高中英语 Unit 2 English around the world Period Three课件 新人教版必修1

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1、Period ThreeUsing Language.课文理解1.In the writers opinion,_.A.standard English is spoken in BritainB.standard English is spoken in the USAC.standard English exists in CanadaD.there is no standard English at all课 文 预 读2.Why do many people believe the English spoken on TV and the radio is standard Engli

2、sh?A.Because the English spoken on TV and the radio is the same.B.Because the English spoken on TV and the radio is expected excellent.C.Because the government tells them what standard English is.D.Because they cant speak English well by themselves.3.Which of the statements about dialects is TRUE?A.

3、No words and expressions spoken on TV are dialects.B.In Britain there are more dialects than in the USA.C.Dialects are widely used in the USA.D.Dialects are better than standard English.4.Whats the main idea of the third paragraph?A.Geography plays a part in making dialects.B.Some people live in the

4、 mountains.C.The people who live in different areas can understand each other.D.Americans like moving from one place to another.5.As many Americans move all over the country,they _.A.change their dialectsB.take their dialects with themC.dont speak their dialectsD.cant understand each others dialects

5、答案1.D2.B3.C4.A5.B.段落大意阅读课文找出与下面A、B、C相配的段落大意1.Para.one( ) A.Geography also plays a part in making dialects.2.Para.two() B.Believe it or not,there is no such thing as standard English.3.Para.three() C.When people use words and expressions different from the “standard language”,it is called a dialect.答

6、案1.B2.C3.A .阅读课文回答下列问题1.Whats the purpose of this passage?_2.Whats called a dialect?_3.Why does American English has so many dialects?_4.What did Americans took with them when they moved from one place to another?_答案1.The purpose is to show the students there is no such thing as “standard English”.2

7、.When people use words and expressions different from the “standard language”,it is called a dialect.3.Because people have come from all over the world.4.They took their dialects with them.Comical Quotes About the Confusing English Language英语令人费解?来看看这些搞笑语录Our language is funnya “fat chance” and a “s

8、lim chance” are the same thing. J.Gustav White我们的语言很搞笑“胖胖的机会”和“瘦瘦的机会”意思一样(都指机会渺茫) J.古斯塔夫怀特(美国心理学家)English is a funny language;that explains why we park our car on the driveway and drive our car on the parkway.英语是一种有趣的语言;它解释了我们为什么要把车停在行车道上,而在林荫道上开车。 【美丽学习】The word “good” has many meanings.For example

9、,if a man were to shoot his grandmother at a range of five hundred yards,I should call him a good shot,but not necessarily a good man.G.K.Chesterton“好”这个字有很多意思。打个比方,假设一个人在500码开外的地方射中了他的奶奶,我应该叫他“好射手”,但他未必是一个“好人”。 G.K.切斯特顿(英国作家、文学评论家)I like the word “indolence”.It makes my laziness seem classy.Bernard

10、 Williams我喜欢“慵懒”这个词。它让我犯懒犯得很上档次。伯纳德威廉斯 English grammar is so complex and confusing for the one very simple reason that its rules and terminology are based on Latin,a language with which it has precious little in common.Making English grammar conform to Latin rules is like asking people to play baseb

11、all using the rules of football. Bill Bryson英语的语法非常复杂,常常让人困惑不已,原因很简单,英语的规则和用语基于拉丁语,而这两种语言之间的相似点非常少。让英语语法遵循拉丁语规则就像要求人们按照足球规则打棒球一样。 比尔布莱森(美国作家) .核心单词单词拼写1.He speaks with a strong southern _(口音).2.The officials often visited the _(东部的)parts of the country.3.He made repeated _(请求)for help but nobody not

12、iced that.4.She took the dog for a walk around the _ (街区).知 识 梳 理5.From the teachers _(表情),we all knew that she was out of control.6.Can you _ (辨认出)her from this picture?7.He drew a _(直的)line on the paper.8.The place we live in is hot,_(尤其)in summer.答案1.accent2.eastern3.requests4.block5.expression6.

13、recognize 7.straight8.especially .重点短语用所给短语的适当形式填空1.There is _word within my memory.2.All the people present have _ that the fresh water should be supplied at once.(request)3.I didnt _ on the phone last night.4.Chow Yun-Fat _ in the film Let the Bullets Fly.答案1.no such2.made an urgent request3.recog

14、nize his voice4.played a leading part recognize his voice;play a leading part;no such;make an urgent request.写作句式句式运用(完成句子)1._ (信不信由你),our English teacher knows everything.2._ (沿 着 这 条 路 一 直 走 )and then turn right.(straight)3._ (这 是 因 为 ) in the early days of radio,_(那些的人) reported the news were exp

15、ected to speak excellent English.答案1.Believe it or not2.Go straight down the road3.This is because;those who .单句语法填空1.Sorry,I cant read the _(express) on her face.I dont know how to please her.2.Though they hadnt met for many years,they _ (recognize) each other at first sight.3.Mrs.Black took her ch

16、ildren to the same place _ she visited two years ago.4.The role that our army _ (play) in flood control is very important.5.Visitors are requested not_ the exhibits in Beijing Museum.6.The officer commanded that all the soldiers _(start) at dawn.7.A straight road goes _(straight) from the school to

17、our village.8.Tom,you are late again.Yes,thats _ my car broke down on the way.9.It is so nice to hear from her.Believe it_ not, we last met more than ten years ago.10.He usually speaks _dialect,so it is hard for everyone here to understand him.答案1.expression2.recognized3.that4.played5.to touch6.(sho

18、uld) start7.straight8.because9.or10.in 【知识链接】This is because in the early days of radio,those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English.这是因为在早期的收音机时代,对新闻播音员的要求是讲一口极好的英语。This is because.这是因为,because引导的句子作表语,表示原因。This is why.这就是的原因,why引导的从句表示结果。The reason why.is that.中that引导的表语从句表

19、示原因,不可换成because。Thats because you are drinking too much.那是因为你喝的太多了。He missed the first bus and that was because he got up late this morning.他没能赶上早班车,那是因为他今天早上起晚了。She got up late this morning and that was why she missed the first bus.她今天早上起晚了,那就是她没赶上早班车的原因。完成句子The traffic is heavy.This is _ (我为什么迟到了).He didnt come to the meeting yesterday.That was _ (因为他不得不把他妈妈带到医院去).答案why I arrived latebecause he had to take his mother to hospital



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