把我的录音机给你, 那你用什么交换呢?那你用什么交换呢?What would you give me in exchange for my recorder?2. 我爱喝不加奶的

24、咖啡而他喜欢加奶油的。我爱喝不加奶的咖啡而他喜欢加奶油的。I like to drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream. 3. 玛丽睡着了玛丽睡着了, 头靠着他的肩膀。头靠着他的肩膀。Mary fell asleep with her head against his shoulder . 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件4. 到目前为止到目前为止, 我们在治理污染方面取得了很大进步。我们在治理污染方面取得了很大进步。Up to now, we have made great progress in deal

25、ing with pollution. 5. 在高三在高三, 为了上大学每个学生都在努力。为了上大学每个学生都在努力。In Senior 3, every student is making great efforts to go to college. 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件6. 尽管他参加这次竞赛只不过是闹着玩儿而已尽管他参加这次竞赛只不过是闹着玩儿而已, 却赢得了头却赢得了头奖。奖。Although/Though he had only entered the contest for fun, he won first prize. 7. 她生气地离

26、开了。这是因为她男朋友的话伤害了她。她生气地离开了。这是因为她男朋友的话伤害了她。She left angrily. This was because what her boyfriend said hurt her. 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件. 单项填空单项填空1. Some believe we are equipped with a special ability to learn a language and _ our brain adjusts itself to the language we hear around us. A. that B

27、. what C. how D. why外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件【解解析析】选选A。考考查查连连词词。句句意意:一一些些人人相相信信我我们们具具备备学学习习语语言言的的特特殊殊能能力力, 并并且且我我们们的的大大脑脑能能够够自自我我调调整整以以适适应应我我们们听听到到的的语语言言。根根据据句句意意可可知知, 此此句句中中谓谓语语动动词词believe后后面面跟跟了了两两个个宾宾语语从从句句。and连连接接两两个个由由that引引导导的的宾宾语语从从句句时时, 第二个第二个that不可省略。不可省略。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件

28、2. _ , lack of clean fresh water presents an even greater threat. A. As bad as the air can beB. Bad as the air can beC. The air can be badD. As the air can be bad外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件【解解析析】选选B。考考查查as表表示示“虽虽然然”时时的的用用法法。句句意意: 虽虽然然空空气气不不好好, 但但缺缺少少清清洁洁淡淡水水威威胁胁更更大大。根根据据句句意意可可知知此此处处为为as引引导导的的让让步步

29、状状语语从从句句, as表表示示此此用用法法时时, 其其引引导导的的从从句句中中的的表表语或谓语的一部分要放在语或谓语的一部分要放在as的前面。的前面。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件 【方法技巧方法技巧】as的用法小结的用法小结as的的意意思思较较多多, 用用法法灵灵活活。as经经常常表表示示“跟跟一一样样地地, 同同样样地地; 如如同同”; 也也可可以以是是介介词词, 表表示示“作作为为”; 还还可可以以是是连连词词, 表表示示“像像一一样样; 像像; 依依照照; 当当时时; 虽虽然然”。观观察察下下面面的例句的例句, 体会体会as的意思与用法:的意思与用法:外

30、研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件Treat me as a friend. 把我当朋友对待。把我当朋友对待。As a child she was sent to six different schools. 她儿时先后上过六所不同的学校。她儿时先后上过六所不同的学校。He doesnt play half as well as his sister. 他的演奏水平不及他姐姐的一半。他的演奏水平不及他姐姐的一半。As he grew older he lost interest in everything except gardening. 他年纪越来越大他年纪越来越大

31、, 除了喜欢园艺以外除了喜欢园艺以外, 对一切都失去了兴趣。对一切都失去了兴趣。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件Talented as he is, he is not yet ready to turn professional. 别看他有天分别看他有天分, 他还没把心用到专业上去。他还没把心用到专业上去。As I was saying, we expect 2012 to be a good year. 正如我说的那样正如我说的那样, 我们期望我们期望2012年是一个好年头。年是一个好年头。在在平平时时的的学学习习中中要要注注意意多多积积累累, 并并且且经经常常

32、对对其其练练习习使使用用, 在在应用中掌握其用法应用中掌握其用法, 理解其在具体语境中的意思。理解其在具体语境中的意思。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件3. _ the golf announced to be a new event in the 2016 Olympic Games, it might become more and more popular. A. As B. For C. With D. Because【解解析析】选选C。考考查查with复复合合结结构构。此此处处是是with+宾宾语语(the golf)+宾宾补补(announced. .

