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1、English For International Business Communication 安徽财经大学国际经济贸易学院安徽财经大学国际经济贸易学院 邮箱:邮箱:獭制贸陡夹堆标即金统暂驾磐翠佰西樱长甸常轩恃垮沉境堵觉抬私遥成贯商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Chapter One Business Letters 透伞毯仓毋奎诅红跨筋缕琵肌金豫漳帖维敞瑟地沁溺初宝闪城噶剔算盏输商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章1.1 Introduction1.2 Writing guide1.3 Letters for example 1.4 Words and Phrases 1.5

2、Notes1.6 Useful expressions 1.7 Exercises 巍海隘探捶梭畜抡帐旭镭痪蜕朗岿恩镇友氓芋嚼桂塘蓬翻衔漓疾贴回秃员商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章1.1 Introduction Business letter is the most frequently used form of communication. It isvery important in the business world. two main functions. 1. to ask for and give a reply to an enquiry, offer, order

3、or complaint; 2. to keep a record of all the important facts for ready reference. An effective business letter will say what the writer wants it to say clearly and simply. There are three styles of business communication: the full blocked style,the indented style and the semi-blocked style. The full

4、y-blocked style withopen punctuation is the most popular method of display for business letters,because it is considered to be businesslike, simple and professional.茶怔佐搀气魔旧乔迂垢夺沫沏性渭胆昆消雷压蝉胀桓鸦倔水班芭轨炕笛垂商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章1.2 Writing guideThe Format of envelopesThe Structure of business lettersThe Essent

5、ials of Business Letter WritingThe Formats of a business letter仙式售熬威饭韦呀右肤取叉迸藤氛丛线蓑且儒夷浚描纱蜘蕾嫉书决汗郧挡商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Correctness 正确正确Completeness 完整完整Clarity 清楚清楚Conciseness 简练简练Concreteness 具体具体Courtesy 谦恭谦恭Consideration 体贴体贴函电书写的基本原则(函电书写的基本原则(7 Cs)臆漏近搪酝岸龋夯窝嫂堆棺镑冕郝刑勾恶挥引骏甜干读漱钠韦傲吏橙茫秤商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3

6、章1.2.1 The Essentials of Business Letter Writing7 “Cs” principles|Clarity: Try to express yourself clearly. 1. Keep in mind the purpose of the letter; 2. Use appropriate words in correct sentence structures; 3. Avoid ambiguous sentences. |Conciseness: Say things in the fewest possible words. Try to

7、avoid wordiness or redundancy. |Courtesy: Not mere politeness. Always keep in mind the person we are writing to, see things from his point of view, visualize him in his surroundings, see his problems and difficulties and express our ideas in terms of his experience.试啄移状兽太心局萎惫胰说讽缕律妹寨忿凌霉盎瞳荐牛难世纂硕议弗兆蔚商务

8、英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章1.2.1 The Essentials of Business Letter Writing7 “Cs” principles|Consideration: It emphasizes You-attitude rather than We-attitude. Keep the readers request, needs, desires, as well as his feelings in mind.|Correctness: Appropriate and grammatically correct language, factual inform

9、ation and accurate reliable figures, as well as the right forms and conventions. |Concreteness: Make the message specific, definite and vivid.|Completeness: Provide all the information and data necessary for a specific issue.读哆蜂叠疏鹤俗踊蝗峪委精名朽派既难铸万央窟史谦坪峪我孙漫抓返运路商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章1.2.2 The Structure of

10、business lettersThe Structure of business lettersBasic Components Additional Components Letterhead Date Inside Name and Address Salutation Body Complimentary Close Signature Mailing or In-house Notation Reference Attention Line Subject Line/Caption Multiple-Page Letter Heading Reference Initials Enc

11、losure Notation Carbon Copy Notation Postscript/P.S. 令舶肾湃签奴铆琶烙馅熟袜产扳僳御干翔迸甥懒遮涣酿彭心绅戚撑脆燥旺商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Layout of Business Letters 信件组成部分Basic Components 基本部分1. The letterhead 信头信头2. The date line 日期日期3. The inside name and address 收信人名称地址收信人名称地址4. The salutation 称呼称呼5. The body 信文信文6. The complime

12、ntary close 结尾敬语结尾敬语7. The signature 落款落款纲应介剑语缚椰夸怜厄邢幻爷蔬畸仓叁棱滤蔫藐庙筛淆芭硅黍点家凡催硒商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Miscellaneous Matters 附加部分8. The reference notation 案号案号9. The attention line 具体收信人具体收信人10. The subject line 事由事由11. The enclosure 附件附件12. The carbon copy notation 抄送抄送13. The postscript 附言附言14. Mailing or i

13、n-house notation 邮递方式邮递方式15. multiple-page letter heading 多页信的标题多页信的标题16. Reference initials 主办人代号主办人代号陷舔提糊汕郡巴挖距属徒渝意亏嚎深闭饼坯壕捶垂茅祟献猩膀吠锡埃涣途商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章1.China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Imp & Exp Corp.8 Jianguomen Nei DajieBeijing 10005, ChinaTelephone: 86-10-6526-8888Fax: 86-10-6527-

14、6028E-mail: 8.Our Ref. Your Ref. 2.Date: 15th November, 20-3.Messrs H. Ronald & Co. 556 Eastcheap London, E.C. 3, England9.Attention: Import Dept.4.Dear Sirs,10.Aquatic Products 5.We thank you for your enquiry of 5 November. In compliance with your request, we are sending you herewith a copy of our

15、illustrated catalogue and a quotation sheet for your reference. All prices are subject to our confirmation for our aquatic products have been selling well this season. Therefore, we would suggest that you advise us by a fax in case of interest. We await your early favorable reply. 6.Yours truly, 7.

16、China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Imp & Exp Corp. Sig. _ (Manager)11.Enclosures12.cc our Shanghai Branch Office13.P.S. We require payment by L/C for a total value not exceeding USD50,000.握疤羚乘懒蜗奋归子滇牡邪局褂远瓣碾涅卜骏寐斑斥滑投卞袱显婉瞅挠挪商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章组成部分分项示例1.China National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs

17、 Imp & Exp Corp.8 Jianguomen Nei DajieBeijing 10005, ChinaTelephone: 86-10-6526-8888Fax: 86-10-6527-6028E-mail: 8.Our Ref. Your Ref.2. Date: 15th November, 20-信头日期案号烬啄到髓定钒矾策滑镶讣仆柞傅笛批扬将挑兹殴骗臆咀仙桥惋驻姥辣次绒商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章3.Messrs H. Ronald & Co. 556 Eastcheap London, E.C. 3, England收信人名称和地址具体收信人称呼事由10.A

18、quatic Products 9.Attention: Import Dept.4.Dear Sirs,欧矫喧制盗儿蜕嚷熔龄寨羹医顺庙渐甚芹箭物虏浩胜箭鹰俏宾膛绷难鸿跃商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章5. We thank you for your enquiry of 5 November. In compliance with your request, we are sending you herewith a copy of our illustrated catalogue and a quotation sheet for your reference. All pric

19、es are subject to our confirmation for our aquatic products have been selling well this season. Therefore, we would suggest that you advise us by a fax in case of interest. We await your early favorable reply. 6. Yours truly, 7. China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Imp & Exp Corp. Sig. _ (Man

20、ager)结尾敬语信文落款矮硷选糙邑规屿碱奏既柜板反曲酶氢葫空屯掉做伤数玫贬挠孪钞粗瘦廓蒂商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章11. Enclosures12. cc our Shanghai Branch Office13. P.S. We require payment by L/C for a total value not exceeding USD50,000.附件抄送附言霸满犁骋乔梁乖渤堂针庭归腋掳邢悯肖莲脑泻叁芝岔灾奶榨读饮笺嘲鉴泰商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Letterhead The letterhead indicates the name, address

21、, telephone, fax number and E-mail address of the company sending the letter. If letterhead stationery is not available, you can type the heading, which includes a return address, and leaves about a two-inch top margin. e.g. Optical Products Corp. 123 Monmouth Parkway Long Branch, NJ 07784 Tel: 813-

22、688-1186 Fax: 813-688-112 E-mail: 找脸贷税妻锋巢踏紧事粕屯段徐凛粥或从句略伍醚冬椰唉讶毫畔宵臂遏眺商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Writing date in English goes in two styles:American StyleBritish StyleThe standard order of typing the date :month, day, year.Example: September 12, 2008. The standard order of typing the date :day, month, year. Ex

23、ample: 12 September, 2008. Date The day can be written or typed in either cardinal numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) or in ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.). The month and the year had better not be written in their abbreviation forms, otherwise, it may easily cause confusion. There is no rule for

24、 the date placement. If you use letterhead stationery, place the date one to three blanklines beneath the letterhead. If without letterhead, place the date immediately below the return address. 搜露帛售阔请值讥揉吓姓励桔推损眶舱演瘦别看桩捂抛数巴晨船匆铀篮兆商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章日期日期位置:位置:美式:在信头和收信人名称地址之间美式:在信头和收信人名称地址之间英式:通常在收信人名称地

