2019年高考英语总复习 第一部分 教材梳理 Unit 5 Theme parks课件 新人教版必修4.ppt

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1、Unit 5Theme parks核心单词themecentralcenter1_ n题目;主题(曲)2_ adj.中央的;中心的_ n中心3_ adj.不同的;各种各样的_ v变化_ n不同种类variousvaryvariety4_ pron.无论哪一个;任何一个5_ n幻想;怪念头_ adj.奇异的;稀奇古怪的whicheverfantasyfantasticamusementamuseamusingamused6_ n消遣;娱乐(活动)_ vt.使娱乐_ adj.好笑的_ adj.逗乐的;觉得好笑的7_ n有吸引力的事物;吸引_ vt.吸引_ adj.有吸引力的attractionat

2、tract8_ n旅游业_ n游客_ v旅行;旅游attractivetourismtouristtour9_ adv.& conj.无论在什么地方;各处10_ adj.独一无二的;仅有的_adv.独特地;唯一地whereveruniqueuniquelyengineengineerpreservelength11_ n引擎;发动机_ n工程师12_ vt.保存;保留n保护区13_ n长度;长_ adj.长的_vt.加长longlengthendeedsettler14_ n行动;事迹settlementsettle15_ n移民;殖民者_ n殖民;移民_ v定居;安家;解决athletic1

3、6_ adj.运动的_ n运动员_ n体育运动athleteathleticstranslatortranslationtranslate17_ n译员;翻译_ n翻译_ vt.翻译minorityminor18_ n少数;少数民族_ adj.少数的19_ vt.& vi.前进;促进;提前n前进;进步_ adj.高级的;先进的advanceadvanced20_ n外出;短途旅行;远足21_ n允许进入;入场费;承认_vt.承认;容许;接纳outingadmissionadmit常考短语famouswondermodelled1be _ for 以而闻名2no _ 难怪;不足为奇advance

4、3be _ after 根据模仿;仿造4in _ 提前closeerun5be/get _ to 接近6_ to life 活跃起来7_ a farm 打理农场takeonlybutcarefamiliar8_ a trip 旅行9not _._ also 不仅而且10take _ of 照顾facefacee11be _ with 对熟悉12_ to _ 面对面13_ true 实现matche14_ A with B 把 A 与 B 配对15_ across 偶然遇到;碰到经典佳句Whicheverandwhateverno1 _ _ _ you like, there is atheme

5、 park for you!无论你喜欢哪一个,不管你喜欢什么,都会有一个适合你的主题公园!wonderoneofthe2 With all these attractions, _ _ tourism isincreasing wherever there is a Disneyland.有这么多引人入胜的东西,难怪哪里有迪士尼公园,哪里的旅游业就会发展。3 Opened in 1987, Futuroscope is _ _ _ space-age parks in the world. 观测未来主题公园于 1987 年开放,是世界上最大的太空时代主题公园之一。largestnotonlyb

6、utalso4 Futuroscope is _ _ for individuals,_ _ _ the perfect mix of fun and learningfor class outings.观测未来主题公园不仅仅适合个人,也适合学生全班出游,因为它是娱乐和学习的完美结合。5_ _, Futuroscope is within easy reach ofthe freeway.如果开车,观测未来主题公园就在高速公路附近。Ifdrivingis课文回顾themselvesdecadesdesignedonThere are so many parks in the world.As

7、we know, a park is aplace where people can amuse 1._ (they) and escapetheir busy lives for a while.In recent 2._ (decade), manyparks have been 3._ (design) to provide entertainment.Wecall them theme parks.Theme parks have a certain idea that thewhole park is based 4._.For example, a sports theme par

8、k willoffer visitors sports to play or watch.Its purpose is 5._to involvelifewhatbuiltmaker(involve) visitors in physical exercise and petition.Some arehistory or culture theme parks.The past can e to 6._(live) when we see how our ancestors dressed, worked andlived.Others show us how people dress to

9、day, what they eat and7._ their homes look like.The oldest park in the world isDisneyland, 8._ (build) near Los Angeles, California in1955.The park is named after Walt Disney, who is the famous film9._ (make) Disneyland is so different from other parks10._ it seems like a place of fantasy.that单句语法填空

10、inlengthamusement1 (2017 年天津卷 阅读表达)He would call _advance to make sure there was no alcohol at the party.2 The Silk Road has a _ (long) of more than 4,000kilometers and a history of 2,000 years.variousto3 Much to the _ (amuse) of passers-by, thepassengers on the bus are dancing and singing.4There ar

11、e _ (vary) goods in the supermarket.5Three days had passed before he came _ life.6 A few days after the interview, I received a letter offeringme _ (admit) to the university.7They were determined to preserve their students _harm.admissionfromtranslation8If you have finished your _ (translate), pleas

