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1、跨文化交际IINTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIONCHAPTER5 VERBAL COMMUNICATION vLanguage helps in communicating with people from different background. However we may be less aware that cultural literacy is necessary in order to understand the language being used. If we select language without being aware of the cul

2、tural implications, we may at least communicate well and at worst sent the wrong language.v( Beamer, L. and Varner, I Intercultural communication in the Global Workplace. New York, NY:vTeaching objectives:vIn this part you are expected to understand some commonly observed differences between Chinese

3、 and English verbal communication and learn to make cross-cultural comparisons and analysis in the following aspects.v1. cultural differences in the attitude towards voiced and unvoiced communication. v2. cultural differences on the lexical level;v3. cultural differences on the syntactical level;v4.

4、 cultural differences on discourse level;v5. cultural differences on the pragmatic levelv6. translation problems and language understandingv引言引言:v 各民族的语言是自足的各民族的语言是自足的. 处于不同语言世界里的人处于不同语言世界里的人,即使面对同一个现实面向即使面对同一个现实面向,也会在描述它时沿着各自的思路也会在描述它时沿着各自的思路,采用不同的策略采用不同的策略, 刻画出不同的版本刻画出不同的版本.正如维特正如维特根斯坦所言根斯坦所言:我的语言

5、就是我的疆界我的语言就是我的疆界,跨出我生于其中的语言跨出我生于其中的语言,冒险与隔膜就开始了冒险与隔膜就开始了.v 语言与文化紧密相连语言与文化紧密相连, 不可分割不可分割; 语言是文化的一部分语言是文化的一部分.vCulture and language are intertwined and are shaping each other. Each time we select words, form sentences, and send a massage, either oral or written, we also make cultural choices. vLanguag

6、e: a system of arbitrarily chosen, conventionalized, vocal, graphic or gesture symbols serving the needs of communication among the members of a given community.The power of verbal communication.cultural differences on lexical levelv(cases)v1. types of lexical meaningvWords are the basic units of me

7、aning. Understanding the meaning of words is, therefore critical to the sharing of meanings conveyed in verbal communication. vTwo types of lexical meaning: 1)Denotation: the conceptual meaning of the word that describes things, events or processes. It is the primary, explicit meaning given in the d

8、efinition of a word in a dictionary.v2) connotation: refers to the emotional or stylistic associations that a word or phrase suggests in ones mind. It is the implicit, supplementary value which is added to the purely denotative meaning of a word or phrase.v Meanings of words are personal. v Meanings

9、 of words are also culture specific.2.Cultural differences in denotative meaning:1). Absence of referent in the speaker or listeners language. Each culture creates vocabulary to describe its unique physical and social environment as well as the activities its people engaged in those contexts. So the

10、 absence of certain objects in one culture will naturally results in the absence of the necessary vocabulary to refer to them.) v2) overlapping of denotative meaning vIn addition to total equivalence of words and absence equivalence in denoting of certain referents, cultures also overlap in the deno

11、tation of certain vocabulary.3. Cultural differences in connotative meaning 1) words with same denotation but different connotation. a. color words b. animal words c. numbers.Culturaldifferencesonsyntacticlevelcomparethefollowingtwosentences: 1. Keeping a basic balance of international payments is a

12、n important condition for achieving sustain and s m o o t h e c o n o m i c developmentLast year, Chinas import increased considerably and its growth of export was relatively slow, thus results in a fairly huge trade deficit.2. An important condition for achieving steady economic development is to m

13、aintain a b a s i c b a l a n c e o f i n t e r n a t i o n a l payments.Last year i m p o r t s i n c r e a s e d considerably while exports grew relatively slowly, with the results that there was a h u g e t r a d e d e f i c i t .1. paratactic structure vs. hypotactic structurevParataxis: the arr

14、anging of clauses one after another without connectives showing the relation between them.vHypotaxis: depended relation or construction.Examples:1 明早明早还赶路呢,去睡吧!赶路呢,去睡吧! Go to bed now as youll set out early tommorrow.2. 快点!快点!迟到了会埃到了会埃训的。的。 Hurry up ! Youll be criticized if you are late.v枯藤,老树,昏鸦,v小桥

15、,流水,人家,v古道,西风,瘦马,v夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。vCrows hovering over rugged old trees wreathed with rotten vine-the day is about done.vYonder is a tiny bridge over a sparkling stream,vAnd on the far bank, a pretty little village.vBut the traveler has to go down this ancient road,vthe west wind moaning, his bony horse

16、 groaning,vtrudging towards the sinking sun,vfarther and farther away from home.2. Left expansion vs. right expansionExample:中:第二次世界大战后,由于科学和技术发展进入新时期,我们的生后发生了很大变化。英:Our life has been greatly changed thanks to the new age of science and technology since the Second World War.3. Bamboo structure vs. t

17、ree structure s / | NP1 M VP / | / | D N will V NP2 Np3 | | | / / the postman give D N D N | | | | the boy a parcel Cultural differences on discourse levelv1. Discourse : a piece of speech or writing. It may be as short as an change of greetings, or as long as a lecture or an essay.v胡壮麟先生:“语篇指任何不完全受

