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1、一般体(一)一般现在时1.表示现在的习惯动作或存在的状态。 He gets up at six in the morning. (习惯动作)他每天早晨六点钟起床。 He is always ready to help others. (现在状态)他总是乐于助人。2.表示客观真理、科学事实。 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.太阳从东方升起,从西方落下。3.可用在由if, unless引导的条件状语从句;由even if/though 引导的让步状语从句;由when, before, until/till, as soon as, th

2、e moment 引导的时间状语从句;由no matter what/who/when/where/how 或whatever, whoever 等引导的让步状语从句中,这时主句往往表将来或主句是祈使句。 Whatever you say, I will not change my mind.无论你说什么,我都不会改变主意。(二)一般过去时 一般过去时表示过去的事情、动作或状态,常与表示过去的时间状语连用(或上下文语境有暗示);用于表示过去的习惯;表达“原以为/本来认为/原希望”等意义时,know,think,expect等动词常用一般过去时。 (湖南高考)In 1492, Columbus

3、landed on one of the Bahama Islands, but he mistook it for an island off India. 1492年哥伦布登上了巴哈马群岛中的一个岛屿,但是他却把它误当作是印度附近的一个岛屿。 I didnt expect to meet you here.我没料到会在这里碰见你。(三)一般将来时1. “will+动词原形”表示现在看来以后要发生的动作或存在的状态或一种倾向。 Tom will come back next week.汤姆下周回来。 Fish will die without water.离开水,鱼就会死。2.“be goi

4、ng to+动词原形”多用于口语中,表示“计划、打算要做某事”,此外, be going to 还可表示根据现在的迹象,对未来进行推测。 He is going to speak on TV this evening. 他计划今晚发表电视讲话。 Look at the dark clouds. It is going to rain.看这乌云,要下雨了。3.“be about to+动词原形”表示很快的将来,常译成“正要,就要”。 The train is about to start.火车就要开了。4.有些动词如come, go, start, leave, begin, stay, arr

5、ive等常可用进行时表示按计划安排即将发生的事。 They are leaving for Nanjing tomorrow.他们明天去南京。(一)现在完成时1.现在完成时表示一个动作开始于过去,持续到现在(也许还将持续下去)。表示从过去到现在并包括现在在内的一段时间的状语有:during/in/over the last (past) few years (months,weeks), in recent years, so far, up till now, since then, recently等。完成体 (2011陕西卷) His first novel has received g

6、ood reviews since it came out last month.自上月出版以来,他的第一部小说受到好评。 In the past few years, great changes have taken place in my hometown.在过去几年里,我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。 He has been busy writing a book recently. 最近他在忙着写一本书。2.现在完成时还可表示一个动作发生在过去,但其结果和影响延续到现在。说话者的重心是过去动作对现在的影响。常用状语already, yet, just, never, before等。 He

7、has turned off the light. (= The light is off now.)他关了灯。 The concert has started. (= The concert is on now.)音乐会开始了。 I have already seen the film. (= I know the film now.)我看过这部电影。3.在条件、时间、让步状语从句中,表示将来某时以前已完成的动作。 I will not believe you unless I have seen it with my own eyes.除非我亲眼看到,否则我是不会相信你的。 Please

8、dont get off the bus until it has stopped.车未停,请不要下车。4.下列句型中常用现在完成时: It is (has been)一段时间since从句 This (That/It ) is the first (second.) time that完成时 This is the first time we have seen a film in the cinema together as a family.这是我们全家第一次到电影院去看电影。(二)过去完成时1.发生在过去某一动作或时间之前的动作,常用过去完成时。过去完成时即“过去的过去”。时间状语常用

9、before或通过语境来表示。 (湖北高考) My mother was so proud of all that I had done that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing.我母亲对我所做的一切感到非常骄傲,所以她奖励我去北京旅游。2.表示从过去某一时间开始, 一直延续到过去的另一时间的动作,常用时间状语by then, by the end of, by the time+句子, until, before+过去的时间等。 By the end of last year, another new cinema had been built