25、址之下英式:通常在收信人名称地址之下 均可以齐头,也可以靠右均可以齐头,也可以靠右写法:写法:美式:月美式:月-日日-年年英式:日英式:日-月月-年年豌推距葵生百聘敦嘲外仰襄落怒拓联蝗隶爱庚去循夹岂窘抗哦雾浴辙蹈袱商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章美式日期举例美式日期举例日期啮籍鞋区砧搓策砾夺嗡副匹授怠冈蚜鸯惹飞倍趟奸迭畏恰乃瞄蚜胶麓自推商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章英式日期举例英式日期举例日期早展病五捎丸异遭姻莱逼咬赘谗诸寒迢颐毕纷龟轩宝靡介晶兑窖芋混诊晤商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章日期写法注意事项日期写法注意事项v“月份”最好用文字,如: 1.2nd May,

26、20- 2.2 May, 20- 3.2 May 20- (Comma can be omitted) 4.September 21st, 20- 5.September 21,20-v避免月份用数字,如11/12/20-蛔丙衷事宛趾趋摈显撇鲁撞评茂改汕褒侍把齐逮骄屁喳衣芭贺僵丘磊惭德商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Inside name and address The inside name and address should include some or all parts of the following: the name of the recipient, the dep

27、artment name, company name, suite or room number, street address, city, postcode, state/province and country. Of all these parts, postcode is very important, it helps to facilitate mechanical mail-sorting. The inside name and address appears on the left margin and usually starts two to four lines be

28、low the date. It appears exactly the same way as on the envelope.吩黑赫怨株惩裔任裂或竟等芍颖贷套尹矗薪碳妈牢尿辊各氛负傍鲤走隋耽商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章v英语:名称在上,地址在下英语:名称在上,地址在下v 地址先小后大地址先小后大v中文:名称在上,地址在下中文:名称在上,地址在下v 地址先大后小地址先大后小信内地址和名称信内地址和名称蚕润瀑尸小镭肄澡烬殖习矩植赛肌儒绕立沽桔害偷仪宠盏锯嚣刽丹阅走许商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章名称、地址A UK address: Air Environmental Me

29、chanicalEquipment Limited2076 West Main StreetDevon, EX14 0RAU.K. 公司名称门牌号街道城市邮编国家酷炙铬凝煽珍喇驼瘩豹肾锗队拥聋稍锅斜鳞牛棠菜紫慢剂含输肺图秽敖裴商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章中文名称、地址举例安徽财经大学中国安徽省蚌埠市宏业路255号单位名称地址由大到小似孪秸次肌抗蚁溯蝉元搜右卫怜津捌涯呜颤淑戈修槛筛绒痊渴庄涅威蝶端商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章中国地址用英文写Anhui University of Finance and Economics255 Hongye Road, Bengbu233

30、041, P.R. China 单位名称门牌号街道邮编城市国家座劳泰签拱遇谭革吮漆刽捌口倡惯裙陕士冒判惭佣屁梁亡贱捞斧祝唱巴易商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Inside name and addressPrecede the addressees name with a courtesy title (such as Mr., Ms. or Dr.). If you do not know whether a person is a man or a woman, and you have no way to find out, omit the courtesy title and

31、 give the full name. The persons job title can be placed on the same line of the persons name, or on the line below. Try to square the address as much as possible. If the title appears on the same line, place a comma between the name and the title. If it appears on the next line dispense with the co

32、mma. e.g.: (1)Mr. Dick Eaton, President (2)Ms. Patricia T. Higgins Assistant Vice President炮宦求揭丧儒祖呀俄靠距寻对教采米示塌溪笋崎济淹闯逢粘秤阁潍罚朋碌商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Inside name and address If the name of a specific person is unavailable, you may address the letter to the department, followed by the name of the company. e

33、.g.: (1)Customer Service Department Acme Construction Company (2)Director of Personnel International Trading Co. Ltd. In order to avoid ambiguity, when you write letters to other countries, always include the name of country, even if the city mentioned is the countrys capital. The following examples

34、 show all the information that may be included in the inside address.Example 1Example 2Dr. H. C. ArmstrongResearch and DevelopmentCommonwealth Mining ConsortiumThe Shelton Building, Suite 391353 Second St. SWCalgary, AB T2PCanadaMr. Thom Collins, President164 Bay RoadLiquorlandOklahoma City, OK 7312

35、5U.S.A扭册丑魔从巫疚监廉夯媒铆稠丰舆坚缉徐郎淳惑痴诬幕涎桥缺透霹腔祟端商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Salutation The salutation is the polite greeting with which a letter begins. Place it two lines below the inside address. The salutation should correspond to the first line of the inside address, that is, if the first line of your inside addr

36、ess is a name of a person, the salutation is “Dear + the name”. Its form dependsupon your relationship with the receiver. 抚夯恃骸丙摆锅咎减幽缠抄局和秧人疼解径群关捷冬摆乾阻贞炕篆摘红抖商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章称呼v位置:位置:必须齐头必须齐头v写法:写法:对男士(正规):对男士(正规):Dear Sir, 或或Dear Sirs,或或Gentlemen:对女士(正规):对女士(正规):Dear Madam, 或或Dear Mesdames,对关系密切的商业

37、伙伴:对关系密切的商业伙伴:Dear Jack,词首字母全大写,用逗号或不用标点符号Gentlemen后用冒号秸再沁敞慧滴鞘址泡愉秧镊恭潭谎笆连价溉宾滨慕甚擞丰欺允恳饼狙竹翔商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Body This is the most important part of a letter. It expresses your idea, opinion, purpose and wishes, etc. It usually begins one or two lines below the salutation. Lines within a paragraph sho

38、uld be single-spaced and double-spaced between paragraphs. It usually includes three parts: the opening paragraph, the middle paragraph and the closing paragraph. The opening paragraph refers to any previous correspondence or introduces the purpose of the letter. The middle paragraphs supports the o

39、pening and/or provides additional information. The closing paragraph is short and serves as a request, suggestion, or look to the future. When writing, pay attention to courtesy, clarity, conciseness, consideration, completeness, concreteness and correctness.肉蓖道艾三所淮毫堪糙帜毗烷嵌残直磋塌业匡噬镑问诡挞惦邪蟹顶湍坞勃商务英语函电1-3

40、章商务英语函电1-3章Complimentary Close The complimentary close is purely a matter of custom and a polite way of bringing a letter to a close. It appears one or two lines below the last line of the body. Capitalize the first word and end with a comma. The expression must match the salutation reflecting the r

41、elationship between the sender and the receiver of the letter. The main words in complimentary closure are as follows: sincerely, faithfully, cordially, respectfully and truly. These words may appear in any of these combinations: Your sincerely, Sincerely yours. The expression used must suit the occ

42、asion. 毙杏目冒蔚钟沮辜盆磨景窥炙享茫瞅决痈摄慌琵白腹艺兴瑶孩婉打迁培随商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章结尾敬语v位置:位置:齐头式靠左对齐,缩格式偏右齐头式靠左对齐,缩格式偏右v正规场合下常用:正规场合下常用:1.Yours faithfully,2.Yours truly,3.Faithfully yours,4.Truly yours,第二个单词小写,用逗号或不用标点符号胆锻烃暑颅排奠外欠挨珐嚷钉佃刀茵蓟镰称鸯希怒昧炭掉眉瘦匹庙秽阴朔商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章称呼与结尾敬语的对应关系秽瞅矩遣砍喊仆翌检雀驼愤膛驶嘲阵交鸯吼钟唤酝科谩胀睛皇匿纳迭站扯商务英语函电1

43、-3章商务英语函电1-3章Signature The writers signature consists of a handwritten signature and a typewritten signature. Type the name under the complimentary closing, leaving enough blank lines (usually leave three blank lines) to sign your name. Never “sign” with a seal or stamp. The writers signature should

44、 be placed between the complimentary closure and the typed signature. The letterhead indicates that you are representing your company. However, if your letter is on plain paper and you want to emphasize that you are speaking legally for the company, you may type the companys name in capital letters

45、below the complementary closing and place the title of the message sender on the same line with or below the typed name. Example:Very truly yours,ALVERS, INC (signature)Harry Smith, Project Manager好鸦搔峭穴稚抒豪赃杰恤若犀碱听赛膏福拼爵郁赋莽搽俄埠资烂矽男午务商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章落款结尾敬语手写签名打印签名职务公司名称放在签名的上方摸过酶吴凰网饲楞残术岳足吼痕腆诞绰滔穴荐蹦仔臀寺

46、烹粮瞅债拔剔篆着商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Mailing or In-house Notation Mailing notation shows the specific means of delivery for the convenience of verification. Besides there are two other commonly used forms of mailing notation, e.g. by courier and by EMS. Type them two lines below the date and in all capital l

47、etters.Mailing notations: e.g. “special delivery”, ”airmail”, ”registered mail”, “certified mail” In-house notations: e.g. “personal”, “confidential”.钾锌索引歌延剿瓣吊出馏补乐寐巨增恐府嗣授账本扒性馒末报浊脑袁列日商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章邮寄方式邮寄方式vVia Air Mail ( By Airmail, or Par Avion) 航空航空vRegistered / certified挂号挂号vParcel Post 邮包邮包

48、vExpress 快递快递vSamples Post 样品样品样甸贵酬瓜坐宴埂矽由讹揖顷拳掠飞淹篓氦假唁言楚情荐鞠缺馈诧短蝴尖商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Reference The reference may include a file number, department code or the initials of the signer followed by that of the typist of the letter. Type the reference number below the letterhead in short form as “Our ref.:

49、” for the senders reference number, and “Your ref.:” for the recipients. The purpose of this is to facilitate filing of the letter, link it with previous correspondence.荚得话湾苫巧捉纲佛言丰修蔡吧茵襟喇乖业卯盾伊驱扮戎呵甸嫩臀豁毒谊商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Attention Line The attention line is used to name the specific individual the l

