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1、VincentVanGogh1VincentVanGogh1Born:30 March 1853Died:29 July 1890Nationality:DutchvEarly life(18531883)vEmerging artist (18831888)vArtistic breakthrough (18881889)vDeath (1890)Vincent Van GoghEarly LifeIn July 1869, his uncle Cent helped him obtain a position with the art dealer Goupil & Cie in The

2、Hague.In January 1879, he took a temporary post as a missionary in the village of Petit Wasmes in the coal-mining district of Borinage in Belgium.He traveled to Brussels that autumn intending to follow Theos recommendation to study with the prominent Dutch artist Willem Roelofs, who persuaded him, i

3、n spite of his aversion to formal schools of art, to attend the Acadmie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels, where he registered on 15 November 1880. In April 1881, van Gogh moved to the Etten countryside with his parents where he continued drawing, often using neighbors as subjects. In January 1882,

4、he settled in The Hague where he called on his cousin-in-law, Anton Mauve (18381888) who was a Dutch realist painter and a leading member of the Hague School. In autumn 1883, after a year together, he left Sien and the two children. He had thought of moving the family out of the city but in the end

5、made the break. Emerging Artist From this period, Still-Life with Straw Hat and Pipe and Still-life with Earthen Pot and Clogs are characterized by smooth, meticulous brushwork and fine shading of colors. During his two-year stay in Nuenen, he completed numerous drawings and watercolors and nearly 2

6、00 oil paintings. His palette consisted mainly of somber earth tones, particularly dark brown, and he showed no sign of developing the vivid coloration that distinguishes his later, best-known work. When he complained that Theo was not making enough effort to sell his paintings in Paris, his brother

7、 wrote back, telling him that the paintings were too dark and not in line with the current style of bright Impressionist paintings.从这一时期从这一时期,静物写生与草帽静物写生与草帽,管道和静物写生与瓦锅和木屐具有光滑、细致的笔管道和静物写生与瓦锅和木屐具有光滑、细致的笔法及精细材质的颜色。在他的两年留在法及精细材质的颜色。在他的两年留在Nuenen,他完成了多项图纸和水彩画和将他完成了多项图纸和水彩画和将近近200的油画。他的调色板主要包括地球沉郁的音调的油画。他

8、的调色板主要包括地球沉郁的音调,尤其是黑棕色尤其是黑棕色,但没有迹象但没有迹象显示他发展中生动的颜色显示他发展中生动的颜色,区分他之后区分他之后,最著名的作品。当他抱怨西奥没有作出足最著名的作品。当他抱怨西奥没有作出足够努力出售他的画作在巴黎够努力出售他的画作在巴黎,他的兄弟写了回信他的兄弟写了回信,告诉他告诉他,这些画是太暗这些画是太暗,不符合当不符合当前的风格明亮的印象派油画前的风格明亮的印象派油画Still-Life withStraw Hat and Pipe Still-life with Earthen Pot and ClogsArtistic BreakthroughVan G

9、ogh moved to Arles hoping for refuge; at the time he was enchanted by the local landscape and light. His works from the period are richly draped in yellow, ultramarine and mauve. The vibrant light in Arles excited him, and his newfound appreciation is seen in the range and scope of his work.When Gau

10、guin agreed to visit Arles, van Gogh hoped for friendship and for his uptopian idea of a collective of artists. After repeated requests, Gauguin finally arrived in Arles on 23 October. During November, the two painted together. Bedroom in ArlessunflowersDeath The death of Vincent van Gogh, the Dutch

11、 post-Impressionist painter, occurred in the early morning of 29 July 1890, in his room at the Auberge Ravoux in the village of Auvers-sur-Oise in northern France. He suffered a gunshot wound two days earlier not far from the inn. It has been widely reported that he shot himself in the chest, wishin

12、g to end his life. Vincent And Theo Theo provided his brother with both financial and emotional support. Their lifelong friendship, and most of what is known of van Goghs thoughts and theories of art, is recorded in the hundreds of letters they exchanged between 1872 and 1890: more than 600 from Vin

13、cent to Theo and 40 from Theo to Vincent. Theo in 1888 at 31. Theo was a life-long supporter and friend to his brother. The two are buried together at Auvers-sur-Oise. Lust for Life Is known as the father of the American novel biography famous contemporary writer irving, Mr Stone in the practice of

14、van gogh also then write the literary biography, orson Welles was a mere 26. 60 years, the story of van gogh moved numerous readers, the magic of judah so far in.有三部关于梵高的电影1.渴望生活渴望生活 1956年,好莱坞拍摄了这部根据小说渴望生活改编的同名电影。由美国著名影星 柯克道格拉斯饰演凡高。2.文森特和提奥文森特和提奥 写梵高与唯一支持他的弟弟3.凡高凡高 本片主要记叙了1890年,凡高在巴黎近郊的奥维尔度过的最后十天的生活。男主角获得1992年第17届法国电影“恺撒奖”最佳男主角Thanks:结束结束



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