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1、Pronouns 代词代词AmandaRevisionPresentationPracticeFill in the blanks with a, an, the, or X.1.Is _ earth _ biggest planet in _ solar system? No, it isnt.2. I had _ busy day today. At 2:30, I was swimming at _ swimming-pool.3. How often do you play computer games? - Twice _ week.4. What time do you go to

2、 _ school? - At _ 8:00.5. _ apple _ day keeps _ doctor away. the XAnaa the the the the aXA B C D E F GYou are hiding far from me,Looking here,Looking there,I cant see you any where,Pitter-Pat, what is that?It is just a pussy cat.代词的作用代词的作用代词是代替名词的,在句中起名词的作用。Who is on the phone? 主语Take good care of y

3、ourself. 宾语Thats not mine. 表语We both live in the dormitory. 同位语Get out, both of you! 呼语代代词词人称代词人称代词主主格格单数单数复数复数 I you he she itwe you they宾宾格格单数单数复数复数 me you him her it us you them物主代词物主代词形容词性形容词性单数单数复数复数 my your his her its your our their名词性名词性单数单数复数复数mine yours his hers its yours ours theirs代词代词反身

4、代词反身代词单数单数复数复数 myself yourselfhimselfherselfitself ourselves yourselves themselves疑问代词疑问代词 who what whose whom which指示代词指示代词单数单数复数复数 this thatthese those 不定代词不定代词可数可数Each, one, many, both, (a) few, another, either, neither不可数不可数much, (a) little可数、不可数可数、不可数all, some, none, such, any, other复合不定代词复合不定代

5、词anybody, anyone, anything, somebody, someone, something,nobody, nothing, everything, everyone, everybody人称代词人称代词人称代词随其句子中的身份变化而分为两种形式,主格主格和宾格宾格。作主语时,人称代词用主格She majors in English.He is a student.Im sorry, Im late.构成动宾或介宾结构时,人称代词用宾格You dont need to thank us.Put it on the table, please.Tell him to cal

6、l back later.Give the ruler to me.作表语时,主、宾格形式都可以(在口语中常用宾格)If I were him, Id take the job.The girl in the photo is me.You and I .You and me.ItWheres my map? I left it on the table.Youve saved my life. I shall never forget it.What a beautiful baby, Is it a boy?Where does it hurt?Who is it? Its me.What

7、 time is it?Its raining.Its 112 miles from Guangzhou to Shenzhen.Koko is going to the USA. Her teacherMr Lee is talking to her.Mr Lee: Your mother will miss you. Koko : I will miss _, too.Mr Lee: Your father will miss you. Koko : I will miss _, too.Mr Lee: Your dog will miss you. Koko : I will miss

8、_, too.Mr Lee: Your friends will miss you. Koko : I will miss _, too.Mr Lee: I will miss you. Koko : I will miss _, too. herhimitthemyouFill in the blanks.1.Lily is my good friend. _ is very good at English.2. A: Mary, shall _ go to the cinema? B: Sure. Lets go.3. Please give this book to Ken and To

9、m. _ need it.4. I have a rabbit. _ is cute.5. My father isnt a driver. _ is a policeman.6. _ am thirsty. Please give me some water, please. SheweTheyItHe I用人称代词改写下列句子用人称代词改写下列句子1. Mary rode a bike yesterday.2. My uncle can play football very well.3. The monkey is climbing the tree.4. Peter has four

10、CDs.5. Was Peters sister sweeping the floor? She rode a bike yesterday.He can play football very well. It is climbing the tree. He has four CDs.Was she sweeping the floor?物主代词物主代词物主代词表示所有关系。分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词用来修饰名词,且只能放在名词前作定语。Is this her seat?Whats your nationality?名词性的物主代词在用法上相当于名词性的物主代词在

11、用法上相当于省略了中心名词的省略了中心名词的-s属格结构。属格结构。 例如:例如: Jackscap意为ThecapisJacks. Hiscap意为 Thecapishis. This is my pen, yours is over there.yours=your penI can spell your name, you can spell his.his=his nameIts hers.hers=her bag名词性物主代词相当于形容词性物主代词加名词。This suit is his.Yours is on the shelf.I like yours better than o

12、urs.当它所修饰的名词前面有量词或基数词时,可以和Of构成短语。I borrowed a tie of yours.形容词性物主代词与其他形容词修饰名词时,形容词置于后。This is my best friend.名词性物主代词作主语时,谓语动词单、复数要注意。Your pants are yellow, mine are blue.反身代词反身代词表示动词所表达的动作返回到施动者本身,一般由第一、二人称的形容词性物主代词或第三人称代词的宾格加上self构成。复数将词缀self变为selves.作宾语:Let me introduce myself.I hope youll enjoy y

13、ourself.I couldnt control myself.She prided herself on her cooking.作主语或宾语的同位语,强调“本人”“本身”Mary herself opened the door.The president himself gave her the letter.She wanted to see Tom himself.固定搭配固定搭配Among yourself 你们之间Between ourselves 我们之间By oneself 独自一人For oneself 为了自己相互代词相互代词One another each otherW

14、eve known each other for many years.Yes, we can help one another.指示代词指示代词指示代词是将所指事物与其他事物区分开来的一种代词。表“这个”“那个”“这些”“那些”this, these 指在时间和空间上较接近的人或事物。that, those 指较远的事物。I get up early this morning.What are those?需要注意的是,前面提到的事物,常用that或those表示,译作“这”That isnt what I meant at all.this和that作状语时,表示程度I dont want

15、 that much.固定搭配Like that 像这样That is to say 这就是说Thats all 就这些Thats it 说对了Whats that? 你说什么?Lost and foundWhose is this pen?Is this yours?Yes./no, I think its听录音听录音, 找答句找答句.1.A. Im 12 years old. B. Im fine, thanks.2.A. He is reading a newspaper in the library. B. He is reading a newspaper at 3:00 pm.3.

