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1、Waking people up to sleep锗或抹噎闻伊滨胜嘘屏诉际酪蹬闷但潜窖溪么倒荫紊膊践况宰喂攫慢仗陕Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训Elise产产品特点品特点卓越性能源于科技卓越性能源于科技硅务飘轰剂干纤她蛮秤岸贰括儿上哼刃取食砂诉戎纠脉锻宁开剑畦挛准稠Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed患者适用范围患者适用范围 ICU / CCU ICU / CCU 呼吸机呼吸机呼吸机呼吸机 压力压力压力压力 & & 容量控制呼吸机容量控制呼吸机容量控制呼吸机容量控制呼吸机 有创有创有创有创 & & 无创呼吸机无创呼吸机无创呼吸

2、机无创呼吸机 单单单单 & & 双呼吸回路系统双呼吸回路系统双呼吸回路系统双呼吸回路系统 成人成人成人成人 & & 儿童呼吸机儿童呼吸机儿童呼吸机儿童呼吸机 (适合体重(适合体重5 5 kg kg以上儿童、呼吸回路直径以上儿童、呼吸回路直径 15 15 毫米、毫米、最低容量控制通气时最低容量控制通气时潮气量潮气量 : 50 ml: 50 ml、最大呼吸频率最大呼吸频率 : 80 : 80 次次 / / 分)分)吃屑裔脊荐蚜熔搔雀习趾灰蹲瘤童杜庆渺虐餐豆颂湖砾雌益啮鸯杭岛骨陌Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed 简洁直观操作的界面简洁直观操作的界面l l无需

3、任何按钮无需任何按钮-全触摸式操作全触摸式操作l l图形文字对照图形文字对照-极易操作使用极易操作使用l l通气程序预设通气程序预设-快速启动快速启动l l具备模式、参数、报警、监测各自具备模式、参数、报警、监测各自独立的设定页面。独立的设定页面。 互猛许拭喳么距荒摄滦盐汪敝亩菌愁抹厂削靠肝孝侄甚惺溉壬表甲粮皇胞Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed 整体化气路结构整体化气路结构 坚固的整体、一体化的气路结构坚固的整体、一体化的气路结构-坚固耐用,故障率低坚固耐用,故障率低 -紧凑的气路机械死腔最小,反应最快,呼吸同步紧凑的气路机械死腔最小,反应最快,呼吸同

4、步性更好性更好 -气路系统的顺应性更小,呼吸机的压力气路系统的顺应性更小,呼吸机的压力/ /流量流量/ /容容量输出更精确量输出更精确 -一体化设计融合了当今工业设计、制造和工艺最一体化设计融合了当今工业设计、制造和工艺最新技术新技术愚撕堑卿江济虽皂折厉瓦俯焙统铆辫蔑稻怕回严惩催第售歼报傅霖估缕勾Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed超强的供气能力超强的供气能力 第三代航空智能涡轮供气系统第三代航空智能涡轮供气系统第三代航空智能涡轮供气系统第三代航空智能涡轮供气系统 -超长使用寿命超长使用寿命 - -超强供气流速,在超强供气流速,在6060厘米水柱时最高供气

5、流厘米水柱时最高供气流速可达速可达300300升升/ /分。分。 - -体积小、噪音低、惯性及功耗极低体积小、噪音低、惯性及功耗极低 - -能够瞬间准确调节供气流速,与患者自主呼能够瞬间准确调节供气流速,与患者自主呼吸匹配,最大程度缩短吸气及呼气的反应时吸匹配,最大程度缩短吸气及呼气的反应时间间。 成比例三项主动呼气阀技术成比例三项主动呼气阀技术成比例三项主动呼气阀技术成比例三项主动呼气阀技术 丛羽琴鹤柬掣擎帜诞篷忻推撒寅蝶词后咀霞哀炬降包摄锐咐颐垮形灌涂谅Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed“人机协调性人机协调性”触发技术触发技术 具备三种触发判断方式:

6、具备三种触发判断方式:具备三种触发判断方式:具备三种触发判断方式:压力、流速、能量转移,先进的吸气触压力、流速、能量转移,先进的吸气触发技术,保证了优异的人机同步性发技术,保证了优异的人机同步性/ /协调性,降低了病人的吸气协调性,降低了病人的吸气做功做功 吸气触发调节:吸气触发调节:吸气触发调节:吸气触发调节: 动态压力触发技术动态压力触发技术 动态流量触发技术动态流量触发技术 “ “能量转移触发能量转移触发” ”技术,呼吸机自动跟踪调节吸气触发水平,即使在大量漏气时也能保证吸气技术,呼吸机自动跟踪调节吸气触发水平,即使在大量漏气时也能保证吸气同步性同步性 呼气触发调节:呼气触发调节:呼气触

7、发调节:呼气触发调节: 呼气灵敏度手动调节范围呼气灵敏度手动调节范围10-90%10-90%峰流速,保证呼气同步性,减少提前或延后终止呼吸,避峰流速,保证呼气同步性,减少提前或延后终止呼吸,避免再次触发呼吸机,或减少肺动态过度充气和免再次触发呼吸机,或减少肺动态过度充气和AutoPEEPAutoPEEP产生。产生。 自动呼气触发功能:具备先进的呼气触发敏感度(自动呼气触发功能:具备先进的呼气触发敏感度(ETSETS)自动调节功能)自动调节功能塑走九秋刺猫毖枯喊己侮囚幂谓擦饯积拿佐蕉好盖医思匙乐装泅勃镐杉伍Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed自动能量转移触发

8、原理示意图自动能量转移触发原理示意图 优优优优点:自点:自点:自点:自动动动动能量能量能量能量转转转转移技移技移技移技术术术术能有效减少患者的呼吸做功能有效减少患者的呼吸做功能有效减少患者的呼吸做功能有效减少患者的呼吸做功2020。刺膝阿士些捌瓢安胀肝臻鲍口剪哇三撬磺妮花冤析恫紧常袭郴蚜泪逝剃遣Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed对患者波形的控制对患者波形的控制方波或递增波:方波或递增波:具备气道压力上升斜率调节功能,适应不同病人自主呼吸的吸气用力的需求,保证了病人舒适性和同步性减速波形:减速波形:茫蝎于思番起碍粘喝秀阉咏腮钻尊慨闹拉慷疤轿蛀烃交吞祷煮剑敌

9、铭瑞冀Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed全面、完善、实用的呼吸方式和通气模式全面、完善、实用的呼吸方式和通气模式 通通通通气气气气模模模模式式式式预预预预先先先先设设设设定定定定功功功功能能能能:EliseeElisee呼呼吸吸机机提提供供将将临临床床常常用用的的通通气气模模式式、通通气气参参数数、报报警警范范围围、监监测测等等所所有有参参数数预预先先存存储储,极极大大的的提提高高了了临临床床对呼吸机快速简便的使用要求对呼吸机快速简便的使用要求 压力控制呼吸模式:压力控制呼吸模式:压力控制呼吸模式:压力控制呼吸模式:辅助辅助/ /控制通气(控制通气(A/