12、ehand back my dictionary.preserved9Well _ (preserve) in the nature reserve, pandas livea happy life.in10The bridge being built now is 500 meters _ length.1various adj.不同的;各种各样的variously adv.(情况、时间、处所等)不同地vary v变化,不同variety n(pl.varieties)变化,多样性;不同种类a variety of/varieties of 各种各样的【写作佳句】There are vari

13、ous explanations for the matter. 对于这个问题有着各种各样的解释。辨析various, different 和 diverse(1)various 强调“随时间、地点不断变化的”。(2)different 指两者间的不同、差异。various(3)diverse 强调“多种多样;形形色色;不同的”。运用用 various 的适当形式填空varies(1)There are _ colors to choose from.(2)That sort of thing _ from person to person.(3)The research team is ma

14、de up of the pupils, whose ages_ from 10 to 15.varyvarieties(4)There are _ of cloth in the store.2preserve vt.保存;保留n保护区preserve sb./sth.from.保护某人/某物免受preserve sth.for.为而保存/保留某物keep sth.in preserve 保存/保留某物nature preserve 自然保护区well-preserved adj.保存良好的辨析preserve 和 reserve(1)preserve 意 为 “ 保 护 , 保 存 (pr

15、event sb./sth.from beingharmed or destroyed)”。(2)reserve 意为“保留,储存(to keep for special use)”,构成短语 reserve sth.for sb.(为某人预留某物)。reserve 还意为“预定;预约”,相当于“book”。运用单句语法填空(1)I think these traditional customs should _(preserve)be preservedto preservefrom(2)We have taken effective measures _(preserve) our nat

16、ural resources.(3)The couple were determined to preserve their baby _harm.preserved(4)All the rare plants are well- _ (preserve) in thispreserve.3advancevt.& vi.前进;促进;提前n前进;进步advance on/towards sb./sth.向某人/某物前进advance in sth.改进/改善某物be advanced to (岗位) 被提拔到in advance提前in advance of 在前面;超过with the adv

17、ance of 随着的发展make great advancesmake great progress 取得很大进展/进步【联想发散】advancesinon/towardsadvanced adj.高级的;先进的advancement n促进;推动;发展运用单句语法填空(1)There have been made great _ (advance) inmedicine in the last 50 years.(2)He came well _ advance of the rest of the group.(3)They advanced _ us, shouting angrily

18、.(4)An _ (advance) degree is no guarantee of adream job.advanced4admission n允许进入;入场费;承认gain/obtain admission to/intoadmit sb.to/into 获准进入admit vt.承认;容许;接纳admit doing/having done sth.承认做过某事be admitted to/into 许可某人进入;接收【名师指津】admission 后接 to 表示“进入”;后接 of 表示“承认”。如:countries applying for admission to the

19、 EuropeanUnion 申请加入欧盟的国家;an admission of guilt/failure/defeat承认有罪/失败/被打败。to/intoadmissiontelling/having told运用单句语法填空(1)He has been admitted _ Oxford University.(2)The _ (admit) fee is necessary to enter thecinema.(3)He admitted _ (tell) lies so weforgave him.1be famous for 以而闻名be famous forbe known

20、for 以而闻名be famous/known as 作为而被知晓be famous/known to sb.被某人所知道辨析be known 和 be famousbe known指在一定范围内、一定人群中有名气,但be known用于较多的句型中,如:It is (well) known that.; What is wellknown is that.运用用适当的介词填空(1)China is known/famous _ a beautiful country witha long history.asforto(2)Beijing is known/famous _ many pla

21、ces ofinterest.(3)He is known _ the police.2no wonder 难怪;不足为奇It is a wonder that.真想不到;令人惊喜的是;是个奇迹wonder whether (if)/when/why/how.想知道是否/什么时候/为什么/怎么wonder at/about 对惊讶辨析no wonder, no doubt, no need 和 no point(1)no wonder 是“It is no wonder that.” 的省略说法,表示“怪不得,难怪”。(2)no doubt 是“There is no doubt.”的省略说法

22、,表示“毫无疑问”。(3)There is no point (in) doing sth.表示“做某事没意义”。(4)There is no need to do sth.表示“没有必要做某事”。运用单句语法填空(1)With the heavy traffic and rain, _ is no wonder youwere late.itwhetherwhether(2)I wonder _ you could give me some advice ornot.(3)There is some doubt _ he will e to themeeting.scoldingto wor

23、ry(4)There is no point _ (scold) him; he is still achild.(5)There is no need _ (worry); everything will beall right.3e to life 活跃起来for life 一辈子;终生bring.to life 叫醒;使苏醒;使精力充沛live/lead a.life 过着的生活make a life 生活;享受生活true to life 栩栩如生;逼真的e to oneself 苏醒过来【名师指津】e to life 或 e to oneself 都可以表示“活过来;苏醒”,都是不及

24、物动词词组,均不可用于被动语态。etolife运用完成句子,每空一词(1)那个文静的女孩自从当上售货员后变得活跃起来。The quiet girl has _ _ _ since sheworked as a saleswoman.broughthimtolife(2)上周的度假使他再次精力充沛。His vacation last week _ _ _ again.forlife(3)他一生都忍受着这个冤屈。He has had the grievance _ _.原句1Whichever and whatever you like, there is a themepark for you!

