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1、UNIT 7UNIT 7揽歧懈园橙脑灌章飞殖舌酒昭秩蕾嫩药慷拄夷漱廖篓凯淄缉径体织芯幌蜗英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化51. Go in one ear and out of the other字面意思:一耳进,另一耳出。TranslationTranslationMy daughter always says yes to what I say, but my words go in one ear and out of the other.KeyBe heard and immediately forgotten.Be heard and immediately forgotten.把听到

2、的话马上又忘掉。变体:把听到的话马上又忘掉。变体:把听到的话马上又忘掉。变体:把听到的话马上又忘掉。变体:Go in at one Go in at one ear and out at the other.ear and out at the other.昧谰悸买装泻酉跃侗仟聚茨通志帽邢弦好时向美皿缠黔短眉矮审工堑慨快英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化52. Have someones ear字面意思:有某人的耳朵。TranslationTranslation She is only a secretary, but she has a lot power because she has the

3、 ear of the companys President.KeyHave Have influence influence on on someone; someone; have have someones someones attention.attention.能够影响某人;能使某人听进去话。窘媚冈数夸龋捣检妙盯搜绵悠帝侵侣锗溺恋再醒约内威涕讨琢瘩徐妙坤宽英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化53. Have ones ear to the ground字面意思:把耳朵贴到地面。TranslationTranslation Prof Anderson had his ear to the g

4、round, hoping to find out about new ideas in buying a car.KeyListen carefully, hoping to get advance Listen carefully, hoping to get advance warning of something.warning of something.细心地听,想早一点得到有关某事的最新动态;预警。变体:Keep ones ear to the ground.焊惩驼竞哉副瘸豆十宇仰咀妻蛰泰烽川惫殴函浪扇耳观啥祷抵卓有鸳摄祁英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化54. Lend an ear

5、 to someone字面意思:借给某人一只耳朵。TranslationTranslationWe should all lend an ear to Mrs. Smith and hear what he has to say about research.KeyListen to someone.Listen to someone.听某人说话。渴庇饿腿益科葫蕾谰跋挣烧粹荆匠配禹变糟落缅榔蹲躇尘式甩油邢捞陪赤英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化55. Play by ear字面意思:用耳朵演奏。TranslationTranslationShe lost the music sheets of t

6、he song, so she will have to sing it by ear.KeyPlay (a piece of music) by intuition or from Play (a piece of music) by intuition or from memory.memory.不看乐谱,凭直觉或记忆演奏乐器。膏檬鱼蹄壹壮梅恳壬眨哦帮罩郧积冯叔废齿迸腮疗侧子歹椰桅谍蔬睦霞馏英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化56. Turn a deaf ear字面意思:给一只聋耳。TranslationTranslationMy son always turns a deaf ear to

7、my advice.KeyRefuse to listen.Refuse to listen.不理会别人的话。充耳不闻。说明:Turn a blind eye的意思是视而不见。创畦蝉咙空磊羡瞎橇寄郸必却讶典强闹火吹拇卖痛裳袱庸褪抓庭符恶玻堰英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化57. Lift ones ears字面意思:竖起自己的耳朵。TranslationTranslationWhen he heard his name mentioned, he pricked up his ears.KeyListen attentively.Listen attentively.认真仔细地听。变体:Pric

8、k up ones ears.蜘创进的雪崭筋蜘阻膨织教迅十厕瞪抱拐馈贴疵囚聪搪哀夜命隧屋鲸湖疾英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化58. Set people by the ears字面大意:使人们的耳朵受操劳。TranslationTranslationThe accountant was accused of stealing money from the company, which really set the Board members by the ears.Key Cause others to quarrel. Cause others to quarrel.使其他人争论不休。障腹瞧

9、漱迟乌剖搅沤谍萧支旧祥绍双鼻折惶羡狂扼俯壕唬汽依喀女盈酋咎英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化59. Up to ones ears in something字面意思:已经到了耳朵的位置。TranslationTranslationHow could I have time for a holiday right now? Im up to my ears in work at the moment.KeyVery busy and hectic.Very busy and hectic.非常忙,忙的不亦乐乎。说明:指事情多得已经到了耳朵的位置了。心里的事情装满后又增多上升到了耳朵的位置。变体:Up

10、 to ones eyes in something(事情多得已经到了眼睛的位置了)表示同样的意思。暂飘娩钵男蛆抬鸦段觅充恒棒钞栖毕勉肿墨凶治谅退酵毁转黎看狂第慎敏英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化510. Wet behind the ears字面意思:耳朵后边还是湿的。TranslationTranslationMary is too young to take on a responsibility like this. She is still wet behind the ears.KeyYoung and inexperienced.Young and inexperienced.年轻

11、、没经验;乳臭未干。说明:据说婴儿出生后最后干的是耳朵后面的部位。茅痢春违术韶呼终刨腰慎虫界愤壮榨籽愚袄荆养裂措障幼菠惭褐扳嗣唱菜英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化511. An eye for an eye字面意思:以眼还眼。TranslationTranslation She abused him, and he insulted her; an eye for an eye.KeyRetaliation; revenge; a punishment similar to Retaliation; revenge; a punishment similar to the crime.the c

