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1、八年级八年级(下下)阶段检测阶段检测(训练时间:训练时间:90分钟分值:分钟分值:120分分)一、单项选择一、单项选择(15分分)1. My grandfather arrived _ Shanghai _night. A. at; at B. in; at C. in; in D. at; in【解析【解析】 到达大地方用到达大地方用“arrive in”;at night“在晚上在晚上”,为固定搭配。为固定搭配。【答案【答案】B2. Not all students enjoy _ storybooks. A. reads B. to read C. read D. reading【解析【

2、解析】enjoy后接动词后接动词ing形式。形式。【答案【答案】D3. Be careful when you walk _ the street. A. through B. over C. above D. across【解析【解析】和和the street搭配的搭配的“穿过穿过”要用要用across,故选故选D。【答案【答案】D4. My mother _ dinner when I got home. A. was cooking B. cooked C. has cooked D. cooks【解解析析】结结合合本本题题情情境境可可知知,“我我”到到家家的的时时候候,妈妈妈妈正正在在

3、做饭。故选做饭。故选A。【答案【答案】A5. Its not easy _ sorry to your best friends. A. to talk B. to say C. speaking D. chatting【解解析析】“Itsadj. to do sth. ”是是固固定定句句式式;“对对说说”用用say. . . to. . . 。故选。故选B。【答案【答案】B6. A _ man rushed into the house on fire and saved two boys. A. brave B. useless C. nervous D. scared【解解析析】题题干干

4、中中提提到到了了“男男人人冲冲进进着着火火的的房房子子,救救了了两两个个男男孩。孩。”由此可推断由此可推断,他很勇敢。故选他很勇敢。故选A。【答案【答案】A7. Well never give up _ to help, whatever happens. A. try B. to try C. trying D. to try【解析【解析】give up doing sth. “放弃做某事放弃做某事”。【答案【答案】C8. Our sports meeting has been _ till next Monday because of the bad weather. A. put on

5、B. put up C. put off D. put down【解解析析】put on“穿穿上上”;put up“举举起起”;put off“推推迟迟”;put down“放放下下”。 句句意意为为“因因为为恶恶劣劣的的天天气气,运运动动会会被被推推迟到下周一。迟到下周一。”故选故选C。【答案【答案】C9. He failed in the math test and looks sad. Lets _. A. put him up B. set him up C. cheer him up D. clean him up【解解析析】句句意意为为“他他数数学学考考试试不不及及格格,看看起起来

6、来很很难难过过。让让我我们们使使他他振振奋奋起起来来。”put up“张张贴贴,搭搭建建”;set up“建建立立”;cheer up“振奋起来振奋起来”;clean up“打扫干净打扫干净”。故选。故选C。【答案【答案】C10. Listening is just as _ as speaking in language learning. A. important B. more important C. most important D. the most important【解解析析】“as形形容容词词/副副词词原原级级as”表表示示“和和一一样样”。故选故选A。【答案【答案】A11.

7、 Would you mind _ the newspaper to us, Miss Yang? A. reading B. read C. to read D. have read【解解析析】mind后后要要接接动动词词ing形形式式,mind doing sth. “介介意意做某事做某事”。故选。故选A。【答案【答案】A12. I will return the book to Mary, but I cant find her anywhere. She _ the teachers office. You can find her there. A. has left B. was

8、away from C. has gone to D. has been to【解解析析】句句意意为为“她她去去了了教教师师办办公公室室,你你能能在在那那儿儿找找到到她她。”表示去了某地表示去了某地,并且还未回来并且还未回来,用用have/has gone to。【答案【答案】C13. Well try our best to finish the work on time _ its difficult. A. as soon as B. even though C. as long as D. so that【解解析析】as soon as“一一就就”;even though“尽尽管管”;

9、as long as“只只要要”;so that“因因此此”。句句意意为为“尽尽管管很很困困难难,我们将尽力按时完成工作。我们将尽力按时完成工作。”故选故选B。【答案【答案】B14. There are many theaters in London. And this is _ one. A. the oldest B. old C. older D. oldest【解解析析】多多个个事事物物之之间间比比较较用用最最高高级级。形形容容词词最最高高级级前前加加the。句意为句意为“在伦敦有很多剧院在伦敦有很多剧院,这是最古老的一家。这是最古老的一家。”故选故选A。【答案【答案】A15. I p

10、lan to have a vacation in Beijing. _ A. Congratulations! B. Im very happy. C. Im sorry to hear that. D. Have a good time!【解解析析】当当得得知知某某人人要要去去旅旅游游时时,常常用用“Have a good time!”祝对方玩得开心。祝对方玩得开心。【答案【答案】D1. A. afraid B. sure C. proud D. happy【解解析析】afraid“害害怕怕的的”;sure“确确定定的的”;proud“骄骄傲傲的的”;happy“高高兴兴的的”。由由上上文

