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1、新核心新核心综合学合学术英英语教程第一册教程第一册- -Unit-1Unit-1About me About me Howtogetcontactwithyourteacher?My name:HuMing胡明胡明Telephone number:(text message)E-mail address:hum.Course code and serial number : sd033110050-322(Tues.1-2Thu.3-4)sd033110050-326(Tues.3-4Fri.1-2)sd033110050-330(Thu.1-2Fri.3-4) School of Infor

2、mation Science and Engineering School of Control Science and Engineering School of Material Science and Engineering School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Energy and Power Engineering School of Civil Engineering Fromhighschooltouniversity,thatisabigchangeforfreshmen.AsanEnglishsayinggoes,wellbe

3、gunishalfdone.Therefore,itisthemajorconcernforeveryfreshmantoadaptyourselftothischangequicklyandgothroughthetransitionfromhighschooltouniversity.Freshmen have been absorbed by the dreams and appreciations which are for the most part remote from the campus life. Try to bridge the gap between their ex

4、pectations and the reality of the current college scene.nCollege life is a big turning point to everyone.nCollege is a brand-new startnCollege life represents a break in time between childhood dependency and the assumption of adult responsibilities.to yield personal and social benefits to define and

5、 strengthen culture values to add to the pool of knowledge in all fields to encourage disciplined thinking to provide training for jobs and professions to foster social experience and contacts Some tips for the four yearsStudy independentlyYou will have more work and responsibilities without being p

6、ushed so much.Undergraduates can design and plan a course for themselves with the permission and ongoing supervision of a teacher or tutor.Independent study expects you to take more initiative in your study habits and time management. Organize yourself to do effective schoolwork Establish for yourse

7、lf a place where you can studyEstablish the times when you will study Do not sink all day in plays and chats on InternetAttend classes on schedule Sit toward the front of the classroom Be an active listener and a selective note takerParticipate in the classroom experience silently and openly during

8、class discussion Go to the library frequentlyFind out what facilities and services are open to you and make use of it.Never wait for others help passively.Teaching: EnglishforGeneralAcademicStudy通用学术英语教学English for academic studyAbout the courseAbout the courseEnglish for academic studyOutlineuIntro

9、ductiontoEGAPWhat is EGAP? What to learn in EGAP? uTeachingPlanforEGAPEnglish for academic studyI. What is English for General Academic Study (EGAP)? English for academic studyIs EGAP different from EGP? English for academic studyDefinition fromAndyGillett:EAP - English for Academic Purposes refers

10、to the language and associated practices that people need in order to undertake study or work in English medium higher education. The objective of an EAP course is to help these people learn some of the linguistic and cultural practices involved in studying or working through the medium of English.E

11、nglish for academic studyII.WhattolearninEnglishforGeneralAcademicPurposes?nTeaching contents Five skills English language Culture and intercultural awareness nBased on target needs analysis nSkills orientedEnglish for academic study1.Fourskills:listening,speaking,readingandwritingListening:Listenin

12、g to lecturesunderstanding the main idea, important detailsrecognizing the structure, making use of introductionnote-taking English for academic studySpeaking1. Participating in seminars, discussionsasking for more informationexpressing opinions agree and disagree2. Making an oral presentation makin

13、g and using notes to speak using signposts to guide the audience using visual aids in oral presentation English for academic studyReading Reading textbooks, journals, etc. understanding important points, distinguishing the main ideas from supporting detailsunderstanding relationships in the text rea

14、ding efficiently note-taking English for academic studyWriting Writing essays, reports, dissertations, etc. paraphrasing, summarizing researching and using sources writing different text typesTranslationEnglish for academic study2. Knowledge of language Knowledge and features of different text types

15、 (oral and written), linking words, signposting expressions and appropriate styles. Note: In some cases, a very high level of proficiency is not required, as long as the students can succeed in their aims. So sometimes, getting their present tenses correct may not be so important as the overall stru

16、cture of the essay. (Andy Gillett)English for academic study3.Cultureandinterculturalawareness Knowledge of the academic culture is necessarily part of an EGAP course and students need to be aware of differences between their own academic cultures and the cultures of English speaking universities. E