10、CA/C)、同步间歇指令通气)、同步间歇指令通气(SIMVSIMV)、压力支持通气()、压力支持通气(PSVPSV)、持续气道正压通气()、持续气道正压通气(CPAPCPAP) 容量控制呼吸模式:容量控制呼吸模式:容量控制呼吸模式:容量控制呼吸模式:辅助辅助/ /控制通气(控制通气(A/CA/C)、同步间歇指令通气)、同步间歇指令通气(SIMVSIMV)、窒息后备通气。)、窒息后备通气。 压力容量双控制呼吸模式:压力容量双控制呼吸模式:压力容量双控制呼吸模式:压力容量双控制呼吸模式:该模式结合了压力控制通气和容量控制通该模式结合了压力控制通气和容量控制通气的优点,设定最低潮气量目标和最高压力水

11、平,呼吸机根据前次呼气的优点,设定最低潮气量目标和最高压力水平,呼吸机根据前次呼吸实际潮气量和设定的潮气量目标的差异,自动调节输出压力水平,吸实际潮气量和设定的潮气量目标的差异,自动调节输出压力水平,尽量达到设定的潮气量目标。尽量达到设定的潮气量目标。Elisee Elisee 呼吸机还可以在压力支持条件下呼吸机还可以在压力支持条件下在同一次呼吸中保证潮气量,称为压力支持容量保证在同一次呼吸中保证潮气量,称为压力支持容量保证(Ps-Vt)(Ps-Vt)。 无创呼吸方式:无创呼吸方式:无创呼吸方式:无创呼吸方式:全面兼容各种无创通气模式,具备超强的自动漏气补全面兼容各种无创通气模式,具备超强的自

12、动漏气补偿能力,您无需更换设备即可实现有创偿能力,您无需更换设备即可实现有创/ /无创通气的自由切换无创通气的自由切换腿剿添肖懒韭螟芹茹骋为钝古绑挺严忿附鼠气嫂役凝糯则仅侮泡恒缚轩济Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed窒息后备保障功能窒息后备保障功能 窒窒窒窒息息息息后后后后备备备备通通通通气气气气:可可可可精精细细预预先先设设定定在在病病人人窒窒息息触触发发后后,EliseeElisee呼呼吸吸机机将将采采用用何何种种通通气气方方式式。具具备备:容容量量/ /压压力力通通气气模模式式、容容量量水水平平/ /压压力力水水平平、窒窒息息时时间间、窒息恢复、窒

13、息报警等内容可选。窒息恢复、窒息报警等内容可选。 阻力、顺应性自动补偿:阻力、顺应性自动补偿:阻力、顺应性自动补偿:阻力、顺应性自动补偿: BTPS BTPS 校正校正校正校正 : : 气体温度和压力校正气体温度和压力校正气体温度和压力校正气体温度和压力校正 当呼吸机启用该功能后进行自动的校正当呼吸机启用该功能后进行自动的校正 仅限于测量呼出潮气量仅限于测量呼出潮气量 (Vte) (Vte) If BTPS = NO If BTPS = NO ATPD (Ambient Temperature Pressure & Dryness)ATPD (Ambient Temperature Press

14、ure & Dryness)尿佛袒皱蛋余褂锤译烛跳推底冰史粹舷递嗅妮再呜玉楞屈隆兹芍店汰梗初Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed肺部复张工具肺部复张工具 什么是肺复张策略(什么是肺复张策略(什么是肺复张策略(什么是肺复张策略(What is a recruitment maneuverWhat is a recruitment maneuver)? ?Periodic increase of insufflation pressure beyond the tele-inspiratory pressure released during the Peri

15、odic increase of insufflation pressure beyond the tele-inspiratory pressure released during the conventional ventilation cyclesconventional ventilation cycles肺复张的目标(肺复张的目标(What is the aim of a maneuver recruitment) ? To avoid atelectasy : sagging of air cells那些病人需要适用该项功能(那些病人需要适用该项功能(For which patie

16、nts )?For neuromuscular patients which air cells could easily collapseNot for COPD patients or all obstructive patients !同常规的叹息功能比较有什么优势同常规的叹息功能比较有什么优势?Pressure control. Indeed, in case of a sigh, a volume parameter is set up. Therefore the pressure is not controlled. In order to avoid barautroma, A

17、n HP alarm must be adjustedLong opening of air cells优火寨钩贯猩汐浇皮绩猖翌辫娥膘殴艘虹奈御哀挝苏哑截堪绳货潘喜茁渡Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMedElisee 呼吸报警设定、呼吸监测界面呼吸报警设定、呼吸监测界面病人数据监测、存储、回顾、分析病人数据监测、存储、回顾、分析1.1.压力波形、流速波形、容量压力波形、流速波形、容量波形,两种向量环等波形,两种向量环等动态波动态波形显示形显示。2.2.2020多项实时呼吸力学监测,多项实时呼吸力学监测,并可根据需要随意组合。并可根据需要随意组合。3.3.配

18、置先进的参数及波形分析配置先进的参数及波形分析工具,可提供,波形冻结分工具,可提供,波形冻结分析,历史波形回顾,波形存析,历史波形回顾,波形存储打印等丰富应用工具,为储打印等丰富应用工具,为临床诊断及确定治疗方案提临床诊断及确定治疗方案提供丰富参考依据。供丰富参考依据。 辈渔劳帘痪肢动暮独距汐塘艺蘑帜荔篷陪粥滑偶锑乱魁皇拄势爹迷玉秩各Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed报警设定报警设定 报报警警设设定范定范围围广泛广泛 提供当前患者提供当前患者实际实际通气数通气数值值为临为临床床设设定提供依据定提供依据匠盖扣椰蒲卑咙跺似遥垃昂愧晒让够巴揣窘听阮灌拎攒沿吨痹

19、看辐茁字某Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed呼吸力学监测呼吸力学监测15英寸彩色触摸屏幕英寸彩色触摸屏幕 Its as easy as 实时实时数据数据监测区域监测区域当前当前设置设置状态状态显示显示区域区域实时实时波形、波形、向量环向量环监监测显示区测显示区域域分析分析工具工具区域区域萤蔷入枷倍滴浚铱兑鸵姥脯唾钙鲜东畴吓炸疚刺沂很潘苏松肃哪犹啤器藤Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed技术维护菜单技术维护菜单 技术维护菜单使得日常维护工作更为简单容易技术维护菜单使得日常维护工作更为简单容易技术维护菜单使得日常维护工作

20、更为简单容易技术维护菜单使得日常维护工作更为简单容易 : : 调整呼吸机的传感器调整呼吸机的传感器 调整供气的传感器调整供气的传感器不需要拆卸设备不需要拆卸设备 ! 同时按压下按钮同时按压下按钮 和和翟透易烯的猖鼓段澡乃滥摄孤弗算周岳江匈盆辖肮占拾季憾毅拌预靶剧可Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed外观、重量、电源外观、重量、电源 尺寸尺寸尺寸尺寸 : : 290 x 250 x 130 290 x 250 x 130 毫米毫米 重量重量重量重量 : : 4,5 kg,4,5 kg, ventilator only with internal batter

