新编大学英语4教学课件:第八课课件 Sentence Study

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1、句句句句型型型型应应应应用用用用“They remind me that my life is not ruled by clocks, that I can choose the time I live by.” (Line 2)remind sb. that提醒某人某事,也可用提醒某人某事,也可用remind sb of sth. /to do sth. 提醒某人做某事提醒某人做某事译译译译 文文文文ExampleExample黄黄的油菜花总黄黄的油菜花总使我想起使我想起我在农村度过的童年。我在农村度过的童年。Yellow flowers of rape always remind me

2、of my childhood in the countryside. 他他提醒我提醒我半夜以后没有火车。半夜以后没有火车。He reminded me that there were no trains after midnight.ExampleExample他他提提醒醒自自己己要要感感谢谢她她送送的的礼礼物。物。 He reminded himself to thank her for the present. 提醒提醒乘客下飞机时带好所有个人物品。乘客下飞机时带好所有个人物品。Passengers are reminded to take all their personal belo

3、ngings with them when they leave the plane. ExerciseExerciseYou do not need to _You do not need to _ all the time._ all the time.你不必老是你不必老是你不必老是你不必老是提醒人们记住他们曾经犯过的错提醒人们记住他们曾经犯过的错提醒人们记住他们曾经犯过的错提醒人们记住他们曾经犯过的错。remind people of theirDont forget to _.Dont forget to _.记住记住记住记住提醒她不要忘了宴会提醒她不要忘了宴会提醒她不要忘了宴会提醒她

4、不要忘了宴会。remind her about the dinner party请完成下面的句子请完成下面的句子。mistakes This story _ I had long This story _ I had long ago. ago. 这故事这故事这故事这故事使我联想起我使我联想起我使我联想起我使我联想起我很久以前有过的很久以前有过的很久以前有过的很久以前有过的一次经历一次经历一次经历一次经历。reminds me of an experience She _ I hadnt written to Mother.She _ I hadnt written to Mother.她她她

5、她提醒我提醒我提醒我提醒我还没有给母亲写信。还没有给母亲写信。还没有给母亲写信。还没有给母亲写信。reminded me that 译译译译文文文文“它们它们提醒我提醒我,生活不是由时钟控制的,而,生活不是由时钟控制的,而且我能自己选择按什么样的时间生活。且我能自己选择按什么样的时间生活。”“They remind me that my life is not ruled by clocks, that I can choose the time I live by.” (Line 2)句句句句子子子子分分分分析析析析 They They were were all all time time

6、 addictsaddicts, , taughttaught since since childhood childhood to to schedule schedule their their lives lives by by societys societys clock, clock, and and all all feltfelt lost lost without without the the security security of of a a timepiece.timepiece. ( Line17)( Line17) 译译译译 文文文文红色部分是此句的主句,红色部

7、分是此句的主句,and连接两个并列谓语。连接两个并列谓语。 taughtby societys clock是过去分词短语做是过去分词短语做time addicts的后置定语,相当于省略了的后置定语,相当于省略了who was 的非限定性定语从句。的非限定性定语从句。译译译译文文文文这些人都是这些人都是“时间瘾君子时间瘾君子”。他们从孩提时代他们从孩提时代起就起就受到这样的教育受到这样的教育:要按社会的时钟安排自要按社会的时钟安排自己的生活己的生活。因此一旦没有了计时器给予的安全。因此一旦没有了计时器给予的安全感,感,就会感到就会感到茫然若失。茫然若失。 They They were were

8、all all time time addictsaddicts, , taughttaught since since childhood childhood to to schedule schedule their their lives lives by by societys societys clock, clock, and and all all feltfelt lost lost without without the the security security of of a a timepiece.timepiece. ( Line17) ( Line17) Pione

9、ering studies in Germany reportedPioneering studies in Germany reported that that when people were put together in groups isolated when people were put together in groups isolated from external time cues from external time cues of light, temperature and of light, temperature and humidity, their own