17、nglish for academic studyTeaching approaches:1.Practice makes perfect.2. Extensive reading.3. Pair work, group discussion, and individual work.Tasked-based Project-basedStudents-centered Communicative Combination of Classroom-Based Teaching with Computer-Based LearningClassroom-Based Teaching Multi-

18、media classroomComputer-Based Teaching Autonomous learning centerWheretoLearn?Introduction to a new teaching modelClassroom-Based TeachingTraditional Instructing +Software Large Class Reading, writing, translating four In-Class Hours /week an integrated academic English courseComputer-Based Learning

19、 Self Learning+Teacher Tutoring (only the first time) Individual /Groups Listening, speaking Flexible timetable Nucleus English for academic study通用学术英语通用学术英语教学计划教学计划课程名称: 通用学术英语通用学术英语 (English for general academic study) 学分:8 授课学期: 第第1、2学期学期 周学时: 4 (课堂授课)(课堂授课)总学时: 128 (课堂授课)(课堂授课)授课对象:新生入学考试成绩较好的学

20、生新生入学考试成绩较好的学生 使用教材:新核心综合学术英语教程新核心综合学术英语教程 (1-3册)册) 新核心大学新核心大学 英语听说教程(英语听说教程(1-3册)网上学习册)网上学习English for academic study第一学期教学计划:第一学期教学计划:上课时间:第第4-18周周 (实际授课(实际授课15周,含节假日)周,含节假日)周学时:4 总学时:60授课计划: 综合学术英语教材:每单元综合学术英语教材:每单元6学时,共完成学时,共完成8单元单元英语听说教程:每周英语听说教程:每周1单元,共完成单元,共完成14单元单元English for academic study课

21、程评价:课程评价: 评价方式:评价方式: 多元评价多元评价期末考试:期末考试: 70%网上学习:网上学习: 10%平时课堂及作业:平时课堂及作业:10%学期项目:学期项目:10% Unit1GlobalWarming1 : Lets go to the beach, its a lovely _ day. A. Sunny B. sunshine C. Sun D. sunshining 2 : Driving in the car: Slow down! You cant see a thing in this _. A. Ice B. fog C. wind D. drizzle 3 :

22、Its so cold, it must be _ 30 degrees outside. A. Below B. under C. lower D. minus 4 : Have you got an umbrella? _ again! A.its throwing it down B. its raining cats and dogs B.C. its pouring (down) D. all of the above answers 5 : Phew! Its too hot to go outside, its absolutely _. A. Boiling B. scorch

23、ing C. baking D. all of the above answers 6 : According to myth and legend, if you can find the end of a rainbow, what will you discover? A.Gold B. silver C. jewellery(=jewelry) D. moneyWarm upWarm upl一mon-l二di-/bi-l三tri-l四tetra-l五penta-l六hexa-l七hepta-l八octa-l九ennea-,nona-l十deca-lFossilfuelsThereare

24、threemajorformsoffossil fuels:coal,oilandnaturalgas.Thecombustion(燃烧)(燃烧)offossilfuelsgeneratesnitrogenoxidespollutantswhichcauseairpollutionandacidrain(酸雨)(酸雨).Warm up:Part One Reading SkillsThere are two basic types of reading behaviors or skills: skimming and scanning. Unit 1 Skimming is quick re

25、ading for general ideas. When you skim, you move your eyes quickly to acquire a basic understanding of the text. You do not read everything, and you do not read carefully. You read, quickly, such things as the title and subtitles and topic sentences. You also look at pictures, charts, graphs, for cl

26、ues to what the text is about.SkimmingSkimminglogolinksadvertisementNews storyinsertScanning is also quick reading, but when you scan, you are looking for information about a question you want to answer. You are usually looking for a number or a word or the name of something. ScanningWhen you scan,

27、you usually take the following steps: 1. Decide exactly what information you are looking for and what form it is likely to take. 2. Next, decide where you need to look to find the information. You would turn to the sports section of the newspaper to discover who won a baseball game.3. Move your eyes

28、 quickly down the page until you find what you want. Read to get the information.Scanning1.If you wanted to return to the main CNN site, where would you click? 2.If you were preparing for a trip and wanted to know what the weather would be, where could you click?3.If you wanted to read about sports,

