高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High课件 外研版必修1

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1、英语外外 研研 版版精精 准准 高高 考考必修一必修一第一部分Module 1My First Day at Senior High1 1基基础础知知识识2 2考考点点探探究究3 3课课堂堂达达标标4 4课课时时作作业业基基 础础 知知 识识.单词分类巧记阅读词汇认读1enthusiastic adj._ 2academic adj._ 3previous adj._ 4fluency n _ 5diploma n _ 6assistant n_ 热心的学术的以前的,从前的流利;流畅文凭;毕业证书助手;助理核心词汇识记1_ n方法2_ n态度3_ vt.包含4_ vt.消失5_ adj.令人吃

2、惊的;令人惊讶的_ adj.吃惊的;惊讶的_ vt.使吃惊_ n吃惊6_ n消息_ vt.告知7_ n (常作复数) 指示;说明_ vt.指导;指引8_ adj.厌烦的;厌倦的_ adj.令人厌烦的_ vt.使厌倦methodattitudecoverdisappearamazingamazedamazeamazementinformationinforminstructioninstructboredboringbore9_ adj.尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的_ adj.令人尴尬的;令人难堪的_ vt.使尴尬;使困窘10_ n行为;举动_ v表现,使守规矩11_ n记述;描述_ vt.描述12_

3、 vt.使印象深刻_ n印象_ adj.给人深刻印象的13_ n鼓励;激励_ vt.鼓励;激励_adj.激励的;振奋人心的14_ adj.失望的_ adj.令人失望的_ vt.使失望_ n失望embarrassedembarrassingembarrassbehaviourbehavedescriptiondescribeimpressimpressionimpressiveencouragementencourageencouragingdisappointeddisappointingdisappointdisappointment情景活用用所给词的适当形式填空1We are all _

4、at the _ change that has taken place in our hometown. (amaze) 2He made an _ speech on protecting the environment on the square,which left a deep _ on us. (impress) 3Hearing the _ news that the party was cancelled, the students stared at their head teacher in _ and they had never been so_ with Mr. Wa

5、ng. (disappoint) 4My teachers _ words are a great _ on my way to further study. (encourage) amazedamazingimpressiveimpressiondisappointingdisappointmentdisappointedencouragingencouragement.短语互译速记1和相似_ 2毫不相似;决不;没有_ 比更好3换句话说_ 4期待;盼望_ 5对印象深刻_ 6 (整体) 被分成_ be similar tonothing likein other wordslook forw

6、ard tobe impressed by/withbe divided into7have fun _ 8at the start/end of _ 9go to college _ 10far from_ 11take part in _ 玩得开心在开始/结束时上大学远离;远非参加情景活用选用上述短语填空1We are really _ playing basketball with you guys again.2In summer, there is_ swimming as a means of keeping fit.3He never hides his real opinion

7、s towards others._ , he is a person with a straightforward personality.4As we all know, America_ 50 states.5Im writing to tell you that I am going to_ a Dragon Boat Training Camp this summer.6What they performed during the finals_ their ordinary training.looking forward tonothing likeIn other wordsi

8、s divided intotake part inis similar to.佳句精析精练1Were using a new textbook and Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like_ of the teachers at my Junior High school.我们用上了新课本,而且沈老师的教学方法与我的初中老师的教学方法完全不同。解析that作为代词代替前面提到的内容。仿写没有什么快乐能比得上在英语口语比赛中获得一等奖。No pleasure can equal_ the first prize in the oral Engl

9、ish competition.thatthat of2_ I will be bored in Ms Shens class!我认为上沈老师的课我是不会感到厌倦的!解析I dont think.是否定前移结构。仿写我认为没有必要这么早去上学。_ it is necessary to get up so early to go to school.I dont thinkI dont think3Oh really?_.噢,真的吗?我也是。解析so have I是倒装结构,表示前面所说的肯定情况也适合于另一人或事。仿写如果他去那儿,我也去。If he goes there,_.so have

10、Iso will I4In other words, there are_ boys.换句话说,女生人数是男生的三倍。解析“three times as.as”结构是倍数表达法。仿写这本词典是那本的5倍。The dictionary is exactly_ that one.three times as many girls asfive times as expensive as5The school year is divided into two semesters,_ is September through December, and the second January throu

