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1、Lesson 53Hot snake Read the new words and guess their meaningshot fireman cause examine accidentally remains windwire volt power line solve mystery snatch sparkhot adj 1)热的,炎热的Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁.hot 炎热的 warm 温暖的 cool 凉爽的 chilly 寒冷的 cold 寒冷的,严寒的2)调味品辣的辣椒和芥末是辣的.Pepper and mustard are h

2、ot. 3)强烈的,激烈的,热烈的.have a hot temper 脾气暴躁a hot potato 棘手或讨厌的事物或情况7/31/20244)hot adj. 带电的, 充电的adj. 热的;新鲜的;棘手的;带电的, 充电的hot-hot-hot 麻辣烫;hot-wings 辣鸡翅;hot dog 热狗hot-tempered 火暴(脾气)的 temper n. 脾气 hot line 热线;hot topic 热门话题It sells like a hot cake/cakes. 表示一个东西的畅销, 热销best seller 畅销的东西hot potato 棘手的问题hot ne

3、ws 最热点的新闻fireman n 消防队员hydrant haidrnt n.消防栓fire extinguisher 灭火器 Extinguish ikstigwiput out 灭火cause 1)V. 引起cause sth : 引起(麻烦)粗心导致事故Carelessness causes accidents. 骄傲使人失败Pride causes failurecause sb to do sth 引起某人做某事, 导致某人做某事2)n. 原因 cause : 强调事情发生的直接原因(一个)reason : 其他各种的理由(很多个)The cause of sth 的起因的起因T

4、he reason for sth 的理由的理由 examine1)v. 仔细观察,检查,调查消防队员检查了森林的每一寸土地。The firefighters examined every inch of the forest.2)v. 诊查医生仔细的诊察了病人。The doctor examined his patient carefully 3)v. 考试,测试examine students in Englishn. exam 考试=examination accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地adj. accidental 意外的,偶然的 意外死亡an accidental

5、 deathaccidentn. 事故,意外车祸a car accidentAccidentally=by chance=by accident我偶然间发现了金矿I found a gold mine by accident. remains1)n. 剩余物,残余物 残汤剩饭 残羹冷炙the remains of a meal2)n. (古建筑等物)遗址,废墟 圆明园遗址the remains of Yuanmingyuan3)n. 遗体,遗骸 毛主席的遗体被保存在水晶棺材里。The remains of Chairman Mao were kept well in a crystal cof

6、fin.remain1)v. 留下,剩下,遗留大火之后,我的房子里什么也没剩下。After the fire, nothing remained in my house. 要做的事还很多。Much remains to be done. 2)v. 仍是,保持不变他保持沉默。He remained silent. wiren. 金属线,电线 他用一根金属线把筐绑到了自行车上。He tied a basket to the bicycle with a piece of wire.telephone wires 电话线electric wires 电线wireless adj. 无线的 wirel

7、ess telegraphy 无线电报volt n. 伏特voltage n. 电压,伏特数 power1)电力,动力 electric power 电力water power 水力2)力,能力 (自然的体力、智力)His power is failing.他的体力在衰退。3)权力,支配力,势力 political power 政治权力not within ones power= beyond ones power 力所不能及我无法理解计算机是如何工作的。It is beyond my power to understand how the computer works.solve v. 解决

8、,解答,回答 =work out解决问题solve a problem解开谜团solve a mystery我们必须解决经济危机。We must solve the economic crisis.n. solution 解决,解答花费了很长时间才找出解决方法。It took a long time to find the solutionThe key to the question the key to the lockThe solution to the problemsnatchv. 抢,夺,掠取 snatch up 抓起来贼把她的包抓起来逃跑了。The thief snatched

9、 her bag and ran away.在他妈妈刚要看那张纸的时候,他把它夺走了。He snatched the paper as his mother was about to see it.辨析snatch 迅速而有力(粗鲁地)抓住,抢 snatch a chancegrab 抓,抢,抢夺,抓住(热切而拼命地) grab sth from sb/ grab sth from sth grasp 1) 抓住或咬住,抓紧 grasp a chance 抓住机会 2)掌握 grasp a languagehold 抓住,握住,托住 Comprehension questions1 Where

10、 was there a big forest fire? There was a big fire in California. 2 Have firemen put it out? Yes, they have. 3 What have they been trying to find out since then? They have been trying to find out how the fire began. 4 What are forest fires often caused by? Forest fires are often caused by broken gla

11、ss or cigarette ends. 5 People are careless, arent they? Yes, they are. 6 When did the firemen examine the ground? They examined the ground yesterday. 7 Did they find any broken glass? No, they didnt. 8 Did they think a cigarette end started the fire? No, they didnt. 9 They were quite sure it didnt,

12、 werent they? Yes, they were. 10 When was the cause discovered? The cause was discovered this morning. 11 Who discovered it? A fireman did. 12 Was it what he was looking for? No, it wasnt. Language pointsAt last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California.at last 最后,终于,过程很艰难。他们终于翻过了这座大山。At

