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1、备考2025辽宁省葫芦岛市兴城市中学教师公开招聘题库检测试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、()阶段是青少年儿童开始发展自我同一性的时期。A.小学B.初中和高中C.大学D.成年【答案】 B2、Children are very curious _.A.at heartB.on purposeC.in personD.by nature【答案】 D3、提出“和平共处”“和平过渡”“和平竞赛”的“三和路线”的前苏联领导人是()。A.斯大林B.赫鲁晓夫C.勃列日涅夫D.戈尔巴乔夫【答案】 B4、“权利的真正源泉在于义务。”对这句话理解正确的是()。A.权利的实现需要义务的履行B.履行义务必然要享受

2、权利C.必须先履行义务.后享受权利D.公民的权利.都以自己履行义务而获得【答案】 A5、在战国变法运动中,提出了“圣人苟可以强国,不法其故;苟可以利民,不循其理”的思想家是( )。A.墨子B.孟子C.商鞅D.荀子【答案】 C6、根据以下材料,回答A.failureB.successC.confidenceD.faith【答案】 B7、根据以下材料,回答A.interpretB.rewriteC.constructD.instruct【答案】 C8、我们党和国家历来重视人民民主专政国家政权的建设,运用人民民主专政的力量。巩固人民政权,这是因为()。A.人民民主专政是我国的政体B.国家政权是经济建

3、设的基础C.坚持人民民主专政是实现社会主义现代化的政治保证D.巩固人民民主专政是我们的最终目标【答案】 C9、下列关于孢子植物的叙述中,不正确的是()。A.生长到一定时期会产生一种叫孢子的生殖细胞,靠孢子繁殖后代B.适于生活在水中或阴湿的环境中C.包括藻类植物、苔藓植物和蕨类植物等D.都没有根、茎、叶的分化【答案】 D10、中学生处于,矛盾的焦点表现在( )A.中学生能够对自己的发展有正确的认识,但父母却不能B.父母能够对孩子的发展有正确的认识,但孩子自己却不能C.中学生对自己的发展的认识滞后,父母对他们的认识超前D.中学生对自己的发展的认识超前,父母对他们的认识滞后【答案】 D11、The

4、translator must have an excellent,up-to-date knowledge of his 11 languages, full facility in the handlingof his target language, which will be his mother tongue or language of habitualuse, and knowledge and understanding of the 12 subject-matter in his field ofspecialization. This is, as it were, hi

5、s professional equipment. In addition tothis, it is desirable that he should have an 13 mind, wide interests, a good memory and the ability to grasp quicklythe basic principles of new developments. He should be willing to work on hisown, often at high speeds, but should be humble enough to 14 others

6、should his own knowledge not always prove adequate to the task in hand. He shouldbe able to type fairly quickly and accurately and, if he is working mainly forpublication, should have more than a nodding 15 with printing techniques andproof-reading. If he is working basically as an information trans

7、lator, let ussay, for an industrial firm, he should have the flexibility of mind to enablehim to 16 rapidly from one sourcelanguage to another, as well as from one subject-matter to another, since thisability is frequently required of him in such work. Bearing in mind the natureof the translators wo

8、rk, i.e. the processing of the written word, it is,strictly speaking, 17 that he should be able to speak the languages heis dealing with. If he does speak them, it is an 18 rather than a hindrance, but this skillis in many ways a luxury that he can do away with. It is, however, desirablethat he shou

9、ld have an approximate idea about the pronunciation of his sourcelanguages even if this is restricted to 19 how proper names and placenames are pronounced. The same applies to an ability to write his sourcelanguages. If he can, well and good; if he cannot, it does not matter. Thereare many other ski

10、lls and 20 that are desirable in a translator.A.helpB.propelC.accedeD.consult【答案】 D12、意象艺术不以纯客观再现为目的,( )精神世界。A.抽象B.主观C.丰富D.理性【答案】 B13、 针对计划生育政策带来的人H结构等方面的问题,我国开始逐步调整完善人口政策,以促进人口长期均衡发展。我国人口政策调整的哲学依据是()。A.改革是社会发展的根本动力B.主观与客观具体的历史的统一C.人民群众是社会变革的主体D.生产关系要适应生产力的发展【答案】 B14、小贾很喜欢在老师讲课的时候在座位上扮鬼脸,当老师了解小贾的这个习

11、惯后,当他再做鬼脸的时候,就装作视而不见,时间久了,小贾觉得没意思,也就不在课堂上扮鬼脸了,老师对于小贾采取的矫正方法属于( )。A.消退法 B.脱敏法 C.强化法 D.惩罚法【答案】 A15、技能形成的基本途径是()。A.练习B.模仿C.认知D.观察【答案】 A16、When I _, the party started.A.seatedB.was seatingC.was seatedD.had seated【答案】 C17、我国不同区域由于自然条件、经济、文化及发展历史不同,形成独特的地名文化景观,下列错误的是()。A.“淮阴”反映了地点的相对位置B.“平顶山”与地形有关C.“三十里铺”

12、反映该地历史方面的特点D.“黑龙江”是与水体有关的地名 西印度群岛国家牙买加生产的热带经济作物咖啡质量较高。据【答案】 D18、岭南地区与江苏省均可以发展的农业是()。A.迁移农业B.大牧场放牧业C.水稻种植业D.种植园农业【答案】 C19、I had a bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book. I just wanted to see how it ended 11 I was still in the middle of it. This habit 12 first my morn, then my friends, and

13、13 even my own daughter. Often my 14 wouldnt be limited just to the books I read but also to what others were 15 as well. Then one day my daughter told me in anger, Dad, please just read a book one 16 at a time like everyone else!A.cheeredB.criedC.lostD.smiled【答案】 D20、经营环境的宏观分析是指对企业经营产生影响的()等各因素的集合。

14、A.政治B.经济C.法律D.技术E.文化【答案】 A21、“你写,或者不写,作业就在那里,不增不减;你上,或者不上,辅导班就在那里,不更不变;你听,或者不听,老师就在那里,不离不弃;你躲,或者不躲,考试就在那里,不悲不喜。”对这一流行的微博下列认识正确的是()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 B22、下列各句中,画横线成语使用正确的一项是()。A.翘首西望,海面托着的就是披着银发的苍山。苍山如屏,洱海如镜,真是巧夺天工B.在今年的“排队推动日”活动中。虽仍有凤毛麟角的几个“不自觉者”,但广大市民不论乘车还是购物都能自觉排队C.有些地方的球迷,对主队的平庸表现绝不谩骂,而是将大家耳熟能详的老歌即兴换上新词,齐声歌唱,委婉地表达不满D.运动会上,他



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