29、 where would you click?4.If you wanted to read news in Spanish, what would you do?1.Skimming - for general idea2.Scanning - for specific information Reading skills Part II Text- related informationPart II Text- related informationBackgroundinformationUnit1PartIIText-relatedinformation1. The United N

30、ations Framework Convention on Climate Change2. 2. The Group of 77 (G77) 77国集团国集团Unit1PartIIText-relatedinformation3. Kyoto Protocol 京都议定书京都议定书Unit1PartIIText-relatedinformation4. Copenhagen Accord 歌本哈根协议歌本哈根协议Unit1PartIIText-relatedinformation5. Cancun 坎昆坎昆 (墨西哥著名旅游城市墨西哥著名旅游城市)Unit1PartIIText-relat

31、edinformationText analysis Unit1PartIIText-relatedinformationTheir arguments are becoming more and more frequent. He is a frequent visitor to the museum.Unit1PartIIIReading1e.g.2.occur (Para. 1) v. happen, take place esp. unexpectedly The police said the accident occurred at 3:00 p.m. Mistakes are b

32、ound to occur.LanguagePoints 1.frequent (Para. 1) ad. happening oftene.g.Unit1PartIIIReading1e.g.3. dramatically (Para. 1) adv. suddenly or obviously, in a very sudden and noticeable way 4. be linked to (Para. 1) related to each other in some way Rock music has always been linked to the drug culture

33、. The police suspected that the two cases are linked to each other.e.g.Your life changes dramatically when you have a baby to take care of. Unit1PartIIIReading1e.g.5. release (Para. 1) v. to free someone or something; to allow sth. to flow out from6. due to (Para. 2) because of A lot of her unhappin

34、ess is due to the loneliness. Our thanks are due to all those who have helped us.e.g.He was released from prison after serving two years of a five-year sentence.Coal power stations release sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere.Unit1PartIIIReading1e.g.7. shelter (Para. 2) n. place to live; protection f

35、rom bad weather, danger, or attack8. deadly (Para. 2) ad. able or likely to kill peopleToo many water changes can prove deadly to the fish. This is a potentially deadly disease.e.g.They opened a shelter to provide temporary housing for the citys homeless. The trees gave/provided some shelter from th

36、e rain.Unit1PartIIIReading1e.g.9. bloom (Para. 3) v. produce flowers; develop successfully; become more healthy10. reproduce (Para. 3) v. produce young animals or plantsYou can see how these flowers reproduce in the science cartoon. In a warm environment, the worm can find a mate and reproduce.e.g.M

37、agnificent lilac bloomed in the forest. Some women seem to bloom during pregnancy.Unit1PartIIIReading1e.g.11. adapt (Para. 3) change to suit sth12. deplete (Para. 3) reduce the amount of, decrease seriouslyAcid rain depletes the regions fish stocks.They also help deplete the islands natural resource

38、s at a faster rate.e.g.You have to adapt to the food and climate here.Its not easy to adapt to a different culture in a short period of time.rUnit1PartIIIReading1e.g.13. survive (Para. 3) v. continue to live or exist, live longer than14. aside from (Para. 4) except for, besidesHe hardly watches any

39、television, aside from news.e.g.I dont know how I ever survived high school. He was survived by his wife and two children. The building survived the earthquake with little damage.rUnit1PartIIIReading115. at risk (Para. 4) in a dangerous or unpleasant situationLow-lying land may be at risk from flood

40、ing next week. These measures will put many small businesses at risk. e.g.Unit1PartIIIReading2e.g.1. leading (Para. A) ad. main, major, most important; most successful2. ongoing (Para. A) ad. happening at the present momentan ongoing project/ researchThe investigation into the traffic accident is on

41、going.e.g.He is a leading Hollywood actor. Investors can buy shares in many of the worlds leading companies in other parts of the world.rUnit1PartIIIReading23. in large/small quantities (Para. A) a large amount or number of somethingSupermarkets, being able to buy in large quantities, can offer thei

42、r customers the best prices.They are now developing ways to produce the vaccine in large quantities and cheaply.e.g.Unit1PartIIIReading24. build up (Para. A) increase, developbuild up experience/success/achievementsThe food industry need to build up consumers confidence again.These exercises are goo

43、d for building up leg strength.e.g.Unit1PartIIIReading25.practice (Para. B) n. the way of doing things in a particular business or industrycommon/standard/usual practice bad/best/good practice The company was fined over its continued practice of employing illegal immigrants.e.g.6.vicious (Para.) ad.

