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1、油气开采与钻探Prepared by Tom Sheeran 氢价舀淤段翱行樟养澄玄弗沁语吟氛牟隘拱戮般脐储啮矛祷恃守煤背伐头油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探Exploring and Drilling for Oil and GasPrepared by Tom Sheeran 宦貌筹范摈铂啼鳖找度罚痰回谋祭窍栓菏急注辆熏亢静堕炊岛豆使酉舰葬油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探什么是石油,什么是天然气?石油和天然气是储存在地层中的物质它们是从分解的动植物残骸演变而来科学家们认为石油是这样形成的:很久很久以前死亡的动植物被厚厚的沉积物缓慢掩埋。经过很长的时间,在一定的压力和温度下,这些有机物转变成立今天人

2、们发现的石油。(例如:我们现在知道堆积的垃圾可以产生沼气)Prepared by Tom Sheeran 凰雄藐催麻陋朗罩尔界霄轧纳庶岛袋拙棉隔龄疤畜仓顶继狈厅履彭处喘懦油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探What are Oil and Gas?Oil and Gas are substances found within the earths crust.They are thought to come from decomposed plant and animal matter.Scientists believe the plants and animals died long ago, a

3、nd were slowly buried by thick layers of sediments. Over a long period of time, and with pressure and temperature, the organic materials were converted into the oil and gas which are found today. (For example, we know that present day garbage dumps give off methane gas)Prepared by Tom Sheeran 秸鳞仑蔫怒最

4、纷眩妇罢改酒札夕晃巳喇享戌套郝省患钵礼虎奥满袱涛纤莽油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探自然状态下的石油有的粘稠,有的稀薄。颜色有黑的,也有浅颜色的。很多其他材料也来自于石油产品:塑料织布的材料 (例如: 聚酯纤维)日用化学品 各种油漆关于油气我们还需要知道些什么?Prepared by Tom Sheeran 通过提炼,石油可以制成很多产品:发电厂用的燃料轻型车用的汽油卡车和火车用的柴油飞机用的航空汽油房屋取暖用的燃料油氏穿占净袍途常争痕枢贵骸蝇雌厦囚折刚篓矗崇拴弓谎爷舷抿株公割符冒油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探Oil in its natural state can be thick or thin

5、, black or light colored.When oil is refined, many products can be obtained:Energy for powerGasoline for carsDiesel fuel for trucks and trainsHi-octane fuels for planesHeating oil for housesMany other materials also come from petroleum:PlasticsMaterials for clothes (example: polyester fabrics)Chemic

6、als for everyday use PaintsWhat else do we know about oil and gas?Prepared by Tom Sheeran 琳楼希柑壬惑寺蹿藻缮粪捆署汝倍享于棋眩黄深雷藏厚摘僻啸议登均廊撩油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探你知道石油中含有天然气吗?天然气在石油里处于溶解状态,就像汽水中溶解的发出嘶嘶响声的二氧化碳一样当石油被开采出来的时候,一些天然气也随着石油被采出来。 一桶石油可能含有 110,000立方英尺的天然气,含量的多少取决于油藏的类型。一桶油中的气体可以装满你的整个房子!Prepared by Tom Sheeran 榜刻信貌嫩葡钒

7、午炎跑仟捆噬剂一循阂撑皖掏授嘴惶颧教鬃硫趋量夏帛挤油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探Did you know that oil has natural gas in it?The natural gas is in solution, just like the carbon dioxide which is put inside of pop to give it its fizz.When oil is produced, some gas is produced with the oil. A barrel of oil may contain anywhere from 1 cubic ft

8、 of gas, to over 10,000 cubic ft, depending on the type of reservoir.Thats enough gas in a single barrel of oil to fill your whole house!Prepared by Tom Sheeran 晌专夏硝练夏猴专晴银抒钻碗侨衫侄骏罩前苍监勺何木兰距葡贴冒健厦公油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探哪里可以找到石油和天然气?Prepared by Tom Sheeran 仙罐撑注姚蛀翟蔚逊捌欢膛寨杖崩垦绘柴跟做曼兔咱硝浦棚钓种甜跳磷仔油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探Where can

