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1、 Department of Diagnostics1st Affiliated Hospital Chen Ming 1 Equipment(器材器材):):Stethoscope(听诊器听诊器);); Position(体位体位):):Supine (卧位卧位)or seated(坐位坐位)a patient;standing to the right side of the patient (an examiner);); Environment(环境环境):):Quiet (安静安静);); Exposure(暴露暴露):):Strip to waist(腰部腰部);); Lighte

2、ning(光线光线):):Good;left side; tangent(切线切线);); Knowledge of anatomy(解剖知识解剖知识):):thorough(全面全面) Considerate and gentle。 Physical examination of heart (心心脏脏检检查查) Preparation2 Midsternal line(胸骨中线胸骨中线) or Anterior midline (前正中线前正中线) Midclavicular lines(锁骨中线锁骨中线) Anterior, middle,and posterior axillary l

3、ines (腋前、中、后线腋前、中、后线) Sternal angle (胸骨角胸骨角)- connected with 2th costal cartilage (与第二肋软骨相连与第二肋软骨相连) Intercostal space (肋间隙肋间隙) Physical examination of heart (心心脏脏检检查查)landmarks of topographic anatomy (解解剖剖标标志志) 3Inspection (望诊望诊)Palpation (触诊触诊)Percussion (叩诊叩诊)Auscultation (听诊听诊)心心 脏脏 检检 查查 Physic

4、al examination of heart (心心脏脏检检查查) 4 Tangent lightening(切线方向光线);(切线方向光线); Same height as thorax ( (与胸廓同高)。与胸廓同高)。 Inspection (望望诊诊) -gist (要要点点)5 Precordial prominence(心前区隆起)(心前区隆起): Right ventricular hypertrophy at puberty(儿童发育完成前右心室肥大)(儿童发育完成前右心室肥大) Congenital heart disease (先天性心脏病先天性心脏病) Rheumati

5、c heart disease (风湿性心脏病风湿性心脏病) Massive pericardial effusion in the adult (成人大量心包积液)成人大量心包积液)。Inspection (望望诊诊) - Deformity of thoraxes (胸胸廓廓畸畸形形)6 Inspection (望望诊诊) - Apical impulse (心心尖尖搏搏动动) Definition(定义):(定义):Heart contracts(心脏收缩)(心脏收缩) impacts corresponding site of front chest(心尖向前冲击前胸壁相(心尖向前冲击

6、前胸壁相应位置应位置) apical impulse (心尖心尖搏动搏动) )。7 I In ns sp pe ec ct ti io on n (望望诊诊) Normal apical impulse(正常心尖搏动):(正常心尖搏动): Location-The 5th intercostal space(第五肋间)(第五肋间), 0.5 1.0 cm medial to left midclavicular line (左锁骨中线内侧(左锁骨中线内侧 0.5 1.0 cm );); Diameter- 2.0 2.5 cm。 Inspection (望望诊诊) - Apical impul

7、se (心心尖尖搏搏动动)8 Physiological factors(生理性因素):(生理性因素): Left lateral position (左侧卧位)(左侧卧位)- extend to the left(向左移)(向左移)for 2.0 3.0 cm. Right lateral position(右侧卧位)(右侧卧位)- extend to the right(向右移)(向右移)for 1.0 2.5 cm. Inspection (望望诊诊) - Displacement of apical impulse (心心尖尖搏搏动动移移位位)9Pathological factors

8、(病理性因素):(病理性因素): Heart itself(心脏本身)(心脏本身) Enlargement of left ventricle(左(左 心室增大)心室增大)-extend to left and downwards(左下移位);(左下移位); Inspection (望望诊诊) - Displacement of apical impulse (心心尖尖搏搏动动移移位位)10 Pathological factors(病理性因素):(病理性因素): Heart itself(心脏本身)(心脏本身) Enlargement of right ventricle(右(右 心室增大)

9、心室增大)-extend to left but not downwards(向左不向下移位);(向左不向下移位); Enlargement of both ventricles(左(左 右室均增大)右室均增大)-extend to both left and right. Inspection (望望诊诊) - Displacement of apical impulse (心心尖尖搏搏动动移移位位)11 Pathological factors(病理性因素):(病理性因素): Displacement of mediastinum(纵隔移(纵隔移 位)位) Pleural adhesion

10、 (胸膜粘连),(胸膜粘连), pulmonary atelectasis of one side (肺(肺 不张不张- displacement of apical impulse toward the diseased side(移向(移向 患侧);患侧); Pleural effusion(胸腔积液),(胸腔积液), pneumothorax of one side(气胸)(气胸)- displacement of apical impulse toward the opposite side(移向健侧)(移向健侧). Inspection (望望诊诊) - Displacement o

11、f apical impulse (心心尖尖搏搏动动移移位位)12 Pathological factors(病理性因素):(病理性因素): Displacement of diaphragm(横隔移位)(横隔移位) Massive ascites (大量腹水),(大量腹水),huge tumor of abdominal cavity (腹腔巨大(腹腔巨大 肿瘤)肿瘤)-displacement of apical impulse to left (移向左侧);(移向左侧); Severe emphysema(肺气肿)(肺气肿)- displacement of apical impulse

12、 inward and downward(移向内下)。(移向内下)。 Inspection (望望诊诊) - Displacement of apical impulse (心心尖尖搏搏动动移移位位)13 Physiological factors(生理性因素):(生理性因素): Thick chest wall(胸壁肥厚)(胸壁肥厚)- weak and narrow(减弱、缩小);(减弱、缩小); Thin chest wall(胸壁薄)(胸壁薄)- strong and wide(增强、较大)。(增强、较大)。 Inspection(望望诊诊)-Changes of intensity

13、and range in apical impulse(心心尖尖搏搏动动强强度度与与范范围围的的改改变变)14 Pathological factors(病理性因素):(病理性因素): Increase in intensity of apical impulse(心尖搏动增强)(心尖搏动增强)- fever(发热),(发热),anemia (贫血),(贫血), hyperthyroidism(甲状腺(甲状腺机能亢进);机能亢进); Decrease in intensity of apical impulse(心尖搏动减弱)(心尖搏动减弱)-dilated cardiomyopathy(扩张

14、型心肌病)(扩张型心肌病) ,acute myocardial infarction(急性心肌梗死),(急性心肌梗死),pericardial effusion(心包积液),(心包积液), emphysema(肺气肿)。(肺气肿)。 Inspection (望望诊诊) -Changes of intensity and range in apical impulse(心心尖尖搏搏动动强强度度与与范范围围的的改改变变)15 Inspection (望望诊诊) - Inward impulse (负负性性心心尖尖搏搏动动) Definition(定义):(定义):invagination(内陷)(

15、内陷) of apical impulse when contracting。 Significance(意义):(意义):adhesive pericarditis(粘连性心包积液)。(粘连性心包积液)。16 Inspection (望望诊诊) - precordial impulse (心心前前区区搏搏动动) Impulse at 3th 4th left intercostal space just lateral to sternum (胸骨左胸骨左 缘缘3 4肋间)肋间) : right ventricular hypertrophy(右室肥(右室肥 大)大); Impulse at

16、 xiphoid process(剑突下搏(剑突下搏 动)动): right ventricular hypertrophy; beating of abdominal aorta(腹主动脉搏(腹主动脉搏 动)动). 17 Impulse at base of heart(心底部搏动):(心底部搏动): 2nd left intercostal space just lateral to sternum (胸骨左缘胸骨左缘2肋间)肋间): dilation of pulmonary artery; pulmonary hypertension. . 2nd right intercostal

17、space just lateral to sternum (胸骨右缘胸骨右缘2肋间)肋间): dilation of ascending aorta(升主动(升主动 脉扩张)。脉扩张)。 Inspection (望望诊诊) - precordial impulse (心心前前区区搏搏动动)18 Inspection (望望诊诊) -contents (内容)Deformity of thoraxes (胸廓畸形)(胸廓畸形)Apical impulse (心尖搏动)(心尖搏动)Precordial impulse (心前区搏动)(心前区搏动) 19 Palpation (触触诊诊) Impo