33、. Games)。若若选选A或或D, 要要在在announced前面加上前面加上was。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件4. Chinas economic development has made _ rapid progress in the past 30 years and young people have made _ great contribution to this progress. A. /; a B. the; / C. a; a D. /; /外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件【解解析析】选选A。考考查查冠冠词词与

34、与名名词词的的固固定定搭搭配配。在在make progress中中, progress是是不不可可数数名名词词, 所所以以其其前前面面不不能能加加不不定定冠冠词词。在在make a contribution to中中contribution是是可可数数名名词词, 所所以以在在其其前前面面可可加加不不定定冠冠词词或或用用contribution的的复复数数形形式式。由由此可知选此可知选A。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件5. When asked about the secret about staying healthy, he said that a balanc

35、ed diet _ with exercise was the recipe for a healthy life. A. conducted B. concludedC. combined D. connected外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件【解解析析】选选C。考考查查动动词词词词义义。句句意意:当当被被问问及及保保持持健健康康的的秘秘诀诀时时, 他他说说健健康康的的秘秘诀诀就就是是平平衡衡的的饮饮食食与与锻锻炼炼相相结结合合。combined with. . . 为为过过去去分分词词短短语语作作后后置置定定语语, 修修饰饰diet。combine with“

36、与与结结合合、联联合合”, connect with“与与有有关系关系, 有联系有联系”, 结合语境知结合语境知C项为正确答案。项为正确答案。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件6. Ms. Zero was preparing food. Under one of the apple trees in the garden _ , smoking and looking at the harvest with a smile. A. stood her husband B. did her husband standC. her husband stood D. he

37、r husband standing【解解析析】选选A。考考查查完完全全倒倒装装结结构构。当当地地点点状状语语位位于于句句首首, 且主语是名词时且主语是名词时, 用完全倒装。故选用完全倒装。故选A。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件7. Though bought several years ago, the car is still in good _ . A. situation B. conditionC. standard D. position【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:虽虽然然是是好好几几年年前前买买的的, 但但是是这这辆辆车车的的状状况况仍仍然然很很好

38、好。in good condition“状状况况良良好好”。situation形形势势; standard标准标准; position位置。位置。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件8. He often listens to music in his spare time to _ himself. A. entertain B. encourageC. educate D. edit 【 解解 析析 】 选选 A。 根根 据据 句句 意意 “听听 音音 乐乐 的的 目目 的的 是是 娱娱 乐乐 ”。entertain oneself“使使高高兴兴, 娱娱乐乐”。B、

39、C、D三三项项分分别别意为意为“鼓励鼓励”、“教育教育”、“编辑编辑”, 均不合题意。均不合题意。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件9. The house is more than twenty metres long and _ six metres in width. A. measures B. is measuredC. spreads D. is spread【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词。measure测测量量, 有有长长(宽宽、高高等等); spread展展开开, 蔓蔓延延, 传传播播。句句意意: 这这座座房房子子20多多米米长长, 6米米宽宽。

40、当当measure表表示示“有有长长(宽宽、高高等等)”时时, 是是不不及及物物动词动词, 相当于系动词相当于系动词be, 不能用于被动语态不能用于被动语态, 故选故选A。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件10. Last night he saw two dark _ enter the building, and then there was the explosion. A. features B. shapesC. figures D. images【解解析析】选选C。由由句句意意可可知知, 此此处处指指两两个个黑黑影影进进了了大大楼楼。feature“特特征

41、征, 特特色色”; shape“外外形形”; figure“人人物物, 人人影影”; image“形象形象”。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件11. To our relief, the government is _ efforts to reduce crime. A. doing B. givingC. making D. offering【解解析析】选选C。考考查查固固定定搭搭配配。句句意意: 令令我我们们感感到到欣欣慰慰的的是是, 政府正在努力减少犯罪。政府正在努力减少犯罪。make efforts to do sth. 努力做某事。努力做某事。外研社高中

42、英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件12. Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I order? Of course. _ , sir. A. Make yourself at home B. Take your timeC. Its up to you D. It doesnt matter【解解析析】选选B。考考查查交交际际用用语语。A项项意意为为“不不要要拘拘束束”, B项项意意为为“慢慢慢慢来来”, C项项意意为为“由由你你决决定定”, D项项意意为为“没没关关系系”。句句意意:点点菜菜前前我我能能再再

43、看看几几分分钟钟菜菜单单吗吗?当当然然行行。慢慢来慢慢来, 先生。先生。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件13. We _ addresses and promised to write to each other as often as possible. A. changed B. exhibited C. took D. exchanged【解解析析】选选D。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。句句意意: 我我们们交交换换了了地地址址, 许许诺诺要要经经常常通通信信。根根据据句句意意可可知知要要选选exchange(交交流流, 交交换换)。干干扰项是扰项是A。change

44、强调强调“改变改变”, 而而exchange强调强调“交换交换”。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件14. She is also 25 and a native of Beijing, but the _ between us ends there. A. difference B. advantageC. disadvantage D. similarity【解解析析】选选D。考考查查名名词词辨辨析析。difference不不同同; advantage优优势势; disadvantage劣劣势势; similarity相相同同点点。句句意意: 她她也也25岁岁,

45、是北京人是北京人, 但我们之间的相同之处也就这些。但我们之间的相同之处也就这些。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件15. We decided to help him. Thats _ he suffered too much. A. where B. why C. because D. how【解解析析】选选C。考考查查连连词词。句句意意: 我我们们决决定定帮帮助助他他。那那是是因因为他遭了太多罪。根据句意可知选为他遭了太多罪。根据句意可知选C。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件 【举一反三举一反三】I wanted to apologiz