13、last they climbed over the mountainCalifornia=Golden State 黄金州put out 扑灭,熄灭,关掉请把灯关掉。Please put the light out.make a fire 生火start a fire 引起火灾Since then, they have been trying to find out how the fire began.since then 从那时起,到现在为止find out (经过研究、努力等)找出,发现,查出我会试着查出昨天救了我的人的名字。Ill try and find out the name

14、of the person who saved my life yesterday.Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away.cigarette ends 烟头throw away 扔掉,丢弃throw about 随处扔throw at 扔向(有目标性)throw to 扔向(无目标性) They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire.be

15、sure that 对很有把握;quite sure 相当的把握性rather adv. 相当fairly adv. 相当, 公正地, 诚实地quite(completely)ratherfairly 程度一个比一个轻quite a few 颇有几个(相当多的)start a firecause a fire start vt. 使发生,引起This morning, however, a firemen accidentally discovered the cause.However与but区别:However要接逗号,再加句子。But直接与句子相连。accidentally =by ch

16、ance 偶然地discover 偶然发现(某个已经存在的东西)Invent 发明(以前没有的东西)我不知道谁发现的美洲。I dont know who discovered America.你知道起火原因吗?Do you know the cause of the fire?He noticed the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires of a 16,000-volt power line.notice 注意别人没注意的东西the remains表示“尸体,残骸”,必须用复数形式村民们很惊奇地看到在湖的旁

17、边有一架飞机的残骸。The villagers were surprised to see the remains of an aeroplane near the lake.wind vt. 1)vt. 缠绕,卷在上(常与around/round连用)你介意我把这段电线缠在树上吗?Do you mind if I wind this piece of wire round the tree?2) vt. 蜿蜒,盘旋一条小径沿著山谷蜿蜒而上。A path wound up the valley.wind ones way 蜿蜒、迂回而行他们在狭窄的山谷中迂回前进They wound their

18、 way through the narrow valley.3)转动(把手等),拧紧wind up ones watch上紧某人手表的发条把 (车子的) 窗子摇下wind down a windowThe explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires. snatched up sth from the ground从地上抓起来drop vt&vi.无意掉下去的,使落下,使掉落她把花瓶掉到了

19、地板上。She dropped the vase on the floor.茶壶从她手里掉了出来。The teapot dropped out of her hand。fall vi. 落下,(雨、雪)下,降,跌倒,摔倒强调的是掉下来的概念, 动作我跌倒了,伤到了我自己。I fell and hurt myself.当秋天叶落的时候,我就会回来。Ill come back when leaves fall in autumn.他从楼梯上摔下来,把他的腿摔断了。He fell down the stairs and broke his leg.书从桌子上掉到了地上。The book fell f

20、rom the table to the floor。The snake then wound itself round the wires. When it did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire.do so 这么做I refuse to do so. 我拒绝这么做so常用于一些动词之后,代指前面提过的某个动作/某件事,以免重复我也这样认为。I think/believe so.start a fire=cause a fire 引起一场大火现在完成进行时构成:have/ha

21、s been+doing含义:1)表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,并且还将持续下去。2)表示在说话时刻之前到现在正在进行的动作。与现在完成时的区别I have been writing a book.我一直在写一本书。(动作还将继续下去) I have written a book.我已经写了一本书。(动作已经完成) 与现在完成时的联系They have been living in this city for ten years. They have lived in this city for ten years. 他们在这个城市已经住了10年了。 I have been work

22、ing here for five years. I have worked here for five years. 我在这里已经工作五年了。 现在完成进行时强调动作的连续性、不间断性。7/31/2024【Special Difficulties】 throw to,throw at and throw awaythrow作及物动词主要含义为“投,掷,抛,扔”。throw to (sb.) 扔给(某人) He threw the ball to me and I caught it.throw at 对准某一目标扔 The boy threw a stone at the window an

23、d broke it.throw away 扔掉,丢弃 Many people throw away cigarette ends carelessly.7/31/2024cause and reasoncause n. 原因,起因; Do you know the cause of the war?What was the cause of the delay? v. 使产生/发生,引起cause sth. 导致, 引起What caused the accident?cause sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事7/31/2024reason n. 理由,原因Give me yo

24、ur reasons for going there.What was the reason for the delay?作“原因”讲时,reason与cause可以互换,但reason与介词for连用;而cause则与介词of连用。reason后面通常跟why引导的从句: That was the reason why the meeting was put off. v. 推理,劝导,说服reason with sb. 劝说(以道理) How can you reason with him when he is so worried?7/31/2024drop and falldrop v