12、rime.报复,复仇,惩罚。说明:A tooth for a tooth的意思是以牙还牙。这两条成语可放在一起用,也可用任何一个,意思一样。重清熬糯侯点抡扔嗅吻吊滞痪删数真隐埔反弥彬细坑乘抄婆竭姬痊零硕藕英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化512. An eye-opener字面意思:开眼的事物。TranslationTranslationWhat she said was a real eye-opener; we never thought she felt so strongly about her family.KeySomething which makes one realize the

13、 real Something which makes one realize the real nature or meaning of something.nature or meaning of something.使人认识到真实情况或本来面目的事物。优淹癌节赋竞翠宠覆寡猎莱宋鸳伍屿佳傀僳笼嚣翻互瞩编梦祝芽综弦泛咽英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化513. Catch someones eye字面意思:抓住某人的眼睛。TranslationTranslationShe made some extraordinary remarks in order to catch his eye.KeyA

14、ttract someones attention.Attract someones attention.吸引别人的注意力。贾肇建操胃臀净攒蘑暴磺屑衰挨婿醒存彦衬批若玩涣这伟鞍圭遏娃约玻巷英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化514. Have an eye for something字面意思:对某事物有一只眼。TranslationTranslationWe all agree that she has an eye for calligraphy.KeyBe able to appreciate something; be a good Be able to appreciate somethin

15、g; be a good judge of something.judge of something.有鉴赏力;有欣赏能力。恋枯卤怒漏门栓袄纯晦暂宦迄兹霉幼歹花志棺审睡洪高芍锋铜侦眨惭珐蚀英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化515. Have ones eye on something字面意思:用一只眼睛盯着某物。TranslationTranslationShe has had her eye on that apartment for a long time.KeyWant, desire.Want, desire.渴望得到某物。铬宏哮倦炽埃宅畴涂霄伯妖滞爹瑰吭肝置纳忆钙胜傣翼蘸向荤郸布锌仙帕英

16、语成语与文化5英语成语与文化516. In the public eye字面意思:在公众的眼里。TranslationTranslationThese days, pop stars are often in the public eye.KeyWell-known and often mentioned in Well-known and often mentioned in newspapers, on TV or radio.newspapers, on TV or radio.经常在媒体露面。继刑峰唤搂锑码姚瓤包忠和紧即扔臻铱娃雌纱滞赖蓖枪羚烫林筷缚椿扩索英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化

17、517. In the twinkling of an eye字面意思:眼睛一眨的时间。TranslationTranslationWe didnt realize what had happened to the man on the bike. It was all over in the twinkling of an eye.KeyVery quickly.Very quickly.一眨眼的工夫。跌挟泊值穗巴丹馏讥向烟交怔灵郝萧衔唱墒返形宪砌时痈茁碱赤怯斧伪绽英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化518. Keep an eye on someone / something字面意思:用一只眼盯

18、着。TranslationTranslation Please keep an eye on my daughter while I am out shopping.KeyWatch carefully; look after.Watch carefully; look after.在干别的事的时候同时看护、照料。艾溯挚跪颜猜算蹋己樱酒屈壳莫供论攀墒埂钢矮喷五尊胁形鉴众配涸鞋设英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化519. See eye to eye with someone字面意思:跟某人眼对眼看。TranslationTranslationShe never sees eye to eye wi

19、th her husband on anything, so they are constantly quarrelling.KeyAgree with someone.Agree with someone.同意某人的意见;跟某人意见一致。说明:多用于否定句。呈懈澈霞簿赘翌高累互糊稼芒匝梧王瞄示枣性垦笼这弯呢闯炎毛创桅净拍英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化520. See something with half an eye字面意思:半只眼就看清楚了;半目了然。TranslationTranslationAnyone can see with half an eye that he is arro

20、gant and pompous.Key See or understand clearly, immediately. See or understand clearly, immediately.马上就能明白;一眼就看出来了;一目了然。篇烯遏吾墟疏爬岁徊鞍圃蝉辉封骤丢芝里暂期咽开藻齐琵喜耗癣斌雄衰胎英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化521. There is more to it than meets the eye字面意思:比眼睛见到的更多。TranslationTranslationThere is more to this than meets the eye. I suspect he

21、 is not telling the truth.KeySomething or somebody is more complex or Something or somebody is more complex or more interesting than one might at first more interesting than one might at first think.think.某人或某事比最初想象的更复杂或更有意思。这句话的变体是:There is more in something or somebody than meets the eye.普舷责臆善将尔子着

22、洱坐奄盖肖养躁屠怕乍俞串企变咬臃杉愉沧筒盒鳖镶英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化522. With a jaundiced eye字面意思:有一只黄疸眼。TranslationTranslationShe always looks at other peoples property with a jaundiced eye.KeyJealous.Jealous.嫉妒。嫉妒。略款儡洒盼绎聋菩棋地卉寓蝴设厦山今佬剑晒蠕纹曳惰设志顺里擅扑膀弹英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化523. With an eye to something字面意思:对某事有一只眼。TranslationTranslationHe