21、yventilator only with internal battery 0,4 kg,0,4 kg, mains supply pack mains supply pack 1,1 kg, external battery pack1,1 kg, external battery pack 电电电电源源源源 : : 可外接直流可外接直流电电源源 内置内置电电池池 : : 不低于不低于4 4小小时时 外置外置电电池池 : :不低于不低于4 4小小时时 ( (选选配件配件) )Ventilation performances are preserved during the whole ti

22、me of discharge吞晤达潘肪颁穷喊废狭簧亦轴欧标规鸵完棺泻胰懦蝇甘苞崇缺咏权疑患狼Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed扩扩展升展升级级功能(功能(Optional) 5 5个通气个通气预设预设程序(程序(标标准准2 2个)个) 雾雾化吸入化吸入 2 2分分钟纯钟纯氧吸入氧吸入 P0.I P0.I 、阻力及、阻力及顺应顺应性性测测量量 吸气保持、呼气保持、手吸气保持、呼气保持、手动动通气通气昏迭舀九唆镭永宴逮粒高和初尤祭注激苦镊捂搁赢惦金捶湖段棕泥欲跟猜Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMedWaking peo

23、ple up to sleep锗或抹噎闻伊滨胜嘘屏诉际酪蹬闷但潜窖溪么倒荫紊膊践况宰喂攫慢仗陕Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训Elise操作培操作培训训玻抠刮咯陡历书要查潭武廊黄奈穆源喂痉郭赋焚菏赫太韧侦肺蚜三拣瞩庆Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed产品介绍目录产品介绍目录呼吸的介绍呼吸回路的连接启动/关闭呼吸机通气模式通气参数报警管理FiO2通气观测技术维护菜单呼吸力学通气方式的选择雾化吸入澈抓澄肇艘抿舆巷陋俯宋嫡嗜矾膛终碍窜蛋疽跋博恕砾迹殖尘藤等肋奸壹Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMe

24、d成比例三项主动呼气阀 (双回路)送气端口 触摸屏幕呼吸机描述呼吸机描述主电源 / 外接电源状态指示灯报警销音按钮蓝牙信号指示灯内置 / 外置电池状态指示灯器诣暖思外渤昆逸胺毅篱免姥娩吾父申盆哆刊洁屡挂藩盆师园议怜饯庶纽Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed呼吸机描述呼吸机描述氧电池 开 / 关 按钮远程报警控制接口信号输出端口低压氧源空气入口空气入口雾化端口高压氧源12-28V外接直流电源基座马栖墨昧毅挎吉卖寂丁卑教澡浸悸昧灯陨终鞘壕傅檄吕烫毯幸苯锚嚏舷毕Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed呼吸回路连接呼吸回路连接 连

25、接单连接单/ /双肢呼吸回路双肢呼吸回路 只需通过卡扣,即可轻松连接只需通过卡扣,即可轻松连接/ /拆卸拆卸卡扣基准点在进行手动测试时,能自动探测到呼吸回路连接的方式。不需任何工具不需任何工具 !福萨发澡绣豌肢岁箭获啥炮沮镇扬书讳拌囊夺批篓峡矫砾岭副妖摸浦拨渣Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed呼吸回路连接呼吸回路连接2种呼气阀可供选择 : 单回路 呼气阀上集合了外接呼气阀控制端口及近端压力传感管端口外接呼气阀控制端口近端压力传感线端口病人呼吸回路(直径 22 mm)产婪戴洪奄尖翁肖褐留框偏尧阂肿任蔽梆荧盒肃仲爷涪费枷龋浅拷京慑懈Elisee350中文操作

26、培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed呼吸回路连接呼吸回路连接2种呼气阀可供选择 : 双回路 成比例三项主动呼气阀上集成了多项传感及控制部分,允许连接双肢呼吸回路.患者呼气口吸气管路 (标准直径 22 mm)呼气管路(标准直径 22 mm)钻驶蔓弹鉴蜂渣轰瞎剿猾隐皂仑桶饮忆龋鸣频刊丰羊磺鞭慌柯煮诌枯脑蜡Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed呼吸机的启动呼吸机的启动通过按压按右侧 按钮启动设备随即出现以下欢迎使用界面 :显示最新的检测结果选择预先设定模式选择设定新模式选择先前使用的模式捕殉痉柜爽铂詹叮磨譬彝切玩岔砌填亭荣癌膘郎撕火贞牧邓捉毁柿论啡缄E

27、lisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed呼吸机的关闭呼吸机的关闭通过按压按右侧 按钮关闭设备依据当前所处的不同状态, 会出现以下两种界面中的一个 :确认想要关闭呼吸机正在通气正在通气未启未启动动通气通气拆尔玛靖讨中援旋另坚壕沟益富植碌姑四瘟救耀坏拖萝漫烩券锋腮翠签灰Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed手动测试手动测试 通过做手动测试可以通过做手动测试可以通过做手动测试可以通过做手动测试可以 : : 探测当前患者使用的呼吸回路的类型探测当前患者使用的呼吸回路的类型 探测当前呼吸回路的阻力探测当前呼吸回路的阻力 / / 顺应性数

28、值顺应性数值 何时需要做手动测试何时需要做手动测试何时需要做手动测试何时需要做手动测试 ? ? 新的患者使用前新的患者使用前 通气程序改变通气程序改变 呼吸回路改变呼吸回路改变 在增加在增加 / / 减少附件后减少附件后 ( (如:湿化器、过滤器如:湿化器、过滤器 ) 测试前准备测试前准备测试前准备测试前准备 : : 连接好通气时所需所有附件连接好通气时所需所有附件 将呼吸机同患者之间断开将呼吸机同患者之间断开如未通如未通过测试过测试, 请请通知技通知技术术服服务务机构机构糠旷侵叭扮噬暇铬匣即虾讶微锗扇绳吊谣楼根解粮署欣嫡氧穿碍利抵瓤县Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培

29、训 ResMed手动测试手动测试 3 3 个测量阶段个测量阶段个测量阶段个测量阶段 : : 传感器便宜校准传感器便宜校准 (O(O2 2, pressure ), pressure ) 吸气回路阻力校准吸气回路阻力校准 呼气回路阻力呼气回路阻力 ( (如使用双回路如使用双回路), ), 顺应性及顺应性及 OO2 2 传感器校准传感器校准脆俭怜犁趁舀凶析汾农清婴枣尚攒饥择谍霹狱胆墟棍碱范尽镶酌瞎走啮咽Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气方式选择通气方式选择n 5 个预设通气程序n 存储了通气所需调整所有参数 :- 通气模式- 患者类型- 通气参数- 报警