10、in our city.到去年年底,我们城市又建了一个新电影院。3.表示“一就”的几个固定句型:Hardly/No sooner/Scarcely had主语过去分词when/than/before从句(一般过去时)。 Hardly had I got home when the rain poured down.我刚到家大雨就倾盆而下。4.表示愿望、打算类的词,如hope, expect, mean, intend, want, think等,用过去完成时表示过去未曾实现的愿望或意图等。 I had meant to help you, but I was too busy at the m

11、oment.我本打算帮助你,但当时我太忙了。 I had intended to call on you yesterday, but someone came to see me just when I was about to leave.我昨天本来要去看你的,但是刚要出门就有人来访。(三)将来完成时将来完成时表示到将来某一时间,某一动作将会完成,常用时间状语by+将来的某个时间。 By this time of next year, all of you will have become college students. 到明年这个时候,你们大家就都成大学生了。进行体(一)现在进行时1

12、.现在进行时表示说话时正在发生着的一个动作;或表示现阶段时的一个动作;表近期特定的安排或计划; go, come等表示起止动作的动词可用进行时代替将来时。 Teenagers are damaging their health because they play computer games too much.青少年们正在损害自己的健康,因为他们花太多时间玩电脑游戏。 I dont really work here; I am just helping out until the new secretary arrives.事实上,我不在这儿上班,我只是来帮忙,直到新秘书到岗(我就走)。2.现

13、在进行时和always,constant,still等副词连用,表示反复出现的或习惯性的动作,往往含有赞赏、厌恶、遗憾等情绪。 He is always thinking of others first. (表赞赏)他总是先为别人着想。 He is always making the same mistake. (表厌烦)他总是犯同样的错误。(二)过去进行时1.表示当时发展中的或正在进行的情况。 Hey, look where you are going!嘿,看看你走哪儿去了!Oh, Im terribly sorry. I wasnt noticing.噢!非常抱歉!我没注意。2.用于由wh

14、en 或while 引导的时间状语从句中,表示过去某一动作正在发生时,另一动作发生了或也正在发生。只有持续性动作才能用过去进行时。 Tom slipped into the house when no one was looking.当没人注意的时候,汤姆溜进屋来。 The reporter said that the UFO was travelling east to west when he saw it.那位记者说,当他看到时,不明飞行物正在自东向西飞行。(三)将来进行时将来进行时可用于表示将来某个时刻或者将来某一段时间内正在进行的动作。将来进行时常与一些标志性的时间状语连用。这些常见

15、的标志性状语有: at this time tomorrow/the day after tomorrow,from. to. tomorrow/the day after tomorrow。 Daniels family will be enjoying their holiday in Huangshan this time next week.丹尼尔全家在下个星期的这个时候正在黄山度假。(四)现在完成进行时1.表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,并且现在还在进行。 I have been learning English since three years ago.三年前我就在学英语

16、。(现在还在学) The workers have been building the bridge for five months.工人们建造这座桥已经5个月了。(现在还在修建)2.表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,在说话时刚刚结束。 Where have you been?We have been looking for you everywhere.你刚才去了哪里?我们一直在到处找你。被动语态(一)被动语态的基本构成“be+过去分词”,各种时态的被动语态形式,就是把be动词变成各种不同的形式。如:一般现在时被动语态一般现在时被动语态am/is/are+过去分词过去分词一般过去时被动

17、语态was/were+过去分词一般将来时被动语态will/shall be+过去分词现在进行时被动语态am/is/are being+过去分词过去进行时被动语态was/were being+过去分词现在完成时被动语态have/has been+过去分词过去完成时被动语态had been+过去分词将来完成时被动语态will/shall have been+过去分词.(二)被动语态的用法:1.不知道谁是动作的执行者或不必要指明谁是动作的执行者,或需要突出动作的承受者或事件本身。如: George and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their

18、 wedding?乔治和露西上周结婚了。你去参加婚礼了吗?No, I hadnt been invited. Did they have a big wedding?没有,没人邀请我。婚礼很盛大吗? A new car factory will be built in our city.我们城市要新建一座汽车厂。 A new railway line is being built. 一条新铁路线正在修建。 Millions of pounds worth of damage has been caused by a storm which swept across the north of E

