商务英语教学课件:Unit6 Is an Only Child a Lonely Child

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1、Unit6dilemma n.a situation in which it is difficult to decide what to do, because each choice has its advantages and disadvantagesDetailed reading1-dilemma e.g.Many women are faced with the dilemma of choosing between career and family commitments.Collocation: be in a dilemmae.g. Im in a dilemma abo

2、ut this job offer. Detailed readingissue n.a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued aboutDetailed reading1- issue e.g. Unemployment is not the issue the real problem is the decline in public morality.I just got a raise, so moneys no longer an issue.Collocation:raise the issue: say that

3、 a problem should be discussede.g. We should raise the issue of discrimination with the council.Synonyms: subject, problemDetailed readingdemanding adj.needing a lot of ability, effort, or skillDetailed reading1- demanding e.g.Climbing is physically demanding, while studying is mentally demanding.Ma

4、ny people agree that teaching is a demanding profession.Derivation:demand n.& v.Detailed readingkeen adj. interested in sth. or eager to do it 对某一活动热情的,热心的Detailed reading1- keen e.g.John is a keen photographer.Collocations:be keen on sth.e.g. Daniels very keen on tennis.be keen to do sth.e.g. Shes

5、out of hospital and keen to get back to work.Synonyms: interested, eagerDerivations: keenly ad.keenness n.Detailed readingthe pros and cons of having a second childDetailed reading1- the pros and cons of having a second child Explanation:the pros and cons: the advantages and disadvantagese.g.Before

6、we make a decision, we must weigh up the pros and cons.After hours discussion, everybody at the meeting could see clearly the pros and cons of the proposal.Paraphrase: the advantages and disadvantages of having one more childTranslation: 生育第二个孩子的利与弊Detailed readingconcerned adj. worried about someth

7、ing 担心的,忧虑的Detailed reading1- concerned 1e.g. Concerned parents approached the school about the problem.Collocations:be concerned about 关心的e.g. Ross has never been particularly concerned about what other people think of him.be concerned for 牵挂的e.g. Rescuers are concerned for the safety of two men tr

8、apped in the mine.Detailed readingDetailed reading1 concerned 2 be concerned thate.g. Hes concerned that he wont get his money back.Derivations:concern n.& v.concerning prep.Detailed readingA government spokesman expressed concern for the lives of the hostages.concern n. a feeling of worrying about

9、sth. important; sth. that worries youDetailed reading2- concern e.g. His main concern is to be able to provide for his family.Collocations:concern about / overe.g. There is growing concern about the effects of pollution on health.concern for sb.e.g.Detailed readingstigma n. a mark of shame or disgra

10、ce; a shameful feeling or reputationDetailed reading2- stigma e.g. There is a strong stigma attached to suicide.In the past divorce and single parenthood carried a stigma. Detailed readingMany single-child parents feel a stigma associated with their decision to have only one child. Detailed reading2

11、- Many single-child Paraphrase: Many single-child families have a strong sense of shame in their decision to have only one child.Translation:许多只有一个小孩的父母都为自己只生一个小孩的决定感到羞愧。Detailed readingat timessometimes but not usuallyDetailed reading2- at times 1e.g. At times I wonder if its worth all the effort.C

12、omparisons:at no time, at all times, at timesat no times: used to say strongly that something never happened or should never happen 决不,从 不at all times: used especially in official notices or announcements to say what always happens or should always happen 总是,一直Detailed readingPractice:Detailed readi

13、ng2- at times 21) did I tell you that you could use my car. 2) Identification badges must be worn . 3) even the most talented athletes lose their motivation. At no time_at all time_At times_Detailed reading this may lead to the child feeling lonely at times, Detailed reading2- this may lead Explanat

14、ion:lead to sb. doing sth.: cause sth. to happen to sb. or cause sb. to do sth.Translation:这样一种环境可能经常会让孩子感到孤独,e.g. His actions could lead to him losing his job.Paraphrase: such a situation will probably result in the child having a sense of loneliness from time to time, Detailed readingsibling n.(fm

15、l) a brother or sisterDetailed reading3- siblinge.g. A child with siblings seldom gets lonely.Most young smokers are influenced by their elder siblings smoking habits.Detailed readingAnother common argument against having just one child is that an only-child may be more spoiled than one with sibling