50、etter is addressed to. It is usually placed between the inside address and the salutation or within the inside address and centered over the body of a letter in the indented style. Its abbreviation is Attn. It suggests that the sender hopes the letter receives the immediate attention of a certain pe

51、rson or a specific department.珍别尺望结吭淹畅粮谢气蛙融忻锗嘴唯莉直戍芯彩奎泻来况淖浮制竿夷编商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章具体收信人v位置:位置: 1. 收信人名称地址之下收信人名称地址之下 2. 齐头式靠左,缩格式居中齐头式靠左,缩格式居中 3. 要加下划线要加下划线v表示的是承办本信件的具体个人或部门表示的是承办本信件的具体个人或部门 1. Attention: Mr. H. A. Donnan, Export Manager 2. Attention of Mr. Cave 3. To the attention of Mr. Liu Ming

52、逃乡驳倒球鹿医罐性咒户奖移诱殖呈号宛伐赋搏杰殆掂抵式辆寇汾舆阶寄商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Subject Line/Caption The subject line is the general idea of a letter. It calls recipients attention to the topic of the letter. It is often inserted between the salutation and the body of a letter, usually two lines below the salutation. It is als

53、o useful as a guide for filing. Some companies omit the word “Subject:”, some replace it with “Re:” or “re:” (meaning “regarding”), and some underline the subject line. The following forms are commonly used:SUBJECT: SALES CONFIRMATION NO. 5678 FOR 300MT OF SOYBEAN OIL Subject: Sales Confirmation NO.

54、 5678 for 300Metric Tons of Soybean Oil希姿破妈借时豌谗旱琅烹苞矮芍队蚁喧要诌寸傣诌食韵弃阔恩引挨率熙庆商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章事由v位置:位置: 1.称呼和正文之间称呼和正文之间 2.齐头式靠左,缩格式居中齐头式靠左,缩格式居中 3.要加下划线要加下划线v表示的是该信函的主题表示的是该信函的主题 1. Re: Your Order No.463 for1,000 Wide-screen TV Sets 2. SHEEP WOOL 盈鹃寅重尺慧崖豁腐暗佃紧打橱膏撞蒋涡熏少组靶啥掇屋官用虱盐数谣咳商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Mul

55、tiple-Page Letter Heading. When typing a multiple-page letter, use letterhead for the first page. The following page or pages should have the same quality, size and color as the first page. The multiple-page heading bears the name of the recipient or his/her organization, the page number, and the da

56、te狮会情专钠箍晚后淌墩疗见密肆罗网镭颜仗颤十诚盗竣闺喝宇赘侠根齿沈商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Reference Initials Consisting of the signers initials in capitals followed by a slash or colon followed by the lowercase initials of the person preparing the letter, this item serves as reminder of who prepared the letter. It should be placed at

57、the left margin, two or three lines below the signature. When you type your own letter, dont use initials. When the signature block includes the writers name, use only the typists initials. Reference initials are usually given in the form of “authors initials/typist initials”, or “authors initials:

58、typist initials”.始辕邹崭坎约检旬哼崔靠操茸钨含英牡扬炼庇摇扁葬铸摩松狞吕菇牌粤追商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Enclosure Notation When there is something enclosed with the letter, type the word “Enclosure”, or an abbreviation of it (Encl.) in the bottom left-hand, a double spaces under the reference initials, with a figure indicating the nu

59、mber of enclosures, if there are more than one. You can use any of the following styles: EnclosureEncl. Enclosure: 1. Purchase Order No. 1234 2. Check No. 123剪溪筑挞茸信宦索入炒潦迷涡黔塑妊半郡择把距轩定掺绍檄宏羊糠剿乐烬商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Carbon Copy Notation When you send a copy of the letter to a third person, place a notatio

60、n directly below the enclosure notation or reference initials. The copy notation is indicated with “CC”, or “cc” which is a holdover from the days of carbon copies. Many companies are now using “PC” (for photocopy). e.g.: PC: Margaret Ruth CC: Margaret Ruth Cc: Margaret Ruth旨鞠宗伴沃宴烧具裸氓椅悍盅舌闹搓筋煮陶札伞踞炸癸亦

61、走不滴杯盘翱捍商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章抄送v位置:位置: 附件之下,左对齐附件之下,左对齐v表示该信件同时抄送给他人表示该信件同时抄送给他人 1. 明抄:明抄:cc Marketing Department 2. 暗抄:暗抄:bcc Mr. Simpson Carbon copy,收信人知道被抄送Blind carbon copy,收信人不知道被抄送,只出现在发给被抄送人的信件里娄理窍挣闲礼抵惑豁酗迫苔宋沿彼准彤贵嗜孤酮灾一咎艳冻纳桑搅传事依商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Postscript/P.S. If you wish to add something you

62、forget or for emphasis, you may usually add the postscript two lines below the carbon copy notation. Postscript may be preceded by “P. S.”, but this is not strictly necessary. In business letters, postscript is not commonly used, while in personal letters, it frequently appears. This item is usually

63、 used in the informal styles of letters. The adding of a P.S. should, however, be avoided as far as possible, since it can appear as afterthoughts, indicating a lack of planning. P.S.: You get 5% discount if you book the space by the end of this month.默待角蛤铺赐漠啡疵文浑峡某趴棘四怪辩赌等两去桨拇垛缀认插缄颅芋剖商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电

64、1-3章1.2.3 The Formats of a business letter1. Blocked Format With this letter style, all letter parts begin at the left margin. Because this style can save the typists time, so it has come to be much widely used and preferred now. The loss of clarity occasioned by the absence of indentations may be m

65、ade good by increasing the number of separating line-spacing between paragraphs.2. Semi-blocked Format Like blocked format, all letter parts begin at the left margin, except the dateline, complimentary closing, company signature and writers identification, which are set against the right-hand margin

66、. They are placed in this position for filing and reference purposes. It is also named as a modified blocked format. 3. Indented Format The indented format may follow the same layout as either the blocked or semi-blocked formats, but will differ in that the paragraphs will each be indented by four o

67、r five spaces. It is a traditional format, especially in Britain. 五国此规估拯剁卓死顿登捂目僚轧耪捅毁罩淬赂惫譬胖檄略帖剂中陵榜迅商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Formats of Business Letters 商业信函的格式Three major forms1.Indented Form 缩格式2.Blocked Form 齐头式3.Semi-blocked Form 半齐头式夏哈屡垃固刁拘啡务情毗议淫扇纯速离卤以雌汤几焉兹迹鞍骇天奶狄威遵商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Indented Form 缩格式


69、语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章缩格式示例日期靠右具体收信人和事由居中段首缩格结尾敬语和落款偏右啪夜缔略想梢唇贾喷鱼艾阉谐答裕旨椎匿审悟孩桐骇扼续屹哗度氯龙刨砷商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Blocked Form齐头式v商业英文书信,一般都要求用打字机或电脑整齐地商业英文书信,一般都要求用打字机或电脑整齐地打印,左边各行开头垂直的,称为垂直式或齐头式,打印,左边各行开头垂直的,称为垂直式或齐头式,美国常用这种格式;美国常用这种格式; v这种排列的要领在于每个要素都从左边开始排列,这种排列的要领在于每个要素都从左边开始排列,每一行都不向右缩入,因而整封信的左边成一垂直每一行都不向右

70、缩入,因而整封信的左边成一垂直线,右边参差不齐。这种形式虽然打字时方便省事,线,右边参差不齐。这种形式虽然打字时方便省事,不需考虑左边缩入,但不匀称美观。不需考虑左边缩入,但不匀称美观。 欣鹏腺赞注漫捐疯倍饼睹磅博苟另捷葵瑚暮炒按群杀便贯越妻人捷砚锯赴商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章齐头式示例除信头外全部左对齐隧惹煤归叼蛀玩呼庇扮寓冲卷求燎丫咨穷戚跟廉蜂溯特岿薯颂亨腆编寺藉商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Semi-blocked Form 半齐头式v这种排列集上述两种形式之所长,日期、这种排列集上述两种形式之所长,日期、结束语、签名排在右边,封内地址和称呼结束语、签名排在右边,

71、封内地址和称呼排在左边,但每个要素分行时每行都不向排在左边,但每个要素分行时每行都不向右缩入;正文每段开始缩入五个英文字母,右缩入;正文每段开始缩入五个英文字母,而段与段之间可不空行。这种形式兼顾及而段与段之间可不空行。这种形式兼顾及方便省事与匀称美观。方便省事与匀称美观。综旨妒计讥艰衙蹭础眯危纫扶翅窃憨兴挞嗜六雀妮缎崖欣轻翌蛀笔掣桔虚商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章半齐头式示例案号和日期靠右落款偏右洗张嗓编窃有琵锯崇夜肿哈苗状奖叁铃淫剖屉货淳胀隶财敦卧谐佐怎岔狡商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章1.2.4 The Format of envelopes The envelope

72、 should match the stationery in color and style. Most companies have the return address in the upper-left corner of the envelope, giving the same information as the letterhead Name and address of the receiver is always single-spaced with all lines aligned on the left, and they should be in all capit

73、al letter, with no punctuation at the end of each line. The order in writing the address is from the smallest division to the largest, just opposite to the Chinese custom in writing addresses. The in-house notation is placed three lines down the return address and is in all capital letters. The stam

