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1、Lecture-1-Lecture-1-Communication-Communication-Across-CulturesAcross-CulturesSharing Knowledge: Compliment ResponsesThe way Chinese people respond(little experiment)The way English-speaking peoplerespond Polite & HumbleVaried & Direct2Brainstorming uWhat is culture?uIs culture learned or innate? uI

2、s culture visible or invisible?uIs culture dynamic or static?uWhat are the forces that shape the culture?3What is culture?uA group thinguLearned gradually from ancestors, parents, teachers, media, etc.uCommon sense pattern of everyday lifelFolkways, mores, laws, habits, customs, etiquette, fashions,

3、 etc.uTaken for granted, not thought of deeplyuNot right or wrong it just is4What Is Culture?uCulture may be defined as what society does and thinks. - Sapir, 1921uA culture is a collection of beliefs, habits, living patterns, and behaviors which are held more or less in common by people who occupy

4、particular geographic areas. - D. Brown, 1978uThe culture of every society is unique, containing combinations of norms and values that are found nowhere else. - I. Robertson, 19815uA culture can also be understood as a particular way to satisfy our human needs. (Abraham Maslow)What Is Culture?6Relig

5、ionPolitical PhilosophySocial StructureLanguageEconomic PhilosophyEducation Culture: Norms & Value SystemsThe Determinants of Culture7An Activity - Time CapsuleuImagine you are going to prepare a time capsule that will not be opened for 100 years. You want to show people in the next century what you

6、r culture is like. What things would you put in it?8Time CapsuleuCan you touch these things?lItems like these appear on the surface of our cultures.uBut, also many things which describe our culture that we cannot see.uThis difference is very important when we study ICC.uAll governed by the patterns

7、of culturelLanguage habits, friendships, food & eating habits, social acts, economic and political activities, religion, clothing, art, music, sports, festivals, etc.9Culture is like an IceberguPart of an iceberg is above the water and part is below the water. lSurface culture: part we can seeuvisib

8、le and tangiblelDeep culture: part we cant seeuhidden and not tangible10tip of the iceberg11explicittacit1/98/9ArtifactsValues and BeliefsUnderlying Assumptions9/101/10tacitexplicit1213Misinterpretations at Various LevelsuAt the level of understanding or perceptionuAt the level of ideas and valuesuA

9、t the level of feelings14Cultural Filters & PerceptionsInformation and impressions from reality Cultural filter (my coloured glasses) My perception / personal evaluation of reality151617181920Misinterpretations at Various LevelsuHomework ChecklReading I (p.4-8)uWhat characterizes friendship in Ameri

10、ca?uHow is “individualism” understood in different cultures? What does “individualism” usually mean in our culture?lCase study 1 (p.8-11)uHow does Egyptian value their human-relationship?uHow about the Japanese people?uExplain the difference between “Help yourself!” and “Be my guest!”21Cultural Assu

11、mptions: U.S.uPunctuality is essentiallMeetings must be attended on timelLateness as sign of disrespectuDeadlines are strictly adhered tolEmphasis on best results in shortest timel“Time is money”uBusiness relationships kept separate from personal relationships22Cultural Assumptions: ChinauPunctualit

12、y is essentiallHowever, negotiations may be unhurriedl“5000 years of history”uEstablish personal relationship before entering business relationshiplMay not discuss business at all during first meetinguChinese will not deal with people they dont know and trustlBuild guanxi first23Cultural Assumptions

13、: JapanuPunctuality is essentiallArriving 5 minutes early considered politeuNegotiations may be unhurriedlThis practice changing due to intense competitionuBrief personal calls for arranging appointmentslMore effective than phone callslGood manners, helps build personal relationship24Relationships:

14、U.S.uEmphasis on personal competence and individual performanceuLittle time spent on cultivating social relationshipsuForming company relationships more importantuGoal is to secure the best dealuHighly competitive workplace25Relationships: ChinauLong-term relationships more valuable than short-term

15、deals.uEmphasis on trust, based on beneficial relationship.uCollectivist way of thinking strongly influences negotiation process.26Relationships: JapanuGreat respect traditionally shown to older members of organization.lStrong connection between age and rank.lEducational background and ability becom

16、ing more importantuPersonal space highly valuedlOther than handshake, no physical contact displayed in public27uAn old lady from Taiwan went to Holland to visit her son and daughter-in-law, who came from U.S. On the morning of the next day after her arrival, she happened to overhear the conversation between this couple, in which the wife asked, “How long is Mom planning to stay here?” What do you think this visit would turn out to be? Misinterpretations at Various Levels28Students Presentation - Addressing29



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