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1、Phrases related to body parts By Jin Rong 1 head2above/over ones head above/over ones head come/bring to a head come/bring to a head keep ones headkeep ones headlose ones headlose ones headput ones heads put ones heads togethertogetherhead over heelshead over heels 难以理解难以理解(事情等)达到危急(事情等)达到危急的关头的关头保持

2、镇定保持镇定慌乱,仓皇失措慌乱,仓皇失措集思广益,共同策划集思广益,共同策划1) 1) 头朝下头朝下 2 2) 完全地,深深完全地,深深地地3The atmosphere in the office had been tense for some time but this latest dismissal brought matters to a head. 办公室的气氛已紧张一段时日,而最近解雇员工一事使事态的发展达到了顶点。Hes head over heels in love with her. 他深深地爱上了她。 4hair5Hair get in sbs hair make sbs

3、 hair stand on end 惹恼某人使某人毛骨悚然6 eye7catch ones eye catch ones eye keep an eye onkeep an eye onsee eye to eye see eye to eye (with sb)(with sb)set eyes on set eyes on in someones eyesin someones eyesturn a blind eye toturn a blind eye tocry ones eyes out cry ones eyes out up to ones eyes in up to one

4、s eyes in 引起某人注意,被某引起某人注意,被某人看到人看到留神,密切注意,照留神,密切注意,照看看看法完全一致看法完全一致看,望着看,望着在在心目中,在心目中,在看来看来对对熟视无睹熟视无睹痛哭,大哭痛哭,大哭忙于忙于89follow ones nose follow ones nose 1)笔直往前 2) 凭直觉行事,凭本能行事 The police station is a mile ahead up the hill just follow your nose. 警察局在前面一英里处的山坡上一直往前走就行了。 Since you dont know the language I

5、 can only suggest that you follow your nose. 10nose around/ about nose around/ about (infml)搜索,探问 四处探听消息的记者 a reporter nosing around for news Dont nose into/ nose about in other peoples affairs. 不要打听别人的事。 poke /stick ones nose into poke /stick ones nose into 探问,探看,干预11 ear12allears (infml) listen ea

6、gerly聚精会神地倾听Tell me your news, Im all ears.把你的新鲜事告诉我,我洗耳恭听。Tell us what happened; were all ears. playitbyear 事前无准备而根据情况采取行动;见机行事,斟酌情形而办事Ive had no time to prepare for this meeting, so Ill have to play it by ear. 我没有时间准备这次会议,所以只好见机行事。 13byearplay music from memory without having seen it print不看谱子演奏音乐

7、Peter can play the most difficult piano music by ear. (be)uptoonesearsin忙得不可开交;深深卷入,忙于Im up to my ears in work at the moment. 我现在工作忙极了。I havent time to go out tonight, Im up to my ears in work. 14prick up ones ears prick up ones ears 竖起耳朵注意听,立刻注意起来I told the children to go to bed, but it went in at

8、one ear and out at the other. Everybody at the party was talking about you and Mary. Are your ears burning?1516in (the ) face of in (the ) face of keep a straight keep a straight face face pull a long facepull a long faceMake/pull a face, Make/pull a face, make/pull facesmake/pull facesface to face

9、face to face face up to face up to 面对,纵然,尽管,不面对,纵然,尽管,不顾顾板着面孔板着面孔拉长脸,愁眉苦脸拉长脸,愁眉苦脸做鬼脸做鬼脸面对面地面对面地勇敢地对付(或接受)勇敢地对付(或接受)17shoulder18shouldertoshoulder肩并肩地,齐心协力地Soldiers are standing shoulder to shoulder. We are shoulder to shoulder with our fellow-workers in the dispute. 我们在辩论中与同事齐心协力。coldshoulder 冷遇,冷淡对