11、gh May.一学年分为两个学期,第一学期是九月到十二月,第二学期从一月到五月。解析which引导非限制性定语从句。仿写中国有数千个岛屿,其中最大的是台湾岛。China has thousands of islands,_ is Taiwan.the first of whichthe largest of which.单元语法过关复习现在时及动词的-ing与-ed形式语法填空1With the fast development of Internet technology, traditional printed books _ (challenge) by the growing popu

12、larity of online reading of e-books.解析句意为“随着因特网技术的飞速发展,传统印刷书籍正在受到网上电子书籍的逐渐流行的挑战”。由句意可知用现在进行时态的被动语态。2Why havent you moved in yet?Oh, the apartment_. (paint) 解析用现在进行时的被动语态表示房子正被粉刷。are being challengedis being painted3At least 252 people_ (kill) in 13 accidents involving sleeper bus since January 2009.

13、解析有since引导的时间状语从句, 主句用现在完成时。4There was a_ look on his face when he saw the_ result. (surprise) 解析当表示情绪变化的一类动词修饰人或人的表情、声音等时用过去分词形式,而修饰物或事情时用现在分词形式。have been killedsurprisedsurprising考考 点点 探探 究究用amaze的适当形式填空Its_ how quickly people adapt to the environment.Visitors are often_ to discover how little the

14、 town has changed.He wore an_ look when he heard the_ news.高频单词1amazing adj.令人吃惊的;难以置信的amazingamazedamazedamazing构建导图助记注意:有些及物动词含有“使;令”的意思。其中这些动词的v.ing形式构成的形容词通常来描述事物或个人给他人带来的感受,译为“令某人感到的”;v.ed构成的形容词通常用来描述事物或个人本身的特点或感受,译为“感到的”。这些动词常见的还有:bore,excite,embarrass,interest,please,satisfy,move,puzzle,disap

15、point,astonish等。高考寻踪 (2016天津A篇) We invite you to join us on an amazing journey of language learning.我们邀您和我们一起进行一次奇妙的语言学习之旅。 (2016全国新课标D篇) He found that science amazed Times readers and made them want to share this positive feeling with others.他发现时代杂志的科学版面让读者们感到吃惊并且让他们愿意和他人分享自己积极方面的感受。I_ the presiden

16、t at the party.在聚会上有人把我介绍给总裁了。The company_ a new family car this year.公司准备今年推出一种新型家庭轿车。2introduce vt. 介绍,引见;引进was introduced tois introducing构建导图助记高考寻踪 (2016浙江七选五) Step into your academic advisors office, and introduce yourself.走进你学业导师的办公室,然后介绍你自己。 (2016北京B篇) Natalie posted introduction about a boy

17、named Patrick, who lost his baseball card collecting.纳塔利张贴了一个叫帕特里克男孩的介绍,他丢了他收集的棒球卡。介词填空His success impressed the importance of creativity_ us.In the parade, all the people were deeply impressed_ the salute of an old soldier.The performance of her left a deep impression_ audience.3impress vt. 使印象深刻;使

18、铭记on/uponwithon构建导图助记高考寻踪 (2016全国新课标完形填空) Hundreds of people have formed impressions of you through that phone on your desk.很多人是通过你桌子上的电话形成了对你的印象。 (2015重庆D篇) Sedate though they are, rides at this time of day are still very impressive.虽然它们很安稳,但是在一天的这个时候骑马观赏仍然是很难忘的。观察句子,写出黑体部分的含义During the summer camp

19、, the children will be instructed by the teacher to cover 30 miles a day. (_) If it carries on snowing the ground will be covered by morning. (_) The course covers all aspects of business and law. (_) 4cover vt. 覆盖;包含; 行走 (一段路程) ;涉及;报道行走覆盖包括,涉及He should get enough money from the council to cover his

20、 rent. (_) The city covers an area of ten square miles. (_) How many pages have you covered today? (_) He was sent to cover the coach after Hengda won the 2013 AFC Champions League. (_) 够支付占地看完书报道,采访归纳拓展 (1) be covered with覆盖着 (表状态) /by被覆盖 (强调动作) cover. with.用覆盖cover an area of.占地 (2) uncover vt.揭开,

21、揭露discover vt.发现图解助记高考寻踪(2016北京A篇) I have hundreds of printer paper, covered in selfwritten notes from your video.通过你的视频,我在打印纸上记录了几百页的笔记。This school is in great need of teacher._ , this school is lack of teachers.这家学校非常需要教师,换句话说,这家学校的师资匮乏。_ the mayor would soon visit our school.消息传来说市长不久就要来我们的学校参观。W