44、 with bad intention or wishThe police said that this was one of the most vicious attacks theyd ever seen.He gave her a vicious look.e.g.Unit1PartIIIReading2 Rainfall is abundant in subtropical areas. The country has an abundant supply of fossil fuels.e.g.7. abundant (Para. C) adj. available in large

45、 quantities 8. Source (Para.) n. the place or thing that something comes from or starts at, or the cause of somethingCustomer complaints are a very important source of information.For many poor families, pensions are now the main source of income.The source of the problem is unrealistic expectations

46、 about what training can accomplish.e.g.Unit1PartIIIReading2Micro-enterprises can have a negative or positive impact on the environment.e.g.9. have an impact on (Para. C) have an effect on10. prominent (Para. C) ad. very well known and importantThe government should be playing a more prominent role

47、in promoting human rights.She is likely to play a prominent role in the presidential campaign.e.g.Unit1PartIIIReading3The whole problem arises from the misunderstanding. The family problem arose from a lack of communication between parents and children.e.g.1. arise from (Para. A) result from, be the

48、 reason of2. be a party to (Para. A ) a person or group involved in sth. such as an agreement or contract the parties to the 1930 agreemente.g.Unit1PartIIIReading3sign a convention the European Convention on Human RightsOne hundred and twenty countries signed a convention banning the use of the pest

49、icides.e.g.3. convention (Para. A ) n. an official agreement between governments that makes rules relating to a particular activity4. interference (Para. A ) n. meddling with, involvementAll three children in Mr. Johnsons family feel the heavy hand of interference of their parents in their life. Ado

50、lescent girls were fighting a mothers interference because they wanted her to acknowledge their independence.e.g.Unit1PartIIIReading3Her lawyer decided not to proceed with the case. The council is proceeding with its plan to move the stadium.e.g.5. proceed (Para. A ) v. continue as planned6. push fo

51、r (Para. A ) demand repeatedly, try to make someone give you sth. or do sth. forThis week, President Obama continued to push for health reform. In recent years, there has been s strong push for local and state governments to ban public smoking.e.g.Unit1PartIIIReading3Will the company be able to take

52、 the lead in the e-space in the short term?e.g.7. take the lead (Para. A) start winning a race or competition; do sth. As an example for others to follow8. justify (Para. A) v. provide a good reason forDont try to justify his rudeness.Youll have to ask him to justify his statesments if you dont agre

53、e with them.e.g.Unit1PartIIIReading3The old man keeps a good stock of whisky.e.g.9. a stock of (Para. A) a supply of goods or materials stored for future use10. subsequent (Para. B) ad. following in order or successionIn a subsequent conversation, one of the patients told him that she had lied to hi

54、m. Subsequent to their arrival in Shanghai, they bought a new car.e.g.Unit1PartIIIReading3The treaty has to be ratified by the EU heads of states. The decision will have to be ratified by the board.e.g.11. ratify (Para. B) v. make an agreement official by signing or accepting it12. legally binding (

55、Para. B) bound by a lawRemember this is a legally binding document. The countries are legally bound to reduce pollution levels.e.g.Unit1PartIIIReading3All this requires the commitment of a strong leader. Not working overtime is often seen as a failure to show commitment to the company.e.g.13. commit

56、ment (Para. B) n. promise, duty or responsibility to do sth.14. exempt from (Para. B) be free fromHe is exempt from any punishment about this thing. A passenger under 12 years of age is exempt from the tax.e.g.Unit1PartIIIReading4In the face of such irrefutable facts, he was struck dumb.Only truth t

57、hat is tested by practice is irrefutable.e.g.1. irrefutable (Para. 1) ad. impossible to prove wrong2. overwhelming (Para. 1) ad. the larger or more importantAn overwhelming majority of people voted against his proposal. He had the overwhelming desire to get up and leave.e.g.Unit1PartIIIReading4Sudde