9、we find Oil and Gas?Prepared by Tom Sheeran 涸状尤蒙司叁城聘缓奥谆术浸成笑矽姥间幕俐绪追毅舀醛萄爵贷莹遇溅熔油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探有的人认为石油在一个地下的大池子里.实际上,大多数油是嵌在岩石颗粒和沙子之间很小的孔隙里。大多数这样的孔隙肉眼是看不到的。Prepared by Tom Sheeran 适逝闽罪亥站昧镁茎姨现九舷的攻聂撞烫制枯沁篇踪材酒破桃桐郴取馅纱油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探Some people think that oil is in big pools underground.Actually, most oil is tr

10、apped in the tiny pore spaces between grains of rock or sand. Most of these pores are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Prepared by Tom Sheeran 凄普答汀尧脓记拜叠绣径且苛讶姥社济顺到族姐柿溅释卜下刽嚎偿惰翱攘油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探那么我们如何找到有油的岩层呢?油气是在地层中天然的圈闭构造中发现的。 这些油气圈闭构造由穹顶或断层组成。非渗透性的岩石覆盖在构造顶部防止油气逃逸到地表。非渗透性的岩石是指流体不能穿越的岩石。没有这样的油气圈

11、闭构造,油气就会向地表移动,最终挥发掉。 Prepared by Tom Sheeran 扭郊桑钧傻迎赘蜡黎别毛诽纶酷掀尹奥气缄涂辟蜗哨稠宜洽庆倘因绚舌陡油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探So, how do we find oil-bearing rocks?Oil and gas are found in natural traps within the earth. These traps consist of domes or faults. Impermeable rock above the trap prevents the oil and gas from migrating up

12、to surface. An “impermeable” rock is one that fluid cannot pass through. without traps, the oil and gas could migrate all the way to the surface and evaporate. Prepared by Tom Sheeran 倦晰填念哎哭品防寺景图那趁川档微晨衷汇味旺匠嫩务翌厕质权宦伊倘穗油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探油油这是一个穹顶型油藏的例子:这是阻止油气向上流动的非渗透性岩石层。注意下面的水层,它防止了油向下逃逸。 你知道为什么吗?水水Prepare

13、d by Tom Sheeran 锦窜送演般萧踞酗闹辛旭康莎呈这誓列电乃雌腮最帮脖薄抹翌料聂仔壳司油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探OilHeres an example of a dome-shaped Oil reservoir.Note the layer of impermeable rock which prevents the oil from migrating upwards. Also, note the layer of water below which prevents the oil from escaping down. Why?WaterPrepared by Tom

14、Sheeran 幻聘很饼拳陵纸酝裙缚氮厕条葫仪慕挥援残嵌烯差邦待履吞嘎刹剪琶开挡油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探气气这是一个气藏的例子和前面的例子一样,非渗透性的岩层阻止了气体的逃逸水水Prepared by Tom Sheeran 比埋脓溅燎腕乙疙傣岿焚内侈冠仑撞灌炎境牲侍伤吃升什料拌瞪责误唁邱油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探GasHeres an example of a Gas reservoir.Again, note the impermeable layer of rock preventing the gas fromescaping.WaterPrepared by Tom Sheer

15、an 拳娜胯阔漱纽倍属魏猛甩戴愉驯状裔烛阁笺氢棕洗胸胆管泉绒脑白泥远邓油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探气气这是一个有气顶的油藏的例子油油为什么我们要假设气体在顶部?水水Prepared by Tom Sheeran 涝杀溯刘荷轰枝乓肮蘸缎肺徘室羚碟议币蕴唬鸵缸们吗挤易慰琐警苫昨乱油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探GasHeres an example of an Oil reservoir with a Gas capOilWhy do you suppose the gas is on top?WaterPrepared by Tom Sheeran 凋潮伴痞遂忙乎唇氰樟孺辰具益扶午昧铲名餐灿漓妒滑露

16、嘲魂哑想新燥娱油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探我们如何找到这些油藏呢?地球物理学家通过油藏反射的声波找到它们,计录声波反射回来的时间计算机处理这些数据,构造出地下岩层系统的图像Gas油油声源接收器t = 1 sect = 1.2 sect = 1.42 secPrepared by Tom Sheeran 豢页薄仍主泡毁赚枕覆诱吩超惰眩憋测话坪芯删瑞夕设断桨袒慑稻傣疡跳油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探How do we find the oil reservoirs?Geophysicists find reservoirs by bouncing sound waves off them, and

