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1、英语教材:从容面对生活,保持一颗平常心n nYears ago in Scotland, the Clark family had a dream. Years ago in Scotland, the Clark family had a dream. Clark and his wife worked and saved, making plans for Clark and his wife worked and saved, making plans for their nine children and themselves to travel to the United their

2、 nine children and themselves to travel to the United States. It had taken years, but they had finally saved States. It had taken years, but they had finally saved enough money and had gotten passports and enough money and had gotten passports and reservations for the whole family on a new liner to

3、the reservations for the whole family on a new liner to the United States.United States.n n许多年以前,在苏格兰生活着克拉克一家,他们家有个理许多年以前,在苏格兰生活着克拉克一家,他们家有个理想。克拉克夫妇辛苦工作攒钱,计划带着九个孩子一家人想。克拉克夫妇辛苦工作攒钱,计划带着九个孩子一家人去美国旅行。攒了几年的钱,终于攒够了旅行费,并且拿去美国旅行。攒了几年的钱,终于攒够了旅行费,并且拿到了护照。一家人到美国的船票也订好了,还是一艘全新到了护照。一家人到美国的船票也订好了,还是一艘全新的远洋邮轮。的远洋

4、邮轮。n nThe entire family was filled with anticipation and excitement about The entire family was filled with anticipation and excitement about life in America. However, seven days before their departure, the life in America. However, seven days before their departure, the youngest son was bitten by a

5、 dog. The doctor sewed up the boy but youngest son was bitten by a dog. The doctor sewed up the boy but hung a yellow sheet on the Clarks front door. Because of the hung a yellow sheet on the Clarks front door. Because of the possibility of rabies, they were being quarantined for fourteen days.possi

6、bility of rabies, they were being quarantined for fourteen days.n n全家人都对美洲生活充满了期待,兴奋之情溢于言表。然而就在还有全家人都对美洲生活充满了期待,兴奋之情溢于言表。然而就在还有七天就要出发的时候,小儿子被狗咬伤了。医生为孩子缝合了伤口,七天就要出发的时候,小儿子被狗咬伤了。医生为孩子缝合了伤口,但是却在克拉克家门口挂上了一张黄色的纸,他们家要被隔离十四天,但是却在克拉克家门口挂上了一张黄色的纸,他们家要被隔离十四天,因为他的儿子有可能得狂犬病。因为他的儿子有可能得狂犬病。n nThe familys dreams w

7、ere dashed. They would not be able to make The familys dreams were dashed. They would not be able to make the trip to America as they had planned. The father, filled with the trip to America as they had planned. The father, filled with disappointment and anger, stomped to the dock to watch the ship

8、disappointment and anger, stomped to the dock to watch the ship leavewithout the Clark family. The father shed tears of leavewithout the Clark family. The father shed tears of disappointment and cursed both his son and God for their disappointment and cursed both his son and God for their misfortune

9、.misfortune.天水小姐天水小姐丝足按摩足按摩 http:/http:/ qcc n n全家人的梦想破灭了。他们不能按原计划去美国了。父亲满怀失望和全家人的梦想破灭了。他们不能按原计划去美国了。父亲满怀失望和气愤,在码头上无奈地顿足,看着轮船驶离港口,而船上却没有克拉气愤,在码头上无奈地顿足,看着轮船驶离港口,而船上却没有克拉克一家。父亲失望得哭了,他咒骂自己的儿子,咒骂上天给他们家带克一家。父亲失望得哭了,他咒骂自己的儿子,咒骂上天给他们家带来的不幸。来的不幸。n nFive days later, the tragic news spread throughout Scotland

10、the Five days later, the tragic news spread throughout Scotlandthe mighty Titanic had sunk. The unsinkable ship had sunk, taking mighty Titanic had sunk. The unsinkable ship had sunk, taking hundreds of lives with it. The Clark family was to have been on that hundreds of lives with it. The Clark fam

11、ily was to have been on that ship, but because the son had been bitten by a dog, they were left ship, but because the son had been bitten by a dog, they were left behind in Scotland.behind in Scotland.n n五天之后,一个不幸的消息传遍了苏格兰五天之后,一个不幸的消息传遍了苏格兰超大轮船超大轮船“ “泰坦尼克号泰坦尼克号” ”沉没了。沉没了。“ “不沉之船不沉之船” ”沉没了,数以百计的人葬身海底