25、无论你喜欢哪一个,不管你喜欢什么,都会有一个适合你的主题公园!whichever and whatever you like 是让步状语从句。引导让步状语从句的词有:whereverno matter where; whenevernomatter when;howeverno matter how。而 whatever,whichever,who(m)ever 既可以引导名词性从句,又可以引导让步状语从句。no matter what, no matter which, no matter who(m)只能引导让步状语从句。whoeverWhateverWhichever运用单句语法填空(1

26、)Dont worry.You can leave it to _ is in chargeof the fund-raising activities.(2)_ she says will not make any difference to ourarrangements.(3)_ road you take, it will lead you to the station.原句2.whether you are travelling through space,visiting apirate ship or meeting your favourite fairy tale or Di

27、sney cartooncharacter.无论你是在太空遨游、参观海盗船,还是邂逅你最喜欢的童话故事或者迪士尼卡通里的人物。whether.or.可作“无论还是”讲,引导让步状语从句;还可作“是还是”讲,引导名词性从句。运用完成句子,每空一词whetheryougo(1)不管你是和我一起去还是待在家里,我都要去。I will go, _ _ _ _ _ stay at home.withmeorWhetherornotwhetherschools(2)她会不会投票支持我们尚不清楚。_ _ _ she will vote for us is not clear.(3)另外一个重要的区别是学校是

28、公立学校还是私立学校。Anotherimportantdifferenceis_ _ _ _ _ _ _.(4)我不知道教授是不是喜欢鲜花。arestateI dont know _ my professor is fond of flowers_ _.schoolsorprivateschoolswhetherornot运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵下来Now you are in a dinosaur theme park.The park 1._(model)after life in the days of dinosaurs 2._ it is based ona k

29、ind of old creature, 3._ died out millions of yearsagodinosaurs.4._ (e) here, you will find 5._(variety) dinosaurs, which lived in the Jurassic.All the 6._(exhibit) are so vivid 7._ all the dinosaurs seem to havee to 8._ (live) Im sure that anyone who es herecan not only have 9._ (funny) but also le

30、arn somethingabout 10._ (dinosaur)is modelledbecausewhichComingvariousexhibitsthatlifefundinosaurs完形填空(四)完形填空突破方法之词汇复现法:利用复现信息来解答完形填空题目,其实也就是利用完形填空当中选项前后的单词来“对称”被挖空的地方,从而找到关于答案的蛛丝马迹。这种解题技巧是可以用来帮助学生快速解题的。在完形填空当中,被挖掉的是一部分信息,那么剩下的没有被挖掉的信息,很有可能就会跟挖掉部分存在“意义上的重复”。我们知晓了一方的含义,另一方也就不难推测了。词汇复现主要有以下几个方面:同词复现、同

31、义或近义词复现以及反义词复现。1同词复现同词复现是指前后句的重合信息是用同一个词语来表达的情况。【例】(2016 年四川卷).But Lainey took one look at it, 43.(rolled) her eyes, and said,“Boring!”.“How can you say its _48_ ? Have you read it ? ”asked Aunt Dede.48A.amazingCridiculousBboringDhumourous解析:B此空照应 43 空后女孩说的“Boring”,表示“你怎么能说它无聊呢?”。2同义或近义词复现同义或近义词复现是指

32、前后句的重合信息是用同义或近义词词语来表达的情况。【例】(2016 年新课标卷).Im sure I was the last person in the world he wanted toaccept 52.(assistance) from.But even that challenge he accepted.I_53_ him move slowly over the fence.53A.letBhelpedChadDnoticed解析:B句意:我帮助他慢慢通过栅栏。此处B选项helped和52空的 assistance 属同义复现。故选B。3反义词复现反义词复现是指和前文中词义相反

33、的单词在原文中出现,以达到文章衔接的目的。我们可以利用文章的这一衔接手段在文章中寻找要填入单词的反义词。【例】.Nowadays many people do ridiculous things torealize their dream of “perfection”The 45.(truth) is that no one isperfect.When all potential for ugliness is removed, so is all of thepotential for _46_.46A.courageCkindnessBwisdomDbeauty解析:D根据上文中“al

34、l potential for ugliness is removed”可知 46 空应该填与 ugliness (丑陋)相反的词汇,故选 D。(2015 年安徽卷).Advertisements persuade us that 48.(newer) is better andthat we will be happier with the latest products.The result is that we_49_ useful possessions to make room for new ones.49A.pick upChold ontoBpay forDthrow away解析:D句意:结果是,我们扔掉有用的东西,为新的物品腾出空间。pick up捡起,学会;pay for付款,赔偿;hold onto紧紧抓住,抓住不放,保持住;throw away扔掉,丢弃。根据“makeroom for”可推断出此处应该填 throw away。故选 D。



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