46、e to my teacher. That was _ I came early this morning. A. because B. whyC. how D. when【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:我我想想向向老老师师道道歉歉。那那就就是是我我上上午午早早来来的原因。的原因。why表示表示“的原因的原因”。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件. 完形填空完形填空 I think we should try to find a happy memory, something to lift us up on those unpleasant days. Im sayi

47、ng this because I think I just found mine! 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件 I had some work in Glasgow then. I was on a really 1 schedule, which meant I would have no time for myself all day. I was having one of those days, the train was completely 2 and the conversation going on around me seemed to b

48、e particularly 3 . Besides, I had a bit of a headache. 4 quickly across the station hall, I fished some 5 from my pocket. There was usually someone at the exit 6 The Big Issue (a magazine that helps homeless folk earn a living). 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件 7 the crowd parted ways at the bottom of

49、 the hall, I saw someone selling The Big Issue. She really looked like shed been sleeping 8 . Her clothes were 9 and she obviously hadnt had a scrub up (擦洗擦洗) for quite a while. As I 10 the exit, I saw that she was 11 from side to side. At first I thought maybe she was trying to keep 12 against the

50、biting wind. But she wasnt, she was moving in time to a 13 . I couldnt hear her, but I could see her lips moving. 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件 When I got closer, I saw a white 14 hanging from her elbow and noticed that she had sunken eyes. She was 15 , dirty and living on tile streets. I came clos

51、er and through the 16 of the traffic I heard her 17 the immortal (不不朽朽的的) lines, “. . . and I think to myself, what a wonderful world! ” I bought her last magazine for twice what Id originally 18 . She thanked me, then she 19 her belongings and went tapping off along the pavementstill singing! 外研社高中

52、英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件 So, I have my happy 20 for the day. And I think it will stay with me a long, long time. 【文文章章大大意意】作作者者开开始始有有很很不不愉愉快快的的一一天天, 但但当当他他遇遇到到一一个个衣衣衫衫褴褴褛褛的的卖卖报报的的妇妇女女以以一一种种积积极极的的心心态态面面对对生生活活时时, 自自己己的心情也好多了。的心情也好多了。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件1. A. enjoyable B. relaxingC. tight D.

53、 tiring【解解析析】选选C。从从后后面面的的定定语语从从句句可可知知作作者者很很忙忙; on a really tight schedule意为意为“时间安排得确实很紧时间安排得确实很紧”。2. A. crowded B. delayedC. loaded D. crashed【解解析析】选选A。火火车车上上十十分分拥拥挤挤(crowded)。从从上上下下文文看看, 作作者者描描述述的的都都是是消消极极的的东东西西: 火火车车上上拥拥挤挤(crowded); 周周围围人人的的对话无聊对话无聊(meaningless); 自己还头疼自己还头疼(headache)。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习

54、课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件3. A. moving B. interestingC. pleasing D. meaningless【解析解析】选选D。讲解见第。讲解见第2题。题。4. A. Crawling B. WalkingC. Wandering D. Searching【解解析析】选选B。句句意意: 穿穿过过(walking) 车车站站大大厅厅, 我我从从口口袋袋里里找找出出一一些些零零钱钱(change)。walk across穿穿过过, 走走过过; wander徘徘徊徊, 漫步漫步, 闲逛。闲逛。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件5. A. ci

55、garettes B. sweetsC. change D. paper【解析解析】选选C。讲解见第。讲解见第4题。题。6. A. selling B. buyingC. collecting D. delivering【解解析析】选选A。作作者者知知道道“在在出出口口处处有有人人卖卖(selling)杂杂志志(The Big Issue)”。从第。从第7题后面也可知。题后面也可知。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件7. A. With B. SinceC. Until D. As【解解析析】选选D。当当(as)拥拥挤挤的的人人群群在在大大厅厅尽尽头头散散开开时时。若

56、选若选A项项, 句子应改为句子应改为With the crowd parting ways. . . 。8. A. comfortably B. roughC. soundly D. anxiously【解解析析】选选B。固固定定搭搭配配sleep rough意意为为“露露宿宿; 在在公公园园过过夜夜; 睡得难受睡得难受”。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件9. A. ragged B. costlyC. tidy D. fashionable【解解析析】选选A。根根据据上上下下文文可可知知卖卖杂杂志志的的妇妇女女衣衣衫衫褴褴褛褛(ragged), 而且身上很脏。而且

57、身上很脏。10. A. left B. passedC. approached D. examined【解解析析】选选C。当当我我接接近近(approached)出出口口处处时时, 我我看看见见她她的身体左右摇摆的身体左右摇摆(rocking)。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件11. A. jumping B. climbingC. rolling D. rocking【解析解析】选选D。讲解见第。讲解见第10题。题。12. A. active B. energeticC. warm D. awake【解解析析】选选C。起起先先我我认认为为她她也也许许是是为为抵抵御