10、humidity, their own complex internal complex internal timekeeping rhythms timekeeping rhythms became became desynchroniseddesynchronised; then they ; then they resynchronisedresynchronised in unison. in unison. (Line27)(Line27)译译译译 文文文文句子分析句子分析句子分析句子分析 红色部分是这个复合句的主句,红色部分是这个复合句的主句,thatin unison 是宾语从句

11、,做是宾语从句,做 reported 的宾语。的宾语。 这个宾语从句中,又含有一个主从复合句,这个宾语从句中,又含有一个主从复合句, when 引导的时间状语从句,逗号后面部分是引导的时间状语从句,逗号后面部分是 主句。主句。 synchronize 使同步,使同步,desynchronise 使不同步使不同步, resynchronise 使再同步。使再同步。 synchonize with: 使使同步同步影片中的声音必须影片中的声音必须与与动作动作配配合一致合一致。The sound on a film must The sound on a film must synchronize w

12、ithsynchronize with the action. the action. 发发现现新新大大陆陆的的航航海海与与资资本本主主义义经济的出现经济的出现同时发生同时发生。The voyages of discovery The voyages of discovery synchronized withsynchronized with the the emergence of capitalist economy. emergence of capitalist economy. ExampleExample译译译译文文文文根据在德国进行的开拓性研究报告根据在德国进行的开拓性研究报告

13、,当人们被,当人们被分成小组,一起置身于与光、温度、湿度等外分成小组,一起置身于与光、温度、湿度等外部时间提示因素相隔绝的环境时,他们自身内部时间提示因素相隔绝的环境时,他们自身内部复杂的时间节奏无法(与外部因素)同步了;部复杂的时间节奏无法(与外部因素)同步了;但他们的生物钟随后又恢复了相互间一致的同但他们的生物钟随后又恢复了相互间一致的同步节奏。步节奏。Pioneering studies in Germany reportedPioneering studies in Germany reported that that when people were put together in

14、groups isolated when people were put together in groups isolated from external time cues of light, temperature and from external time cues of light, temperature and humidity, their own complex internal humidity, their own complex internal timekeeping rhythms became timekeeping rhythms became desynch

15、roniseddesynchronised; ; then they then they res yn ch ron is edres yn ch ron is ed in unison. in unison. (Line 27)(Line 27)ThoseThose who have been in a serious accident who have been in a serious accident often often report thatreport that, , as it occurredas it occurred, everything happened , eve

16、rything happened in slow motion; apparently in slow motion; apparently thisthis is a survival tool is a survival tool built into the brain, an built into the brain, an ability to accelerate to ability to accelerate to several times normal several times normal perceptual speed, thereby perceptual spe

17、ed, thereby “slowing down” the “slowing down” the world and giving the world and giving the victim “time” to think how to avoid disaster. victim “time” to think how to avoid disaster. (Line37)(Line37)译译译译 文文文文句子分析句子分析句子分析句子分析此句的主要结构为:此句的主要结构为:Thoseoften report that, that引导的宾语从句较长。在这个长句中,引导的宾语从句较长。在这

18、个长句中,“as it occurred”为插入语,意为:为插入语,意为:“在事故发生的过在事故发生的过 程中。程中。” this是指是指 “everything happened in slow motion”。 “built into the brain”是过去分词短语做是过去分词短语做 “tool”的后的后 置定语,相当于置定语,相当于“which is built into the brain”。“an ability to . perceptual speed”是是“a survival tool”的同位语的同位语。 “slowing down ”和和“giving ”是并列的两个现

19、是并列的两个现 在分词短语,起补充说明作用。在分词短语,起补充说明作用。 thereby,意为,意为“因因 此,从而,由此此,从而,由此”。例如:。例如:He became a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.他成了公民,因此有他成了公民,因此有 投票权。投票权。译译译译文文文文那些那些经历过严重事故的人经历过严重事故的人常描述说常描述说,在事故发生的在事故发生的过程中过程中,一切都以慢动作的形式进行;,一切都以慢动作的形式进行;这这显然是人显然是人脑中内置有逃生工具,也就是一种能力,它能把人脑中内置有逃生工具,也就是一种能力,它能把人对外