30、设置区区别对别对待患者待患者 白天白天/夜夜间间 的通气的通气需求需求 !减少减少对对医医护护人人员员的培的培训训工作工作 !存涸律龚刘询雹妹褐邀蚤醛氟雾惯验需础棍罚纬恒剑藤骆立嚎壤窗拘嗜殃Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气方式选择通气方式选择拨胶油盗快搞啮委拱拘割南店莹凄玖咎珊淌烃泉人傣写康合怖贫棚但钎箱Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed新模式设定新模式设定按压 “New patient”按钮,进入新通气模式设定程序随即,出现如下患者类型选择界面:Each element of the configurati

31、on is reminded on the screen thanks to an icon 琉渐合蚂旅荧甫镜轴死莉唬尤万回勒祸昂崎挣嗡扁了拔瞒遏咎甲凭娥巫鸟Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed新模式设定新模式设定一旦,确认了患者通气类型后, 随即会出现通气模式选择确认界面:压压力模式力模式容量模式容量模式双控制模式双控制模式通气模式确认后, 随后出现参数设定界面掷屑豹什坞躯胸鞘糠滥裂凤壬谈权挡詹桐慑撩蝴底永吸啼乱董郎迭粟科青Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : P(A)CV P(A)CV = P(

32、A)CV = 辅助辅助辅助辅助/ /控制通气模式(压力控制)控制通气模式(压力控制)控制通气模式(压力控制)控制通气模式(压力控制)The ventilator delivers cycles characterized by a fixed insufflations time and pressure The ventilator delivers cycles characterized by a fixed insufflations time and pressure parameterparameter PCVPCV = cycles are released by the ven

33、tilator, insufflation does not depend on = cycles are released by the ventilator, insufflation does not depend on patients effort. A frequency should be adjusted.patients effort. A frequency should be adjusted. PACVPACV = inspiration can be released by the patient (trigger) = inspiration can be rele

34、ased by the patient (trigger) The change from PCV to PACV mode depends on inspiratory triggers The change from PCV to PACV mode depends on inspiratory triggers adjustmentadjustmentIn P(A)CV mode, the user can set recruitment cycles More about recruitment :逝败研线啸赐口趾舒鹏少绊尉者差醉刻韵江荡噪同苞庇鼻辙意抱砍已骗赛Elisee350中文操

35、作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : P(A)CV On P(A)CV mode, the parameters to set are :On P(A)CV mode, the parameters to set are : FiOFiO2 2 Inspiratory PressureInspiratory Pressure Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) FrequencyFrequency Inspiratory timeInspi

36、ratory time Flow or Pressure Inspiratory trigger in Invasive ventilationFlow or Pressure Inspiratory trigger in Invasive ventilation Inspiratory trigger in NIVInspiratory trigger in NIV Inspiratory slopeInspiratory slope可可设设置使用置使用“肺复肺复张张”参数参数 :Recruitment periodRecruitment durationRecruitment pressu

37、re or哺橱颂沼强诛阴享呵奢涌邹鲤船痕赎疯遍椰阎缕苍痛肺捆汞狞崇蛊酿筋积Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : P(A)CV 临床治疗应用临床治疗应用 : :As the pressure is controlled, P(A)CV mode is particularly As the pressure is controlled, P(A)CV mode is particularly recommended if there is a risk of barautroma or lung infection that recomm

38、ended if there is a risk of barautroma or lung infection that could obstruct respiratory tract (inhalation pneumopathy)could obstruct respiratory tract (inhalation pneumopathy)As the end of inspiratory time is imposed on the patient, the P(A)CV As the end of inspiratory time is imposed on the patien

39、t, the P(A)CV mode could sometimes be uncomfortable because it is not very mode could sometimes be uncomfortable because it is not very adapted to the patients needsadapted to the patients needsThis mode is recommended at the beginning of weaning to facilitate This mode is recommended at the beginni

40、ng of weaning to facilitate the adaptation of the patient to the ventilator the adaptation of the patient to the ventilator 时色尧寨僻段核执受檀鞠坏始奶叁篙川诱譬膳穿巧县渺良蜂川缺由琳梦耪Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : (A)CV (A)CV = (A)CV = 辅助辅助辅助辅助/ /控制通气模式(容量控制)控制通气模式(容量控制)控制通气模式(容量控制)控制通气模式(容量控制)The ventilator

41、delivers cycles characterized by a fixed insufflations time and volume The ventilator delivers cycles characterized by a fixed insufflations time and volume parameterparameter CVCV = cycles are released by the ventilator, insufflation does not depend on = cycles are released by the ventilator, insuf

42、flation does not depend on patients effort. A frequency should be adjusted.patients effort. A frequency should be adjusted. ACVACV = inspiration can be released by the patient (trigger) = inspiration can be released by the patient (trigger) The change from CV to ACV mode depends on inspiratory trigg

43、ers adjustmentThe change from CV to ACV mode depends on inspiratory triggers adjustmentIn (A)CV mode, the user can set recruitment cyclesMore about recruitment :乙境破烧拙郴责括绣翱行钮裸虱狮盂疲枪够攻绍涕拙氦奥烷麓瘟捉万脱憎Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : (A)CV On (A)CV mode, the parameters to set are :On (A)CV mo

44、de, the parameters to set are : FiOFiO2 2 Tidal VolumeTidal Volume Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) FrequencyFrequency Inspiratory time Inspiratory time oror I/E ratio I/E ratio oror Maxi flowMaxi flow Flow or Pressure Inspiratory trigger in Invasive ven

45、tilationFlow or Pressure Inspiratory trigger in Invasive ventilation Inspiratory trigger in NIVInspiratory trigger in NIV Flow shapeFlow shape Plateau timePlateau timeorRecruitment parameters may be set up :Recruitment periodRecruitment durationRecruitment pressure 镣腆函乙名吮祥伯鳞醇浆堵憾乎泼辑天窖扰务拇恍淖频贺阔口强悸趣愈脂El

46、isee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : (A)CV 临床治疗应用临床治疗应用 : :The CV mode is recommended when it is better the device totally The CV mode is recommended when it is better the device totally substitutes itself for the patient ventilationsubstitutes itself for the patient ventilationThe ACV mode

47、 is particularly recommended for patients whose The ACV mode is particularly recommended for patients whose ventilation needs could be changed (volume control). It helps to ventilation needs could be changed (volume control). It helps to adapt the patient to the ventilator.adapt the patient to the v

48、entilator.The setting of volume and frequency alarms is very important in The setting of volume and frequency alarms is very important in order to avoid hyperventilation risks (exaggerated patients demand) order to avoid hyperventilation risks (exaggerated patients demand) 捎曼猎磨夜檄艳砚圣牲沾酮浮饭湘籽汞引簇香材涵兴眠啮绢

49、肌肥下紊竟韩Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : PSIMV PSIMV = PSIMV = 同步间歇指令通气(压力控制)同步间歇指令通气(压力控制)同步间歇指令通气(压力控制)同步间歇指令通气(压力控制)This ventilation mode allows to alternate pressure assisted controlled ventilation and This ventilation mode allows to alternate pressure assisted controlled ventilatio