11、文中中的的“David was only 4 years old”和和下下文文中中的的“so Mary left the hall light on when we slept”可知可知,David仍然害怕黑暗。故选仍然害怕黑暗。故选A。【答案【答案】A2. A. liked B. hated C. let D. killed【解解析析】like“喜喜欢欢”;hate“讨讨厌厌,憎憎恨恨”,let“让让”;kill“杀杀死死”。由由下下文文中中的的“He asked Mary to make the moths go away. ”可可知知,David讨讨厌厌那那些些灰灰色色的的飞飞蛾蛾绕绕着

12、着灯灯飞飞来来飞飞去去。故选故选B。【答案【答案】B3. A. how B. what C. when D. why【解解析析】由由下下文文中中的的“Because they are ugly and scary. ”可可知知,Mary是在询问把它们赶走的原因是在询问把它们赶走的原因,应用应用why。故选。故选D。【答案【答案】D4. A. mean B. make C. know D. hope【解解析析】mean“意意味味着着”;make“使使,制制造造”;know“知知道道”;hope“希希望望”。此此处处指指外外表表丑丑陋陋并并不不意意味味着着内内心心不不漂漂亮亮。故选故选A。【答案【

13、答案】A5. A. laughing B. playing C. crying D. talking【解解析析】laugh“笑笑”;play“玩玩”;cry“哭哭”;talk“谈谈论论”。由由下下文文中中的的“They were sad because it was raining heavily. ”可知可知,天使们在哭泣。故选天使们在哭泣。故选C。【答案【答案】C6. A. kind B. angry C. ugly D. sad【解解析析】kind“善善良良的的,友友善善的的”;angry“生生气气的的”;ugly“丑丑陋陋的的”;sad“悲悲伤伤的的”。由由下下文文中中的的“They

14、decided to make a rainbow to cheer up the angels. ”可可知知,灰灰色色的的飞飞蛾蛾是心地善良的。故选是心地善良的。故选A。【答案【答案】A7. A. refused B. advised C. helped D. left【解解析析】refuse“拒拒绝绝”;advise“建建议议”;help“帮帮助助”;leave“离离开开”。由由下下文文中中的的“one of the moths went to ask the butterflies for help”可可知知,此此处处表表示示“如如果果蝴蝴蝶蝶能能帮帮忙忙的的话话”。故选。故选C。【答案

15、【答案】C8. A. give up B. pick up C. turn up D. look up【解解析析】give up“放放弃弃”;pick up“捡捡起起”;turn up“调调大大”;look up“查查阅阅字字典典,抬抬头头看看”。蝴蝴蝶蝶们们不不愿愿意意帮帮忙忙,不不想想放弃它们漂亮的颜色。故选放弃它们漂亮的颜色。故选A。【答案【答案】A9. A. unless B. until C. after D. since【解解析析】unless“除除非非”;until“直直到到”;after“在在之之后后”;since“自自从从”。它它们们一一点点一一点点地地努努力力直直到到彩彩虹

16、虹横横跨跨了了整整个个天空。故选天空。故选B。【答案【答案】B10. A. red B. yellow C. green D. grey【解解析析】red“红红色色的的”;yellow“黄黄色色的的”;green“绿绿色色的的”;grey“灰灰色色的的”。由由上上文文的的描描述述可可知知,多多彩彩的的飞飞蛾蛾变变成成了了灰灰色的飞蛾。故选色的飞蛾。故选D。【答案【答案】D1. The first paragraph mainly tells us about _. A. a beautiful memory of school to leave behind B. some strict ru

17、les to stop students puppy love C. some opinions to deal with students puppy love【解解析析】通通读读第第一一段段可可知知,本本段段主主要要讲讲述述了了阻阻止止学学生生早早恋恋的的一些严格的规定。故选一些严格的规定。故选B。【答案【答案】B2. In a middle school in Jinan, a boy cant _ a girl. A. sit for meals with B. meet in private with C. send a gift to【解解析析】由由第第一一段段中中的的“. . .

18、 a middle school in Jinan, Shandong Province forbids everyone to send food and gifts to or receive them from the opposite sex. ”可知可知,答案为答案为C。【答案【答案】C3. Weve learnt about _ rules made by schools as examples in this passage. A. 3 B. 6 C. 9【解解析析】通通读读第第一一段段可可知知,本本段段一一共共列列举举了了六六种种规规定定。故故选选B。【答案【答案】B4. Wh

19、ich of the following statements is TRUE according to this passage? A. Not all the students agree with the rules made to stop puppy love. B. In a middle school in Fuan, boys and girls cant sit together in class. C. Those rules can help students go through puberty without any difficulties. 【解解析析】由由第第二

