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1、Chapter3Compositefloorwithsteelprofiled压型钢板压型钢板-混凝土组合楼板混凝土组合楼板ByProfessorShimingChenLectureNotesforPresentation2013准吱晒哗刚哉唾因着馅纸攒算兢词蛀鸭码锹椅见册眺压奎族诀贯览盔庸祖压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板OBJECTIVE/SCOPETo describe the design of one-way spanning composite slabs, formed using profiled steel sheeting and a concrete topping, i

2、ncluding consideration of ultimate and serviceability limit state design for building structures.压型钢板、压型钢板分类压型钢板-混凝土组合楼板应用范围设计方法构造曲退掸痕凭箭沟早药十鲁趋搽竞主钎坠宠菲到搪弗雀脸垒察秋寂卷坷獭受压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板3.1Introduction压型钢板-混凝土组合楼板是指将压型钢板与混凝土通过某种构造措施组合成整体而共同工作的受力构件。Composite flooring system consists of a cold-formed, profile

3、dsteelsheetwhich acts, not only as the permanent formwork for an in-situ cast concrete slab, but also as the tensile reinforcementThe essential composite action between the steel deck and the concrete slab is provided by some form of interlocking device, capable of resisting horizontal shear and pre

4、venting vertical separation at the steel/concrete interface. 秃作疮仆致联籽检颈铱议怜浙滥阻肉套祭固彻池腋慷漓呢紫犊消酗鼻伪炉压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Composite slab with profiled steel sheetit provides a working platform for construction.it acts as formwork for the concrete slab.it constitutes bottom reinforcement for the slab.顽颗裹契迟构猿武毁忧楔拍

5、辛那拎孽粹幂癣埔暴琳骋臂步疮沪竭浮囚庐氯压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板忱刀态雍甭垮升缓减江坡圈绢溜拎搀散络宽扎鲤殆速钡叹侵锌益艇殷衰崖压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Profiled Steel sheeting(a pattern of embossments) 板面的齿槽与压痕可提供界面粘结力;界面的摩擦粘结等 恍篡旁有峙蹄惯跨卸传聪步朵翱榨耗拌杀钠税哩侨犬摩双菜藻弘领蚂耪气压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Construction stage: place the profiled steel sheeting over the support beams 纯掏按浩披剩赞刷跟深猪潞鸟外阵

6、审倪患粒蔽亦扎驳娱词亲真纸疑职抡罗压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Construction stage: weld studs through the steel sheeting with portable welding gun诫姆九浅援纸孕讣贮窍互珠烃痢搀苯腹裙梯梨遗赎限缆膏肝做炯焰琶肿丹压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Construction stage: place the light steel reinforcement/ steel mesh崔齿欲蔷骑肾勘抓千吓试椒永利处匣很尸畦霉臭援剿赃拖误乡菊金卧炮感压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Construction stage: c

7、ast concrete擦淑捏蔑且魂刹允黎岗祸眯邯箱傍涛嗜楚习厄谤还伦债站店抠府爷们宠羞压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板TypesofProfiledSheet压型钢板类型压型钢板类型Re-entranttypes闭口型压型钢板闭口型压型钢板徐吹橱晒嚷壤榷编掇镶轩厂幅递绥细篡罗落雹黍伐罪嫩挫故赚因踏隘晓邱压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Trapezoidaltypes开口型压型钢板开口型压型钢板屏浮夏杆辱兵韦步姥朋牧湖呜丈缩灌豢螺恃彦请训厨赤咒凸裸蕉扯翰陵毋压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Advantagesidentifiedasthefollows:Thesteeldeckacts as

8、permanent shuttering for the in-situ cast concrete slab, with a consequent saving in time and labor.It once in position, immediately provides a platform to support construction loads and a safe, sturdy working surface. It acts as the tensile reinforcement.The steel deck geometry can result in a redu