20、部世界的感知速度提高到正常状态下的数倍,对外部世界的感知速度提高到正常状态下的数倍,从而从而“减慢减慢”了世界运行的速度,使当事人有了世界运行的速度,使当事人有“时时间间”来思考避免灾难的对策。来思考避免灾难的对策。ThoseThose who have been in a serious accident who have been in a serious accident often often report thatreport that, , as it occurredas it occurred, everything happened , everything happened

21、 in slow motion; apparently in slow motion; apparently thisthis is a survival tool is a survival tool built into the brain, an ability to accelerate to built into the brain, an ability to accelerate to several times normal perceptual speed, thereby several times normal perceptual speed, thereby “slo

22、wing down” the world and giving the “slowing down” the world and giving the victim “time” to think how to avoid disaster. victim “time” to think how to avoid disaster. (Line37)(Line37)addict (Line 17, Para. 4)n. a person who is unable to free him/herself from a harmful habit, esp. of taking drugs 入迷

23、的人入迷的人, , 有瘾的人有瘾的人ExerciseExercise_ _ o often turn to crime to get the money ften turn to crime to get the money they need. In this way, they force the crime rate up. they need. In this way, they force the crime rate up. 吸毒成瘾的人吸毒成瘾的人吸毒成瘾的人吸毒成瘾的人常常常常常常常常通过犯罪手段获取他们需要的毒通过犯罪手段获取他们需要的毒通过犯罪手段获取他们需要的毒通过犯罪手

24、段获取他们需要的毒资,这样就使犯罪率升高了。资,这样就使犯罪率升高了。资,这样就使犯罪率升高了。资,这样就使犯罪率升高了。Drug addicts At the age of 10, hes already a confirmed _At the age of 10, hes already a confirmed _. _. 虽然年仅十岁,但他已经是一个名副其实的虽然年仅十岁,但他已经是一个名副其实的虽然年仅十岁,但他已经是一个名副其实的虽然年仅十岁,但他已经是一个名副其实的网络游戏网络游戏网络游戏网络游戏狂狂狂狂了。了。了。了。online 请完成下面的句子请完成下面的句子。game ad

25、dictadj. dependent on something, esp. a drug; unable to stop having, taking, etc. 沉溺于某种嗜好中的沉溺于某种嗜好中的, ,对对 上瘾的上瘾的addicted 他已经完全他已经完全他已经完全他已经完全沉溺于赌博之中沉溺于赌博之中沉溺于赌博之中沉溺于赌博之中。He has been completely He has been completely addictedaddicted to gamblingto gambling. . TranslationTranslationHis daughter is abs

26、olutely addicted to animated cartoons. 他的女儿是一个不折不扣的他的女儿是一个不折不扣的卡通电影迷卡通电影迷。 n. the state of being addicted or a habit to which one is addicted 沉溺沉溺, , 上瘾上瘾 addictionPeople who People who suffer from addictionsuffer from addiction are called addicts. are called addicts. 那些那些吸毒成瘾吸毒成瘾的人被叫作瘾君子。的人被叫作瘾君子。

27、Heroin is highly addictive.海洛因海洛因很容易使人上瘾很容易使人上瘾。adj. (of drugs, etc.) causing addiction; habit- forming 使上瘾的;使入迷的使上瘾的;使入迷的n. 使人上瘾的药品使人上瘾的药品addictive pioneering (Line 27, Para. 6)adj. introducing new ways of doing something, which others later follow 先驱的;开拓性的先驱的;开拓性的His grandfather did His grandfathe