20、二段段第第一一句句“Some students are not satisfied with such rules. ”可可知知,并并不不是是所所有有学学生生都都赞赞同同用用来来阻阻止止早早恋的这些规定。故选恋的这些规定。故选A。【答案【答案】A5. The writer thinks _. A. its necessary to make such strict rulesB. schools neednt do anything to stop puppy loveC. good guidance and education are better than rules only【解解析析】

21、由由最最后后一一段段最最后后一一句句“Schools should provide correct guidance and education instead of giving simple and cruel rules and asking the students to follow. ”可可知知,答答案案为为C。【答案【答案】C6. When you study a map of the world, you may notice that Greenland _. A. is the largest country in Europe B. lies just on top of

22、 Europe C. is connected with Denmark and Norway D. mostly lies within the Arctic Circle【解解析析】由由第第一一段段第第三三句句“Most of the island lies inside the Arctic Circle”可知可知,格陵兰岛大部分在北极圈内。格陵兰岛大部分在北极圈内。【答案【答案】D7. What will you probably see when you come to the southwest of Greenland in summer? A. Forests of very

23、low trees. B. Nothing but ice sheet everywhere. C. Very low plants along the seaside. D. Snow that covers everything there. 【解解析析】由由第第二二段段第第二二句句“. . . in summer very low plants cover the ground between the sea and the ice sheet. ”可可知知答答案。案。【答案【答案】C8. When did Europeans begin to live in Greenland? A.

24、 In AD 875. B. In AD 982. C. In AD 1261. D. In AD 985. 【 解解 析析 】 由由 第第 二二 段段 中中 的的 “Norwegians were the first Europeans to see the island in AD 875, but no one visited it until 982. Three years later a few Norwegians went to live there. ”可知可知,答案选答案选D【答案【答案】D。9. How long did Greenland stay with Norwa

25、y? A. About 120 years. B. About 400 years. C. About 550 years. D. About 500 years. 【解解析析】由由第第二二段段中中的的“In 1261 the people in Greenland decided to join Norway. Norway and Denmark united in 1380. This union ended in 1814. . . ”可可知知,1261年年加加入入,1814年退出年退出,期间近期间近550年。年。【答案【答案】C10. Which of the following i

26、s NOT right? A. Greenland now belongs to Denmark. B. Norway and Denmark have been one country since 1380. C. Norway and Denmark didnt unite until 1380. D. The area of Denmark is one fiftyfirst of that of Greenland. 【解解析析】结结合合文文章章内内容容可可知知,挪挪威威和和丹丹麦麦只只是是联联合合在在了了一一起起,并没有合并为一个国家,故并没有合并为一个国家,故B项表述有误。项表述有

27、误。【答案【答案】B11. The underlined(画线的画线的) word “explore” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_” in Chinese. A. 探索探索 B. 进入进入 C. 找到找到 D. 离开离开【解解析析】词词义义猜猜测测题题。根根据据下下文文Walking along the river banks, youll see Amalienborg Palace first. 和和Keep going, and youll see the Christiansborg Palace. 等等可可以以猜猜测测explore应应是是“探索

28、探索”的意思。故选的意思。故选A。【答案【答案】A12. .Which of the following European capital cities has the least traffic noise and pollution? A. London. B. Rome. C. Paris. D. Copenhagen. 【解解析析】细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据文文章章第第一一段段Copenhagen was the first city to have street for walkers only. The city has less traffic noise and pollu

29、tion than any other European capital. 可可知知,哥哥本本哈哈根根比比欧欧洲洲其其他他的的首首都都城城市市有有着着更更少少的的噪噪音音和和污污染。故选染。故选D。【答案【答案】D13. We can NOT see_in Copenhagen today. A. Churches and castles B. the Amalienborg Palace C. the old wooden buildings D. the Christiansborg Palace【解解析析】推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据文文章章第第三三段段中中But fires in 1

30、728 and 1795 completely destroyed the old wooden buildings. 可可知知,现在看不到古老的木制建筑物了。故选现在看不到古老的木制建筑物了。故选C。【答案【答案】C14. Which of the following is TRUE about Nyhavn? A. Andersen made it his home. B. It has a history of 383 years. C. Rich people seldom walk along it. D. Its a fictitious(虚构的虚构的) place in a fa

31、iry tale. 【解解析析】细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据文文章章倒倒数数第第二二段段中中When you see it, youll understand why Hans Christian Andersen made this beautiful waterway his home. 可知可知A项正确。故选项正确。故选A。【答案【答案】A15. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. Preventing fires. B. Visiting Copenhagen. C. Writing fairy tales D. Digging a waterway. 【解解析析】主主旨旨大大意意题题。通通读读文文章章可可知知,这这篇篇文文章章主主要要介介绍绍游游客在哥本哈根游览的情况。故选客在哥本哈根游览的情况。故选B。【答案【答案】B



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