18、rtance of palpation (触触诊诊意意义义) To confirm the observations made during inspection (进一步证实望诊所见);(进一步证实望诊所见); To detect invisible pulsatile movements (发现望诊看不见的搏动);(发现望诊看不见的搏动); To reveal thrill and pericardial friction rubs(发现震颤和心包摩擦感)。(发现震颤和心包摩擦感)。 20 Palpation (触触诊诊) -method (方方法法) Right palm first (

19、先用右手手掌)(先用右手手掌)- detecting thrills(检查震颤);(检查震颤); Fingertips then(后用指尖)(后用指尖)- detecting pulsations(检查搏动)。(检查搏动)。21Definition(定义):(定义):Slow and forceful beat in apex(心尖区徐缓、有力的搏动),(心尖区徐缓、有力的搏动),lift finger tip (可使手指尖端抬起)。(可使手指尖端抬起)。Significance(意义)(意义):Sign of left ventri-cular hypertrophy(左室肥大的体征)。(左

20、室肥大的体征)。Palpation (触触诊诊) - heaving apex impulse (抬抬举举样样心心尖尖搏搏动动)22 Palpation (触触诊诊) -thrills (震震颤颤) Definition(定义):(定义): Tiny vibrations felt by palm(手掌感觉到的一种细小震动感),(手掌感觉到的一种细小震动感),somewhat similar to the sensations on the throat of a purring cat,therefore also called purring (与在猫喉部摸到的呼(与在猫喉部摸到的呼吸震颤

21、类似,故亦称猫喘)。吸震颤类似,故亦称猫喘)。Mechanism:The same as cardiac murmurs(同杂音)。(同杂音)。23 Significance(意义):(意义): Signs of organic heart diseases(器(器质性心脏病的体征);质性心脏病的体征); always Thrill - cardiac murmur, not always Cardiac murmur - thrill; Usually - congenital heart disease(先天性心脏病)、(先天性心脏病)、valvular stenosis(瓣(瓣 膜狭窄)

22、,膜狭窄),seldom valvular regurgi- tation(关闭不全)。(关闭不全)。 Palpation (触触诊诊) -thrills (震震颤颤)24 Palpation (触触诊诊) -thrills (震震颤颤) Clinical importance of thrills at apex (心前区震颤的临床意义)(心前区震颤的临床意义) Location Location(部位)(部位) Phase Phase(时相)(时相) Disease Disease 2nd right intercostal systole2nd right intercostal sys

23、tole(收缩期)(收缩期) aortic aortic space just lateral to stenosisspace just lateral to stenosissternum (sternum (胸骨右缘胸骨右缘2 2肋间)肋间) (主动脉瓣狭窄)(主动脉瓣狭窄) 2nd left intercostal systole 2nd left intercostal systole(收缩期)(收缩期) pulmonary pulmonary space just lateral to stenosisspace just lateral to stenosis sternum (

24、sternum (胸骨左缘胸骨左缘2 2肋间)肋间) (肺动脉瓣狭窄)(肺动脉瓣狭窄)3th-4th left intercostal systole3th-4th left intercostal systole(收缩期)(收缩期) ventricular ventricularspace just lateral to septal defectspace just lateral to septal defectsternum (sternum (胸骨左缘胸骨左缘3-43-4肋间)肋间) (室间隔缺损)(室间隔缺损)2nd left intercostal continuous2nd l

25、eft intercostal continuous(连续性)(连续性) patent ductus patent ductusspace just lateral to arteriosusspace just lateral to arteriosussternum (sternum (胸骨左缘胸骨左缘2 2肋间)肋间) (动脉导管未闭)(动脉导管未闭)ApexApex(心尖区)(心尖区) diastole diastole(舒张期)(舒张期) mitral stenosis mitral stenosis (二尖瓣狭窄)(二尖瓣狭窄)25 Palpation (触触诊诊) -perica

26、rdial friction rubs (心心包包摩摩擦擦感感)Definition(定义)(定义) Acute pericarditis(急性心包炎急性心包炎)Fibrin effuses from pericardium(心包(心包膜纤维素渗出)膜纤维素渗出) Roughness of peri-cardium(心包粗糙)(心包粗糙) Visceral and parietal pericardial surfaces rub against each other when heart beats (心脏搏动时脏层与壁层心包摩擦)(心脏搏动时脏层与壁层心包摩擦) Pericardial f

27、riction rubs(心包摩擦感)。(心包摩擦感)。26 Palpation (触触诊诊) -pericardial friction rubs (心心包包摩摩擦擦感感) Features to and fro grating sensation; both in systole and diastole; best sensed at apex or 3th 4th left intercostal space just lateral to sternum; clearer if patients lean against forward; disappear: pericardial

28、 effusion.27 Palpation (触触诊诊) -contents (内容) Apical impulse and heaving apex impulse (心尖搏动和抬举样心尖搏动)(心尖搏动和抬举样心尖搏动) Thrills (震颤)(震颤) Pericardial friction rubs (心包摩擦感)(心包摩擦感)28 Percussion (叩叩诊诊) Aim(目的):(目的): To detect size of heart and its contour(确定心界大小及形态)。(确定心界大小及形态)。29Percussion (叩叩诊诊)Relative and

29、 absolute dullness of the heart30 Percussion- method of percussion (叩叩诊诊方方法法) Use mediate percussion(间接叩诊);(间接叩诊); In recumbent position(仰卧体位);(仰卧体位); Place pleximeter parallel with intercostal space when patient is in recumbent position (当病人仰卧位,板(当病人仰卧位,板 指与肋间隙平行);指与肋间隙平行); 31 Percussion- method of

30、 percussion (叩叩诊诊方方法法) Compare percussion note of each intercostal space from lateral aspect inwards,from lower part upwards (从外向内,从下向上逐一肋间隙比较叩诊(从外向内,从下向上逐一肋间隙比较叩诊 音);音); 32 Heart and great vessels give absolute dullness on percussion(心脏和大血管叩诊为(心脏和大血管叩诊为绝对浊音),绝对浊音),and the parts of heart overlaid by

31、 lung give relative dullness on percussion(心脏被(心脏被肺遮盖部分叩诊为相肺遮盖部分叩诊为相对浊音)对浊音)which re-presents real size and shape of heart(代表心脏的真实大小和形态代表心脏的真实大小和形态) 。 Percussion- method of percussion (叩叩诊诊方方法法)33 Percussion- method of percussion (叩叩诊诊方方法法) Percussion of the right margin of the heart (心右界的叩诊心右界的叩诊):

32、 Begins from the intercostal space one interspace higher than the border of liver dullness (叩诊从肝浊音界上一肋间开始叩诊从肝浊音界上一肋间开始); Carry out upwards intercostal space by intercostal space , to the second intercostal space (由下往上由下往上,逐一肋间叩诊逐一肋间叩诊,直到第二肋间直到第二肋间).34 Left margin first and then right margin(先叩左界后叩右界

33、)。(先叩左界后叩右界)。 From lateral aspect inwards,from lower part upwards(从外向内,从下向上)。(从外向内,从下向上)。 Percussion- sequence of percussion (叩叩诊诊顺顺序序)35 Percussion (叩诊) Normal area of relative dullness (正常心脏相对浊音界)(正常心脏相对浊音界) RightRight(cmcm) Intercostal space Left Intercostal space Left(cmcm)2 2 3 2 3 2 3 32 2 3 3

34、.5 3 3.5 4.5 4.53 3 4 5 4 5 6 6 7 7 9 9Distance from left midclavicular line to midsternal line is 8 10 cm(左锁骨中线距胸骨中线(左锁骨中线距胸骨中线8 10cm)。)。Percussion (叩叩诊诊) -normal area of relative dullness (正正常常心心脏脏相相对对浊浊音音界界) 8 10 cm36Percussion (叩叩诊诊) -composition of various parts of heart border (心心浊浊音音界界组组成成)Ri

35、ght border :superior venacave, ascending aorta, right atrium.Left border :aortic knob, pulmonary arterial trunk,left auricle, left ventricle.Inferior border:right ventricle, lesser part of leftventricle.37Percussion (叩叩诊诊) -changes in area of cardiac dullness (心心浊浊音音界界改改变变) Factors of heart itself(心

