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1、备考2025辽宁省葫芦岛市兴城市中学教师公开招聘通关考试题库带答案解析一单选题(共60题)1、“在权利方面,人们生来是而且始终是自由平等,法律是公共意志的表现,所有公民有权参与法律的制定”,上述文字最有可能出自( )。A.人权宣言B.解放黑人奴隶宣言C.权利法案D.汉谟拉比法典【答案】 A2、-Sorry, Im late.A.doesB.worksC.staysD.counts【答案】 D3、-Im deadly tired, I cant walk anyfurther, Jenny.A.No problemB.Come onC.No hurryD.Thats OK【答案】 B4、I ha

2、d a bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book. I just wanted to see how it ended 11 I was still in the middle of it. This habit 12 first my morn, then my friends, and 13 even my own daughter. Often my 14 wouldnt be limited just to the books I read but also to what others were 15 as well. The

3、n one day my daughter told me in anger, Dad, please just read a book one 16 at a time like everyone else!A.impatienceB.misunderstandingC.disappointmentD.disagreement【答案】 A5、根据以下材料,回答题A.such asB.asC.likeD.for【答案】 B6、使用Excel软件处理某校()A.排序B.筛选C.查找D.分类汇总【答案】 B7、双脱氧核苷酸常用于DNA测序,其结构与脱氧核苷酸相似,能参与DNA的合成,且遵循碱基互补

4、配对原则。DNA合成时,在DNA聚合酶作用下,若连接上的是一双脱氧核苷酸,子链延伸终止;若连接上的是脱氧核苷酸,子链延伸继续。在人工合成体系中,现有适量的序列为GTACATACATG的单链模版,胸腺嘧啶双脱氧核苷酸和4种脱氧核苷酸,则以该单链为模板合成出的不同长度的子链最多有()。A.2种B.3种C.4种D.5种【答案】 D8、下列哪种是促进抗利尿激素释放的最有效刺激()。A.血浆中晶体渗透压升高B.循环血量减少C.血浆胶体渗透压升高D.血压升高【答案】 A9、马克思认为,正确的教育起源论是()。A.生物起源论B.心理起源论C.劳动起源论D.神话起源论【答案】 C10、为取得优异成绩运动员的适

5、宜赛前心理状态时()A.过分激动B.战斗准备C.盲目自信D.淡漠状态【答案】 B11、根据以下材料,回答题A.in the quiltB.out of the quiltC.outsideD.inside【答案】 D12、I had a bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book. I just wanted to see how it ended 11 I was still in the middle of it. This habit 12 first my morn, then my friends, and 13 even my

6、 own daughter. Often my 14 wouldnt be limited just to the books I read but also to what others were 15 as well. Then one day my daughter told me in anger, Dad, please just read a book one 16 at a time like everyone else!A.on the part ofB.other thanC.instead ofD.on the basis of【答案】 C13、根据以下材料,回答题A.th

7、e progress in learning an instrumentdepends on natural giftsB.it is too late for an adult to start aninstrumentC.every child has a natural talent formusicD.all people can understand and read music【答案】 C14、The Worlds Loneliest Phone Booth For almost 40 years,a lone phone booth stood in the Mojave Des

8、ert.about 75 miles southwest of Las Vegas.It was likely installed for local miners around 1960.The glass panels were long gone from the 17 by 1990,and the phonebook had been stolen.But a visitor to the booth in 1990 found that the telephone 17 worke A.minersB.nativesC.visitorsD.villagers【答案】 C15、Eve

9、ryone becomes a little more forgetful as they get older, but mens minds decline more than womens, according to the results of a worldwide survey.A.cloudB.sheepC.treesD.goose【答案】 C16、人和动物有四种基本组织,其中细胞排列紧密,具有保护、分泌等功能的是()。A.结缔组织B.肌肉组织C.上皮组织D.神经组织【答案】 C17、体育态度的模仿学习是实际存在的体育态度模仿学习包括( )类型A.二种B.二种C.三种D.四种【答案

10、】 C18、被周恩来称为“一个无保留追随党的布尔什维克”的人民教育家是()。A.徐特立B.蔡元培C.杨贤江D.陶行知【答案】 D19、由南美各国足球俱乐部冠、亚军参加的足球联赛、冠名为“解放者杯”是为了纪念( )。A.伊达尔哥B.玻利瓦尔C.圣马丁D.查巴塔【答案】 B20、心理辅导的途径有多种,下列陈述不正确的一项是()。A.专门开设的心理健康课程一般有两种形式,一种是以讲授为主的有关课程,另一种是开设心理辅导活动课B.心理辅导与班级、团队的日常活动没什么区别C.心理健康教育可以渗透在学科教学中来实施D.个别辅导最能体现心理辅导中因材施辅的原则【答案】 B21、The California

11、region boasts a wide variety of climates and geographical features, rivaling any other area of comparable dimensions. Nearly all but the eastern-edge California Native Americans lived where environmental conditions were favorable, making food relatively accessible. Along the Pacific Coast, they hunt

12、ed fish and sea mammals by boat. Included were such California tribes as the Chumash, Yurok and Pomo. The Maidu and Pomo principally ate acorns, which have a higher calorie rating than wheat. They pounded the hard nuts with stones and washed out the bitter taste with water.A.TwoB.ThreeC.FourD.Five【答

13、案】 C22、中学生张龙的小说出版后,收到的稿酬支付单中标有税收的金额。这说明未成年人同样要()。A.享有政治权利B.履行道德义务C.享有法律权利D.履行法律义务【答案】 D23、创造一个故事,将所要记忆的信息编在一起的学习策略属于()。A.组织策略B.精细加工策略C.复述策略D.元认知策略【答案】 B24、根据以下材料,回答A.He felt annoyedB.He enjoyed the attentionC.He wasn t aware that she existedD.He was crazy about her【答案】 A25、2016年5月5日,国务院印发盐业体制改革方案,废止盐业专营有关规定,允许食盐流通企业跨区域经营,放开所有盐产品出厂、批发、零售价格。这有利于()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 A26、 从19世纪90年代起,德国出现了建立巨型企业的趋势。到20世纪初,占全国企业总数09的3万多家大型企业占有34以上的蒸汽动力和电力,其中586家巨型企业几乎占有蒸汽动力和电力总数的13。上述现象说明( )。A.军国主义政策推动了生产集中B.能源革新成为生产集中的主要动力C.生产集中有利于新兴



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