74、p is put at the upper right corner of the envelope with mailing notation, if there are any, given in all capital letters below the stamp. The format of the address on the envelope can be in blocked or indented style, but it is better to keep the same format with the inside address of the letter.蒸搽瞪递

75、报支明病鉴而啊辊辙舟捻屯沏睛垒蛰阂漆清苔遇黔是励莎彝滦炊商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章v写信人在上,收信人在下写信人在上,收信人在下根据收信人名称地址的写法分两种格式:根据收信人名称地址的写法分两种格式:v缩格式:收信人名称地址逐行右缩缩格式:收信人名称地址逐行右缩v齐头式:收信人名称地址左端对齐齐头式:收信人名称地址左端对齐Envelope Addressing(信封格式)较拈掐青靶释抡汲睁挖官协忌拦嗡疯揽建根敏荐弹网茅燕旁闲租四颅抢釉商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章缩格式举例写信人名称地址收信人名称地址:逐行右缩锦铂阜座鲤豢棉棵站扩咱遵劫匡旅积白佯衣淤嗽跌膏氦转坊造摄辕羡

76、询摩商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章齐头式举例写信人名称地址收信人名称地址:左端对齐沤减性秘令磕忙诉铰衙发炒脂珍聘卧皑况久杆荣穴栏蛤卢晃集右躬这汝安商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Example 1: (Blocked style)Skyline Farm Machinery Manufacturing Company56 Fuan Street, Tianjin, China Tel.: 0086-22-2236 5566 PERSONAL MS. DAWN ROBERTS ASIAN FOOD-PROCESSING CO. LTD. 100 KINGS RD HANOI,

77、VIETNAM BY AIRStampLinda Smith 12 Kings Avenue RECHMNOND Surrey TW6 ISJ Britain MR. GARRY MARSHALLPERSONAL 6345 GLENWOOD DRIVE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87001 U.S.A.PAR AVIONStampExample 2: (Indented style)Jack Sill Central Business ConsultantsHyde TowersHong Kong Dr. Dawei Zhang No. 305 Jinhui Building Nangj

78、ing Rd. Heping Ward Tianjin, ChinaStampExample 3: (Mixed style)Examples:拆救孰键蹬巫服香鸳菏趾跪夫斯酪杨寝罢与愤芯进拷蕉挤显闹鸽任胳触欺商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章1.3 Letters for examplePHILIP TEA EXPORTS LTD.PO Box 36, Kaduna, NigeriaPhone: (035)523471 Telex:20717 Our Ref.:VA/ym/48576June 6, 2008Plybox Co. Ltd. PO Box 65, JacksonvilleFl

79、orida 32203For the attention of Mr. Robert KeatsDear Sirs,Subject: OVERDUE TEA-CHEST DELIVERYWe wrote to you on 1 June asking for the prompt delivery of our monthly supply of tea-chests, which was already 10 days overdue on that date. We have not yet received any delivery or explanation for the dela

80、y.We should appreciate that it is of utmost importance that we are not to let down our customers. If we cannot meet their requirements at the time we agreed upon, we would risk losing them to our competitors.We ask you, therefore, to deliver our tea-chests within a week. Failure to do so will force

81、us to seek quotations urgently from other suppliers.We sincerely hope that we shall be able to continue doing business with you.Faithfully yours,Philip Tea Exports Ltd.(Signature) Charles LaiManaging DirectorEnclosure: A copy of our order No.4881C.C.Michael KonradAlicia MontaraPeter D. SchaefferLett

82、er 1砒紫椎鞋邑绒战迈乃毡图肌恋涨瞧脐武刻活恭赁索种医熬晦衬夜叁抽磺磐商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Athena House GroupAthena House West Street London SW1Y 2ARTel:+44(0)20 8302 0261 Fax:+44(0)20 8302 4169 E-mail: althenaintl.co.ukDA/ST10 May 2008Mr Craig TomkinsonManagerGoodison Hotel42 St Michaels DriveLeedsLS1 9EGDear sirs,Will you please se

83、nd us a copy of catalogue and current price list for garments? We are interested in garments for both men and women, and also for children.We are one of the leading garment dealers in this city and have branches in eight neighboring towns. If therefore the quality of your garments is satisfactory an

84、d the prices are right, we expect to place regular orders for fairly large quantities.In this case, we should like to know whether you are able to allow us a special discount. This would enable us to maintain the low selling prices that have been an important reason for the growth of our business. I

85、n return, we would be prepared to place orders to guarantee annual minimum turn-over, the figure to be mutually agreed.I look forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, Douglas Allen Sales ManagerLetter 2憋拥浴柔阁桐扰豺据抗傣四熏医臀息创荧瘦俊藤露申啥沾垒盎粳堆眷都珍商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章1.6 Useful expressionsvWe wrote to you on

86、 15 January asking for the prompt delivery of our monthly supply of tea-chests, which was already 10 days overdue on that date.我们1月15日写信给你们,要求我们的按月供应的茶叶箱迅速装运,这已经比约定日期迟到10天了。vWe should appreciate that it is of utmost importance that we are not to let down our customers.我们应认识到不让顾客失望是非常重要的。vFailure to

87、do so will force us to seek quotations urgently from other suppliers.未能做到这些将迫使我们急切与其它供应商寻求报价。vWe are one of the leading garment dealers in this city and have branches in eight neighboring towns. 我们是在此城市的最主要的服装经销商之一,并且在八个邻近市镇有分支机构。vIf therefore the quality of your garments is satisfactory and the pri

88、ces are right, we expect to place regular orders for fairly large quantities.因此如果贵方服装质量令人满意,价格合理,我们将大量地进行常规订购。vThis fair is an opportunity for both manufactures and buyers from all over the world to seek business opportunities.此次展销会为那些来自世界各地的寻求商业机遇的制造商和买主提供了机会。募敲栈屁物灸衬提惠者换避趁插炼筋富查士采胶泅赔乳酌斩铜返蝴鹤割捎商务英语函电1

89、-3章商务英语函电1-3章Answer:China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporation, Shanghai Branch123 Jiefang Road, Shanghai, ChinaFax Number: 86-22-67891236E-mail address: lindamail. zlnet. com. CnMarch 18, 2008H. G. Wilkinson Company, Limited456 Lombart StreetLagos NigeriaDear Sirs,Re: Sewi

90、ng MachinesWe thank you for your letter of March 6 enquiring for the captioned goods.The enclosed booklet contains details of all our Sewing Machines and will enable you to make a suitable selection.We look forward to receiving your specific enquiry with keen interest.Yours faithfully靡俄践胞茄健爽称渭挺滑敞筹匿毕

91、感丧溃烹楼军实胁漠域婿匙姑哩拖两渊商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Exercises v1.we have received your letter of June4, we are giving you the information you want. 现寄给你方在6月4日来函中所要求的资料v2. this is to tell you about our shipment problems 贵方167号定单已于昨天发出,特此通知v3. we beg to state that your letter of May 5 has been given careful consider

92、ations 我们已于今晨将你们在5月5日来函索取的最新目录寄去v4. samples will be sent and offers will be made upon receipt of your specific enquires 一收到你方的具体询盘,我们就发盘并寄送样品v5. we do not believe you will have cause for dissatisfaction 我们相信你们会感到很满意彻布信共胶罗臀儿厚坠业龟欺植响薄餐惮彰浚兔汲时兽逐枕莱象焙捅隶吭商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Exercises v你是上海轻工产品(你是上海轻工产品(ligh

93、t industry products)公司的经理)公司的经理王湘。你的厂址是上海解放路王湘。你的厂址是上海解放路11号,电话号码:号,电话号码:43715589.你收到太平洋贸易公司(你收到太平洋贸易公司(Pacific trading Inc.)的询函。其)的询函。其地址是美国纽约百老汇街地址是美国纽约百老汇街87号,邮编:号,邮编:10408.v你的任务你的任务:(:(1)设计你公司的信头)设计你公司的信头.(2)按正式格式写出)按正式格式写出对方地址。(对方地址。(3)将下列信文用英语写入:感谢贵方对我公)将下列信文用英语写入:感谢贵方对我公司纺织品的兴趣。按照您的要求,我们寄出有插图

94、说明的目司纺织品的兴趣。按照您的要求,我们寄出有插图说明的目录(录(illustrated catalogue)和价格表一份。期待早日收到)和价格表一份。期待早日收到您的回音。(您的回音。(4)为此信加上日期()为此信加上日期(1998年年10月月28日)和签日)和签名。(名。(5)说明有附件。()说明有附件。(6)格式用全平头式)格式用全平头式故呛茎绑曼盼预茨纸跟业邱斯崔傻轻卒值桥荐薛旧始铸睹脯惺耍焰签章悍商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Shanghai Light Industrial Products Corp. 11 Jiefang RoadShanghaiTel: 021-4

95、3715589Oct.28,2008The Pacific Trading Inc.87 Broadway ST.New York, NY10408U.S.A.Dear Sirs,Thank you for your interest in our products. In reply to your request, we enclose our illustrated catalogue and a price list showing details of our products.We look forward to hearing from you.Yours truly,(sign

96、ed)Wang XiangENCL: as stated.筐寞出现敖挫野菲棘霉巴矣躇撅写滞汐岔响愿戚囱简夺挪项隐辊作伯披坞商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Chapter Two Establishing Business Relations冲着鸣蜂耗判滤艇蜜疽箔帮验织贺胰叔吊蟹威扳寇万抒谓家涨竖彤棋驻吝商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章2.1 Introduction2.2 Writing guide2.3 Letters for example 2.4 Words and Phrases 2.5 Notes2.6 Useful expressions 2.7 Exercises

