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1、安托瓦纳安托瓦纳贝尔曼贝尔曼Page 2nA brief introduction to Antoine BermannHis important worksnImportant terms: trial of the foreign, receiving the foreign as foreign,literal translationnBermans remarks before the negative analyticnThe negative analyticOutlinePage 3Page 4Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8Page 9Remarksbefore

2、thenegativeanalytic1. the analysis proposed here is provisional, it needs to be further revised in order to be systematic.2. This negative analytic should be extended by a positive counterpart. Then these two analytics can produce a critique评论,评判 of translation.3. The psychological approach to langu

3、age and linguistic systems can contribute to a translatology.4. The focus will be the deforming tendencies that in the domain of literary prose-the novel and the essay.Page 10Twelvedeformingtendencies十二种变形倾向1. rationalization2. clarification3. expansion4. ennoblement and popularization5. qualitative

4、 impoverishment6. quantitative impoverishmentPage 11Twelvedeformingtendencies7. the destruction of rhythms8. the destruction of underlying networks of signification9. the destruction of linguistic patternings10. the destruction of vernacular networks or their exoticization11. the destruction of expr

5、essions and idioms12. the effacement of the superimposition of languagesPage 121. Rationalization 合理化uRationalization recomposes sentences and the sequence of sentences, rearranging them according to a certain idea of discursive 散漫的,不着边际的order. uRationalization makes the original pass from concrete

6、to abstract, not only by reordering the sentence structure, but by translating verbs into substantives, by choosing the more general of two substantives.eg. 英:You are talking delightful nonsense. 汉:你虽信口胡诌,但也蛮有情趣。Page 132. Clarification 明晰化 There are two kinds of explications:uExplicitation can be th

7、e manifestation of something that is not apparent but concealed or repressed, in the original. This kind of explication is the supreme power of translation.uExplicitation aims to render clear what does not wish to be clear in the original. The movement from polysemy to monosemy,paraphrastic or expli

8、cative translation both are the modes of clarification.eg. 英: A series of these little surprises exhausts; and he was wearing pumps, a poor preparation for any country.汉:这样深一脚,浅一脚,磕磕碰碰,直走得你精疲力竭。何况阿济兹穿的是一双浅口软底鞋。穿这种鞋,在哪个国家走路都是不行的。Page 143. Expansion 扩充nRationalizing and clarifying require expansion, a

9、n unfolding of what, in the original, is folded.nThe addition adds nothing, that it augments扩大 only the gross mass of text, without augmenting its way of speaking or signifying. nExplication may render the text more clear, but they actually obscure its own mode of clarity. The expansion is a strechi

10、ng, a slackening, which impairs the rhythmic flow of the work. It is often called overtranslation.nwell: deep and vertical nExpansion flatten, horizontalizing what is essentially deep and vertical.Page 154.Ennoblement 高雅化uRhetorization consists in producing elegantsentences, while utilizing the sour

11、ce text, so tospeak, as raw material. Thus the ennoblement isonly a rewriting, a stylistic exercise based on-and at the expense of the original. But good speaking in the original has nothing todo with the rhetorical elegance extolled by therewriting that ennobles. In fact, the lattersimultaneously a

12、nnihilates both oral rhetoric andformless polylogic.Page 16Examplen英:I picture myself going up to bed,among the unused rooms, and sitting on my bed-side crying for a comfortable word from Peggotty.n汉: 我现在看到这样一幅图景:我一个人孤孤单单地到楼上冷冷清清的屋子里去睡觉,我坐在床沿上,一边哭着一边想象坡勾提来安慰我。Page 175. Qualitative impoverishment 性质受

13、损uThis refers to the replacement of terms, expressions and figures in the original with terms, expressions and figures that lack their sonorous richness or, correspondingly, their signifying or iconic richness.u When this practice of replacement is applied to an entire work, to the whole of its icon

14、ic surface, it decisively effaces a good portion of its signifying process and mode of expression- what makes a work speak to us.eg. Murderstone 摩德斯通Page 186. Quantitative impoverishment 数量缺失nThis refers to a lexical loss.(loss of lexical variation)nThis loss perfectly coexists with an increase of t

15、he gross quantity or mass of the text with expansion. nThe translating results in a text that is at once poorer and longer. Moreover, the expansion often works to mask the quantitative loss.eg. sadness,sorrow,grief: 悲哀Page 197. The destructions of rhythms 韵律的破坏The deforming translation can considera