12、。克拉克一沉没了,数以百计的人葬身海底。克拉克一家本来应该在那条船上的,但是因为儿子被狗咬伤了,他们一家被留家本来应该在那条船上的,但是因为儿子被狗咬伤了,他们一家被留在了苏格兰。在了苏格兰。n nWhen Mr. Clark heard the news, he hugged his son and When Mr. Clark heard the news, he hugged his son and thanked him for saving the family. He thanked God for thanked him for saving the family. He tha

13、nked God for saving their lives and turning what he felt was a tragedy saving their lives and turning what he felt was a tragedy into a blessing.into a blessing.n n当克拉克听到这个消息后,他紧紧地抱住自己的儿子,感当克拉克听到这个消息后,他紧紧地抱住自己的儿子,感谢他救了全家人的生命。他也感谢上天救了他们,因祸得谢他救了全家人的生命。他也感谢上天救了他们,因祸得福。福。n nAlthough we may not always un

14、derstand, all things Although we may not always understand, all things happen for a reason.happen for a reason.n n尽管我们不一定明白所有的事情,但是所有事情的发生都尽管我们不一定明白所有的事情,但是所有事情的发生都有它的理由。有它的理由。天水小姐天水小姐丝足按摩足按摩 http:/http:/ qcc n nI once had a friend who grew to be very close to me. I once had a friend who grew to be

15、very close to me. Once when we were sitting at the edge of a swimming Once when we were sitting at the edge of a swimming pool, she filled the palm of her hand with a little water pool, she filled the palm of her hand with a little water and held it before me, and said this:and held it before me, an

16、d said this:n n我曾有个朋友,我们的关系很亲密。有一次我们坐在游泳我曾有个朋友,我们的关系很亲密。有一次我们坐在游泳池边上,她载手掌里盛了点儿水,捧在我面前,说池边上,她载手掌里盛了点儿水,捧在我面前,说: :n nYou see this water carefully contained on my hand? It You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love. As long as you keep your hand caringly symbolizes Love. As l

17、ong as you keep your hand caringly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers around it However, if you attempt to close your fingers around it and try to posses it, it will spi

18、ll through the first cracks it and try to posses it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds.Thisfinds.This is the greatest mistake that people do when is the greatest mistake that people do whenn nthey meet love They try to posses it, they demand, they expect and just like the they meet lov

19、e They try to posses it, they demand, they expect and just like the water water spillinspillin out of your hand, Love will retrieve from you. out of your hand, Love will retrieve from you.n n你仔细看我手上这水了吗?那代表爱。只要你充满关爱地弯曲着你的手指,并允许它你仔细看我手上这水了吗?那代表爱。只要你充满关爱地弯曲着你的手指,并允许它保持在那儿,它会永远在那儿。但是,如果你试图把你的手指在它周围合起并试

20、图占保持在那儿,它会永远在那儿。但是,如果你试图把你的手指在它周围合起并试图占有它,它会通过它找到的缝溢出去。这是人们当他们遇到爱时犯的最大的错误有它,它会通过它找到的缝溢出去。这是人们当他们遇到爱时犯的最大的错误他们他们试图占有它,他们要求,他们期待,那样就像溢出你的手掌的水一样,爱会从你身边试图占有它,他们要求,他们期待,那样就像溢出你的手掌的水一样,爱会从你身边撤退。撤退。n nFor love is meant to be free, you cannot change its nature.For love is meant to be free, you cannot change

21、 its nature.n n因为爱意味着自由随意因为爱意味着自由随意, ,你不能改变它的本性。你不能改变它的本性。n nIf you have people you love, allow them to be free beings. Give and dont expect. If you have people you love, allow them to be free beings. Give and dont expect. Advise, but dont order. Ask, but never demand. It might sound simple, but it

22、is a Advise, but dont order. Ask, but never demand. It might sound simple, but it is a lesson that may take a lifetime to truly practice. It is the secret to true Love. To truly lesson that may take a lifetime to truly practice. It is the secret to true Love. To truly practice it, you must sincerely

23、 practice it, you must sincerely feelnofeelno expectations from those who you love, and yet expectations from those who you love, and yet an unconditional caring.an unconditional caring.n n如果你有爱的人,允许他们自由随意的存在。给予而不指望;建议而不命令;请求而如果你有爱的人,允许他们自由随意的存在。给予而不指望;建议而不命令;请求而不要求;可能听起来简单,但这需要一辈子去实践。这就是真爱的秘诀。真正去实践不要求;可能听起来简单,但这需要一辈子去实践。这就是真爱的秘诀。真正去实践它,你必须对那些你爱的人没有期望,并给予无条件的关爱。它,你必须对那些你爱的人没有期望,并给予无条件的关爱。



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