19、ngland last night. 昨晚席卷英格兰北部的暴风雨已造成价值数百万英镑的损失。2.与介词合成的动词短语变成被动语态时,要保留其介词。 The old man was often laughed at. 那位老人常被人嘲笑。 Bad habits have been done away with. 坏习惯已经改掉了。3.get过去分词表被动。 They got married last week.他们上周结婚了。 He fell and got hurt.他摔倒受伤了。4.主动形式表被动意义(1)系动词look, feel, sound, smell, taste, seem, a

20、ppear, go, prove, turn等形容词/名词。vIce feels cold. 冰摸上去凉。 His plan proved (to be) practical.他的计划被证明符合实际。(2)表示主语的某种属性的词:read, write, act, cut, draw, drive, sell, wash, clean, wear, open, cook, lock, look, shut等。 The books sell well.这些书很畅销。 The door wont lock.门锁不上。 This coat dries easily.这种外衣容易干。 The plan

21、 worked out wonderfully.这计划制定得很好。 The engine wont start. 引擎发动不起来。 The pen writes smoothly. 这支钢笔写起来流畅。.单句填空单句填空1.Most people who enjoy travelling believe that travel _ (benefit) not only our bodies but also our minds.【解析】句意:很多喜欢旅行的人认为旅游的好处不仅有益于我们的身体,而且也有益于我们的思想。说的是客观事实,因此用一般现在时。【答案】 1.benefits2.The n

22、umber of children who contracted colds and visited the hospital _(increased) in the county since last fall. 【解析】句意:自去年秋季以来,此县患感冒儿童的数量和到医院看医生的人数增加了。句中有时间状语since last fall,表示从去年秋天以来,因此用现在完成时。【答案】2.has increased3.The number of deaths from cancer will be reduced greatly if people _(persuade) to eat more

23、 fruits and vegetables.【解析】句意:如果能说服人们多吃水果和蔬菜,因癌症死亡的人数将会大大减少。在条件状语从句中,用现在时代替将来时。【答案】3.are persuaded4.The old train station, which is scheduled to stop operations next month, _(turn) into a museum of transportation history.【解析】句意:老火车站预期下个月停止运营,届时它将变成一个交通历史博物馆。从句意看,这是一个将来要发生的动作,且是被动的,因此用将来被动语态。【答案】4.wi

24、ll be turned5.I will come to attend your lecture at 10:00 tomorrow. Im sorry, by then my lecture will have ended and I _(work) in my office.【解析】句意:我明天上午十点来参加你的讲座。抱歉,那时我的演讲已经结束,我将在我的办公室工作。句中有一个表示将来的具体时间,因此宜用将来进行时。【答案】5.will be working6.By the time you _(complete) the essential training, you will have

25、 been exposed to virtually every new feature of the course.【解析】句意:等到你完成了基本训练的时候,你就会接触到课程的几乎所有的新特性。前半句是时间状语从句,应用现在完成时代替将来完成时,而主句是将来完成时不变。【答案】6.have completed7.According to the report, this virus was never known, which _(claim) countless lives, until it was accidentally found by a doctor.【解析】句意:据报道,这种

26、曾夺去了无数人的生命的病毒一直不为人所知,知道被一个医生偶然发现。用过去完成时表示动作发生在谓语动词was never known之前。【答案】7.had claimed8.Customers are asked to make sure that they _(give) the right change before leaving the shop.【解析】句意:客户被要求在他们离开商店之前要确保找给他们的钱是正确的。用现在完成时的被动形式,表示“零钱已被找付”。【答案】8.have been given9.The last few years _(see) many disasters

27、 in and out of China, from earthquake to drought.【解析】句意:在过去的几年里,国内外经历了从地震到干旱很多灾害。本句用的是拟人的手法,see 意同“experience, witness”;句中用了the last/past+时间名词时,谓语应用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。【答案】9.have seen10.When you are home, give a call to let me know you _(arrive) safely.【解析】句意:当你回到家时打一个电话,让我知道你已安全到达。When you are home是一个时间状

28、语从句,用的是一般现在时代替一般将来时;而主句用现在完成时,表示动作对现在的影响。即:已到达。【答案】10.have arrived11.The truck whose engine was damaged yesterday _(repair) in the garage now.【解析】 “the truck”和“repair”之间是动宾关系,故采用被动语态,由句中的时间状语“now”,可知要使用被动语态的进行时。【答案】11.is being repaired12.With the powerful reform of educational system, the school whe