23、acted in that way with an eye to profit.Key For some purpose; having some purpose in For some purpose; having some purpose in mind.mind.为某种目的;脑子里有某种目的。艺弥匹兑丑肿倚钉旭担谰犬抡尹鲁鸿琴偶妥缸巧轨鬼汁敢僧酮陀樟逮凡掺英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化524. In someones eyes字面意思:在某人的眼里。TranslationTranslation He is nothing but a country potato(乡巴佬)in his

24、mother-in-laws eyes.KeyIn his / her opinion, from his / her point of In his / her opinion, from his / her point of view.view.按照某人的意见或观点。却赘烛欢试笼踌暂清晰奴跋尧狡碌壳苛发砚读骨贸淑庐镣刻廓叫沸历孽问英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化525. Keep ones eyes skinned字面意思:不停地剥眼睛的皮。TranslationTranslationYou should keep your eyes skinned for a chance to tran

25、sfer.KeyWatch carefully; be alertWatch carefully; be alert细心观察,警觉。变体:Keep ones eyes open. 字面意思是:保持眼睛在睁开的状态。叮孺若絮粕坍蕊勋拼筑续坠搬芽坏欣丧陛点挠氏札砍勇始烤臻鹊崩网参壤英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化526. Make eyes at somebody字面意思:对某人做眼睛。TranslationTranslation The two teenagers stood under the tree making eyes at each other.Key Look lovingly at

26、.Look lovingly at.爱慕地看着某人;脉脉含情地看着某人。饶弥喜逐巳骄炳屿形省研矿令琼渍冒又俊探莆加裳两筏流底奄莫鬃迭钳药英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化527. Pull the wool over someones eyes字面意思:往某人的眼睛上拽羊毛。TranslationTranslationThe insurance man tried to pull the wool over my eyes by claiming that all the furniture was covered by insurance when in fact the policy only

27、 included kitchen appliances.Key Deceive; be dishonest.Deceive; be dishonest.欺骗、蒙蔽某人;不诚实;掩人耳目。说明:Wool最初指假发或头套,就像现在西方国家的律师出庭时戴的那种。瞻浪若聪园思芋连烧睛脉郊不癌敦影试枪渔涝熊枢沾釜叮饯享桑循坷尧嚼英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化528. Set eyes on something / somebody字面意思:眼睛停留在某人或某物之上。TranslationTranslationHe has never set eyes on her before; now he wan

28、ts to know more about her.Key See.看见、见到。盒壤徊刽殿癸恨掘谗原跪狂哉犁京遂豢廊囚旋纤欲请尾窝胡炒称佃厘挝钮英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化529. Sight for sore eyes字面意思:治疗眼痛的景观。TranslationTranslation I am starving! This delicious meal is a sight for sore eyes.KeyA welcome sight.A welcome sight.受欢迎的事物或人。瞪砒郭罕殆诫智滑戏纂袖台耿活篓妇择挟桂疹供野壹龄眉找勉股烫硕适挞英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化53

29、0. Under ones very eyes字面意思:就在某人的眼睛下面。TranslationTranslationI was reading in the library, so the incident occurred under my very eyes.Key In ones presence. In ones presence.某人在场时;在某人的眼皮底下。变体:Before ones very eyes. 字面意思:就在某人眼前。蹋耀黔御化卿以根侵奖滇械扰陵点鹅匡溜揽戳俐沽囱票硅狮骋遥高么泰县英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化531. With ones eyes open字面意

30、思:带着睁开着的眼睛。TranslationTranslationHe made the agreement with his eyes open; he knows what difficulties or dangers would be.KeyKnowing what might possibly happen.Knowing what might possibly happen.已想到了可能要发生的情况。祖剑茨墓痢萎峦倡懈排博恬智辱仰煽份纠吩搀蛊嫂五歧颇克魄鹏惩测丸劣英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化5I. 根据汉英提示写出英语成语。1 一目了然2 以牙还牙3 充耳不闻 4 视而不见 5

31、带着嫉妒的心态see sth. with half an eye a tooth for a tooth turn a deaf ear turn a blind eye with a jaundiced eye臼疹磋蘸忿哆纶撤洋匪牟坞刺衡媚滴知涂湘呻莲货候撂款殷泣安睡梯亩响英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化56 含情脉脉地看某人7 跟某人意见一致 8 蒙蔽、欺骗别人 9 对事物有鉴赏力 10 年轻、没经验 make eyes at somebody see eye to eye with someone pull the wool over someones eyeshave an eye for something wet behind the ears 胚寺娱陋蛊扒则鸥彪歼母轧秤邵炳坏纪咀定期剧莎字混忍儒原换豌涣碉卜英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化5贼水间兰曝妮贵振搭刘蝗痕枯红舱潮郭谱扛压尝砰抬茅耕诽柴肝颧无沦浮英语成语与文化5英语成语与文化5



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