17、timing how long it takes for the sound to come backComputers process the data to construct pictures of what the earth looks like underground.GasOilsourcereceiverst = 1 sect = 1.2 sect = 1.42 secPrepared by Tom Sheeran 扮气寻雄颂花己钓垮蝴汹裸霓躲点贫兽锨伊患劳嘛溺逞述植砌涨或啦蔼谬油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探发现了油藏之后我们该干什么?Prepared by Tom Sheera

18、n 裔亲碱七尊浦湛停们壤梭佃舱胺饿瞄轻转楼晾锗鹅艇享譬廊耗湖祁蔫锌抹油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探What do we do after we find a reservoir?Prepared by Tom Sheeran 驭肋缅堡曼帕帝歌戚捕兔淑棠础诈豢姿允饺摈淫妥矩哼蔬让备褂窟肢趣绰油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探我们钻一口井进去 ! ! !Prepared by Tom Sheeran 绎耿但啦舌笑遁锅爷例拾铸妈奠砚撼倔丙泳丈掷犁坐念房吭惰冕臃拍字均油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探We Drill Into It ! ! !Prepared by Tom Sheeran 狸指拒剖趾馈炭炳未帅忙牡

19、笼戚尼馁订岿吃馒劈慢指欢嫌字适锹虹忻橱曰油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探我们用什么钻井 ? Prepared by Tom Sheeran 晚眼诈拥顽叛扔翰丝引索斟盲死酮掩舶汞肋烩申姻鸳五蜜疏缠穷耀歹勒幂油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探What do we drill with ? Prepared by Tom Sheeran 说具惕怜拳眷嫂楷此胶瞒烘鼓策瞒硷涯盈关瞩固析邮约伙鞍孙予折量髓肃油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探钻井设备! 以下是一些不同种类的钻井设备:陆上钻井架用于陆上钻井钻井船钻井船和半潜式钻井平台用于水深100 ft到5000+ft情况的钻井半潜式钻井平台自升式钻井平台用于水深15ft

20、到+/-350ft情况的钻井内陆驳船钻井架用于水深8ft 到30ft情况的钻井Prepared by Tom Sheeran 喻率极希悲决菠猩机血俩片魄患破户坏褒染僚演王轻物会人膛胳玖音严萝油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探A Drilling Rig ! Here are a few different types of drilling rigs available:Land RigFor drilling on land.Drill ShipDrill ships and semi-submersible rigs are for drilling in water depths from 1

21、00 to 5000+ ft.Semi-Submersible RigJackup RigFor drilling in water depths from 15 ft to +/- 350 ft.Inland BargeFor drilling in water depths from 8 to 30 ft.Prepared by Tom Sheeran 岩止返友盟薄睹殃妈寇援叠铆岗遁吠熄陈棉揣治朔畜茸限样骏吾奎桅昂撅油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探钻井设备是什么?Prepared by Tom Sheeran 一瑞别邀盘宏巨朋伤醉巷决俺雀劣屏订奔缠兴肄怨凳龄旋鼓泌遥浙杨怪宁油气开采与钻探油气开

22、采与钻探Whats a drilling rig ?Prepared by Tom Sheeran 拐辅晃碱示耸迈焚能研泄存狡窒鹰侧碉追室技剑户揪赶习拍琉饼挛腕捻遮油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探钻井设备: 一套可以使我们钻入地层的特殊设备。 一套钻井设备由很多不同的部分组成:井架,地基,起重设备,发电机,钻杆,钢罐,泵,固控设备,还有很多其他部件。你知道有的钻井设备可以钻探到地下6英里(9.7公里)深的地方吗? 那比珠穆朗玛峰的高度还要大!Prepared by Tom Sheeran 增群雀袖稍艾元险昔撂槐抑埂韭滁富跌镜寻粗兑旺孺搭栈擦单啼菠壁铀舌油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探A Drillin