36、脏本身因素)(心脏本身因素) Enlargement of left ventricle(左室(左室增大)增大) Cardiac dullness extends to left and downwards(心浊音界移向左下)(心浊音界移向左下)and is in the shape of a boot(呈靴形)。(呈靴形)。 Commonly seen in aortic regurgitation and hypertensive heart disease(常见于主动脉瓣关闭不全和高血(常见于主动脉瓣关闭不全和高血压性心脏病)压性心脏病)and is called “aortic” ty

37、pe(主动脉型)。(主动脉型)。38Percussion (叩叩诊诊) -changes in area of cardiac dullness (心心浊浊音音界界改改变变)Cardiac dullness extends to left and downwards(心浊音界移向左下)(心浊音界移向左下)and is in the shape of a boot(呈靴形)(呈靴形)-“aortic” type (主动脉型)。(主动脉型)。39Percussion (叩叩诊诊) -changes in area of cardiac dullness (心心浊浊音音界界改改变变)Factors

38、of heart itself(心脏本身因素)(心脏本身因素) Enlargement of right ventricle(右室(右室增大)增大)- pulmonary heart disease(肺源(肺源性心脏病)性心脏病) Slight enlargement - no obvious change in area of relative dullness(轻(轻度增大时心脏相对浊音界无明显改变);度增大时心脏相对浊音界无明显改变); Prominent enlargement relative dullness enlarged both to left and right but

39、not downwards(显著增大时心脏相对(显著增大时心脏相对浊音界向左右增大,但向左不向下增大)。浊音界向左右增大,但向左不向下增大)。40Percussion (叩叩诊诊) -changes in area of cardiac dullness (心心浊浊音音界界改改变变)Factors of heart itself(心脏本身因素)(心脏本身因素) Enlargement of both ventricles(左(左 右室均增大)右室均增大) Enlargement of heart bilaterally (两侧增大);(两侧增大); Commonly seen in dilat

40、ed cardiomyopathy(常见于扩张型心肌(常见于扩张型心肌 病)。病)。41 Factors of heart itself(心脏本身因素)(心脏本身因素) Pericardial effusion(心包积液):(心包积液): Enlargement of heart bilaterally(两侧(两侧增大);增大); Heart border changes according to bodys position(心浊音界随体位改变而改变)(心浊音界随体位改变而改变)- it becomes triangular in erect position(坐位时呈三角形)(坐位时呈三角

41、形) and the outline of heart border can be enlarged, especially the widening of base of heart in recumbent position(卧位时心浊音界增大尤(卧位时心浊音界增大尤其是心底部浊音界增宽)。其是心底部浊音界增宽)。Percussion (叩叩诊诊) -changes in area of cardiac dullness (心心浊浊音音界界改改变变)42Percussion (叩叩诊诊) -changes in area of cardiac dullness (心心浊浊音音界界改改变变)

42、Factors of heart itself(心脏本身因素)(心脏本身因素) Enlargement of left atrium and pulmonary artery(左房增大及肺动脉段增(左房增大及肺动脉段增宽)宽) Makes concave part of left border of heart protruding outwards and cardiac dullness becomes pear shaped(心腰膨(心腰膨出,心浊音界呈梨形);出,心浊音界呈梨形); Commonly seen in mitral stenosis and is called “mitr

43、al” type (二尖瓣型)(二尖瓣型)。 43Percussion (叩叩诊诊) -cchanges in area of cardiac dullness (心心浊浊音音界界改改变变)插插P145图图2-5-27Enlargement of left atrium and pulmonary artery(左房增大及肺动脉段增宽)(左房增大及肺动脉段增宽)makes concave part of left border of heart protruding outwards and cardiac dullness becomes pear shaped(心腰(心腰膨出,心浊音界呈梨

44、形)膨出,心浊音界呈梨形)-“mitral” type (二尖瓣(二尖瓣型)。型)。44Percussion (叩叩诊诊) -changes in area of cardiac dullness (心心浊浊音音界界改改变变)Extracardial factors(心脏以外因素)(心脏以外因素) Emphysema dullness of heart is narrowed or can not be percussed(肺(肺气肿时心浊音界缩小或不能叩出)。气肿时心浊音界缩小或不能叩出)。 45Auscultation (听听诊诊) -auscultatory valve areas (心

45、心脏脏瓣瓣膜膜听听诊诊区区)Definition(定义):(定义): When heart valves open and close,they make sounds which can be transmitted to body surface. The locations where examiners canhear the sounds most clearly and easily are called auscultatory valve areas.(心脏各心脏各瓣膜开放与关闭时所产生的声音传导到体表瓣膜开放与关闭时所产生的声音传导到体表最易听清的部位称心脏瓣膜听诊区最易听清

46、的部位称心脏瓣膜听诊区)。46Auscultation (听听诊诊) -auscultatory valve areas (心心脏脏瓣瓣膜膜听听诊诊区区)47Auscultation (听听诊诊) -auscultatory valve areas (心心脏脏瓣瓣膜膜听听诊诊区区) Locations of auscultatory valve areas (心脏瓣膜听诊区位置心脏瓣膜听诊区位置) Valves LocationsValves LocationsMitral valve area site where the strongest Mitral valve area site w

47、here the strongest ( (二尖瓣区二尖瓣区) heart beats are palpated.) heart beats are palpated.Or apex area(Or apex area(心尖区心尖区) () (心尖搏动最强处心尖搏动最强处) )Pulmonary valve area left 2nd intercostal spacePulmonary valve area left 2nd intercostal space ( (肺动脉瓣区肺动脉瓣区) just lateral to sternum) just lateral to sternum (

48、(胸骨左缘第胸骨左缘第2 2肋间肋间) ) Aortic area right 2nd intercostal space Aortic area right 2nd intercostal space ( (主动脉瓣区主动脉瓣区) just lateral to sternum) just lateral to sternum ( (胸骨右缘第胸骨右缘第2 2肋间肋间) ) Second aortic area left 3nd intercostal space Second aortic area left 3nd intercostal space ( (主动脉瓣第主动脉瓣第2 2听诊

49、区听诊区) just lateral to sternum) just lateral to sternum ( (胸骨左缘第胸骨左缘第3 3肋间肋间) )Tricuspid valve area junction of xiphoid processTricuspid valve area junction of xiphoid process ( (三尖瓣区三尖瓣区) and sternum() and sternum(剑突与胸骨交界处剑突与胸骨交界处) )48Auscultation (听听诊诊) - auscultatory order (听听诊诊顺顺序序)Start from ape

50、x area(从心尖区开始);(从心尖区开始);Carry out auscultation clockwise and sequentially(逆时针方向依次听诊):(逆时针方向依次听诊):apex area,pulmonary valve area,aortic area,2nd aortic area, tricuspid valve area(心尖区,肺动脉瓣区,主动脉(心尖区,肺动脉瓣区,主动脉瓣区,主动脉瓣第瓣区,主动脉瓣第2听诊区,三尖瓣区)。听诊区,三尖瓣区)。49Auscultation (听听诊诊) -heart rate (心心率率) Definition(定义)(定义

51、) Number of heart beating per minute (每分钟心搏次数)。(每分钟心搏次数)。 Varies with age, sex, physical activity and emotional status. 50 Normal range of heart rate for adults: In rest and conscious state, 60 100 beats/min (安静、清醒状态下安静、清醒状态下60 100次次/ 分)。分)。 Abnormal heart rate(异常心率):(异常心率): Faster than 100 beats/mi

52、n- tachy- cardia (超过超过100次次/分时为心动过速分时为心动过速); Slower than 60 beats/min- brady- cardia (慢于慢于60次次/分时为心动过缓分时为心动过缓)。Auscultation (听听诊诊) -heart rate (心心率率)51Auscultation (听听诊诊) -cardiac rhythm (心心律律)Definition(定义):(定义):Rhythm of heart beating (心脏跳动的节心脏跳动的节律律)。In normal condition, cardiac rhythm is sinus a

53、nd basically regular (正常情况正常情况下心律为窦性且节律基本整齐下心律为窦性且节律基本整齐)。52 Some young people may have irregular cardiac rhythms due to respiration, that is, in inspiration heart rate becomes faster,and in expiration heart rate becomes slower. It is called sinus arrhythmia. (部分青年人可出现随呼吸部分青年人可出现随呼吸改变的心律改变的心律, 吸气时心率