58、nly she had an overwhelming urge to be with her son.After the tiring journey, the general consensus is that we should all get a good sleep.e.g.3. consensus (Para. 1) n. agreement among all the people involved4. play down (Para. 1) make sth. less importantHe tried to play down the seriousness of his

59、illness. And while they may play down the money, all three are extrememly ambitious.e.g.Unit1PartIIIReading4Heart disease is usually the consequence of years of poor health.As a consequence, the poor people rarely have the opportunity to improve their living standard.e.g.5. consequence(Para. 2) n. r

60、esult, outcome6. apparent (Para. 2) ad. clear, obviousWhat puzzled me was there was no apparent reason for it. It is apparent he is trying to make his point.e.g.Unit1PartIIIReading4Michael doesnt want to fall short of his parents expectations. The party is likely to fall short of a majority of the p

61、eople.e.g.7. fall short of (Para. 2) fail to reach a level or achieve sth.8. primarily (Para. 3) adv. mainly, chieflyThe magazine is primarily targeted at young middle-class women. This area is primarily used for recreation.e.g.Unit1PartIIIReading4The prospect of runaway global warming are completel

62、y unrealistic.Some people laugh at the prospect of her becoming a doctor.e.g.9. prospect (Para. 2) n. the outlook for the future10. bleak (Para. 2) ad. hopeless, gloomyTheir long-term prospects appear bleak. Things look very bleak for the team. Textile workers face a bleak future.e.g.Unit1PartIIIRea

63、ding4Since she moved to a new school, her behaviour has changed for the better. I hope the world will change for the better.e.g.11. for the better (Para. 3) improvingTranslationsoftheTextsReading1Unit1PartIIITranslationsoftheTextsReading2Unit1PartIIITranslationsoftheTextsReading3Unit1PartIIITranslat

64、ionsoftheTextsReading4Unit1PartIIIListening1Glossary 词汇表词汇表 emissions排放物排放物 alongside与与一起一起 boom暴涨暴涨 fertiliser 肥料,化肥肥料,化肥somewhat稍微,有所(控制、改变)稍微,有所(控制、改变) yields(农作物或牲畜的)产量,产出(农作物或牲畜的)产量,产出 dairy produce乳制品乳制品Unit1PartIIIListening210ListentotheBBCnewsandsummarizeit.Unit1PartIIIListening210Listentoth


66、ertiliserissprayedonthefields.Thereportsaystheemissionsgrowthcanbecontainedsomewhat,iffarmersindevelopingcountriesarehelpedtoimprovetheiryieldsfromexistingfields.Itllhelptostopwastingfoodtoo,theauthorssay.Butthentheresthereallyhardbit:theysaypersuadingpeopletoeatlessmeatanddairy produce canactuallyl

67、eadtoabigoverallcutinemissionsfromfarming.Unit1PartIIIListening210Listening2Obamas new pollution measure 奥巴马宣布美国减排新规奥巴马宣布美国减排新规Can controlling the use of this fossil fuel reduce global warming? 美国政府将公布一项减碳计划来限制其火力发电厂的碳排放。美国政府将公布一项减碳计划来限制其火力发电厂的碳排放。这将是美国有史以来为缓解全球气温变暖而采取的最重要的行动之这将是美国有史以来为缓解全球气温变暖而采取的最

68、重要的行动之一。一。Glossary 词汇表词汇表 curb限制限制 fossil-fuelled化石燃料的化石燃料的 power plants发电厂发电厂 ambitious雄心勃勃的,任务艰巨的雄心勃勃的,任务艰巨的 tackle应付,解决应付,解决 targets目标目标 fiercely oppose强烈反对强烈反对 drive up抬高抬高 legacy(政策)遗产(政策)遗产 Unit1PartIIIListening210ListentotheBBCnews2andfillintheblanks.TheUnitedStatesproducesmoregreenhousegases

