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1、who is Edison? Edison (1847 1931) is world-famous American electric experts, scientists and inventors, known as the king of the world invention. 爱迪生(Thomas Alva Edison 18471931)美国著名的发明家、企业家。1847年2月11日诞生于美国俄亥俄州米兰镇的一个农民家庭。8岁进学校读书,只学习了三个月,就不得不退学回家,由当过乡村教师的母亲、辅导他自学。12岁时,家庭生活困难,开始在列车上卖报,16岁时发明了自动定时发报机,之后

2、不断有发明问世,一生中共完成2000多项发明,1928年被授与美国国会金质特别奖章。1931年10月18日,爱迪生在西奥伦治逝世,终年84岁,1931年10月21日,全美国熄灯以示哀悼。Edison (Thomas Alva Edison 1847 1931) of the famous American inventors, entrepreneurs. February 11, 1847 was born in Milan, Ohio town of a peasant family. 8-year-old into the school, only to learn three mont

3、hs, will have to drop out to go home, as a rural teachers mother, his self-counseling. 12-year-old, family life difficult in the beginning of sales on the train reported that the 16-year-old when they invented the automatic transmitter from time to time, there have been invented after the advent of

4、life in 2000 to complete a number of Chinese inventions in 1928 by the U.S. Congress granted the special Gold Medal . October 18, 1931, Xiao Lun rule in Edison, died 84 years old, on October 21, 1931, the United States lights to show their condolences.step by step to success1876 build his first indu

5、strial research lab1877 invent the recorder1878 Invention of the electric light began1880 New York Edison electric lighting company was established1889 motion-picture machine came to the world.1876 建立自己的第一个工业研究实验室1877 发明录音机1878 开始发明灯泡1880 纽约爱迪生电器照明有限公司成立1889 发明了电影机器 Genius is one percent inspiration

6、 and ninety- Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.nine per cent perspiration. Accordingly, a genius is often merely a talented Accordingly, a genius is often merely a talented person who has done all of his or her homeworkperson who has done all of his or her homework天才就是天才就是1%1%的灵感加上的灵感加上99%99%的汗水,的汗水,相应地天才常常是那些做好了所有功相应地天才常常是那些做好了所有功课的人。课的人。well-known saying



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