28、r did pioneeringpioneering work in the field of work in the field of cancer research. cancer research. 他的祖父在癌症研究方面的工作是他的祖父在癌症研究方面的工作是他的祖父在癌症研究方面的工作是他的祖父在癌症研究方面的工作是具有开拓性的具有开拓性的具有开拓性的具有开拓性的。TranslationTranslation在年仅在年仅20岁的时候,他就写出了岁的时候,他就写出了第一部第一部关于沙漠历险题材的小说。关于沙漠历险题材的小说。At the age of 20, he wrote a At

29、the age of 20, he wrote a pioneeringpioneering novel about a novel about a desert adventure. desert adventure. n. a person who does something first and so makes it possible or easier for others to do it later 首创者;倡导者首创者;倡导者pioneer (line 5, Para. 2)Professor Wang Professor Wang XuanXuan is the is the

30、 pioneer pioneer of the computer of the computer input system of the Chinese character. input system of the Chinese character. 王选教授是计算机汉字输入系统的王选教授是计算机汉字输入系统的先驱先驱。 TranslationTranslation崔健被公认为是中国大陆摇滚乐的崔健被公认为是中国大陆摇滚乐的先驱先驱。 Cui Jian is universally acknowledged as the pioneer of the rock-and-roll of Chi

31、nese mainland. v. to begin or help in the early development of 开拓;为开拓;为开路;作先驱者开路;作先驱者pioneer (line 5, Para. 2)ExerciseExerciseAs we know, Wright brothers of As we know, Wright brothers of the the United United StatesStates _. .如我们所知,美国的莱特兄弟如我们所知,美国的莱特兄弟如我们所知,美国的莱特兄弟如我们所知,美国的莱特兄弟是是是是飞行的先驱。飞行的先驱。飞行的先驱

32、。飞行的先驱。pioneered flyingNokia, the worlds biggest mobile phone maker, Nokia, the worlds biggest mobile phone maker, _. _. 世界第一手机生产商诺基亚世界第一手机生产商诺基亚世界第一手机生产商诺基亚世界第一手机生产商诺基亚推出了第一款照相手机推出了第一款照相手机推出了第一款照相手机推出了第一款照相手机。pioneered the camera cell phone请完成下面的句子请完成下面的句子。external (Line 28, Para.6)adj. 1) of, rela

33、ting to, or connected with something outside, apart, or beyond; relating to the outside of something or of a persons body 外部的外部的; ; 外面的外面的The The external wallsexternal walls of that house should be reinforced. of that house should be reinforced. 那座房屋的那座房屋的那座房屋的那座房屋的外墙外墙外墙外墙应该加固一下。应该加固一下。应该加固一下。应该加固

34、一下。TranslationTranslation幸运的是,他在那起车祸中所受的幸运的是,他在那起车祸中所受的都是皮外伤都是皮外伤。Fortunately, all his Fortunately, all his injuriesinjuries resulting from the car resulting from the car accident accident areare externalexternal. . adj. 2) foreign 外国的;对外的外国的;对外的ExerciseExerciseTodays newspaper carried certain amoun

35、t of reports Todays newspaper carried certain amount of reports ofof _ _. . 今天的报纸刊登了相当数量的今天的报纸刊登了相当数量的今天的报纸刊登了相当数量的今天的报纸刊登了相当数量的国外(新闻)事件国外(新闻)事件国外(新闻)事件国外(新闻)事件。external affairs_ is an important topic of todays _ is an important topic of todays conference. conference. 对外贸易对外贸易对外贸易对外贸易是今天会议的重要议题。是今天会

36、议的重要议题。是今天会议的重要议题。是今天会议的重要议题。External trade 请完成下面的句子请完成下面的句子。反义词:反义词:internal (line 29, Para. 6)adj. 1) 内部的内部的, , 体内的体内的 2) 国内的国内的, , 内政的内政的alter (Line 35, Para. 7)v. to make or become different, but without changing into something else 改变;变更改变;变更The trousers will have to be The trousers will have t