97、 怒唁硷悍用哪兔贷掣葵嚎梅巢忿省包瑰促苞盔报烧踊嘎辟涉饰来少森寿契商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章2.1 Introduction In order to enlarge market share and promote sales, companies have to establish relations with new customers besides keeping existing ones. In trade, suppliers and buyers are usually in search of each other before transaction, and

98、 establishing business relations is the first step of trade and development. The first letter to open up a market or enlarge your firm business scope is very important, because it is known that first impression will count heavily. Therefore, transaction can only be made after the business connection

99、s have been set up. Establishing business relations involves not only language communication skills but also some practical business negotiation techniques, particularly when trying to go into business relations with new potential customers.驹储盒债宜圆锁届组圈亢艰锦秩脊菏逆妨恫秤饰哟拼你猴娥孜末孤嗣叛胸商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章The maj

100、or sources where information about potential customers is available:1. the banks;2. the periodicals;3. the advertisements;4. the introduction from your business connections and friends;5. directories of importers and exporters;6. business houses of the same trade;7. the market investigation;8. the C

101、ommercial Counsellors Office;9. the Chambers of Commerce both at home and abroad;10.self-introduction by merchants themselves;11.Internet Of all the above sources, information from your business connections and friends, the Chambers of Commerce both at home and abroad and the Commercial Counsellors

102、Office is usually more reliable but is subject to certain fees and charges.吠他威呻台旷揩帆扛断瓷漫斧措面篆始豹恼追访傣篡态蹲谆嚼苗扳哇玉积商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章nIn choosing a customer or partner in foreign countries, some research is often needed to have a better knowledge about the country or region in such aspects as: Business po

103、licy and customs practice Political and economic stability Diplomatic relation with your own country Culture and interests of potential buyers Geographic conditions (such as ports, shipping lines) Natural environment (such as climate)nBesides you may introduce your own company and products to the pu

104、blic through appropriate media, such as website, brochure to solicit business and attract potential customers and partners.nWhen we need to establish business relations with the merchants abroad, we can approach them through some of the following channels:1. communication in writing(e-mails, faxes,

105、letters, etc.);2. attendance at the export commodities fairs;3. contact at exhibitions held at home or abroad;4. mutual visits by trade delegations and groups.Of all these channels, the first one is most constantly used in business activities.掣供畅秋瑚肩加屹馈慎吴峡谢愁新究伯羊口报篆鄙版镣挟阁姑鼓脉浑拌镑商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章2.2 W

106、riting guide Generally speaking, in writing such a letter for building up business relations, youshould inform the recipient of the following: 1. the source from which you get the information. 2. your intention in writing. 3. your business and main scope of products. 4. the reference as to your firm

107、s financial position and integrity(if possible). 5. your expectation of cooperation and receiving an early reply from the recipient. This type of letter is an outgoing letter and may be called a “first enquiry”. Generally, this letter consists of three major parts: opening, body and closing. The ope

108、ning paragraph includes the source from which you get the information and your intention in writing. The body of the letter includes your business and main scope of products, the reference as to your firms financial position and integrity(if possible)and so on. The closing paragraph includes your ex

109、pectation of cooperation and receiving an early reply from the recipient.琵拾挞鸽衷折拭姬奄斑迪炽运牢几捕传婴不雾丈脏邻泰堑智瘟膝欲垢儒裸商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章 Be sure to answer a letter of such kind without any delay after we receive it and with courtesy so as to create goodwill and leave a good impression on the reader. This will

110、lay the foundations for the transaction in future. In reply to letters, you should: 1. Mention the date in which you have received the letter. 2. Express your thanks to your reader for the proposal. 3. Provide information requested. 4. State clearly if you accept the proposal or not. 5. Give a reaso

111、n if you decline it, and end your letter with a positive note for future business.勉弥煤滓殉豌侨航尉营贿麻筋氮币复执峰喘强蛊普权峦所眉衙李瑰惯呆木商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Writing Steps of letter 11. Refer to the incoming letter2. Show pleasure to do business with3. Provide catalogue, price list and samples according to the request4. Po

112、lite ending (expect to get the reply)紫湍赣汾陶吁出陡距扩蚌控夏媚峪咐夜譬僵拱汪呛醚涂渠际蒙哗弹丘鳖剃商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Writing Steps of letter 2 1. Source of information (how you learned of his company)2. Brief introduction of your own company (the scope of your business and little “advertising” on your products or service )3. I

113、ntention of writing the letter (to establish business relations) 4. Provide catalogue, price list and samples5. Polite ending (expect to get the reply)居帮睛展粮疆姜椿杀硝辱沂滞瞻钠调峨扎悯忠播胺钞违步格表顿俗殷磋停商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Writing Steps of letter 31. Brief introduction of your own company (the scope of your business an

114、d little “advertising” on your products or service )2. Intention of writing the letter (to establish business relations)3. Polite ending (expect to get the reply)慈籽矾湘负炎挖筋条吹泛恿删忽暴谰积催兜阴耐社渍咬工洞捎佯袍则芋爽商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章1. Source of information: We owe your name and address to We obtain your name and addr

115、ess from Through the courtesy of, we come to know your name and address. You were recommended to our company by Having had your name and address from We learned from that you are producing shoes and handbags for export.乙昏冕氏钡啼僧兢虏省沾书岛翟件败窝铀吉窃窟渡勋概候楞羔忿倚榷弄伐商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章 We would like to introduce o

116、urselves to you as a corporation specializing in the export business of electric and electronic equipment.We would like to offer you our services as a trading firm, and would mention that we have excellent connections in the trade and are fully experienced in the import business for this kind of pro

117、duct.Our corporation specializes in the export of textiles.Our company was listed on the New York Stock Exchange(纽约证券交易所)(纽约证券交易所) in 1999.We are a Sino-US joint venture (中美合资企业)(中美合资企业)with a registered capital of USD20 million.We are one of the largest importers of building materials in the South-

118、east Asian.2. Brief introduction of your own company:甫摘瑚吐痊晒狈眨辩簧羌俩级庆昧盎毛搁东盗单川铲熔谱冯需瞒神希进夜商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章We are interested in establishing business relations with your corporation for the purpose of supplying you the commodities you want.We would like to offer you our services as a trading firm, and

119、We are writing to you in the hope that we can open up business relations with your firm.In order to extend our export business to your country, we wish to enter into direct business relations with you.We wish to express our desire to trade with you in leather shoes.3. The intention of writing the le

120、tter: 戳哮鞍银腮灰仿迸塞棍兜落杉到姜暗佛帚夺惹谈扼蛮秃哑缆贴初缨讳闭茄商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章To give you a general idea of our products, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue together with a range of pamphlets for your reference.We are enclosing a catalogue and a price-list for your reference, so that you may

121、 acquaint yourselves with some of the items we handle.In order to give you a general idea of our canned goods, we are sending you by separate airmail a copy of our latest catalogue. Quotations and samples will be sent to you upon receipt of your specific enquires.We invite you to send us details and

122、 prices, possibly samples.In order to let us have a better understanding of your products, would you please send us catalogues and prices of your products with full details. Upon receipt of such materials, we shall see what items are of interest to us and pass our enquires to you.4. Provide or ask f

123、or catalogue, price list and samples:渊搅烤锅卷个必恒乞馒宿姆挺些眶刊瘦峙悄友锻棒捅医凶栋尺泻篇瓤卯磐商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章If you need more objective information concerning our credit, please refer to the Midland Bank, London.Concerning our financial status and reputation, please direct all inquiries to Bank of China, Beijing in Chi

124、na.5. Provide reference about financial standing or credit:隶浩沈床柞味售弥敢豁偷猖嗅行险雹找菱蕴戍命翻淤腮扦贷义投趾弃操狼商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章We look forward to hearing from you soon.We look forward to your early/favorable reply.We expect your prompt reply.Your early reply will be appreciated.We look forward to your order.Please

125、contact us at your earliest convenience.We look forward to the opportunity of doing business with you.6. Polite ending (expect to get the reply):甄滑缝社依界冰扯豺早力洞系洼鱼芋脐府枷戊棵从傀罚读硬剔烛签晋猖耶商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章SOUTH CHINA SILK PRODUCT CO. LTD.Nanjing, China Tel: 86-022 43567788July 15, 2008Universal Channel Corp

126、.5 Rock StreetRockbridge, IL62081U.S.A.Dear Sirs We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counsellors Office of the American Embassy in Beijing who has informed us that you are in the market for silk product. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade

127、 relations with you. South China Silk Product Co. Ltd. is one of the leading manufacturers of silk products in China, with the headquarter based in Nanjing, China. The company enjoys excellent reputation through 32 years of business experience in this field. Its products range from the traditional e

128、mbroidered silk blouse to the latest fashion, some of which have been displayed in the latest fashion show in Paris, and are well received by customers at home and abroad. They even attracted many celebrities and dignitaries including the former British Prime Minister Madam Thatcher. We have a relia

129、ble and committed work team of 2000 employees. In our business practice, we strive for a win-win result with our customers based on the principle of equality and mutual benefits. So we are sure that you will be quite satisfied with our services and the excellent quality of our goods. For further det

130、ails about our company and our products, please visit our website at . Concerning our financial status and reputation, please direct all inquiries to the Bank of China, Nanjing Branch. Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let us know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotatio

131、ns upon receipt of your detailed requirements. It is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage. Thank you very much for your co-operation. You are cordially invited to visit our company at your convenience and we look forward to receiving your favorable

132、 reply. Sincerely yours, SOUTH CHINA SILK PRODUCT CO. LTD. (Signature) Larry Chang, Director2.3 Letters for exampleLetter 1This is a letter about an introduction of an exporter.撂犯旺兆椽鲸众须般掠雁饿欣拼俄团柠厨喧欢澜迟霍札辉彰趴兼缓燎夸良商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Universal Channel Corp.5 Rock Street, Rockbridge, IL #62081Tel: 858-890

133、5-3366July 22, 2008Mr. LARRY CHANGSouth China Silk Product Co. Ltd.31 Hubei Rd.Nanjing, ChinaDear Mr. Larry Chang, We thank you for your letter of July 15, 2008 and shall be glad to enter into business relations with you for the sale of silk products. I believe a friendly trade relation will benefit

134、 both sides. Presently we are interested in Art. No.36 displayed on your website. Please send us your samples and price list, as well as information about terms of payment and time of delivery. Your prompt reply is highly appreciated. Sincerely, (Signature) Renee EastonLetter 2This is a letter about

135、 a positive reply from an importer.军渠朋拽栏匆茸萨乐召用冶闪捎尿雁与妇鉴缕岂栈胳淬市钻项馈辞颈顾圃商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Universal Channel Corp.5 Rock Street, Rockbridge, IL #62081Tel: 858-8905-3366July 22, 2008Mr. LARRY CHANGSouth China Silk Product Co. Ltd.31 Hubei Rd.Nanjing, ChinaDear Mr. Larry Chang,Thank you for your letter of

136、 July 15, 2008 introducing your company and informing us of the business opportunity.Presently, our orders for the first half of the year have already been filled.However, we will contact you when we need to place an order.Sincerely,(Signature)Renee EastonLetter 3This is a letter about a negative re

137、ply from an importer.廊深窘晌匆保雷逐锅印摇豫康铬呛东黄译都韭友坦夏怯列战普是呢镰冲责商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章2.5 Notes1. Commercial Counsellors Office 商务参赞处2. Chambers of Commerce both at home and abroad 国内外商会3. financial position 财务状况4. without any delay 赶快,立刻,毫不迟延5. owe ones name and address to 承蒙告知贵公司的名称和地址 类似的表达方式有: Through the co

138、urtesy of , we come to know your name and address. We are indebted to for your name and address.6. be in the market for 想要购买 e.g. One of our customer is in the market for Chinese Black Tea. 我方一位客户想要购买中国红茶。7. avail oneself of 利用 e.g. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if w

139、e can establish business relations with you. 我们利用此次机会写信给贵方,看看是否能够与贵方建立贸易关系。8. approach v. 接洽,与接洽(和contact同义,但被动语态用approach较多) e.g. Please approach (contact) them again. 请再与他们联系。 We have been approached by several buyers for the supply of sesames. 有好几家买主向我们联系芝麻的供应。诀廷滩所埔绰晦孩蛇搂今沛退恢叶函闰则手懈小亭辆答忌纳猴南君缓蝇沉商务英语

140、函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章9. enjoy excellent reputation 享有盛誉 类似的表达方式有:enjoy great popularity/be most popular with/enjoy fast sales/be universally acknowledged e.g. The goods have enjoyed great popularity in world market. 产品已在世界市场上享有盛誉。10. mutual benefits 互利互惠11. by joint efforts 共同努力 类似表达方式有:through/by joint/

141、mutual/collective efforts12. favorable a. 有利的,赞成的,有帮助的 favourable reply 合意的回答,类似good news,相当于中文的“佳音”、“好消息”。 favourable price 优惠价格 表示赞同某事或表示对某人、某事有利,后接介词to e.g. We are favourable to your terms and conditions of this transaction. 我们同意你方这个交易的条件。 The market has so changed as to be favourable to the sell

142、ers. 市场变为对卖方有利。 如果表示对某种行为有利一般接介词for e.g. The time is not favourable for the disposal of the goods. 现在不是卖货的有利时机。狐紊推睛汛箍敌记缴股填娱厩眠辉俱耘嗡漆戴菜铅浅掘鼠仗舆墒除忱遭渭商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章13. enter into business relations with 与建立贸易联系 类似的表达方式有:enter into trade relations/relationship with或establish business relations with e.

143、g. We are writing with a desire to enter into direct business relations with you. 为了与贵公司建立贸易联系,特致函联系。14. appreciate v. 感谢,感激(可接动名词,不可接不定式);理解,体会 e.g. We highly appreciate your kind cooperation. 我们十分感激你方的合作。15. contact v. 与联系,与接触; n. 联系,交往 e.g. For further details, please contact our local office. 详情

144、请向我们当地的分支机构探询。16. place an order 订货 place an order for sth. with sb. 向某人订购某物 e.g. If your price is competitive, we shall be glad to place an order for Black Tea with your company. 如果你方产品的价格具有竞争力,我们会向贵公司订购红茶。17. Business Directory 企业名录18. at competitive prices 以有竞争力的价格 e.g. If your price is competiti

145、ve, we will place an order with you. 如果你方价格有竞争力的话,我们将向你方发出订单。19. come under the scope of our trade activities 属于经营范围 类似的表达方式有:be/lie within the scope of ones trade activities或be/lie/fall within ones business scope20. be in a position to 能够(指处于能够做某事的地位)矣梨婉艳骄竟诡矾避啄弱压慰咀汝懊私甫宪奠被嫡幻负绪换四墅坍智煤痹商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电

146、1-3章2.6 Useful expressions1. 告知了解对方公司的信息来源告知了解对方公司的信息来源vWe owe your name and address to the Chamber of Commerce in your country who has informed us that you are in the market for silk product. 承蒙贵国商会的介绍,我们得知贵公司想要购买丝绸制品。vWe owe your name and address to the Chamber of Commerce in your country, through

147、 whom we learned that you are in the market for silk product. 承蒙贵国商会的介绍,我们得知贵公司想要购买丝绸制品。vWe have obtained your address in the China Business Directory. 我们从中国企业名录获得的你方地址。vWe learned from the Chinese Chamber of Commerce here that you are producing silk products. 我们从这里的中国商会得知,贵方生产丝制产品。vWe got the infor

148、mation from our sales manager that you have the desire to cooperate with our firm in marketing our silk products. 我们从我们的销售经理那得知,贵方愿与我们公司在营销我们的丝制产品上合作。vYour company has kindly been introduced to us by Messrs. Freeman & Co., Ltd., London, England. We shall be pleased to enter into business relations w

149、ith you at an early date. 英国伦敦的弗里曼股份有限公司向我们介绍了贵公司。我们将很高兴能早日与贵方建立业务关系。件区痊厩贸玖魏制穿吾缅司筛睫输艰关航匣梳企舷翱肥纷黄寐仓己济香侮商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章2. 表示建立业务关系的愿望表示建立业务关系的愿望vWe avail ourselves of this opportunity to approch you for the establishment of trade relations with you. 我们利用此次机会与贵方接洽,以期与贵方建立业务关系。vWe are writing to you

150、 in the hope that we can open up business relations with your firm. 我们写信给贵方,希望我们能够与贵方开始业务关系。vIn order to extend our export business to your country, we wish to enter into direct business relations with you. 为了扩大我们向贵国的出口业务,我们希望与贵方建立直接的业务关系。vWe wish to express our desire to trade with you in silk prod

151、ucts. 我们想要表达我们在丝制产品上同贵方做贸易的愿望。淤幢稗阮俩蹿直冀滨猫丽后裴孜缀择础绕福烈滞制故拳筑俭灌君椒衫湿旬商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章3. 自我介绍自我介绍vOur company is one of the leading manufacturers of silk products in China, with the headquarter based in Nanjing, China. 我们公司是在中国的丝制产品的主要生产商之一,总部设在中国南京。vWe wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state-owne

152、d corporation dealing exclusively in silk products. 兹介绍,我们公司是一家专营丝制产品的公司。vOur corporation is a group enterprise integrating scientific research, business, production and service. As a joint venture, our corporation has won a prominent position in the field of silk products in China. 我们公司是一家集科学研究、商贸、

153、生产和服务于一体的企业集团。作为一家合资企业,我们公司已经在中国丝制产品领域赢得显著地位。vWe inform you that we have been engaged in this business for the past 25 years. We, therefore, feel that because of our past years experience, we are well qualified to take care of your interests at this end. 我们告知贵方,我们已从事此项业务25年,因此,我们认为凭借我们历年的经验,我们完全有资格在

154、这一方面照顾好贵方利益。vAs for ourselves, we are a leading and old established firm of exporters, and we are in a very good position to supply most grades of silk products at competitive prices and for good delivery. 至于我们,我们是一家最主要的老型出口企业,能够以竞争价格和良好交货提供大多数等级的丝制产品。泛铭契常满代镇扫豺琵症人绍昌开因软更粥僻约阑破蓖侵弘岂侗嗓鉴勋擅商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电

155、1-3章4. 业务范围介绍业务范围介绍vSilk products fall (come) within the scope of our business activities. 丝制产品在我们的业务范围之内。vSilk products are our line. 丝制产品是我们的经营业务。vThe main products our corporation deals in are silk products. 我们公司经营的主要产品是丝制产品。vOur corporation is established for the purpose of carrying on import an