22、ould you like me to_ you?你愿意让我和你说几句话吗?常 考 短 语5in other words换句话说;换言之;也就是说In other wordsWord came thathave a word with归纳拓展 (1) word came that. 有消息传来说in a word 总之;简言之 (2) keep ones word 遵守诺言break ones word 失信;不守诺言have a word with.与谈一谈have words with.与拌嘴/吵架高考寻踪 (2016浙江A篇) In other words, gossip is sati

23、sfying because it gives people a sense of belonging or even superiority.换句话说,八卦令人满意是因为它给人一种归属感甚至优越感。用所给动词的适当形式填空We are looking forward to_ (hear) from you soon.The moment we were looking forward to_ (arrive) at last.注意:look forward to sth./doing sth.“期待 (做) 某事”,to为介词,后接名词、代词或v.ing形式。6look forward to

24、盼望;期待hearingarrived归纳拓展带介词to的有关短语be/get used to (习惯于) , stick to (坚持) ,lead to (导致) ,object to (反对) ,devote ones time/energy/oneself to (把某人的时间/精力/全身心投入到) ,get down to (开始认真地做某事) ,pay attention to (注意) 写作佳句Im really looking forward to our vacation.我真心盼着我们假期的到来。选词填空 (take part in/attend/join) In earl

25、y days only male athletes were allowed to_ the Olympic Games.We are going to have a picnic next Sunday. Will you_ us?How many foreign leaders_ the funeral of Nelson Mandela?7take part in 参加take part injoinattend辨析明晰异同写作佳句Unfortunately, I cant take part in the party this time! 真可惜,我这次不能参加聚会了。take par

26、tin/join in参加集体活动或比赛。join加入 组织、团体、俱乐部,成为其中一员。join sb. in sth./join (sb.) to do sth. “和某人一起做某事”。attend参加会议、仪式、婚礼,上学、上课等。还可表示“照顾”。必 备 句 型8Were using a new textbook and Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.我们使用新的教科书,沈老师的教学方法与我初中老师们的教学方法完全不同。仿写句子The h

27、eadteacher in your class is younger and more active_.你们班主任比他们班主任更年轻更有活力。The population of China is larger_.中国人口比美国多。than that in theirsthan that of US辨析明晰异同that既可指代上文的单数可数名词,又可指代不可数名词,后常有介词短语作后置定语。that的复数形式为those。one只能指代可数名词的单数形式,表泛指,one前可加形容词或定冠词,它的复数形式是ones。it指前面所提到的事物本身。Our computers are as good

28、as those made in America.我们生产的电脑和美国生产的一样好。Students who do well in examinations are the ones who ask questions in class.考试成绩好的是那些上课爱提问题的学生。高考寻踪 (2016北京D篇) Universities have given in to the idea that they should provide the same environment as that of the home.大学已经屈从了这样的观点,他们应该提供与家庭相同的环境。9In other wor

29、ds, there are three times as many girls as boys.换句话说,女生人数是男生人数的三倍。three times the size of that onethree times as large as that onetwice larger than that one注意:表示“两倍”时用twice或double,三倍或三倍以上则用“基数词times”来表达。句式中倍数也可用分数、百分数、half等表示。高考寻踪(2016四川D篇) That milk contained 10 times the amount of melatonin.那种牛奶含有

30、10倍量的褪黑激素。句型转换You say he is diligent. He is indeed diligent.You say he is diligent,_.Jim has never been to Beijing. His parents havent either.Jim has never been to Beijing._.10Oh really? So have I.噢,真的吗?我也是。so he isNeither/Nor have his parents归纳拓展表达“某人/事也 (不) 一样”的句型有:(1) So系动词/助动词/情态动词主语;表示前面所说的肯定情况

31、也适合于另一人或事。(2) Neither/Nor系动词/助动词/情态动词主语;表示前面一种否定情况也适合于另一人或事。(3) So it is with./It is the same with.;表示前面出现的情况也适合于另一人或事。(4) “so主语助动词/情态动词/系动词”表示“的确如此”。高考寻踪(2015安徽任务型读写) When we begin conversations with new people, we want to feel comfortable, and so do they.当我们与陌生人交谈时,我们希望感到舒服,他们也是这样。课课 堂堂 达达 标标课课 时时 作作 业业



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