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1、。.二、引导时间(shjin)状语从句1、I read the letter as I walked along the river.2. As the wealth of the country increases, more waste will be produced.3. As I was going out the telephone rang.4. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially as father was away.(一边(ybin)一边(ybin)(随着(su zhe)(正要干突然:同时发生

2、)(当时候)第1页/共10页第一页,共11页。. when/while/as1. She can write only when the baby is asleep.2. My pen dropped on the ground when I was walking in the park.3. I was drawing when he came in.4. We must strike while the iron is hot. 5. While we were talking, the teacher came in.6. As I looked, some one came nea

3、r.7. As I get older I get more optimistic.第2页/共10页第二页,共11页。1、when 引导的从句既可以表时间位置,也可表示一段时间,因此从句既可以和瞬间动词(arrive, begin, borrow, lend, go, come, leave, stop, finish, die, join)连用,也可使用持续动词(be, lie, stay, live, study);2、while引导的时间状语从句表示时间的延续,即表示一段时间,而不是瞬间,因此,不能与瞬间动词连用;3、as不能分先后,而指并相发生,尤指短动作或事件同时(tngsh)发生。

4、as还可以说明两种正在发展或变化的情况。4、when与while的另一个区别:when从句的动作既可以与主句的动作同时(tngsh)发生,亦可先后发生,而 while从句所表示主句动作发生在while从句所表达的时间段之内。A. When you telephoned me, I was drawing a picture.B. The telephone rang while I was having a shower.第3页/共10页第三页,共11页。as用法(yn f)小结.三、引导原因(yunyn)状语从句As the weather was fine, we decided to w

5、alked to the restaurant.2. Tired as they were, they went to bed as they came back.3. She lied to us because she had to do in order to get a job.辨析:一般来说,as表示(biosh)听者已知的原因,因而常位于句首,而because表示(biosh)听者未知的原因,因而常位于句尾,成为信息的焦点。因此,as不能回答why的问题,也不能在强调句型中作为被强调的成分。第4页/共10页第四页,共11页。as用法(yn f)小结.三、引导(yndo)方式状语从句

6、When at Rome, do as Romans do.2. I have changed it like you suggested.3. Please try to write as I do/like me. 辨析(binx):做“如”“像”“按照”解的as可用作连词,其后可引出方式状语,在正式英语里like只能做介词不能做连词。当as和like都做介词时,词义不同,as表示“作为”以资格“”,like则表示“像”“与相似”第5页/共10页第五页,共11页。as用法(yn f)小结.四、asas表示倍数(bish)的句型1. Tom is as tall as I.2. Jack i

7、s not as/so clever as his sister.3. This pencil is half(a quarter) as long as that one.4. Sound travels nearly five times as fast in water as in air.A is n times as much (large, great, fast, many ) as B A是B的几倍第6页/共10页第六页,共11页。.五、引导(yndo)非限制性定语从句1. As you know, Ive decided to leave at the end of the

8、month.This is also part of your work, as I told you before.3. Taiwan is, as you know, an inseparable part of everybody knows, as you may remember, as you say, as I can see, as I have said, as you may have heard 一些固定(gdng)词组第7页/共10页第七页,共11页。.六、as it is/as it is1、As it is, things are getting

9、better and better.2. Leave it as it is.3. I like the house better as it is.4. State the facts as they are. 用在句首的as it is(was)与用在句末的as it is(was),无论在语义或用法上都是不同的,用在句首的as it is(was)前面一般要有一个与事实相反的情节,而用as it is(was)来陈述(chnsh)真实的情况,通常译为“事实上” “实际上” “实际情况是”。句末则表示“按原来的样子” “照现在的样子”,常放在名词或代词的后面, it替代前面的单数名词,是复

10、数则有用as they are。(事实上)(别动它,保持原来(yunli)的样子)(现在(xinzi)的样子)(实事求是地把事实摆出来。)第8页/共10页第八页,共11页。as固定(gdng)词组 far long as/as long much/many as+数量词 much as/as high as (反义词as little as)5. as tall well /as well as7. as for/as to8. as if/as though在范围内,到程度(chngd);一直到;像那么远只要(zhyo);与一样远也,又;与一样好言其多与一样高至少;关于好像,似乎第9页/共10页第九页,共11页。感谢您的观赏(gunshng)!第10页/共10页第十页,共11页。内容(nirng)总结.。when/while/as。3、as不能分先后,而指并相发生,尤指短动作或事件同时发生。辨析:做“如”“像”“按照”解的as可用作连词,其后可引出方式状语,在正式英语里like只能做介词不能做连词。当as和like都做介词时,词义不同(b tn),as表示“作为”以。资格“”,like则表示“像”“与。六、as it is/。第9页/共10页。感谢您的观赏第十一页,共11页。



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