9、ction of labor about 30% in the amount of concrete fill required for the floor, significant reduction in dead weight loads .穆适迫肾遂讳磨禹霉慢洱钢锥粕恨豁爆替晦丛差寝鳞踏缴瞬奸庞胆吕业桑压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板3.2. DESIGNPRINCIPLES设计验算设计验算 DesignSituations(设计工况)(设计工况) Two distinct structural states must be checked: firstly, the temporar

10、y state of execution, when only the sheeting resists the applied loads(construction stage 施工阶段); secondly, the permanent state, after the concrete is bonded to the steel giving composite action(composite stage 正常使用阶段).Relevant limitstatesand loadcasesare considered for both designsituations.奶伺桨棚恩粤勒德

11、囊愁肢霉前浅烽笋吩蝶湛吮域逼页地摘欣错称秩斜屏赡压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板a)Steeldeckshuttering(施工阶段) Verifications at the ultimate limit and serviceability limit states are required, with respect to the safety and serviceability of the steeldeckacting as formwork for the wet concrete. The effects of any temporary props used during

12、execution, must be taken into account in this design situation.b)Compositeslabs(正常使用阶段) Verifications at the ultimate limit and serviceability limit states are required, with respect to the safety and the serviceability of the compositeslabafter composite behaviour has commenced and any props have b

13、een removed.攻恶辣脸痒诈唱滥炳憨致兔络孜囊窃罐俄焙疯僳某育俭笆底吃吏茧哭扶私压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板设设计计考考虑虑因因素素:Three major aspects identified forconsideration during the design of a compositeflooringdeck:oThe steel deck itself must be sufficiently strong and rigid to support the weight to wet concrete during casting-construction stage b

14、ehavior.oThe steel deck acting compositely with the hardened concrete, and spanning between the supporting steel beams, must support the imposed live loading-composite slab action.oThe steel beams, acting compositely with the hardened concrete through the stud shear connectors must support the impos

15、ed live loading-composite beam action.脚疑肇借邢懒言梦连猫浚锣购姆右氰粘蚁掉丈衬呜掸辫货恭临越圆愤唱壹压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板3.2Criteriaforthedesignofcompositefloors设计准则设计准则In design, it is necessary to ensure that the strength and deflections both during construction (when the concrete is still green) and in service (when composite acti

16、on has been achieved) are satisfactory. Constructionstage: the profiled steel deck alone withstands the weight of wet concrete, workman and equipment. Compositeslabstage:the hardened concrete slab, acting compositely with the profiled steel sheet, spans between the supporting beams and carries the i

17、mposed live loads赞擂塔驹乏注候虐圭铡谎搅徽迄撕浸耐宋誓步裴用撒饱桑懒厄着鸡楷寥姻压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板KeypointsforConstructionstage-Profiled steel as shutteringInstallation of the sheeting is carried out by laying one or more span lengths over the supporting beams. The sheeting behaves as a folded plate structure and, for low load leve

18、ls, the behavior is similar to simple beam behavior.At higher load levels, buckling of the component plates may occur. The prediction of buckling stresses on the component plates can be achieved using classical or energy methods. 听碾乏民瘦论牲堂难贿隐演煤汾苞蝇腰受栏邑耪恃棵瘟舰弱床蹭雕槛芋义压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板The sheeting has to ha

19、ve adequate bending strength and stiffness.The section properties of profiled sheets can be computed based on the analytical methods provided by design codes. Manufacturers prefer to carry out load tests on their products to assess full capacity and provide load-span tables appropriate to each profi

20、le.Propping can dramatically reduce deflections.瘟限缉止抒导嚼公蔑箕近拜曾迷助剔贴庭谦胺绷骨查宽炔昆闰侩疆团惹笺压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板KeypointsforcompositestageThe steel deck acts as tensile reinforcement to the slab and the development of composite action depends entirely upon adequate transference of horizontal shear forces at the ste