54、增快吸气时心率增快, 呼气时减慢呼气时减慢, 称称窦性心律不齐窦性心律不齐)。Auscultation (听听诊诊) -cardiac rhythm (心心律律)53Auscultation (听听诊诊) - abnormal cardiac rhythm(异异常常心心律律) Premature beats(过早搏动)(过早搏动) In the background of regular heart-beats a heartbeat appears in advance abruptly, followed by a longer interval (在在规则心律基础上规则心律基础上, 突然

55、提前出现一次心跳突然提前出现一次心跳, 其后其后有较长间隙有较长间隙)。54 Premature beats(期前收缩或过早搏动)(期前收缩或过早搏动) Premature beats appear regularly. A sinus beat is followed by a premature beat bigeminy; every 2 sinus beats are followed by a premature beattrigeminy, and so on. (过早搏动规则出现称联律过早搏动规则出现称联律,一次窦性一次窦性搏动后出现一次过早搏动称二联律搏动后出现一次过早搏动称二

56、联律,每二次窦性搏每二次窦性搏动后出现一次过早搏动称三联律动后出现一次过早搏动称三联律,以此类推以此类推).Auscultation (听听诊诊) - abnormal cardiac rhythm(异异常常心心律律)55Auscultation (听听诊诊) - abnormal cardiac rhythm(异异常常心心律律) Atrial fibrillation (心房颤动心房颤动) “three inconsistencies” ( “三不等三不等” ) Cardiac rhythm is absolutely irregu- lar (心律绝对不齐心律绝对不齐); Intensit

57、y of first heart sound is not the same (第一心音强弱不等第一心音强弱不等); Pulse rate is less than heart rate pulse deficit (脉搏次数小于心率脉搏次数小于心率脉搏脉搏 短绌)。短绌)。 56Auscultation (听听诊诊) - heart sounds (心心音音) There are 4 heart sounds in a cardiac cycle (在一个心动周期中有(在一个心动周期中有4个心音)。个心音)。 According to the sequence ,they are named

58、 as S1,S2,S3 and S4(根据先后(根据先后 秩序,依次命名为第一、二、三和四心音)秩序,依次命名为第一、二、三和四心音)。 S1 and S2 can be heard with ease in normal subjects. In some young people S3 can be heard. However,S4 is almost inaudible and only heard in pathological state. 57 S1 is mainly caused by the closures of mitral valve and tricuspid v

59、alve (S1主要主要由二尖瓣和三尖瓣的关闭而产生)。由二尖瓣和三尖瓣的关闭而产生)。 Mitral valve closure precedes tricuspid valve closure (二尖瓣关闭早于三二尖瓣关闭早于三尖瓣关闭)尖瓣关闭), but on auscultation S1 can only be heard as one sound(但听诊时仅(但听诊时仅为一个声音)。为一个声音)。 Auscultation (听听诊诊) - the first heart sounds (第第一一心心音音)58Auscultation (听听诊诊) - the first hea

60、rt sounds (第一心音) S1 indicates the beginning of the ventricular contraction( S1代表代表心室收缩的开始)。心室收缩的开始)。 59Auscultation (听听诊诊) - the first heart sound (第第一一心心音音) Characteristic of S1 on auscultation: Lower key (音调低钝);(音调低钝); Stronger intensity(强度较响);(强度较响); Dull tone (性质较钝性质较钝); Longer period(历时较长);(历时较

61、长); Same time as apical impulse(与心(与心 尖搏动同时出现);尖搏动同时出现); Loudest at apex(在心尖部最响)。(在心尖部最响)。60Auscultation (听听诊诊) - second heart sound (第第二二心心音音) S2 indicates the onset of ventricular relaxation (S2 提示心室舒张开始提示心室舒张开始)。 S2 is mainly composed of the closures of aortic valve and pulmonary valve (S2主要由第二组成

62、成分由主动脉瓣和肺主要由第二组成成分由主动脉瓣和肺动脉瓣关闭组成动脉瓣关闭组成)。 61 The aortic valve closure precedes pulmonary valves (主动脉瓣关闭较肺动脉瓣主动脉瓣关闭较肺动脉瓣稍早稍早). A2 and P2 refer to closure of aortic and pulmonary valves, respectively (A2和和P2分别代表分别代表S2的主动脉瓣关闭成分和肺动脉瓣的主动脉瓣关闭成分和肺动脉瓣关闭成分关闭成分). But on auscultation ,S2 can only be heard as o

63、ne sound(但听诊时仅为(但听诊时仅为一个声音)。一个声音)。 Auscultation (听听诊诊) - second heart sound (第第二二心心音音)62Auscultation (听听诊诊) - second heart sound (第第二二心心音音) A2 is most clearly audible over aortic area and P2 over pulmonary valve area(A2在主动脉瓣膜听诊区听诊最清楚,在主动脉瓣膜听诊区听诊最清楚,P2在肺动脉瓣在肺动脉瓣膜听诊区听诊最清楚)。膜听诊区听诊最清楚)。Generally speakin

64、g P2 A2 in juvenile, P2 A2 in adults and P2 A2 in old people.63Auscultation (听听诊诊) - second heart sound (第第二二心心音音) Characteristic of S2 on auscultation: Higher key (音调较高);(音调较高); Weaker than S1 in intensity (强度较(强度较S1 弱);弱); Clear tone (性质较清脆性质较清脆); Shorter period(历时较短);(历时较短); Later than apical imp

65、ulse(在心尖搏动之(在心尖搏动之 后);后); Loudest at heart base(在心底部最响)。(在心底部最响)。64Auscultation (听听诊诊) - third heart sound (第第三三心心音音) At early diastole of ventricle(在心室舒张(在心室舒张 早期)。早期)。 Fast filling flow from left atrium to ventricle tension and vibration of ventricular wall, chordae tendineae and papillary muscles

66、 S3 .65Auscultation (听听诊诊) - third heart sound (第第三三心心音音) Characteristic of S3 on auscultation: Soft and low key (轻而音调低);(轻而音调低); Sounds like the echo of S2(似为似为S2的回的回 音);音); Shorter period(历时较短);(历时较短); Limited at apex or its inner upper side (局限在心尖部或期内上方);(局限在心尖部或期内上方); Clearly heard in expiration

67、 and at lateral position (仰卧位或呼气时较清楚仰卧位或呼气时较清楚); 66Auscultation (听听诊诊) - third heart sound (第第三三心心音音) Characteristic of S3 on auscultation: At the end of ventricular diastole (出现出现 在心室舒张期);在心室舒张期); Usually heard only in some children and young people (正常情况只有在部分(正常情况只有在部分 儿童和青少年中才听到儿童和青少年中才听到)。 Usual

68、ly heard in pathological conditions (通常在病理情况下听到)。通常在病理情况下听到)。 67Auscultation (听听诊诊) - differentiation of heart sounds (心心音音的的鉴鉴别别) Differentiation between SDifferentiation between S1 1 and S and S2 2( (第一、第一、 二心音的鉴别二心音的鉴别) S S1 1(第一心音)(第一心音) S S2 2(第二心音)(第二心音)Cardiac cycle onset of ventri onset of v

69、entriCardiac cycle onset of ventri onset of ventri(心动周期)(心动周期) cular systole cular diastole cular systole cular diastoleKeyKey(音调)(音调) lower lower(低调)(低调) higher higher(高调)(高调)DurationDuration(时限)(时限) longer longer(长)(长) shorter shorter(短)(短)Best heard area apexBest heard area apex(心尖区)(心尖区) base ba

70、se(心底部)(心底部)(听诊最好部位)(听诊最好部位)IntervalInterval(间距)(间距) S S1 1-S-S2 2 S S2 2-S-S1 1Synchronization yesSynchronization yes(是)(是) no no(不是)(不是)with apical impulsewith apical impulse(与心尖搏动同步)(与心尖搏动同步) 68Auscultation (听听诊诊) - accentuated S1 (第第一一心心音音增增强强) Common in mitral stenosis (常见于二尖瓣狭窄):常见于二尖瓣狭窄): Mit

71、ral stenosis (二尖瓣狭窄)二尖瓣狭窄) less filling of left ventricle (左室充盈减少)(左室充盈减少) lower position of mitral valve leaflets(二尖瓣叶位置较(二尖瓣叶位置较低)低) faster pressure increase and shorter contraction for left ventricle(左室压力上升速度加速左室压力上升速度加速和收缩时间缩短)和收缩时间缩短) large vibrations in the movement of mitral valve leaflets (二