58、御刺刺骨骨的的寒寒风风而而摆摆动身体以保持温暖动身体以保持温暖(keep warm)。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件13. A. dance B. tuneC. step D. sound【 解解 析析 】 选选 B。 但但 她她 不不 是是 , 她她 是是 在在 随随 着着 曲曲 调调 跳跳 舞舞 。move/dance to a tune (music)意为意为“随着曲调随着曲调(音乐音乐)跳舞跳舞”。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件14. A. issue B. armC. stick D. log【解解析析】选选C。根根据据后后

59、面面“凹凹陷陷的的眼眼睛睛(sunken eyes)”以以及及第第19题题后后面面的的“. . . went tapping off along the pavement(用用拐拐杖杖敲敲打打着着沿沿人人行行道道离离去去)”, 我我们们可可判判断断出出她她是是一一位位盲盲人人(blind), 故手肘处挂着的应是一根拐杖故手肘处挂着的应是一根拐杖(stick)。15. A. deaf B. lame C. mad D. blind【解析解析】选选D。讲解见第。讲解见第14题。题。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件16. A. noise B. musicC. voice

60、 D. whistle【解解析析】选选A。当当我我走走得得更更近近一一点点, 透透过过交交通通的的嘈嘈杂杂声声(noise), 我可以听到她在唱着我可以听到她在唱着(sing)不朽的歌词。不朽的歌词。17. A. recite B. composeC. read D. sing【解析解析】选选D。讲解见第。讲解见第16题。题。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件18. A. expected B. chargedC. intended D. organized【解解析析】选选C。我我从从她她那那里里以以两两倍倍的的价价格格买买了了我我原原本本就就想想买买的最后一本杂志。

61、的最后一本杂志。have intended sth. 意为意为“本想要某物本想要某物”。19. A. picked up B. threw awayC. put down D. hid away【解解析析】选选A。她她收收拾拾起起她她的的东东西西, 沿沿人人行行道道敲敲打打着着拐拐杖杖离离去去, 嘴里还哼着那首歌曲。嘴里还哼着那首歌曲。pick up意为意为“收拾收拾, 整理整理”。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件20. A. decision B. memoryC. program D. design【解解析析】选选B。文文章章首首尾尾呼呼应应, 根根据据开开头头

62、可可知知作作者者拥拥有有了了这这一一天的快乐回忆天的快乐回忆(memory)。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件. 阅读理解阅读理解 Starting Monday, millions of Chinese census(人口普查人口普查) takers will spread out across the country, visiting more than 400 million households to try to get an accurate count of the population over a 10-day period. 外研社高中英语高考

63、一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件 The sixth census will use about 6. 5 million census takers, each dressed in a uniform and bearing a certificate, asking everyone living and working on the mainland information about their personal lives. Anyone born before Monday gets included, and anyone born after Monday gets

64、 left out until the next one, in 2020, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). About 90 percent of the people will be asked to fill in an 18-item form, covering their name, sex, ethnic group, household registration(登登记记, 注注册册), and education; the other 10 percent, chosen randomly, will

65、 be asked to fill in a longer 45-question form. 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件 For foreigners, who are being included in Chinas census for the first time, special preparations have been made. Yang Shu, deputy director of the census office of Maizidian, a multinational community in Beijings Chaoyang

66、district, said their office has recruited(招招聘聘) volunteers with bilingual or multilingual skills to help with the census. They have also translated the questionnaire into at least five languages, including the usual English, French and German. From China Daily【文章大意文章大意】本文主要讲了全国第六次人口普查涉及的情况。本文主要讲了全国第

67、六次人口普查涉及的情况。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件1. How many times of census have China had before the article is released? A. 8. B. 5. C. 6. D. 4. 【解解析析】选选B。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第二二段段可可知知正正在在进进行行的的是是第六次人口普查第六次人口普查, 可知已经进行了五次。可知已经进行了五次。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件2. What can we learn from the passage? A. This

68、 time the census will last 15 days. B. The census takers will enter thousands of houses wearing casual clothes. C. This census will include the foreigners for the first time. D. People will be asked any question by the census takers. 【解解析析】选选C。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第三三段段可可知知外外国国人人第第一一次次被包括在人口普查的范围内。被包括在人口

69、普查的范围内。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件3. Which of the following is unlikely to be asked during the census? A. Sex. B. Education. C. Income. D. Ethnic group. 【解解析析】选选C。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第二二段段. . . covering their name, sex, ethnic group, household registration, and education. . . 可知。可知。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社

70、高中英语高考一轮复习课件4. How can the census takers ask the information about the foreigners? A. They will go to their houses directly. B. They will be helped by the volunteers speaking English. C. They will be helped by the volunteers with bilingual or multilingual skills. D. They will phone the foreigners. 外

71、研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件【解解析析】选选C。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据最最后后一一段段. . . their office has recruited volunteers with bilingual or multilingual skills to help with the census. 可知。可知。 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件. 语音知音知识1. hungerA. thank B. strange C. handsome D. bench2. charityA. message B. pattern C. vi