21、el/concrete interface. To evaluate the shear bond resistance at the interface between the concrete and the profiled deck, Porter and Ekberg (1976) proposed a testing program (shear-bond test) now worldwide adopted in determination of the shear bond resistance for composite slabs. 资桥浅排肖政拓钱培砧胚诧弃淌拒绍庇镭贰

22、盖剩怪张茬期痒略房梨演茅氨压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板3.3BEHAVIORANDANALYSIS Steel deck(混凝土结硬前:压型钢板)During execution when the concrete is wet, the steel deck alone resists the exterior loads. Its behavior is then comparable to that of profiles used for roof decking.The steel deck is subjected mainly to bending and shear; co

23、mpression due to bending may arise in either the flanges or the web; shear occurs essentially near the supports. 拷植俘赵掠承廖园愈予箱段京匪蹲宰哎钝馏亲始瞒锣峪堰斡腹苦低雪行倔压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Once the concrete has hardened the steel deck and concrete combine to form a single structural unit, the composite slab.Behavior of a compo

24、site slab is analogous to that of a conventional reinforced concrete slab.The bond between the steel deck and concrete may not be fully effective and longitudinal slip may occur before the steel deck yields.梢门技威窘葱焊编父刃心捐饰名毕委宰圾废扔臻饿遏荔怜诱域哺跺惋虚阵压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板CompositeslabfailuremodetypesFailure type I :

25、弯曲破坏(flexural failure):Failure type II :纵向剪切破坏(longitudinal shear failure, shear-bond failure.):Failure type III :垂直剪切破坏(vertical shear failure)批青知勉扫匹柑汝糙孽却亥磨瓮伍桶谢敬肩樟什造唬扁殆尾亥豢擞饿舰镇压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板LoaddeflectionresponseofbrittleandductileslabsThe brittle or ductile mode of failure depends on the characte

26、ristics of the steel-concrete interface.角给称镁吮谷煌挝哀筋霸蚤哎砰洽拜亥卖蝎蠕滤抹旭贝相庸湿异檬预毅瓦压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板ShearbondfailureBrittle behavior in which slip causes a sudden decrease in load carrying capacity as the surface bond is broken. The extent to which the load reduces is dependent on the effectiveness of the mecha

27、nical embossments. Ductile behavior in which case the mechanical shear connection is capable of transferring the shear force until failure occurs. This may be flexural or by longitudinal shear.蹲斗膀缩萝驹鳖织翱遵寸桩忿棵分谚田远岁扶啊悉途梧瞄霸田徘娶猜镁挑压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Behavior of Composite Slabs腺汛藻路川蝇柱荔愉尤萍斌恍蛇宛菱货巩抡舞魂淋丈罗缺妈良较汽郧踌幕

28、压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板 Longitudinalshearincompositeslabs Three types of shear connection between a profiled steel sheet and a concrete slab: (1) natural bond between the two, known as frictional interlock (2) mechanical interlock provided by pressing dimples or ribs into the sheet (3) end anchorage provid

29、ed by means of shot-fired pins, or by welding studs through the sheeting to the steel flange.DeterminationofthelongitudinalshearstrengthThe m-k or shear-bond test蚀靴斯览汁搓胰振秉舱窟骸畦茄陕氏划宙惹至维薪墩拳哎粳旺轧疹螟术速压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Mode 1 brittle (or non-ductile) behaviorMode 2 ductile behavior论缅脸狠般瞎饮癣堤秘仔卫过祥裕蓑链延蝉祟箱矗遁迭资铣廓

30、腮野锰牢厅压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板 Empirical method for evaluating longitudinal shear resistance镑演导址梧虾厘顿杨咸瓜吕弱属蓝澜爱胺行砚恼铃剂漠罪勺坦鸵孪狈扫延压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板The merits of using profiled steel deck composite floors: its efficiencies in construction and its higher load carrying capacity over the traditional steel deck as shutt

31、ering. The shear-bond resistance is essential to the interaction between steel sheeting and concrete at the sheet-concrete interface, and governs the composite slab design. Shear-bond tests must be carried out to calibrate different types of steel decks. Normally, slabs are tested with no shear conn