37、o be alteredaltered; its too long. ; its too long. 那条裤子太长了,要那条裤子太长了,要那条裤子太长了,要那条裤子太长了,要改改改改短些。短些。短些。短些。TranslationTranslation那座城镇和我当初在那里的时那座城镇和我当初在那里的时候没有太大的候没有太大的变化变化。The town hasnt really The town hasnt really alteredaltered much since the last time I was much since the last time I was there. ther

38、e. 词义辨析:词义辨析:alter 与与 change两个词均可译为两个词均可译为“变化变化”,都可用作及物和不及物动词。,都可用作及物和不及物动词。change 是表示是表示“变化变化”这个意思中最常用,最普通的这个意思中最常用,最普通的 词。它可以指人或事物的本质变化,词。它可以指人或事物的本质变化,即使指形即使指形 式,外表时,也是根本性或深刻的变式,外表时,也是根本性或深刻的变化。化。 ExampleExampleTimes have Times have changedchanged. . 时代时代时代时代变了变了变了变了。自从上次见过后,她自从上次见过后,她变了变了很多。很多。S

39、he has She has changedchanged a lot since I last saw her. a lot since I last saw her. 这地方这地方变变得认不出来了。得认不出来了。The place has The place has changedchanged beyond recognition. beyond recognition. alter常指大小,形状的改变,而非本质的变化。常指大小,形状的改变,而非本质的变化。ExerciseExerciseIf your new jacket is too large, a If your new jac

40、ket is too large, a good tailor can _ it to fit you.good tailor can _ it to fit you.alter The war has _ all.The war has _ all.changed 请选择请选择 alter 或或 change 填空填空brink (Line 36, Para. 7)n. 1) the point in time when something very bad or very good is about to happen 边缘,关头边缘,关头ExerciseExerciseThey trie

41、d to _They tried to _ but failed in the end. _ but failed in the end. 他们尽力他们尽力他们尽力他们尽力想扭转工厂濒临破产的局面想扭转工厂濒临破产的局面想扭转工厂濒临破产的局面想扭转工厂濒临破产的局面,但最终还是,但最终还是,但最终还是,但最终还是失败了。失败了。失败了。失败了。pull the factory back from the brink of The failure of the examination almost _The failure of the examination almost _. _. 考试的

42、失败让她几乎考试的失败让她几乎考试的失败让她几乎考试的失败让她几乎到了精神崩溃的边缘到了精神崩溃的边缘到了精神崩溃的边缘到了精神崩溃的边缘。drove her to 请完成下面的句子请完成下面的句子。bankruptcy the brink of mental collapseHe stood on He stood on the brink of the riverthe brink of the river, waiting for his , waiting for his father to come back. father to come back. 他站在那条他站在那条他站在那条

43、他站在那条河边上河边上河边上河边上,等着父亲的归来。,等着父亲的归来。,等着父亲的归来。,等着父亲的归来。不要站在不要站在不要站在不要站在悬崖旁边悬崖旁边悬崖旁边悬崖旁边,那太危险了。,那太危险了。,那太危险了。,那太危险了。Dont stand on Dont stand on the brink of the cliffthe brink of the cliff. . Its very dangerous. Its very dangerous. n. 2) the edge of a very high place such as a cliff ( (峭壁等的峭壁等的) )边缘边缘T

44、ranslationTranslation词义辨析:词义辨析:brink, edge, border 与与 marginbrink 如上面的英文解释所示,着重指较高位置,如上面的英文解释所示,着重指较高位置, 如峭壁等的边缘;如峭壁等的边缘;edge 指物体的边缘,边线;还可以表示锋利的边指物体的边缘,边线;还可以表示锋利的边 沿,如刀刃,刀口,刀锋;沿,如刀刃,刀口,刀锋;border 指两国间的指两国间的“边界边界”,“边界线边界线”。特别突出。特别突出 强调指划分出的界线;强调指划分出的界线;margin 指书页的空白处,也可指江,河,湖,林等边指书页的空白处,也可指江,河,湖,林等边