16、s. Detailed reading3- Another common 1Explanation:spoil: make sb., esp. a child, selfish from having too much attention or praiseParaphrase: Another reason some people usually hold against having only one child is that an only-child is more likely to be given too much love and care than one that has

17、 brothers and/or sisters.Detailed readingDetailed reading3- Another common 2Translation:另外一个常用于反驳只养育一个孩子的理由是:一个孩子获得的溺爱要比那些有兄弟姐妹的孩子多得多。Detailed readingnegotiate v. discuss sth. in order to reach an agreement, esp. in business or politicsDetailed reading3- negotiate e.g.Union leaders have negotiated a

18、n agreement for a shorter working week.Collocation:negotiate withe.g.The government refuses to negotiate with terrorists.Derivations:negotiation n.negotiable adj.Detailed readingrespect the give-and-take involved in many relationshipsDetailed reading3- respect the give-and-take Paraphrase: realize t

19、he importance of cooperation and mutual understanding between themselves and other people in various situationsTranslation:认识到在各种关系中合作与相互了解的重要性Detailed readinginteract v.1) (people) talk to each other and understand each otherDetailed reading3- interact e.g. He interacts well with other children in

20、the class.e.g.Social and economic factors are interacting to produce a recession.Derivations:interaction: n.interactive: adj.2) (things) have an effect on each other and work togetherDetailed reading, 14 percent of women between 18 and 34 plan to have just one child, and this percentage is expected

21、to riseDetailed reading4- 14 percent of Explanation:Use percent only with a number, e.g. 30 percent, 9 percent, etc. If you mean “an amount expressed as part of a total,” use percentage.Detailed readinge.g. A high percentage of the population was illiterate.Translation:在18至34岁的女性中,14%的女性希望生育一个孩子,而且这

22、一比例预计会更高。decline: v.Detailed reading4- declineDetailed reading1) decrease in quantity or importancee.g. Spending on information technology has declined.e.g. Do you think standards of education have declined in recent years?Synonym: decrease2) become gradually worse in qualityDerivation:decline n.cit

23、e: v.Detailed reading4- citeDetailed reading1) mention something as an example, esp. one that supports or explains an idea or a situation(列举,举例)e.g. Several factors have been cited as the cause of the student unrest(不安的状态).e.g.The writer cited many quotations from different scholars.Synonym: quote2)

24、 give the exact words of something that has been written, esp. in order to support an opinion or prove an idea (引用,引证)Derivation:citation n.while latest statistics cite less than one childDetailed reading4- while latest Paraphrase:while latest statistics show that the average number of children born

25、 per family has declined to less than one childDetailed readingTranslation:然而最新的统计数据表明平均每个家庭孩子出生率已经低于一overwhelming: adj.Detailed reading5- overwhelmingDetailed reading1)having such a great effect on you that you feel confused and at a loss what to doe.g.She felt an overwhelming desire to hug her chi

26、ld.The evidence against him was overwhelming.对他不利的证据确凿,无法抵赖。The flood was overwhelming and the city was soon drowned.洪水来势凶猛,很快这个城市就被淹没了。e.g. An overwhelming majority of the members were against the idea.2) (numbers, odds, etc.) very largeDerivation:overwhelm v.elect to do sth. : (fml) choose to do s

27、omethingDetailed reading5- elect to do sthDetailed readinge.g. You can elect to delete the message or save it.Translation:购买者可选择按月分期付款。Purchasers can elect to pay in monthly installments.prime: adj. main; most importantDetailed reading5- primeDetailed readinge.g. Smoking is the prime cause of lung d

28、isease.Our prime concern is providing jobs for all young school leavers(年轻的毕业生,辍学学生,离校生).Synonym: majorDerivations:prime: n.prime: v.equivalent: adj. having the same value, purpose, etc. as a person or thing of a different kindDetailed reading5- equivalentDetailed readinge.g. We could give you an eq

29、uivalent amount in company shares(股份,股票).Collocation:be equivalent toe.g. This is a qualification which is equivalent to degree.Comparison: equivalent, equalequal: being the same in size, value, amount, number, etc. as something elsee.g. Jennifer cut the cake in to six equal pieces.Derivation:equiva

30、lence: n.advocate: n. someone who publicly support someone else or somethingDetailed reading6- advocateDetailed readinge.g. He is a strong advocate of “English only” in class.Synonyms:support: U the people who support somethingsupporter: C someone who supports somethingDerivation:advocate: v.potenti