10、待 I went up to speak to him as a friend, but he gave me the cold shoulder.我作为朋友前去和他面谈,但遭到了他的拒绝。1920athand 在附近,近在手边,即将发生 He lives close at hand. 他住在附近。Your big moment is at hand. 你的重大时刻即将到来。onhand在近处,在手边byhand用手,用体力insbshands在某人掌握中, 在某人控制下21inhand1)being dealt with(工作等)在进行中,待办理the job in hand 正在办理的工作

11、The work is in hand and will soon be completed. 2)in control 在控制中We have the situation well in hand. 我们完全控制住了局面。 outofhand1)无法控制 2)马上,立刻The proposal was rejected out of hand. 这个建议当即遭到了拒绝。22change hands 转手,转换所有者have ones hands full 忙得腾不出手来take/ have a hand in 参与,介入join hands 联手,携手lend sb a hand 帮助某人,

12、协助某人wash ones hands of 对不再负责,洗手不干hand in hand 1)手拉手, 2)同时并进地,密切关联地23on (the) one hand on the other handhand in 交上,递交hand out 分发,散发hand over 交出,移交hand on 把传下去hand down 把传下去24fingerkeep ones fingers crossed 祈求成功25be all thumbs: be very clumsy, esp when handling things 笨手笨脚thumb through 迅速翻阅 thumb thro

13、ugh the dictionary 翻查词典 26palm sb off (with sth) palm sb off (with sth) 诓骗某人接受某事物He tried to palm me off with some excuse about the bus being late. 他托词公共汽车晚点骗我原谅他。27back28behind ones backturn ones back on(in) back of back up back down/ offback out back away (from)back and forth 背着某人,暗中轻视,不理睬在的后面,在背后

14、支持;(使)倒退放弃,后退退出,撒手;食言因害怕或厌恶而后退来回地,反复地29back down/off: give up a claim to sth, yieldHe proved that he was right and his critics had to back down. back out (of sth): withdraw from (an agreement, a promise, etc)Its too late to back out (of the deal) now. 现在要(在这笔交易上)打退堂鼓为时已晚。back away (from sb/sth): mov

15、e backwards in fear or dislikeThe child backed away from the big dog. 30leg31pullonesleg同某人开玩笑,愚弄 Helovestokidpeople,sobecarefulthathedoesntpullyourleg.他爱骗人,小心别让他骗了你。nothavealegtostandon 论点等站不住脚32kneebring to ones knees 使屈服The country was almost brought to its knees by the long strike. 因长期罢工,国家已濒临崩溃

16、的边缘。33foot34foot(feet)ononesfeetcompletely recovered from an illness or a set-back (患病或遭受挫折后)完全复原After his wifes death it took him two years to get back on his feet. 他妻子死后两年,他才振作起来。 standononesownfeet 独立自主;自立Now that youre growing up you must learn to stand on your own two feet. 你既然已经长大成人,就得学会独立生活。

17、35toetoe the line = toe the mark服从,听从36at/on sbs heels; on the at/on sbs heels; on the heels of sth heels of sth : follow closely after紧跟在某人/某事物后面Famine often follows on the heels of war. The thief ran off with an angry crowd at his heels. 战争过后常闹饥荒。3738at heart: in ones real nature, basically内心里,本质上

18、,实际上I am a country girl at heart. by heart 凭记性 from the bottom of ones heart从心底in ones heart of hearts在内心深处take to heart: be much affected or upset by sth 对想不开,为伤心(或烦恼等)I took your criticism very much to heart. 我听到你的批评受到很大震动。39to ones hearts content 尽情地set ones heart/mind on sth/doing sth 下决心做He has

19、 set his heart on going to a college.Once shes set her heart on a thing, she wont rest until she gets it. take heart (at sth) 鼓起勇气,振作起来lose heart 失去勇气,丧失信心40mind 41bear/keepinmind记住changeonesmind改变主意haveinmind想到,考虑到makeuponesmind下定决心,打定主意inonesmindseye在想象中tomymind依我看,我认为nevermind1)不用担心,别管 2)不要紧,没关系4243



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