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1、 情态动词情态动词+ have done1)must have done 对过去已经发生的事的肯定推测对过去已经发生的事的肯定推测. (只用于肯定句只用于肯定句)He must have gone to bed, for the light was out.Where is my pen? I must have lost it.2)can/could have done 对过去行为的怀疑和不肯定的推测对过去行为的怀疑和不肯定的推测. (常用于否定句和疑问句常用于否定句和疑问句) 在否定句意为在否定句意为“不可能不可能, 不会是不会是”Mick cant/couldnt have found

2、hiscar, for he came to work by bus this morning.(不可能不可能/不会找到车不会找到车)Can she have heard from you? 她可能收到你的信吗她可能收到你的信吗?注意注意: could+ have done 具有两层意思具有两层意思 表示对过去发生的事的揣测表示对过去发生的事的揣测, 可与可与can互换互换.表示对过去能做的事而没有做表示对过去能做的事而没有做, 不可不可与与can替换替换. 意为意为:“本来可以做本来可以做/能做能做”-I stayed at a hotel while in New York.-Oh. Di

3、d you? You could have stayed with Barbara.有时含有责备或遗憾的意思有时含有责备或遗憾的意思.You could have done it better.You could have come earlier.你本可以把这件事做得更好你本可以把这件事做得更好.你本可以来的更早你本可以来的更早.3)may/might have done 表示推测表示推测, 可能性更小可能性更小, 主要用于肯定句主要用于肯定句. 译为译为: “或许或许”He may/might have gone to the library.他或许已经去图书馆了他或许已经去图书馆了.mi

4、ght +have done 有时含有委婉的有时含有委婉的责备或庆幸等感情责备或庆幸等感情. 这时不能用这时不能用mayYou might have told me earlier.你本可以早点把消息告诉我的你本可以早点把消息告诉我的.4)should have done 表示本应该做表示本应该做 但却未做但却未做, 含有含有“后悔后悔,遗憾遗憾,责备责备, 批评批评”之意之意.You should have been more careful. 你本应该更细心些你本应该更细心些.You shouldnt have told him about it. 你本不该告诉他这事你本不该告诉他这事.5

5、)neednt have done 表示表示“本来用不着本来用不着, 本不必本不必” 之意之意.You neednt have asked him. (But you asked him.)You neednt have come. I have finished the work. 1.-I stayed at a hotel while in New York. -Oh, did you? You_with Barbara. A.could have stayed B.could stay C.would stay D.must have stayedA2.I didnt see her

6、in the meeting room this morning. She_ at the meeting A.mustnt have spoken B.shouldnt have spoken C.neednt have spoken D.couldnt have spokenD3.He_you more help, even though he was busy. A.might have given B.must have given C.can have given D.may giveA4.-I saw our teacher in the office just now. -You

7、_her, she is still abroad. A.cant have seen B.mustnt have seen C.neednt have seen D.shouldnt have seenA5.Kate is already two hours late. What_to her? A.can have happened B.may have happened C.should have happened D.must have happenedA6.We_last night, but we went to the concert instead. A.must have s

8、tudied B.might study C.should have studied D.would studyC7.There was plenty of time. She_. A.mustnt have hurried B.couldnt have hurried C.mustnt hurry D.neednt have hurriedD8.Sorry, Im late. I_have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again. A.might B.should C.can D.willA9.Yesterday, Ja

9、n walked away from the discussion.Otherwise, she_something she would regret late. A.has said B.said C.might say D.might have saidD10.-Did you scold him for his mistake? -Yes, but _it. A.Id rather not do B.Id better not do C.Id better not have done D.Id rather have not doneC11.I didnt hear the phone.

10、 I_asleep. A.must be B.must have been C.should be D.should have beenB12.Janny_have kept her word. I wonder why she changed her mind. A.must B.should C.need D.wouldB13.Tom ought not to_me your secret, but he meant no harm. A.have told B.tell C.be telling D.having toldA14.-Could I borrow your dictiona

11、ry? -Yes, of course you _. A.might B.will C.can D.shouldC15.-Shall w go skating or stay at home? -Which_do yourself. A.do you rather B.would you rather C.will you rather D.should you ratherB16.I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I_for her. A.had to write it out B.ought to write it out C.must h

12、ave written it out D.should have written it outD17.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone_get out. A.had to B.would C.could D.was able toD18.When he was there, he_go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day. A.would B.should C.had better D.mightA19.It is strange th

13、at he_such a silly thing. A.must have done B.may have done C.could have done D.should have doneD20.-_he turn up the radio? -Yes, please. A.Will B.Would C.Does D.ShallD21.-Jack fell off a ladder yesterday, but he is all right. -Hes lucky. He_himself badly. A.could wound B.would have wounded C.could h

14、urt D.would woundB22.-Could I use your dictionary? - _. A.Please not B.Yes, you do C.No, you might not D.Please do as yoursD23.-_the young man there be her cousin? -He_be, but Im not sure. A.Can; may B.May; wont C.Can; must D.will; dontA5)neednt have done 表示表示“本来用不着本来用不着, 本不必本不必” 之意之意.You neednt have asked him. (But you asked him.)You neednt have come. I have finished the work.



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