31、al: n. the possibility that something will develop in a certain way, or have a particular effectDetailed reading6- potentialDetailed readinge.g. The potential for abuse in such a system is enormous.Synonym:potentiality: (fml) possibilityDerivations:potential: adj.potentiality: n.arise: v. begin to h

32、appenDetailed reading6- arise1Detailed readinge.g. A crisis has arisen between the two countries.Collocation:arise from: be caused or started by a situation, event, etc.(产生于,起因于)e.g.Can we begin by discussing matters arising from the last meeting?Detailed reading6- arise2Detailed readingPractice:1)

33、House prices are likely to towards the end of this year. 2) During the night a great storm . rise_has arisen_Comparison: arise, riserise: increase in number, amount or valuejealousy: n. anger and unhappiness because someone has something you wish you hadDetailed reading6- jealousyDetailed readinge.g

34、.Polly felt a sharp pang of jealousy when she saw Paul with Suzanne.I felt sick with jealousy. 我羡慕得要死。Derivation:jealous: adj.self-esteem: n. the feeling of being satisfied with your own abilities, and that you deserve to be liked or respectedDetailed reading6- self-esteemDetailed readinge.g. You ou

35、ght to raise your self-esteem(提升自尊,增强自信).Playing a sport can boot(帮助,有益处) a girls self-esteem.Synonym: self-respectAntonym:self-doubt: the feeling that you and your abilities are not good enough (缺少自信,自我怀疑)unique: adj. being the only one of its kindDetailed reading7- unique 1e.g.Each persons fingerp

36、rints are unique.Derivations:uniquely: adv.uniqueness: n.Detailed readingPractice:Detailed reading7- unique 21) She was the woman doctor in the district. 2) I am in a rather position, as my job is different from anyone elses. only_unique_Detailed readingComparison:unique, onlyunique: having features

37、 or qualities that make it different from anything elseonly: being the only one of something available in a particular place at a particular timespouse: n. (fml) a husband or wifeDetailed reading7- spouse e.g. The writers opinion is that you make a decision that both you and your spouse feel confide

38、nt about.e.g. He never mentioned his spouse.Detailed readingText comprehension IV.1.As for the issue of single children, people are often concerned about whether an only child necessarily means a lonely child.2.Some single-child parents feel they are too busy with their work to spend time and energy

39、 on a second child. Consequently, they choose to have no more children.3.The conditions affecting each couple vary from family to family.Vocabulary - I1.needing a lot of attention or effort 2.in connection with; on the subject of 3.sign of shame; feeling of being ashamed4.willingness of each person

40、to satisfy others wishes 5.decreased 6.the feeling of wanting to get what sb. else has among brothers and sisitersII.1.Arise from 2.Unique 3.Self-esteem 4.Stigma5.Overwhelming 6. Interacted 7. Favoritism 8. Prime 9. Involved 10. Despite III. 1-5: B C D A C 6-10: D B A B C Vocabulary - IV1.Both words

41、 refer to something that is carried or transported. Load is a more general word to be used with any kind of carrier, and it can refer to the quantity carried or conveyed, as measured by the capacity of the vehicle or bearer. Burden means that which is carried or borne physically, but it can specific

42、ally refer to something borne with difficulty in a mental or emotinal sense. 2. Choose means “take one or more from a number of things available usually a matter of preference”; it emphasizes the act of will exercised in making the decision and the finality of the decision. Elect connotes choosing f

43、rom a limited number of alternatives, especially choosing a person for office by a majority or plurality (选举中相对多数票)of votes.3. An issue is an important subject that people are arguing about or discussing, while a problem is an unsatisfactory or difficult situation that people have to think about, an

44、alyze and find a solution to. A problem specifically refers to a puzzle that requires logical thought.4. Fashion is mainly concerned with clothing, furniture, behavior patterns in themselves, and it can also refer to the high social standing of people who are influential in establishing customs or m

45、akng a style of dress popular. The word can also be used to replace “manner”. Trend literally means the general course, direction, or line of movement followed by a coastline, river, etc., but now it is more often used to refer to any general course, inclination, or tendency.V.1.only , sole 2.uncomm

