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1、学习目标:学习目标:1.1.通通过过词词性性分分类类练练习习,能能总总结结出出常常见见的的词词形形变变化化及及词词性性转转化化规规则则,并并能能进进一一步步树树立立词词性性意意识识。( (知识目标知识目标) )2.2.能能够够运运用用总总结结出出的的规规则则在在语语境境中中进进行行词词形形变变化化和词性转化,提高用词的准确率。和词性转化,提高用词的准确率。( (技能目标技能目标) )3.3.通通过过独独立立完完成成练练习习,能能够够概概括括出出词词语语运运用用的的具具体体策策略略,提提高高在在语语境境中中灵灵活活用用词词的的能能力力。( (体体验验性目标性目标) )词语运用专项练习词语运用专项

2、练习 Word Using -Rules and Tips动词动词 v. 1.My brother very hard every day . (study )2.Look ! Sam TV happily on the sofa.(watch)3.I to school late yesterday .(get)4.She us since 2 years ago. (teach)5.The light bulb by Edison.(invent)studiesgothas taught谓语动词谓语动词is watchingSum up the rulesyesterdaybrothere

3、very dayLooksinceagowas inventedMo Yan is a very famous in China. (write)act-actor buildbuilding collect-collection writer1.I often tell my students homework carefully. (do) 2. Tom gets up early (catch) the first bus on weekdays. 3. Why not consider (go) to Paris for vacation?非谓语动词非谓语动词to doto catch

4、goingconsider名词名词 n. 1.He has 3 daughters, one of the went board and the name is Betty. (girl)2.Swimming in the deep river is very _ for children. (danger)luck-lucky; noise-noisy ; health-healthy; wind-windy east -easterngirlsgirlsdangerousone of形容词(形容词(adj.) Grace is at writing, she does in novels

5、and she has finished 3 so far. I think her second novel is much than the first one, and her latest novel is the of all the three. (good)goodbetterbest副词副词(adv.)1.You must ride the bike next time, or you will get hurt again. (careful) 2.Its raining , I can see whats happening outside. (hard)carefully

6、wellhardhardlyridethan all the three代词:代词:pron . 1.Tom is a careless boy, yesterday he cut his hand . mother told that he had better be careful the next time. (he)2.This is my book, so that one must be .(she)数词:数词:num. 1.February is the month of the year. (two)2. of trees were planted in our school

7、last year. (hundred)himselfHishimherssecondHundreds介词介词 prep. 连词连词 conj.1.Look at the map China and find where Zhengzhou is. 2. I havent seen my best friend a long time.3. He always listens to the music he is driving. ofwhile/as whenformap ChinaHe always listens to the music he is driving. 你能总结出不同词性

8、常见的变化形式吗?你能总结出不同词性常见的变化形式吗?动词动词 v:名词名词 n:形容词形容词 adj:副副 词词 adv:代词代词 pron:数词数词num:介词介词prep 连词连词conj:单复数,所有格单复数,所有格s (s)单三,现在分词,过去式,过去分词单三,现在分词,过去式,过去分词比较级,最高级比较级,最高级主格,宾格,形容词性物主代词,主格,宾格,形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词,反身代词名词性物主代词,反身代词基数词基数词序数词、固定短语序数词、固定短语无变化无变化er, or, ion ingy ly 常用词汇变化口诀:常用词汇变化口诀: 空前空后空前空后要注意,要注意,

9、“名词名词”单复单复要要牢记,还有牢记,还有ss 不能弃,不能弃,“动词动词”注意要注意要变形,常见变化有变形,常见变化有四四种,种,“形副形副”注意用注意用三级三级,要填,要填“数词数词”请留意,千万别忘请留意,千万别忘 “基基” ” 和和“序序”,填入,填入“代词代词”需慎重,需慎重,五五格变化要谨记格变化要谨记,介词、连词最省力,看,介词、连词最省力,看见见照抄照抄就可以。就可以。 Self-assessment(自我评估自我评估): ( )要注意,要注意,“名词名词” ” ( )要牢记,还有(要牢记,还有( )不能弃,不能弃,“动词动词”注意注意要变形要变形,常见变化有(常见变化有(

10、)种,)种,“形副形副”注注意用意用( ),要填),要填“数词数词”请留意,千万请留意,千万别忘(别忘( ),),填入填入“代词代词”需需慎重,(慎重,( )格变化要谨记,介词、连词最省力,看)格变化要谨记,介词、连词最省力,看见(见( )就可以。)就可以。空前空后空前空后单复单复s s四四 三级三级 基和序基和序五五照抄照抄Michael Leung, a famous TV host in Hong Kong, wrote a letter to his son. It is not only 1 . to children, but also good for all ages. The

11、 following are chosen 2. his letter. Life is short. While you are 3. it today, youll realize you are at the end of it tomorrow. So the earlier you start to value your life, the 4. you can enjoy it.You might not be successful 5. you dont study hard, although a lot of successful people havent 6. highe

12、r education.I dont expect you to support (供养) me for the rest of 7. life, so Im not going to do the same for you. You will be living on your own when you grow up. 4. You can require yourself to be nice to others, 8. you shouldnt expect the same from others. 5. Ive been buying the lottery (彩票) for al

13、most twenty 9. , but Im still poor. I have never got the 10. place even once. So you have to work hard to be successful. There is no free lunch in the world.receive minute when helpful early if I from waste three year but1.观察词汇,观察词汇,3.阅读文本,阅读文本,4.浏览全文,浏览全文,通通词意,分词性词意,分词性。选单词,变词形。选单词,变词形。多检查,再核对。多检查,

14、再核对。2.浏览文本,浏览文本,通大意,知寓意。通大意,知寓意。 Steps: Aims: n:v:adj:pron:num:conj&prep:minute yearreceive waste helpful early I three when if from butadv: earlyreceive minute when helpful early if I from waste three year but There was once a man who was the boss of the building company. One day, a boy in old clot

15、hes ran to ask him, “how can I become as 1. as you when I grow up?” “Here is a story about two workers. The first worker liked holding his spade(铁锹铁锹) without doing anything but he 2. about the long hours of work and his low pay all the time. The 3. worker worked hard without saying anything. Severa

16、l years later, the first worker was still holding 4. spade but the other worker 5. the boss of the building company. richcomplainedsecondhisbecame Do you understand what the story tells you? Just go to buy a red shirt and work hard.” the boss replied. “Im sorry, sir! I dont 6. what you said.” the li

17、ttle boy said. “Look at the sunburned man in red among those workers who are working. I have noticed him 7. a long time. He always works 8. than the others, the first one to work every day 9. the last one to leave. Now I am about to ask him to be one of my 10. and I believe he will work much harder

18、than ever.understandforharderbutassistants66.helpful 67.from 68.wasting 69.earlier 70.if 71.received 72.my 73.but 74.years 75.thirdI should pay more attention to: Find out your errors:1.rich plained 3.second 4.his 5.became 6.understand 7.for 8.harder 9.but 10.assistants Partner-assessment(同伴评估同伴评估):1.What do you think your partner did well?2.What do you think your partner could do better? Details determine success or failure.(细节决定成败)(细节决定成败)



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