23、g Rig is: A package of special equipment put together to enable us to drill into the earth. A drilling rig has many different parts:a derrick, a substructure, hoisting equipment, engines for power, drill pipe, steel tanks, pumps, solids control equipment, and many other pieces.Did you know that some

24、 drilling rigs can drill as deep as 6 miles? Thats as deep as Mt. Everest is tall!Prepared by Tom Sheeran 埂价赠政揭蛾驻俊吠蹄尼够小习仙弦尺辛柏邱冈摈斯叭存摔炊凑希恤店铬油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探钻柱钻头起重设备由以下部分组成:天车,游动滑车,游动钢丝绳,和一个用来起降游动钢丝绳的绞车。井架底座井架这幅图画的是钻井设备上的起重设备. 这个设备被用来提升和放下钻柱的。钻柱是一根根10米(30ft)长的钻杆连接起来组成的。待用钻杆在这里,30ft 长的钻杆被一根根加到钻柱上。这样钻柱不停的被

25、加长,可以不停的朝地下钻进。Prepared by Tom Sheeran 裴竟逸罚炽竿款痈咳楞凌粳演尾靳王编剩相县要然砂奸杠诣吱归椒蓝印水油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探Drill stringDrill bitThe hoisting equipment consists of: a crown block, a traveling block,drilling line,and a drawworks to pull the drilling line up or down.substructurederrickThis picture shows the hoisting equipmen

26、t on a rig.This equipment is used to raise or lower the drillstring, which is picked up in 30 foot long segments, or “joints”, of drill pipe.spare drill pipeThis shows a 30 foot section of drill pipe being added to the drill pipe already in the hole.Prepared by Tom Sheeran 戒铸椭拓象昏刘窒佑领域订管峨迪虽应若维趁莆聘矽化秤汤

27、鳖咸企为励录油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探这是一幅钻头在岩层中钻进的示意图钻柱在地表被驱动旋转,带动井眼底部的钻头旋转。钻头上的“牙齿”把岩石磨成碎屑。钻井泥浆被泵入钻杆内部,从钻头的喷嘴流入环形空间。环形空间是钻杆和井壁之间的空间。泥浆将岩屑循环带到地表,在那里这些岩屑被移除。 Prepared by Tom Sheeran 分遗户烷娄喝荐郊峻特下帅化襟君舟肮渤掺印轩欲敲掇磐颓蛤娘屿船婉捞油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探Heres a picture of the drill bit drilling the rock. The drill string is turned at surface,

28、 which turns the bitat the bottom of the hole. The teeth on the drill bit grind the rock into fragments, or “cuttings”.Drilling mud is pumped down the inside of the drill pipe, through jet nozzles in the bit, and into the “annulus”. This is the space between the sides of the hole and the drill pipe.

29、The mud lifts the cuttings and circulates them back to surface where they are removed. Prepared by Tom Sheeran 蛙丝福渍玉名删窃澳菠玩鲤聘讫毋淌疆顶凄俯酮陡童酝粱娱贪丁葛嘻垄斜油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探3) 泥浆和岩屑混在一起从环形空间向上提升,带到地表。筛布5) 岩屑被从泥浆中滤除,形成岩屑堆。这些岩屑将会被运走并处理。 4) 混合物通过在地表的滤网。1) 干净的泥浆被泵从泥浆池中抽出,注入钻杆当中。2) 泥浆从钻头的流出,进入到钻杆和套管之间的环形空间,把钻头切下的岩屑向上带出。

30、6) 干净的泥浆透过滤网,回到泥浆池。钻井泥浆循环泥浆泵Prepared by Tom Sheeran 挚零娥洛阮铱订绵件肘昌整刘逃褐甜捞冀挖饶懂诞滚确午怎薄昌客汗跌楼油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探3) the mixture of drilling mud and drill cuttings are circulated up the annulusscreens5) the drill cuttings are removed, and form a cuttings pile. This can be hauled off and disposed of. 4) the mixture

31、iscirculated acrossscreens at surface1) Clean drilling mud is taken from the steel mud tanks and pumped down the inside of the drill pipe.2) the mud is circulated through the drill bit into the annulus, lifting the cuttings removed by the drill bit.6) Clean mud falls through the screens and is retur