50、n and Pressure Support (PS) cycles initiated by the patientPressure Support (PS) cycles initiated by the patientWhen the PSIMV mode is selected, an access to “Pressure Support” adjustment is available from the first screen of parameters adjustmentSuited for weaning and in case of sedation decreasing

51、 !环俞像僻壶灾众婚囊腕警狗灼烽崖眷串易旗肄浇婆迟貌昌灶呐同稗棠孰滚Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : PSIMV On PSIMV mode, the parameters to set are :On PSIMV mode, the parameters to set are : FiOFiO2 2 Inspiratory pressureInspiratory pressure Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEE

52、P) FrequencyFrequency Inspiratory timeInspiratory time Inspiratory slopeInspiratory slopeThe adjustable parameters of Pressure Support are :Pressure SupportInspiratory slopeFlow or Pressure Inspiratory trigger in Invasive ventilationInspiratory trigger in NIVExpiratory triggerMaximum inspiratory tim

53、eor仟马毋镐施纽邱的政恬乱讳垮契聪籽侈玄掂谅尾度意暖目拎衬隶墟愧稻劝Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : PSIMV 临床治疗应用临床治疗应用 : :The PSIMV mode allows a good distribution of work between the The PSIMV mode allows a good distribution of work between the device and the patientdevice and the patient It is ideal for weaning an

54、d in case of sedation decreasing (gradual It is ideal for weaning and in case of sedation decreasing (gradual return of patients ventilation autonomy)return of patients ventilation autonomy)It is particularly recommended for treatment of chronic respiratory It is particularly recommended for treatme

55、nt of chronic respiratory insufficienciesinsufficiencies待佐碑构屏澈倔毅盖块苯骡歌菲喝杆啤俭藤茨巢存槐索鱼袖震挫幕突诊篆Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : SIMV SIMV =SIMV =同步间歇指令通气(容量控制)同步间歇指令通气(容量控制)同步间歇指令通气(容量控制)同步间歇指令通气(容量控制)This ventilation mode allows to alternate flow assisted controlled ventilation and This ven

56、tilation mode allows to alternate flow assisted controlled ventilation and Pressure Support (PS) cycles initiated by the patientPressure Support (PS) cycles initiated by the patientWhen the SIMV mode is selected, an access to “Pressure Support” adjustment is available from the first screen of parame

57、ters adjustment摧搪讫字件黍蜂溃不脑切你有旧翌梁伏容吕觉痰砾犯褥意高妓袍怠娄烧屯Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : SIMV On SIMV mode, the parameters to set are :On SIMV mode, the parameters to set are : FiOFiO2 2 Tidal VolumeTidal Volume Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) Fre

58、quencyFrequency Inspiratory timeInspiratory time oror I/E ratioI/E ratio oror Maxi flowMaxi flow Flow shapeFlow shape Plateau TimePlateau TimeThe adjustable parameters of Pressure Support are :Pressure SupportInspiratory slopeFlow or Pressure Inspiratory trigger in Invasive ventilationInspiratory tr

59、igger in NIVExpiratory triggerMaximum inspiratory timeor普诺纱袄钝巾乌矫尝垦崭稚圣功捡瓷绥磋够徐栽涉稀曳逸驶寿陆仟曝蛀苯Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : SIMV 临床治疗应用临床治疗应用 : :The SIMV mode allows a good distribution of work between the device and The SIMV mode allows a good distribution of work between the device and

60、 the patientthe patientIt is ideal for weaning and in case of sedation decreasing (gradual return It is ideal for weaning and in case of sedation decreasing (gradual return of patients ventilation autonomy)of patients ventilation autonomy)It is particularly recommended for treatment of chronic respi

61、ratory It is particularly recommended for treatment of chronic respiratory insufficienciesinsufficiencies魄说抽棋折涯持跑诱票汝宙窿奶壹函铭块破酞迪歪劝胖嘛锭滓谊满溪邯臆Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : PS PS = PS = 压力支持通气(压力控制)压力支持通气(压力控制)压力支持通气(压力控制)压力支持通气(压力控制)This mode is a pressure mode assisting the patients sp

62、ontaneous breathingThis mode is a pressure mode assisting the patients spontaneous breathingPrinciple :The beginning and the end of the inspiratory cycle are initiated by the patient. However, Elise 350 is provided with a minimum frequency parameter : if the number of patient initiated breaths is lo

63、wer than Fmini, the ventilator releases support breaths.距迎疯残姨爆焙春蛮驻党而迟价荣眩瑟靳呵裤无敢溺筒蜒删错陌柠藏了痈Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : PS PS mode also allows to set an apnea time at the end of which the ventilator switches to backup PS mode also allows to set an apnea time at the end of which the v

64、entilator switches to backup apnea ventilation if the patient does not initiate a breathapnea ventilation if the patient does not initiate a breath Apnea ventilation setting is only available when “Fmini = NO”Apnea ventilation setting is only available when “Fmini = NO” If the patient initiates a br

65、eath afterwards, ventilation switches back to Pressure SupportIf the patient initiates a breath afterwards, ventilation switches back to Pressure SupportApnea ventilation in pressureApnea ventilation in volumeApnea ventilation = Exclusive to Elise 350 !散鸣詹驻萍煌踪览噎溪忠皂前两娟壕嘻酉弘馆内皖牛敷配徒孰吉催鹃吾岁Elisee350中文操作培训

66、Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : PS On PS mode, the parameters to set are :On PS mode, the parameters to set are : FiOFiO2 2 Pressure Support Pressure Support Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) Inspiratory slopeInspiratory slope Leak Alarm thresholdLeak Al

67、arm threshold Flow or Pressure Inspiratory trigger in Invasive ventilationFlow or Pressure Inspiratory trigger in Invasive ventilation Inspiratory trigger in NIVInspiratory trigger in NIV Expiratory trigger Expiratory trigger Maximum inspiratory timeMaximum inspiratory timeor丙挞枉钵盈橇烯褐籽屋产庶孰抠镣语怔献及帝蛇佬耕迹

68、侩洗栅艇兼均磐热Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : PS The adjustable parameters of Pressure Support The adjustable parameters of Pressure Support in pressurein pressure are : are : Apnea TimeApnea Time Inspiratory Pressure Inspiratory Pressure FrequencyFrequency Inspiratory time Inspiratory tim

69、e The adjustable parameters of Pressure Support in volume are :Apnea TimeTidal Volume FrequencyInspiratory time or I/E ratio or Maxi flow虹李烩鬼喇酌暖吴寐皋肃怎稿鹤谐潮饼雇盼外劈想绷漠综虏狐拓蜒日肋按Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : PS 临床治疗应用临床治疗应用 : :Because of its functioning, the PS mode allows to help and reduc

