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1、主 编 周 锦 刘畅唱高等学校应用型特色规划教材 经管双语系列Lead-inBackground InformationWhat Is International Trade? International trade, also known as world trade, foreign trade, overseas trade, import and export trade, is the fair and deliberate exchange of goods and services across international boundaries or territories. I

2、t concerns trade operations of both import and export and includes the purchase and sale for both visible and invisible commodities. International trade involves activities across international boundaries and territories. Domestic trade is the exchange of domestic goods and services within the bound

3、aries of a country. The main difference is that international trade is typically more costly and complicated than domestic trade, and special problems may arise, which are not normally experienced when trading at home. Basic Concepts in International Trade 1) Visible trade and invisible tradeVisible

4、 trade refers to the exchange of physically tangible goods between countries, involving the export, import, and re-export of goods at various stages of production. It is distinguished from invisible trade, which involves the export and import of physically intangible items such as services. Basic ca

5、tegories of invisible trade include services (receipts and payments arising from activities such as customer service, shipping or insurance); income from foreign investment in the form of interest, profits, and dividends; private or government transfers of money from one country to another; and inte

6、llectual property and patents.2) Import trade, export trade and entreport trade When goods or services are sold from foreign countries to the domestic consumers in a legitimate fashion, the exchange is import trade. However, when goods or services are provided to foreign consumers by domestic produc

7、ers in a legitimate fashion, it is export trade. Given certain reason, the exchange of goods or services does not happen directly between the producers and consumers, but via a third party. Under this circumstance, the trading activity is called entrepot trade. 3) Value of foreign trade, balance of

8、trade and quantum of foreign trade Value of foreign trade means the total value of imports and exports of a country at a certain period of time. It is usually expressed with a nations currency or currency for international use. The UN usually uses U.S. dollars. To have the statistics of visible comm

9、odities, value of export trade is calculated with FOB, while value of import trade with CIF. Invisible commodity is not required to declare to the custom. Therefore, theres no custom statistics. Balance of trade is the difference between the monetary value of exports and imports in an economy over a

10、 certain period of time. A favorable balance of trade is known as trade surplus (ExportsImports), or excess of export over import; an unfavorable balance of trade is known as trade deficit (ExportsImports), or excess of import over export, or informally, a trade gap.Given the fluctuation in the valu

11、e of currency, monetary value of foreign trade fails to exactly express the real scale of a nations overseas trade. It also prevents the direct comparison of foreign trade at different period of time. To avoid the influence, trade index is used. It means that the value of foreign trade is calculated

12、 using a fixed price at a certain period of time as standard price. The formula is quantum of foreign trade = volume of export and import/the fixed export and import price index.4) Terms of tradeTerms of trade, or TOT, are the relative prices of a countrys export to import. In the simplified case of

13、 two countries and two commodities, terms of trade is defined as the ratio of the price a country receives for its export commodity to the price it pays for its import commodity. Export and import price index (PX & PM) are used to calculate the ratio. Main Theories of International Trade1) The Merca

14、ntilism Mercantilism developed at a time when the European economy was in transition. At that time, the capitalist mode of production had not been established. However, technological changes in shipping and the growth of urban centers led to a rapid increase in international trade. Of course, the in

15、troduction of double-entry bookkeeping and modern accounting as well as the discovery of America played a great role. The former made very clear the inflow and outflow of trade, thus giving the balance of trade a close scrutiny, while the latter opened new markets and propelled foreign trade. 2) The

16、 Absolute Advantage TheoryThe notion of division of labor across borders and free trade was first proposed by Adam Smith (1723-1790) in his representative works An Inquiry into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations, in short Wealth of Nations, in 1776. According to Adam Smith, theoretical ba

17、sis of division of labor was absolute advantage or absolute cost. 3) The Comparative Cost Doctrine (the Comparative Advantage) TheoryFrom absolute advantage, British economist David Ricardo (1772-1823) argued about the comparative advantage. Principles of comparative advantage argued for the first t

18、ime that benefits from foreign trade was not limited to the availability of absolute advantage. What matters is not absolute cost, but the opportunity cost of production. A country should specialize in products and services in which it has a comparative advantage. It should trade with another countr