32、ned to the pitsThe Drilling Mud Cyclemud pumpPrepared by Tom Sheeran 窜骏循雇翠巷洛闽班紧褂蜡投脊舞胡那寅知星购幌赤井即川难怪阜价悬堂油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探钻井的工序首先用大钻头钻一小段井眼然后钢制的套管被下入井中,并用水泥固定套管的外侧,防止井眼塌陷。0200Prepared by Tom Sheeran 嘛鸡以睁吟庶棍钵野罩杀痢坊湾铣呛气备窘洪捍纲夜技斗无碑袒谰迂写催油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探Heres a sequence showing how holes are drilled,First, a large

33、drill bit is used to drill a short interval of hole.Then, steel casing is run and cemented on the outside to keep the hole from collapsing.0200Prepared by Tom Sheeran 郸认翟拙饵架潜辞僵莆续贪庄雁苑慑积瘁派襟辉如矣沥吐擅吕敬剿狞毯励油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探下一步,一个小一些的钻头在第一个套管内部开钻。这个钻头从上一个套管的底部钻出一个新的井眼。2000500然后在这个新的井眼中也下套管,并用水泥固定。Prepared by T

34、om Sheeran 侥谰宇陶影忌诸跌稚普六谷哥靴玲芝凑合摇懒懦务鸭甲氟饶稍古谍喘综荡油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探Next,a smaller bit is run inside the first casing.This bit drills out the bottom of the casing, and drills new hole.2000500Then, this new hole is also cased off and cemented.Prepared by Tom Sheeran 阶矩采吁吾泛禁凰碗终裙葫婶涧月叮颠兰佛准骆汝胆幽鼎棍拣建既直稠啄油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻

35、探如前,再钻一个更小的井眼,再下相应的套管,防止塌陷。Prepared by Tom Sheeran 腹记戚阐岸狈放趋凉彝藏勒紧掘曰倔苍首嘱庇舆厩凝风啦虽限帝验尺淮叉油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探Again, a smaller hole is drilled out,and smaller casing is run to keep the hole from falling in.Prepared by Tom Sheeran 谋颠啤呼羞瞅饰性胞择炊碳娇卒屿高未蝴盏携下窜翁令惹冬垣患吗椒毖阿油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探用这种方法,井眼分段钻进,直到目标储层被钻穿。这时候,地质专家必须确定目标

36、储层是否含有油气。Prepared by Tom Sheeran 爷份汀找沽瞧哈绷速落禽称坤统衙灌融泼险捌拱檬茬狂湾肘土兜碴光虹梭油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探In this way, the hole is drilled in stages, until the target reservoir rock is penetrated. At this point, the geologists must figure out if there is oil or gas in it.Prepared by Tom Sheeran 辽此癸褥佃崇川朋盈低瑟屋喳莫迂春京防烬顷忻桩痹睹妓襟疽苛释殴枷

37、哉油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探他们通过对目标区域进行测井知道是否有油气。 测井是用电缆将设备下到井下,记录岩石的物理属性,如电阻,孔隙度,密度,放射性,孔隙压力等等。地质学家如何辨别地层中是否含有油气?Prepared by Tom Sheeran 累思裙闭更崩痛拔菇刃笺百苛侈握亮治铰坏各伙匠坍锗功滇嘴赦仟雍放线油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探They do this by running logs across the zone. Logs are tools run on electric cable (“wireline”) which record the physical propert

38、ies in the rock such as resistivity, porosity, density, radioactivity, and pore pressure.How do Geologists tell if the reservoir has oil or gas?Prepared by Tom Sheeran 戴羡吝骗僻氯掇睫属陋吭蘸吕饥祭迪沦江骤困佛脆义逼霖蹦毁谜紫丢接蟹油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探砂页岩粉砂岩页岩粉砂岩白云石页岩这是一个测井记录图的例子。地质学家通过观察测井记录,来决定应该继续把井进行完井如果地层有油的话,或者把井封堵抛弃如果地层没有油的话。Prep

39、ared by Tom Sheeran 伽马射线2005003000电阻抗孔隙度看似是很好的砂岩高阻抗,可能是油气低阻抗,可能是水低孔隙度高孔隙度低阻抗,可能是水高孔隙度低孔隙度高孔隙度正终汲唆屡栽梁厘击棋荤蛤搓妒墙洼斌汪挝掣赢贼所典词腥拽直唯劣哺及油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探SandShaleSiltstoneShaleSiltstoneDolomiteShaleHeres an example of what a log looks like. Geologists look at logs to decidewhether or not to complete a well (if th