29、re I studied _(change) their way of educating in recent years. 【解析】 “学校改变方式”是典型的主谓宾结构,所以采用主动语态,谈及近几年里的变化,所以采用现在完成时态。【答案】12.has changed13.With tears in her eyes, the old teacher was greatly proud of all that her students _(contribute) to the hometown, the society and the country.【解析】主句中谓语动词采用过去时态,学生所

30、做的贡献就采用过去完成时态。【答案】13.had contributed14.What time is it now? I didnt notice it. Just a minute. I _(check) it for you.【解析】由于要求“稍等片刻”,“我帮你看看”是接下来要发生的动作,故使用一般将来时。【答案】14.will check15.It was said on last nights TV that by then the deaths of the missing people _(confirm).【解析】句意:据昨晚电视新闻说,截止到当时,失踪人员的死亡情况已得到证

31、实。时间状语为by then,所以应该用过去完成时态的被动形式。【答案】15.had been confirmed16.Can you attend our group discussion in the third period tomorrow? Im afraid I cant. I _(write) an experiment report in the lab.【解析】依据题意可知是将来发生的动作,且发生在明天的第三节课的时候。【答案】16. will be writing17.We _(plan) to give the fresh flowers to you for respe

32、ct, but they said it didnt fit this occasion.【解析】根据下文but可知,没有献上鲜花,所以要理解为“本计划”。【答案】17.had planned18.We all know he was quite unhappy when he sold his guitar. Think of it. He _(keep) it for many ages.【解析】在卖掉吉他前,他保留了好多年,即“过去的过去”。【答案】18.had kept19.The Chinese government is confident that the air, the dr

33、inking water, and the natural environment _(improve) by all citizens further efforts to reduce pollution.【解析】对未来空气、饮用水和自然环境的改善有信心。所以要用将来时态和被动语态,题干中further是一个关键信息词。【答案】19.will be improved20.Six hours has passed. The villagers are not back home. They _(search) all the corners for the missing child. 【解

34、析】寻找持续了6个小时,现在还在到处寻找。所以采用完成进行时态。【答案】20.have been searching21.We were going to hold the English Singing Contest on schedule. However, we were told the art hall _(equip) with new devices.【解析】要用的艺术大厅正在安装新的设备而不能使用。【答案】21.was being equipped22.A fire broke out in the open market. Fortunately, no one _(kil

35、l) except a few wounded.【解析】陈述火灾事故中伤亡情况用一般过去时,由于kill是及物动词,所以此处采用被动结构形式。【答案】22.was killed23.He hopes to visit me tomorrow. But I will be busy. I would rather that he _(come) next week.【解析】要清楚would rather 后接从句时,涉及现在或未来的动作,应用一般过去时态。【答案】23.came24.Millions of pounds worth of damage _(cause) by a storm wh

36、ich swept across the north of England last night.【解析】不要看见“last night”就用一般过去时,几百万英镑的损失的造成,是站在今天的角度说的,所以要用完成时态。【答案】24.has been caused25.I would have attended your birthday party last night but for the fact that it _(rain) all the time. 【解析】句意:昨晚如果不是因为下雨我就会去参加你的生日聚会。前半句是对过去发生之事的虚拟,后半句是陈述过去的一个客观事实。因为有时间

37、状语all the time, 因此用过去进行时,表示动作的持续性。【答案】25.was raining26.China together with some Asian countries _(strike) by Typhoon Haiyan on November 8th, causing great damage and deaths.【解析】有具体的过去时间受到台风袭击用一般过去时。【答案】26. was stricken27.About one fourth of the families in the city have private cars and this number

38、_(expect) to double in five years.【解析】句意:城市里大约四分之一家庭有私家车, 预计在五年内这个数字将翻一番。主语是this number,因此谓语动词用单数; 根据句意应用被动语态。【答案】27.is expected28.Dont be worried about it any longer. It is merely a storm in a teacup. Everyone _(forget) about it by tomorrows morning.【解析】句意:小事一桩,不要记挂,明早一起来,大家都会忘掉的。由by tomorrows morn