19、y for products in which the other country has a comparative advantage. In this way both countries become better off and gain from division of labor and trade. 4) The Heckscher-Ohlin Theory (Factor Proportions Theory) Factor Proportions Theory is most commonly known as the Heckscher-Ohlin Theory. Tha

20、t is a country should choose what to produce and trade on the basis of the relative scarcity of labor, land, and capital. Basically, on this view the relative scarcity of a factor or factors determines the comparative advantage of the country. According to Heckscher and Ohlin, a country can produce

21、relatively more cheaply the commodity which uses relatively intensively (in the production process) (factor intensity) the factor with which the country is relatively abundantly endowed (factor abundance). So the H-O theory predicts the pattern of trade between countries based on the characteristics

22、 of the countries. A capital-abundant country will export the capital-intensive goods while the labor-abundant country will export the labor-intensive goods. Practical Skills(1) How to build a special economic zone?a. Emphasize area location choice.b. Formulate reasonable preferential policy.c. Buil

23、d a better investment environment.d. Formulate developing plan.e. Provide law guarantee.(2) The basic principles of WTO are as follows:a. non-discriminated;b. transparency;c. predictable and market enlargement entrance principle;d. fair competition principle;e. customs duty binding and gradual reduc

24、tion of customs duties;f. prohibition of quantity limitation;g. exceptions and guarantee countermeasures to be implemented.(3) The influences of transnational corporation on international trade are as follows:a. Strengthen the development of international trade;b. The influences on the geographical

25、direction of international trade;c. The influences on the commodity structure of international trade;d. Strengthen the monopoly and competition of international trade;e. The influences on the foreign trade of developed countries;f. The influences on the foreign trade of developing countries.一、导读一、导读

26、二、背景知识二、背景知识1. 什么是国际贸易什么是国际贸易国际贸易,亦称“世界贸易”、“对外贸易”、“国外贸易”、“进出口贸易”,是指国际间公平的商品和劳务的交换。它关系到进口贸易业务和出口贸易业务,包括有形商品和无形商品的采购与销售。国际贸易指越过国界所进行的商品交换活动。国内贸易是指一个国家国境内商品和劳务的交换活动。国际贸易与国内贸易的主要区别在于国际贸易比国内贸易费用更昂贵,程序更复杂,因此国内贸易中不常见的问题有可能出现在国际贸易中。这是因为交易国家或地区之间存在诸如语言、文化、货币及技术规格和要求上的不同。另外,关税、外汇限制、固定配额等关税壁垒的存在,交易文件的复杂性,运输和保险

27、特性也是其中的原因。2. 国际贸易的基本概念国际贸易的基本概念1) 有形贸易和无形贸易有形贸易和无形贸易有形贸易是无形贸易的对称,是指有形实物的交易。它包括处于生产不同阶段的有形实物的进出口及再出口贸易。而无形贸易则指无形商品,例如劳务的进出口贸易,主要包括以下几类:和商品进出口有关的一切从属费用的收支,如运输费、保险费等;国外投资汇回的股息、利润、红利等;私人或政府的跨国汇款;知识产权和专利等。2) 进口贸易、出口贸易和转口贸易进口贸易、出口贸易和转口贸易进口贸易是将外国所产或加工的商品(包括外国拥有的劳务)购买后输入本国市场的贸易活动。出口贸易是将本国所产或加工的商品(包括本国拥有的劳务)

28、销售后输入外国市场的贸易活动。转口贸易是区别于商品生产国与商品消费国直接买卖商品的直接贸易行为而提出来的。它是指商品生产国与商品消费国因某种原因不能直接进行商品买卖,而需通过第三国进行商品的买卖活动。3) 对外贸易额、贸易差额和贸易量对外贸易额、贸易差额和贸易量对外贸易额是指一个国家在一定时期内的进口总额与出口总额之和。一般用本国货币表示,也可用国际上习惯使用的货币表示。联合国发布的世界各国对外贸易额是以美元表示的。各国在统计有形商品时,出口额以FOB价格计算,进口额以CIF价格计算。无形商品不报关,海关没有统计。贸易差额是指一个国家在一定时期内(通常为一年)出口总额与进口总额之间的差额。贸易