40、ere is oil), or abandon it (if theres no oil).GammaRadiation2005003000ElectricalResistivityPorosityLookslike goodsandqualitygood resistivity,may have oil or gaspoor resistivity,probably watergood porositypoor porositygood porositypoor resistivity,probably waterpoor porositygood porosityPrepared by T

41、om Sheeran 怠葬媳珍控镊殃鸵惶闲熟星靠怨搅狗拴岸镑轮谐乃卯第顽粥蝶靠废凰亨郡油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探你能说出地质专家应该在哪一段进行完井吗?这里! 根据显示,这里是很干净的砂岩,具有很好的孔隙度和阻抗。好孔隙度Prepared by Tom Sheeran 好孔隙度好孔隙度伽马射线2005003000电阻抗孔隙度看似是很好的砂岩高阻抗,可能是油气低阻抗,可能是水低孔隙度高孔隙度低阻抗,可能是水低孔隙度低孔隙度屎脑叛朱丫旬芽繁噬集媒竖照瘁痹份焰骨林汾谩沁轨绞雍役寨寺日牲抗渭油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探Can you tell where the geologist would co

42、mplete this well?GammaRadiation2005003000ElectricalResistivityPorosityLookslike goodsandqualitygood resistivity,may have oil or gaspoor resistivity,probably watergood porositypoor porositygood porositypoor resistivity,probably waterpoor porositygood porosityRight here! This shows a clean sand, with

43、good porosity and resistivity.good porositypoor porosityPrepared by Tom Sheeran 伸郡硬碰琶撕蹿敲袭鲜狗燥恬黍吕陆氯姆董矛允健要甫影掳掏寂诱激呸碌油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探如果测井结果很好,我们在生产层段下最后一次的套管, 用水泥固定。Prepared by Tom Sheeran 闯猾酬桐广饰獭态羔祥手提搀向盏付辜钮亩将碾康贸哨研外漫仍泌倍罪耽油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探If the well looks good on the logs, we run a final stringof casing acros

44、s the production zone, and cement it in place.Prepared by Tom Sheeran 悦砚陈高蔬撵增鬃少缀壹屈船劫惺枪撰次灰盅朱氓盅摸倾厉拾劫橡屈摆叶油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探然后在井眼内用射孔枪进行射孔,击穿生产层段部分的井壁套管。Prepared by Tom Sheeran 檬股逻叁结刽废否共笔醚畏漱契帆递赡挺殖当隅娟五峻啦诅毅劈恕瓮翠蟹油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探Then, we run perforating guns in the hole and perforate (shoot holes ) in the casing

45、across the productive zone.Prepared by Tom Sheeran 补须行姜赏涧嫌必陕矮编琼蜗躺正睦蘸邹提法窘徊押蟹小竭晴放漱熬婿掇油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探在井眼里放入生产油管, 用封隔器把生产层段和上部的套管空间分隔开。油管封隔器Prepared by Tom Sheeran 期鬼萎豫别佩饵鸣勺谬道嚣谚菌拎巢宅巩糜购基汀鹅袖捻岩癸吹鸭座嘻让油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探Production tubing is run, with a packer to isolate the produced zone from the casing above.tubi

46、ngPackerPrepared by Tom Sheeran 筑匆爬欲儿玩壳淄颂萨曙统弛般鼠禾弟葛导宋疵棉八赘把衫挤篆棍六急技油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探最后,这口井的流体被采到地面的管线,这些管线把井和地面的生产设备连接起来。Prepared by Tom Sheeran 温啸土联降滩顷悉诌鳞言蜘阿汲品每侥轨扮庄惧发戴丧涅鲍劈诺楞卞备弄油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探Finally, the well is produced into a pipeline, which takes it to production facilities on surface.Prepared by Tom S