70、e Because of its functioning, the PS mode allows to help and reduce the work of respiratory musclesthe work of respiratory muscles Therefore, it is recommended for postoperative ventilation Therefore, it is recommended for postoperative ventilation rehabilitation and in physiotherapyrehabilitation a

71、nd in physiotherapyIt is also recommended for weaningIt is also recommended for weaning岔秸约叠刃粹荧殷腑券汪渊馆桑颖后渍潭胞羔奶畦谣体叔炯拆卤怨己尸此Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : PS.VT PS-VPS-VT T = = 压力支持潮气量保证双模式通气(压力支持潮气量保证双模式通气(压力支持潮气量保证双模式通气(压力支持潮气量保证双模式通气(Pressure Support with Pressure Support with guarant

72、eed tidal volumeguaranteed tidal volume)This ventilation mode is described as a dual mode : it requires setting a This ventilation mode is described as a dual mode : it requires setting a pressure support and a target tidal volume that must be reached for each cyclepressure support and a target tida

73、l volume that must be reached for each cyclePrinciple :The delivered cycle starts in PS ventilation. Every 10 minutes, Elise 350 calculates if the tidal volume parameter can be delivered, according to the already supplied Vt and the remaining inspiratory timeIf the calculation foresees that Vt param

74、eter can be reached, then Elise 350 stands in Pressure Support for the rest of the cycleOtherwise, if the calculation concludes that Vt parameter will not be reached in PS, then Elise 350 insufflates the remaining volume while maintaining a constant flow until volume parameter is reached苟碳扣曳憎屎蒋覆睁警悬循

75、丛肩生迸精能饺饯椰凯烦宴杯界嘻晒控讹吉曲Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : PS.VT PS.VPS.VT T mode also allows to set an apnea time at the end of which the ventilator switches to apnea mode also allows to set an apnea time at the end of which the ventilator switches to apnea ventilation if the patient has n

76、ot breathedventilation if the patient has not breathed Apnea ventilation setting is only available when Fmini = NOApnea ventilation setting is only available when Fmini = NO If the patient initiates a breath afterwards, ventilation switches back to pressure supportIf the patient initiates a breath a

77、fterwards, ventilation switches back to pressure supportApnea ventilation = Exclusive to Elise 350 !Apnea ventilation in pressureApnea ventilation in volume庸缘韶乙瓶烩氢征讨萄群善霉瑰瓜烷氖锅卉此红飞锁殊使垫咯桔裳兔经花Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : PS.VT On PS.VOn PS.VT T mode, the parameters to set are : mode,

78、the parameters to set are : Pressure SupportPressure Support Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) Tidal VolumeTidal Volume Leak Alarm threshold Leak Alarm threshold Flow or Pressure Inspiratory trigger in Invasive ventilationFlow or Pressure Inspiratory trig

79、ger in Invasive ventilation Inspiratory trigger in NIV Inspiratory trigger in NIV Expiratory trigger Expiratory trigger Maximum inspiratory timeMaximum inspiratory timeor切矾隆骚凉鬼炒淘怯除峻可蹿奸澡抄弄驯窝罐搔滑岩湃胁晤步特电柴笋夺Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : PS.VT The adjustable parameters of Pressure Suppor

80、t The adjustable parameters of Pressure Support in pressurein pressure are : are : Apnea timeApnea time Inspiratory pressure Inspiratory pressure FrequencyFrequency Inspiratory time Inspiratory time The adjustable parameters of Pressure Support in volume are :Apnea timeTidal VolumeFrequencyInspirato

81、ry time or I/E ratio or Maxi flow东积居熄既炯谈侵臭咒赘扯糠薄旅珠淤真乖焙酷能杖芋锻享铀琐宝拳藐萨Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : PS.VT 临床治疗应用临床治疗应用 : : PS.V PS.VT T 模式模式 : : 安全的容量控制模式安全的容量控制模式 舒适的压力控制模式舒适的压力控制模式The PS.VThe PS.VT T mode is particularly recommended for patients whose mode is particularly recommended

82、for patients whose physiological characteristics (resistance ) are likely to changephysiological characteristics (resistance ) are likely to changeIt is recommended for patients who are in weaning test of a respiratory It is recommended for patients who are in weaning test of a respiratory insuffici

83、encyinsufficiency伦阔捡接砚冀褪机颈引钱由婴滩睁馅池睹拌平捣植灯蹲无尉折骄它腹诞萨Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : CPAP CPAP = CPAP = 持续气道正压通气持续气道正压通气The patient can breathe spontaneously thanks to a PEEP levelThe patient can breathe spontaneously thanks to a PEEP levelThe device counters the depression caused by the

84、 inspiration with a The device counters the depression caused by the inspiration with a flow increase. During expiration, a back pressure on the exhalation flow increase. During expiration, a back pressure on the exhalation valve maintains the expiratory pressure at the pressure level set by the val

85、ve maintains the expiratory pressure at the pressure level set by the useruser 在在 CPAP CPAP 模式模式, , 仅仅可可设设置的参数置的参数 : : 持持续压续压力的水平力的水平雍杏屎揉令虽弹撰纷囤冗男浆痰听辉引械塑咀鸵沾俯满孵灸捍业谓酚牌炙Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气模式通气模式 : CPAP 临床治疗临床治疗 应用应用: : 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(Obstructive Apnea Sleep syndromeObstructive A

86、pnea Sleep syndrome) 肺动脉瓣狭窄(肺动脉瓣狭窄(Pulmonary oedemaPulmonary oedema)怒旬借琳关营探还疏表撒贿地屡令笨葡狮箍热蚂掂借乃傍雨井眼巡拌激雌Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气参数定义通气参数定义 Pressure Support (cmHPressure Support (cmH2 2O) :O) :在患者吸气循环中呼吸机在在患者吸气循环中呼吸机在PEEPPEEP压力之上,额外给予的一个压力水平压力之上,额外给予的一个压力水平Maxi flow (l/min) :呼吸机给患者供气时所能提供的

87、最大吸气流速,在容量控制通气中会直接影响到所需吸气时间的长短Flow shape :仅在容量控制模式中有效,可以患者吸气项进行持续递增或递减流速Frequency (cycles/min) :一分钟内所呼吸总的次数Inspiratory slope :仅在压力控制模式中有效, 其意义为要达到设定的目标压力值而所需要花费的时间糟腐瑚召仍崖枫幌蝇阑低怂厚衰沤丁嗓荷丁捡瘫棠淆谍输浚叹纤伴郧刽步Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气参数定义通气参数定义Positive End Expiratory Pressure (cmH2O) :由呼吸机维持的,患者在呼气循

88、环期间持续保持的一个正压力Inspiratory Pressure (cmH2O) :患者在辅助/控制呼吸循环中的吸气项时,呼吸机提供的一个高于PEEP的压力值I/E ratio (1/x) :在1次呼吸中,吸气所用时间和呼气所用时间之间的比值Apnea Time (s) :仅在自主呼吸模式下有效, 其表示为一段时间区间之后,如呼吸机未探测到患者的呼吸循环,患者可能出了现窒息的状况。匡汰硫津姓汽谓使题款原豢喉榔歹蕊雌柞骸彭恳赴皖虽摧擞亩抗婆盂瞒析Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气参数定义通气参数定义Inspiratory Time (s) :从吸气流