39、ing可知用将来完成时。【答案】28.will have forgotten29.This is the most significant party that we _(attend) while we are studying in the town.【解析】句型It/This/That is+序数词或最高级+that从句,从句的谓语需采用现在完成时态。【答案】29.have attended30.The young man, who _(admit) to the key university ever since decided to do some part-time jobs to

40、 pay for his fee.【解析】尽管有ever since,但由decided可知,被录取则是“过去的过去”,需要采用过去完成时态的被动形式。【答案】30.had been admitted.单句改错(含本单元的词汇和语法)1.I have worked in a foreign company in Shanghai for six years. Still, I dont regret giving up the wellpaid job and returning to my hometown.【解析】句意:我曾经在上海的一家外企工作了六年。不过,我不后悔放弃了高薪的工作回到我

41、的家乡。现在完成时侧重的是过去的动作对现在的影响,而前半句是关于过去的一个客观事实。【答案】1.have worked2.How come your father can read books in German?Well, he had worked on a project with some German engineers for 3 years when he was young. 【解析】句意:你父亲怎么会用德语阅读? 他年轻时曾经在一个项目中与一些德国工程师工作过3年。过去时表示过去曾经发生的一个客观事情;而过去完成时表示过去某动作之前所发生的事情,即“过去的过去”。【答案】2.

42、had worked3.While people may refer to Internet for up to the minute news, it is unlikely that Internet would replace the newspaper completely.【解析】句意:尽管人们可能上网寻找最新的新闻,但网络完全取代报纸还是不可能的。根据题意可知,“网络完全取代报纸”是设想将来的事情,是一种tendency,所以应该用一般将来时。【答案】3.wouldwill4.Have you got any information about your missing dog f

43、rom the police?No. I was waiting. The police say theyll let me know when there is any news.【解析】句意:你从警察那里获得了任何关于那条丢失了的狗的信息吗?还没有。我在等待。警方说他们一有消息就会让我知道的。从句意可知,回话者正在等待着,因此应用现在进行时。【答案】4.wasam5.The actor still remembers the excitement in his class when a female classmate is chosen for a key role in a Zhang

44、 Yimou film.【解析】句意:这名演员仍然记得当班上一位女同学被选为张艺谋电影的一个主角时全班的那种激动之情。事情发生在过去,表示过去的一个客观事情,用一般过去时。【答案】5.iswas 6.When can I get my car back? I think it will be finishing sometime later today. Give me a call around 3 oclock.【解析】句意:我什么时候能取回我的车?我想今天晚些时候会完工的。大约3点钟给我打个电话看看。从句意看应是将来完成时的被动语态。【答案】6.finishingfinished7.Ma

45、ny new workers are trained and in six months they will be sent to build a new railway.【解析】句意:许多新员工正在进行为期六个月的训练,他们将被送去建设一条新铁路。后半句是一个将来时,根据句意前半句宜用现在进行时的被动形式。【答案】7.are trained being8.The press conference, originally due to be held last week, is finally called off because of the sudden war in the countr

46、y.【解析】句意:原定于上周举行的新闻发布会因为突然的战争而取消了。用一般过去时态表示一个客观事情。【答案】8.iswas9.Salley had left Beijing for Shanghai and has been working there ever since. You can go and pay her a visit on your way to Hangzhou.【解析】句意:谢莉离开北京去了上海,此后就一直在那里工作。你可以在去杭州的路上去拜访她。“离开北京到上海”是过去的动作,而非“过去的过去”。【答案】9.had left10.Great as Newton was

47、, many of his ideas have challenged today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.【解析】句意:伟大如牛顿,他的许多想法受到当今科学家的挑战和修正。challenge同ideas之间存在被动关系。句子表“当年牛顿的许多想法受到了质疑”之意。【答案】10.have challenged been11.Cruel experiments on human beings of this kind have been conducted in several parts of C

48、hina before the Second World War.【解析】二战本是过去时间,而在此之前进行的试验,要用过去完成时态的被动形式。【答案】11.havehad12.He has been back to Shanghai. He went to a town school of Gansu. He had taught there as a volunteer for three years.【解析】作为志愿者教书三年是发生在过去,是与went这个过去动作并列的。【答案】12.He had taught13.Designing the one day gathering party