46、on, unusual, extraordinary, exceptional 3.honor, admire, esteem4.decrease, diminish, lessen5.worry, anxiety6.insignificant, weak, feeble, powerless7.first, chief, main, primary, principal, foremost, leading 8.fortunately, luckilyVI.1.Advocacy 2.Respectfully 3.Potential 4.Surveyor 5.Overwhelming 6.As

47、sociation 7.Equivalent 8.Inappropriate Grammar - I1.The young man convinced everyone of his innocence.2.Are you sure about/of Simons disappearance?3.No one is sorry about Lawlers resignation.4.I assure you of my willingness to stand down.5. They persuaded him of their need for more troops.6. Did any

48、one inform you of the change of the plans?7. I must remind you of your responsibility towards your friends.8. No one told me of these problems.II.1.But for 2.Except for 3.In the case of 4.What with 5.In terms of 6.In view of 7.By way of 8.In point of Grammar - III“in spite of”, “despite”, “for all”,

49、 and “with all” show concession. “In spite of” is a general purpose prepositional phrase. “Despite” is more formal than “in spite of”. “With all” and “for all” are colloquial forms. “Because of ” and “for” show reason or cause. “Because of ” is more commonly used and “for” is used to show reason in

50、a limited umber of expressions, such as “for fun” and “for joy”.1.In spite of the citys many attractions2.Despite the clear scientific evidence 3.With all his immense fortune 4.For all your huge secretarial staff5.Because of the heavy rain 6.For money Grammar - IV1.Although I didnt speak the languag

51、e, I managed to make myself understood.2.Despite living/the fact that we live in the same street, we hardly ever see each other.3.John didnt get the job in spite of having all the necessary qualifications.4.We rarely go to the theatre around Christmas, when we take the children.5. But for the millio

52、ns of dollars worth of aid from givernments around the world, most people in the country would have starved to death.6. The prime Minister returned home because of growing unrest in the country.7. We must be near the beach because I can hear the waves.8. We will go ahead with our project even though

53、 our partners pull out.Note that “although” “because” and “even though” are conjunctions. They must be followed by a clause. “Because of” “in spite of” “despite” “except” and “but for” are prepositions or prepositional phrases. They must be followed by a noun phrase.Translation - I1.家里没有别的孩子和他交往,这就使

54、得孩子有时候感到孤独,尤其在假期里。2.许多人认为独生子女不善于与其他人沟通,也就不会尊重在各种关系中相互谦让的精神。3.对有些独生子女的家长 尤其是那些事业繁忙的家长 来说,要将时间和精力奉献给第二个孩子所带来的压力似乎太沉重了,于是他们作出再也不要其他孩子的选择。4.因为只有一个孩子,所以由于父母偏爱或兄弟姐妹之间的妒忌而引起家庭争端的可能性就小了。Translation:1.The dilemma she is facing is whether to tell her husband the truth about his fatal disease.2.Dont you think

55、it a sort of stigma that you, already in your thirties, still have to depend on your old parents?3.Almost all the governments in the world are very much concerned about the financial issue.4. With regard to the seminar on English teaching, I suggest that it (should) be held on the coming weekend.5.

56、Whether to go abroad for further education or not is entirely up to you.6.Just a single spark can lead to an explosion in a room filled with gas.7.No matter what efforts the government has made, the price for housing has barely declined.8. In order to pass TOEFL, he has devoted almost every minute o

57、f his pare time to English studies.9. With his acting potential, the young man is likely to be a superstar in the field of entertainment.10. It is believed that sibling jealousy exists more in a rich family than in a poor one.Consolidation Activities- Vocabulary mainPhrase practice Word / Phrase com

58、parisonSynonym / AntonymWord derivationVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities-Phrase practice 1demanding jobs= jobs needing a lot of attention or effort 费力的工作e.g. Being babysitter is really a demanding job, which requires love, patience

59、and the skills. 看护婴儿确实是一项费力的工作,它需要爱心、耐心,看护婴儿确实是一项费力的工作,它需要爱心、耐心,还有技巧还有技巧。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities-Phrase practice 2with regard to =in connection with; on the subject of 关于,至于e.g. With regard to you health, you must quit smo

60、king right now. 考虑到你的健康,你必须马上戒烟。With regard to the financial difficulties, the company decided to cut its expense. 考虑到财政困难,公司决定压缩支出。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities-Phrase practice 3stigma =sign of shame; feeling of being ashamed 耻