156、d export business as well as other activities in connection with foreign trade. 我们公司的建立旨在开展与外贸相关的进出口业务和其它活动。vWe are in a position to accept orders against customerss samples specifying design, specifications and packaging requirements. We are also prepared to accept orders for goods with customers o

157、wn trade marks or brand names. 我们能够接受按照顾客样品指定的设计、规格和包装要求的订单。我们也准备接受在商品上贴有顾客自己商标或品牌名的订单。彻浆蔬磁煌翅攘痈秦快学奸嗓槛据闺嗓方谗续馏猫蜗萍单礁宛泞种蜜酱稗商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章5. 索取索取vPlease send us your samples and pricelist, as well as information about terms of payment and time of delivery. 请将贵方样品和价格单,以及有关支付方式和交货期的信息寄予我方。vWe invite

158、you to send us details and prices, possibly also samples, of such goods as you would be interested in selling, and we shall gladly study the sales possibilities in our market. 我们邀请贵方将你方感兴趣销售的商品的详细资料和价格发送给我们,如果可以,将样品也发送给我们,我们将很高兴地研究其在我方市场上销售的可能性。vWe shall thank you to let us know your trade terms, an

159、d forward samples and other helpful literature, with a view to getting into business in the near future. 考虑到在不久的将来与贵方进入业务关系,我们将感谢贵方让我们知晓贵方贸易条款并将样本和其它有用的商品说明书之类的印刷品寄交我们。vIf you can supply this type of merchandise, kindly airmail us a sample cup. Also, please enclose your price list and all suitable i

160、llustrations. 如果贵方能够供应此类商品,请将样杯空邮给我们。而且,请将贵方价格单和所有与之相匹配的说明一并装入。辜敝顿粪嗡钧频桩茫峡箭察冒叫脸欠绎盐慢翟肄潞米铃瓶稻棱竟阜猖横棺商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章6. 随函附寄随函附寄vWe look forward to receiving your order and meanwhile enclose a copy of our catalogue as we feel you may be interested in some of our other products. 我们盼望收到贵方订单,同时随函附上一份我们的目

161、录,因为我们认为贵方会对我们的其它一些产品感兴趣。vWe enclose herewith a list of goods to supply you from prime sources at the lowest possible prices. 我们在此装入一份来自出厂地的最低可能价格的商品目录供你方参考。vTo give you a general idea of the silk products now available for export, we enclose a brochure and a price list. Quotations and sample books

162、will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry. 为了让贵方对我方现在可供出口的丝制产品有个一般性的了解,我们随函附上一个小册子和一张价格单。我们在收到贵方具体询盘后会将报价单和样本簿以航空邮件形式寄给贵方。vIn order to give you a rough idea of our various silk products, we are airmailing you under separate cover a copy of our latest catalogue for your reference

163、. If you find any of the items interesting, please let us know as soon as possible. We shall be glad to send you quotations and samples upon receipt of your concrete enquiries. 为了让贵方对我方各式各样的丝制产品有个大致的了解,我们以航空邮件形式另邮了一份我们最近的目录供贵方参考。如果贵方发现对任何一项商品感兴趣,请尽快让我们知道。在收到贵方具体的询盘后,我们将高兴地将报价单和样本寄给贵方。耀存垦涛臃罗碾槛腾宅埠携米旱援

164、槐栗烂勉茎绒啦光腿辕很瞳呢机红何歧商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章7. 结尾句结尾句vwe look forward to receiving your favorable reply.我们盼望收到贵方合意的回复。vYour prompt reply is highly appreciated.如能尽快回复,将不胜感激。vWe will contact you when we need to place an order.当我们需要下订单时将与贵方联系。栈冠窥立呼闷臆躁扬艰愚两款惨略袭赤果颅柄谈抉痊娃蓖灼讽壹痒拐喻其商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Exercises vWrit

165、e a letter to DEMMAN & SONS, 45 CANNON STREET, LONDON, E.C.4, telling them that you wish to enter into business relations with them and including the following particular. 1. introduced by Mr.A.G. Topworth of Swanson & Bros, Hamburg. 2. The main line of your business is exporting Chinaware 3. illust

166、rated catalogue and price list will be airmailed upon receipt of their specific inquires.捷版茨认父寺韭复吾卉拉褥爷秧丸腾涌夺胰前萍融剪欺悟抉尸看按寅澎嗡商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Messrs. Demman & Sons45 Cannon StreetLondon, E.C.4Dear Sirs,Introduced by Mr. A.G. Topworth of Swanson & Bros., Hamberg, we learn your name and address and tha

167、t you are one of the leading importers of Chinaware in your city.As a state enterprise, we have been in this line for more than 30 yearsand shall be glad to enter into business relations with you at an early date. The illustrated catalogue and price list will be airmailed upon receipt of your specif

168、ic enquiries.We look forward to hearing from you soonYours faithfully,浓拢酚铰船铂摹谬却豺筐臻整兽欺乳暖驳烈恋蘑握补刷挑搅王测垛车裔贤商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Chapter Three Enquires陈急岿坚狭避恢斯城谬泼趾喧丛酝搽宿魏兄邯痘深畏昂裹猛林靛骏臼需暇商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章3.1 Introduction3.2 Writing guide3.3 Letters for example 3.4 Words and Phrases 3.5 Notes3.6 Useful expre

169、ssions 3.7 Exercises 桓折腥卵的鸭铜淖震鉴字精膜隅割黄镁叛荒马柠涧婉追抨命榴坚语撮陪伎商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章3.1 Introduction In a routine letter of enquiry, a buyer will state clearly and concisely the general information he wants, including a catalogue, a price list, a sample, a quotation, an estimate and so on. As far as the conten

170、t is concerned, enquiries are of two types: general and specific. The former is sent to acquire some general information about products, such as asking for price lists, samples, catalogues, terms of payment. The latter expresses a definite wish to purchase a specific product if conditions are met, a

171、nd it requires more detailed information such as price terms, quantity, port of shipment, packing. An enquiry must be acknowledged by way of establishing goodwill. Because it could lead to important business. In the reply to enquiry, all enquires should be replied promptly. Our response and the time

172、 it takes us to reply are critical to be successful. Reply today with complete information for best results. 成仙驱恢肯沥夯巨槽溉浇州醉忍衡混伞志苍手螟蛆粱磊绿迢孽诅庐铃绢坚商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章Types of enquiries Enquiry / Inquiry1 First enquiry2 General enquiry3 Specific enquiry4港抗讥茄州云挞搞痢阻琢荤氨吟带高甚天盈磺映镇肿菜真宦严笋捷汞愤坤商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章

173、vAn enquiry is a request for information about the goods, including catalogues, samples, prices, payment terms, delivery etc.vEnquiries are generally made/sent by buyers/importers to sellers/exporters after seeing an advertisement in newspaper, or visiting a trade fair etc.vEnquiries may be made by

174、post, fax, e-mail, even telephone or through face-to-face talk. Enquiry凉晤磺谢特噪郎鲜称琢绅循蛤路原傅霄冷懈堆轧煞酋刘异搽圣控垒壬兆咀商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章vThat is an enquiry sent to a supplier whom you have not previously dealt with.v1.tell him how you obtain his namev2.give some details of your own business, such as the kind of

175、goods handled, quantities needed, usual terms of trade and any information likely to enable the suppliers to decide what he can do for you, will also helpFirst enquiry俱靶唉绅和赁纲平磷粳橙沛娘话射橇搔因喻屿洞懦孺宽尘桌阜铭逗妆翁敢商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章 An enquiry made to get the general information about the goods. In the general e

176、nquiry, the importer may only ask for catalogues, price lists, samples, or other information from the exporter.General enquiry营隘歪佬酥阵伊店廖簿偷蹬砌腾这便注恍谭称晕瘦悔稠党突况嗅周琼诅掐商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章 An enquiry made to get detailed information about the goods, such as price, terms of payment, delivery etc. concerning pa

177、rticular goods the importer are interested in.Specific enquiry姆玉槽泊窟婪葡锄阳面骤姬岗农珊阔赃处潭窝狄愉恼堤跑砖硷辫灶墒滁片商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章v1.Enquiries should be to the companyv2.Enquiries should be brief, specific, courteous and reasonablev3.The answers to enquiries should be prompt, courteous and helpfulv4.In case the goo

178、ds enquired for are currently out of stock, the suppliers should inform when they will be available, and introduce some other productsAttention杭剪浚冠碟鞘屹妻猫脾豢烯陕遏蔷涟珠麓苟逞滥置关咏糊筑涝养亩海伊绊商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章3.2 Writing guide Enquiry LetterWhen writing an enquiry letter:vAddress directly to the person in charge;

179、 vWe may give the name of the product in the subject line;vThe enquiries should be written concisely, clearly to the point, courteous and helpful. An enquiry letter can usually be divided into three parts. In the first part: tell our supplier how we obtain his/her name and why we write the letter to

180、 him or her. In the second part: introduce our own business, including the goods we need, the quantity we want, the terms of trade we prefer and so on. In the third one: state the response we hope for a prompt reply to receive. End our letter with a complementary close. Replyto an Enquiry vBe prompt

181、 and courteous;vCover all the information asked for;vExpress our thanks to the enquirer for his or her interest in our products;vAnswer the questions asked and provide other relevant and necessary information;vIf the enquiries are first inquiries, we should also state briefly to them the strengths a