72、llage D. passage3. householdA. country B. proud C. shoulder D. cough外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件4. unfortunateA. interrupt B. count C. distance D. future5. crowdedA. slowly B. throw C. town D. narrow答案:答案:15. ABBDC外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件. 单词拼写拼写1. Tired and hungry(饥饿的)的), they didnt want to

73、 go on walking. 2. Parents should pay more attention to the mental development(发展)展) of their children. 3. A jazz band provided the entertainment(娱乐), while people ate and drank under the stars. 4. There are many similarities(相似之(相似之处) between Ron and his father. 5. Effective treatments do exist, bu

74、t unfortunately (不幸地)(不幸地)they are very expensive. 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件6. The police have warned the citys inhabitants not to bathe in the polluted(受(受污染的)染的) river. 7. She was too poor (贫穷的)的)to buy clothes for her children. 8. Hes being measured(测量)量) for a new suit. 9. The public should

75、 be educated(教育)(教育) in how to use energy more effectively. 10. Jack pulled into a crowded (拥挤的)的)parking lot and got out of the car. 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件. 完成句子完成句子1. 我把我的我把我的录音机音机给你,那你用什么交你,那你用什么交换呢?呢?What would you give me in exchange for my recorder?2. 我我爱喝不加奶的咖啡而他喜喝不加奶的咖啡而他喜欢加奶油的。加奶油的。

76、 I like to drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream. 3. 玛丽睡着了睡着了, 头靠着他的肩膀。靠着他的肩膀。Mary fell asleep with her head against his shoulder . 4. 到目前到目前为止止, 我我们在治理在治理污染方面取得了很大染方面取得了很大进步。步。Up to now, we have made great progress in dealing with pollution. 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件5. 在高三在高三, 为了上大

77、学每个学生都在努力。了上大学每个学生都在努力。In Senior 3, every student is making great efforts to go to college. 6. 尽管他参加尽管他参加这次次竞赛只不只不过是是闹着玩儿而已着玩儿而已, 却却赢得了得了头奖。Although/Though he had only entered the contest for fun, he won first prize. 7. 她生气地离开了。她生气地离开了。这是因是因为她男朋友的她男朋友的话伤害了她。害了她。She left angrily. This was because wha

78、t her boyfriend said hurt her. 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件. 语法和法和词汇知知识1. Some believe we are equipped with a special ability to learn a language and _ our brain adjusts itself to the language we hear around us. A. that B. what C. how D. why【解解析析】选A。考考查连词。句句意意:一一些些人人相相信信我我们具具备学学习语言言的的特特殊殊能能力力,并并且且

79、我我们的的大大脑能能够自自我我调整整以以适适应我我们听听到到的的语言言。根根据据句句意意可可知知,此此句句中中谓语动词believe后后面面跟跟了了两两个个宾语从从句句。and连接接两两个个由由that引引导的的宾语从从句句时, 第二个第二个that不可省略。不可省略。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件2. _ , lack of clean fresh water presents an even greater threat. A. As bad as the air can beB. Bad as the air can beC. The air can be

80、badD. As the air can be bad【解解析析】选B。考考查as表表示示“虽然然”时的的用用法法。句句意意: 虽然然空空气气不不好好, 但但缺缺少少清清洁淡淡水水威威胁更更大大。根根据据句句意意可可知知此此处为as引引导的的让步步状状语从从句句, as表表示示此此用用法法时, 其其引引导的的从从句句中中的的表表语或或谓语的一部分要放在的一部分要放在as的前面。的前面。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件 【方法技巧方法技巧】as的用法小的用法小结as的的意意思思较多多,用用法法灵灵活活。as经常常表表示示“跟跟一一样地地, 同同样地地; 如如同同”;也

81、也可可以以是是介介词,表表示示“作作为”;还可可以以是是连词, 表表示示“像像一一样; 像像; 依依照照; 当当时; 虽然然”。观察察下下面面的的例例句句, 体会体会as的意思与用法:的意思与用法:Treat me as a friend. 把我当朋友把我当朋友对待。待。As a child she was sent to six different schools. 她儿她儿时先后上先后上过六所不同的学校。六所不同的学校。He doesnt play half as well as his sister. 他的演奏水平不及他姐姐的一半。他的演奏水平不及他姐姐的一半。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习

82、课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件As he grew older he lost interest in everything except gardening. 他年他年纪越来越大越来越大, 除了喜除了喜欢园园艺以外以外, 对一切都失去了一切都失去了兴趣。趣。Talented as he is, he is not yet ready to turn professional. 别看他有天分看他有天分, 他他还没把心用到没把心用到专业上去。上去。As I was saying, we expect 2012 to be a good year. 正如我正如我说的那的那样, 我我们期望期望2

83、012年是一个好年年是一个好年头。在在平平时的的学学习中中要要注注意意多多积累累, 并并且且经常常对其其练习使使用用, 在在应用中掌握其用法用中掌握其用法, 理解其在具体理解其在具体语境中的意思。境中的意思。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件3. _ the golf announced to be a new event in the 2016 Olympic Games, it might become more and more popular. A. As B. For C. With D. Because【解解析析】选C。考考查with复复合合结构构。此此处