72、尖瓣叶活动幅二尖瓣叶活动幅度大)度大) louder S1 (响亮响亮S1)。)。心脏舒张时心脏舒张时心脏收缩时心脏收缩时69Auscultation (听听诊诊) - accentuated S1 (第第一一心心音音增增强强) Intense contractility of ventricle such as exercise, fever, hyperthyroidism (心肌心肌 收缩力增强如运动,发热和甲状腺功能亢进收缩力增强如运动,发热和甲状腺功能亢进) and tachycardia (心动过速心动过速)。70Auscultation (听听诊诊) - weakened S1

73、(第第一一心心音音减减弱弱) Common in mitral insufficiency (常见于常见于 二尖瓣关闭不全二尖瓣关闭不全); Aortic insufficiency (主动脉瓣关闭不全主动脉瓣关闭不全) , prolonged P-R interval (P-R间期延长);间期延长); In myocarditis (心肌炎)、心肌炎)、myocardial infarction (心肌梗死心肌梗死)、cardiomyopathy (心肌病心肌病)、heart failure (心力衰竭心力衰竭); 71Auscultation (听听诊诊) - unequal S1 (第第

74、一一心心音音强强度度不不等等) Common in atrial fibrillation (常见于心常见于心 房颤动);房颤动); Completely atrial ventricular block (完完 全性房室传导阻滞)全性房室传导阻滞)- cannon sound (大炮音)(大炮音).72Auscultation (听听诊诊) - Changes of S2 in intensity (第第二二心心音音强强度度改改变变) Changes of pressure of systemic circulation or pulmonary circulation and of sem

75、i-lunar valves are the main causes resulting in change of S2. (体循体循 环或肺循环阻力的大小和半月瓣改变是影响环或肺循环阻力的大小和半月瓣改变是影响 S2的主要原因)。的主要原因)。 73Auscultation (听听诊诊) - accentuated S2 (第二心音增强) Increased systemic pressure or blood flow(体循环压力或血流增加)(体循环压力或血流增加) strong closure of aortic valves(主动脉瓣关闭有力(主动脉瓣关闭有力) larger vibr

76、ations in the movement of aortic valve leaflets (主动脉瓣活动幅度增主动脉瓣活动幅度增 大)大) A2。74Auscultation (听听诊诊) - accentuated S2 (第二心音增强) A2is common in hypertension and atherosclerosis ( A2常见于高血压和常见于高血压和 动脉粥样硬化)。动脉粥样硬化)。75Auscultation (听听诊诊) - accentuated S2 (第二心音增强) Increased pulmonary pressure or blood flow(肺循

77、环压力或血流增加)(肺循环压力或血流增加) strong closure of pulmonary valves(肺动脉瓣关(肺动脉瓣关 闭增强闭增强) larger vibrations in the movement of pulmonary valve leaflets (肺动脉瓣活动幅度增大)肺动脉瓣活动幅度增大) P2。 76 P2 is common in pulmonary heart disease and congenital heart diseases with shunt from left to right such as atrial septal defect (

78、ASD), ventricular septal defect (VSD) and patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) (常见于肺源性常见于肺源性 心脏病和左向右分流的先天性心脏病)。心脏病和左向右分流的先天性心脏病)。Auscultation (听听诊诊) - accentuated S2 (第二心音增强)77Auscultation (听听诊诊) - weakened S2 (第二心音减弱) Decreased systemic pressure or blood flow(体循环压力或血流减小)(体循环压力或血流减小) weak closure of aorti

79、c valves(主动脉瓣关闭减(主动脉瓣关闭减 弱弱) smaller vibrations in the movement of aortic valve leaflets (主动脉主动脉 瓣活动幅度减小)瓣活动幅度减小) A2。 A2 is common in hypotension and aortic stenosis ( 常见于低血压和主动脉瓣常见于低血压和主动脉瓣 狭窄)。狭窄)。78Auscultation (听听诊诊) - weakened S2 (第二心音减弱) Decreased pulmonary pressure or blood flow(肺循环压力或血流减小)(肺

80、循环压力或血流减小) weak closure of pulmonary valves(肺动脉瓣关(肺动脉瓣关 闭无力闭无力) smaller vibrations in the movement of pulmonary valve leaflets (肺动脉瓣活动幅度减小)肺动脉瓣活动幅度减小) P2。 P2 is common in hypotension and pulmonary stenosis (常见于低血压和肺动常见于低血压和肺动 脉瓣狭窄)。脉瓣狭窄)。79Auscultation (听听诊诊) - Splitting of heart sounds (心音分裂) In ph

81、ysiological condition: The onset of left ventricular contraction precedes that of right ventricular contraction (左室收缩早于右左室收缩早于右 室室). Mitral valve closure precedes tricu-spid valve closure for 0.02 0.03s (二尖瓣关二尖瓣关 闭较三尖瓣早闭较三尖瓣早0.02 0.03秒秒). 80 In physiological condition: Aortic valve closure precedes

82、pulmonary valve closure for 0.03s(主动主动 脉瓣关闭较肺动脉瓣早脉瓣关闭较肺动脉瓣早0.03秒秒). But on auscultation S1 or S2 can only be heard as one sound (但听诊时仅为一个声但听诊时仅为一个声 音音)。 Auscultation (听听诊诊) - Splitting of heart sounds (心音分裂) 81Auscultation (听听诊诊) - Splitting of heart sounds (心音分裂) Definition (定义定义): When the interva

83、ls between the two main components of S1 or S2 are longer, S1 or S2 may be heard as 2 sounds on auscultation (当当S1或或S2的两个主要成分之的两个主要成分之 间间距延长间间距延长,导致听诊闻及其分裂为两个声音导致听诊闻及其分裂为两个声音)。 82Auscultation (听听诊诊) - Splitting of S1 (第一心音分裂) When left and right ventricles contract apparently asynchronously ( the in

84、terval between the closure of atrioventricular valves is longer than 0.03s), S1 is split 当左、右心室收缩明当左、右心室收缩明 显不同步时显不同步时 (房室瓣关闭相距相差房室瓣关闭相距相差0.03秒以秒以 上),出现上),出现S1分裂分裂。 83Auscultation (听听诊诊) - Splitting of S2 (第二心音分裂) It is more commonly seen in youngsters (在青少年较常见)在青少年较常见)and obviously audible over pul

85、monary valve area (在肺动脉瓣区易听诊到)。(在肺动脉瓣区易听诊到)。 84 Physiological splitting(生理分裂):生理分裂): Deep inspiration (深吸气深吸气) increased intrapleural pressure(胸腔负压增胸腔负压增大大) increased blood volume returning to right ventricle (右心回心血量增加右心回心血量增加) longer ejecting time for right ventricle (右右室射血时间延长室射血时间延长) delayed pulm

86、onary valve closure (肺动脉瓣关闭延迟肺动脉瓣关闭延迟) S2 splitting (S2分裂分裂)。Auscultation (听听诊诊) - Splitting of S2 (第二心音分裂) 85 General splitting(通常分裂)(通常分裂) the most common type among the splitting of S2 (所有(所有S2分裂中最常见)。分裂中最常见)。 occurs when the ejecting time of right ventricle elongates (当右室射血时间延长时(当右室射血时间延长时可发生):可

87、发生):mitral stenosis with pulmonary hypertension (二尖瓣狭窄伴肺动脉高压),(二尖瓣狭窄伴肺动脉高压),CRBBB(完全性右束枝阻滞),(完全性右束枝阻滞),pulmonary valve stenosis(肺动脉瓣狭窄)(肺动脉瓣狭窄)。 Auscultation (听听诊诊) - Splitting of S2 (第二心音分裂)86 General splitting(通常分裂)(通常分裂) occurs when the ejecting time of left ventricle shortens (当左室射血时间缩短时可当左室射血时间