45、缘地带,但所指的地域较宽广(不像缘地带,但所指的地域较宽广(不像edgeedge的的 有限边沿)。有限边沿)。ExerciseExerciseThe sword has a very sharpThe sword has a very sharp _. _. edgeThe _ between ChinaThe _ between Chinaand Mongolia is very long.and Mongolia is very long.border 请选择请选择brink, , edge, , border或或margin填空。填空。She likes sitting on the _

46、 of that lake to relax She likes sitting on the _ of that lake to relax herself. herself. margin Dont stand on the _ of a cliff. Its too Dont stand on the _ of a cliff. Its too dangerous.dangerous.brink Can you stand a coin up on _?Can you stand a coin up on _?edgeaccelerate (Line 39, Para. 7)v. 1)

47、to (cause to) move faster 加速加速TranslationTranslation对那些旅行者来说,如何让这台对那些旅行者来说,如何让这台对那些旅行者来说,如何让这台对那些旅行者来说,如何让这台老爷车老爷车老爷车老爷车提速提速提速提速是个大问题。是个大问题。是个大问题。是个大问题。 让船加速让船加速让船加速让船加速需要一部(马力)更大的发动机。需要一部(马力)更大的发动机。需要一部(马力)更大的发动机。需要一部(马力)更大的发动机。Accelerating the ship needed a more powerful engine. How to accelerate

48、that old car was a big headache for those travelers. v. 2) to cause to happen faster or earlier than expected 促进;使(某事)加快促进;使(某事)加快 TranslationTranslation他们正在制定一项他们正在制定一项他们正在制定一项他们正在制定一项促进促进促进促进旅游业旅游业旅游业旅游业发展发展发展发展的计划。的计划。的计划。的计划。They are making a plan to accelerate the growth of tourism.油价的上涨油价的上涨油价

49、的上涨油价的上涨加剧加剧加剧加剧了中国汽车市场销售额的进一步下降。了中国汽车市场销售额的进一步下降。了中国汽车市场销售额的进一步下降。了中国汽车市场销售额的进一步下降。The rising oil price accelerated the decline of the sale of Chinas auto market. 派生词:派生词:acceleration n. 1) 1)加速加速 2)2)加快加快 accelerator n. 加速者加速者, , 加速器加速器frown (Line 44, Para. 8) v. to bring the eyebrows together in

50、anger or effort, or to show disapproval so that lines appear on the forehead 皱眉皱眉, , 蹙额(表示生气,不赞同等)蹙额(表示生气,不赞同等)The coach The coach frownedfrowned with displeasurewith displeasure as he failed to as he failed to persuade that key player to resume regular training. persuade that key player to resume r

51、egular training. 当他知道自己的上诉被最高法院驳回的时候他当他知道自己的上诉被最高法院驳回的时候他皱起了皱起了眉头眉头。He frowned as he knew that the Supreme Court had rejected his appeal. TranslationTranslation无法说服那位主力队员恢复正常训练让教练无法说服那位主力队员恢复正常训练让教练很不悦很不悦。 frown on/upon sthto disapprove of 不赞成不赞成, , 反对反对TranslationTranslationSmoking in the waiting r

52、oom is rather frowned upon here. 她想到国外继续自己的学业,但她的母亲她想到国外继续自己的学业,但她的母亲不赞成不赞成。She was eager to continue her study overseas; but her mother frowned on the idea. 这里的休息室这里的休息室禁止禁止吸烟。吸烟。priority (Line 46, Para. 8) n. 1) something that needs attention, consideration, service, etc., before others 需优先考虑的事需优先

53、考虑的事请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。ExerciseExerciseSuch classic songs as “You Make Me Happy and Sad” _ of veteran singer Emil Chous (Zhou Huajian) solo concert. 像像让我欢喜让我忧让我欢喜让我忧这样的经典歌曲这样的经典歌曲总是总是老牌歌手老牌歌手周华健演唱会上的周华健演唱会上的首选曲目首选曲目。If you look forward to enrolling that university, _. 如果你想上那所大学,如果你想上那所大学,首先应该考虑的是学费首先