84、是是with+宾语(the golf)+宾补(announced. . . Games)。若若选A或或D,要要在在announced前面加上前面加上was。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件4. Chinas economic development has made _ rapid progress in the past 30 years and young people have made _ great contribution to this progress. A. /; a B. the; /C. a; a D. /; /【解解析析】选A。考考查冠冠词与

85、与名名词的的固固定定搭搭配配。在在make progress中中, progress是是不不可可数数名名词, 所所以以其其前前面面不不能能加加不不定定冠冠词。在在make a contribution to中中contribution是是可可数数名名词, 所所以以在在其其前前面面可可加加不不定定冠冠词或或用用contribution的的复复数数形形式式。由由此可知此可知选A。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件5. When asked about the secret about staying healthy, he said that a balanced die

86、t _ with exercise was the recipe for a healthy lifeAconducted BconcludedCcombined Dconnected【解解析析】选C。考考查动词词义。句句意意:当当被被问及及保保持持健健康康的的秘秘诀时,他他说健健康康的的秘秘诀就就是是平平衡衡的的饮食食与与锻炼相相结合合。combined with. . . 为过去去分分词短短语作作后后置置定定语,修修饰diet。combine with“与与结合合、联合合”,connect with“与与有有关系,有关系,有联系系”,结合合语境知境知C项为正确答案。正确答案。外研社高中英语

87、高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件6. Ms. Zero was preparing food. Under one of the apple trees in the garden _ , smoking and looking at the harvest with a smile. A. stood her husbandB. did her husband standC. her husband stoodD. her husband standing【解解析析】选A。考考查完完全全倒倒装装结构构。当当地地点点状状语位位于于句句首首,且主且主语是名是名词时,用完全倒装。故,

88、用完全倒装。故选A。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件7. Though bought several years ago, the car is still in good _ . A. situation B. conditionC. standard D. position【解解析析】选B。句句意意:虽然然是是好好几几年年前前买的的,但但是是这辆车的的状状况况仍仍然然很很好好。in good condition“状状况况良良好好”。situation形形势;standard标准准; position位置。位置。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮

89、复习课件8. He often listens to music in his spare time to _ himself. A. entertain B. encourageC. educate D. edit 【解解析析】选A。根根据据句句意意“听听音音乐的的目目的的是是娱乐”。entertain oneself“使使高高兴,娱乐”。B、C、D三三项分分别意意为“鼓鼓励励”、“教育教育”、“编辑”,均不合,均不合题意。意。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件9. The house is more than twenty metres long and _ si

90、x metres in width. A. measures B. is measuredC. spreads D. is spread【解解析析】选A。考考查动词。measure测量量, 有有长(宽、高高等等); spread展展开开, 蔓蔓延延, 传播播。句句意意: 这座座房房子子20多多米米长, 6米米宽。当当measure表表示示“有有长(宽、高高等等)”时, 是是不不及及物物动词, 相当于系相当于系动词be, 不能用于被不能用于被动语态, 故故选A。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件10. Last night he saw two dark _ enter

91、 the building, and then there was the explosion. A. features B. shapesC. figures D. images【解解析析】选C。由由句句意意可可知知, 此此处指指两两个个黑黑影影进了了大大楼楼。feature“特特征征, 特特色色”; shape“外外形形”; figure“人人物物,人人影影”;image“形象形象”。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件11. To our relief, the government is _ efforts to reduce crime. A. doing B

92、. givingC. making D. offering【解解析析】选C。考考查固固定定搭搭配配。句句意意: 令令我我们感感到到欣欣慰慰的的是是, 政府正在努力减少犯罪。政府正在努力减少犯罪。make efforts to do sth. 努力做某事。努力做某事。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件12. Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I order? Of course. _ , sir. A. Make yourself at homeB. Take your timeC. Its up

93、to youD. It doesnt matter外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件【解解析析】选B。考考查交交际用用语。A项意意为“不不要要拘拘束束”,B项意意为“慢慢慢慢来来”,C项意意为“由由你你决决定定”,D项意意为“没没关关系系”。句句意意:点点菜菜前前我我能能再再看看几几分分钟菜菜单吗?当当然然行行。慢慢慢慢来,先生。来,先生。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件13. We _ addresses and promised to write to each other as often as possible. A. change

94、d B. exhibited C. took D. exchanged【解解析析】选D。考考查动词辨辨析析。句句意意: 我我们交交换了了地地址址, 许诺要要经常常通通信信。根根据据句句意意可可知知要要选exchange(交交流流, 交交换)。干干扰项是是A。change强强调“改改变”, 而而exchange强强调“交交换”。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件14. She is also 25 and a native of Beijing, but the _ between us ends there. A. difference B. advantageC.