88、缩短时可发生发生):mitral insufficiency (二尖瓣关闭不(二尖瓣关闭不全),全),ventricular septal defect (室间隔缺损)室间隔缺损)。Auscultation (听听诊诊) - Splitting of S2 (第二心音分裂)87Auscultation (听听诊诊) - Splitting of S2 (第二心音分裂) Fixed splitting(固定分裂)(固定分裂) not influenced by inspiration and expiration(不受呼吸气的影响)。(不受呼吸气的影响)。 common in atrial se

89、ptal defect(常见于房(常见于房间隔缺损)间隔缺损)。88Auscultation (听听诊诊) - Splitting of S2 (第第二二心心音音分分裂裂) Paradoxical splitting (反常分裂)(反常分裂)or reversed splitting(逆分裂)(逆分裂) The aortic valve closure is late than pulmonary valve closure(主动脉瓣关闭晚于(主动脉瓣关闭晚于肺动脉瓣)。肺动脉瓣)。 Splitting becomes narrower when inspiration an gets wid

90、er when expiration(吸气时分裂变窄,呼气变宽)。(吸气时分裂变窄,呼气变宽)。 It is commonly seen in CLBBB(常见于完常见于完全性左束枝阻滞)。全性左束枝阻滞)。89Auscultation (听听诊诊) - extra cardiac sound (额外心音) Definition(定义)定义) Pathologically appended extra heart sounds (apart from S1 and S2) (除除S1、S2外外听到的病理性附加心音);听到的病理性附加心音); Gallop rhythm, opening sna

91、p and pericardial knock 如奔马律,开瓣音和心包叩如奔马律,开瓣音和心包叩击音);击音); Mostly in diastole or systole (大多数出现大多数出现在舒张期或收缩期)在舒张期或收缩期) 。 90Auscultation (听听诊诊) - extra cardiac sound (额外心音) Extra cardiac sounds in diastole (舒张期舒张期 额外心音)额外心音): gallop rhythm (奔马律)奔马律) opening snap (开瓣音)(开瓣音) pericardial knock(心包叩击音)(心包叩击

92、音) tumor plop (肿瘤扑落音)肿瘤扑落音) 91Auscultation (听听诊诊) - gallop rhythm (奔马律) It refers to the condition in which three heart sounds are spaced to audibly resemble the canter of a horse (指下列这种指下列这种情况:三个心音听上去像马奔跑时的蹄声。)情况:三个心音听上去像马奔跑时的蹄声。) It is a sign of severe myocardial damage (它是心肌严重受损的体征)。它是心肌严重受损的体征)。

93、 92Auscultation (听听诊诊) - gallop rhythm (奔马律) Protodiastolic gallop (舒张早期奔马律舒张早期奔马律) is the most common gallop rhythm (是是 最常见的奔马律)最常见的奔马律)。 is the pathological S3 (是病理性第三心是病理性第三心 音)音)-also named S3 gallop or ventricular gallop (第三心音奔马律第三心音奔马律,室性室性 奔马律)。奔马律)。 S1 + S2 + pathologic S3。 93Auscultation (听

94、听诊诊) - gallop rhythm (奔马律) Differentiation between physiologicalDifferentiation between physiological S S3 3 and pathological S and pathological S3 3 ( (生理性生理性S S3 3与病理性与病理性S S3 3的鉴别)的鉴别) physiological S physiological S3 3 pathological S pathological S3 3 1 1、severe organic severe organic no yesno y

95、es heart disease heart disease 无无 有有 ( (心脏病)心脏病)2 2、heart rate rapid(100bts/min) normal(100bts/min)heart rate rapid(100bts/min) normal(100bts/min) ( (心率)心率) 快(快(100100次次/ /分)分) 正常(正常(100100次次/ /分分) ) 3 3、intervals among S1-S2-S3 S1-S2-S3intervals among S1-S2-S3 S1-S2-S3 the 3 heart sounds the 3 hear

96、t sounds( (三个心音之间的间距)三个心音之间的间距)4 4、intensity of S3 weaker louderintensity of S3 weaker louder (S3S3的强度)的强度) (较弱)(较弱) (较响)(较响)5 5、influenced by disappears in no influence influenced by disappears in no influence posture(posture(体位影响)体位影响) standing posture by posture standing posture by posture or sit

97、ting position or sitting position 立位或坐位消失立位或坐位消失 94Auscultation (听听诊诊) - opening snap (开瓣音) Definition In mitral stenosis(二尖瓣狭窄)二尖瓣狭窄) in early diastole blood from left atrium fills rapidly into left ventricle through narrowed mitral valves (舒张早期血流从左房快速经过狭(舒张早期血流从左房快速经过狭窄的二尖瓣口流入左室)窄的二尖瓣口流入左室) valves

98、 with good elasticity open to a certain degree and then stop opening suddenly(弹性尚好的二尖瓣迅速弹性尚好的二尖瓣迅速开放到一定程度又突然停止)开放到一定程度又突然停止) valves vibrate like sails(瓣叶像帆一样振(瓣叶像帆一样振动)动) make sounds like patting (产生拍(产生拍击样声音)。击样声音)。 95Auscultation (听听诊诊) - opening snap (开瓣音) Characteristic on auscultation(听诊特点听诊特点)

99、 after S2 higher in pitch (音调高音调高) brief in duration (历时较短历时较短) best heard in the third and fourth parasternal areas (在胸骨左缘在胸骨左缘3、4肋肋 间)间) loud and ,like patting (响亮、清(响亮、清 脆,呈拍击样)脆,呈拍击样) a symbol of flexible valve (瓣膜弹(瓣膜弹 性尚好的指标)。性尚好的指标)。 96Auscultation (听听诊诊) - cardiac murmurs (心脏杂音) Definition (

100、定义)(定义) Apart from cardiac sounds and extra heart sounds,there are abnormal sounds produced by vibrations within heart itself or in the walls of the large arteries during systole or diastole (在心音和额外心音外,心在心音和额外心音外,心脏收缩或舒张时心脏本身或血管壁振动所产生的脏收缩或舒张时心脏本身或血管壁振动所产生的异常声音)。异常声音)。 They are called cardiac murmurs

101、 (它们被称为心脏杂音)。它们被称为心脏杂音)。97Auscultation (听听诊诊) - mechanism of production of cardiac murmurs(心脏杂音产生机制) 98Auscultation (听听诊诊) - mechanism of production of cardiac murmurs(心脏杂音产生机制) 99 Increase of blood flow (血流加速)血流加速) high fever,anemia and hyperthyroidism. Valvular stenosis (瓣膜狭窄)瓣膜狭窄) mitral stenosis

102、 (二尖瓣狭窄二尖瓣狭窄),aortic stenosis (主动脉瓣狭窄主动脉瓣狭窄) 。 Valvular insufficiency (瓣膜关闭不全)瓣膜关闭不全) organic or relative valvular insufficiency (瓣膜器质性或相对性关闭不瓣膜器质性或相对性关闭不 全)全). Auscultation (听听诊诊) - mechanism of production of cardiac murmurs(心脏杂音产生机制) 100Auscultation (听听诊诊) - mechanism of production of cardiac murm

103、urs(心脏杂音产生机制) Abnormal blood flow passage (异常血流异常血流 通道)通道): ventricular septal defect (室间隔室间隔 缺损缺损),patent ductus arteriosus (动脉导管动脉导管 未闭未闭)。 Abnormal structure in cardiac chambers ( 心腔内异常结构)。心腔内异常结构)。 Dilatation or narrowness of cavity of big vessels (血管腔扩张或狭窄)。血管腔扩张或狭窄)。 101Auscultation (听听诊诊) - c

104、haracteristic of cardiac murmurs on auscultation(心脏杂音的听诊要点) Location (部位)部位) The location of a murmur is usually significant in determining its site of origin (杂音的部位通常对确定其来源部位很重杂音的部位通常对确定其来源部位很重要)。要)。 Murmurs of valvular origin are usually best heard over their respective auscultory valve areas (通常瓣

105、膜病变起源通常瓣膜病变起源的杂音在其各自的瓣膜听诊区听诊最清楚)。的杂音在其各自的瓣膜听诊区听诊最清楚)。102 Location (部位)部位) If a murmur is best heard over mitral valve area, possibly it is originated by the disease of mitral valve (杂音在二尖瓣区最响杂音在二尖瓣区最响-二尖瓣病变二尖瓣病变);if a murmur is best heard at 3th 4th intercostal space left to the sternal border possi