29、顺差,我国也称它为出超,表示一定时期内的出口额大于进口额。贸易逆差,我国也称它为入超、赤字,表示一定时期内的出口额小于进口额。贸易平衡就是一定时期内的出口额等于进口额。 以货币所表示的对外贸易值经常受到价格变动的影响,因而不能准确地反映一国对外贸易的实际规模,更不能用不同时期的对外贸易值直接比较。为了避免这些影响,通常采用贸易指数表示。其办法是以一定时期的不变价格为标准来计算各个时期的贸易值。用进出口价格指数除进出口值,得出按不变价格计算的贸易值,便剔除了价格变动因素,这就是报告期的贸易量。4) 贸易条件贸易条件贸易条件是指一定时期内一国出口商品价格与进口商品价格之间的对比关系。如果简单地用两

30、个国家的两种商品作为例子,贸易条件就是一个国家的出口商品可以换回进口商品的比。它是用出口价格指数与进口价格指数来计算的。3. 国际贸易的基本理论国际贸易的基本理论1) 重商主义重商主义 重商主义政策出现在欧洲经济的转型期。当时,资本主义生产方式还没有确立起来。但是,航运技术和城市中心的发展让国际贸易迅速发展。此外,复式簿记和现代会计的引入以及新大陆的发现也起到了很大的作用。前两者使贸易的流入流出更加清晰,因此可以更密切地审视国际贸易差额;后者开拓了新的市场,直接促进海外贸易的发展。2) 绝对优势理论绝对优势理论 古典学派经济学家亚当斯密(17231790)首先于1776年在其代表作国民财富的性

31、质和原因的研究(简称国富论)中提出国际分工,推动自由贸易。亚当斯密认为,分工的依据是绝对优势或绝对成本,绝对优势来源于自然禀赋或后天有利条件。而有效分工能提高劳动生产率,增进社会财富。因此,他认为如果一个国家相对另一个国家在生产时使用更少的资料,那么这个国家在生产该产品时就拥有绝对的优势。3) 比较优势学说比较优势学说(比较成本学说比较成本学说)英国的经济学家大卫李嘉图(17721823)在绝对成本理论的基础上,提出了比较成本理论,第一次论证了国际贸易的分工基础不仅限于绝对成本差异。起作用的不仅是绝对优势或绝对成本,而是生产的机会成本。只要各国之间产品的生产成本存在着相对差异即比较成本差异,就

32、可以参与国际贸易并从中获利。4) 赫克歇尔赫克歇尔-俄林理论俄林理论(要素比例学说要素比例学说)要素比例学说普遍被称为赫克歇尔-俄林理论。它认为一个国家应该在考虑自己的资源如劳动力、土地及资本等的稀缺性的基础上来组织生产并展开贸易。国家资源的稀缺性基本决定了这个国家的相对优势。赫克歇尔和俄林认为一个国家可以通过相对密集地(要素密集度)使用该国相对充裕的生产要素(要素丰裕度)来生产相对便宜的产品。赫克歇尔-俄林模型预言国家之间贸易的格局基于国家的特征。资本充裕的国家应该出口资本密集型的产品,而劳动充裕的国家则应出口劳动密集型的产品。三、实用技能三、实用技能(1) 如何建立一个经济特区?a. 重视区位选择。b. 制定合理的优惠政策。c. 创造良好的投资环境。d. 制订发展规划。e. 提供法律保障。(2) 世界贸易组织的基本原则如下:a. 非歧视原则。b. 透明度原则。c. 可预测性和扩大市场准入原则。d. 公平竞争原则。e. 关税约束和关税递减原则f. 禁止数量限制原则。g. 例外和实施保障措施原则。(3) 跨国公司对国际贸易的影响如下:a. 加速了国际贸易的发展。b. 对国际贸易地理方向的影响。c. 对国际贸易商品结构的影响。d. 加强了国际贸易中的垄断与竞争。e. 对发达国家对外贸易的影响。f. 对发展中国家对外贸易的影响。



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