61、辱,侮辱的标记e.g. The stigma has deprived him of all joy and fun in those days. 那些日子里,他心中的耻辱使他的生活没有了任何快乐。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities-Phrase practice 4give-and-take =willingness of each person to satisfy others withes 妥协,互让e.g. Give-

62、and-take is the secret of successful friendship. 付出和给予是成功的友谊的秘密。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- Word derivation- advocate 1advocate (v.)提倡,主张,拥护提倡,主张,拥护advocation (n.) 拥护,支持,辩护拥护,支持,辩护advocator (n.)提倡者,拥护者提倡者,拥护者advocatory (a.)拥护

63、者的,有关拥护者的拥护者的,有关拥护者的advocacy (n.)拥护,主张,辩护拥护,主张,辩护Chinese-English translation.1) 年轻人应当拥护社会文化的更新和发展。年轻人应当拥护社会文化的更新和发展。Young people should advocate social culture renewal and development2) 小说的历史价值在于对人文精神的关怀上小说的历史价值在于对人文精神的关怀上。The historical value of the novel lies in its advocation of humanism.Vocabula

64、ryTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- Word derivation- advocate 2Chinese-English translation.3) 作为全球化的积极推动者,这个国家得到了巨大的回报作为全球化的积极推动者,这个国家得到了巨大的回报。As the advocator of globalization, the country has been greatly rewarded.VocabularyTranslation Int

65、egrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 12. respect (v.) 尊敬,尊重;遵守尊敬,尊重;遵守 respectable (a.) 人格高尚的,值得尊敬的人格高尚的,值得尊敬的 respectably (ad.) 相当好地,体面地相当好地,体面地 respectful (a.) 恭敬的,礼貌的恭敬的,礼貌的 respectfully (ad.)尊敬地尊敬地 respective (a.)分别的,各自的分别的,各自的Chi

66、nese-English translation.1) 你应该尊敬你的老师。你应该尊敬你的老师。You need to respect your teachers.2) 他是个受人尊敬可信赖的人他是个受人尊敬可信赖的人。He is respectable and reliable.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1Chinese-English translation.3)

67、 他们和经理站开了一些距离,以示尊敬。他们和经理站开了一些距离,以示尊敬。They stood at a respectful distance from the manager.4)下课后,学生们各自回家。下课后,学生们各自回家。The students returned to their respective homes after class. VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- Word derivation- res

68、pect 13. potential (n.) 可能性,潜能可能性,潜能 potentially (ad.)可能地,潜在地可能地,潜在地 potent (adj.) 有效的,强有力的,有权势的有效的,强有力的,有权势的VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeninge.g. It is the most potent poison. 这是最厉害的毒药。这是最厉害的毒药。One has unlimited potential waiting to be explored. 人们有着无尽的潜能等待发掘。人们

69、有着无尽的潜能等待发掘。Im facing a potentially very dangerous crisis. 我可能要面对一场非常凶险的危机。我可能要面对一场非常凶险的危机。GrammarConsolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListening4. survey (v.) 监督,监视监督,监视 surveillance (n.) 监督,监视监督,监视 surveyor (n.) 测量员,检验员测量员,

70、检验员e.g. It is impossible to survey the will of the people in such short notice. 想要在这么短时间内完成民意调查是不可能的。想要在这么短时间内完成民意调查是不可能的。The surveyor announced that all the walls were completely sound. 检查员宣布所有墙壁均完好无损。检查员宣布所有墙壁均完好无损。Surveillance video captures a woman with the kidnapped boy.监视器拍摄到了一名妇女带着这名被绑架的男孩。监视

71、器拍摄到了一名妇女带着这名被绑架的男孩。GrammarConsolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListening5. overwhelm (v.) 压倒,淹没,受打击压倒,淹没,受打击 overwhelming (adj.) 压倒性的,势不可挡的压倒性的,势不可挡的 overwhelmingly (adv.) 压倒性地,不可抵抗地压倒性地,不可抵抗地e.g. No difficulty can overwhel