106、bly it is originated by ventricular septal defect (胸骨左缘第胸骨左缘第3、4肋肋间闻及响亮而粗糙的收缩期杂音间闻及响亮而粗糙的收缩期杂音-室间隔缺损室间隔缺损). Auscultation (听听诊诊) - characteristic of cardiac murmurs on auscultation(心脏杂音的听诊要点) 103Auscultation (听听诊诊) - characteristic of cardiac murmurs on auscultation(心脏杂音的听诊要点) Timing(时期)(时期) Systole

107、is the interval between S1 and S2 ( 收缩期指收缩期指S1和和S2之间的间隔),之间的间隔),and diastole is the interval between S2 and S1 (舒张期是指舒张期是指S2 和和 S1之间的间隔)。之间的间隔)。 Murmurs are either systolic or diastolic ,and at times they may be both ,or continuous (杂音或为收缩期或(杂音或为收缩期或 为舒张期,有时可能为双期为舒张期,有时可能为双期,或连续性)。或连续性)。 104Ausculta

108、tion (听听诊诊) - characteristic of cardiac murmurs on auscultation(心脏杂音的听诊要点) Timing(时期)(时期) Generally speaking, diastolic and continuous murmurs are organic, whereas systolic murmurs might be organic or functional (一般认为,舒张期和连续性杂音均一般认为,舒张期和连续性杂音均为器质性杂音,而收缩期杂音可能系器质性或功为器质性杂音,而收缩期杂音可能系器质性或功能性能性)。 105Auscu

109、ltation (听听诊诊) - characteristic of cardiac murmurs on auscultation(心脏杂音的听诊要点) Quality (性质)性质) Cardiac murmurs may be described as mild or rough (杂音形容为柔和或粗糙杂音形容为柔和或粗糙)。 Cardiac murmurs may be described as blowing,rumbling or thunderous, sighing(杂音可形容为吹风样、隆隆样或雷杂音可形容为吹风样、隆隆样或雷 鸣样,叹气样鸣样,叹气样)。106Ausculta

110、tion (听听诊诊) - characteristic of cardiac murmurs on auscultation(心脏杂音的听诊要点) Quality (性质)性质) A diastolic rumbling murmur over mitral valve area is the feature of mitral stenosis (二尖瓣区舒张期隆隆样杂二尖瓣区舒张期隆隆样杂 音是二尖瓣狭窄的特征)。音是二尖瓣狭窄的特征)。 Usually harsh holosystolic murmur over the apex area implies mitral insuffi

111、- ciency(心尖区粗糙的全收缩期杂音,常提示(心尖区粗糙的全收缩期杂音,常提示 二尖瓣关闭不全)。二尖瓣关闭不全)。Diastolic murmur over aortic area implies aortic insufficiency(主动脉瓣区(主动脉瓣区 舒张期杂音提示主动脉瓣关闭不全)。舒张期杂音提示主动脉瓣关闭不全)。107Auscultation (听听诊诊) - characteristic of cardiac murmurs on auscultation(心脏杂音的听诊要点) Intensity (强度)强度) A widely accepted scheme g

112、rading systolic murmurs is Levine (对收缩期杂对收缩期杂 音分级的广为接受的方法是音分级的广为接受的方法是Levine法)。法)。It grades systolic murmurs fromthrough (它将收缩期杂音从它将收缩期杂音从到到 进行分级)。进行分级)。108Auscultation (听听诊诊) - characteristic of cardiac murmurs on auscultation(心脏杂音的听诊要点) Intensity (强度)强度) The grading of diastolic murmurs refers to

113、the same scheme (对舒张期杂音的分级对舒张期杂音的分级 可参考同样的方法)。可参考同样的方法)。Or it can simply be graded as light,moderate,severe degree (或者简单分级为轻、中、重三级)。或者简单分级为轻、中、重三级)。 109Auscultation (听听诊诊) - characteristic of cardiac murmurs on auscultation(心脏杂音的听诊要点) Intensity (强度)强度) Grading of systolic murmursGrade degree of loud

114、ness characteristic thrillGrade degree of loudness characteristic thrill on auscultation on auscultation 1 mildest weak, easily be no 1 mildest weak, easily be no ignored, can only ignored, can only be heard carefully be heard carefully in quiet environment in quiet environment 2 low-grade easily be

115、 heard, mild no 2 low-grade easily be heard, mild no 3 moderate obvious no3 moderate obvious no 4 sonorous loud and clear yes 4 sonorous loud and clear yes 5 very sonorous very loud,transmit obvious 5 very sonorous very loud,transmit obvious to back to back 6 loudest deafening,it can be strong 6 lou

116、dest deafening,it can be strong heard with the stethoscope heard with the stethoscope removed from the removed from the chest wall. chest wall. 110 Transmission(传导)(传导) The murmur of mitral insufficiency can be transmitted to left axilla (二尖瓣关闭不二尖瓣关闭不 全的杂音向左腋下传导全的杂音向左腋下传导), the murmur of aortic sten

117、osis can be transmitted to neck (主动脉狭窄的杂音向颈部传导主动脉狭窄的杂音向颈部传导), whereas the murmur of mitral stenosis is localized to the apex area (而二尖瓣狭窄的而二尖瓣狭窄的 杂音则局限于心尖区杂音则局限于心尖区)。Auscultation (听听诊诊) - characteristic of cardiac murmurs on auscultation(心脏杂音的听诊要点) 111Auscultation (听听诊诊) - characteristic of cardiac

118、murmurs on auscultation(心脏杂音的听诊要点) Shape (形态)形态) Definition (定义定义) The regular pattern of the change in murmurs intensity in cardiac cycles (心动心动 周期中杂音强度的变化规律)。周期中杂音强度的变化规律)。Crescendo murmur (递增型杂音递增型杂音): Murmur rises in intensity gradually such as the rumbling murmur of mitral stenosis in diastole

119、(杂音强度逐渐增强,如杂音强度逐渐增强,如 二尖瓣狭窄的舒张期隆隆样杂音)。二尖瓣狭窄的舒张期隆隆样杂音)。 112 Shape (形态)形态) Decrescendo murmur (递减型杂音递减型杂音) Murmur weakens in intensity gradually such as the sighing diastolic murmur of aortic insufficiency (杂音强度逐渐减杂音强度逐渐减 弱,如主动脉瓣关闭不全的舒张期叹气样杂弱,如主动脉瓣关闭不全的舒张期叹气样杂 音)。音)。 Auscultation (听听诊诊) - characterist

120、ic of cardiac murmurs on auscultation(心脏杂音的听诊要点) 113 Postural changes (体位改变)体位改变) If the patient lies in a left lateral position the diastolic rumbling murmur of mitral stenosis accentuates (左侧卧位左侧卧位 使二尖瓣狭窄的舒张期隆隆样杂音更明显使二尖瓣狭窄的舒张期隆隆样杂音更明显); If the patient sits and leans forward the sighing murmur of a

121、ortic regur- gitation becomes more obvious ( 坐位前坐位前 倾使主动脉关闭不全的杂音更明显倾使主动脉关闭不全的杂音更明显)。Auscultation (听听诊诊) - characteristic of cardiac murmurs on auscultation(心脏杂音的听诊要点) 114Auscultation (听听诊诊) - clinical importance of cardiac murmurs (心脏杂音的临床意义) Murmurs are not equal to heart diseases (杂音和心脏病不能等同)。杂音和心

122、脏病不能等同)。That is to say, a patient who is found to have a cardiac murmur does not certainly have a heart disease,and vise versa ( 那就是说,有杂音的人不一定有心脏那就是说,有杂音的人不一定有心脏 病,反之亦然)。病,反之亦然)。 115 Organic murmurs are produced by organic heart diseases (器质性杂音是由器器质性杂音是由器 质性心脏病所致)。质性心脏病所致)。 Functional murmurs includ

123、e: Physiological murmurs (生理性杂音生理性杂音); Murmurs produced by relative insufficiency due to organic heart diseases (由器质性心脏病引起的相对性关由器质性心脏病引起的相对性关 闭不全引起的杂音闭不全引起的杂音); Hemodynamics changes caused by systemic diseases such as hyperthy- roidism (全身性疾病造成的血液动力学改变全身性疾病造成的血液动力学改变 如甲状腺功能亢进)。如甲状腺功能亢进)。Auscultation