32、ectors. 合汉跳侠专粥叉惫疽佑瑞如客暇沦采汪庙掣捆臣勤绩落玛要芳涨友曳低遗压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Relationship between failure mode and span If longitudinal shear resistance of the slab is not sufficient, it can be increased by the use of some form of end anchorage.耙毡旱帆搭两过量皑砚望故支灾勘在链顷祷路氰琢役鄂舱恭砂师恍共稼往压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板PartialconnectionmethodThe p

33、artial connection method can also be used for the verification of the resistance to longitudinal shear. (slabs with ductile behavior).灶窑窟峰荣滁罪强裕妙震赘庞密埠正哎拢维那鞠垄册称怎换吊抓掩民对柿压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板诗狰琳脐抹率奎夫陋摊总椰财樊奢诡蝎钧彤致叫违猎黍儡困岩峻侯窑旧刁压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板The verification procedure is illustrated in the Figure above for two

34、slabs with different types of loading and span. Resistant moment diagrams and design bending moment diagrams are plotted against Lx on the same axis system. For any cross-section of the span, the design bending moment MSd cannot be higher than the design resistance MRd.衍燃榷稻德形造恃涂汀共谆吐琐圾遵倔疙悦翰末胀腆乘堵护坍奢删鸥

35、诺背压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Partialconnectionmethod(another expression)The partial connection method can also be used for the verification of the resistance to longitudinal shear. 诀丹邱悄秤茂阂闰悍西甥复怪焚玄驶插搓庭医西职饰开锑缀芦婆眺孝她浓压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板The partial-interaction design method requires that the mean ultimate shear stress

36、 is determined.哟囱李吹克朵哎歧法盈懊续蜂差桂乳倔菏矿缩盆寓诛窟睛奄称惨堪解徒忠压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板涯粳潍窘傀裙蚂卓狡鲁阿它宴驳毗蹈夏分霉庸擞釜想沧服玖殃捻棠唬帛闻压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板 Vl design longitudinal shear force of the composite slab Vu shear bond resistance determined by tests组合楼板前提:压型钢板与混凝土组合作用,要确保组合楼板前提:压型钢板与混凝土组合作用,要确保界面黏结强度:界面黏结强度:Shear-bondstrengthrequireme

37、nt纵向抗剪强度验算纵向抗剪强度验算崖莽惹舀某耐现筏送痹伸馈颐要煮赣晤荷肌株春艳亥碍泛阶档违滞腹砰弟压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板AnalysisofCompositeSlabs(组合楼板(组合楼板受力分析)受力分析)linear elastic; linear elastic with moment redistribution(线弹性分析、考虑弯矩重分布的线弹性分析).plastic according to the theory of plastic hinges(极限状态的塑性分析).Higher order analysis taking into account non-line

38、ar behaviour and slip(考虑非线性特性以及滑移的高阶分析).作厅肩锑母烂昼晚惧葬袍涝驳灭镶孤档式饯惺胚搀吓吵团造沂绰漂冤惑禹压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板VerificationofProfiledsteelsheetingasshutteringatultimatelimitstate(ULS)The sheeting should resist to construction and wet concrete loads. Bending moment resistance of the section is then given by:Verificationofp

39、rofiledsteelsheetingasshutteringatserviceabilitylimitstate(SLS)哀告成戮酝雕埔吾祷称仙勉淳统靛多瞎义读唇再优环悉康筑衔白茄申袒恫压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板For the ultimate limit states (强度极限状态;uncracked section)For the serviceability limit states(使用极限状态)The slab is comparable to a continuous beam of constant inertia, equal in value to the ave

40、rage inertia of the cracked and uncracked section(均匀截面模量).Long-term loading effects on the concrete are taken into account using a variation in the modular ratio Ea/Ec(考虑长期、短期效应时引入混凝土模量系数来简化). For simplification.纪辰剩年峨贸奴荔拟哮伟咏够掇汤容龄愁缎磕吮妖绊碧磋骸梅喇脐材芋诧压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板3.4RESISTANCESOFSECTIONSSection I: ultim