16、 A. My father drives to work. B. My father is a driver.4. A. Its green. B. They are green.5. A. She likes hamburgers. B. Shes tall. 6. A. She will be back in a minute. B. He will be back in an hour.7. A. 10 Yuan. B. 10.8.A. Yes, I did. B. We hiked at Wu tong Mountain.9. A. My grandma was cooking in

17、the kitchen. B. I dont like cooking in the kitchen.10. A. Elephant is the strongest animal. B. Elephant is stronger than a horse.1.How are you?2. Where is he reading a newspaper?3. How does your father go to work?4. What color are the potatoes?5. What is Miss Wang like?6. When will your father be ba

18、ck?7. How many apples did you buy?8. What did you do last Sunday?9. Who was cooking in the kitchen?10. Which is stronger, an elephant or a horse?疑问代词疑问代词who whom whose what whichWho are you? 主语Whom did you see? 宾语Whose umbrella is this? 定语Whats up? 主语Which is your seat? 主语就划线部分提问.1.Im a student.2. M

19、ary was talking on the phone.3. His birthday is in October.4. The children are reading in the library. What are you?Who was talking on the phone.When is his birthday?Where are the children reading?5. There are ten green bottles on the wall.6. Her cousin is 160 cm tall.7. My new dictionary is $48.8.

20、The cute dog is 5 years old. How many green bottles are there on the wall. How tall is her cousin? How much is your new dictionary. How old is the cute dog?9. Sue made a cake yesterday.10. Molly and Kate are going to Beijing next week.11. Thats Jacks calendar.12. I want the red coat.What did Sue do

21、yesterday?Where are Molly and Kate going next week?Whose calendar is that?Which coat do you want?不定代词不定代词1)由body, one, thing构成的合成代词2)兼作代词和限定词的词somebody anybody everybody nobodysomeone anyone everyone no onesomething anything everything nothingall another any both each either few little many much nei

22、ther none other some somebody,someone,anybody,anyonesomebody和someone意思相同,都表示“某人”,用于肯定句中There is somebody at the door.Someone has turned off the light.在否定及疑问句中通常用anybody或anyone.I dont know anybody at the party.Has anybody anything more to say?everyone和everybody意思相同,表示“人人”“大家”Everybody was glad to see

23、 you.Everyone laughed.something表示某样东西,在疑问句及否定句中用anything。Something has happened.There was something missing.Has anything happened?Is there anything I can do?everything表示“一切”,nothing用于否定句,表示“没有”How is everything?Money isnt everything.Thats nothing.Nothings gonna change my love for you.nobody与no one意思

24、相同,表示“没有人”Nobody stands with us.I had no one to talk to.some, anysome, any都表示“一些”,可以指人或其他可数的东西,也可代表不可数的东西,some用于肯定句,any用于疑问句Some of them can speak Chinese.He wants some milk.Do you know any of the people?Is there any left in the fridge?修饰可数名词manyfewa few修饰不可数名词muchlittlea littlemany, muchmany主要用在疑问句

25、及否定句中,还可以与too, so一起连用Do you have many friends?He didnt make many mistakes.Much也表示“多”,但只能修饰不可数名词,多用于疑问句和否定句,或用在句首We dont have much free time.So much time has been wasted.few, littlefew是many的反义词,表示“很少”,修饰可数名词They exchanged few words.Few people live to be 100.Little是much的反义词,表示“很少”,只能修饰不可数名词,带有否定意味They

26、 had very little money.There is little hope.a few, a littlea few表示“有几个”,修饰可数名词He asked us a few questions.This happened a few days ago.A little表示“有一点”,修饰不可数名词She had a little money.Theres only a little time left.all, each, noneall表示“所有的”,修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,表示“一切”All my students can swim.All hope has g

27、one.He worked hard all his life.each表示“每一个”He gave each child a present.Each went his way.Each day passed without any news.none和no都是否定词,表示“没有”None of us could pass the exam.None of my friend ever come to see me.How many questions are difficult? none.both, either, neitherboth表示“两者都”Both women were Fr

28、ench.He is blind in both eyes.Ill take both of them.either表示“两者中的任何一个”You can park on either side of street.Either of us is willing to help.I did not bring either with me.neither表示“两者都不”Neither train had a rest room.She got neither of your letters.Will you have ice-cream or coca-cola?Neither, thank

29、you.other, anotherother表示“另外的”“别的”Are there any other questions?Some people came by car, others came on foot.Show me some others.another表示“另一个”“又一个”She had another cup of coffee.Shes going to have another baby.Saying is one thing and doing another.My idolWhos your idol?Where is she/he from?How old i

30、d she/he?When was she/he born?Why do you like him/her?My idolName:Sex:Age:Photo:Nationality:Language:Birthday:birthplace:Hobbies:Blood type: Thank you!Fill in the right words.1.I have a notebook. _ book is new.2. You have a notebook. _ book is new.3. Tom has a notebook. _ book is new.4. Miss Wang ha

31、s a notebook. _ book is new.5. Sue and Molly have a house. _ house is new.MyYourHisHerTheyFill in the blanks.1.We are students of Class 9. That classroom is _.2. This isnt Peters glasses. _ is in his bag.3. May I use your pencil? _ is broken.4. Is that T-shirt _, Jack? No, it isnt.5. This ball is _. Please give it to them.6. This dictionary is _(Jack). Please give it to him.oursHisMine yourstheirsJacks



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