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1、Quality Improvement Road Map For HTT质量改善路线图-针对欧洲HTT2008.08.18EKC.QA By Jiang BoCustomer Expectation客户要求:vQuality performance improving to meet PPM request from customer. 提高量产品质量,满足客户PPM要求vFollowing the updated QCI9310-190(M), prevent CIV complaints. 满足客户新的QCI9310-190(M)标准要求,防止CIV投诉.vPerfect controls

2、 on APQP-PPAP, to keep quality performance be steady in mass production. 加强APQP-PPAP的管控,确保量产后的质量稳定性现状:Status:v2008年上半年的PPM为289 PPM of the first half year of 2008 is 289v2008年上半年已出现了2次CIV投诉2 CIVs in the first half yearv新产品的PPM很高Poor PPM performance of new parts.质量改善计划Quality Improvement Plan1、提升计划Exp

3、ected PPM improve plan2008年PPM达到200Goal of 2008, less than 2002009年PPM达到100Goal of 2009, less than 1002010年PPM达到50Goal of 2010, less than 502011年PPM达到20Goal of 2011, less than 202012年PPM达到9Goal of 2011, less than 202、到2008年底新工场筹建工作完成New shop floor will be done by end of 2008v已筹建完成:2个铸造车间,2个加工车间,1个中子

4、造型车间,1个完成品仓库 Finished: 2-cast foundry,2-machining plant; 1-core molding plant,1-finished part warehouse.v正在筹建中:实验室,资材仓库,组装车间,办公大楼In implement: Laboratory, material warehouse, assembly plant, office building.v人员 :新工场总人数达到600人,所有管理部门全部编制到位,其中质量管理人员占6%左右Human resource: 600 people in new site, all manag

5、ement dept. have been set up, Quality takes 6%.3、针对量大的机种实施单元化作业-08年底完成Unitization operation for mass produced PN by end of 2008D单元C单元B单元A单元到08年底筹建完成8个生产单元,产量可达到12万左右/年8 operation units will be finished by end of 2008, capacity will be of 120,000 per year.4、对新的QCI9310-190(M)和APQP-PPAP标准进行内部培训-08年9月底完

6、成Education & Learn on new QCI9310-190(M) and APQP-PPAP standard, by end of Sep-2008.将客户新的要求在EKC内部落实推进Transfer new customer request into internal instruction of Enkei.v优化APQP,PPAP的过程质量管控,提高送样合格率,确保量产后过程质量稳定Optimize process control on APQP, PPAP, improve percent passing of sample, to keep be steady in

7、 mass production.5、安排专职人员进行SPC管控,提高KCC/ CIC尺寸的过程能力- 08年10月底完成Improve SPC, with dedicated people on each shift, instead of operators on line, to control KCC CIC dimensions capacity现状:在线操作员管控,效果不理想Status: Operator collect data to sum up.改善:每班追加专职人员进行SPC管控Improve: Add dedicated people do this work per

8、shift.6、采取分层审核,确保现场各工序标准化作业-实施中Audit class by class, to keep every work procedure following standard.7、加强现场设备、夹具的点检/保养-实施中Improve device, fixture maintenance, in implement.跟踪并揭示所有夹具的状态Fixture status tracking sheet专人负责对设备进行点检Maintenance record by dedicated people.7、加强刀具的寿命管理-实施中Improve control on cut

9、ting tools useful lives.8、加强量具和测量设备的定期校验/MSA-实施中Improve periodical calibration on measurement/MSA, in implement.9、通过定期的技能培训和考核,提高现场操作员的技能,减少人为造成的质量问题发生Education on operation system, by periodical training on operation skill, and examination on trainings.10、加强可视化管理,确保最终检查达到标准化检查,防止不良品流出Improve visual

10、 operation, to keep the operator known the latest quality information, and detail inspection standard.11、开展CSL1管控,防止客户投诉后同样的不良品再次流出-实施中Improve CSL1 controls before warehousing, prevent the re-occurrence of defection customer complaint12、每周开展品质会议,回顾每周社内和社外的质量问题,并要求采取有效的改善方案-实施中Hold internal Quality conference every week, to better solve internal quality issues and issues from customer. The end! Thanks!



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