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1、第24讲 短文和表格信息的理解12 (2011湖南卷)A person searches various websites for different reasons, such as school, work, or entertainment. For teenagers, many informative resources on the Internet can be used. As a matter of fact, there are educational, music and art websites that are truly helpful to teenagers,

2、because they can help make ones life easier. 23 Educational websites are helpful to a teenager in doing school work and searching for a college. Some can help studying for testes, explaining a lesson, and doing homework. Some can help find the right schools based on ones interests. And still others

3、have pages devoted to the social life at each of the colleges or the specific activities that occur at a certain school. 34 Some free music sites enable a teenager to diversify their musical tastes. On these sites, all types of music are available such as pop, rock, jazz and country. One can type in

4、 a song, category or artist and his or her entire catalog appears. Then, the listener can make multiple playlists without creating an account(账户) with the site. 45 There are various art websites that can help students to appreciate and create art pieces. On these sites, a student can view numerous p

5、hotos and art pieces from different mediums or create an account with the website to upload their art pieces for people to see. In addition, one can enjoy various art projects that people have created on display for the rest of the world. Truly informative resources are offered on the Internet. The

6、best suggestion one can receive is to try to look for new websites that can help in the educational, music, or art area, so one can become wellrounded and informed. 56Truly Helpful Websites for Teenagers Many 71._ are available on various websites. I. Educational sites: helping one 72. _ and search

7、for a college Study for tests, explain a lesson, and do homeworkFind the right school that one 73. _Learn information about college social life and 74. _ 67 . Free music sites: 75. _ to diversify musical tastes Listen to all types of musicType in a song, category, or artist to get an entire catalogm

8、ake multiple playlists 76. _78 . 77. _: helping one appreciate and create worksView photos and works from mediums78. _ for others to see79. _ on displayHelpful websites can make teenagers 80. _8 本文为说明文。具体介绍了怎么帮助青少年找到对他们学习生活有帮助的网站。思路点拨思路点拨910【答案及解析答案及解析】 71. informative resources直接题。从文章第一段For teenage

9、rs, many informative resources on the Internet can be used. 可以找到。 72. do school work 直接题。从文章第二段Educational websites are helpful to a teenager in doing school work可以得出答案。1011【答案及解析答案及解析】 73. is interested in改写题。根据文章第二段Some can help find the right schools based on ones interests. 意义改写。属于同义改写。 74. spec

10、ific school activities直接题。从文章第二段最后一句话at each of the colleges or the specific activities that occur at a certain school. 可以得出答案。 1112【答案及解析答案及解析】 75. enabling one直接题。从文章第三段Some free music sites enable a teenager to diversify their musical tastes. 可以得出答案。 76. without an account直接题。从文章第三段最后一句话the liste

11、ner can make multiple playlists without creating an account with the site. 可以得出答案。 1213【答案及解析答案及解析】 77. Art sites直接题。从第四段第一句话There are various art websites that can help students to appreciate and create art pieces可得出答案。 78. Upload art pieces 直接题。从第四段create an account with the website to upload thei

12、r art pieces for people to see. 可得答案1314【答案及解析答案及解析】 79. Enjoy art projects直接题。在第四段one can enjoy various art projects可得答案。 80. wellrounded and informed直接题。从文章最后一段最后一句可得答案。14 理解的正确与否,直接关系到答题的正确性,而首当其冲的是对短文和表格信息的理解。 一、对短文的理解技巧 对短文的正确理解是做好英语阅读填空的必要前提。它主要包括以下四个方面的理解: (1) 快速阅读,抓住中心:快速阅读、抓住文章中心是正确理解短文的关键。

13、一方面,抓住了文章中心就能确保理解的正确性,使对文章的理解不会迷失方向;另一方面,表格的标题就是文章中心的高度浓缩,抓住了文章中心是正确解答标题的前提。那么如何快速抓住文章中心呢?15 综合分析文章的首尾句。一般说来,文章的首句为文章的主题,而尾句是文章的总结、结论或建议、希望,通过分析首尾句并结合全文内容,快速归纳出文章的中心。 注意文章中的信息词。文章的主题句有时不在第一句,而是用连接词but / yet所连接的后面一句或含有副词however / though的句子。利用这些信息词快速找出主题句,归纳出中心。 综合分析段首句。有些短文没有主题句,考生必须根据每段的第一句进行归纳总结,结合

14、全文内容得出文章的中心。16 (2) 弄清体裁,理清脉络:作者对不同体裁的文章,用不同的写作方法。但是,不管是用何种方法,写作思路或短文结构基本上是一致的,即“总分总”。 阅读填空的短文一般是说明文、议论文或记叙文。对于说明文,作者首先会提出一个说明的对象,然后从不同的角度对其介绍过程、解释原因或说明理由,最后得出结果并提出建议、想法或希望;对于议论文,作者首先可能提出一个观点,接着从不同方面对其进行论证,最后得出结论;对于记叙文,作者首先可能交代整个事件及其人物、事件、地点和结果,然后记述事件所发生的过程,最后记述事件的影响或人们对它的评价。17 (3) 顺藤摸瓜,抓住信息: 如果说文章中心

15、是藤的根,那么文章的结构就是藤,信息则是藤的果实。如何在枝繁叶茂的藤上找到藤的果实呢?我们就得顺着藤去摸。读文章也是如此,考生只有根据文章的中心和作者的思路、文章的结构,才能将所需的信息一个一个地找出来。 (4) 根据语境,理解信息: 在文章中,作者决不会随便滥用信息、细节,他所引用的每一个信息、细节都有其目的或作用。因此,考生在读短文时,应该用批判的眼光去考查信息间的相互关系,从而推断出细节的作用、意图,达到对短文的深层理解。18 二、对表格的理解技巧 对试题的正确理解是正确解答英语阅读填空的另一个重要方面。它包括对表格结构的理解及试题设计的理解两个方面。 (1) 根据表格结构,揣测命题意图: 表格结构既是试题的载体,又是命题人对文章理解方式的体现。它是根据一定的线索设计的,一般包括行和列。而行、列又根据文章的对应信息给予小标题。因此考生应该根据试题表格结构的特征,逆推命题人对文章的理解思路,从而揣测命题的目的意图,准确把握信息范围及对文章的理解方向。19 (2) 根据试题设计,弄清问题的要求: 表格填空实际上是作者对文章理解思路的再现。表格中给出了部分信息,为考生的作答提供了具体暗示和线索,考生应该利用这一暗示和线索来推断所填写内容的要求。通过对表格中上下左右信息与短文相关信息的比较、推断,然后确定问题的正确答案。20



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