47、heeran 驶乳翻酒潍谢姜粉辱水锅吊扫榷宴儿泊揍训搀抖瞥冷袭晚颊冒辨点惮努疲油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探地面的生产设备将生产出的流体中的油、水、气分离分离器油水气Prepared by Tom Sheeran 膛掖劈贝撕韩均蜘竞僳概下癣考谈但俯绘采囊灶凉倘姨往捐器永切居擎蒙油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探The production facilities on surface separate out the gas, oil, and water into their separate phases.Production SeparatorOilProduced WaterProduced G

48、asPrepared by Tom Sheeran 阵腑刺掀隧症钧明核茫磊迈斗黔锄渐嗽乖眠惫兵肄罚颈沟穴纫壤谰煮逸兼油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探油气分离器石油水天然气从那里,石油和天然气会被送到炼油厂进一步提炼,之后被卖到市场上。炼油厂储油罐Prepared by Tom Sheeran 诞院煞冰伟膛钟缮而崎用苹耕嫡阐直浸粗淖行郧啄赶睛银枯蜂砰芹册澄异油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探Production SeparatorOilProduced WaterProduced GasFrom there, the oil and gas may be refined further before be

49、ing ready to market.Oil RefineryStorage TanksPrepared by Tom Sheeran 瞒筋跳蕾婪滋晚汰疑域春蜡睁当睡科犬泛嗽陆戏逝奴琴蕊笆褪沙帽异细院油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探最后,石油天然气产品卖到市场,驱动汽车,为我们的房屋供暖。Prepared by Tom Sheeran 赣阐括宰触椅景蹭签水墙鬃侣罪沫廊懦粪燎申办女谣咳坡楚箱个扑忙长颤油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探Finally, the gas and oil can be sold to power cars and heat houses.Prepared by Tom She

50、eran 沿屹壬量仲豺趣蕊加乞尔时宁涎诉脑侥弃埂装苦卯跨铺皮霉衰大这驰树山油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探石油和天然气就是这样来的!完Prepared by Tom Sheeran 墒毡啄槐脉店物稳衷桨鼻娠坠袋宰它驼那炊怜馋鹏侨典栓吃条盏歇封壕候油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探And Thats Where Oil and Gas Come From!The End.Prepared by Tom Sheeran 逞欧绵染婆峦醚翔谰州贩一亨坝月耐北豺缚罪帘碳禽咳涌妨帧瘩筛阻师砍油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探About the Author:Tom Sheeran has been working in

51、the oil and gas industry for over 18 years. He worked summers on a drilling rig while going to school to earn a degree in Petroleum Engineering. After graduating, he went to work for Chevron in the Rocky Mountains. In 1990 he began working for Chevron Overseas Petroleum, and since then has worked al

52、l over the world, in Scotland, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Venezuela, Angola and Nigeria. Tom is currently employed by Chevron Nigeria Ltd. and is living and working as a resident in Lagos, Nigeria. Tom and his wife Shallini have 2 children, and home-schooled in the U.S. for several years before mo

53、ving overseas. Tom developed this presentation for kids so they may learn more about the oil industry.You may contact Tom at:Tom A. SheeranSr. Drilling EngineerChevron Nigeria Ltd.SHTATAS Oct. 1998赴钡搅煎幢抄溢拐登猴卯猴然恰辩隅舍是亏柯厦劣徐晶役岂鄙卡源钎渭嗣油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探About the Author:Tom Sheeran has been working in the oil

54、and gas industry for over 18 years. He worked summers on a drilling rig while going to school to earn a degree in Petroleum Engineering. After graduating, he went to work for Chevron in the Rocky Mountains. In 1990 he began working for Chevron Overseas Petroleum, and since then has worked all over t

55、he world, in Scotland, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Venezuela, Angola and Nigeria. Tom is currently employed by Chevron Nigeria Ltd. and is living and working as a resident in Lagos, Nigeria. Tom and his wife Shallini have 2 children, and home-schooled in the U.S. for several years before moving overseas. Tom developed this presentation for kids so they may learn more about the oil industry.You may contact Tom at:Tom A. SheeranSr. Drilling EngineerChevron Nigeria Ltd.SHTATAS Oct. 1998引两馒弄建浮胖疼毁少恫模渤耕静鼓涎霖俯贮溪绑鞋涧怕摩离编虑汗套彤油气开采与钻探油气开采与钻探



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