95、disadvantage D. similarity【解解析析】选D。考考查名名词辨辨析析。difference不不同同; advantage优势; disadvantage劣劣势; similarity相相同同点点。句句意意: 她她也也25岁, 是是北京人北京人, 但我但我们之之间的相同之的相同之处也就也就这些。些。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件15. We decided to help him. Thats _ he suffered too much. A. where B. why C. because D. how【解解析析】选C。考考查连词。句句意意

96、: 我我们决决定定帮帮助助他他。那那是是因因为他遭了太多罪。根据句意可知他遭了太多罪。根据句意可知选C。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件 【举一反三一反三】I wanted to apologize to my teacher. That was _ I came early this morning. A. because B. whyC. how D. when【解解析析】选B。句句意意:我我想想向向老老师道道歉歉。那那就就是是我我上上午午早早来来的原因。的原因。why表示表示“的原因的原因”。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件. 完形

97、填空完形填空 I think we should try to find a happy memory, something to lift us up on those unpleasant days. Im saying this because I think I just found mine! 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件 I had some work in Glasgow then. I was on a really 1 schedule, which meant I would have no time for myself all day.

98、I was having one of those days, the train was completely 2 and the conversation going on around me seemed to be particularly 3 . Besides, I had a bit of a headache. 4 quickly across the station hall, I fished some 5 from my pocket. There was usually someone at the exit 6 The Big Issue (a magazine th

99、at helps homeless folk earn a living). 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件 7 the crowd parted ways at the bottom of the hall, I saw someone selling The Big Issue. She really looked like shed been sleeping 8 . Her clothes were 9 and she obviously hadnt had a scrub up (擦洗擦洗) for quite a while. 外研社高中英语高考一轮复

100、习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件 As I 10 the exit, I saw that she was 11 from side to side. At first I thought maybe she was trying to keep 12 against the biting wind. But she wasnt, she was moving in time to a 13 . I couldnt hear her, but I could see her lips moving. 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件 When I got clo

101、ser, I saw a white 14 hanging from her elbow and noticed that she had sunken eyes. She was 15 , dirty and living on tile streets. I came closer and through the 16 of the traffic I heard her 17 the immortal (不不朽朽的的) lines, “. . . and I think to myself, what a wonderful world! ”外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高

102、考一轮复习课件 I bought her last magazine for twice what Id originally 18 . She thanked me, then she 19 her belongings and went tapping off along the pavementstill singing! So, I have my happy 20 for the day. And I think it will stay with me a long, long time. 【文文章章大大意意】作作者者开开始始有有很很不不愉愉快快的的一一天天,但但当当他他遇遇到到一

103、一个个衣衣衫衫褴褛的的卖报的的妇女女以以一一种种积极极的的心心态面面对生生活活时,自自己己的心情也好多了。的心情也好多了。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件1. A. enjoyable B. relaxingC. tight D. tiring【解解析析】选C。从从后后面面的的定定语从从句句可可知知作作者者很很忙忙; on a really tight schedule意意为“时间安排得确安排得确实很很紧”。2. A. crowded B. delayedC. loaded D. crashed【解解析析】选A。火火车上上十十分分拥挤(crowded)。从从上上下下

104、文文看看, 作作者者描描述述的的都都是是消消极极的的东西西: 火火车上上拥挤(crowded); 周周围人人的的对话无聊无聊(meaningless); 自己自己还头疼疼(headache)。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件3. A. moving B. interestingC. pleasing D. meaningless【解析解析】选D。讲解解见第第2题。4. A. Crawling B. WalkingC. Wandering D. Searching【解解析析】选B。句句意意: 穿穿过(walking) 车站站大大厅, 我我从从口口袋袋里里找找出出一一些

105、些零零钱(change)。walk across穿穿过, 走走过; wander徘徘徊徊,漫步,漫步,闲逛。逛。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件5. A. cigarettes B. sweetsC. change D. paper【解析解析】选C。讲解解见第第4题。6. A. selling B. buyingC. collecting D. delivering【解解析析】选A。作作者者知知道道“在在出出口口处有有人人卖(selling)杂志志(The Big Issue)”。从第。从第7题后面也可知。后面也可知。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考

106、一轮复习课件7. A. With B. SinceC. Until D. As【解解析析】选D。当当(as)拥挤的的人人群群在在大大厅尽尽头散散开开时。若若选A项,句子,句子应改改为With the crowd parting ways. . . 。8. A. comfortably B. roughC. soundly D. anxiously【解解析析】选B。固固定定搭搭配配sleep rough意意为“露露宿宿;在在公公园园过夜夜; 睡得睡得难受受”。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件9. A. ragged B. costlyC. tidy D. fashio

107、nable【解解析析】选A。根根据据上上下下文文可可知知卖杂志志的的妇女女衣衣衫衫褴褛(ragged), 而且身上很而且身上很脏。10. A. left B. passedC. approached D. examined【解解析析】选C。当当我我接接近近(approached)出出口口处时, 我我看看见她她的的身体左右身体左右摇摆(rocking)。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件11. A. jumping B. climbingC. rolling D. rocking【解析解析】选D。讲解解见第第10题。12. A. active B. energeticC