89、速而时间区间Time space between the beginning of inspiratory flow and the beginning of expiratory flowMaximum Inspiratory Time (s) :呼吸机向患者输入气体所需最长时间区间,设定潮气量达到与否Expiratory Trigger :达到一个规定的界定值时,引起的呼气循环. 定义为最大峰值流速的% 或自动触发标准Inspiratory Trigger :达到一个规定的界定值时,引起的吸气循环. 触发的方式有 :流速触发(Flow trigger)压力触发(Pressure trigg

90、er)在无创通气中的触发(Non invasive trigger)真衙煎走吨僚袁巧粹继辅锦板眶调就谓涪挚滥漱岿稀缴兴描燃恬历矩姜嵌Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气参数定义通气参数定义Tidal Volume (ml) :吸气或呼气时间内患者所吸入或呼出的气体容量FiO2 (%) :患者吸入气体内氧气所占的百分比Plateau time (s) :Time during which insufflation is maintained nil at the patient level耕哨灾蚂圾写伺础葵侧蕾烟嚷龋猪痹蜡惋夸鸥走骡孟盯衣纺滨匈窗霸质淹E

91、lisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed参数设置参数设置 要设置某项参数时要设置某项参数时, , 只需按压下相对应的图标只需按压下相对应的图标 随即弹出增减调节按钮随即弹出增减调节按钮 和和 调整至需要使用的数值后调整至需要使用的数值后, , 按压按压 按钮进行确认修改按钮进行确认修改提示但前通气模式提示但前患者状态返回至模式设定界面 确认后进入报警设置界面按压“start ventilation”开始通气其它参数设定界面镊耽弥淀缸扰鹊蛇服皋奉惟豁冬偷漾目跪羽突鸟畅拽四卖例蚊瘁钉袜愧除Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed扩展

92、特点扩展特点 进入扩展特点设置界面进入扩展特点设置界面 : :娃壹族侠棍犊歪炒惦署叙矾冈田揣游溪搅概库川宛鸽胀沼袍痉鄂裸乘铲副Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed扩展特点扩展特点BTPS 校正校正 : 气体温度和气体温度和压压力校正力校正当呼吸机启用该功能后进行自动的校正仅限于测量呼出潮气量 (Vte)If BTPS = NO ATPD (Ambient Temperature Pressure & Dryness)RC 自自动测动测量量患者肺部力学情况 :每隔 15 分钟自动测量阻力和顺应性仅有限于在有创通气的ACV 模式边泡界足傈玩戳杖确幼殴涤帐酉鉴莎

93、以显辜党烹概氖汐芜秧草申拧条蚁镣Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed扩展特点扩展特点多种氧源多种氧源 高高压压 / 低低压压氧源氧源更好的适合各种供氧条件可在可在Ti, maximum flow 或或 I/E 中中选择选择使用使用查查看方式看方式:仅限于在 ACV 模式 !阶又牌肪瘁卞辩毕书洼愁创寓胺嵌渐炬谗频颇靡寺洒碗值供坞啃锣视盔汪Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed报警管理报警管理 Two Two independentindependent systems to trigger audible alarms s

94、ystems to trigger audible alarms 1 voice synthesis1 voice synthesis Adjustable volume Adjustable volume Controlled by the main microprocessorControlled by the main microprocessor 1 buzzer controlled by :1 buzzer controlled by : The main microprocessorThe main microprocessor The alarm microprocessorT

95、he alarm microprocessor An hardware independent system supplied by an extra batteryAn hardware independent system supplied by an extra battery峻窘爽帐仿吨电三坏宦锥徽驹馏皮籽享摆派仇混忧伸垮侧罕逝垣添债师影Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气报警通气报警 需要设置报警参数时,可通过按压需要设置报警参数时,可通过按压 按钮直接进入呼吸机报警设置界面按钮直接进入呼吸机报警设置界面 随即出现如图参数随即出现如图参数 :

96、 : 报报警参数的警参数的调节调节方式和通气参数方式和通气参数调节调节方式是一方式是一样样的!的!沮峡威琉词膊津照朵畜享悠怎枣铭抖藻并唉拽骨驳间勿幽柞埂吭推里炽景Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMedFiO2 低压供氧低压供氧低压供氧低压供氧 供气口压力不超过供气口压力不超过 400 kPa400 kPa 氧气供给方式氧气供给方式 : :- - An oxygen bottle equipped with a rotameter and pressure reducerAn oxygen bottle equipped with a rotameter an

97、d pressure reducer- An O- An O2 2 concentrator concentrator- An O- An O2 2 wall-gas supply equipped with a rotameter wall-gas supply equipped with a rotameter Elise 350 automatically manages FiO2 value according to FiO2 parameter都酚瑞闪卢胃纫丘裙桌徽唤寒姐盼叫沮倾啸服邢较庚戳胖浚熙淤绑惶镍旋Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMedFi

98、O2 高压氧源高压氧源高压氧源高压氧源 供气口压力范围为供气口压力范围为240 kPa 240 kPa 至至 700 kPa700 kPa之间之间 供氧方式供氧方式 : :- - 墙壁供氧墙壁供氧- - 带减压调节装置的氧气瓶带减压调节装置的氧气瓶 Elise 350 automatically manages FiO2 value according to FiO2 parameter串谭堵纽荚匪拔参基威遗贺胁岔协旷晃掖样论官乡坐庆阉秧赛逛椰例诲喊Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMedFiO22分分钟纯钟纯氧功能(氧功能(O2 100 %)- 按压 图标按

99、钮后可获得两分钟的纯氧通气 - 在使用高压供氧方式时,该功能有效 低低压压供氧供氧高高压压供氧供氧或郑妨成兹例足录恋敬发秘伴左丸失搜鸯隐机节皖桥贯叹糕搔怨颗叭景说Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMedFiO2 空气和氧气的混合过程是在气体输入涡轮之前完成的。空气和氧气的混合过程是在气体输入涡轮之前完成的。空气和氧气的混合过程是在气体输入涡轮之前完成的。空气和氧气的混合过程是在气体输入涡轮之前完成的。 依靠成比例阀门对依靠成比例阀门对依靠成比例阀门对依靠成比例阀门对flow-byflow-by进行精确控制进行精确控制进行精确控制进行精确控制 (proporti

100、onal valve) (proportional valve)Elise 150 Elise 150 能自动调节能自动调节 flow-by flow-by 水平,通过吸入气体流速和流速触发值水平,通过吸入气体流速和流速触发值O2Flow-by with oxygen+/- Inspiratory flow+/- Flow trigger +/- Flow-by猴痕绪奴玩擅梧巢郸耀值遵叫慧莎仔濒治庐胞疡赶荆夕级摔迅伐颐痪渗米Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMedFiO2 图形图形图形图形 : :Inspi.Expi.流速曲线O2 concentration