16、bly affect the rhythm- for example, through an arbitrary revision of word order and punctuation.eg. 英:Wilful waste makes woeful want. 汉:平日里挥金如土,到头来生活叫苦。Page 208. The destruction of underlying networks of signification 对原文潜在指示网络的破坏nThe literary work contains a hidden dimension, an underlying text, wh

17、ere certain signifiers correspond and link up, forming all sorts of networks beneath the surface of the text itself.nIf such networks are not transmitted, a signifying process in the text is destroyed.nThe misreading of these networks corresponds to the treatment given to groupings of major signifie

18、rs in a work, such as those that organize its mode of expression.Page 21Example天净沙天净沙秋思秋思 枯藤/老树/昏鸦, 小桥/流水/人家, 古道/西风/瘦马。 夕阳/西下, 断肠/人/在/天涯。Sky-clear Sand (Tien-ching Sha) Autumn ThoughtsWithered vines, old trees, crows at dusk;A Small bridge, flowing water, a few houses; An ancient road, a lean horse

19、in the west wind,The evening sun sinking in the west- A heart-broken traveler still at worlds end.Page 229. The destruction of linguistic patternings 语言模式的破坏nRationalization, clarification, expansion, etc. destroy the systematic nature of the text by introducing elements that are excluded by its ess

20、ential system.nWhen the translated text is more homogeneous than the original, it is equally more incoherent and, in a certain way, more heterogeneous, more inconsistent不一致的.Page 23ExamplenThe pale winter sunshine had strengthened a little as the morning wore on and there was a hint of warmth in it

21、and an extra patina of bright gold lay on every twig and fallen beech leaf.n日头徐升,冬天淡淡的阳光热力渐强,现在倒有了些暖意。每条嫩枝,每片山毛榉落叶都涂上薄薄一层金黄的光泽。Page 2410.The destruction of vernacular networks exoticization 方言网络和异国情调的破坏The importance of vernacular networks: the polylogic aim of prose inevitably includes a plurality

22、of vernacular elements. the tendency toward concreteness in prose necessarily includes these elements, because the vernacular language is by its very nature more physical, more iconic than cultivated language. prose often aims explicitly to recapture the orality of vernacular.Page 2510.The destructi

23、on of vernacular networks exoticization 方言网络和异国情调的破坏nThe traditional method of preserving vernaculars is to exoticize them. ntwo forms: 1. a typographical procedure (italics) is used to isolate what does not exist in the original.2. Exoticization may join up with popularization by striving to render

24、 a foreign vernacular with a local one. Unfortunately, a vernacular clings tightly to its soil and completely resists any direct translating into another vernacular.Page 26Example英:Then what might your meaning be in calling me Sir John these different times, when I be plain Jack Durbeyfield the hagg

25、ler?汉:俺分明是平平常常的杰克德北,一个乡下小贩子,你可三番两次,老叫俺“约翰爵士”,到底是什么意思?Page 2711.Thedestructionofexpressionsandidioms对固定表达方式和成语的破坏nIt is evident that even if the meaning is identical, replacing an idiom by its equivalent is an ethnocentrism.nTo play with equivalence is to attack the discourse of the foreign work.eg.

26、英:Thats a stale old yarn. 汉:这早已是陈谷子烂芝麻了。Page 2812.Theeffacementofthesuperimpositionoflanguages 多种语言重叠的消除nThe superimposition of languages in a novel involves the relation between dialect and a common language, a koine, or the coexistence, in the heart of a text, of two or more koine(共同语).nThe relati

27、on of tension and integration that exists in the original between the vernacular language and the koine, between the underlying language and the surface language, etc. tends to be effaced in translation.Page 29Examplen英:Masr Davy, said he. And the old name in the old tone fell so naturally on my ear

28、! Masr Davy, tis a joyful hour as I see you, once more, long with your trew wife!n汉:“卫少爷,”他说道,用旧声调发出的那个旧称呼那么自然地进入我的耳朵!“卫少爷,我又看到你,见到你跟你这位贤惠的太太一块儿,真是我的喜庆日子!”Page 30Evaluation of Bermans negative analyticn The analytic of translation can be used to discover these deforming tendencies and show where in the text they have emerged. It can also help the translator to maintain the forignness of the source text consciously.nHowever, the deforming tendencies can not be avoided because languages and cultures are so different, so Bermans negative analytic is too strict.Page 31结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!32



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