高中英语Unit1 Building the futureTask课件[ty]牛津版选修10

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1、riting bout evelopmentSKILLS BUILDING 1: IDENTIFYING EMOTIVE LANGUAGE1.-How do you find yesterdays football match?-It was so exciting that I couldnt help shouting all the time.2.-What do you think of the film ?-Its very boring.3.-How was your trip to Europe?-It was amazing. The scenery couldnt be an

2、y better.emotive languageStep 1: asking about life in the pastlisten to a conversation of an interviewA:(1) walked or rode a bike (2) bus (3) taxi (4) small houses(5) school (6) new department store(7) fishing (8) tourism(9) catering (10) fresh(11) rubbish (12) polluted B (1) ice (2) a hundred years

3、 (3) big (4) big listen to the monologue in Part C (1) seafood (2) top floor (3) waiters (4) designers (5) local charity (6) book club (7) travel agencies (8) a tourist information office (1) shopping centre (2) catering(3) Seafood (4) chef(5) waiters (6) fashion(7) charity (8) authors(9) publishing

4、 (10) tourist(11) tourismSKILLS BUILDING 2:DISCUSSING THE PROBABILITY OF THE FUTURE What will the world be like in a hundred years?Step 2: interviewing the City Development CouncilDiscuss the six questions in the left column of the table. Possible exampleStudent: Good morning, Sir. I would like to k

5、now something about the development of our town.Could I ask you a few questions about it?Official: Sure. I would be glad to help.Student: Do you think our town will become a major tourist attraction in the future?Official: Well, I am afraid it may not. There are not many places of natural beauty her

6、e.Student: Will our town continue to develop?Official: Yes, it will definitely continue to develop.Student: Do you think we will open more shopping centres?Official: We might do so.Student: Will the problem of pollution get worse?Official: Possibly it will, although we are trying to keep our town cl

7、ean.Student: Will it be necessary for the fishing industry to carry out the sustainable development plan? Official: I think it will be necessary in the future to introduce this plan.Student: Will the fashion industry ever disappear from the town?Official: That is out of the question. It is likely to

8、 become a major industry in the future.Student: Thank you very much. SKILLS BUILDING 3: WRITING AN ESSAYStep 3: writing for the competition Possible exampleOur town has changed a lot over the years. It is now developing into a modern city from an ld small town.In the past, the town only consisted of

9、 small houses and simple shops. Today, however, many tall buildings have been built as a result of the booming fishing industry, tourism industry as well as the equally successful publishing industry. Many new businesses have opened, which has created hundreds of new jobs for local people. According

10、 to an official at the City Development Council, our town will definitely continue to develop at a fast speed in the future.On the whole, as time goes on, there is no doubt that our town will take on a new look and finally become a modern city. The new building will be located in the center of town.

11、这座大楼将建在市中心。这座大楼将建在市中心。The new hospital is to be located near your college.这所新医院将建在你们学院附近。这所新医院将建在你们学院附近。Their factory is located at the foot of the mountain.他们的工厂坐落在山脚下。他们的工厂坐落在山脚下。1. locate (P11) 使座落于使座落于 2. show off (P11) 炫耀, 卖弄, 使显眼She only bought that sports car to show off and prove she could a

12、fford one.Hes always showing off to his classmates. She likes to wear short skirts to show off her legs.3lately (P11)adv. 近来近来,最近最近;不久前不久前你近来做些什么你近来做些什么? What have you been doing lately?你最近乘过公共汽车吗?你最近乘过公共汽车吗?Have you been on a bus lately?最近我才弄到一本这部小说。最近我才弄到一本这部小说。It is only / just lately that I got

13、a copy of the novel.词义辨析:词义辨析:LATER/LATE/LATELY/LATTER latter adj.1.) 后面的后面的;后半的后半的;末了的末了的后面这点极为重要。后面这点极为重要。 This latter point was of great importance. 2.) (两者中两者中)后者的后者的这是汤姆和戴维这是汤姆和戴维;后者是我的兄弟。后者是我的兄弟。 Here areTom and David; the latter is my brother. 3.) 最近的最近的;现今的最近几年他的健康越来越现今的最近几年他的健康越来越差。差。 His h

14、ealth has been deteriorating in these latter years.later是是late的比较级。的比较级。late 表示表示“迟迟(迟于正常安排的或是期待的时迟于正常安排的或是期待的时间间),晚晚(指一段时间的末尾或者晚上较晚的时指一段时间的末尾或者晚上较晚的时间间)”他经常很晚才回家。他经常很晚才回家。 He always arrived home late.我祖父喜欢晚睡。我祖父喜欢晚睡。 My grandfather likes to stay late.这株小树是在植树季节末期栽的。这株小树是在植树季节末期栽的。The young tree was

15、 planted late in the planting season.late 还有一些习惯表达法:还有一些习惯表达法:later on 将来将来,后来后来sooner or later 迟早迟早at (the) latest 至迟至迟of late 近来近来later adv. 后来,过后后来,过后许多年以后许多年以后,在华盛顿特区在华盛顿特区,他向二十五万他向二十五万美国人民发表了演说。美国人民发表了演说。 Many years later, in Washington, D.C., he spoke to a crowd of 250,000 people.后来后来水晶宫水晶宫搬到了

16、伦敦南郊。搬到了伦敦南郊。 Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to South London.两个月之后又送来一些钱两个月之后又送来一些钱,并附上一张并附上一张字条给萨姆字条给萨姆: “现在仅仅是个现在仅仅是个25%的小的小偷偷!”Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note: “Only 25 per cent a thief now!”但过了些时候开始下雨了。但过了些时候开始下雨了。But some time later it began to rain.The purpose of the program is to provide training for employees so that they can work _.A. late B. later C. lately D. latestomeworkComplete the notes on page 104 in Workbook



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