72、m the brave. 勇敢的人是不会被困难打倒的。勇敢的人是不会被困难打倒的。She felt an overwhelming desire to see her boy. 她她无比渴望见到自己的儿子。无比渴望见到自己的儿子。Chinese youth overwhelmingly want personal computer. 中国的年轻人非常想拥有个人电脑。中国的年轻人非常想拥有个人电脑。GrammarMany people associate dark clouds with depression and bad luck. 许多人把乌云与沮丧和厄运联系起来。许多人把乌云与沮丧和厄运

73、联系起来。The anti-smoking association launches a new campaign in the campus. 禁烟协会在校园里发动了一场新的运动。禁烟协会在校园里发动了一场新的运动。His associative ability impressed me a lot. 他的联想能力使我印象深刻。他的联想能力使我印象深刻。The associators are working hard together for their common goal. 会员们为了他们共同的目标团结奋斗。会员们为了他们共同的目标团结奋斗。Consolidation Activiti

74、es- Word derivation- respect 16.associate (v.) 结交,交往结交,交往 association (n.) 协会,联盟,社团协会,联盟,社团associative (adj.) 联合的,联想的,组合的联合的,联想的,组合的associator (n.) 社员,伙伴,会员社员,伙伴,会员VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeninge.g.GrammarConsolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 17.

75、equal (adj.) 相等的,胜任的,平等的相等的,胜任的,平等的 equality (n.) 平等,相等平等,相等 equation (n.) 等式,方程式等式,方程式 equivalence (n.)等值,相等等值,相等VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningConsolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activi

76、tiesWritingListeninge.g. Woman and man should enjoy equal pay for the same job. 男性女性应当同工同酬。男性女性应当同工同酬。I would sacrifice my life for equality and freedom. 为了平等和自由我宁愿牺牲生命。为了平等和自由我宁愿牺牲生命。The equation of happiness and wealth is dangerous. 将幸福与财富等同是很危险的。将幸福与财富等同是很危险的。He changed his pounds for the equival

77、ence amount in dollars. 他把英镑兑换成等值的美元。他把英镑兑换成等值的美元。There is no equivalence of parental love for kids. 对孩子而言,父母之爱是无可替代的。对孩子而言,父母之爱是无可替代的。Appropriate table manner is required in a formal banquet. 正式聚会要求得体的餐桌礼仪。正式聚会要求得体的餐桌礼仪。Parents need to handle their emotion appropriately. 父母应当妥当处理自己的情绪。父母应当妥当处理自己的情绪

78、。It is inappropriate to put the knife into the mouth at the table. 就餐时不应当将叉子放入口中。就餐时不应当将叉子放入口中。Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 18. appropriate (adj.) 适当的适当的 appropriable (adj.) 可供专用的可供专用的 appropriately (adv.) 适当地适当地 inappropriate (adj.) 不适当的,不相称的不适当的,不相称的 inappropriately (adv.)不适当

79、地,不相称地不适当地,不相称地VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeninge.g.Consolidation Activities- Vocabulary mainSimple prepositions and complex prepositionsConjunctionsVocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningConsolidation Activities- Gram

80、mar11. Simple prepositions and complex prepositions1) The prepositions, such as in, of, at, and to, are all single words. We call them SIMPLE PREPOSITIONS. 2) COMPLEX PREPOSITIONS consist of two- or three-word combinations acting as a single unit. Here are some examples:VocabularyGrammarTranslation

81、Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningaccording to, but for, except for, in terms of, in point of, with regard to, in the case of, etc. 1. a few spelling mistakes, it is on the whole a good composition.2. We would have arrived two hours ago the traffic jam.3. money, theyre quite rich.Conso

82、lidation Activities- Grammar2PracticeComplete the following sentences with the appropriate complex prepositions listed below.regardless of but for in terms of except for according to in case of Except for_but for_In terms of_VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGramm

83、ar4. They divided themselves into three groups age.5. fire, open this safety door.6. danger, he climbed the tower.Consolidation Activities- Grammar2regardless of but for in terms of except for according to in case of according to_In case of_Regardless of_VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral a

84、ctivitiesWritingListeningGrammarI left early because I had an interview the next day. Ill be home at nine if I can get a taxi. Consolidation Activities- Grammar32. Conjunctions Conjunctions are used to express a connection between words. There are two types of conjunctions. COORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS

85、 (or simply COORDINATORS) connect elements of equal syntactic status: e.g. Paul and David I play tennis but I dont play well. meat or fish e.g.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar On the other hand, SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS (or SUBORDINATORS) connect elemen