108、. warm D. awake【解解析析】选C。起起先先我我认为她她也也许是是为抵抵御御刺刺骨骨的的寒寒风而而摆动身体以保持温暖(身体以保持温暖(keep warm)。)。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件13. A. dance B. tuneC. step D. sound【 解解 析析 】 选 B。 但但 她她 不不 是是 , 她她 是是 在在 随随 着着 曲曲 调 跳跳 舞舞 。move/dance to a tune (music)意意为“随着曲随着曲调(音(音乐)跳舞)跳舞”。14. A. issue B. armC. stick D. log【解解析析】

109、选C。根根据据后后面面“凹凹陷陷的的眼眼睛睛(sunken eyes)”以以及及第第19题后后面面的的“. . . went tapping off along the pavement(用用拐拐杖杖敲敲打打着着沿沿人人行行道道离离去去)”, 我我们可可判判断断出出她她是是一一位位盲盲人人(blind), 故手肘故手肘处挂着的挂着的应是一根拐杖是一根拐杖(stick)。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件15.A.deaf B.lameC.mad D.blind【解析解析】选D。讲解解见第第14题。16.A.noise B.musicC.voice D.whistle【

110、解解析析】选A。当当我我走走得得更更近近一一点点, 透透过交交通通的的嘈嘈杂声声(noise), 我可以听到她在唱着我可以听到她在唱着(sing)不朽的歌不朽的歌词。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件17. A. recite B. composeC. read D. sing【解析解析】选D。讲解解见第第16题。18. A. expected B. chargedC. intended D. organized【解解析析】选C。我我从从她她那那里里以以两两倍倍的的价价格格买了了我我原原本本就就想想买的最后一本的最后一本杂志。志。have intended sth.

111、意意为“本想要某物本想要某物”。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件19. A. picked up B. threw awayC. put down D. hid away【解解析析】选A。她她收收拾拾起起她她的的东西西, 沿沿人人行行道道敲敲打打着着拐拐杖杖离离去去, 嘴里嘴里还哼着那首歌曲。哼着那首歌曲。pick up意意为“收拾收拾, 整理整理”。20. A. decision B. memoryC. program D. design【解解析析】选B。文文章章首首尾尾呼呼应, 根根据据开开头可可知知作作者者拥有有了了这一一天的快天的快乐回回忆(memory)。

112、外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件. 阅读理解理解 Starting Monday, millions of Chinese census(人口普(人口普查) takers will spread out across the country, visiting more than 400 million households to try to get an accurate count of the population over a 10-day period. 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件 The sixth census wi

113、ll use about 6. 5 million census takers, each dressed in a uniform and bearing a certificate, asking everyone living and working on the mainland information about their personal lives. Anyone born before Monday gets included, and anyone born after Monday gets left out until the next one, in 2020, ac

114、cording to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). About 90 percent of the people will be asked to fill in an 18-item form, covering their name, sex, ethnic group, household registration( 登登 记 , 注注 册册 ) , and education; the other 10 percent, chosen randomly, will be asked to fill in a longer 45-que

115、stion form. 外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件 For foreigners, who are being included in Chinas census for the first time, special preparations have been made. Yang Shu, deputy director of the census office of Maizidian, a multinational community in Beijings Chaoyang district, said their office has recr

116、uited(招招聘聘) volunteers with bilingual or multilingual skills to help with the census. They have also translated the questionnaire into at least five languages, including the usual English, French and German. From China Daily【文章大意文章大意】本文主要本文主要讲了全国第六次人口普了全国第六次人口普查涉及的情况。涉及的情况。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮

117、复习课件1. How many times of census have China had before the article is released? A. 8. B. 5. C. 6. D. 4. 【解解析析】选B。细节理理解解题。根根据据第第二二段段可可知知正正在在进行行的的是是第六次人口普第六次人口普查,可知已,可知已经进行了五次。行了五次。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件2. What can we learn from the passage? A. This time the census will last 15 days. B. The cen

118、sus takers will enter thousands of houses wearing casual clothes. C. This census will include the foreigners for the first time. D. People will be asked any question by the census takers. 【解解析析】选C。推推理理判判断断题。根根据据第第三三段段可可知知外外国国人人第第一一次次被包括在人口普被包括在人口普查的范的范围内。内。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件3. Which of t

119、he following is unlikely to be asked during the census? A. Sex. B. Education. C. Income. D. Ethnic group. 【解解析析】选C。细节理理解解题。根根据据第第二二段段. . . covering their name, sex, ethnic group, household registration, and education. . . 可知。可知。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件4. How can the census takers ask the infor

120、mation about the foreigners? A. They will go to their houses directly. B. They will be helped by the volunteers speaking English. C. They will be helped by the volunteers with bilingual or multilingual skills. D. They will phone the foreigners. 【解解析析】选C。细节理理解解题。根根据据最最后后一一段段. . . their office has recruited volunteers with bilingual or multilingual skills to help with the census. 可知。可知。外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件外研社高中英语高考一轮复习课件



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