69、thananycountryintheworld,_fromChina.Theplantocurbemissionsfromfossil-fuelled power plantsisthemost_measureproposedbyPresidentObamainhiseffortsto_climatechange.Thedetailsoftheplanwillbe_outbytheEnvironmentalProtectionAgency.Itwillgivebroad_tostatestodecidehowtomeetcarbonreductiontargets,whetherbyclos

70、ingcoal-firedpowerstationsand_tocleanersourcesofenergy,orbycreatingcap-and-tradeschemes.SomeUS_arereportingthatby2030thegovernmentwantsa30%reductionincarbondioxideemissions.BusinessgroupsandRepublicansfiercely _ thenewregulations,andsaytheyre_todrive upelectricityprices.Butforthepresidentthemeasurei

71、simportantforhisenvironmentallegacyandinordertoshow_leadershiponclimatechange.Unit1PartIIIListening210ListentotheBBCnews2andreadafterit.TheUnitedStatesproducesmoregreenhousegasesthananycountryintheworld,apartfromChina.Theplantocurbemissionsfromfossil-fuelled power plantsisthemostambitiousmeasureprop


73、mes.SomeUSmediaarereportingthatby2030thegovernmentwantsa30%reductionincarbondioxideemissions.BusinessgroupsandRepublicansfiercely opposethenewregulations,andsaytheyrelikelytodrive upelectricityprices.Butforthepresidentthemeasureisimportantforhisenvironmentallegacyandinordertoshowgloballeadershiponcl

74、imatechange.Unit1PartIIIListening210ListentoPart1ofListening1andcirclethecorrectanswer.21 B2 A3 AListentoPart4ofListening1andcheckthestatementsbelowanddecidetheyaretrueorfalse.41 T2 T3 TUnit1PartIIIListening14 TListentoPart1ofListening2andcirclethebestanswer.Unit 5 Art81 B2 B3 A4 AUnit1PartIIIListen

75、ing2ListentoPart2ofListening2andanswerthequestionsbelow.Unit 5 Art91)leavelightsonwhenwearenotintheroom,switchofftheTVbytheremoteturnontheheaterwhenwecouldputonanextralayerofclothingturnontheairconditionerwhenwecouldopenthewindowandturnonafan.2)airconditioners,washingmachineslaptop,desktop3)Becauset

76、heyuselesselectricityandwater,hencetherearefewCO2impacts4)WastingtimeandproducingCO2emissionsUnit1PartIIIListening2ListentoPart3ofListening2andcompletethefollowingparagraph.10useless;water;which;fight;business;benefits;effective;employersUnit1PartIIIListening210Part IV Additional activitiesPart IV A

77、dditional activitiesDictationUnit1PartIVAdditionalactivities1.Write a paragraph on global warming in about 100 words.Unit1PartIVAdditionalactivitiesPractice2.Go to this website for further information on global warming: Unit1PartIVAdditionalactivitiesPart V Exercises Part V Exercises 2.Paraphrase ea

78、ch of the sentences below by using as many synonyms as possible.Model 1 Theexperimentproducedanunexpectedresult.Theexperimentgeneratedanunexpectedoutcome.Model2ImmediatemeasuresshouldbetakentoreduceimpactintheatmospherecarbondioxideemissionsWe should take urgent actiontoreducegreenhouse gasemissions




82、ormorewealth.8)TheproposalfailedtobeacceptedsimplybecauseofitsviolationofhumanrightsTheproposalwasrejectedonthebasisthatitviolatedhumanrights.3.Paraphrase each of the sentences below according to the models.Model 1Ifgreenhousegasemissionsarenotreduced,thingsaregoingtogetverybadindeedWithouta reducti

83、on ingreenhousegasemissionsthingsaregoingtogetverybadindeedModel 2NooneshouldignoreglobalwarmingwhichaffecthumanfutureNooneshouldignoreglobalwarmingandits effectonhumanfuture.Unit1PartVWriting1)Theonlywaytosolvetheproblemistofindadifferentfuelsource.Theonlysolutiontotheproblemisanalternativefuelsour


85、elopedworldshouldcontributegreatlysothathumanbeingscansurviveinthefuture.Thedevelopedworldshouldmakeagreatcontributionforhumansurvivalinthefuture.5)Ifwefailtoachievethegoal,wehavetofaceaterriblefuture.Thefailuretoachievethegoalwillleadtoaterriblefuture.4.Read the paragraphs taken from this unit and