86、ts of unequal syntactic status: Consolidation Activities- Grammar41. Many exam candidates lose marks simply they do not read the questions properly.2. Bill works foreman at Whitings Corporation.3. the sun was shining, he went out wearing a coat. PracticeIn each sentence, insert an appropriate conjun

87、ction from the list.whenever where as because since although or else whereverbecause_as_Although_VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- Grammar54. I hear that tune, it makes me think of my former classmates.5. Take your passport with yo

88、u you go. 6. Its a long time I last heard from Albert. 7. Plant your fig-tree there is plenty of sunshine. 8. Take your medicine regularly you wont get well. since_Whenever_wherever_where_or else_VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- G

89、rammar2.11. “Except for” means “not including.” It is used to show that a general statement made in the main part of the sentence is not completely true.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- Grammar2.22. “But for” means “except for the

90、 effects of.”VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- Grammar2.33. “In terms of” means “in the circumstance of.”VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- Grammar2.44. “According

91、 to” means “as determined by.”VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- Grammar2.55. “In case of” means “if there should happen to be.”VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- G

92、rammar2.66. “Regardless of” means “in spite of.”VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- Grammar4.12. as “As” means “in the capacity of” while “like” means “in the manner of.”VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingLi

93、steningGrammarConsolidation Activities- Grammar5.16. since “Since” introduces a past date, moment, event, a point of time while “for” introduces a period of time.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- Translation11. 让她感到为难的是,要不要把丈夫得了不治之

94、症的真相让她感到为难的是,要不要把丈夫得了不治之症的真相告诉他。告诉他。(dilemma) If you are in dilemma, you are in a state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options.The dilemma she is facing is whether to tell her husband the truth about his fatal disease.VocabularyGrammarTransl

95、ation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningTranslate the following sentences into English.Consolidation Activities- Translation2Practice: Translate the following sentences into English.很多女性面临着选择家庭还是事业的两难境地。很多女性面临着选择家庭还是事业的两难境地。常见的难题:是留在家人朋友身边,还是去远方城市谋个常见的难题:是留在家人朋友身边,还是去远方城市谋个好差事好差事?Vocab

96、ularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarMany women are faced with the dilemma of choosing between work and family commitments.It is a common dilemma: Should you stay where you have friends and family, or take that good job in a far-away city?Consolidation Activities-

97、Translation3微软清楚地意识到这样的两难局面。微软清楚地意识到这样的两难局面。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarMicrosoft has clearly seen the dilemma that arises. Consolidation Activities- Translation42. 全世界几乎所有的政府都十分关注这个金融问题全世界几乎所有的政府都十分关注这个金融问题。 (be concerned about) If you are concerned

98、about something, you care about it; you pay great attention to it. VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarAlmost all the governments in the world are very much concerned about the financial issue.Consolidation Activities- Translation5Practice: Translate the foll

99、owing sentences into English. 当前,人们不仅关注要吃好,还要寻求营养平衡。当前,人们不仅关注要吃好,还要寻求营养平衡。她最新出版的这本书是关于环境保护的。她最新出版的这本书是关于环境保护的。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarNowadays, people are not only concerned about good food, but also about balanced nutrition.Her newly published bo

100、ok is concerned about environmental protection. Consolidation Activities- Translation6越来越多的人开始关心自然环境了。越来越多的人开始关心自然环境了。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarMore and more people begin to be concerned about our natural environment. Consolidation Activities- Trans

101、lation43. 至于英语教学研讨会,我建议本周末召开至于英语教学研讨会,我建议本周末召开。(with regard to) With regard to equals as for or concerning. VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarWith regard to the seminar on English teaching, I suggest that it be held on the coming weekend.Consolidation Activ

102、ities- Translation5Practice:Translate the following sentences into English. 政府已采取了多项调控房价的措施。政府已采取了多项调控房价的措施。由于我的专业是旅游管理,所以我想得到一份与旅游相关由于我的专业是旅游管理,所以我想得到一份与旅游相关的工作。的工作。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarThe government has taken several regulative measures in r

103、egard to housing prices. Since I major in management of tourism, so I want to get a job with regard to tourism. Consolidation Activities- Translation6亚洲国家对于外国游客也有一些规定,特别是在其国家亚洲国家对于外国游客也有一些规定,特别是在其国家的逗留时间。的逗留时间。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarAsian nations