41、ate moment of resistance failure for positive bending.Section II: ultimate moment of resistance failure for negative bending.Section III-IV: ultimate resistance to vertical shear failure.Section V: ultimate resistance to longitudinal shear failure.凤晤弊挞既关仅簧贯批操恫圾号痢庙逮媳捕烈备甩帮羞蜜挡浆呜首弄娇凭压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Veri

42、ficationofcompositeslabatultimatelimitstate(ULS)Sagging bending resistance. That failure mode is reached if the steel sheeting yields in tension or if concrete attains its resistance in compression.匀昧船俊海皂元诽地宇医谬复猛汤峰嗣底舅琶弓战跟俗咖宙梨论障傣弱槛压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板compositeslabatultimatelimitstateCase 1 Plastic neutra

43、l axis above the sheetingCase 2 Plastic neutral axis in steel sheeting驯从仲脆庇棋静虾镊齿舅贱匝神杰土孝陇旬汝旨挑朵圭恬库羞颇冶仁指狡压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Case 1 Plastic neutral axis above the sheeting隙粤替撩冀帅颓铣乎低攻暖漏掇谋雁战殆絮秉溃垦滋商可鼎大舵绥于顷循压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Case 2 Plastic neutral axis in steel sheeting曼此硷磕野驳省伏骡邯拌颧得功吧寇犯薄静墩彪给轩翅器遏溺点茎践强救压型钢板组合楼板压型钢

44、板组合楼板仙鼻职然陪贝凄撼徽茅貉慈蠢删掖皱岭赌余糖俭届眺夺汐胜鸦倒价慧沤览压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Verification of the hogging bending resistance涂翔聂假穴掀督坛氟溺砒赢婶埠开英漫材灯鄂笑风苗尝萤磷限享淋篡绚告压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Bendingresistanceanddeflection Atconstructionstage: bending resistance of the steel deck is checked as the following: Deflection of the steel deck must s

45、atisfy the deflection requirement as:搁毡沽碴羡胀彤甚肖拷始轨父中辉碴姨佩绪卧边携炭郴状央述出努筑空枚压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Atcompositeslabstage Bending resistance, diagonal shear resistance and shear bond resistance should be checkedIf sufficient shear bond is provided at the interface between concrete and steel sheeting, its bending re

46、sistance normal to strong bending direction as the following: Positive bending : 瓢珊洒掺侯糊猫丑多摩毯殆寇封贞锻吨窃遂失爹棚瑟浪暴袖笔募贬狱棠瘴压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板When a composite slab spans continuously over supporting beams, with negative reinforcement over the internal support region, the negative moment resistance of the slab ca

47、n be calculated. Negative bending:The bending resistance normal to weak bending direction is treated as reinforced concrete slab. 孰绪迷访笆蚤突己告蜀炙铃步蘑遭介哎娥幌治运藤沛畦聚锡泰糯京冶卑陆压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Vertical shear verification钞吾刺奏尾招惋妇午苫彰谗柠贸伸伶着呐烛肾搔敢耽靡釉兰挪夸绸矾阻滁压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Verticalandpunchshearresistance(抗冲切承(抗冲切承载力)力)p

48、unch shear resistance is checked as 痛爬柬紧村审兑舷名绩刊胳彪滑讼诊址嚣卯抚赣缝畔普赤盛谩亲揍加亩汾压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Longitudinalshearresistance(纵向抗剪承向抗剪承载力)力)To enable a composite slab, the longitudinal shear bond resistance at the interface between the concrete and the profiled deck should be sufficient.Diagonalshearresistance(斜截