86、summarize each of them using one sentence only. Unit1PartVWriting1)Apartfromcarbondioxide,theothergreenhousealsoaffecttheenvironment.2)Withtoomanygreenhousegases,however,thelightandheatwillharmplants,animalsandpeople.Answersforreference:3)Sometimesthegreenhouseeffectcanmaketheearthappropriateforpeop

87、letoliveon.5.Read the following paragraphs and underline the topic sentences (add one if it is absent)Unit1PartVWriting1)Thesedayslifestylesseemtochangefast.2)HonestywasseenasanimportantpartoftheAmericancharacter.Answersforreference:3)Goodmannersareimportant,butwaysofexpressinggoodmannersaredifferen

88、tfromcountrytocountry.4)Fearisoftenamostusefulemotion.5)Everywheremanisalteringthebalanceofnature.2.Fill in the following blanks with words and sentences given below. Change the forms where necessary.1.impact 2. consensus 3. expose 4. reproducing 5. prospect 6. associating 7.prominent 8. descendant

89、9. subsequent 10. bleak 11. dramatically 12. vicious Keysforreference:Unit1PartVIntegratedexercises3.Guess the meaning of the following words and then add more words using the same prefix or suffix. Share your answers with the class.Unit1PartVIntegratedexercises1)regainreappearrecyclerediscoverrearr


91、epenlengthenshortenbroaden9)forefatherforesightforeseeforetellforebear10)TelephonetelescopetelegramteletexttelecommunicationKeysforreference:4. Tick off those words or phrases which can not collocate with the head word.Unit1PartVIntegratedexercises1)lackin2)newenvironment3)ofgovernment;toconstruct4)

92、withthought5)theaction6)adrugdeal;toeachother7)comeacrossan8)language;source9)toincreasecost10)onewithoneKeysforreference:5. Find synonyms in the box below of the following words as many as possible.Unit1PartVIntegratedexercises1)region:area,district,field,section,domain,sector2)adapt:adjust,accusto


94、lly,exceptionally,distinctly9)entirely:fully,completely,totally,utterly,thoroughly,wholly10)powerful:forceful,impressive,influential,compelling,leadingKeysforreference:7.Complete the following statements with phrases from the box. You may change the phrases according to the Chinese given.Unit1PartVI

95、ntegrated exercises1)Therearemanypredictions,buttheevidenceisnowirrefutable:droughtsoccurmoreoftenthaninthelastyear(不可辩驳的事实是:干旱比起往年频繁出现)2)Wearenotsurewherethecontroversylead,butwhatiscertainisthatirreflectsthechangeinpeoplesidea.(唯一能够确定的是这反映了人们思想的改变)3)(许多人都认识到有必要发现地球变暖的主要原因)Manypeoplerecognizethenee

96、dtofindtheleadingcauseofglobalwarminginspiteofdifferentvoicesabouttheitseffects.Unit1PartVIntegrated exercises4)Althoughthegovernmenthastakenvariousmeasuresinthefinancialcrisis,theoverwhelmingconsensusisthatprospectslookbleakindeed.(绝大多数人普遍认为前景依然非常惨淡)5)(毫无疑问)Thereisabsolutelynoquestionthatifthegloba


98、pectssuchasenvironmentalprotection,energydeficiency,etc.,theworldseconomyisstillatrisk.(世界经济依然面临危险)Unit1PartVIntegrated exercises8)Sincetheregionhasbeenexperiencingsmog(该地区一直遭受雾霾天气),thelocalgovernmentshouldtakeurgentactiontoreduceairpollution.(采取紧急措施减少大气污染)。9)TheUnitedNationspushedforapolicyrequiringdevelopedcountriestotaketheleadinreducingtheiremissions(强烈要求发达国家领先减少碳排放),andrestatedthattheultimateobjectiveisto(最终目标是要)involveeverynationontheEarth.10)Thecauseofburningpetrolistomeetourdevelopmentneeds,butwearenowbeginningtopayaheavyprice(满足我们的发展要求,但我们现在开始支付沉重的代价。)谢谢!



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