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1、备考2025黑龙江省伊春市汤旺河区中学教师公开招聘能力测试试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、下列关于酶的表述,不正确的是()。A.人的唾液淀粉酶进入胃后失活B.蛋白酶能催化淀粉酶的水解C.限制酶和DNA连接酶均从真核生物中分离纯化出来D.Taq酶只能将单个脱氧核苷酸连接到和DNA模板互补的多核苷酸链上【答案】 C2、砷(As)可以富集在植物体内转化为毒性很强的金属有机物,影响水稻的株高、根长和干重,加P(与As原子结构相似)处理后水稻的茎、叶和根中P含量增加,As含量相对减少水稻生长加快,干重增加。对此现象解释不合理的是( )。A.As进入水稻细胞中,导致酶失去活性,影响细胞代谢B.As在

2、水稻细胞内富集,由细胞膜的结构特点决定C.P影响As吸收。与细胞上的载体种类和数量有关D.P是构成磷脂、核酸和ATP的重要元素,能促进水稻的生长发育【答案】 B3、陆地伸进海洋的部分叫()。A.岛屿B.半岛C.海湾D.大陆【答案】 B4、This programme will examine the writers booksin detail, _ an introduction to her life.A.followingB.having followedC.being followedD.to be followed【答案】 A5、通过制定和执行规章制度去管理班级的经常性活动是( )。

3、 A.常规管理B.平行管理C.民主管理D.目标管理【答案】 A6、根据以下材料,回答A.the main problem about innovation andthe solutionB.the optimistic aspects of thedevelopment of innovationC.the analysis of the advantages anddisadvantages of innovationD.the pessimistic prediction of thedevelopment of innovation【答案】 A7、( )是由李春主持在隋代大业年间修建,是

4、隋代艺术石刻的珍品。【本题选项AB都可以】A.赵州桥B.安济桥C.卢沟桥D.十七孔桥【答案】 A8、新中国成立以来,中国农村经历了从“干部敲破钟,社员不出工”到“不用敲钟,不用派工,农民赛着往前冲”的巨大变化。这一变化的主要动因是( )。A.农业合作社的兴办B.人民公社体制的确立C.“大跃进”运动的开展D.家庭联产承包责任制的实行【答案】 D9、提出情绪辅导方法的心理学家是()。A.斯金纳B.巴甫洛夫C.艾里斯D.雅各布松【答案】 C10、根据维纳的归因理论,属于不稳定、内在、可控的因素是(?)。A.努力B.运气C.能力D.任务难度【答案】 A11、史载:“每问经十条,对策三道,皆通,为上第,

5、吏部官之;经义通八,策通二,为中第,与出身;下第,罢归。”材料所反映的古代选官制度是( )。A.世官制B.察举制C.九品中正制D.科举制【答案】 D12、我国宪法规定:“中华人民共和国是工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的社会主义国家。”这表明了我国的()。A.政权组织形式B.国家基本职能C.政体D.国体【答案】 D13、动物和植物细胞中的丙酮酸在厌氧环境下都会发生酵解反应。下列化合物不是该反应直接产物的是()。A.NAD+B.乳酸C.乙醇D.CO2【答案】 C14、关于甲午中日战争。下列说法不正确的是( )。A.战争爆发于1894年B.海军将领邓世昌在黄海大战中为国捐躯C.战争中

6、,北洋舰队全军覆没D.战后签订的马关条约,导致今天海峡两岸分离【答案】 D15、When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarshipHaving been a Straight A student, I believed I could_16_tough subjects and really learn somethingOne such course was World Literature given by Professor JayneI was extremely interested in the ideas he _17 _

7、in class.A.happenedB.provedC.pretendedD.seemed【答案】 D16、C A decline in memory as a result of ageing can be temporarily reversed using a harmless form of electrical brain stimulation, scientists have found. The study focused on a part of cognition called working memory, the brain system that holds inf

8、ormation for short periods while we are making decisions or performing calculations. Working memory is crucial for a wide variety of tasks, such as recognising faces, doing arithmetic and navigating a new environment. Working memory is known to steadily decline with age. One factor in this decline i

9、s thought to be a disconnection between two brain networks. In the study, published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, 42 people aged 20-29 and 42 people aged 60-76 were assessed in a working memory task. The older group were slower and less accurate on the tests. The scientists then subjected them

10、 all to 25 minutes of non-invasive brain stimulation. This aimed to make the two target brain regions work together by passing gentle pulses of electricity through the scalp(头皮)and into the brain. After the treatment, working memory in the older adults improved to match the younger group and the eff

11、ect appeared to last for 50 minutes after the stimulation. Those who had scored worst to start with showed the largest improvements. While these results were exciting and promising. Dardo Tomasi, a scientist at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism in Bethesda, who was not involved

12、in the work said that larger studies would be needed to confirm the findings and assess how they might be applied clinically. D. James Picket e head of research at the Alzheimers Society, said, “We cant cure, prevent or even slow down dementia (痴呆 ),so it vital we explore all possible areas for trea

13、tments. Altering and correcting the circuitry of the brain with technology is a new exciting avenue of research for dementia. Deep-brain simulation a surgical procedure used in Parkinsons, is proof of principle that this approach may one day be fruiA.To emphasize the importance of various tasksB.To

14、introduce the decisions of the brain systemC.To describe the connection of brain networksD.To present the functions of working memory【答案】 C17、“托克维尔定律”认为:革命的发生并非总因为人们的处境越来越坏最经常的情况是,一向忍受着最难以忍受的法律的人们,一旦法律的压力减轻,他们就将它猛力抛弃。被革命摧毁的政权几乎总是比它前面的那个政权要好些。据此分析法国大革命的背景,正确的是( )。A.社会发展催生革命的热情B.社会上层的变革愿望突出C.暴力革命破坏社会的良性发展D.权利平等可能威胁个人自由【答案】 A18、学生的学习评价是历史教学评价的重要组成部分,具有反馈,调控教学并促进学生全面发展的重要功能,下列有利于对学生历史进行长期,稳定的综合考察和较为全面评价的方法是( )。A.开展历史调查B.撰写历史论文C.进行历史制作D.建立历史学习档案【答案】 D19、我国瓷器发展的两个高峰是( )。A.元代、清代



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