124、 (听听诊诊) - clinical importance of cardiac murmurs (心脏杂音的临床意义)116 Organic murmurs and relative murmurs are called pathological murmurs (器质性杂音和相对性杂音称为器质性杂音和相对性杂音称为 病理性杂音)。病理性杂音)。Auscultation (听听诊诊) - clinical importance of cardiac murmurs (心脏杂音的临床意义)117 Differentiation between physiological and patholo

125、gical Differentiation between physiological and pathological systolic murmurs (systolic murmurs (生理性与病理性收缩期杂音的鉴别生理性与病理性收缩期杂音的鉴别) )Main points Physiological PathologicalMain points Physiological Pathologicalage most in children varyage most in children vary and youngsters and youngstersareas pulmonar

126、y valve varyareas pulmonary valve vary area and/or area and/or apex area apex areaquality mild,blowing rough,blowingquality mild,blowing rough,blowing high-pitch high-pitchduration of short duration of long durationduration of short duration of long duration usually holosystolic usually holosystolic

127、intensity under grade 2/6 usually over grade 3/6intensity under grade 2/6 usually over grade 3/6thrill no if over grade 3/6 thrill no if over grade 3/6 thrill thrilltransmission no transmit in the transmission no transmit in the direction of direction of blood flow blood flowAuscultation (听听诊诊) - cl

128、inical importance of cardiac murmurs (心脏杂音的临床意义)118Auscultation (听听诊诊) - clinical importance of cardiac murmurs (心脏杂音的临床意义) Systolic murmurs (收缩期杂音)收缩期杂音) Mitral valve area (二尖瓣区)二尖瓣区) Features Conditions Features ConditionsFunctional Functional mild, exercise, fever,mild, exercise, fever, blowing,

129、anemia,pregnancy, blowing, anemia,pregnancy, under 2/6 hyperthyroidism under 2/6 hyperthyroidism of short duration, of short duration, no transmission no transmission rough, blowing, relative mitral rough, blowing, relative mitral 2/6-3/6 2/6-3/6, insufficiency insufficiency of longer duration due t

130、o dilated of longer duration due to dilated mild transmission left ventriclemild transmission left ventricleOrganic Organic rough,blowing, rhematic mitral rough,blowing, rhematic mitral high-pitch insufficiency, high-pitch insufficiency, over 3/6 mitral valve over 3/6 mitral valve of longer duration

131、 prolapse of longer duration prolapse holosystolic holosystolic trasmit to left axilla trasmit to left axilla 119Auscultation (听听诊诊) - clinical importance of cardiac murmurs (心脏杂音的临床意义) Systolic murmurs (收缩期杂音)收缩期杂音) Aortic valve area (主动脉瓣区)主动脉瓣区) Features Conditions Features ConditionsFunctional m

132、ild, hypertension,Functional mild, hypertension, accentuated A2 aortic accentuated A2 aortic atherosclerosis atherosclerosisOrganic loud and clear aortic stenosisOrganic loud and clear aortic stenosis rough, thrill, rough, thrill, transmit to neck transmit to neck 120Auscultation (听听诊诊) - clinical i

133、mportance of cardiac murmurs (心脏杂音的临床意义) Systolic murmurs (收缩期杂音)收缩期杂音) Pulmonary valve area (肺动脉瓣区)肺动脉瓣区) Features Conditions Features Conditions Functional mild, blowing, children andFunctional mild, blowing, children and under 2/6 youngsters under 2/6 youngsters of short duration (physiological)

134、of short duration (physiological) similar to physio- relative similar to physio- relative logical murmur, pulmonary logical murmur, pulmonary louder, accentuated P2 stenosis louder, accentuated P2 stenosis Organic rough, thrill, pulmonary Organic rough, thrill, pulmonary over 3/6, stenosis over 3/6,

135、 stenosis weakened P2 weakened P2121Auscultation (听听诊诊) - clinical importance of cardiac murmurs (心脏杂音的临床意义) Systolic murmurs (收缩期杂音)收缩期杂音) Other areas (其它部位)其它部位) Area Features ConditionsArea Features Conditions FunctionalFunctional 2,3,4 intercostal 1/6-2/62,3,4 intercostal 1/6-2/6 some youngsters

136、some youngsters spacespace mild,mild, no transmission,no transmission, sitting softersitting softer OrganicOrganic sonoroussonorous, ventricularventricular roughrough, septalseptal holosystolicholosystolic, defectdefect thrillthrill, spurting. spurting. 122Auscultation (听听诊诊) - clinical importance o

137、f cardiac murmurs (心脏杂音的临床意义) Diastolic murmurs (舒张期杂音)舒张期杂音) Mitral valve area (二尖瓣区)二尖瓣区) Organic Relative or Functional Organic Relative or FunctionalFeature of murmurFeature of murmur rough,crescendorough,crescendo, , mild,decrescendomild,decrescendo, , mid-late systolicmid-late systolic mid-lat

138、e systolicmid-late systolic thrillthrill no thrillno thrillPatting S1Patting S1 often haveoften have nonoOpening snapOpening snap may havemay have often does not haveoften does not haveAtrial fibrillationAtrial fibrillation often haveoften have often does not haveoften does not haveX-chest film mitr

139、al type aorta typeX-chest film mitral type aorta type123Auscultation (听听诊诊) - clinical importance of cardiac murmurs (心脏杂音的临床意义) Diastolic murmurs (舒张期杂音)舒张期杂音) Aortic valve area (主动脉瓣区)主动脉瓣区) Features of murmur Condition Features of murmur ConditionOrganic early-diastolic, aortic insufficiency Orga

140、nic early-diastolic, aortic insufficiency decrescendo, decrescendo, (rheumatic heart(rheumatic heart diseasedisease sighing, sighing, congenital heart disease,congenital heart disease, transmit to apex area transmit to apex area, MarfanMarfans syndrom)s syndrom) best heard over the best heard over t

141、he second aortic valve area second aortic valve area, obvious when sitting obvious when sitting and leaning forward and leaning forward 124Auscultation (听听诊诊) - clinical importance of cardiac murmurs (心脏杂音的临床意义) Diastolic murmurs (舒张期杂音)舒张期杂音) Pulmonary valve area (肺动脉瓣区)肺动脉瓣区) Features ConditionsFe

142、atures ConditionsFunctional mild,limited to this area, relative pulmonaryFunctional mild,limited to this area, relative pulmonary decrescendo,blowing, insufficiency due decrescendo,blowing, insufficiency due accentuated P accentuated P2 2 dilatation dilatation to pulmonary dilatationto pulmonary dil

143、atation called called Graham-Steell murmurGraham-Steell murmur (mitral stenosis with (mitral stenosis with pulmonary hypertension) pulmonary hypertension) 125Auscultation (听听诊诊) - clinical importance of cardiac murmurs (心脏杂音的临床意义) Continuous murmurs (连续连续期杂音期杂音) Usually it is heard in PDA. Character

144、istic on ascultation (听诊特点听诊特点): Rough, sonorous, machine-like, often accompanied by thrill. 126Auscultation (听听诊诊) - clinical importance of cardiac murmurs (心脏杂音的临床意义)Pericardial friction rubThe pericardial friction rub is produced by the rubbing on each other of the parietal and visceral surfaces

145、of the roughened pericardium during pericadiatis. The sound is usually in both systolic and diastolic, with a to-and-fro character, but the systolic component predominates, and sometime the sound is heard only during systole. 127Auscultation (听听诊诊) - clinical importance of cardiac murmurs (心脏杂音的临床意义

146、)Pericardial friction rubIn general, the sound is harsh, resemble massage the ear using the finger. At times, it is soft, it seems closer to the ear than the heart sounds. The rub is most commonly heard at the third to fourth intercostal space left to the sternal border. It is best heard in the sitting position leaning forward and held breath. 128Auscultation (听听诊诊) -contents (听听诊诊内内容容) Heart rate (心率心率) Cardiac rhythm (心律心律) Heart sound (心音心音) Extra cardiac sound (额外心音额外心音) Cardiac murmurs (杂音杂音) Pericardial friction sound (心包摩擦音心包摩擦音)129130



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