54、应该考虑的是学费。tuition fee should be given the top priorityare always the priority We have a We have a prioritypriority booking scheme for the members booking scheme for the members of our club. of our club. n. 2) the state or right of coming before others in position or time 先;前;优先权先;前;优先权儿童儿童享有享有获得食物的获得

55、食物的优先权优先权。The children The children take the prioritytake the priority for for getting the food getting the food over othersover others. . TranslationTranslation我们能够为俱乐部的成员我们能够为俱乐部的成员优先优先订票。订票。 形容词形式:形容词形式:prior adj. 1)(常与(常与to连用)预先的;在前的连用)预先的;在前的 2) 更更重要的;优先的重要的;优先的summon up (Line 63, Para. 12)try

56、very hard to have enough of something such as courage, energy, or strength, because it is needed 鼓起(勇气等)鼓起(勇气等)请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。ExerciseExerciseHarry Potter took a deep breath, _, and opened the door of that secret room. 哈哈利利波波特特深深深深地地吸吸了了一一口口气气,鼓鼓足足勇勇气气打打开开了了那那间间密密室的门。室的门。A qualified judge should

57、_ to defend the authority of law. 一名合格的法官应该一名合格的法官应该用自己的全部的力量和智慧用自己的全部的力量和智慧去维护去维护法律的权威。法律的权威。summon up all his strength summoned up all and wisdom his couragesummon TranslationTranslationAll employees were summoned to the hall for an important speech. 下课后,下课后,我被叫进了我被叫进了老师的办公室去解释我的行为。老师的办公室去解释我的行为。A

58、fter class, After class, I was summoned toI was summoned to the teachers office the teachers office to explain my action. to explain my action. 所有的员工所有的员工被召集到被召集到大厅听一个大厅听一个重要的报告。重要的报告。v.( fml) to order someone to come to a certain place 召唤,召见;传唤召唤,召见;传唤harmony (Line 70, Para. 14)n. a state of comple

59、te agreement (in feelings, ideas, etc.) 和睦;和谐;和平相处和睦;和谐;和平相处他的想法和我们的想法不可能他的想法和我们的想法不可能一致一致。His ideas are unlikely to be in harmony with ours. TranslationTranslation来自于不同国家的人们可以在那座城市来自于不同国家的人们可以在那座城市和谐相处和谐相处。People from different countries could People from different countries could live in perfect l

60、ive in perfect harmonyharmony in that city. in that city. 形容词形式:形容词形式:harmonious请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。ExerciseExerciseThe government of that town gives the establishment of _ a top priority. 该市政府把建设该市政府把建设和谐社区和谐社区当作工作的重中之重。当作工作的重中之重。 “Socialist concept of honor and disgrace” is very significant in estab

61、lishing _. “社会主义荣辱观社会主义荣辱观”对建设对建设和谐社会和谐社会意义重大。意义重大。a harmonious societyharmonious communities adj. 和谐的和谐的, , 协调的协调的, , 和睦的和睦的, , 悦耳悦耳的的These symptoms can contribute to heart disease. Cultures differ in how they perceive time.The mind can alter rhythms of time in various ways.这些症状会引起心脏病这些症状会引起心脏病 不同的

62、文化对时间的认识存在着差异。不同的文化对时间的认识存在着差异。人脑能以各种各样的方式改变时间的节奏。人脑能以各种各样的方式改变时间的节奏。Each view of time has advantages and disadvantages. 每一种对时间的看法都有其优缺点。每一种对时间的看法都有其优缺点。 when we break the habit of looking at clocks or watchesTake time to watch a sunset, or a cloud cross the sky.当我们打破看钟表的习惯时当我们打破看钟表的习惯时 花点时间去看日落或观望天空飘过的云。花点时间去看日落或观望天空飘过的云。The culture pattern is learnt.文化模式是后天学来的。文化模式是后天学来的。We wish to live in harmony with nature.我们希望与大自然和谐相处。我们希望与大自然和谐相处。



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