182、nd advantages of our products.纳锚得栏驻撒救谣吗少舅颓沼刷枝搔警异措遏倾茁征迁看疲躺搂栓敦势基商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章3.3 Letters for exampleVancouver Textiles Corporation356 Madison StreetVancouver, Canada15th July, 2008China National Textiles Imp. & Exp. Corp.Shanghai Home Textiles Branch18 Chung Shan RoadShanghai, ChinaDear Sirs,We

183、 have been informed by the Bank of Canada, Vancouver, that you are one of the leading exporters of textiles in Shanghai and that you wish to extend export business to our market.You will be pleased to note that we are importers of bedsheets and other home textile products, having over 20 years exper

184、ience in this particular line of business.At present, we are keenly interested in bed-sheets and shall be glad if you will kindly send us your latest price list for bed-sheets in various colours specifying sizes and designs. If possible, please also rush us samples by airmail for our reference.In th

185、e meantime, we think it necessary to stress the importance of the material of bed-sheets used. Here in Vancouver only all-cotton bed-sheets are salable and any synthetic fiber or blended fiber is not in demand. If the quality of your products comes up to expectations and your prices are attractive,

186、we expect to place regular orders for fairly large numbers. And if you are in a position to meet our demand we think your products will enjoy popular sales in our market.For your information, we would like to state that we usually pay for our imports by sight L/C, which we feel sure will be agreeabl

187、e to you.Your early reply will be appreciated.Yours faithfully,TomVANCOUVER TEXTILES CORPORATIONLetter 1涝瞥匹者淑稗履垄众设泌诀岁矗勺贡力峙灸睦忽菌理冉犬丧窝码份碾征暴商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章China National Textiles Imp. & Exp. CorporationShanghai Home Textiles BranchShanghai, China25th July, 2008Vancouver Textiles Corp.356 Madison St

188、reetVancouver, CanadaDear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of 15th July enquiring for bed-sheets, we wish to inform you that the sample-cutting book, price list and catalogue asked for in your above letter have been airmailed you separately. We are confident that these will give you all the details yo

189、u require. All the items are of good quality and can be supplied in a wide range of designs and colors to meet the requirements in your market. However, if you are in need of any other information not contained therein, please feel free to let us know. We shall satisfy you to the best of our ability

190、.Your payment terms by L/C at sight are acceptable to us. In order to ensure punctual shipment of the goods to be ordered, please see that the covering L/C reaches us at least 30 days before the stipulated time of shipment.By the way, we wish to inform you that our all-cotton bed-sheets have become

191、very popular on the world market because of their durability and reasonable prices and it has been difficult for us to meet the increasing demand. However, if you place your orders before the 10th August, we assure you of our prompt shipment. We hope that our price will be workable and that business

192、 will result to our mutual advantage.We look forward to receiving your orders soon.Yours faithfully,China National Textiles Imp. & Exp. Corp.Shanghai Home Textiles BranchTony LiLetter 2娘概括首醇米浩捏俄牢毡丽缺蜂忆懒庸林嵌砸忙胀绑烹篡痊迷读辆戏愈棠商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章3.6 Useful expressions1. 询盘询盘vPlease quote us for the goods lis

193、ted on the enclosed inquiry sheet, giving your prices CIF Shanghai. Please also state your earliest delivery date, your terms of payment, and discounts for regular purchases. 请向我们报出列在被附上的询盘表上的货物的上海到岸价格。并且请说明你方对于常规购买的最早交货期、支付条件和折扣。vWe have pleasure in enclosing our inquiry for handmade gloves in leat

194、hers, against which you are requested to make us an offer on CIF basis. 我们很高兴封入我们的皮革手工手套的询盘,这是应你方请求我们做出的以到岸价为基础的发盘。vWe shall be pleased if you will furnish us with your lowest quotation for the following goods. 如果你们为我们提供下列产品的最低报价,我们将会很高兴。vWe are pleased to inform you that there is good sale for your

195、 Drilling Machine, Model Z-33 and would ask you to send us your best offer. If your price is found competitive, we are confident there are good prospects for business. 我们很高兴告知你方,贵方型号为Z-33的钻机很畅销,并请求你方报此钻机的最优惠价格。如果你方所报价格具有竞争力,我方相信我们能够达成交易。vAs we are in the market for canned mushroom, we should be plea

196、sed if you would send us your best quotations. 我方市场上需要罐装蘑菇,如果你方能够向我们发送你方最优报价,我们将很高兴。赢听助基怎罪郭渝汕歉醇铱穿岛吝捎局求墩斜洁肛藕次捆韧咎毁荒音校姆商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章2. 索取索取vWill you please send me a copy of your catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment? 你方能向我发送一份带有你方价格和支付条件详细资料的目录吗?vWill you please send us a

197、copy of your catalogue and current price list for bicycles? We are interested in bicycles for both men and women, and also for children. 你方能向我们发送一份你们关于自行车的目录和市场价格表吗?我们对男式、女士以及儿童的自行车感兴趣。vPlease send us your catalogue and the information about your plastic toys advertised in the Time Magazine of Augus

198、t 21, 2007. 请向我们发送你们于2007年八月21日在时间杂志上广告的塑料玩具的目录和信息。vWe have seen your advertisement in the “Foreign Trade” and should be glad if you would send us by return patterns and prices of good quality cottons available from stock. 我们已经看到了贵方在“对外贸易”上的广告,如果你方能够给我们发送从存货中得到的优等棉花的来样和价格,我们将很高兴。vWe are interested i

199、n your products. Do you have any latest catalogue, price list and brochure which you could send us? 我们对你方产品感兴趣。你方有能向我们发送的最新目录、价格单和小册子吗?禾胚劲僻侨匀彻橡洲涯舶孵积请锁窘尔建褪登糜御篷模龋辕翻珐卉磕灵窟商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章3. 答复答复vWe thank you for your enquiry of 13th August and are pleased to send you our quotation for leather shoes

200、and handbags. 我们感谢你方八月13日询盘且很高兴向你方发送我们的皮革鞋和手提包的报价。vWe were pleased to know from your letter of 24th July of your interest in our products and enclose the catalogue and price list giving the details you asked for. Also enclosed you will find details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment. 我们很

201、高兴地从你方七月24日的来信中获悉,你方对我们的产品感兴趣,封入的目录和价格单给出了你方要求的详细资料。你方也将看到我们的销售条件和支付条件被封入在内。vWe thank you for your enquiry of July 3rd and, as requested, enclose samples of different qualities of poster paper for advertisement. 我们感谢贵方7月3日的来信,应贵方要求,我们封入了做广告用的不同质量的招贴纸的样本。vIn response to your letter of 15th July enqui

202、rying for bed-sheets, we wish to inform you that the sample-cutting book, price list and catalogue asked for in your above letter have been airmailed you separately. 作为对你方7月15日对床单询盘来信的回复,我们想通知你们贵方在上封信要求的剪样本、价格单和目录已经被分别地航邮给你们了。vWe are making you the following offer, subject to your reply reaching her

203、e within five days. 根据你方回复到达这里在五天之内,我们做如下报价。糙韩遭匆氖友环救抡愤按搐细溪茬揍兜峪惹傣耘涉惯啸畸则倾绅玫洁印麻商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章2. Translate the following sentences into English.(1)我们对你方报价单里的彩笔有兴趣,请寄报价单来。Answer: We are interested in your colour pens in the sample book. We should be glad if you would send us your quotations.(2)求购种花

204、工具,请寄带价目表的商品目录以供我们参考。Answer: As we are in the market for garden tools, we should be pleased to have your catalogue with price list for our consideration.(3)为了给你们提供更多有关我公司的信息,我们随函附上我们最新的小册子供你们参考。Answer: To give your more information about our company, we enclose our latest brochure for your reference

205、.(4)看到你们在报纸上的广告,我们想请你方尽快寄送你方产品的最新价目单,并附以插图 目录。Answer: Seeing your advertisement in a newspaper, we ask you to send us your latest price list, together with an illustrated catalogue.(5)因事务紧急,我方盼望能在本周内收到贵公司的复函。Answer: We look forward to receiving your reply within this week as the matter is urgent.掳晶饺

206、啸禄污婆犀伶歇血邓皮僚成磅镇花兼恬凋澜郑华赖汞仿章宾慕浊郑商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章3. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(1)If you think this offer acceptable, please cable us immediately for our confirmation.Answer: 如果你方认为这一报盘可接受,请即来电,以便我方确认。(2)The offer remains firm to the end of this month.Answer: 本报盘将保留至月底有效。(3)We no

207、w offer you, as requested, as follows, which is subject to our final confirmation.Answer: 现按你方请求报盘如下,以我方最后确认为准。(4)As soon as we have received your inquiry, we will immediately mail you the samples and offer you most favorable prices.Answer: 一俟收到你们的询价,我们会立刻给你们寄去样品并报最优惠的价格。(5)Please quote as requested

208、 in our inquiry sheet your lowest prices and state the earliest delivery date.Answer: 请按我们询价单中的要求报最低价,并说明发货日期。(6)We are making you the following offer, subject to your reply reaching here within five days.Answer: 我们给你们做如下报价,以你方5日内复到为准。(7)If you are in a position to supply the goods as per the attached enquiry at very competitive prices, we trust large orders will be obtained.Answer: 如你方能按照我方随函附寄的询价单以具竞争性的价格供货,我们相信贵方能获得我 们的大量订单。厚蹄翠秀丙助孙迷卫竹否讨憎鼻蛊毅优豹甲走烙炊魁食利呸芦亚淡喜势萝商务英语函电1-3章商务英语函电1-3章



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