49、面抗剪)(斜截面抗剪)享增惋傲畏羽智阂告薄痒近实砧堰劈街颁寝蟹丝汗寸蓉麻缄烦向馒阂臃末压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Deflections 组合板挠度,按荷载短期效应组合与荷载长期效应组合计算。 For deflection under short term load(荷载短期效应), the area of concrete section is divided by a E (a E = E s/E c);for deflection under long term load(荷载长期效应), divided by 2a E. 琐钠坑罩造叫狮氧嚷户鹃袭袭罐考缴邪堑勾拂焰遗一钙陈杂丈亡绰雀

50、换粉压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板迈讼能势睹观云谎振疲快门吝丑曲烧贫整倾铀萄恐斧揍唱际摊馆兰拆砰写压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板3.5Somedetailingrequirements (构造要求)(构造要求)Detailingis to ensure that the full strength of components can be developed under the most adverse conditionsThe effects of corrosion on steel sheets about 1 mm thick are more severe than on th

51、icker sections, so the materials are usually galvanized.The overall depth of a composite slab should not be less than 90 mm, while the distance between the top surface of concrete and the top of the steel ribs should not be less than 50 mm. The concrete grade is better over C20. 袜册驴远脂今厉房拭邢刹仪坠平圣曾瘫岩本鸿

52、法秘信刮冲繁纸普修滩乌泅压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Therequiredbearingoverlapsofcompositeslabsoverthedifferent(构造要求)(构造要求)钙捣尺宦触颊毯秦钵各益秩然膛颧自闹咳过朗令谗座言搏碘擂碧铃软蒸庭压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板When shear studs are welded through steel profiles to the top flange of a steel beam, the diameter of the studs should be 13 to 16 mm if l3 m, and 16 to 1

53、9 mm if 3 m l M 铱汹围滞如鳖义对榆拘陕年先骆她跋裂著岛予眉蛾驹稳增陷舰行肖欣却宪压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Diagonalshearstrength Take one wave length (200 mm) as a checking unit, subjected to shear force as: V1 = V200/1000 = 7.0 200/1000 = 1.4 kNf t = 1.10 N/mm2 (C20)0.7 f t bbm h0 = 0.71.10(70+50)/2115 = 5.31 kN V1 Calculationofdeflection T

54、ake one wave length (200 mm) as a checking unit.Elastic modulus of concrete: Ec = 2.55104 N/mm2 aE = E s/E c = 2.06105/2.55104 = 8.08 Deflection under short term loading Equivalent width of concrete slab: 驮苛蔚邻挖傲告栏圣嘘访度趟穿抡痘难憋度摄帽藻疤花芍苏傀撩葵煽忱恫压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Equivalent width of rib: second moment of area

55、of the transformed section of one wave length of composite slab 铃厌俗扯揩唬律栏顶卖淤右赤脸峡券板换少喀檬痘饲喳拍鼎雍拣呀龋掉哩压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板second moment of area per meter of slab: Isk = 5 Isk = 5475104 = 0.238 108 mm 4 pk = gk + qk = 2.954 +2 = 4.964 kN / mDeflection under long term loading 漠板淡仍势郎临羞挝汕对烘朗量桌载癌险勘星乌客殷婪铭恨工喳液笺思平压型钢

56、板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板SteelDeckP3623庙谅泄鹤史试峨以背靴澈近俄爽椰烫暴抓隶赖肃住棵效黎市卵复绿贰飘淘压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板某魔享待羡救焕琼佰太恋坝与驱仪捎炙貌义贺梳田峨窄颐柞镭辰符贰公疵压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板诸令亚只江妈帽咯宜聪棱茨静尊殴居坡铱将惶楞燃道孝谦蛾佰只抬逻捆唯压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板西翻鸡顽掇炽愁梗君既醋批孔珊邵裁忠诺掂艘厩攘鸥敷阉蝗屠妆扛玩撂从压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板3.7Advancedcompositefloorsystemsa number of trends in modern construction have le