25、i.&vt. (使)掉下,(使)落下,放下(强调的是不小心掉下来) As he walked past the tree, an apple dropped from it. The waiter dropped a fork.fall vi. 落下,(雨、雪)下,降,跌倒,摔倒(强调的是掉下来的概念, 动作) I fell and hurt myself. When leaves fall in autumn, Ill come back.Key to KS ExercisesAWhat happened:began(1. 2); examined(1. 4);were not able t

26、ofind(1. 5); did not start(1. 6); discovered (1. 7); noticed(1.8);was wound(1. 8); was able to s olve(1. 9);dropped(1. 10); wound(1.11);it did so(1. 11); sent(1. 11);started (1. 11)What has happened:have put out(1. 1)What has been happening:have been trying to find(1. 2)CJack looked at his watch for

27、 the twentieth time. Suddenly Jill arrived. Ive been waiting for over an hour, he said angrily. You never come on time. Oh, is that so?Jill answered. Were you here at 2. 30? Jack went red. Well, he said, I got here five minutes late myself, but you werent here. I came here at exactly 2. 30, Jill sai

28、d, and I waited for five minutes, but you didnt come. What have you been doing since then? Jack asked. Ive just been to the hairdressers,Jill answered brightly.1.c 根据课文第二行 they have been trying to find out how the fire began 可以判断出只有c. wanted to find out what had caused the fire 最能说明消防队员仔细查看地面的原因,其他3

29、个选择都不够全面。2. d 根据课文第根据课文第10-12行行A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires When it I did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire 可以判断只有可以判断只有d. a snake which had been dropped on to the wires by a bird 与课文的实际内容相符,只有它是引起火灾的与课文

30、的实际内容相符,只有它是引起火灾的原因,其他原因,其他3个选择都不符合课文的实际内容。个选择都不符合课文的实际内容。 3. a 只有a. since最合乎题目意思和语法。因为本句是现在完成进行时,只有since引导的时间短语最适合于完成进行时态,表示“自从以来”,所以应该选a.其他3个选择都不能引导合适的时间短语。4. c 本句表示时间的词是本句表示时间的词是often, 表示经表示经常性的动作,因此应该用一般现在时。常性的动作,因此应该用一般现在时。 a. is causing 是进行时,是进行时,b. has caused 是完成时,是完成时,d. is caused by 是是现在时被动

31、语态,而本句需要主动语态。现在时被动语态,而本句需要主动语态。 只有只有c. causes 是一般现在时,第是一般现在时,第3人称单数形式,本句人称单数形式,本句的主语的主语Broken glass 是单数,所以是单数,所以c.最最符合语法,所以选符合语法,所以选c.5. c a. almost certain(几乎肯定几乎肯定), b. fairly certain(相当肯定相当肯定),c. completely certain(完全肯定完全肯定), d. nearly certain(几几乎肯定乎肯定)4个选择中只有个选择中只有c. 同前一句中的同前一句中的quite sure(十分确信十

32、分确信)意义最接近,所以选意义最接近,所以选c.6. c 只有只有c. succeeded in solving it (成功解决了它成功解决了它)同前一句中的同前一句中的 was able to solve the mystery (解开了这个谜解开了这个谜)的含义相同,的含义相同,所以所以c.是正确答案。是正确答案。 其他其他3个选择都与个选择都与前一句意思不符。前一句意思不符。7. d 只有只有d. on是对的是对的,因为它后面的词是因为它后面的词是the ground,表示在地面上表示在地面上,只能用介词只能用介词on.其他其他3个选择都不符合题目意思个选择都不符合题目意思.The s

33、nake had been on the ground.这这条蛇在地面上。条蛇在地面上。 注意本句说的是在蛇被抓起之前,它在哪注意本句说的是在蛇被抓起之前,它在哪?它在地面上。?它在地面上。8. c a. controlled it (控制了它控制了它);b. checked it (制止了它制止了它); c. extinguished it (扑灭了它扑灭了它);d. turned it off (关掉,关关掉,关上它上它),只有,只有c. extinguished it 与前面与前面一句中的一句中的 put out the fire (把火扑灭把火扑灭) 意义相同,所以意义相同,所以选选c

34、.9. d 只有d. this morning 今天早上, 是正确的表达方式.其它3个选择都不符合习惯用法,都不是正确的表达方式.所以选d.10. a a. by chance (偶然),b. chancily (没有这个词);c. fortunately (幸运地) 和d. luckily (侥幸地,幸运地)这4个选择中只有a. by chance 同前一句中的accidentally (偶然地)意义相同,所以选a.11. c 前一句的短语In this way 是用这种方法,本句需要选一个同这一短语含义相符合的短语. a. Thats so 就是如此 b. like this 像这样 d. so 因此, 这3个选择都不符合题目意思. 只有c. Thats how(那就是.的方法)同In this way 的含义相符合,因为how 相当于the way in which ,所以选c.12. c a. taken(拿), b. pulled(拉,拖), c. seized(抓住)和d. carried(携带)4个选择中只有c. seized同前一句的snatched(抓住)意义相同,所以选c.



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