18、句子与法约束的,在一定语境下表示完整意义的自然语言”- 语篇的衔接与连贯 vPeople in different cultures show considerable differences in their preference over the ways a spoken or written discourse is organized or delivered.vIn this section, we will approach the discourse differences between English and Chinese from the perspective of

19、form, style and organization with a focus on the written discourse in the two languages.v2. Coherence & Cohesion vCoherence: unbroken movement. (A writer or speaker is like a pianist who hopes to play a composition from beginning to the end without stopping. He /she tries to move smoothly in present

20、ing his or her main ideavCohesion : the means to achieve coherence.vCoherence & Cohesion are the natural or reasonable connection in thoughts and words that results from the presentation of all parts in logical relations whereas cohesion is the means to achieve coherence.v所谓的信息自然合理的链接,其自然性与合理性源于对信息有

21、逻辑性的编排与组合。我们通常把衔接与连贯相提并论是因为二者自身关系密不可分,衔接是达成连贯的手段。vGrimes (格莱姆斯)在语篇经纬中指出:衔接是使正在说的内容与已经说过的内容具有联系。他认为:“衔接关系是累进的,直线的,包括如何保持已知信息和引入信息的方法”。v3. Different emphasis on form v3.1 English speaker or writer uses the techniques of transition, repetition, parallel structures etc. to hold the sentences and paragra

22、phs together and at the same time create a strong unity of ideas.veg.(.)vComparatively speaking, Chinese writing put more emphasis on the connection of meaning between sentences and paragraphs; the formal connection could be overlooked if meaning is well expressed. (lies in meaning between lines.)ve

23、.g. v西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光绮丽。vThe West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty. v人言鼎沸vMany people talked together and the noise is like the bubbling of water boiling in a cauldron.v3.2 “reader responsible” vs. “writer responsiblevChinese: depen

24、ds a lot on the context. It is assumed that the reader and the writer have shared knowledge of the context and the background information, so the reader can take the responsibility of finding connections between words and paragraphs.vEnglish: communication between the reader and the writer depends m

25、ostly on the language used and linguistic forms. Discussion : Of studies荀子劝学4.Different style preferencevChinese : prefer to use descriptive words and phrases, especially four-character idioms, quotations from well-known people, various kinds of figures of speech, to add strength and beauty to their

26、 writing.vEnglish: simple language and plain style.ve.g. 5. Different ways of organizationvChinese : (holistic and cyclical pattern of thinking) approach their themes from general coverage to specific discussions. The most important message or exposition is not touched upon until all relevant backgr

27、ound information is provided.vEnglish : (linear and rational way of thinking) do not develop their writing in a round-about way; get to the point at the beginning, starting with the introduction of a topic or thesis, which is developed closely related supporting details. With the details being logic

28、ally chained together, the topic or the thesis is proved to be true.6. Different ways of development Chinese: develop cyclically, moving in a circle, tending to come back or moving around the first level instead of moving forward to more specific details. It is usually regarded by native speaker as

29、underdevelopment or illogical and confusing.vEnglish : tend to accept the direct but particularistic approach and their emphasis is on specification rather than generality.vChinese : more subjective in presenting views; not skillful in presenting their points with statistics or evidence;vEnglish : a

30、re required to present views objectively and support views with information of facts, evidence, data etc. vChinese: like to resort to the review by history instead of directly developing the topic; vEnglish : do not usually talk about history and give comparison of the past.vChinese : prefer paralle

31、l structures in a way of word form, phrase and sentence form.vEnglish : dot not normally use it as the key structure in the whole paragraph in a repetitive ways to develop the sentence.vElectricity has been playing an important role in many aspects ever since its discovery. Before the discovery peop

32、le had been living in the darkness, without modern electric light, radio, washing machines, videos and computer. Now, we are enjoying everything the world could offer. It is electricity that drives away the darkness, modernizes our industry, accelerates the farmer productive process and dramatizes o

33、ur present lives.vElectricity has played an important role in many aspects ever since its discovery. It has modernized our country and developed our economy, making our industry stronger and producing more profit. Besides, it has improved our agriculture of production. With electricity, we can save

34、labor and raise productivity. We can see that 20% of farm hands left their farm lands and now are working in the factories. Most of all, electricity changes our daily life. Now people use washing machines to wash clothes, electric lights to light the room, computers to do the word processing, resear

35、ch, computation and designing. It is hard to imagine what our life would be if there was no electricity. v Taking part in sports can also help improve study efficiency. It can give a rest after a days hard work. It can make you relax when you feel tired and broken-down. It can relieve the pressure y

36、ou have in study. If you take part in sports regularly, your study efficiency will surely be improved.vTaking part in sports can also help improve study efficiency. One study shows that people take regular exercise suffer less from anxiety and able to work harder. According to a medical report, 83% of the freshmen who had trouble with studies were in bad physical shape. When they put into a physical fitness program, their grades picked up more or less.30 以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正,谢以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正,谢谢大家!谢大家!



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