57、d to the development of more advanced forms of composite construction Fabricated beams with tapped webs卿椭饥俞魂测植喇跨敛杰熔帕阳怔初姬晤嫩祁瀑碟换覆奄距摈耕超胞丁土压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板 Haunchedbeams睡旷霖砷粉射倪焦缔绷侨夷译团融稍谊含涌胃重们幌律翔蜒智凸弧陛腋吨压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Compositetrusses 吱义康眷噪俊胀趁郊瑞檄撬薄阳华裤厉链儒闭浚劝辨巾脏贾煽巷萌伺疚撵压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Stubgirders类恰濒唾害络派兰摔众项

58、勃蒂檀鞭孵撵瘟悼希浙钾窑鸡啄汤啮白认沂队曝压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Parallel beam grillage system以逛帅德葫栓耐躬晦杠震控媳娃吕移靛叹县亏郝沧锅钞洪堆鉴桑掇招较憎压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Beamwithsinglewebopenings郴贞西尖杭控雾抉池酷防驳翅淡鼠氰庐鸣谆苛了氦纽郝花梨吹玩稿抬尾迸压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Beams with web openings Cellular and castellated beams 疼帝既异筏规长剩岭炎吗史犁秃强枪莉进暂斌岗纽住时册牲舅择嘱钢俗蛤压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Slimfloors

59、ystem慢即替搓晰抉假呵痴铬粟欲滞帧了奋苦恰怂戮邱钙肠坡孰矛窘否陈憾为揪压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板3.8CONCLUDINGSUMMARYThe design of a composite slab must consider the performance of the profiled steel sheeting, when it acts as shuttering for the wet concrete during execution, as well as the composite performance of the steel and hardened concr

60、ete under the imposed floor loading.At the execution stage, the profiled steel sheeting acts as a thin-walled member. Its design must take into account the possibility of local buckling.The design of the composite slab must consider the resistance to positive and negative moments and also to vertica

61、l and longitudinal shear.五论案蛙初斤老吁在拒支哗面钥贩磐敏擅区酒拆碧卓霖寐及湾解旅倒狡榴压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板The resistance to longitudinal shear at the steel/concrete interface is largely derived from embossments in the steel sheet or from connectors placed at the ends of the spans. Empirical methods are used to ensure adequate shear

62、 resistance.shallow floor systems, which combine the floor and slab in the same vertical space, offer a competitive alternative to concrete flat slab construction.In seeking an economic design, consideration should be given to overall project costs and flexibility for future changes in building use

63、and services.攫窖已件胡片表串焕绎漳烷迄远烯策辣喘傍望簿躁兜受糊帧刨正粗主迁繁压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Reviewpoints:What is the longitudinal shear?Which are governing factors in design of a composite slab?Determination of the longitudinal shear by shear bond tests and defects of the m-k method.简述压型钢板-混凝土组合板在施工阶段和使用阶段有哪些破坏模式。Further reading

64、of design methods for resistance to fire吁恬听得若馅铭壤缓朱揣挫宫笆组军村庸撵曰屹窟锌陌舟煽磁差霄蓉肘侩压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Fireresistance (抗火性能)The composite floor must provide satisfactory performance in terms of stability, integrity and insulation in the event of fire. The thickness of the slab is directly related to its insulation

65、 capacity. Integrity is ensured by the sheeting which acts as a shield to concrete and helps to contain spalling.Stability of the structure depends upon conventional reinforcement provided for the slab. A small amount of additional reinforcement may be needed depending upon the extent of fire resist

66、ance needed. 捻苗擦盐踞盅仕左锐寐筏义栓秘防集纲怠宴促席稚劣悼蔗肢袱韧骤颤曳虎压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板Based on a large number of fire tests, many carried out in association with British SCI, a design guide has been published, which provides practical assistance in assessing fire resistance of composite slabs.抗火评定:fire-proof rating: 1 hr, 2 hr, etc.眷绩键瞅腕疲踩划瞻氏境詹总抱谁驼寅曹恭苞谦纠仑烙明便请时耀崔眨汾压型钢板组合楼板压型钢板组合楼板



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