49、 was more time-consuming than we expected.【解析】主句的谓语是过去时,“expect(意料)”的动作先于was,即发生在“过去的过去”,所以应该用过去完成时态。【答案】13. expected had14.It is demanded by the company that all the unqualified engines must be recalled within three weeks.【解析】本句受demand一词意义和用法要求,其主语从句的谓语动词必须使用 should+动词原形(美式英语中可以省略should)。由于召回不合格发动机

50、是“动宾关系”,所以采用被动形式。【答案】14.mustshould/engines must be15.In the past six days, the Prime Minister has been accumulated 200 or so speeches.【解析】总理的讲话报告累积已经达200场,主谓关系,不可以使用被动结构。【答案】15. has been accumulated 16.Last year, the foreign businessmen were benefited from the policy issued throughout the mainland.【

51、解析】 benefit的词法: sb. benefit from sth.; sth. benefit sb.,所以,benefit一词尽管有及物和不及物的词性,但没有被动语态。【答案】16.businessmen were benefited from17.When I first met my coach, I didnt like him at all, but I changed my mind now.【解析】由关键词but可知前后两句表示今昔对比。我现在已经改变看法了。【答案】17.changed have18.Unluckily, the reading materials do

52、wnloaded were sorted when the computer crashed.【解析】下载的阅读材料正在被分类,这时,电脑突然死机了,所以要用过去进行时态的被动形式。【答案】18. sorted being19.Our parents often educate us that the great efforts we make will be repaying in some way later in life.【解析】努力得以回报,考查被动形式。【答案】19.repayingrepaid20.We have moved into a lab classroom for th

53、e moment, because our classroom is been painted. 【解析】教室正在上油漆,进行时态的被动形式:be being done。【答案】20.beenbeing21.The new couple feel very excited at the thought that they will be flown to their honeymoon destination at this time tomorrow.【解析】句意:明天的这个时候他们正飞往蜜月目的地。用将来进行时:will be doing sth.。【答案】21.flownflying22

54、.I havent finished reading Jane Eyre. You cant expect, they are discussing their homework with me all the day and night.【解析】此时抱怨的是发生在过去的一天一晚,而且到说话时,我还没有看完简爱,所以应该是过去进行时态。【答案】22.arewere23.This letter is be handed to the general in person, not later than 8 oclock tomorrow morning, you promise.【解析】句意:你得

55、保证,这封信要当面递交给将军,不能晚于明早8点。be to do sth.表示“要干什么,得干什么”。【答案】23.is be/iswill to24.Hello, Joe. How come it takes such a short time to get there? I havent spotted a place to park my car.【解析】句意明显地说明Joe花了如此短的时间就到达了目的地,我却还没有找到停车的地方。【答案】24.takestook25.What a surprise! I never think that a parent would bring me

56、green mangoes from Hainan.【解析】语境中,我没有想到一个家长会从海南给我带来青芒果。然而说话时已经知道了,所以没想到这个动作发生在过去。【答案】25.thinkthought26.Had they not followed the advice from their parents at that time, they would have been cast their original dream.【解析】本句是一个含虚拟语气结构的句子,他们就会抛弃他们最初的梦想,是主谓宾的结构。【答案】26.have been cast27.While driving home

57、 alone last night, I might have an accident, but I braked my car abruptly.【解析】考查情态动词+完成体形式表示的一种虚拟语气。【答案】27.have an had28.The foreign teacher has accustomed to the Chinese lifestyle, but he still doesnt like being served too warmly.【解析】固定表达:be/grow/get/become used to,be/grow/get/become accustomed to,

58、在accustom后加oneself在语法上是说得通,但在此句中,不强调动作而是强调状态。【答案】28.has been29.They had hardly started out for the hometown when the rain was poured down.【解析】大雨倾盆而下,主谓关系。【答案】29.the rain was poured down30.Since rockets were first sent into space in the 1950s, human beings have been left behind all sorts of things.【解析】句意:自从二十世纪五十年代火箭首次被送入太空以来,人类就一直(在太空中)丢下各种各样的东西。人丢东西,是主谓宾结构。【答案】30.leftleaving



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