101、at level patientSAIME systemOther systemAn important oxygen peak can be delivered at the very beginning of the inspiration phase where the flow is the most important减少减少对对氧气的消耗氧气的消耗为俭特汀滨猾跋啪谭磺蛮穗琐嫂毅锦枯凸眺藉冕苞专甭腰扰搔搭酪讽洲犊Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气观察通气观察 When the ventilation begins, a screen tha

102、t allows to control on ventilation curves When the ventilation begins, a screen that allows to control on ventilation curves automatically appears automatically appears From that screen, the user can have a look at the ventilation thanks to the From that screen, the user can have a look at the venti

103、lation thanks to the following elements :following elements :Bargraph of instantaneous pressurePressure curve Flow curve Ventilation measuresTrigger颇吐魏入灾蚤真匈液后躇嚎碰驯脱勿培抠踞钦卷忙道余特肘亢观辞旭郎材Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气观察通气观察By pressing on one of the 4 displayed measures at the bottom of the screen,

104、 you have direct access to the measures screen Choice between 11 measuresReal time display of the values 效购镜贡蒜幕鲁烦北庐痞梁凌铭益爹潍恭蹿枷疥扳晰恩观迅主戌赛奄图践Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed通气观察通气观察From curves screen, the evolution of measures can be frozen by pressing one of the curvesPress on any point of the cur

105、ves to display the corresponding valuePossibility to determine value between two points瞎印阵痹昌齐戈澈炳尔唇嗡忘锁五抿寺贴唱哭棚珠建糠稀酪勿游氖稽藩侠Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed治疗控制治疗控制 : 事件回放事件回放The journal of events registers :The whole of alarms release / stopEvery act made on the ventilator :Start / Stop of the vent

106、ilationStart / Stop of the ventilatorChange of the ventilation parameters valueStart / Stop of the alarmsChange of the alarms threshold卉奶遥示俏雾章浴柒睹式睬桑迂库封酵弄讲洗铀帜垂坎凋忆咨笼谦酗掸阵Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed呼吸力学测量选项呼吸力学测量选项通气时可选择使用多种呼吸力学测量工具使用的有效性要依据所处在的通气方式或通气模式用户可以通过在曲线监测屏幕下,通过翻页找到相关需要的测量工具P0.1胸腔胸腔闭闭

107、合合压压力力 雾雾化功能化功能吸气保持吸气保持呼气保持呼气保持手手动动通气通气阻力阻力 / 顺应顺应性性尼瘩伯幅茄梁君崔撬甸贱答枚凛腥律糙哼忠遁型崭磊狄桔跨症闭坪筐淘窗Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed呼吸力学测量选项呼吸力学测量选项吸气保持功能吸气保持功能- It is carried out at the end of the inspiratory cycle when the tidal volume is delivered.- A nil flow is manually maintained.- The pause cannot excee

108、d 5 seconds. After this time, an exhalation cycle is automatically released.- This option is available only in invasive ACV modeMaximum pressure valuePlateau pressure value Resistance value猖告蜕甩幌诛榜莉初汲变陇倾炽悼蘸捐啡颗絮湛绿渤陪研挽锅道谋耽近扎Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed呼吸力学测量选项呼吸力学测量选项呼气保持功能呼气保持功能- It is carrie

109、d out at the end of the exhalation cycle.- During the pause, the circuit is obstructed.- The pause cannot exceed 12 seconds. After this time, an inspiratory cycle is automatically released.- This option is available only in invasive ACV modePositive End Expiratory PressureIntrinsic Positive End expi

110、ratory Pressure 漆霉省勉称逛骸啄赌臆乾吧神哟龟泣佬用毯别挨田巳逞风邀椿可圣身椿戮Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed呼吸力学测量选项呼吸力学测量选项手手动动呼吸呼吸- 按压下该图标后, 将增加一次呼吸循环- 除了 CPAP 模式外,在所有的通气模式中都有效P0.1- Measurement are carried out when the patient initiates a breath. The depression generated by the patients inspiratory effort is measured 0.

111、1 second after the trigger release.- 该项功能仅在有创通气模式中有效 鸦兼篡缩舰扔啦痛文拔召熏堤锑煞顽破捌戳乐躇全曙拔蝗卞糊慷敛容浴邯Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed雾化功能(雾化功能(Nebulization)Connecting a nebulizer to the ventilator allows users to dispense medicines to the patient through HP oxygen. Adjustable nebulization parameters are :Durat

112、ionFlow The nebulizer input is located at the rear of the deviceThe input is a 100 % oxygen input at a maximum pressure of 200 kPa for a 20 l/min flow 侠纪赞了杖迂恨佰募溉弃鳞戎劳最钳砸狈酬围隅未毒揍颗莹趾曙俞伊果楼Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed雾化功能(雾化功能(Nebulization) To accede to nebulization option :To accede to nebulizat

113、ion option : To start nebulization :To start nebulization :彦随乳沛沫澎贩陆柒迟淄奋掖酒陨痒讳旧晒蹿询骑婉兽拐斡因忱扭忧喇些Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed技术维护菜单技术维护菜单 技术维护菜单使得日常维护工作更为简单容易技术维护菜单使得日常维护工作更为简单容易技术维护菜单使得日常维护工作更为简单容易技术维护菜单使得日常维护工作更为简单容易 : : 调整呼吸机的传感器调整呼吸机的传感器 调整供气的传感器调整供气的传感器不需要拆卸不需要拆卸设备设备 ! 同同时时按按压压下按下按钮钮 和和谱帕摘橙饮

114、嘘辩南侵谭贼诛幌镰箱违猫挡李汁徘俊矗腆吕鞍千编肉彼墅僧Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed肺部复张工具肺部复张工具 什么是肺复张策略(什么是肺复张策略(什么是肺复张策略(什么是肺复张策略(What is a recruitment maneuverWhat is a recruitment maneuver)? ?Periodic increase of insufflation pressure beyond the tele-inspiratory pressure released during the Periodic increase of in

115、sufflation pressure beyond the tele-inspiratory pressure released during the conventional ventilation cyclesconventional ventilation cycles肺复肺复张张的目的目标标(What is the aim of a maneuver recruitment) ? To avoid atelectasy : sagging of air cells那些病人需要适用那些病人需要适用该项该项功能(功能(For which patients )?For neuromuscu

116、lar patients which air cells could easily collapseNot for COPD patients or all obstructive patients !同常同常规规的的叹叹息功能比息功能比较较有什么有什么优势优势?Pressure control. Indeed, in case of a sigh, a volume parameter is set up. Therefore the pressure is not controlled. In order to avoid barautroma, An HP alarm must be adjustedLong opening of air cells歌键瓤宠秦涛名毯现适特虑蓖卿涎轮瞎下替涵焊讫驹奋祖狮徊邻货窄温专Elisee350中文操作培训Elisee350中文操作培训 ResMed



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