104、 do have regulations for foreign visitors, particularly with regard to length of stay. Consolidation Activities- Translation44. 凭借他的表演潜力,这个小伙子有可能成为娱乐界的超凭借他的表演潜力,这个小伙子有可能成为娱乐界的超级明星级明星。 (potential) If you have potential for something, you have the inherent capacity for making it coming into being.Voca

105、bularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarWith his acting potential, the young man is likely to be a superstar in the field of entertainment.Consolidation Activities- Translation5VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarPractice: Tra

106、nslate the following sentences into English.所有人无论性别与家庭背景,必须都能发掘自身才能,充分所有人无论性别与家庭背景,必须都能发掘自身才能,充分发挥潜力。发挥潜力。她有做艺术家的潜质。她有做艺术家的潜质。All girls and boys, from every background, must be able to discover their talents and fulfill their potential.She has a potential to be an artist. Consolidation Activities- T

107、ranslation6VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar文字可以传递大量信息,但是如果使用不当,文字是有文字可以传递大量信息,但是如果使用不当,文字是有可能误导用户的。可能误导用户的。Written language is capable of conveying dense information, but inappropriate use of text has a great potential to confuse. Consolidation Activities

108、- Integrated skillsVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarDictationFill in the blanksConsolidation Activities- Integrated skillsVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarDictationYou will hear a passage read three times. At the

109、 first reading, you should listen carefully for its general idea. At the second reading, you are required to write down the exact words you have just heard (with proper punctuation). At the third reading, you should check what you have written down.Consolidation Activities- Integrated skillsDictatio

110、n About this time / I found out the use of a key. / One morning I locked my mother up in the pantry, / where she was obliged to remain three hours. / She kept knocking on the door, / while I sat outside on the porch steps and laughed. / This naughty behavior of mine / convinced my parents / that I m

111、ust be taught as soon as possible. / After my teacher came to me, / I sought an early opportunity / to lock her up in her room. / I could not be induced to tell / where the key was. / My father had to get a ladder / and take the teacher out through the window. / Months after, / I produced the key.Vo

112、cabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- WritingParallelism Parallelism is a balance of two or more grammatically and semantically similar words, phrases, or clauses. The application of parallelism in sentence construction improves writing

113、style and readability to give the sentence rhythm, balance and force. Generally, there are five ways to achieve parallelism.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- Writinge.g.B. Arrange parallel elements in climactic orderThis is a cause

114、 that means something to thousands, to a people, to a nation, to humanity, to God.e.g.C. Use parallel forms with coordinating conjunctionsThis government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.e.g.A. Express similar ideas in similar grammatical formsThe stri

115、kers had tried pleading, threatening, and shouting.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- Writinge.g.E. Repeat certain words to begin parallel elementsFor the handicapped, getting an education is often a tribulation, a necessity, and a

116、victory.e.g.D. Use parallel forms with correlative conjunctionsThis is a time not for words, but for actions.VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningConsolidation Activities- WritingPracticeRewrite the following sentences in a parallel form.1. Faith sees the invi

117、sible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossibility.VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningFaith sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.Use similar adjective form: invisible, intangible and impossible to achieve parallelism.C

118、onsolidation Activities- Writing2. Dream what you want to dream; go wherever you like; be what you want to be.3. What you say reflects your mind; what you do reflects how able you are.VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningDream what you want to dream; go where

119、you want to go; be what you want to be. Use similar infinitive form: to dream, to go and to be to achieve parallelism.What you say reflects your mind; what you do reflects your ability.Use similar grammatical form personal pronoun: your+ noun: mind and ability to achieve parallelism.Consolidation Ac

120、tivities- Writing4. A single dollar could save a mans life, and a thousand dollars could better it, while a mans life could be ended by a million.VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningA single dollar could save a mans life, and a thousand dollars could better i

121、t, while a million dollars could end it. Arrange parallel elements a single dollar, a thousand dollars and a million dollars in climactic order to achieve parallelism.Consolidation Activities- Writing5. Endeavor, being confident and opportunity are the basic elements of ones success.VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningEndeavor, confidence and opportunity are the basic elements of ones success.Use similar noun form endeavor, confidence and opportunity to achieve parallelism.



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